Volume 68 No. 03

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Vol 68 | Number 03 THE TSU HERALD | September 9th, 2015




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OPINION page 11


Tigers Dismantled by Panthers 38-11 in Labor Day Classic


Campus News Where are the Campus Orgs? BY TYLER DOGGETT Staff Writer

school spirit has greatly fallen in the brief time he’s been at this university, and states that he wants “administration to start thinking about the students.” With the Greek life at an HBCU being one of its most important cornerstones, the absence of brings alot of questioning to the university “Years ago we saw everyone: Alphas, AKAs, Deltas, Kappas, even the pengins! But this year we didn’t even see a pajama jam promotion [per usual]. I really don’t know what’s going on,” Marcus Houston, a returning junior said. Evsn though the IVP is apart of Omega Psi Phi fraternity Inc and active on campus, student leaders like himself are asked to separate their fraternal beings and the leadership ones.



The T SU Herald is published by the students of Te x a s S o u t h e r n U n i v e r s i t y. Opinions expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily ref lect those of the administration. The newspaper is p r i n t e d b i w e e k l y, except during holidays and examination periods. For additional information, call (713) 313-6710.

Texas Southern University has a wide range of different organizations on campus: from regional based groups like the Midwest Club, African Student Association and the California Club, to more entertaining orgs such as the Ping Pong Club and one of the several dance teams. Although TSU has over 150 listed orgs, only a handful were able to be presented at the official organization showcase for the freshman class known as Freshmen Rock the House. Students are upset about the condition of the campus organizations and the disappearance of most of the Greek presence. For Internal Vice-President Henry Mokoko, the

“It’s very hard because some of our cardinal principles are manhood and scholarship,;what they see is not all of who we are,” Mokoko said. In the span of 3 years we’ve gone from having an abundance of clubs and orgs and all 9 of the Pan-Hellenic council organizations to a deserted yard with 3 Greek chapters being represented from the now suspended council, what some would even call a ‘grand witch hunt.’ “Students are really missing out this year. There are alot of good orgs trying to do some good things that [the students] won’t even get to see,” Derek McIntosh, President of the Midwest Club said. He, like many this year, were on the list that couldn’t present this year The TSU Connect, an organization with the principle of engaging and helping the student culture through clever media, was an organization that was reinstated after recently being suspended due to paper work issues. Its president, Melvin Anderson, said, “ the fault is students,” when asked about suspensions including his own in previous years.


Campus News Preparing for Life After Graduation BY AMBER VERNON Campus News Editor One of the most common misconceptions students have about college is that they will jump into their dream job after graduation and live the life they have always dreamed. Nothing in life ever comes that easy. For many, this semester will be their last and as December graduation quickly approaches, seniors scurry about doing everything they can to ensure they graduate on time. In addition to this, they are also preparing for life after graduation. Life after graduation can be stressful when students are unsure about what they want to do, or where to start for that matter. It is important that upperclassmen prepare for the inevitable post-graduation life while they are still in school. This article explores six steps students can take

to set themselves up for success before they walk across the stage. 1. Set a goal and make a plan. As the first step towards success, it is essential that you set clearly defined goals. Setting distinct goals demonstrates that you are thinking about your future realistically. The second part of this step is making a plan to achieve this goal. This plan should include steps and minor achievements that should help determine how far along you are in your plan for success. 2. Research. Find opportunities that are available to you that are in alignment with your plan. 3. Network. When you do your research, do not only research internships and jobs, but professionals in the field as well. Find someone you want to be like. Look at what they are doing and try to emulate them. Do not be afraid to reach out. Let

them know that you are a college student and you are interested in working in that area. It would also be wise to reach out to your professors. They have extensive knowledge, experiences, and connections that can help you. 5. Act. When you are presented with opportunities, act on them. When opportunities do not present themselves, create one. Not everything is given. 6. Utilize career services. Here is a determined team of people eager to help you start your career. They also offer tips for dressing professionally as well as resume building advice. Their office is located in suit 152 of the Thornton M. Fairchild building. You can also contact their office at 713-313-7541. Anyone can achieve success as long as they set a goal and put in the work to achieve it. As journalism professor Serbino Sandifer-Walker says, “Make it happen”. You are in control of your future so get your foot out of your way.

