Single Parents

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The Vision of the “Voice of Manifestations” Newsletter is to communicate the various events to our partners and the community. Thus, it helps to build and enhance relationships between the two. The newsletter is also a mechanism to evangelize, encourage, build and lift up. The Voice focuses on the four aspect of Manifestations Worldwide, which are Spiritual Trainings, Education, Job and Housing. Our prayer is that God is touching someone’s life through the Voice of Manifestation Newsletter (VOM). Ultimately, our desire is to be obedient to the commission God has given us; to go and spread the gospel. All we need is an audience; someone that is interested, ready to listen, with a heart to receive. Many go door to door; but VOM newsletter travel email to email; across the country and around the world, seeking the heart in need of a word. And teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthews 28:20 (NIV)

A Note from the Editor Dear Reader, This quarter is the closing of our year 2017. It is The Voice desire to share with you what is happening at CFM and how we are serving our community. We bring words of encouragement and help to build up those that are broken. Lead by the Holy Spirit our focus is to touch lives. Therefore we bring various topics that believe will satisfy the needs of our readers. We invite you to take a look and allow the Holy Spirit to speak to your need. We know that some in your life may benefit from this Newsletter, so do not hesitate to share the link as The Voice comes to you by the email. That is how we spread the gospel. If you have not received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior this is your opportunity. We want you to know that God wants a personal relationship with you. He sent his Son to shed His blood, die on the cross and raised from the dead for you to be free from sin and to offer you eternal life. Romans 10:13 Whosoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.� Romans 10: 9-10 Explains that is you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you are saved. Now that you understand, lets pray: Dear God, I now believe that Jesus Christ is Your only begotten Son, that He died on the cross for my sins. I believe He rose from the dead to give eternal life. I acknowledge that I am a sinner, please forgive me, wash away my sins and purify me. I accept you as my Lord and Savior, come into my life, lead and guide me in Jesus name. Amen. Please email your questions, topics, etc. to: Till the next time, An teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.� Matthews 28:20

Until the next one,

You are the Voice!

“Arise!" … By Kay. Shauntay P 6 The Christian Struggle with Mental Illness ...Mental illness is not a subject Christians should run from. | ED STETZER … P8 I am Your Vessel Lord...Jennifer Grant… P 9 UNDERSTANDING COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES IN THE WORKPLACE… P 12 & 13 The “Voice” Spotlight for July … Sister Bianca Davis ...P 14

Not just for Teachers … By Eva Johnson P 16 Cover Story: From the Seasoned Senior Ministry… By Mother Anne Winston, Ministry Leader Focus Group: Single Parents… P 19 Getting to Know Monique Perkins … P 20 Who is Jasmine Karima?… P 23 The Story of “David White” ...P 24 Let Go and Let God … P 26 Sister’s Corner: “Loving My Sisters”… ByEboni Shippy … P 28 Words for You … By Sis Sonya… P 29

“Arise!" By Kay. Shauntay Dry bones laying in valleys, motionless, Low valleys, awaiting God's breath Heavy-burdened with stress and the works of the Flesh, Heart-less thoughts included. Mindful of sinful natures, thus, left in tormenting seclusion Simply concluding, the only conclusion is That you need the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit to Rescue you from pitiful illusions of a broken past Being ye, instead filled with the Holy Spirit to overflowing, Half-full is the optimist’s glass. And your cup forever runneth over When living that Spirit-led life That takes you back to the basics Basic lines where God laid Heavenly foundations And gave you Jesus's bloodshed as the Love-Offering For the New Life in Christ. God Spoke, and it Was; God Speaks, and it Is God is Speaking, therefore it Will be! Thereby, acting Accordingly, You, Yes! You Shall Arise as He, The #1 Spoken Word Artist proclaims you too. For He is the Base-line of Truth, Whose commands gave dry bones a boost, Doses and doses, of Higher Revelation Now let us Thank God for His Proof of Restoration.

The Christian Struggle with Mental Illness Mental illness is not a subject Christians should run from. | ED STETZER With frequent high-profile tragedies connected with mental illness, many people, Christians and non-Christians alike are talking about the challenges of mental health. While some stories garner much media attention, beneath the surface this issue touches many of us deeply. We all have friends and family members who suffer with mental illness, and many of us are struggling. Last week I spoke at “The Struggle is Real” Mental Health and the Church Summit at Seacoast Church on the subject of the Church and Mental Illness. As I see the widespread presence and pain of mental illness, another reality confronts me: oftentimes Christians struggle with talking about and understanding mental illness. There are three points that I want to lay out to encourage all of us to confront effectively the stigma and issues of mental illness. More importantly, let's seek training to care for our brothers, sisters, and even ourselves who suffer with these challenges. We struggle with how to struggle The first glaring issue is that Christians struggle with how to struggle with mental illness. In many ways, the church, the supposed haven for sufferers, is not a safe place for those who struggle with mental illness. Throughout church history, people have written about the “dark times” and how they trusted the Lord in the midst of a trial. But in our churches today, we often feel like we can’t talk about our problems, and so we can’t effectively deal with our suffering. This truth stretches from the top down. The sad reality of our present church culture is that if a pastor were to talk about the mental illness with which they’re struggling, the next church or organization to which they apply will likely choose another candidate. In our churches today, we often feel like we can’t talk about our problems. How can we, the church, expect to offer the hope of Christ and lifechanging help to those suffering if our churches are not a safe place for us to own our brokenness? We first have to take off our masks and recreate the culture in our homes, churches, and organizations. We don’t know how to struggle with mental illness because the church is not a safe place to struggle. What is the spiritual issue? Part of the struggle is discerning the extent of the spiritual issue with mental health. How much is physiological and how much is spiritual ? Is mental illness a punishment for sin or a natural illness? We all have spiritual struggles: struggling with our identity in Christ, receiving forgiveness, living with joy. With mental illness, the struggle becomes much more complicated. Is it something that can only be resolved with a deeper understanding of the gospel and closer relationship with Christ and others, or can it be impacted by some external influence—medication, counseling, etc.? Another paralyzing question that many people ask is whether mental illness is the direct result of a person’s sin. Answering that question in full would require more words than I have for this post. So, let me start that, in the Chrisitan worldview, all suffering is the result of sin. Natural disasters (tornados, tsunamis, earthquakes) as well as illnesses (Ebola, diabetes, cancer) are not the result or punishment for a particular sin or sinner. Maladies and disasters are evidence of the brokenness caused by the Fall of humankind.

