July 2010

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july 2010


When the King Speaks

The Cycle of Prayer

part 3

Discernment & Peace



FEATURES 7 THE CYCLE OF PRAYER - part 3 Prior to His death, burial and resurrection, Jesus prayed, “I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do. But even though Jesus had finished His assignment, there was and is more work to be done. 11 WHEN THE KING SPEAKS The world is full of men and women who have sought the mind of the King and found the words the King wants to speak. They faithfully dispense those sayings to us and the Holy Spirit in us confirms the truth of their words. 15 Discernment and Peace When we are not in peace we have no discernment! Our minds and hearts are filled with fear and are perplexed at what we see unfolding before us. This is just how fear is meant to manifest in us.


Prayer Matters Magazine 3 July 2010


july 2010

Q&A Session




Book Reviews





On The Cover: One of the greatest gifts we have is the privilege of praying to the Father, made possible by the sacrifice of His Son Jesus.

July 2010 4 Prayer Matters Magazine


“One of the most unique prayer programs for churches that I have ever seen”

“This program changed the way that I pray for people” “I love the fact that me and my family are being prayed for every day because of Prayermap”

“Every pastor in America should use this tool to get their congregation to pray”

“wow” “I can’t believe that they don’t charge for this”


JULY | frontline

“opportunities for you”


This month I will use Frontline to reach out and offer some opportunities for you. Would you like to be a part of Prayer Matters Magazine? Would you like to be a part of a team that loves to encourage and bless other people? Here are some volunteer areas for you to consider: • • • • • •

Editor Experienced Writers Testimony Department Graphic Artist Information/Research Assistant Advertising & Promotions

If the Lord leads, contact us at contact@prayermattersmagazine.org for more information. Have a great July! v RICK THORP, Publisher

PRAYER MATTERS MAGAZINE is a premier online publication that educates, empowers and engages Christians around the world. It challenges readers to take responsibility to advance the Kingdom of God. The mission of PMM is to equip individuals to become more effective in prayer, fasting and spiritual warfare. To submit an article to be considered for publication; if you have comments or questions; or for advertising opportunities, email: contact@prayermattersmagazine.org Copyright Notice: The written and visual contents of this magazine are protected by copyright. Excepting translations, you may not reproduce our articles online or in print without first obtaining written permission. Once you receive permission, inform us where and when the article will be reprinted. Prayer Matters Magazine articles cannot be reprinted without obtaining permission and notifying the magazine. Prayer Matters Magazine is a ministry of The Joshua Group. Copyright © 2010 Prayer Matters Magazine. All Rights Reserved. 5

Prayer Matters Magazine 3 July 2010

Need Prayer? Click here to submit your request


(part 3)

By Rick Thorp

Prayer is more than a lineal form of communication between God and man. Just like the seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, prayer is cyclical. It begins with God’s heart and desires which He speaks directly into our spirits. Then, we as His representatives on earth, pray, declare and proclaim those desires from the physical realm, releasing our faith back to God to accomplish His work. He speaks from the spiritual, deposits the word into the physical, and by our voices, His desires are released back to Him from where they originally came from.

Why does God have to use the physical realm to accomplish His agenda? The study begins with creation and the charge for man to take responsibility and dominion of the earth. During creation, the Spirit of God (Ruwach Elohim – God’s Breath) was blown over something that was formless and empty (Genesis 1:2). God took a part of His spiritual being, put words to it and created something that would eventually be seen by humans. God breathed, then spoke, then the physical came forth. The first cycle of prayer begins when God takes His Breath / Spirit and speaks from Heaven into our spirits. The second cycle of prayer has to do with the actual words that God speaks to us. It can best be described by using the analogy of Jesus as God’s Word. God placed so much credence on His decision for man to dominate the earth, that after the sinful fall of man, the only way reconciliation could come was for God to become a man Himself. Jesus was God’s manifested Word sent forth to do a work. John 17:4-5 says, “Jesus prayed, ‘I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do. And now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was’”. When Jesus, the Word, accomplished what He was sent out to do, He then returned to the Father. However, God’s spoken Word was not supposed to end when Jesus accomplished His mission and went back (continued on page 9)

to heaven. It was implanted into people who were adopted into His Kingdom. Jesus continues His prayer in John 17 and makes several profound statements regarding the word now being a part of other people besides Himself: • “For I have given to them (His disciples) the words which You have given Me; and they have received them…(v8a) • “I have given them Your word…”(v14a) •

