8th Grade Candlelight Ceremony Speech 2013

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8th Grade Candlelight Ceremony Speech By Joy Netzhammer ‘14, Student Council President I think Ralph Waldo Emerson put it best when he said, “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” Ladies, this is it. This is the beginning of your high school life. This is where you will come into contact with people that may change your life, where you will learn things that will stick with you forever, and where you will adopt the motto “Deus Providebit, God Will Provide” into your daily life. When I look into this crowd, I can’t help but remember when I was sitting right where you all are at the moment. My 8th grade candlelight ceremony was an important event in my life. The nerves took over, that’s for sure! I was only at my grammar school for one year before I came to Chapelle which made me “the new girl” there. So as I walked into the gym and saw all the new faces I became overwhelmed. My exact thoughts were, “ I guess I am going to be the new girl here, too.” Upset and nervous, I sat down. That was the first mistake I made. Winston Churchill once said, “Attitude is a little thing that can make a big difference.” I went in with the completely wrong attitude. Ultimately, you decide what your high school career is going to be like, here at Chapelle. I went in with the wrong attitude, but quickly, and I mean light speed fast, my attitude transformed. When I say light speed fast, I mean it, because minutes later, my negative attitude turned positive, because when I sat down in my designated chair, with my head down, I was greeted with a friendly “Hi There, Joy!” Shocked, I quickly picked my head up and to my surprise it was someone who I had never met in my entire life. I couldn’t believe it! How could someone be so friendly and nice to me without even knowing me at all? At that moment I realized that I wanted to be that friendly person, too. So after a few seconds of awkward silence passed, I responded with, “Hey girl! What’s up?” Just like that, my attitude changed. Just like that, a friendship was formed. Girls, that is all it takes. I know most of you are still nervous. You may feel like you won’t have a place here at Chapelle. I could stand here and advise you all to join Student Council, or give you names of the other numerous clubs that we offer, and say that that is where you all will find your place in this school, and while that may be true, I have to make sure that all of you girls are aware that this school is a family. We are a big, loving, exciting family. You will find your place in this school because of that. You will realize that the teachers are some of the most caring teachers you will ever have. You will realize that every day you are able to go home and tell your parents about something new and exciting you experienced, whether it pertains to your new friends, your new teachers, or the fact that you heard Student Council sing silly songs, then heard your name called on the announcements to receive a crown and sash and were able to cut the lunch line! As a senior, I’m now realizing that all of my “firsts” are turning into my “lasts.” I can’t explain how hard it is coming to this realization. You’ve heard it before, but I’m going to say it again. Cherish these memories that you will make here, every single one. Make a scrapbook, write them down! SOMETHING! Because when you all become seniors, and it’s almost time to go off into the big world, you are going to want to be able to sit down, and reminisce on the crazy, fun times you had at Chapelle. You are going to want to remember all the friends you made. All the people you met that changed your life. So chipmunks (yes, you will be referred to as chipmunks often here), this is your chance. This is your chance to accept our loving invitation into our chipmunk home, our burrow, to support and love this school with all of your heart. All of those chances begin now. You could just slide by in school and go through it with the wrong attitude, or you can come in excited about what Chapelle has to offer and leave your personal mark on this wonderful school we call Chapelle. So it’s up to you, Are you going to follow the path, or leave your own wonderful trail?

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