So the presence of suffering doesn’t condemn the sufferer as much as it points to the condemnation of humanity. Mental illness is not only a spiritual issue. As such, mental illness is not only a spiritual issue; it’s a natural illness from the brokenness caused by the Fall. We have to see that on top of spiritual measures, there are beneficial and helpful medications and treatments available to fight this illness. Scripture and medication are not enemies Scripture and medication and/or counseling are neither enemies nor mutually-exclusive. Scriptural authority is not challenged by the efficacy of medical science. The Bible is without error; it’s inerrant and sufficient to guide people through the challenges of life. It’s the Bible’s very sufficiency that reassures us that some physiological realities require external intervention. However, according to a LifeWay Research study, about half of evangelical Christians believe that prayer and Bible study alone can heal mental illness. God can absolutely miraculously intervene and right a chemical imbalance, He can do the same for a broken leg. Yet virtually everyone acknowledges there is nothing wrong with going to the doctor for the latter. This deep-seated belief that somehow seeking help for a mental illness can not only pit scripture and medicine as enemies, but also ostracize and dishearten the countless Christians who, along with their friends and families, struggle with these issues. When the suffering doesn’t go away through reading the Bible or prayer, the person affected may despair of his or her spiritual ability or maturity. The very thing that should provide unshakable confidence, that should strengthen our faith in Christ, becomes a source of shame if our faith isn’t “strong enough” to beat the illness. Most of the time when a physician treats a chemical imbalance and there are some manifestations of those challenges, that imbalance doesn’t go away by prayer or by reading your Bible alone. Sometimes medication is needed and there should be not shame in that. The more Christians struggle with how to deal with mental illness, the more we fail to create a safe and healthy environment in which to discuss and deal with these issues. As a result, many of our Christian churches, homes, and institutions promulgate an aura of mistrust, guilt, and shame. As more of us are coming forward with our own stories of struggle and pain, I’m encouraged that it’s okay to talk about these things. We have to defeat the shame because the reality is that many Christians struggle with mental illness.

I am Your Vessel Lord Jennifer Grant Once I was broken in many pieces You put me back on the potter's wheel And molded out the crevices Now in this vessel your love I feel. In me, You live for Your will Through Your blood, I've been cleansed You taught me to be still And to live without offence. I am Your vessel Lord Chosen before my birth You opened my heart to Your Word Then gave me as light to this earth. Consecrate this, Your vessel Lord Use it for Your call Sanctify it for Your glory Never leave me, lest I would fall. I give You thanks, my Lord For Your Holy Spirit that guides Your gentle voice and my sword I am Your vessel and You're my Lord.


The advent of the computer has forever changed our world and the way in which we live. The workplace and the manner in which we relate to one another is bound by technology. Never before has the American workplace seen such rapid change on a daily basis. These changes have been accompanied by a need to understand the manner in which different generations have forged means of relating to each other within this “Brave New World.� Sociologist, psychologists and others have studied this phenomenon for decades. Although interpretations vary somewhat, it is obvious that employees and employers who gain the most success in the workplace are those who understand

these differences. They learn to communicate with and within these disparate groups. Ideally, this understanding should extend into the home as well. Parents must realize that children spend much if not most of their time relating to their peers through electronic media. The flat world of television, computers, and cell phones has dominated the lives of generations for the past three decades. The following chart is a sample of research that can be found readily on the web highlighting these differences. While dates may vary, the overall descriptions seem to stay pretty consistent.

The up and coming leadership of Generation (Gen) Y is most interesting. They have not experienced life without a computer from birth. The internet is very much a part of their lives and is their primary source for information gathering, whether personal or academic. The Brookings Institute is an esteemed independent policy institution that has been tracking these differences. It is considered to be one of the best institutes that chart public policy in the interest of understand-

ing the future of America. The chart below, although general in nature, summarizes the institution’s findings regarding Gen ‘Y’: We will explore methods of Prospering in the Workplace through communication in future articles in this magazine. Hopefully this will help both employee and employer as they combine this knowledge with their God given wisdom as they strive for excellence.

The “Voice” Spotlight for July Sister Bianca Davis When you get comfortable with whom you are; you can sometimes forget about where you’ve been. Nothing good can come from this posture. However, when you recognize that your past was part of the brokenness that was necessary to build and construct you into the amazing child of God you’re becoming. . . .His light can be seen even in how you wave a flag or sway your hand. VOM has the honor of interviewing a beautiful soul! Our “Voice” spotlight is our own Sister Bianca Davis. Here’s her story.

During my formative years is when I was first exposed to Christ. I actually learned of Him as I grew up attending both the Catholic Church with my father and the Baptist Church with my mother until about the age of 10. I was baptized at the age of 11 when my mom dragged me to the altar with her to join a new church and I remember not really knowing what Christ or baptism was all about, but being baptized was a requirement for membership so I obeyed my mother and got wet. I attended that Baptist Church for about 3 years until my mom divorced and we moved away. I can’t really remember ever attending a church regularly after that. After high school I enlisted in the Army. Traveling overseas, being deployed in a war zone and being forced to live and deal with lots of different personalities caused me to pray to God constantly for peace and protection. I remembered the foundational teaching from my childhood to call on God when I needed help, but that was about as far as my relationship with Christ ever went. I didn’t really seek and encounter God for myself until I was an adult. For me, it took losing everything to find my way back to Him. I lost my marriage, my vehicle, and my house, forcing me to move in with my parents again and....... failing nursing school. Losing everything that I once let define me put me in a vulnerable place. It allowed me to hear God’s voice clearly and lead me to seek His love with no distractions. I decided to rededicate my life to God in 2012. I still had a lot of unforgiveness, anger, and regret in my heart from my divorce and failures, along with my new struggles of being a single mother of two beautiful girls. But as I grew closer to God He began to mend my broken pieces, reintroduce me to love and lavish me with His grace. I was introduced to CFM via Facebook. I was somehow connected to the singles ministry online. As I got more active within the group, and started attending the singles outings; hearing about the church started to intrigue me. So I started coming for bible study on Monday nights and the rest was history. I have been a member at CFM since September 2014. I joined because at that point in my life I was seeking more of God, and He met me there. He showed me that there was a greater purpose for my life, and aligned me with people who were going in the same direction. I have encountered and developed relationships with some amazing people while here. Since the moment I first walked through the door I have been loved on encouraged, corrected, and accepted for who I am in Christ.