“As you sent Me (the Word) into the world, I also have sent them into the world” (v18)

“I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word” (v20)

word through His Spirit. These words help us move and operate in our everyday affairs as well. Jesus reassured His followers that after He was gone, the Spirit would speak to them. “ 13But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on His own; He will speak only what He hears, and He will tell you what is yet to come. 14He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you. 15All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you.” John 16:13-15.

“When God speaks a word, it is spoken for a purpose. He never speaks in vain.”

The second cycle of prayer is God’s word spoken to us. Similar to Jesus Christ the man as God’s Word manifested on the earth, it continues to dwell in Jesus Christ’s body, the church. God breaths, then speaks words from Heaven and plants those words inside of His children by His Spirit. Once the word is established in us, it becomes part of the earthly realm and is ready to be activated by faith and released back to Him. How does God speak words to us? Certainly we have God’s Word in the Holy scriptures. The Bible is our life-blood and our guide and we must always remain in alignment with it. We also are blessed to be able to hear God’s

In John 14, Jesus said, 15”If you love me, you will obey what I command. 16And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever— 17the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you know Him, for He lives with you and will be in you.

Then in verses 23-26, 23“Jesus replied, “If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. 24He who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me. 25 ”All this I have spoken while still with you. 26But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. The Holy Spirit, implanted in us, gives us words to speak and words to pray. When He was poured out on the day of Pentecost, the Bible states in Acts 2:4 that people began to speak in unknown tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. The Greek word for utterance means “to speak out, speak forth, pronounce”. The Spirit of God dwells in us and He gives words for us to speak. When God speaks a word, it is spoken for a purpose. He never speaks in vain. The words are birthed in us from the Spirit, uniting with us so they can accomplish God’s work through us.


Prayer Matters Magazine 3 July 2010

ally releasing God’s will into the earth through our spoken words. We are carriers of God’s Word. His Breath is inside of us. His Word is living in us. When we release His Word with faith, it activates His power into the physical realm then does the work which it was sent to accomplish. God’s Word is spoken, then manifests itself so that the Word can fulfill its mission. We are an intricate part of God’s will to transform people’s lives. We are His representatives and His voice is heard through our mouths. This begins the third cycle of prayer - human representatives of God, speaking His desires by prayer, proclamation and declaration. God uses our voice to move His agenda forward, however, if we don’t speak, His agenda is dampened.

We, as Christ’s body, are the only ones who can pray on the earth. Right now, we are His only representatives dwelling in the physical realm. Moses is gone; King David had his time; the Apostle Paul already passed through and countless others before us. Their missions are over. Just like Jesus had to come from the spiritual They cannot pray anymore. We are the ones realm and pass through the physical realm to acwho release God’s power into the earth. It’s up complish God’s plan, the words that God births to us to listen, then act. in our spirits must be prayed, spoken and declared on earth. What if Jesus, God’s Word did We possess the very power of God inside of us. not manifest in the physical form? What if He If we can grasp that fact, nothing can stop us never left Heaven? What if all of humankind from doing anything God desires to do on the had no way to reconcile with God after the fall earth. Prayer is such a vital key to moving God’s of Adam and Eve? This would be an unthinkagenda forward. Let’s realize that we, as God’s able scenario. But praise God, He had a plan, earthly representatives, are an integral part of and by releasing His Word on the earth, the the cycle of prayer. plan was fulfilled. Next month will be the conclusion of this seWhat if God asks you to pray for a certain perries as we discuss how faith makes the cycle of son and you don’t? What if the Spirit speaks prayer complete. v to you about interceding for someone about a certain situation - and you decide not to do it? Pastor Rick Thorp is the FoundWhat if God asks you to go into spiritual warer and President of The Joshua fare for someone and you can’t find the time? Group, a multifaceted prayer Those are tough questions, but it proves the ministry that includes PrayerMap - a unique prayer program point that we are not here just to bounce along for churches; Prayer Matters through life - we are here for a purpose. Our prayers are vital in God’s agenda. When God plants His words inside of us, we must release them from the physical realm and send them to do their work We must move His plan forward by birthing the words that He gives us. It’s bigger than ourselves. Prayer is not a simple activity we do when we want something or are going through tough times. Prayer is actu-

