Peace Nouvella January 2011

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Spirit Creative Services Inc.

Peace Nouvella

Newsletter #122

Volume 1-11

January 2011

Newsletter © January 2011

ANNOUNCEMENTS This month's special is a two for cost of one session for you and a friend for the first three people who call (410) 956-1117 within 24 hours of receiving this newsletter. Consultations can be in-person, over the phone or via Skype. Consultations can include: intuitive guidance, subtle energy field scans &/or Peace Pulse™ hands healing. * Monthly Message: Peace Pointers™, Letters to Readers and Announcements * Courses and Events: Weekly and Monthly Events and Educational Programs * Consulting Services and Products; Corporate Consulting: Creative Arts, Healing Arts and Performing Arts Services, Products and Trainings Individual and Group Consultations: Healing Arts Services and Trainings

Monthly Message

Peace Pointer

"Participation is what is going to save the human race" – Pete Seeger Since my teaching and the individual work is dedicated to fostering greater inner peace and healing it feels important to comment with healing intent on the tragic shooting incident in Tucson. The public discourse about our freedom to participate in open dialogue has moved to the forefront again over the power to words that heal compared to those that can be used as justification to harm. Our U.S. Constitution's first amendment grants the freedom of religion, speech, press and peaceable assembly. These rights come with the self-responsibility to not take them to extremes that can

cause physical harm. The reading of the first amendment by Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords on the opening day of the new Congress on the U.S. House of Representatives floor speaks to us about more then just its poignantly coincidental message. The shooting that occurred at a Safeway grocery store reminds us about our need for safety. When we are not safe in our ability to peacefully speak to each other as a natural way of life we can feel undernourished. There are other significant messages that many have noted about each person who lost their life; a political aid dying while working in support of our freedom to communicate and gather in public places, a federal judge working for justice and a young nine year old girl born on 9/11/01 who had just been elected to student council government in her school. The three elders who had their lives cut all too short were obvious caring role models for others as well as all those who came to others aid during the shooting event and in the aftermath. Congresswoman Gifford's husband and brother-in law as space shuttle astronauts give reminder to us all to rise above senseless violence and enflamed rhetoric to gain perspective. Those who engage in satirical or sarcastically demeaning communications for the purposes of entertainment, reporting the news or offering political opinions and commentary are being called yet again to take a look at the effects of their words in public discourse. Our free speech rights are not truly guaranteed by the first amendment until we are free to communicate peacefully without fear of retaliation. Threatening violence or using demonizing words to create a "them" or "other" attitude deprives us all of our freedoms that includes freedom from fear. The shooter would seem felt justified that an other or them existed that was threatening enough to him to then act out his fears in a heinous way. With all this in mind it seems important to remember that placing blame on how words can be used to harm rather then heal can perpetuate patterns of guilt and intimidation. As part of our nation's revolutionary history the outspoken cries about tyranny and rights and freedoms being denied or taken away has become an all too familiar theme in recent years. Remember it was Thomas Paine’s “common sense” satirically cutting words about the King of England that helped incite citizens to take arms. Hopefully we are becoming more aware of how words and images can foster unsettling unrest or peacefulness. Let us hope taking a moment of silence gives pause for further reflection on more peaceful ways to heal whatever ails us. The week before the shooting a PBS special aired on musician Pete Seeger's music and career. The special included an interview with him about his life work. The opening Peace Pointer™ is a Pete Seeger quote from that television program. His desire to actively engage others through unifying song helped raise awareness of civil rights, disarmament and environmental concerns through non-violent means. He used his music and voice to encourage singing together as one. He recognized at a young age that inviting others to join in song offered a peaceful way to affect change for the better. His life work offers testimony to each of us about gentler ways to uplift ourselves through the creative arts.

May there be many more who inspire us to seek more peaceful gentler ways to express our words, sounds and images. May our communications be worth repeating as insightful and not defensively vengefully inciting aimed at "others" who are no longer recognized as sisters and brothers

Peace nouvella, Alice Yeager

Alice Yeager

May a new peace be scripted in your heart co-authored with God – a Peace Nouvella™.

