This Girl Means Business - Issue 6

Page 53

almost from that moment, magic started

Two opposite states

to happen in my life. I began to attract

the people and things I needed in my life


in order to grow and move on. And I have

know?”. Or to turn it around, how many

always tried to live by “the attitude of

unhappy grateful people do you know?

gratitude” ever since then.

Unhappiness and gratitude are two

I love the question “how many ungrateful




states that cannot co exist in the same body. But in today’s society are we not being constantly bombarded with messages that encourage that feeling of lack? I am not suggesting that we should stop striving for a better

What we focus on gets bigger

and more bountiful life – quite the

contrary. But maybe we should take a

Think about it from a perspective

of focus. If we are always focused on the

different approach.

things we don’t have – and I think that is called resentment – what we don’t have will simply expand. By putting our focus on what we do already have, however little that may be, we will inevitably grow what we have. Gratitude attracts abundance like nothing else can. And, it feels pretty good too!! It sets up such a great vibrational frequency within

“Strive from a perspective of already having abundance in our lives, and see what a difference it makes.”

us, why would anyone want to live any other way?

The First Step to Creating Abundance


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