RGI News August 2012

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RGI News August 2012

RGI News August 2012

RGI workshops Summary of “Need for Grids” workshop online 70 participants took part in our workshop on the “Need for Grids” on June 22nd, 2012 in Hannover. Presentations and discussions showed that while a lot of stakeholders agree that Europe needs an energy grid which integrates energy from both centralised large-scale and decentralised sources, there are different opinions on how much of which type of grid is needed. Only if a big group of stakeholders from different parts of society is involved in the need definition and able to share expertise, it will be possible to come up with robust answers. On the workshop page of RGI’s website, you can now find more information on the outcome of the workshop, including the presentations, a summary and the pictures. How Can Grids Protect and Enhance the Environment? Implementing the European Grid Declaration You have received the invitation and preliminary programme of our next workshop on October 3rd 2012 in Paris last week. By signing the European Grid Declaration (EGD) in November 2011, TSOs and NGOs have made a commitment to modernising and expanding the European electricity network while striving towards a high level of protection for biodiversity and ecosystems. Questions how to effectively implement the principles set down in the EGD include e.g. • How can the full potential of strategic planning and environmental assessment be realised for minimising environmental impacts? • What is the role of the ENTSO-E ten-year network development plan (TYNDP) regarding environmental protection? • How can governments, regulators, and TSOs stimulate the rapid development of an environmentally friendly grid? • What practical experiences with environmental enhancement exist in the grid sector? and shall be discussed during our workshop. For registration and more information, please visit our website: http://renewables-grid.eu/events/implementing-the-europeangrid-declaration-2012.html Best practices and European Grid Declaration Two mini-workshops enhanced knowledge exchange At the end of last year, RGI has launched a project on best practices, fostering the exchange of experiences on grid planning and permitting procedures. It focuses on practical measures to achieve socially accepted and environmentally sound grid expansion projects. In a first phase, one-to-one interviews with TSO partners and NGOs have been conducted until April 2012. These results have been discussed in two mini-workshops this summer. The first one in June focused on “Participation and Transparency”, while

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