My first hug was from Linda Mility. I love how I don’t have to mold myself to fit in. Being the best authentic you is highly encouraged. I am employed at the Bay Pines Veterans Hospital, as a Patient Care Tech on our Cardiac Care (Telemetry) floor. I love my job and I am very grateful that God has placed me in a position to love on, and holistically care for people during some of the most vulnerable and seemingly hopeless times in their lives. My life’s purpose is to first and foremost to be like Christ, and to love others. Every day I aim to love on, encourage and serve others like Christ did. Currently at CFM, I serve in one of the Dance ministries “Freedom in His movement.” The foundational scripture of our ministry is Isaiah 61:1, “The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.” I knew without any doubt that I was supposed to serve in this ministry when I joined CFM. Watching the other women minister, pouring out their hearts, unrestrained and worshipping God liberated me. Although I had ministered in dance before in another church I never knew how effective ministering in dance could really be. With every move, kick, spin, and wave of our flags and streamers we shift the atmosphere, break chains, declare healing and proclaim the goodness of God. I would encourage anyone who is interested in joining Freedom in His movement or any other ministry to seek God first and to seek counsel from the ministry leader you want to join. It is also important to fully understand the ministry’s vision and where you fit in it. The purpose of ministry is to serve, not to be seen or something you do just because you enjoy what you do. I have learned so much in the year and a half that I have been at CFM. I Love that I am constantly challenged in my spiritual walk, and encouraged to look within my own heart to make the changes necessary to keep my hands clean and my heart pure. I no longer just live, but every day is a new day to fulfill Gods purpose for my life, to maximize the gifts, talents and skills He has given me and to lead others to Christ. I would choose the word collaborator to describe myself because 1 Corinthians 12:12 says that “Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.” Although we are all doing something different in the body we are all one. When you collaborate with someone you work jointly with them to achieve purpose. In 5 years I see myself mature in my walk, mentoring others, still serving, encouraging and loving on Gods people. I also see growth and maturation in our dance ministry as well as God enlarging Freedom in His Movement’s territory. I hope for greater access to those whose hearts are devoid of His love and who do not know Him; for I am an example of what God can do with broken pieces.

Not Just For Teachers Only…… by Eva Thomas Johnson

Wakanda Forever? Wakanda “At All??”

He built a huge temple in Jerusalem, a magnificent palace and strategic cities. King Solomon’s half- brother attempted a coup against him but was executed. Solomon was wise way beyond his years, wisdom that was given to him by God. He was a botanist, zoologist, writer of thousands of proverbs and psalms (songs). Not only was Solomon famous but when the Queen of Sheba came to visit his kingdom, she was amazed at what she saw and the extent of his achievements. According to 2 Chronicles 9 verses 3 through 9, her account is recorded as follows: 3

King Solomon’s Real Kingdom King T’Challa’s Fictional Kingdom

“Wakanda is a fictional Sub-Saharan African nation appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. It is the most prominent of several native African nations and home to the superhero Black Panther………..” However, do you remember Solomon’s Kingdom??? Well his kingdom was real and is verified by many archaeological discoveries. Although his kingdom was very advanced in every area, King Solomon’s kingdom was like a real live “Wakanda” minus the High Tech advancements. In Solomon’s kingdom as in fictitional Wakanda, everyone had more than enough of what they needed and there was an over-abundance of gold (vibranium in Wakanda) which was used for everything. King Solomon maintained a strong standing army. He had a network of treaties with surrounding nations. Solomon’s expanded kingdom gave him control over major land trade routes and trade brought him great wealt

h. King Solomon’s income amounted to 25 tons of gold annually, not including his income from trade! {25 tons is worth $1,215,518,055.}

When the queen of Sheba saw the wisdom of Solomon, as well as the palace he had built, 4 the food on his table, the seating of his officials, the attending servants in their robes, the cupbearers in their robes and the burnt offerings he made at[a] the temple of the Lord, she was overwhelmed. 5 She said to the king, “The report I heard in my own country about your achievements and your wisdom is true. 6 But I did not believe what they said until I came and saw with my own eyes. Indeed, not even half the greatness of your wisdom was told me; you have far exceeded the report I heard. 7 How happy your people must be! How happy your officials, who continually stand before you and hear your wisdom! 8 Praise be to the Lord your God, who has delighted in you and placed you on his throne as king to rule for the Lord your God. Because of the love of your God for Israel and his desire to uphold them forever, he has made you king over them, to maintain justice and righteousness.9 Then she gave the king 120 talents[b] of gold, large quantities of spices, and precious stones. There had never been such spices as those the queen of Sheba gave to King Solomon.”