COSET Begins New Radio Astronomy Program Courtesy of TSU News

Radio Astronomer, Dr. Victor Migenes, has come to TSU to help the Physics program in the College of Science, Engineering and Technology develop a Radio Astronomy program. Migenes will teach advanced electives in senior thesis research and radio astronomy through the Texas Physics Consortium, benefitting all students. In addition to bringing value to the Physics program, his presence will also impact students in Electrical Engineering who want to specialize in signal detection and transmission. “Dr. Migenes brings to TSU his expertise and experience in radio astronomy to build a radio astronomy research group and involve students in this work,” says Dr. Carlos Handy, Physics chair. “The Physics Department will soon acquire a small radio telescope to develop the necessary knowledge and experience for students.” Since the 1980s radio astronomy has been an important and exciting field of study because many astrophysical sources do not emit in the optical or visible frequencies (some physical processes only occur in the low-energy regime), or the region is embedded in dense gas and dust which obscures the visible light. Star formation and evolution studies are intimately related to planet formation and the eventual evolution of life in the Universe, hence, these are two of the most exciting and relevant research areas presently offering students great opportunities to get involved. Migenes’ field of research is radio astronomy focusing on star formation and stellar evolution.


Cover Story

Tigers Dismantled by Panthers 38-11 in Labor Day Classic BY JONATHAN DAVIS Sports Editor

It was a perfect night for football. The weather was fair. The air was filled with the smell of good barbecue as fans tailgates hours before the 30th anniversary of the Labor Day Classic. Excitement was amongst Tiger fans as they prepared for a potentially promising football season. The team was ready to hit the field against their arch rivals, looking to win back to back classics for the first time this decade. Unfortunately, as soon as the ball was kicked off, all anticipation and excitement turned to disbelief as the Tigers were routed by the Panthers 38-11. On only the third offensive play of the game, Prairie View A&M QB Trey Green danced through the Tigers defense for a 80 yard touchdown run less than two minutes into the contest. Green ended the game with 248 total yards and 3 touchdowns. “I executed the game plan and the coaches gave us a great game plan”, said Green. “Coach Simmons works so hard. First time coach. First win against TSU.”

First-year Prairie View A&M head football coach Willie Simmons is a newcomer to the Classic. He was the former offensive coordinator for Alcorn State. “I’ve been told this is the most important

half, the second being a 5 yard touchdown through the air in the garbage minutes of the fourth quarter. The Tigers were out gained by the Panthers 457-291 in total yardage. Prairie View also forced 2 turnovers on the defensive side of the ball, both interceptions by Tigers starting quarterback Johnathan Bowen. The Tigers defense was able to recover a fumble on a bad handoff in the first half. After a halftime score of 10-3, the Tigers defense gave up 3 uninterrupted touchdowns, making the score 31-3 and putting this year’s Labor Day classic out of reach.

game on the schedule. From a fan and alumni base, this is the one they circle. It just so happens to be the first game of the season,” said Simmons”. TSU only scored twice in the game. The first was a field goal with 1:48 remaining in the first

“It’s the little things that cost us the victory in this game,” said Senior Linebacker Jarius Moore. “Missed tackles, missed assignments, and miscommunication killed us against PV.” The Tigers play again at home this Friday against Bacone College at 7 p.m.

