Performance Management in 2012

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Interviewee name: Dr. Feng Cai Qiu/Frank Qiu Title: -Executive Director/Senior Partner -Chief Expert of HR Management -Expert of Performance Management Researcher of Global Telecommunication Talent Management Organization: Singapore Empower Consulting Group Pty., Ltd. Country: China Continent: Asia

who promotes this concept in China. I think that Performance Management is helpful to individuals, families and organizations since I practice it myself and have experienced its benefits. That is the reason why I do it. However, in China, the concept has not been driven, instead, there is more pain, resentment, resistance and rejection.

3. What are your thoughts on the relationship between Performance Management at organizational, departmental and individual level? I do not agree with some of the arguments put forward by Western countries on Performance Management. Their process involves setting goals at the organizational level, then breaking them down at the departmental level, followed by having the departments complete the goals Thus, in China, the concept of Overview and missions by way of allocating tasks to Performance Management varies with 1. What does the term Performance different people; each approach has sectors and finally passing them down to Management mean to you? Different groups understand the value in practice and is feasible. When it the employees. As a result, the goal of the concept of “Performance Management” comes to the group’s point of view, from entire organization can only be achieved if in different ways. In China, the different the Performance Management’s essence the individual staff members complete the concepts are combined and selected in and processes to its role on management tasks that are assigned to them. I think that order to suit the political and environmental decisions, we should consider it from this method of Performance Management is only half of the picture. conditions before putting them into different angles.. In China, the other half relates to practice. According to my research in 2. What drives interest in relationship dynamics; it is impossible to Europe and North America on the practice make a conclusion as to whether it should be of Performance Management in China, I Performance Management? In reality, the Chinese public is not the individual priority or the organizational think several features should be mentioned: First, from the group perspective, interested in this topic, it is actually quite priorities, because sometimes individual Performance Management is a synergy of critical of it. HR might be interested, and Performance Management is superior to individual, family and organization. The the researchers may be more interested in organizational Performance Management. cooperation and effect among these three it. Most of the staff has a negative feeling In this case, when designing a Performance parties contributes to a sustained high towards Performance Management, and Management system, we should use the performance in an organization. Second, leaders in industries are not interested in it. bottom-up method instead of top-down one, which means the organization Performance Management is an integral activity. From the vision Most of the staff has a negative feeling is at the mercy of Performance and target design to the process towards Performance Management, and Management at the individual level. In this case, the organization control, to result evaluation and then to the final achievement, leaders in industries are not interested needs to do some adjustments the whole process is a closed in it. According to our survey within and optimizations according to the individual needs, goals and circle. People in China generally accept this point of view. Third, China, nearly 50% of the employees internal commitments. By doing from the finance perspective, and organizations have low recognition this, the entire organization can achieve high performance and Performance Management is a control system. The CEO treats and satisfaction towards Performance organizational goals. From this perspective, in it as a system in which different Management. order to ultimately achieve the strategies can be applied and implemented; HR treats it as a tool which According to our survey within China, nearly organizational performance, individual can explore employees’ abilities to achieve 50% of the employees and organizations performance, should be a focus. This their targets, allowing them to cooperate have low recognition and satisfaction relationship is often present in the hightech and traditional businesses. This is with the organization; employees treat this towards Performance Management. Personally speaking, I am very interested especially important now for a number of as a tool which can make their work clearer, more organized through a higher degree of in this topic because I am both a researcher reasons: “career boredom” from people and a practitioner, and I am also an expert who started their careers in the 1980s and planning. 18

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