Vol. 67 No.1

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Vol 67 | Number 01

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THE TSU HERALD | August 25, 2014



LIFE & STYLE page 5


SPORTS page 10


Photo credit: Buck Bedia

POLITICS page 11


#JusticeForMikeBrown page 4


Campus News Texas Southern University releases new mobile application BY MARIEA BOYD Campus News Editor There was once a time when the only way you could access information about a university was through a campus visit or browsing their website. Now that more and more of us use smartphones and Apple products everywhere we go the number of mobile applications is exploding and accessibility is in the palms of our hands. This summer Texas Southern University released it’s very own mobile app,“Texas Southern”, now available in the app store for free. This app is available to Alumni, Graduate students, undergraduate students, and prospective students. On a intrect campus like ours, the use of the iPhone’s GPS capability allows users to orient themselves easily, with the use of the

application’s interactive campus map. “I would use the map the most of all applications, because I am a transfer student it would make getting around campus easier”, said Sophomore studying Radio Television and Film major Garrin Chillis. Other features inside the app include dining, Athletics; which gives you the latest news on all TSU’s sports and upcoming games, Campus Life, and the KTSU radio radio station that streams the music directly from the radio station onto your phone. With the TSU video feature you can get an inside look into the tiger experience watching the latest YouTube videos created by Texas Southern University, students, faculty, and tiger fans. “I think the best feature is the online library, now I do not have to take that far walk to the library to see if they have what I need.”, said Junior Tamara Tatum concentrating in



The TSU Herald is published by the students of Texas Southern University. Opinions expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of the administration. The newspaper is printed biweekly, except during holidays and examination periods. For additional information, call (713) 313-1976.

Radio Television and Film. The application also features an all-inone stop to basic student services like Blackboard, MyTSUWeb, Student Tigermail, and another cool feature called “Freshman First”. Here incoming freshmen or prospective students can get all the help they need to transition from high school to college, like how to navigate and understand financial aid, Scholarships, and the recruitment video. “I like the app so far because it give me easy access to My TSU Web.”, said Sophomore Martin Kabutey Adjovu. Students are excited about the possibilities that the app can offer in the future. “I’m looking forward to the app featuring the trolley time schedule, I think that would really benefit the study body.”, said political science major Tearua Roberts. This is not the end for the Texas Southern University App, be sure to keep up with updates and new features. You can find the Texas Southern University app in the iTunes and Android app store.



Cover Story

Why Michael Brown will not be the last BY LINDSAY GARY Opinion Editor

On August 9, 2014, Michael Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old was shot and killed by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. On September 15, 1963, Johnny Robinson Jr., an unarmed 16-year-old was shot and killed by a police officer in Birmingham, Alabama. Fifty years after the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the monumental legislation intended to outlaw discrimination and segregation based on race, America has yet to live up to its promises. Fifty years later, race can and will be used against a black man in his own country. Fifty years later, the black experience of two seemingly different generations are beyond paralleled and are indeed associated by more than genealogy. After a peaceful candlelight vigil in Brown’s honor, protests and riots ensued. For nearly two weeks after his death, protesters and journalists were met with hypermilitarized police officers who used tear gas and rubber bullets to hinder their constitution-

al rights of assembly and freedom of speech. Police brutality continues to steal security, peace of mind, and lives from the black community, and often with no penalty or even recognition of oppression. After continuous inaction from political and law enforcement entities, grief, frustration, and desperation worsen exponentially until the boiling point is fiercely met. It is clear the pattern remains as does the pain. The ire that boiled over in Watts in 1965 and Newark in 1967 when black citizens rose up against their tyrants after enduring years of oppression is evident in the chanting faces and marching feet of Ferguson residents. The agony in Lesley McFadden’s eyes eerily mirrors the troubled devastation that once sent Robinson’s mother to the psychiatric ward. Johnny Robinson, Oscar Grant, Sean Bell, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, and now [insert your name here]. Michael Brown’s senseless and cruel

death has momentarily garnered international attention, but if the source of this injustice remains ignored, he unfortunately will not be the last. The pattern and pain prevail because historical civil rights legislation, progressive laws, social welfare programs, expansion of a black middle class, and even electing a black president do not directly address the ideology and system of racism, which foster an America that allows white police officers to use deadly force against black people nearly two times per week. These tokens, while necessary, are only battling the offspring rather than proactively fighting the war against America’s founding father—racism. Our lives will forever be disposable, and police brutality and the riots that will inevitably result will persist until this country, and all of its citizens take intentional, proactive, and permanent action against this intractable, but curable, ailment.

