The Plumber's Ledger Volume 9, Issue 6

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NEW YEAR REFLECTIONS By Ledger Staff Andrew Salem The friends we made a long the way are the only good things that came out of 2020. 2021: Nothing really I stopped being "proud" of the 21st century since 2012. Abhimukth Chaudhuri Something good that came out of 2020 is that I got my best friend and roommate back! He took a break from university and went back home for a year all of sudden in 2019 due to his mental health conditions. Now he is back and much better than before! We both went on multiple cooking sprees and also got each other through the horrendous virtual university in Fall 2020. Something I am looking forward to in 2021 is watching Formula 1, especially because of all the changes that took places between the teams and drivers. Ann Trinh Eating my sister's cinnamon buns in 2020... they were delicious. Sophia Gorbounov Looking forward to spending a whole summer in Montreal in 2021 :) Celia New Years Resolution: Write more :) Charlotte Volk One good thing that came out of 2020 is that I rediscovered my love for crochet! I love to create things by hand, and it's become my relaxation at the end of the day. In 2021, I'm looking forward to finally getting to give my friends hugs again.

The Ledger Staff were asked about what they thought were some good things that came out of 2020, their new year resolutions and what they are looking forward to in 2021. Here are their answers... Tahsin Abedi 2020 was all about personal growth and gratitude for me. In 2021, I'm hoping for a healthier world. Deisha Paliwal Something good that came out of 2020: I got good at wandering aimlessly. What I'm looking forward to in 2021: Walking with a sense of urgency and steadfast purpose to a destination. New Years Resolution: Write more Nikko Ong In 2021, I want to make friends that I have nothing in common with. 2020 has shown us the grossest cracks in the fabric of our society, and much of that comes down to the self partitioning of people from others who are not like them. To become friends with someone with which I have very little in common is not only an attempt at love and an expression of grace, but also a foundation to be part of the glue that holds us together. Imane Chafi 2020 has been a difficult time for a lot of us, and with online school it was hard to keep the community going, so I am very proud to see that the Ledger is still working hard towards creating engaging content for students and making sure that promoting writing in engineering is stronger than ever! Here's to another year of great articles and more exciting events :)!

The Plumber's Ledger

Jiaze Ben 2021 resolutions: Eat healthier Stay active Improve core competency by learning new skills Sharon Kattar I spent less money, I made my peace with my mom moving to town, I got a TA position, and I got to try different recipes. DaphnĂŠ Lisak Something good out of 2020: people taking the time to slow down Something I am looking forward in 2021:people realizing that this crisis isn't over and that they still have work to do. everyone's in this together Shafaq Nami The good things about 2020 were that I got to spend more time with my family, made a lot of awesome new friends, got into writing and publications again! In 2021, I hope to gain new experiences that push me out of comfort zone. Ze Yuan Fu I'm looking forward to campus life when classes are in-person again.

Marie Mansour I think 2020 was a great year for self development and growth. I was able to focus on myself, start some new hobbies, and learn to have fun by myself! 10

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