Metro Spirit 06.07.2012

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LINE LOCK So I guess they want to heal the scars of all the Sandusky victims, (and the reputation of the entire school), by knocking down or razing the place where the abuse happened. Well now imagine if we did that to all the Catholic churches where so many abuses occurred! Makes just as much sense now, doesn’t it? Ruffin is a walking ad for Planned Parenthood. What a tool.

I heard that Steven Tyler and Jennifer Lopez were fired, uh, err, I mean, “quit” American Idol last week to “pursue other interests.” The rumor mill story is that J-Lo was seeking $17 million for another seasons worth of A.I. “work.” Well, now that she’s unemployed, maybe she would like to come to Augusta and try to get an hourly gig at that Starbucks facility when they open it up circa 2014. $17 million?.....for what? When are you people going to wake up and smell the coffee (no pun intended)?

Have something you want to get off your chest? Send your whines to whineline@themetrospirit. com. If you do so by noon on Friday, you might just see it in the next Thursday’s issue. Oh, and whines may be edited for content but will pretty much be printed exactly as you type them.


I will make a prediction. If downtown augusta continues on it’s non progressive path of violence downtown and the powers that be keep getting rid of live events, concerts, live music, clubs, basically no support for local arts and entertainment,downtown augusta will be the next REGENCY MALL GHOST TOWN.

I have a whine about the new wendys commercial. the real wendy is on there talking about how good the quality of their burgers are,etc,etc. I bet the real wendy wouldnt be caught eating a wendy’s hamburger.she eats caviar and has a gold plated mercedes. notice on the commercial she aint eating anything. wendy’s might stay around if the real wendy would dress up like the sign at the restaurants.I doubt this will happen. Who told Josh Ruffin that he was a political analyst? His rambling, incoherent character assisination of Mitt Romney. is so naive and sophomoric that it’s laughable. He seems to be more intent on sounding radically intellectual by making up zany, incomprehensible metaphors than in making any kind of rational sense. When a sentence is comprehemnsible, he resorts to the same naive rationalizations and insipid left-wing, venom-spewing rhetoric that I suppose he was taught over at the Che Guevara School of Journalism. I hope his poetry makes more sense than his columns.


Monday July 16, 8:12 AM

Sunday July 15, 12:14 PM

I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired of the New England Patriots! Tom Brady - The Golden Boy...who cares? Tom amd Gisele this, Tom and Gisele that...who cares? And now we have 71 year old Patriots owner Bob Kraft and his 32 year old “actress” / girlfriend / gal-pal / paramour / FWB / goldbricker / love interest. I’ve got two words for you Mr.Kraft - CA$H GRAB! Enough! Oh, and this just in - GO PACKERS! Who allowed the people to grow a garden in the middle of the sidewalk on Broad St? Chief James is a liar. He said that there would be NO delay in responses, yet he failed to meet compliance and an apartment burned to the ground because he didn’t have any vehicles close by. He even admitted they were late. What are you going to do if the church across from the collapsed station catches fire. You have no chance in getting there in time. Maybe you should spend more time learning that there are other resources in the county and I’m sure that there are places you could post your fire trucks to make sure those of us living near that station are protected. So the Bain-rich Romney lied about his work years where he tucked in monies and pushed out American workers. I shudder to think how low he would drop America if the nightmare comes true and his billion dollar Super Pac buys him the election. The radio guru attacks the victim on a personel level rather than the criminal who’s record reflects being fired for stealing when he was a cop . now he is video taped breaking and entering . When confronted he lied in writing about his actions but because He grew up in the same neighborhood as the radio host a simple diversion technique to initiate a Pavlovian trained audience to Shakes their head up in down In positive response to the criminal rather than the victum is used! Sandusky BTK Buddy ect... Gotta love human nature! Is it just me, or does the former owner/operator of Hill Drug come off as a real jerk? Why was he so “sneak-ative” (his word) about the store closing? Didn’t customers and employees deserve a little more than a few days’ notice after decades of loyalty? Shouldn’t we have a choice in where our prescriptions are sent? Why should we continue to use his services when he so blatantly and purposely violated our trust? ....may be edited for content BUT will pretty much be printed EXACTLY as you type them..... BS! Just goes to show, every Liberal paper know Big Brother is watching. Josh ruffin is the babbling rambling bob beckel obamanation of the spirit. Would love to see a spirit debate between that bafoon & mr. Rhodes. Also the lefty whiners need to check their own peeps in office that want to expand government instead of always wasting their time on the GOP/conservatives because they don’t know anything else.

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The RCBOE’s consolidated budget for fiscal year 2013 totalled over $500 MILLION. The widely-reported $238M budget is an operational budget which does not include interest, capital and other expenditures. These three areas of expenditure are budgeted to consume over $250M of taxpayer funds in FY13. Ouch! The 1st Friday shootings are an unfortunate result of cultural influence . You can’t repair a broken culture over night... Most people are horrified at the shootings.. Some are proud or excited by them ... The goverment can’t fix this... So amusing that everyone is dancing around what everyone knows happened after First Friday last week. A bunch of black gang members engaged in gun play. We quit going to First Friday in warm weather many moons ago when it was apparent as the Sun went down there were a bunch of people we just didn’t want to be around. You can’t blame the Arts Council - the event had been over for an hour. You can’t blame the retail stores - they were long since closed. You can’t blame F & B - again these outstanding young folks weren’t dining out. You can’t blame the RCSD - they would be called profilers or worse for doing their job. You CAN blame the Black community. Clean up your act and try parenting and practicing responsibility, that would be a novel idea. I play local music with a band. we have played for downtown augusta for many years for first fri/augusta common/riverblast. ive talked to many folks involved in downtown events many times about booking events/playing live events. this incident with 1st fri shouldnt be the end of the world event. Proper planning, earlier time curfew, great live local bands on every street corner, vendors, are the key to continuing first friday. If the criminals win and shut down first friday, downtown will become regency mall. Well I see that Austin has proclaimed himself a Constitutional Scolar who knows Constitutional law better than the Supreme Cours Justices. Now, exactly where did he do his qdvqncedn studies on the Constitution and the Law? I don’t think one or two years of college qualifies a person as an expert, but hey, in todays age of realism TV anything is possible.


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