Metro Spirit 07.26.2012

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Have something you want to get off your chest? Send your whines to whineline@themetrospirit. com. If you do so by noon on Friday, you might just see it in the next Thursday’s issue. Oh, and whines may be edited for content but will pretty much be printed exactly as you type them.

LINE Hey, Metro, maybe you can use an even smaller font for the Whine Line page…. how’s this for you?

Eagerly anticipating Rhodes Aurora shooting tirade. Wonder how long into the show it will be before the now famous “I wheel keel yew” line stumbles out of his mouth. Has anyone else noticed since nobama lied his way into office that truth is almost non-existent-that evil has overcome godliness-that lying is common place and handouts are so called free, but we as taxpayers know that this is a falsehood, so will the majority join me to ensure that nobama has to go come Tuesday november 6,2012 To the person whining about the garden in the middle of Broad St We couldnt


get all the shell casings and cigarette butts to bloom so we planted a garden

i always enjoyed josh ruffins funky column until he revealed his uninformed youthful stupidity in his romney attack ad,i hope the check obama gave him america from josh ruffins dumbness! Georgia Ar ts and Sciences University GAS U. Are you serious? What in the devil are the head honchos at The Broad Street Temple thinking about when they reassign a principal who’s turning around a high school with a recent history of shameful underperformance? Does anyone else think that “speaking Truth to power” is a most dangerous exercise when the “power” is the corrupt, ineffective RCBOE and its effete puppet-masters? Honesty in politics is critical to me . I live in the 12 th district and if goose would be honest and come out of the closet I could vote for him!

I think you should hire me to write whines. I could fill this page up weekly. Augusta-Richmond County minus Columbia County equals the great modern stone age; along with its cavemen leaders. Another century from now Augusta-Richmond County might catch up with Columbia County. Hey Insider! Didn’t your mother tell you never pick on a girl? Leave Lori Davis alone...She’s only doing the work most media in this town are too lazy to do.... WTF....OH, I see the “New Christians” can not stop at the stop sign on their proper ty, cut me off and it’s okay. It’s their “New Christianity” that let’s them break the laws and be okay with it. Sorry, don’t mind the person with the right of way I must not be as Christian as you are. Or do you just ask for forgiveness everytime? And just keep doing it? Please explain....

Austin Rhodes seems to have put the kiss of death on Scott Peebles, he told the world that Mike Hunt was not qualified and if you voted for him the depar tment would fall apar t. he was wrong The Augusta Southern Nationals Drag Boat Race was recently touted as the 2nd event to the Masters in bringing in two million in revenue to the community. In it’s heyday family oriented people in the area would attend to enjoy the racing of around 125 boats. Today, the respectable families have left and about 60 boats showed up this year. After operational costs of supplies, etc. have been paid out of the proceeds, bow big of a check is cut for the Area 9 Augusta Special Olympics Charity. Is it more than the $3,000 check two years ago? The charity depends on this check as their main revenue to operate their non-profit yearly. Too bad the thousands of patrons who pop $3 down for a beer (many times all day), can’t reach into their pocket for $1 to put in a large envelope to send to the charity official presenter.





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