Lady Tigers lose a hard fought match to Lady Eagles 2-1

Courtesy of TSU Sports Texas- The Texas Southern Lady Tigers soccer team dropped a 2-1 decision to Texas A&M-Texarkana on Sunday losing in overtime by a score of 2-1. Kailand Thompson scored a goal for Texas Southern in the second half to help even up the score a 1-1. The Lady Eagles subsequently added a goal in overtime to help secure the win. Texas Southern will continue play on the road this week as they travel to face the University of Louisiana-Alexandria on Friday, Sept. 11th at 3:00 pm.


Life & Style Empire Returns to its Reign BY JERICHO JOHNSON Contributing Writer Snuggled up in a blanket void of distractions from outsiders (phone on silent), with a bag of Flaming Hot Cheetos mixed with a fresh bag of popcorn, an Arizona iced tea, door shut, and lights out, while anxiously watching the missed episodes of Empire on fox.com is how I would unwind every week from the chaos and stress of the school week. Make sure to clear your plans, as this long anticipated T.V. drama is finally said to return September 23rd at 8 pm Central Time. From its debut last year, January 7th, Empire has reigned as a major hit on television across the country. Last season, main character Lucious Lyon, played by the well-known actor Terrence Howard, attempted to create the perfect setup for continuing his legacy after his anticipated death from a fatal illness. In doing so, he does anything he wants to get what he wants, including manipulation, blackmail, and murder all in the name of preserving his own. However, Lucious is definitely not the only strong character by any means. He has three sons with his recently released, ‘ride or die,’ yet abandoned ex-wife, Cookie Lyon, played by award-winning actress Taraji P. Henson. She wants a piece of this empire that she feels she deserves, since she put in 20 years of jail time and was a main player in establishing the company. His oldest son, Andre Lyon (Trai Byers), is under-appreciated by his family especially his father and is always attempting to win the approval of Lucious to barely any avail. Andre is non-musical, yet very educated and copes with his very serious bi-polar mental illness that causes him to even attempt suicide. Jamal Lyon (Jussie Smolett), is coming to terms with his sexuality and perhaps the most musically talented. However, his father detests this and lets that restrict him from accepting his as the next in line to continue his legacy. His youngest son, Hakeem Lyon (Bryshere Gray), is the son he favors and is presented as the son that grew up too fast, and has issues due to his mother’s absence. He dates an older woman that the family disapproves of and

sends away due to their belief that her intentions are based on exploiting Hakeem for his money. Though those characters were the central family, there are several other characters with their own intricate, drama-intense story lines that make the show all the more intriguing. Others that work for the company Empire and many love interests and ‘skeletons in the closet’ compose a lot of the other characters, which prove to throw many twists in the show. As the first debut season came to a close, the biggest surprise revealed was that Lucious was misdiagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s Disease, otherwise referred to as ALS, and actually has a curable, non-fatal disease. His path of destruction, with the idea that he was going to die now has no choice but to surface, which will be come to pass in this upcoming season. Despite those who try to bring this empire of a show down, it still comes out on top. Some critics compare it to a more glamorized and watered-down version of Power, however Empire still wins in views. Empire attracts its audience with its addictive quality, keeping its audience at the

edge of their seats, and wanting more of the drama-filled, yet lavish lifestyle of it’s characters. Tune in to the drama, as it returns to Fox at 8 pm, Wednesday September 23rd.

Students: We at The Herald have a surprise for you!!! We have teamed up with The Perfect Guy Film, and we have prizes for the first students to view this & come to claim them! Come to Student Center 221 to see what’s in store!


Texas Southern University Excellence in Achievement


Photos Courtesy of Dominique Monday and David Funchess





France, U.K. pledge to accept 44,000 migrants as Europe copes with crisis Courtesy of USA Today

residents of a refugee shelter near Stuttgart were injured when a fire was started. Police said they suspected arson. Germany and France are calling for a quota system so migrants are more evenly distributed across the 28-nation European Union. “Germany is a country willing to take people in, but refugees can be received in all countries of the European Union in such a way that they can find refuge from civil war and from persecution,” Merkel said Monday in Berlin. She said other EU nations need to do more.

