The Weekly Reporter December 29, 2011

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“Let us dare to, read, think, speak and write.” - John Adams, 1765 December 29, 2011

heWeekly Reporter e Weekly Reporter h T T

WillingTo Say The Truth.

Protecting Liberty Through Freedom of Speech


Happy New Year RON PAUL SAYS WE SHOULD Do Doctors Leave Their FOLLOW THE CONSTITUTION Oaths at The Prison Gate? View related videos on pages 2 and 3 Norman Rockwell captured the tone of a real doctor’s office in his March 15, 1958 cover of The Saturday Evening Post magazine. All of us know it is no longer an accurate depiction of what a visit to a doctor’s office is. Today it is formality and money; do you have money, do you have insurance, do we accept your insurance. Somehow the friendliness, the compassion, the personal interest in the person seems lost between the pages of a bankbook.

Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) is calling for a return to old fashioned Republican politics. Listen to his videos as he takes on Newt Gingrich and calls for a return to following the Constitutional intent of our forefathers. The nation has fallen into a habit of disregarding the Constitution in favor of satisfying the whims of a minority of individuals who have convinced the party it needs to be more progressive. Ron Paul does not accept that. With a flood of inexperienced often loud-mouthed newcomers in the Tea Party we are seeing more and more divisiveness within the rank and file and too many extremes in the changes be sought by some of the toddler side of Congress wishes to institute. Ron Paul is a man with a lifetime of experience who understands economics and who understands the ins and outs of national economics. On the other hand we have New Gingrich who has suddenly found religion after a lifetime of cheating and infidelity. Now he wants us to believe he is second Jimmy Swaggart pleading the devil made me do it. Enough of the tomfoolery let’s get back to being the party we once were with organization and a keen eye on what the Constitution truly means.

Worse yet is the dilemma facing those who for whatever reason find themselves in need of medical attention behind the fences or walls of the thousands of prisons across the country. Some folks will wrinkle a brow at the mention of healthcare for prisoners but the fact is they too are human beings, although some have committed inhuman acts. Most men or women in prison, about 66% of them, are in prison for drug related offenses. They are considered non-violent offenses. You yourself may know someone who is or has been imprisoned at some

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