The Manna February 2013

Page 29

A Friend With No Distractions By B.A. Timmons

Then, after two glorious years together, I got my driver’s license and started working summers. I became occupied in the kitchen of a restaurant in Fenwick Island most nights and weekends. I made new friends in the restaurant, got busy in school, started dating, and slowly neglected to spend what little time was left with my best friend Andy. Mine is not the first story of friends taking different roads and losing touch. I didn’t plan to neglect my friendship with Andy. Life crept in and got in the way in a manner that was difficult to control. It was only after living another 35 years that I now realize what Andy and I had and how precious it was. Those friendships do not come along often. Our lives were simple and uncluttered, and we had all the time in the world to devote to each other. It was a season in life that eventually passes for all of us, and now we fight to devote

a significant amount of time to any one relationship. Believers fight in the same way to devote time to God. We are occupied with a host of things as adults. Our lives are not uncluttered. It is not necessarily a fault of ours; it is the nature of life. We are stuck dealing with the concept of time. We only have so much. Time for God is not an issue, however. Having the inconceivable ability to be 100% devoted to each one of us 100% of the time, He is not distracted by His work, His other friends, or His responsibilities elsewhere. This is fortunate for us, as we are distracted by a host of other necessary responsibilities. But He has abilities that we will never have. He is always there, always available, and inseparable from us. His life is completely uncluttered. He is, like Andy, the best of friends.

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A wise man, which built his house upon a rock. Matthew 7:24


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