Events & Courses: at SPIRIT, AHAA, AACC & PGCC Locations WEEKLY EVENTS Peace Nouvella™ Individual or group consultations Free introductory twenty-minute sessions are by appointment. For details on these and other see Individual and Group Consultations or Contact Us

MONTHLY EVENTS The following monthly events are co-sponsored by Spirit Creative Services Inc. (consulting business) and the American Healing Arts Alliance Inc. (AHAA non-profit) (410) 956-0055. Donations offered at these events support AHAA's non-profit educational programs. Please confirm attendance for all programs at least 24 hours in advance. Contact Us

with your phone number and # of people attending. 1st Tuesday SPEAKERS PROGRAM (ALTC) 2nd Tuesday MEDITATION AND HEALING EXCHANGE (Peace Point) 3rd Tuesday MEDIA NIGHT (Peace Point) 4th Tuesday and 2nd Sunday A COURSE IN MIRACLES (Peace Point)

SPEAKER PROGRAMS AND WORKSHOPS For the current month’s Speakers Program, Workshop and Media Night programs call (410) 956-0055 or see AHAA’s Publications webpage at

SPEAKERS PROGRAMS DAY/TIME Monthly on the First Tuesday, 7:00-8:30pm HOST LOCATION Annapolis Lymphedema & Therapy Center, 2001 Tidewater Colony Drive, Suite 102, Annapolis, Md 21401. MAP to ALTC at Bestgate Rd and Tidewater Colony Dr.

MEDITATION AND HEALING EXCHANGE DAY/TIME Monthly on the second Tuesday, 7:00-8:30pm HOST LOCATION Peace Point. Call (410) 956-1117 to confirm attendance in advance. PEACE DOVE MEDITATION 7:00-7:30pm Meditation, prayer and inner guidance for peace. HEARTS EXCHANGES 7:30- 8:30pm HEaling ARTS gatherings to give, receive or exchange healing. Practitioners, healing arts students as well as anyone interested in the healing arts are welcome. Emphasis is placed on subtle energy and bodywork.

MEDIA NIGHT Movies/Videos/Television/Music/Art/Theater/Book/Web DATE/TIME Monthly on the Third Tuesday, 7:00-8:30pm HOST LOCATION Peace Point. Call (410) 956-1117 for topic and to confirm attendance in advance. Come join a variety of healing arts and sciences topics through various media including television, internet, videos, movies, books, music, theater, art, and interactive media.

A COURSE IN MIRACLES DAY/TIME Monthly on the Fourth Tuesday, 7:00pm-8:30pm and Second Sunday, 3:00pm-4:30pm HOST LOCATION Peace Point. Call (410) 956-1117 to confirm attendance in advance. The A Course in Miracles study group meets as a healing circle, miracles sharing and self study support of the book. For further information about ACIM's history and worldwide study visit or the Miracle Distribution Catalog at You Tube videos t

COURSES LOCATION/TITLE/DATE The instructor for all courses is Alice Yeager except for The Body Speaks which is cotaught with Faith Hagerty

AMERICAN HEALING ARTS ALLIANCE PEACE NOUVELLA PLAYERS™ - Ensemble Training & Performances Date/Time/Cost/Location: Email or call AHAA at (410) 956-0055

ANNE ARUNDEL COMMUNITY COLLEGE Locations: Arnold, CAT South & Annapolis High School (see course info) AACC REGISTRATION: or call (410) 777-2325 HANDS HEALING I, Introduction, HLH
 Date/Time: Thursdays, Feb. 3 - 24, 2011, 7:00pm – 9:00pm DESIGNING AND ILLUSTRATING CHILDREN'S BOOKS (Level 1) ARS 357 Date/Time: Thursdays, March 3 – April 7, 2011, 6:30pm-9:00pm, DESIGNING AND ILLUSTRATING CHILDREN'S BOOKS (Level 2) Date/Time: Thursdays, April 14 – May 12, 2011, 6:30pm-9:00pm, THE BODY SPEAKS Date/Time: Saturday May 14, 2011, 9:30am – 1:15pm


