Is SelectQuote Good for Kansas?

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Is SelectQuote Good for Kansas? The reputation management firm SelectQuote has hired has done quite a job. They created a new site,, solely to publicize cherry picked reviews. Content was created, originally by RepMan003, though this name has been changed to something more generic. They also brought a case against me in the National Arbitration Forum, in the failed attempt to take the domain – I decided I could not risk further legal action or spend more time defending against SelectQuote. I took all my content down for a couple of months. During my hiatus, SelectQuote managed to secure tax breaks from Kansas totaling around $5,000,000 just to move 1 mile. Their plan is to consolidate call centers. Their SelectQuote Auto and Home subsidiary already is on State Line Road, just down the street. SelectQuote Senior, their medicare supplement insurance subsidiary, is currently in Missouri. They've managed to convince Kansas to pay for their call center consolidation by proposing a new site on State Line. We might never know if SelectQuote could have gotten such a sweetheart deal without such a well orchestrated disinformation campaign. If the people of Kansas would have rejected the deal if dissent had not been silenced. What we do know is that singling out a company like SelectQuote to receive special tax treatment does not serve Kansas, especially at a time when millions are being cut from education. SelectQuote Review is but one site on the vast internet, but before I took content down for a few months it was reaching people searching for SelectQuote. It only makes sense to do some due diligence on a firm before handing them money. My story ought to give a good starting point for some hard questions. SelectQuote Senior only has to move one mile, putting their new Kansas office right on the state line. While I believe lower taxes lead to increased investment, why only this company, which is headquartered in San Francisco? This is not a man building a company through hard work, it is a rich man bellying up to the trough in a way the little guy can’t. This will not cause more people to relocate to Kansas, and will line coffers in far away San Francisco. What if SelectQuote decides to move back over the state line once the tax breaks end? This would be in character. Recall that I improved answer rate from less than 50% to over 85% after taking over the call center software. I pitched the project to do this to executives, I did the programming, and I ran it once it was in production. That is a fair chunk of change that I got for SelectQuote. What did this get me? When my daughter was threatened, and a co-worker treated it as a joke, I wrote a few strong words. SelectQuote not only called the police to haul me away, they did not cooperate when I gave them the names of witness and other means to verify my story. Doubtless, exposing Michelle Tan as a liar would inconvenience SelectQuote. She was rewarded with more time working from home, and a contract for her spouse following the incident. Would the average Midwesterner allow girls to be hurt just because to stop it would

lead to inconvenience? I recall when I was growing up in St. Louis reading a story about someone who was intentionally spreading AIDS to young girls before spreading HIV intentionally was a crime. He had an infected an incredible number of girls. One day he was stopped the major intersection, on a busy street, in broad daylight. Someone walked up and shot him dead. Well, it must have been the Invisible Man. Because it seems despite the many potential witnesses no one decided to come forward. Either that, or Midwesterners don't find killing girls to be funny. You might think some values would be universal, but I'm telling you that is not the case. I am not saying you can just run around shooting people willy-nilly. What I am saying is there are people in SelectQuote who do not share the values of the average Kansan. Not only are there those at SelectQuote who would threaten a little girl, they treated this situation as a joke. There is even indirect evidence that they actually did cause my daughter harm by using their influence with the San Francisco police. In a legal brief to the National Arbitration Forum, they implicated that they have enough pull with the SFPD to get information on witnesses against them. Keep in mind that the feds are currently investigating the San Francisco police for perjury and illegal searches. Was SelectQuote behind the destroyed evidence and false testimony I faced? That situation was so dirty, it never saw the light of a courtroom, but a little girl was affected until my wife and I won.

Jong (right) given work at SelectQuote following my objection to Min's threats

After all this SelectQuote then turned around and rewarded this person. These are not the kind of incentives you want to see if SelectQuote is going to be your neighbor. There are many other companies Kansans could spend their money upon. These other companies could also invest and bring more jobs to Kansas. This 1 mile move will not cause anyone to relocate to Kansas. The company does not hold the sorts of values you would want to import to Kansas. For such reasons offering this deal to SelectQuote is a major mistake. The author (Tom Dunham) used to work at SelectQuote.

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