Magazine; Pray-For-A-Million Project; and Prayer Move America – an intercessory prayer curriculum. He is an ordained minister and has been in church leadership for over 31 years. Pastor Rick is a passionate writer, speaker and teacher with a mission to spread revival and the power of God to the saved and unsaved alike. He resides in Tacoma, Washington, USA, with his wife Jennifer; has a daughter Ashley and two grandchildren. For more information, go to: www.thejoshuagrouponline.org

July 2010 4 Prayer Matters Magazine


When the King When the King speaks, people listen. EF Hutton has nothing on the King. If a mere businessman can garner complete respect and active listening followed by the doing, how much more clout should the King of the Universe carry? The King is speaking. Are we listening and hearkening to His word? The King is speaking daily, weekly and monthly as we gather at our places of worship and in our own homes. The King is speaking to ministers. The King is speaking through prophets. In today’s age we can tune into what God is saying by electronic communication devices. The world is full of men and women who have sought the mind of the King and found the words the King wants to speak. They faithfully dispense those sayings to us and the Holy Spirit in us confirms the truth of their words. We are in a world where our King still speaks. Are we ready to listen? Do we believe that God is actively and personally speaking to us directly and through his gifts to the Body of Christ - the Apostles, Evangelists, Prophets, Pastors and Teachers? The Hebrew word malak (maw-lak) is to reign; to ascend the throne; consult; be made or set up as king to rule; to be a king or royal. Our Bibles are very clear about kings and royalty and how they ruled over the people of God. Specific statements are voiced about those who did "what was pleasing to the LORD" and those who "did what was evil in the sight of the LORD". Do we take the words in the Bible as a charge as to how we should serve our King? Are we concerned about doing evil or good in His sight? We are told in our Bibles not to leave the presence of the King too quickly, yet how many of us are ready to run to the next "gig" awaiting our presence as soon as the benediction at church is given? How many of us really sit in praise and worship or during the ministering of the Word of God as if in the presence of the 11

Prayer Matters Magazine 3 July 2010

King or His ambassador? Do we listen intently to every word? Do we wait attentively until He is finished speaking and ponder what He is saying? In the natural realm, we would never

get up and leave the king’s presence without permission, or ignore Him or fail to at least give full attention to His command. Yet do we sometimes fail to recognize when the King is speaking to us? In the forgetting are we missing out? Are we minimizing the words coming forth from the pulpits across the nation? When the human mouth stops releasing words, the King is still speaking. The King is augmenting in our hearts the words He gave His oracle to deliver. There is often more in depth, more personal fruit to be gained if we continue to listen long after leaving church. The King wants His words to penetrate our core being. He wants to touch the very heart of who we are. But are we listening? After all, a sword is designed to pierce and cut - is it not? That is what the Word of God

Speaks is meant to do. It is to separate us from Him. It is to divide between flesh and soul and soul and spirit. We do not want to admit that we have hard, rocky, tough, or impenetrable places in our core being, however that callousness in us will continue unless we listen to the Word of God and let it do what it alone can. There are places in our soul that only the continuing voice of the King can reach. There are things we only understand to be outside of the Will of the King by paying attention to what He is saying. If we ignore or deny what the King says, we also deny the healing, grace and power that comes from hearing His Words. The King is still speaking. He is saying things we need to hear. The book of James says we are to be doers of the word and not hearers only. Many of us, brothers and sisters alike, are hearers only. Today, we can choose to hear. And in the hearing, we can choose to do and be. Our King can talk, we can listen, and we can benefit from what we hear. Try this next time you are in church, watching a televangelist or finishing a personal bible study. Before you leave, be sure you ask the King: 1. What do you want to say to me based upon what I learned today? 2. How does this word apply to my life? 3. What shall I do with what I have heard? 4. How can I obey you today, based upon what I have heard? You have a chance today to declare that you want to be a doer of the Word and not a hearer only. The one who does something with what they hear from the King is blessed. The par-