REGISTRATION: or call (301) 336-6000 CREATE YOUR OWN CHILDREN’S BOOK Location: Bowie Senior Center (PGCC SAGE Program) Date/Time: Tuesdays, February 8 – May 17, 2011, 12:30pm – 2:30pm,

SPIRIT CREATIVE SERVICES Inc. Location: Peace Point Edgewater, Maryland REGISTRATION See Spirit website for Registration Form or Contact Us INTUITION, CREATIVITY & INNER GUIDANCE Date/Time: Saturday, March 19, 2011, 10:00am – 4:00pm THE CREATIVE ARTS AS HEALING ART Date/Time: Saturday, April 16, 2011, 10:00am – 4:00pm NATURE AS HEALER - A Co-Creative Journey Date/Time: Saturday, May 14, 2011, 10:00am – 4:00pm MEDITATION - Creating More Inner Peace and Health Date/Time: On-going Call for times


PEACE NOUVELLA PLAYERS™ - Ensemble Training/Coaching/Performance Description: The Peace Nouvella Players™ is part of an international educational peacebuilding program called Peace Nouvella™. Registration: Call the American Healings Alliance Inc. at (410) 956-0055 or email for dates, times and cost.

For additional information visit the AHAA website at and click on the Peace Programs visual images in the homepage left sidebar.

ANNE ARUNDEL COMMUNITY COLLEGE Courses offered Arnold, Annapolis High School and CAT South locations REGISTRATION: or call (410) 777-2325

HANDS HEALING I, Introduction Date/Time: Thursdays, Feb. 3 - 24, 2011, 7:00pm – 9:00pm (4 sessions) at CAT South Cost: $101 † CEUs awarded (4 sessions) Course # HLH
 Registration: or call (410) 777-2325 Description: This course offers an introduction to the variety of hands healing methods practiced around the world. This includes both touch and non-touch techniques working with subtle energy also called "laying on of hands, reiki, johrei, qi-gong, therapeutic touch, healing touch" etc. Learn to sense your life force as an energy also known as chi, ki, prana, bio-energy or electro-magnetic energy. Develop skills working with your hands to detect and direct subtle healing energies in and around the body. This course is designed for both health care providers and others interested in developing new or enhanced skills to promote well-being and healing.

DESIGNING AND ILLUSTRATING CHILDREN'S BOOKS (Level 1) Date/Time: Thursdays, March 3 – April 7, 2011, 6:30pm-9:00pm, (5 sessions) at CAT South Cost: $125 CEU's awarded Course # ARS 357 Registration: or call (410) 777-2325 Description Learn how to layout, illustrate and design your own children's book. Review current trends in the childrens' book publishing market. Textbook available at College Bookstore.

DESIGNING AND ILLUSTRATING CHILDREN'S BOOKS (Level 2) Date/Time: Thursdays, March 3 – April 7, 2011, 6:30pm-9:00pm, (5 sessions) at CAT South Cost: $125 Registration: or call (410) 777-2325 Description: Advance and refine the skills learned in ARS 357. Develop a multi-page layout with theme and character development, illustrations and design elements. Discuss self-publication, submission to a publisher and current publishing trends.

PRINCE GEORGES COMMUNITY COLLEGE CREATE YOUR OWN CHILDREN’S BOOK Date/Time: Tuesdays, February 8 – May 17, 2011, 12:30pm – 2:30pm, (15 sessions) at Bowie Senior Center Cost: See PGCC Sage Program Catalog Registration: (301)336-6000 Description: See Designing and Illustrating Childrens’ Books above


Peace Point Edgewater, Md.