Life & Style


Social media uprising over ALS research BY LENZI CAUSEY Managing Editor Sweeping across the nation through social media outlets the past three weeks has been the infamous ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Dozens of celebrities and thousands of citizens have taken part in raising awareness and donations toward ALS charities and its research. ALS is an abbreviation for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a disease that is described as a progressive neurodegenerative disease that controls the spinal cord and nerve cells in the brain. According to the ALS Association (ALSA), Motor neurons reach from the brain to the spinal cord and then from the spinal cord to the muscles throughout the body. The progressive degeneration of the motor neurons in ALS eventually cause the cells to die, and when they do, the brain loses its ability to start and control muscle movement. The disease, in its later stage, can cause complete paralysis in patients because of its accelerant nature. ALS is otherwise known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, named after the Hall of Famer and Yankees first baseman famous for his skills as a hitter and his nearly unbeatable records. “I might have been given a bad break, but I’ve got an awful lot to live for”, Gehrig said. Each year, ALSA works to raise money for research at this time of year. Last year, they raised approximately $1.3 million. This year, with the help of the ice bucket challenge and its popularity upspring, they have raised $31.5 million and are still expecting a few million more to roll in. “This amount of money, it opens up new opportunities that were previously unfathomable,” Carrie Munk, the spokesperson for ALSA told a source from Forbes. The ice bucket challenge videos are keeping it relevance on networks such as Twitter and Instagram, under the hashtag #ALSIceBucketChallenge. Each contender has a large bucket of

ice water dumped on top of their heads, and while viewers witness their grimace, challenge others to do the same and/or donate to ALSA. The rules are once a person is challenged, they must either do the same or donate $100 to an ALS charity. There are some not-so-good reactions to the ice bucket challenge. On Forbes online publication Tuesday, it was called annoying, but they recognized it because it is on going and indeed working. Their question was about where the money was really going. Ethel Kennedy, the widow of Senator Robert F. Kennedy and the eldest living member of the Kennedy family, has challenged President Obama. He refused to take the actual challenge, but the White House responded by saying that instead, his contribution would be monetary, and that he would be donating toward the end of the week. Many celebrities have made donating and raising awareness for ALS their business. Entertainers such as Justin Timberlake, Lady Gaga, and Justin Bieber and athletes including Lebron James, Michael Jordan and the Atlanta Falcons as a collective have made videos, but the political figures who have been participating are who are shocking the nation. The efforts to awaken society to just a percentage of the pain and discomfort those who have the disease are suffering from are trickling down through all races and classes of people. “Your reality today was constructed by your thoughts yesterday. Your reality tomorrow will be constructed by your thoughts today. When you realize this deep inside yourself, you can begin to consciously participate in shaping your own life circumstances; even if your body doesn’t work”, artist Mike Bougher said in his testimony after battling with the disease. For more information on ALS, its symptoms, and how to donate, visit the ALSA website at www.alsa.org.

More than 200 bostonians participate in the Ice Bucket Challenge.

Tampa Bay Buccaneers co-chairman Bryan Glazer participates in the Ice Bucket Challenge.

Texas Southern University Excellence in Achievement






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As the weeks go by here at Texas Southern University, our photographers have captured all of the moments and current events.