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able of the sower shows that whatever we allow the Word to do in us is determined by us. We can have it multiply good in us or let the enemy take away what we gained. It is upon each to do something with the word we hear from the King. When the King touches you in the middle of a service, in your prayer time, or just when you contemplate the beauty of nature - listen. When you hear His voice, reply. Know that He is speaking to you in order to provide you with an opportunity to grow in the characteristic or direction He has spoken. He will tell you things so you can do them. He will teach on love, grace, righteousness and goodness. He will teach you. Will you listen? Will you do? What has the King spoken to you lately? Are you endeavoring to do the word of the King? I encourage you to sit in the presence of the King until He speaks to your core, to your heart; when you hear His voice and get clarity on what you are to do. When the King speaks, every Christian should be front and center ready to listen. Hark! Listen. Pay close attention. Do you hear Him? The King is still speaking. v Diana L. Snead is a licensed evangelist and teacher as well as the Founder and President of Clefted Rock Ministries. She received her ministerial license November 16, 1995 after delivering the first of many powerful messages from the heart of God. Her mission is to “break yokes, pierce hearts, change minds, and transform lives through the power of the Word of God”. Mrs. Snead serves enthusiastically in her church body as administrative assistant for the evangelist team, is a Bible College instructor and a member of the personal ministry team.

July 2010 4 Prayer Matters Magazine


Q JULY | q and a

What does ‘hallowed be thy name’ mean?


Prayer Matters Magazine 3 July 2010

A JULY | q and a

“Hallowed be thy name” means, “holy is the name of the Lord.”

In this context, “hallow” (Greek “hagiazo”) means, “to render or acknowledge.” Thus, to hallow God’s name is to render due regard; to say, “I acknowledge your name above all other names.”

The American Heritage Dictionary defines hallowed as, “sanctified; consecrated; highly venerated”. To hallow is “to make or set apart as holy. To respect or honor greatly; revere”. In simpler terms, we often use hallowed to refer to someone whom we should treat with awe and respect because they deserve it. v

July 2010 4 Prayer Matters Magazine


DISCERN When we are not in peace we have no discernment! Our minds and hearts are filled with fear and are perplexed at what we see unfolding before us. This is just how fear is meant to manifest in us. Once we are in fear, our thoughts are fo“And the God of peace will crush Satan under your cused on what fear wants us to see feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be and not on what God wants to do. with you. Amen.” Romans 16:20 Satan is afraid of us walking in the peace of the Lord because he knows that only then will we be focused on what the Lord is doing and what He has promised. Satan knows that when peace I have always loved this verse! Maybe it’s beis allowed to arise within us then peace begins cause there seems to be war over my life to acting as a rod of steel in our spirits with our steal that peace on an ongoing basis...as with most of us. But I have always loved the stabil- soul and body in agreement. The result is that we are standing on the promises of our Rock, ity and power I feel when I speak it, not only to Deliverer and Savior, and nothing will sepathe circumstances that are trying to take that rate us from His hand. As in the case of Daniel, peace, but that with each declaration my very even if it means staring into the face of a lion! soul is fed and nourished as this verse becomes manifested within my DNA - the Word becomPeace and discernment walk hand in hand. ing flesh. Peace keeps our ears inclined to the voice of the Lord and our footsteps ordered by Him. The Peace of our Lord is the supernatural peace that enables a child of God to stand in distress- Peace keeps us informed of what lies ahead as the Lord reveals His leading. Peace is that baful circumstances. We have all encountered rometer in our spirit that says, “walk this way” times of instability when what had been the or “stop, go no further.” Paul knew well how to normal day-to-day activities of our lives have operate in this peace. been disrupted or have been threatened and we no longer know what the future may hold. If we haven’t learned how to declare and stand in Acts 16:6-10 says, “Now when they had gone through Phrygia and the region of Galatia, they Romans 16:20 with the understanding that the were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach the enemy of our soul is afraid of the peace of God operating in our life, then times will be over- Word in Asia. 7 After they had come to Mysia, they tried to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit did whelming and the hearts of many will fail. not permit them. 8 So passing by Mysia, they came down to Troas. 9 And a vision appeared Luke 21:25-26 say, “And there will be signs in to Paul in the night. A man of Macedonia stood the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, and pleaded with him, saying, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” 10 Now after he had the sea and the waves roaring; 26 men’s hearts seen the vision, immediately we sought to go failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for to Macedonia, concluding that the Lord had called us to preach the gospel to them.” the powers of the heavens will be shaken.”


