The Last Human (a novel)

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hard to accept that your little sister's married and you aren't?" she teased him. "You could do something about it." Lionel turned to her with a look between aghast and amazed and studied her intently. "I could? You sure?" he asked with a frown of doubt. Adrian grinned widely at his sister's assertive behavior. "You going to tell Mother? Or just do it?" Idris sighed and looked at the wild California scenery. "You know what will happen if I do that. Big scene. 'What would your father think?' Finally she'll offer some manipulative resignation and leave everyone feeling lousy. We'll just present her with a fait accompli." That revelation that Idris had been thinking it out and plotting strategies for some time left Lionel looking even more shocked. For some seconds he just looked at her with a gaping amazed expression. But he had considered the idea of marriage to her and had absolutely nothing against it. Idris was a charming and attractive woman if a couple years older than he was. So he recovered his composure and looked at her with a thin sarcastic smile. "Then I guess we're off to Vegas," he said with dry humor. "Whenever you're ready, of course." Idris leaned over and gave Lionel a big kiss. Then she playfully hit his shoulder and shot him a big sarcastic smile. "Oh, let's get some lunch first. We can sign up to legally procreate later." She stood up, extended her hand, and pulled Lionel up. Adrian expelled a cynical guffaw. "I worried that I was hallucinating when I heard footsteps pitter-pattering upstairs in the wee hours." All three of them shook their heads with mock scowls at the poor attempt at a joke.

COUNTDOWN NINETEEN Two years later Adrian had recovered completely. He had updated computers and work stations in his library and had redecorated the kitchen. The former was to remove reminders of its use as a sick room as well as to keep up his contact and input in the cyberworld. The latter was as much for ease in living as for removing of reminders. But the new furniture, new shelves, and new cupboards also reflected his status and position in society, the image that an offspring of a former president of the United States felt obligated to keep. For all of its cutting-edge contemporary appearance and computer hardware, the library gave off an empty look and atmosphere. And outside the wall of floor-to-ceiling sliding doors in the patio, the darkening dusk seemed to accent the atmosphere of emptiness.

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