Be Out There

Page 43

Outdoor Parties are Fun and Convenient Growing up, most of my time was spent

For example, my son’s 5th birthday party

outside from sunup to sundown. My friends

was a cowboy party held at a local farm that

and I did everything from playing Simon Says

we rented for a few hours. It was such a fun

and kickball to building forts and making mud

birthday party – the kids had an awesome

pies. It was fun, and we were constantly on

time enjoying nature and the outdoors! They

the move! In today’s age of iPads and video

got to ride horses, milk a goat, go on a

games, it is not as easy for parents to get their

hayride, and play on the playground. It was

kids outdoors. That’s why I’m always looking

a huge hit!

for ways to get my children outside breathing in the fresh air and feeling the sunshine on

— Piera Jolly, Jolly Mom

their skin. One fun way that we do that is by celebrating many of our family’s special occasions outside. In fact, all of my 5-year-old son’s birthday parties have been outside! Throwing an outdoor party is both fun and convenient!

Photos provided by: Piera Jolly


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