Prayer Matters Magazine 3 July 2010

MENT & PEACE By Deborah Cozzetti

There is no more time to say, “someday I’ll learn to apply peace to my life.” The Word says, “…the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly.” God will respond to you being in peace. He is aware of ALL that comes to contend with you. Peace prepares the way for God to send His answer into your battle. His promise is that His peace will CRUSH Satan under your feet! We read in Luke 21:25 that one of the signs of the end times will be nations in distress. Nations are people groups. You do not have to look far to find people in distress. We are no longer waiting for the end times to arrive, we are in them. Those who will be able to walk in peace are those who are able to discern the times and walk in the knowledge of the Lord who orders their footsteps. The walls of the church are coming down and God is sending His people into the marketplace to advance His Kingdom. That is where ministry is happening. Christians must understand current events to know how to apply scriptures to the events and see God’s perspective. God meant for His children to have the answers for the nations that find themselves in distress because they do not have the understanding of the times. These are great days for intercessors to rise up and declare the purposes of the Lord! It is these intercessors who know how to walk in peace and discern the times; who are able to pray the prayers that bring things into the light; intercessors that can walk into places of darkness and lawlessness with the peace of God and dispel the works of evil. Let us heed the warning and admonition in Jeremiah 12:5: “The Lord answers Jeremiah, ‘If you have run with the footmen and they have wearied you, then how can you contend with horses? And if in the land of peace, in which you trusted, they wearied you, then how will

you do in the floodplain of the Jordan?’” Jeremiah had grown weary of seeing the wicked prosper, the land mourning from the fruit of evil and a people who had forgotten the ways of their God. God’s answer to Jeremiah was to learn to stand in Him. In this passage He was telling Jeremiah that things were going to get even worse and he’d better learn to stand now or else he would be overcome in the future battle. We live in the days of remarkable unfolding of prophetic times and events, but be of peace. God knew exactly what He was doing when He ordained us to be alive during these times. We have been designed by Him to stand in these days. If troubles are still overtaking you… check your peace barometer. Give God the opportunity to crush the works of Satan in your life under your feet. Sharpen your discernment by knowing and living by His Word. Intercessors, these are the days you were made for. Rejoice! Make the Peace of God your daily garment. v Deborah Cozzetti is Founder and President of ROAR Ministries, in Puyallup, Washington. Deborah is strong in prophetic intercession, worship and teaching the prophetic word. ROAR Ministries believes in being a voice in the community and with that, Deborah helped to start a local school district coalition named Franklin Pierce YOUTH FIRST! in 2001 and was chair for the first two years of operation. She currently is co-chair but stepped down as chair in 2003-2004 to help start a nonprofit organization on behalf of homeless and displaced youth in her county. In February of 2004, ‘Youth Resources’ became a recognized nonprofit organization. Deborah has been the Executive Director of Youth Resources since 2004. Under “Dabar Ministries”, a writing ministry, Deborah teaches the Word of God, declaring the heart & truth of the Lord and destroying the false spirit of this age. www.roarministries.com