1. Members of the Motion of the Ocean dance team before the unveiling in front of the Frank T. Bow Federal Building. 2. The Ocean of Soul Marching Band performing in front of the Frank T. Bow Federal Building during the unveiling of one of eleven public art projects. 3. Band director Richard Lee speaking with Canton news reporter during the unveiling of the public art project. 4. The Ocean of Soul Marching Band during the Grand Timken Steel Parade. 5. Westbury High School during the Grand Timken Steel Parade. 6. Dean Ward and President Rudley displaying a Michael Strahan commemorative poster signed by TSU student, faculty, and alumni members. 7. President Rudley speaking with Canton Mayor, William J. Healy. 8. Michael Strahan waiving at TSU students during the Grand Timken Steel Parade.


9. The Enshrinment Celebration Fan Party Tent that the Ocean of Soul band performed in front of. 10. The Ocean of Soul Marching Band performing in front of the Enshrinment Celebration Fan Party Tent. 11. Members of the Ocean of Soul leaving the Induction Ceremony.

Photos courtesy of: Mecole’ Hayes


Life & Style Kathy Griffin to Minaj: I want a booty challange Courtesy of Associated Press NEW YORK (AP) -- While most people are inviting friends to complete the ice bucket challenge, Kathy Griffin has another proposal for Nicki Minaj: a booty challenge. The 53-year-old comedian said after watching the eye-popping, rump-shaking music video for Minaj’s new hit single, “Anaconda,” she wants to go toe-to-toe with the rap diva. “Of course, everyone’s talking about that `Anaconda’ video and it’s fantastic. It’s a lot of boo-tay and I would like to challenge Nicki to a boo-tay-off,” Griffin said in an interview this week. The “Anaconda” video has racked in 35 million views since its Tuesday release and has trended on Twitter throughout the week.

“It’s like the ice bucket challenge, but it doesn’t even have any charity associated with it at all,” Griffin continued. “It’s completely gratuitous.” Griffin also has some stiff competition when it comes to the music world apart from Minaj: She released a comedy album last week, and she hopes to mirror her success at the Grammy Awards earlier this year, where she won best comedy album for “Calm Down Gurrl” after five consecutive losses in the category. “I’m going for another nomination, shamelessly,” said Griffin, who is only one of five women to win the honor. Her likely opponents: “Weird Al” Yankovic, who had a pop culture moment this

20 Questions

1. Is anyone excited for the Labor Day Classic? 2. Has your faith in the football team been restored? 3. Will you be attending Labor Day on the Lawn or Triad for LDC after party? 4. Are you traveling to the Bahamas to support the football team? 5. Did anyone watch the Ocean of Soul in the Timken Steel Grand Parade in Canton, Ohio? 6. Are you proud that Michael Strahan is a TSU Alumnus? 7. Did you attend the watch party? 8. What’s going on over there in campus housing? 9. Will they finally bring back mid-day hump days? 10. When is Chick-Fil-A going to open? 11. Who had the livest probate of spring 14? 12. Will greeks turn everything into a hump day this year? 13. Will you be mad if they do? 14. Who’s excited for the upcoming semester in general? 15. Why is enrollment so low? 16. Is that why the university keeps doing budget cuts? 17. Will you be in class this semester? 18. Will professors actually show up this year? 19. If not, can we get our money back? 20. Will student participation increase?

year with the chart-topping “Mandatory Fun,” which featured a stream of highly viewed and highly praised - music videos. There’s also Sarah Silverman, who will release “We Are Miracles” on Sept. 23. “We know each other’s game,” she said of Silverman. “Mine is two hours. I have a standing comedy disorder. Once I get onstage I can’t stop talking.” Griffin’s new album, “Look at My (Expletive),” is currently being sold at Amazon for just 99 cents.

“Of course, everyone’s talking about that ‘Anaconda’ video and it’s fantastic.” -Kathy Griffin

Anonymously submit your questions via Ask.Fm today DISCLAIMER: The questions are submitted by the student body and are not the views of The TSU Herald or Texas Southern University as a whole. Feel free to bring your questions to room 221 of the Student Center. Questions are printed at the discretion of The TSU Herald.



