Natural Healing Natural Wellness High Fall/Summer 2013

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I've discussed in previous dream columns that

Perhaps the most inspirational reason to create

our dreams also offer us a bigger picture of

a weekly radio dream segment has to do with

who we really are. Often they come to teach us

the Collective Unconscious.

something meaningful. Occasionally they come to warn us, always to engage us. They arrive as Zen Teachers, Marx Brothers characters, and mysterious characters worthy of Sherlock Holmes.

The great 20th century psychologist Carl Jung proposed that in addition to our immediate personal consciousness there exists a collective, universal field of symbols and meanings which is identical in all of us. He called this the Collective

One thing I know for certain, after 15 years

Unconscious. This is why a great narrative such

of practicing and teaching dream work, as

as Homer’s Odyssey, Shakespeare’s Romeo

my teacher Dr. Jeremy Taylor says, “All of our

and Juliet, Baum’s Wizard of Oz and Lucas’ Star

dreams come in the service of health and

Wars resonate so powerfully with millions of


people. The main characters, what they endure,

To truly recognize how our dreams come to help, we need to better understand their metaphoric language. We all have the ability to tap into their underlying meanings. As I've witnessed in dream groups, you can learn a lot about interpreting your dreams rather

and how they end up reveal the human quest we all share at a deep level—we inherit them just as we inherit genes. This fascinating truth was brilliantly revealed in the books Joseph Campbell wrote about myths which made him such a popular teacher, writer and speaker.

quickly simply by sharing your own dreams and listening to the dreams of others. And so I feel it's about time that dreams and dream work are regularly featured on the radio.

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