Wake Up: A Strategic Intel Report on Millennials

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the workshop

We’re self—identifying hoarders of intelligence. And

Each session is tailored to the audience, with a depth

even if we wanted to, we couldn’t possibly stuff all

of knowledge that ranges from basic training for the

the grey matter we’ve accumulated on Millennials

uninitiated to category—or—segment—specific

into a single report.

consultations for those looking to slice the data thinner.

So for those companies, organizations, and individuals

In every session, we cover trends, behaviors,

who want to get deeper inside this mindset, and up

and opportunities; we bust myths and challenge

their Gen Y IQs, we hold Millennials—on—Millennials

assumptions; we use tangible cases and


pop-culture examples to break down simple

In these sessions, Omelet’s resident Millennials and

and actionable insights.

audience experts tap into our reserves of intel and

If you’re interested in learning more about our

firsthand experience to help you crack this group.

workshops, just send a note to:

Not by talking at you, but rather by talking with you. By putting our expert witnesses on the stand for you

Sarah Ceglarski

to cross—examine. We’ve found that this participatory


approach helps quickly surface tension points and insights.


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