Solomon’s Splendor - as described in 2 Chronicles 9 New International Version (NIV) : “13 The weight of the gold that Solomon received yearly was 666 talents, (over $ 1.1 Billion dollars) [d] 14 not including the revenues brought in by merchants and traders. Also all the kings of Arabia and the governors of the territories brought gold and silver to Solomon.15 King Solomon made two hundred large shields of hammered gold; six hundred shekels[e] of hammered gold went into each shield. 16 He also made three hundred small shields of hammered gold, with three hundred shekels[f] of gold in each shield. The king put them in the Palace of the Forest of Lebanon.17 Then the king made a great throne covered with ivory and overlaid with pure gold. 18 The throne had six steps, and a footstool of gold was attached to it. On both sides of the seat were armrests, with a lion standing beside each of them. 19 Twelve lions stood on the six steps, one at either end of each step. Nothing like it had ever been made for any other kingdom. 20 All King Solomon’s goblets were gold, and all the household articles in the Palace of the Forest of Lebanon were pure gold. Nothing was made of silver, because silver was considered of little value in Solomon’s day. 21 The king had a fleet of trading ships[g] manned by Hiram’s[h] servants. Once every three years it returned, carrying gold, silver and ivory, and apes and baboons.22 King Solomon was greater in riches and wisdom than all the other kings of the earth. 23 All the kings of the earth sought audience with Solomon to hear the wisdom God had put in his heart. 24 Year after year, everyone who came brought a gift—articles of silver and gold, and robes, weapons and spices, and horses and mules.25 Solomon had four thousand stalls for horses and chariots, and twelve thousand horses,[i] which he kept in the chariot cities and also with him in Jerusalem. 26 He ruled over all the kings from the Euphrates River to the land of the Philistines, as far as the border of Egypt. 27 The king made silver as common in Jerusalem as stones, and cedar as plentiful as sycamore-fig trees in the foothills. 28 Solomon’s horses were imported from Egypt and from all other countries.”

For more information on the wisdom and wealth of King Solomon as well as his weaknesses that led to his downfall, read 2 Chronicles chapters 1 through 9 and I Kings chapters 1 through 11. In my next article, I will discuss some of the symbolism in the movie, “Black Panther” that stemmed from various cultures and rituals in many different areas in Africa.

From the Seasoned Senior Ministry Mother Anne Winston, Ministry Leader Focus Group: Single Parents

3. The aged women likewise, that they be in behavior as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; 4. That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children. 5. To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands that the word of God be not blasphemed (Titus 2:3-5).

confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness"(1John 1:9). Since God forgives us and removes our transgressions as far as the east is from the west then trust God to remove your shame, feelings of abandonment, rejection and self-loathing. You cannot love your child or anyone else if you do not love yourself. You have heard it said the problems begin at home. Raising a Our creator, God, has a plan for your life and it is child or children is difficult enough in a two parent home, but a good plan. Trust Him and He will the situation is even direr when there is only one parent. Single work on your behalf and make everything work together parents may be affected especially in tough economic condifor good for those of you who love God, and are the called tions. The Seasoned Seniors of Center for Manifestation wish to focus our attention this month on encouraging Single Parents according to His purpose. You are not a mistake regardless of what has gone on because it takes a village to raise a child. in your life. As it was with Jeremiah, (Jeremiah 1: 5), before God formed you in the belly, He Single Parenting encouragement Mother Anne Winston: If knew you. God, the One who made heaven and earth, you are a single parent because you had a child or children made you in His image and after His out of wedlock, as I did, this message is for you. To have the likeness, loves you and He wants to have a relationship life that God planned for you to have; stop, and declare a with you. God called everything He moratorium on seeking a dating relationship or marriage. made good. Seek wholeness. Find out who you are, whose you are and what God's plan is for your life. Find out about love from God knows your heart and everything about you. the definer of love, God. God is love. You are one of a kind, not in competition with anyone else; you are as unique as your fingerprints. If you keep God first in your life; pray, have faith in God's word and be obedient, God's blessings will Once you are whole and know who you are then chase you down. The you can love and be the parent that God has called you to be. If you do not know how to be things that I’ve mentioned here are not things that I always a nurturing parent seek help. Ask God to lead you to counse- got right but are things that I have lived long enough to see work in my life and in other's lors or mentors who have proven records of the skill that you seek. God admonishes us to "train up a child in the way lives. he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6). And, ye fathers, provoke not your chilSingle Parenting encouragement Mother Gwen Peters: dren to wrath; but bring them up in the nurture and admoniWe must take time out to encourage one another and show tion of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). Start nurturing your child love for our single parents. We must show them how to take in the beginning of life, do not wait until he or she is teenagcare of their little ones. We must tell them as well as show er or in trouble. Your child is not your peer, friend, or man them what is right and what is wrong. We should correct of the house, you are the parent. them in the way that is right. Single parents, pray over your children all the time and let your children see you praying The first and most important step in this process is and reading your word every day and they will learn to do the to commit your life to the Lord Jesus same thing. Christ. This is explained in (Romans 10:9-10). Then, “If we

Single Parenting encouragement Mother Kathleen Ransom: Jesus said in His word (1 Pet.5:7) to “cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” When we are raising our children we may feel we are all alone. Maybe you were left to raise your children alone, but you are not by yourself. God is there! Reach out and touch Him. He said, I will never leave or forsake you (Heb. 13:5). Get to know Him as Lord and Savior, He knows your situation. Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding and in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight (Prov. 3:5). Never leave God out, put Him first. Get to know who you are in Christ and whose you are. Try Jesus. I tried Him and He never failed me yet. You can count on Him –He will never make you ashamed. I have been where you are. I was a single parent until I found myself a husband. We may not understand what is going on in our lives, we may question why God why. I didn’t know it then, like when children need shoes and extra treats and you went to the grocery store and the kids ask can I have this and you didn’t have the funds. You break out in tears. Know this, God has all seeing eyes. He knows what you need (Matt. 6:33) and He is always working it out for your good (Rom. 8:28). Trust in God. Single Parenting encouragement Mother Cynthia Myles: Children are a gift from God. God intended that a child be raised by two parents, a father and a mother. Because things don't always work out the way God design them; we find ourselves mostly women becoming single parents. There are men that raise their children as a single father too. Life can surprise you with all sorts of circumstances; death of one of the parents, or the other parent can just decide to walk away from the commitment of parenting, or you as a woman could have been taken advantage of sexually and end up pregnant and you decided to keep your child! and raise him or her yourself. No matter the situation that occurred of your becoming a single parent -with God you can be a great parent. Single parenting is not an easy job; heck, it is not easy with both parents, but as a single parent raising kids you must reach out for help. They say it takes a village to raise a kid so don’t think you have to do it alone. Make sure you have a strong support system of family, friends, your church, even their schools. Programs like Big Brothers and Sisters. Also educate yourself with as much info on raising kids as a single parent. Each child is different so you have to know your child to know what their needs are. Listen to your kids when they want to talk. Let them know that they can talk to you about anything. The greatest thing you can do for your child is to show them LOVE. Teach them from the word of God. Teach them about the love of God. Let them see the love of God in your daily walk. (Proverb 22:6) says, “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart.” Raising and training a child within the context of this proverb means that it begins with the Bible, as all Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training. Teaching kids the true word will make them wise. Training a child in the way they should go means, first and foremost, directing them to the Savior. So look to God with all your decisions in raising your kids and you can rest assured that God will see you through it and your kids will appreciate everything you did for them. They may not see it now but the day will come and they will know just how much you loved them and God will get the glory. If there is anything you have to change please do so. I appreciate the opportunity to share some word that would help someone with their life journey. Single Parenting encouragement Mother Olivia Brown: (Ps. 127:3) “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord. The fruit of the womb is a reward.”(NKJV) God loves His children; His children will inherit His Kingdom. (John 10:11)

