The MC Press Issue 06

Page 9



sensibilities and his Italian co-workers penchant for depicting cheap, lurid violence gradually wears on his psyche, until the boundaries between the film world and the real world begin to blur. The film's

4. The Comedy (dir: Rick Alverson, USA)

March 1 8, 201 3

hallucinatory climax may prove unsatisfying to those who like their endings to make some sort of logical sense (losers), but for the rest of us (champion fighters) it will leave you pleasantly unsettled.

of Being A Shithead. It protects me on the surface while the inherent emptiness of irony slowly chips away at whatever Or, “How I Learned to Stop Caring and internal meaning I still carry within me. Lol, Embrace Aging Hipster Douchebaggery.” jk, you get the idea. This is why Rick Because I have black-rimmed glasses and Alverson’s magically unpleasant film, The wear a beard, I can make faux-provocative Comedy, appealed to me. statements like, “I’m really getting into the "People deal with the transformative cinema of Adam Shankman void in an abundance of these days” or, “If I actually put any effort ways and Swanson and into my art projects they’d fucking blow his band of disconnected your mind” and be rightly labelled a hipster, chuckle-fucks have found at least in the sense that I’m shrouding their temporary high: myself in a mist of irony. I traffic in irony. I relentlessly messing with am equipped with a +5 Irony Shield and people. " wear it into the constant self-imposed battle

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