France and Britain on Monday offered haven to a combined 44,000 migrants, the latest efforts by Europe to cope with its worst migration crisis since World War II. French President François Hollande said that in accepting 24,000 migrants France had a duty to help people who are fleeing war and that he and German Chancellor Angela Merkel had agreed on a system to more equally spread the load. Hollande said Germany, which is taking in the most migrants, should not shoulder the entire burden for addressing the problem. British Prime Minister David Cameron told Parliament on Monday that they had a moral responsibility to take in 20,000 of those fleeing oppression, and said children and orphans will be given priority, according to the Associated Press. The twin announcements follow a pledge of $6.6 billion made by Germany late Sunday night to care for hundreds of thousands entering the country. The aid package will provide asylum seekers improved housing, language courses and enhanced security. Germany’s welcome mat for migrants has sparked a backlash in the country. In recent months refugee centers across Germany have been the subject of apparent attacks by antimigrant extremists. On Sunday night, five

Up to 800,000 migrants are expected by the end of the year. Many are fleeing war and persecution in places like Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Eritrea, while many others are seeking a better economic life. Over the weekend, thousands of people crossed into Germany and Austria — many on foot after trains were canceled — following days effectively marooned in Hungary, which would not let them leave amid confusion over the EU’s migration policy. Hungary has stood out as a hostile destination for migrants, even building a fence in an attempt to keep them out. On Monday, hundreds of asylum seekers broke through police lines near Hungary’s southern border with Serbia and began marching north toward Budapest, chanting “Germany! Germany!” the AP reported. Officers offered no resistance. A similar surge Friday of people from Budapest toward Austria forced Hungary to bus thousands to the Austrian border. Key funnel points for the others to exodus are small Greek islands clustered a few miles from Turkish shores. On the island of Lesbos, the profusion of refugees from Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan arriving in rubber boats was reaching crisis levels Monday. As asylum seekers encountered long waits for Greek documents allowing them to transit to the European mainland, tensions rose between the 15,000 to 20,000 asylum seekers and the island’s population of 100,000,

The Associated Press reported that fights broke out in the heat and humidity, and police beat back crowds with batons. Resort cafes and restaurants along a seaside promenade were beset with refugees begging to use bathrooms or telephones. “We escaped from ruin to be met with more ruin,” Mohammed Salama, 45, of Syria, told the AP. NBC reported Monday that the Greek government was sending troops to quell violence. A representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Alessandra Morelli, told the Telegraph that exceptional measures are called for. “People are arriving every day and there are not enough ferries to take them to Athens to the point where it’s a crisis. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said an EU quota system did not make sense because it would not be possible to enforce it given the EU’s open-border policy. Orban has consistently referred to Europe’s migrant crisis as a “German problem.” “(Migrants) want to live a German life,” he said Monday. “It has nothing to do with security.” He described refugees arriving into the EU as “immigrants.” Berlin said Sunday it would introduce measures to make it easier to deport asylum seekers from nations it deems to be “safe,” such as Albania and Serbia. Thousands of people from the Balkans are also trying to relocate to the EU. Austria’s government had opened its borders to thousands headed for Germany, but Chancellor Werner Faymann said on Sunday that emergency measures to deal with asylum seekers would be phased out “step by step,” according to the AP. Faymann and other EU leaders have blamed Orban for chaos that they say left Austria and Germany no choice but to open their borders for thousands of migrants who complained of neglect and human rights violations in Hungary.