says, “I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.” Being a single mom is one of the toughest jobs for a woman especially with all the pressures that our children face daily. (Sex trafficking, sexual abuse, children sending pictures of their private parts to one another by cell phones, substance abuse, weapons on school grounds, school bullying, cyber bullying, gangs, domestic violence, and children refusing to go to school (truant). You know there's a problem when a parent call and reports her six year old is refusing to go to school, and please send the police by to take them to truancy. We single moms must learn to build a spiritual relationship with God and His affairs and become completely devoted to Him; as a result, an intimate relationship is birthed where the single mother leans on the Lord to meet her every need according to His riches and glory. Some women are single moms by widowhood, or by choice in adopting orphans or foster children. Some women find themselves abandoned by the child’s earthly fathers. No matter what your circumstances are the Lord is close to single moms and willing to help us raise the children in the best way possible. (Isa.54.5) says, “We are blessed because God is our Husband.” For we can be assured that ABBA FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN, the Holy One of Israel will take care of all His earthly children. God is our provider. In many places in the world- single mothers dominate the largest group of people in poverty. Our King of Kings will provide everything that is necessary that for the family to survive .We must keep our focus on the Lord, through prayer, fasting, and our Bible Study. We will find the Lord is able to care for us and protect our children above and beyond what we can ask or expect. Don't faint no matter what the circumstances are through our eyes, we must continue to move forward and see the Salvation of the Lord. God will always do His part. Mother's, we as single parents must get back to basics. Spend quality time with your children. Put away all electronic devices (that includes yours). No T.V. and have a sit down at home dinner without, any distractions, only you and your children. Talk to them, not at them! Find out what's on their mind and be receptive as long as they say whatever, is on their mind with respect. Remember, it takes a village to raise up a child. We are here to help you in any way we can. Single Parenting encouragement Mother Mary Jenkins: I can’t begin to express to you how important it is for you to be that example that your children look up to. They need a role model, not from others but they need you to be that role model. Although you are a single parent your life is a mirror to your children. Your children see what you do more than they hear what you say. They rely on you for guidance and encouragement. They are happy when you are happy and sad when you are sad. They want you to say it’s okay or it’s all right, we will work things out when they make a mistake. Encourage them to do well and say so- as well when they make a mistake. Do not criticize them in a negative way. Always be positive. Always show them how much you love them with a smile, hug or even spending that special time with each one of your children. Remember that with the help of God you can raise your children to be all that God intended them to be. May the blessing of God be with you and your children. “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Prov. 22:6) Single Parenting encouragement Mother Mary Wynn: God is our shelter and strength, our words of comfort and hope, encouragement and our strength to endure. God will comfort and heal you so lean on God for comfort, healing, strength in the same way. You can share what you are feeling with others, by giving and receiving comfort (2 Cor). In (PS. 91), live under the protection of God most high, then you will say to the Lord, you are my place of safety, you are my God and I trust you. Trust in God. In closing, the Seasoned Seniors Ministry is a support system for our Single Parents. We are great listeners and prayer partners. Remember, it takes a village to raise a child. Our encouragement to you according to God’s word is to LOVE your children. Mother Sandra Barr

Getting to Know Monique Perkins My name is Monique Perkins and I am a 34 year old Mother of 2. I am a dancer who loves worshipping God. I am an Employee at Wellcare where I work as an Insurance Coordinator. I’ve known of Jesus my whole life, growing up in church I understood Jesus by head knowledge alone. I read about him and could quote scriptures, but I didn’t have an intimate encounter with him until the age of 22.

