Cutural week 3

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Cutural Week 3 This week we started making the change of hostel, The hostel we moved to is Bureau des voyages de la jeunesse, The change was a little hard for me because I had been a lesion on my back and could not carry heavy objects and I had to ask my colleagues support me in moving my bags.

Likewise part of the Mass Notra Dame, where I observer the relics of the temple, it was impressive to see custody of the Blessed Sacrament.

Monday was July 14 National Day of France, The Feast of the Federation is a commemorative celebration of the first anniversary of the storming of the Bastille, an event regarded as the starting point of the French Revolution. It was therefore held on July 14, 1790 in the Campus Martius of the city of Paris, capital of France.

On the mornig We was to the parade and We go along with Omayra

On the afternoon we went to the celebration at the Eiffel Tower was an extraordinary and wonderful experience. There was a concert at 22:00 hrs and At the 23:00 fireworks began.

On Thursday we visited the painter-Cut The Chauviniere, who showed us his works, by explaining that it is very important for the inner part of the works, where there are feelings and thoughts. The sculptures by passing a light emitting moods or messages.

This weekend I could not go out because the economy is not the best and my computer isn´t fixed so I had to complete my task and do my post. I feel very uncomfortable because, I have to reset my my computer every time so that delayed me in my activities.

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