President Obama to Rename Alaska’s Mount McKinley BY JABARI SHERMAN Contributing Writer

President Obama made an ever-more-urgent plea for nations to take action to address climate change Monday. Having a three-day trip to Alaska Obama’s agenda was to focus attention on how the Arctic climate affects the rest of the world. The tall mountains we all know as Mount McKinley was renamed, after being named after the President William McKinley. Many years ago, before the mountains were renamed in 1896 after President William McKinley, the mountains were named Denali. Derived from Koyukon, one of the 11 Athabascan languages traditionally spoken in Alaska. In the Koyukon language, the word for the mountain is ‘Deenaalee,’ given by the native

Koyukuk Athabascan people meaning ‘the high or tall one.’ The Denali is the tallest mountain in North America. Located in south-central Alaska, the mountain’s peak is 20,310 feet above sea level, also making it the third highest of the Seven Summits: the highest mountains on each of the seven continents following Mount Everest in Nepal and Aconcagua in Argentina. By one measure, it could be considered the third tallest mountain in the world. A gold prospector, William Dickey, named it Mount McKinley in 1896. He chose to name the mountain after then-presidential nominee McKinley, he cited McKinley’s support of the gold standard. McKinley, who was from Ohio, although never visited his namesake mountain or any part of Alaska. The park in which the mountain resides was established as Mount McKinley National Park on February 26, 1917. The state of Alaska officially changed the name to Denali in 1975 and

asked the federal government to do so, too. However, when the park was tripled in size and renamed Denali National Park and Preserve in 1980, the federal government retained the name Mount McKinley. In August 2015, with President Obama’s approval, the U.S. Department of the Interior officially renamed the mountain Denali. The name remains the Denali Mountains, it’s original name by the native people who discovered it. Stripping the name of the mountain away is said to be like taking away the culture from the people. For years, Alaskans have worked to try and change it back and have finally gotten what they’ve wanted. The Denali is located southwest of Fairbanks and is part of the Alaska Range. The mountains are open to the public; more than 400,000 people visit Denali National Park and Preserve each year. The renaming of Denali is a sign that Alaskans continue to claim this system as their own. Alaskans are also preserving native names in new ways. The Anchorage Convention Hall in which President Obama announced Denali’s name change is called the Dena’ina Center and is named for an Athabascan ethno-linguistic group from the Anchorage area. The five largest rooms in the building aren’t named for former presidents or anyone else, they’re being named for Dena’ina villages.

County Clerk Kim Davis Set to be Released BY JONATHAN SCROGGINS Contributing Writer Controversial County Clerk Kim Davis was released Tuesday September 8th. The Rowan County Clerk gained infamy over her refusal to issue marriage licenses to gay couples. Davis was jailed September 3rd for defying her judge’s order after repeated efforts to get her to issue marriages to LGBT couples . There is much controversy surrounding Kim Davis ranging from her selective views of the constitution to her hypocritical stance on marriage. Kim Davis has become the martyr for the ongoing separation of church and state debate with many candidates of the Republican Party siding with her and her conservative interpretation of the bible and many left-wingers siding against her closed minded views and abuse of her county clerk powers. Interestingly right wingers such as Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz who are notorious for their very strict, by the letter interpretation of the Constitution have chosen the wrongdoings of a Rowan County Clerk as the Hill they are willing to die on . For the GOP Kim Davis presents an opportunity to win over the conservative religious right before the upcoming Republican debate and a chance to push the attention away from Donald Trump. Whether this is a brilliant power play or a quick distraction will be left to the history books.



Back to School Blues BY VENISHIA MARTHREL Contributing Writer These incidents have raised a great deal of concern amongst students attending both Historically Black institutions regarding campus safety. Although the events have been unfortunate in terms of the victims, students are not packing up and leaving. “This is Texas Southern University, it’s a good school, so I’m not going to let this stop me from coming here or just being a student here,” Texas Southern University student Alex Mayfield said to ABC news. The students are speaking out, so how can they be protected? Possible solutions include, but are not limited to: Increased police visibility.

Students share sentiments at vigil held following the August’s 26th campus shooting.