I trusted God even when the doctors told me all test results pointed to my baby being born with defects. I prayed and believed God and I didn’t have the abortion that they advised me to have, I carried her to term trusting God the whole time. 7 months later she was born and for 30 minutes I got to hold her and watch as the life left her little body. I was angry at God. I believed he failed me; I was doing all of these works and he still didn’t answer my prayer. How could he love me and allow me to go through something so The moment I realized I needed Jesus was the day I decided to walk in the painful? Why did he spare my life and take hers? What’s the point of even middle of ongoing traffic, drunk, angry, and broken begging a God that gives living? Those were the questions I was asking God that night on the highlife to take mine. I walked in the traffic blinded by the headlights of the cars, way and in my open rebellion and anger, when I hated him he had an army on a busy street and his love spared me at my lowest moment. I was 18 of angels shielding me from all hurt, harm, and danger. I knew I needed years old and I had lost my first child to the selfless act of a home invasion. him when I realized that darkness of my pain couldn’t compare to the brightI found out I was pregnant 2 months prior and had begun to process the fact ness of his reckless love towards me. that life was growing in me and on one Thursday night in October all of that I heard about CFM when I was at my old ministry. We would come over was ripped away. I was abducted at knife point and drug from my home to and sing with the Praise Team from time to time and I was always intrigued be raped by a gang of guys who were waiting in the getaway car. As he got with the Arts ministry. I even started coming to the Prophetic Training clasme out on to the balcony of my porch the Father of my baby heard the com- ses before officially joining. In 2015 I was struggling with leaving my old motion and proceeded to stop him, they began to fight making the abductor church where I was a faithful member for over 10 years. I was an ordained push me over the railing onto the concrete sidewalk where I broke 2 ribs my Elder/Prophet and I didn’t know how to leave even though I felt Holy Spirit life was spared but hers wasn’t. I trusted God even when the doctors told beckoning me to move. It was at Dacia Carter’s first Conference where I me all test results pointed to my baby being born with defects. I prayed and was ministering to open up the Heavens by Miranda Curtis that I heard God believed God and I didn’t have the abortion that they advised me to have, I say; “In this house you will have access to a perpetual open heaven”; I carried her to term trusting God the whole time. 7 months later she was knew it was time to transition. Open heaven equates access and I saw born and for 30 minutes I got to hold her and watch as the life left her little Angels ascending and descending in that house and I knew I needed to be body. I was angry at God. I believed he failed me; I was doing all of these apart. Joining CFM was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. works and he still didn’t answer my prayer. How could he love me and alI have met so many amazing people who have aided in my growth since low me to go through something so painful? Why did he spare my life and I’ve been a Partner; honestly too many to name. I thank God for everyone take hers? What’s the point of even living? Those were the questions I was who as encouraged me and edified me on this journey. asking God that night on the highway and in my open rebellion and anger, The main work God has worked in my heart since being a Partner is Forwhen I hated him he had an army of angels shielding me from all hurt, giveness. I am learning how to release the weights of my past and all those harm, and danger. I knew I needed him when I realized that darkness of my who have wronged me. I realized the person I needed to forgive most was pain couldn’t compare to the brightness of his reckless love towards me. myself. My heart has been renewed in such a way that for the first time I really and truly love me. I see myself as God sees me. I am not a victim of I heard about CFM when I was at my old ministry. We would come over abuse or of any circumstance God allowed me to face; but I am a victor with and sing with the Praise Team from time to time and I was always intrigued a story designed to bring others into freedom. with the Arts ministry. I even started coming to the Prophetic Training classes before officially joining. In 2015 I was struggling with leaving my old church where I was a faithful member for over 10 years. I was an ordained Elder/Prophet and I didn’t know how to leave even though I felt Holy Spirit I am apart of several ministries. When I tell you this girl plugged in!!! I am a beckoning me to move. It was at Dacia Carter’s first Conference where I part of The Dance Ministry, The Deliverance Team, The Intercession Team, was ministering to open up the Heavens by Miranda Curtis that I heard God and Program Director for Manifest School of the Arts. My advice to anyone say; “In this house you will have access to a perpetual open heaven”; I who is thinking of joining any department is to be open and available. Know knew it was time to transition. Open heaven equates access and I saw that God is calling you to that assignment and if he has, your role in it is Angels ascending and descending in that house and I knew I needed to be very vital. You are essential to that ministry rather you’ve been there 5 apart. Joining CFM was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. months or 5 years. The word I would use to describe my self is Collaborator. I am a creative I have met so many amazing people who have aided in my growth since and I serve a God who is the ultimate creative, and this God created amazI’ve been a Partner; honestly too many to name. I thank God for everyone ing people other than myself with gifts, abilities, and talents. When my creawho as encouraged me and edified me on this journey. tivity joins with their abilities can The main work God has worked in my heart since being a Partner is Foryou imagine the explosion of giveness. I am learning how to release the weights of my past and all those sheer awesomeness that can be who have wronged me. I realized the person I needed to forgive most was produced? myself. My heart has been renewed in such a way that for the first time I The next 5 years of my life I see really and truly love me. I see myself as God sees me. I am not a victim of myself in a place of divine abuse or of any circumstance God allowed me to face; but I am a victor with peace. Peace in Love, Peace in Life, Peace in Finances, Family a story designed to bring others into freedom. etc. I see God’s hand bringing all things into alignment accordMy name is Monique Perkins and I am a 34 year old Mother of 2. I am a ing to his will for me. I am so dancer who loves worshipping God. I am an Employee at Wellcare where I excited for my future. My Future work as an Insurance Coordinator. I’ve known of Jesus my whole life, is bright. growing up in church I understood Jesus by head knowledge alone. I read about him and could quote scriptures, but I didn’t have an intimate encounter with him until the age of 22. Last words: Wherever you find The moment I realized I needed Jesus was the day I decided to walk in the yourself on this journey of bemiddle of ongoing traffic, drunk, angry, and broken begging a God that gives coming know this, as our Spiritulife to take mine. I walked in the traffic blinded by the headlights of the cars, al Father says; God is in the on a busy street and his love spared me at my lowest moment. I was 18 details. He is intricately weaving years old and I had lost my first child to the selfless act of a home invasion. the tapestry of your life and in I found out I was pregnant 2 months prior and had begun to process the fact due time the great reveal will that life was growing in me and on one Thursday night in October all of that blow your mind. Trust the prowas ripped away. I was abducted at knife point and drug from my home to cess and know that he knows be raped by a gang of guys who were waiting in the getaway car. As he got the thoughts and plans he has me out on to the balcony of my porch the Father of my baby heard the commotion and proceeded to stop him, they began to fight making the abductor for you. (Jeremiah 29:11) With push me over the railing onto the concrete sidewalk where I broke 2 ribs my Love life was spared but hers wasn’t.

Who is Jasmine Karima?

As I sit here listening to the distant chatter and live music, I can’t help but people watch. I watch the many professionals sip their peace of mind after a program, but the more I tried the more unhappy I became. I’ve wanted to give up on my dreams. It’s easier that way. There’s less tears, less criticism, and less struggle. If I did that...if YOU did that...who would you be? Purpose has a habit of speaking louder than money, society, and social norms. Purpose spoke to me in a way that caused me to pause every thought and just listen. On April 11th 2018, I couldn’t ignore my WILDEST dreams anymore. Sitting around watching everyone smiling genuinely and some not so genuine gave me this weird feeling. I was almost scared to think about my life 20 years from now. What if I decided to give up on my dreams....creative endeavors? Every time I think about the easier route, I remember that the Lord told me, productive day of work. I watch as the stay-at-home moms give their kids dollars to give the street musician. I can’t help but notice how successful and accomplished everyone looks. The air is filled with relief and a hint of pretense. I guess I was the one who added pretense to the atmosphere.