INTUITION, CREATIVITY & INNER GUIDANCE Date/Time: Saturday, March 19, 2011,10:00am – 4:00pm (1/2 hr. bag lunch) Cost: $85 Registration Form:

Due March 17, 2011 Description: This introductory class will help you become aware of your inner creative resources and foster peak experiences as a deep inner knowing awareness of your higher Self emerges. The seeker and seer in you can awaken you to your own inner reSource. As you begin to trust this as a loving awareness of your higher Self within you can achieve greater moment-to-moment self-confidence and develop as a profound connection to the whole of creation. This awareness can allow you to discern and evaluate both inner and outer guidance in ways that foster increased insights, synchronicity, intuitive knowing and creative expression. Through demonstrations, experiential exercises and group discussion this workshop will help you stimulate and develop a heightened awareness of your multi-sensory "clair" i.e clear "sixth" sense abilities. As an on-going inner process you can cultivate greater flow, abundant joy and grace and ease in your life.

THE CREATIVE ARTS AS HEALING ART Date/Time: Saturday, April 16, 2011, 10:00am – 4:00pm (1/2 hr. bag lunch) Cost: $85 Registration Form:

Due April 14, 2011 Description:Discover your inner healing wisdom by increasing your awareness of the creative artist within you. Through the use of inner listening, imaging and heightened sensing through your five senses learn to communicate directly with your higher conscious mind. Explore and learn to interpret various symbolic and metaphoric creative forms of expression through the visual arts (color, texture, line, shape and space) music and story telling to reveal intuitive insights. Through multi-sensory experiential exercises you will be able to access and stimulate your inner knowing and self-healing abilities. Past artistic experience is not required. Beginners to advanced artists welcome. Bring a drawing pad (12" x 16" approx.) and a set of colored drawing pencils.

NATURE AS HEALER - A Co-Creative Journey Date/Time: Saturday, May 14, 2011, 9:30am – 4:00pm (1/2 hr. bag lunch) Cost: $85 Registration Form:

Due May 12, 2011. Description: Experience a kinship and resonance with nature as a personal co-creative relationship. Through experiential exercises and the use a naturalist's journal, you will have an opportunity to attune yourself to nature's natural rhythms, cycles and subtle interactions. This interactive experience will increase your awareness of your soul's interconnectiveness to all of life, and allow the Source of all creation to speak to you through nature. In this way we learn to recognize through the myriad expressions of life and creative form, a loving supportive infinite intelligence that communicates through nature. Bring a journal book, bag lunch and dress comfortably and protectively for outdoor walking in woodland waterfront setting.

MEDITATION - Creating More Inner Peace and Health Date/Time: Call for times Cost: $15 per hour session or $50 per month (4 sessions each month) Registration Form: Due one week before each session or 4 week or series. Description: Create more inner peace, health and balance in all areas of your life. Develop an understanding of meditative healing practices as they relate to individual and global healing. These include active mind and still mind forms as well as walking and other forms of moving meditation. Techniques using sound, visualization and journaling are also covered combining music, art and writing to help you integrate meditative practices into your daily life. Learn the benefits of both a personalized practice and a supportive group environment to increase vitality, mental clarity, concentration, creativity, wholeness and harmony. PEACE NOUVELLA™ additional courses offered include: THE BODY AS COMMUNICATOR I & II, HANDS HEALING Level 1 Introduction and Level 2 In-depth, SUBTLE ENERGY; Sensing, Scanning and Sending Healing, THE CREATIVE ARTS AS HEALING ART, ART FROM THE HEART, NATURE AS HEALER, CREATIVITY INTUITION and INNER GUIDANCE, CREATIVE JOURNALING, THE HEALER WITHIN; The Body, Mind and Spirit Connection. See the full descriptions under Programs.

Consulting Services and Products CORPORATE & INDIVIDUAL CONSULTING/TRAINING * Healing & Creative Arts Consulting/Training * Business & Individual Life Coaching/Mentoring * Commercial & Fine Art Services/Products * Peace Nouvella™ Players Programs INDIVIDUAL & GROUP CONSULTATIONS * Intuitive Guidance * Subtle Energy Field Assessment * Peace Pulse™ Hands Healing Sessions * Training, Life Coaching & Mentoring

Healing Arts For details visit Individual & Group Consultations, Healing Arts, Programs or Contact Us

Creative and Performing Arts For details visit Creative Arts and Performing Arts or Contact Us

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