During the first two weeks of school, students are eager to get back into the swing of things. Before the course load gets too heavy, many students spend this time catching up with friends, meeting new roommates, waiting in insanely long lines for books, disagreeing with financial aid, and finally convincing themselves that it is okay to miss the first week of class. Ahhhh, the joys of college. Unfortunately, this innocent deception of higher education will suddenly shatter around 8:30 p.m. on the campus of Texas Southern University. On the night of August 26, 2015, a university squad car, responding to a disturbance call, pulls into the parking lot of University Courtyard. Upon entering the parking lot, he witnesses a young man firing a weapon in the direction of other people. In an attempt to apprehend the suspect, “the officer told the shooter to drop his weapon… Instead he turned [around], so the officer opened fire,” accoring to a witness interviewed by ABC News.

The suspect, Darrius T. Nichols, 20, was arrested at the scene. This incident will leave LaKeytric Quinn shot and critically injured. He would later succumb to his wound sustained from the shooting. This isn’t the first time that Texas Southern University has encountered an incident of this caliber. On December 4, 2004, a student was gunned down in Tierwester Oaks, another housing unit on campus. Student Ashley Sloan, 20, was scrambling to find shelter as suspect Alex Morris opened fire, but to no avail. She would also die from her gunshot wound. As heart wrenching as it is, this nightmare would continue. On August 27, Savannah State University would make world news after the slaying of a student in the Student Union. “Christopher Starks, a junior from metro Atlanta, died at a local hospital after an altercation at the student union.”

Having more police officers on duty and visible can deter crime. Not only should they be in their squad cars, but walking and biking around campus would make the police presence widely identifiable. Police escorts. Many students are on campus very late, and the different parking units are located on the outskirts of the campus. For example, the Texas Southern University band practices late, so having a police escort will prevent them from experiencing any type of criminal activity, as such as robbery. Lighting. The lighting on the campus of Texas Southern University is very poor. Although there are many light posts, many of them are not on or working during the night. More working security cameras. Increased or working cameras in buildings such as housing units, and areas of high student traffic (i.e the university Student Center). Photo Courtesy of Dominique Monday


Opinion ‘Ye for Presidente BY LINDSAY GARY Opinion Editor

The “George Bush doesn’t care about black people” Kanye could have gotten my vote, but not this new, overly attention-seeking, Confederate flag-wearing, “racism is not a real thing” Kanye. He’s a walking contradiction. He always has been. Except the old Kanye admitted it, understood it, and tried to overcome it. “Man I promise, I’m so self-conscious That’s why you always see me with at least one of my watches” “It seems we living the American dream But the people highest up got the lowest selfesteem” “We shine because they hate us, floss cause they degrade us We trying to buy back our 40 acres And for that paper, look how low we a stoop” And we loved him for it. Kanye’s new hypocrisy fits perfectly into the status quo however. Presidential candidates and those who are popular enough to make it into the White House typically display some level of duplicity. In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote “all Men are created equal” but owned and sold hundreds of slaves. He even advocated for the expansion of slavery while maintaining a relationship with a black slave mistress who he apparently loved so much that he didn’t even set her free in his will. Absolute hypocrisy. An unfortunate expectation of any American president. So, Mr. West meets one of the most quintessential requirements for the presidency. But, he still won’t be getting my vote. And shouldn’t be getting yours. The man we once applauded for speaking the truth about racism, classism, politics, social issues, and even the truth about himself, has