I tried and I mean I tried HARD to not think about how pretentious I was being. I smiled and nodded as people walked passed me, but I wasn’t happy to just BE there. I wanted to add to the atmosphere creatively. I wanted to sing or dance or even paint on the walls. I know it sounds like a musical, but I was more inspired than ever. In that moment, I realized that everyone was playing it safe....even me. We all were staying safely in the lines of our life books. Society’s life book I should say. To be honest, it’s safer to live this way. It’s easier to just go with flow of conventional streams. I’ll even go further, it’s easier to get a degree in hopes of getting a good-paying job. What I’m trying to say is it’s way easier to FIT IN. I’m not saying you shouldn’t go to school, but how many people have sacrificed their dreams to just appease their parents. I have a friend that dreamed of becoming a chef, but their mom talked them out of it and now she’s a teacher. I know a woman who wanted to be a dance teacher, but her mom convinced her not to. Now she’s a media specialist. All great careers, but contrary to what they REALLY wanted. I don’t think the parents wanted to kill their children’s dreams. I believe they were protecting them from dreams that could’ve been deferred. My mom is very protective and every time I talk to her about one of my crazy ideas she says, “You can do it.” She says that AFTER she gives me a hesitant look, but she knows once I have my mind set on something, it’s hard for me to let it go. She also knows that I’ve tried the “normal” lifestyle. I’ve tried to be ok with fitting “Your gifts will make room for you.” That means your gift will open doors for you that no man can shut! I’m taking the road less traveled because I know I have the grace to do so. I’m not doing it because we’re in a time where everyone wants to be an entrepreneur. I choose this route because it’s my lane! I flourish here and so do you. So, don’t be dismayed by the people! I never took a risk. Don’t be influenced by individuals that are fearful of risky business. They often try to impose their fears upon you. Also, let’s continue to pray for the minds of those that are afraid to take the leaps that we will take. Let’s show others that it can be done because of the God we serve. He is with us, so we will not be afraid or shaken. Dream Big! Aim High! Gain Knowledge! Gain Power!

The Story of “David White” There’s a story behind every believer that has the ability to

this Pastor who loves his wife and his congregation. They didn’t mention

provoke change in the life of the hearers as well as inspire those who can his teaching, the praise team or the choir. That statement itself brought relate; as its relevance can make up the difference in one coming to God

me to the Center for Manifestation. I joined CFM after I observed this

and one deciding against it. With that being said, VOM would like to

Pastor as a leader. I was never judged by him. I realized through his

introduce to you the “Voice” Spotlight of the month, our brother Mr.

example, a man CAN live HOLY! This stopped all my excuses and elimi-

David White. Here’s his story.

nated my lifestyle. Being a part of this ministry would completely change me. I saw the death and resurrection of a man.

Before I came to Christ I was a menace to society. I was violent! I was a dealer! I was a womanizer and I hated God! I went to prison

I now serve in the transitional house for the youth, the prison

at age 18 for three years and became a smart criminal after that. As I said ministry and I’m the chief armor-bearer for Apostle Mark Jones, the before I hated God. I studied under Farrakhan, I called myself a black

Pastor that loves his wife and the people. What I saw initially would

panther. I was militant and hateful. I was trying to destroy religion by

happen to me as a result of being a part of this ministry isn’t what I got. I

studying the Bible to find fault in the Word. In the process of studying, I got so much more. I know who I am! I know God’s purpose for my life! realized the Bible is

I understand my value to


the kingdom! I understand

rate! I was told that Is-

the sphere of influence

lam was the original

and that every aspect of

religion for the black

my life is ministry! I

race of people; however

know the difference be-

Christian churches were

tween servitude (doing

already established 120

just enough to appear to

years before the emer-

be doing something in

gence of Islam. Some-

ministry) and submission

body lied! While reading

(honoring God and the

the Bible, I ran across

heart of the visionary.)

the story of Gideon and

Just because you’re serv-

how he tested God, so I

ing doesn’t mean you’re

did a test myself. In the

submitted. I advise anyone

prison I was in, it had

who wants to volunteer in

windows with 24 squares

ministry to know how to

each. I asked God to

distinguish the difference

send a bird to each window to show me He’s real. Every square I

between God calling you into ministry or someone appointing you. Their

touched, He sent a bird for an hour and a half. “Are You real God” I

attitude towards service and the ministry will determine this factor. The

asked, “and if so, are You trying to get my attention?” It was a two-fold

same thing that drew me to Center for Manifestation is the same thing

question... YES was confirmed. Now I had to face the fact that there is a

that keeps me here. It was a divine appointment! Listen, I am an open

God, and the people in this world are His. This reality killed the killer in

book among my brethren who wants to read. You will find me years

me and I now had value for life. This was only one area of my life

from now being a better servant than I am today!”

changed; I had many other demons to deal with. Bro David White, your voice has been heard! To be continued When I got out of prison I was still whorish amongst other things, but I tried to be a part of the church. I went to a couple, but no

as he says. VOM enjoyed our time with this young man. We all have a story and VOM is willing to let you open up to us. We want YOU to

one could see the potential I possessed because of what they were giving share your story. It can be the very thing needed to set the heart of anoththeir attention to. Things like my dreadlocks, my gold teeth, the way I

er person free. VOM honors and value your voice. Let it be heard!!

dressed etc. They didn’t want to work with me, they couldn’t see God’s

Until next time I’m Ms. Sonya and we are “The Voice of Manifesta-

potential. It was years and years later when some people told me about


Let Go and Let God “

For we do not have a High Priest who is unable to sympathize and understand our weaknesses and temptations, but One who has been tempted [knowing exactly how it feels to be human] in every respect as we are, yet without [committing any] sin. Therefore let us [with privilege] approach the throne of grace [that is, the throne of God’s gracious favor] with confidence and without fear, so that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find [His amazing] grace to help in time of need [an appropriate blessing, coming just at the right moment].” Hebrews 4:15-16 “Mercy” means not getting the punishment you do deserve. “Grace” means getting the favor you don’t deserve. The word SYMPATHIZE comes directly from a Greek word with roots meaning “to feel with”. Christ is able to feel with us in our feelings of weakness, fear, anxiety, insecurity and being torn between choices that are complicated and difficult. He feels with us and for us in those circumstances because He has been tested in every way like we have. This should not be understood to mean that Jesus experienced in identical fashion every specific temptation that any of us have experienced. Rather, he experienced the full range of temptation, its full range of power in all areas of life. However, there is one important difference between Jesus temptation and tests and ours.

