Incorporation welcome italy

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João de Mendonça District Governor District 59 – Continental Europe 06 March 2014

Dear Fellow Toastmasters and Club Officers - Italy

It is my pleasure and honour to inform you that Toastmasters International have accepted your request of incorporation into our District, allowing our District to amend its boundaries so as to include your country effective 1st July 2014, at the same time as our reformation. I would like to welcome you to our District. Further, I wish to take the opportunity to explain your next steps towards becoming an official member of our District. As you are aware, your country started the process of incorporation into our District, which today covers seventeen countries throughout Continental Europe. The process started with a joint effort from all clubs, without exception, requesting inclusion in District 59. Due to the reformation of our District, on 1st July 2014, we will split into two:  

District 59: Western Europe: covering Portugal, Spain, Andorra, France, Luxemburg, Switzerland, Belgium and The Netherlands; and District 95: Central Europe: covering Germany, Austria, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary.

Clubs in Italy, as well as any other prospect and /or chartered clubs that come into being in the remaining months of this Toastmasters year will join District 59 as of 1st July, 2014. With this incorporation there will be some changes in your activity. They are as follows: 

Fees: The next dues renewal statements for April 2014 have gone out to club officers, in March, and clubs in Italy will continue to pay the $27 dues renewal payment. In September, clubs will receive a renewal statement (for October dues) reflecting the $36 renewal fee since by then Italy will be officially part of the district.

Alignment inside District 59: Clubs will be grouped with others to form an Area which in turn will be part of a Division. Your country has a sufficient number of clubs to form three areas, the minimum requirement to create a division.

Country leaders: As announced previously, we had a period to received applications/nominations for leadership positions. In Italy, you will have a Division Governor, who will be responsible for all activities in the country; aided by three Area Governors, who will be responsible for the clubs and activities within a specific region (called “Area”). We already have candidates for these positions and we will be Where Leaders Are Made • District 59 •

conducting interviews with them in the near future. The first Division Governor will be elected at our next District Council meeting in Krakow, Poland, in May. 

Easy-Speak: The District is supporting your activities on a daily basis through an online application that manages meetings, attendances and historical data. Further, it facilitates communication between areas, divisions and the District. Please check with our Internal IT manager, Bill Monsour, on how to set up your club at Easy-Speak. Although it is not mandatory, it is highly recommendable due to the many benefits it brings to your club. For club and district leaders, it is mandatory to have a login registration with all contact details, especially email address and phone number(s).

Conferences: Each year the District organizes two conferences: one in the Fall/Autumn (in November) and the other in the Spring (in May). The next conference will be in Krakow, Poland. At this conference, alongside the numerous educational workshops, the English International contest, as well as the German and French contests and networking opportunities, we will hold our next District Council meeting. Alignment issues and the Elections of District Officers for 2014-2015 will form an integral part of the agenda of the meeting. I encourage you and your club members to attend and participate in this conference. As of 1st July 2014 you will have full participation rights in District Council meetings.

Training: As of 1st July, your club officers will be trained by a team led by the Area Governor - local training called COT (Club Officer Training); or by a Division team if it will covers all clubs in your division - called TLI (Toastmasters Leadership Institute).

I am absolutely sure that you will be amazed by the enthusiasm and commitment of fellow Toastmasters around Continental Europe. District 59 was last year officially recognised by Toastmasters International as the “Best District in the World” based on increase number of clubs and members, and for its club excellence. This year we aim to be “Number #1” again. I encourage you to follow in our footsteps as you bring new members and add value to our organisation. Your incorporation in our District brings us much joy and happiness. And it is my pleasure and honour, as District Governor and the principal person responsible for your incorporation process, to extend a WARM WELCOME to each member of your club and country.

District 59 Governor

Where Leaders Are Made • District 59 •

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