Creating a fashion line and selling it at preposterous prices most black people can’t afford, Before he was transparent enough to admit and partnering with designers and companies that discriminate against us when we walk into that although he tried to go against the status quo, he sometimes fell into its trap. He used his stores, abuse black workers in sweat shops, and celebrity status to inform his black audience of refuse to put money back into our communithese circumstances and inspired them to over- ties is dumb and contradictory, but presidencome them. Yeezy though has sunken so deep tial. that he doesn’t even seem to recognize he’s now Furthermore, he sets the example that the the very same person he once criticized. white man’s standard of essentially everything We know George Bush doesn’t like black peoshould be what we strive to obtain. ple. I’m starting to think Kanye doesn’t either. Then turns around and complains about the Would call him a racist but Yeezus denies that racism (even though it doesn’t exist) in the racism even exists. fashion industry as it applies to him only. Seeking validation because racist America Now he’s okay with oppression, and even has made you self-conscious and insecure denies its existence, as long as it isn’t affecting doesn’t stop racism. Neither does assimilating him. and working to obtain all of white America’s standards. Which, doesn’t really matter anyway I’m not sure what kind of president he’d be if since racism is make-believe. he refuses to identify the nation’s most deeply rooted issue. Why should someone who hypocritically exploits our struggle get our vote? Take his use of the confederate flag. Why should someone who was once so transThis flag is one of the biggest symbols of white parent but has allowed himself to become so blinded by his ego and insecurities be our supremacy, a fallacious ideal that blacks can president? never achieve. Kanye tried to repurpose the flag and wear it to upset white America by He shouldn’t. proving that blacks, thanks to him, now could access their forbidden fruit. By wearing it, he But because of everything he is, he’s already on attempted to utilize his newfound “privilege” the right track. Ignorant comments on black isto position himself in a place where he can be sues, crazy antics, and hypocritical tendencies validated by white America. are the prototypical qualities for United States presidents. Not only is the act of seeking validation from your oppressors counterproductive to anything Run Kanye, run. Sure, Kanye for President revolutionary, it also does nothing to help 2020. Campaign all day. your people. In fact, it’s selfish and completely ignores the plight of black people who are still His ego won’t let him stop. I guess it’s the Yesuffering at the hands of everything that flag ezus in him. represents. Not to mention wearing it is free promotion for white supremacy and racism. But wake up, Mr. West. You don’t have my vote. Kanye aims to obtain everything that was Or the vote of any knowledgeable black perpreviously inaccessible to him as a black man son, and especially not the white vote. in America: acceptance, respect, and equal opportunity. Oh and white women. Especially Even with wearing the Confederate flag, marthe ones who pay a surgeon to install all the rying Kim Kardashian, and breaking into the beautiful features unique to black women. And he does these things, every single time, for fashion world, you still are just a “nigga in a coupe.” his own benefit and uplift. fallen in too deep.


What’s Happening on campus & around town

Monday - 9/7

Tuesday - 9/8

Labor Day Holiday

Twelfth Class Day

Monday - 9/14

Tuesday - 9/15

Wednesday - 9/9

Thursday - 9/10

Friday - 9/11

The Weekend 9/12 & 9/13

Friday - 9/18

The Weekend 9/19 & 9/20

Opening Convocation Founder’s Day

Wednesday - 9/16

Thursday - 9/17

Deadline for December Graduation

Our calendar is reserved for the advertisement of on and off campus events. If you are interested in having your event placed on our calendar, then please stop by room 221 of the Student Center or call us at (713) 313-6710.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

20 Questions

Can the students petition to tailgate on campus for Homecoming? Why did freshmen get housing priority over returning students? Why are students paying so much to live at a hotel? Why do students have to pay $10,000 to live at Savoy? When is Pajama Jam? How many active orgs do we actually have? What Greek orgs are suspended? Why did we lose so badly to PV? Who’s going to Cheer Tryouts September 8th? Are we going to win the Homecoming Game? Are students going to attend the game? Who are the celebrity guests for Homecoming? Will there be a Greek Step Show? How can we as students bring alumni back? Can we have a TSU College Hill? Has enrollment increased? Are budget cuts everywhere on campus? Who is graduating in December? Did the students enjoy FRTH? Will FRTH be more and more packed each year?

Anonymously submit your questions via Ask.FM Today: TSU20Questions

DISCLAIMER: The questions are submitted by the student body and are not the views of The TSU Herald or Texas Southern University as a whole. Feel free to bring your questions to room 221 of the Student Center. Questions are printed at the discretion of The TSU Herald.


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