He experienced those test and temptations without falling into sin!! What areas of life are you being overwhelmed with temptations? What areas are you struggling to overcome?....Regardless of what area that is you can make the decision right now to “RELEASE IT TO GOD NOW” and go BOLDLY TO THE THRONE OF GRACE. Know that you cannot do it in your own strength – the Holy Spirit is within you to lead, guide and direct you into all truth but everything first starts with acknowledgment of your weakness and then repentance. Please know the following You will not find rejection but you will find acceptance from God You will not find confusion and frustration but you will find guidance and understanding You will not find screaming and arguing but you will find someone who will dry your tears You will not find demeaning and discouraging words but someone who will love and encourage you You will not find someone who brings up your past but one who reveals your future So I say to you man and woman of God make this day one of remembrance in that you will remember that you finally “LET GO AND LET GOD”

Sister’s Corner

“Loving My Sisters” Eboni Shippy

All of my life I was being shown the duplicity of relationships, mainly in my family. I grew up with two brothers, my mother, and great aunt who posed as my grandmother, due to the abandonment of my mother by my biological grandmother.

God has commanded us to love one another (John 13:3435 34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”)

My mother is a social butterfly; there weren’t many people that didn’t know her by her beauty and very stylish attire. Of the many people that she knew, I quickly learned that her best friend was a man. She was very close to her eldest brother, but the women she called sisters wasn’t her actual sister.

The world has put such a spin on love, and stereotypes on female friendships, it’s almost taboo for women to have healthy relationships. Most of the women I’ve spoken to have trust issues with other women, mainly from their childhood. Many have poor relationships with their mothers, sisters, or the matriarch of the family. My family dynamic as I grew up like many others; were The average woman enters into relationships with other made up of mostly people that were not of any relation to women loaded with suspicion. Throughout the relationships me. Needless to say I never bonded with the women in my breadcrumbs of trust are left behind, often to test the others family, I have minimal family ties, I considered myself a lon- loyalty. er, which caused me to never really understand the essence of who I am. As time goes on relational idolatry begins to develop, where one becomes a possession to the other, which leads to clicks. Fast forward my childhood friends were my neighbors, Then last but not least the ‘I knew it’ takes center stage. This mostly boys. I have a few female associates from childhood is when one of the women finds their independence of the but not one I could say was my friend. We’ve all grown up other, which pulls the scab of abandonment off. and went our separate ways. Occasionally I bump into Now the relationship is up for grabs, the enemy rejoices women that I grew up with, truly not recognizing them or while they attack one another’s character publicly. even knowing their names. I pretend to express such joy or keep a straight face as I try to remember where I know them The goal of Sister’s Corner “Loving My Sister’s” is a neutral from; often times walking away with an empty feeling and meeting ground for women to express their issues openly in no real recollection from the past. hopes to come to a resolve. As I now have been given the opportunity to break generaMy Prayer Focal for the Women of God is a Sound Mind. tional curses and dig up the seeds meant to kill my destiny, I Renewing and refreshing our minds so that we can engage asked God to give me a heart for my sisters all over the one another whole heartedly. world. I asked HIM for healthy relationships with women and ways to impact those that have had the same experiences 1 Peter 1:22 - Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, [see that ye] love as I did. one another with a pure heart fervently:

Words for You Sis Sonya Hey brothers and sisters! It’s time for a huddle. Listen! Listen! Listen! In my heart I feel that if we’re truly paying attention, we would see that it's time to Step It Up! I see that happening with me. No more doing and being us as usual. The time is winding down and God needs to be able to access His designs (us) to accomplish His kingdom assignment (the reason for our existence) in and through each of us! (Pause and think about that) Yes, there is a reason for each of us being here, and getting to know the One who has the blueprints for our lives (God of course) is quite necessary. It’s time we know HIM in a greater measure. We should know His voice and recognize His leadings. This is crucial nowadays. Can we honestly say we’re at a place where we understand the time and seasons we're in aaaand are prepared to make whatever changes necessary? (Heart check.... for change notifies us that submission and obedience will be required.) With that being said, we have to stop running from the Word and SUBMIT! Mainly because our submission to Holy Spirit is very vital as we began walking by design. Our walking by design will cause us to embrace new disciplines, shift how we spend our time as well as whom we’re spending our time with. As we, the sons and daughters of God know whom/whose we are and why we’re here, we can take our places of dominion and rule. What does ruling look like you may ask? It means they will come to us because they see something different with us by what our lives are manifesting. (Pause and think about that)

So it’s time to go on a hunt. We should search and research our hearts, our lives and bring everything into alignment. We want to look like the Bible’s description of us. Let’s focus, find the distractions in our lives and eliminate them. If we’re worrying about anything, let’s renew our minds to the truth of God’s word and walk by faith family. If necessary, ask Holy Spirit to lead us to someone who can mentor us through the seasons when we need help finding our way through the Word, aiming our prayers, and whatever it is we may need to receive true Christian discipleship with accountability. (Real mentorship will pour concrete foundations in the life of a coachable individual) At all cost, we should prepare ourselves to be sharp, competent agents of glory and weapons in the hands of God. If I could suggest a starting place, I would say first work on getting our souls WHOLE, as well as getting any education, training and development needed to support our design. Above ALL, we MUST spend time in the presence of God and don't come out without clarity and direction. Some of us may already know this and are even practicing these very disciplines. Please make sure you’re listening to God so you will know and engage those whom you are assigned to help along the way. Indeed, stepping up isn’t something to consider, it’s something we should all be consistently working towards. For all creation is waiting eagerly for the manifestation of the sons of God. We should tarry no longer. I believe I’m doing what a sister is supposed to do, so these are my “Words for You.”

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