Sports Countown to HBCUX Classic begins Courtesy of TSUBALL.COM

PLANTATION, Florida- Are you ready for some sun, fun and football? The countdown has begun for the first Bahamas HBCUX Classic, an American college football game, being held at the Thomas A. Robinson Stadium in Nassau, Bahamas, September 12-14, 2014. Thousands of persons including celebrities, sports legends, football players and fans are expected to attend the weekend festivities being hosted by The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism and HBCUX Network, a new digital media network formed to showcase the unique and diverse 'xperience' at historically black colleges and universities (HBCU's). The planned activities include a NCAA Division One Football game between Central State University (CSU) and Texas Southern University (TSU), a star studded tailgate concert featuring The Bahamas' hottest recording artists as well as other internationally known Caribbean and American soca, calypso, hip hop and R&B musicians. TSU's Ocean of Soul band and CSU's

Invincible Marching Marauders band and some of The Bahamas' award-winning bands will compete in a "battle of the bands" contest, while a freestyle Greek step show will culminate the tailgate experience. In addition, HBCUX Network will host a celebrity golf challenge at the magnificent Ocean Club Golf course on Paradise Island. Immediately following, the first HBCUX Classic awards will be presented to NFL legends and distinguished alumni of the respective HBCU's. A classic old-school party at the spectacular Atlantis Resort on Paradise Island, and a college career fair and empowerment workshop with recruiters and representatives from CSU and TSU will round out the weekend activities. The Bahamas HBCUX Classic is designed to promote academics, education, sports and entertainment, through the cultural integration and diversity of signature events between the government of The Bahamas and historically black colleges and universities.

It is estimated that more than 400,000 students are enrolled annually at 105 HBCU's within the United States, comprising an alumni of seven million people. The Bahamas, known for its crystal clear waters, beautiful beaches and diverse culture shares a rich heritage with African-American diaspora and many of its high school students receive their college-level education from HBCU's. HBCUX Network, headquartered in Washington, D.C. is a 24/7, education, entertainment, lifestyle and sports programming network, devoted to HBCU member institutions. Tickets for the upcoming Bahamas HBCUX Classic are $25 for general admission, $50 for VIP seating and a limited number of platinum tickets are available for $100 per person. Tickets as well as group hotel packages can be purchased on the Bahamas HBCUX Classic website: http://www.hbcuxclassic.com or call 800-858-0011 and #Imgoing.


Sports Tigers claw their way to success in upcoming fall athletics BY LENZI CAUSEY Managing Editor

Quarterback Homer Causey during last years opening game The beginning of the school year is always filled with chaos as students and faculty are winding themselves back into being at the university, but even so, the athletic program pulls it together as they prepare for the upcoming sports season. “We are very excited, there’s a lot of optimism, and this could be a really good year for us”, Andrew Roberts, the Sports Information Director, said Friday. With soccer at the forefront of fall sporting events, the first game took place Friday, August 22nd. An away game against the challenging team at North Texas University in Denton Texas, this game was the preview of the season to come under the leadership of new coach, Catherine Saunders. Saunders, who Roberts described as a fundamentally technical and energetic coach, came to Texas Southern from Alabama State University. The first home game was against Texas A&M. With the new coach and several new players, including four freshman players, the team is looking forward to an exciting and

eventful new season. “I think this off-season, the kids have been working extremely hard,” Head Football Coach Darrell Asberry said. “It’s a little different when you have a lot of new faces while trying to get this thing moving in the right direction.” Last year’s 2-9 university football record placed a dawn of disappointment upon spectators, but Asberry says he is working to build a foundation in order to bring victory against the team’s most challenging rivals, Southern, and Alabama State Universities and the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff. Starting quarterback Homer Causey said Friday that Alabama State would be a team that would more than likely keep him and the rest of the team on their toes. “They’re strong; they’re a good team,” Causey said. Moving into volleyball season, beginning on September 5th with a tournament at Southern Methodist University, the head coach of the team, Jocelyn Adams, says she’s looking for an “interesting” upcoming season. “With ten new girls, we are going

through the pre-season, and trying to get the chemistry together. We have a good core and we are going to add the new ladies in, so right now pre-season camp is looking great.” Last year’s record was 7-1 in conference play, so the Lady Tigers are planning to keep that momentum from last year’s season going. Other sports to be on the lookout for this fall are men’s and women’s cross country and bowling. Both cross country teams start out their season in Sequin, Texas against Texas Lutheran University on September 6th. Bowling season begins October 17th19th as they are set to attend the Tulane Invitational in New Orleans. Last year’s student attendance has been a concern of the university and each coach has requested the support of the students. “I just say to the fans come out and support the teams, and support those athletes. They need it, and we really appreciate it,” Coach Asberry said in closing. Go Tigers!


