The Last Human (a novel)

Page 15

He turned to Lionel. His expression returned to businesslike, almost military. The two women stood as if accepting being shut out of the picture. "Verney, an aide to the Committee wants to hear more," Gordon told him. "In depth, off the record. We're to meet him downtown in twenty minutes." Innini shot Gordon a smile. "Your wound doesn't seem to bother you," she said jokingly. "Not a bit — thanks mostly to your tender loving care," he replied in the same vein of humor. Then he turned with an expression of urgency to Perdita. "Sorry to rush your brother away — I take it you are Perdita — but we have to take care of this right now." He gave Innini a nod. "We'll talk another time, Innini. The government calls." Lionel knew he had no choice. He turned to his sister. "I'll be back later. I think you're right about Adrian." And he gave Innini a nod of acknowledgment. He joined Raymond in heading toward the door. Like a two-man squad of soldiers — but giving perfunctory waves and smiles — they marched out the door and left it open for someone else to close. It had seemed dark when looking out the window from inside the apartment. But outside the building they found themselves in the last fading light of dusk. They marched briskly toward the street, heading for Raymond's large new government-gray Lexus sedan. "Is Adrian's okay?" Gordon asked. "I think so," Lionel replied. "Dumb thing to do," Gordon noted. "A former President's son, no less. At least they did pretty well in keeping it out of the media. Top it all off, I've been dating his sister, Idris — pretty hot and heavy." Lionel shot a very surprised look, but Gordon ignored it as they continued to hurry briskly toward his car. He simply continued as if with a line of monologue. "Sharp cookie — like her father," he said. "Very political, too. Hint at marriage, and she replies with me running for Senator Bradford's seat. And her family political connections could probably swing it." He shot Lionel a dour frown and nod. "But that was before this thing happened." Gordon beeped the unlock on his Lexus as they reached it. Neither said anything more as they got in. "Only Senator? Not President?" Lionel asked as Gordon started the engine. The car sped off. "What would you do if you were President?"

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