Politics Texas governor Rick Perry indicted, could face up to 109 years BY LENZI CAUSEY Managing Editor On Friday, Aug. 16th, Governor Rick Perry was indicted on felony charges based on the accusations of democrat and Travis County District Attorney, Rosemary Lehmberg. According to CNN, a grand jury in Travis County indicted Perry on abusing official capacity and coercing a public servant. Perry, being the first Texas governor to be indicted since 1917, has continuously insisted that he has done nothing wrong. Lehmberg, 63, is currently serving her second term as District Attorney, and made these accusations because of a large budget cut placed by Perry. Unfortunately for her, Lehmberg got into some legal issues of her own, after pleading guilty to driving while intoxicated back in April 2013. After some unruly behavior behind her then 0.23 blood alcohol level, she was sentenced to 45 days jail time. Soon released to the media were video clips of her kicking her cell door, sticking her tongue out and taunting officers. The next day, Lehmberg released a statement of remorse aimed at the citizens of Austin, and apologized for giving reason for their disappointment. She did however indicate ahead of time that she would not be stepping down from her position as one of the most powerful district attorneys in the state by saying: “As I continue to carry out my responsibilities as District Attorney, I hope that the community will forgive my mistake.” Perry, in June, called for her resignation, and after her refusal, opted to veto approximately 7.5 million dollars from the unit of Texas government Lehmberg runs, the state’s Public Integrity Unit. Perry, who is currently planning and stepping out on running for presidency in 2016, is fighting the indictment to his full ability. According to Travis County grand jury clerk, Linda Estrada, he has not been issued an arrest warrant, and therefore is continuing to

travel and pursue his potential presidency. He has upcoming appearances in Washington at the Heritage Foundation and an Americans for Prosperity gathering in Dallas later this month. On Aug. 18th, his newly identified team of council, including Texas Attorney Tony Buzbee, released statements on the issue at a news conference in Austin. “Governor Perry will fight this indictment one hundred percent. And at the end of the day he will prevail because he is on the side of the rule of law”, Buzbee said. Other republican leaders in the States have expressed their support for Perry as of recently, some even addressing his indictment as “a joke” and “an outrage.” The Governor of New Jersey and current head of the Republican Governor’s Association, Chris Christie said in an interview Monday that he has “complete faith and confidence” in Perry’s “honesty and integrity.” Perry has received a summons to appear in court on August 29th, issued by Judge Bert Richardson, also a republican, and the judge who has been assigned to oversee the case. In a Fox News Interview, Perry said that this indictment is based on political differences and they should not be handled in this manner, but by ballot. No trial has been set, but an arraignment and booking are to be scheduled in the near future.

“Governor Perry will fight this indictment one hundred percent.”- Texas Lawyer, Tony Buzbee

Texas Governor, Rick Perry

District Attorney, Rosemary Lehmberg


What’s Happening on campus & around town

Monday - 8/25

Tuesday - 8/26

Wednesday - 8/27

Thursday - 8/28

Friday - 8/29

Classes Resume

Monday - 9/1 Labor Day University Closed

The Weekend 8/30 & 8/31 8/31: Labor Day Classic Game 4 p.m. NRG Stadium

Tuesday - 9/2

Wednesday - 9/3

Thursday - 9/4

Friday - 9/5

The Weekend 9/6 & 9/7

Royal Court Coronation: A Night of Pariasian Enchantment 7 p.m. Location TBA

Our calendar is reserved for the advertisement of on and off campus events. If you are interested in having your event placed on our calendar, then please stop by room 221 of the Student Center or call us at (713) 313-6710.

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