July 2010 4 Prayer Matters Magazine




Powerful Prayer Secrets “And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write, ‘These things says He who is holy, He who is true, “He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens.” Revelation 3:7

Revelation 3:7 says that “He opens”. The Greek word means just that - to open. The Greek picture is a door or a gate. To “shut” in the Greek means to close. When something is closed, it is closed, and when it's opened, it‘s open. When God decides to open a door for you, it does not matter what common sense says; what a committee of people are saying; or even what demons from hell are saying. When God decides, based upon your prayer, that He is going to move on your behalf – His answer can't be stopped. The same principal applies when God decides to shut a door. It is needed when the enemy tries to mess with your vision, dreams, goals and desires. You pray and say, "God I need this to stop", and God says, "I'm going to shut this door, so regardless of what the devil tries to do, your vision is going to come to pass.” God shuts the enemy down. So, when God opens a door, regardless of the destruction Satan is trying to bring, he cannot destroy you. There are all types of spiritual rules and laws in the physical world. Those things are true and affect our lives, however, Revelation 3:7 makes it clear that God can and does override other spiritual laws. God will always have the final say, and when we are confronted with spiritual laws and rights that occur because of our own choices, we need to have Him open or shut things on our behalf. When God opens a door for you and man tries to shut it, there needs to be a recognition that


Prayer Matters Magazine 3 July 2010

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man or whoever is trying to stop your blessing, is not fighting against you; they are fighting against God. When He opens a door, man cannot stop what God is trying to do. In the natural, it can look like human beings are in charge of your future. You might even feel like you need to have favor with the person making decisions that will determine if you are going to get blessed or not. The normal prayer that often gets prayed is Nehemiah, "God, bless me with favor with those who are making the decision here - give me favor with them." That’s a normal prayer, but there is another option, and it’s Revelation 3:7. You can pray according to Revelation 3:7 so that regardless of what any man does, you get that blessing, that raise, that promotion - because no man can shut or stop it once God speaks. This is a prayer that overrides the will of man. You might be in a situation now or sometime in the future where the blessing has to come through somebody that doesn’t like you. The decision-maker may be someone who is at odds with you, or it may be a committee you don’t know, or it may be someone whom you don’t trust to do the right thing. This prayer is for that situation.

He's opened a door and no man can shut it. So if man cannot shut it, neither can the forces trying to get him to do it if God says otherwise. If man was going to try to shut a door against God, it would be because of the influence of a demonic force, but when God is there opening the door, there is nothing that demonic being can do but watch. What about when you need God to shut down satanic attack? God will shut the door against the enemy and no man can open it. Regardless of man's actions, will or plans against your life, he cannot stop the goals, the visions, or the dreams for your life. He can't stop it because the door is shut. He can pound and rattle the door, and we as human beings will see him, but we choose how we will respond. If we were uneducated and ignorant in the Word of God, we could scream or holler and be afraid because the enemy is there. However, mature Christians can see man or the enemy rattle the door, but still have peace because there is nothing the enemy can do but make noise when God has shut the door of destruction. Do we know the truth of Revelation 3:7? When God shuts the door to the enemy, no man can open it. Isn’t all power in the hands of God? Then when He shuts a door, no man can open it. This is about God shutting the door on anything that can bring destruction in your life. Destruction of your dreams and plans, career, finances, relationships.

“When God shuts the door to the enemy, no man can open it.”

We have angels that work for us but understand that they can get ambushed and get held up. Daniel fasted for twenty-one days and on the very first day of his fast an angel was released with the answer, but the angel couldn’t get through and God had to send out reinforcements. Jesus can't get held up. He is God. How can anything hold up God? At the very name of Jesus, demons tremble. Imagine what they do when He comes by. Therefore, when He says, "this door is open", there is not a person, force or thing that can stop it. When God moves in this way, you don't have to do spiritual warfare.

When God shuts that door, nobody can open it - when He says it's enough, it's enough. That door is shut. Regardless of when you see craziness explode, destruction cannot get in. When God says no, you can't be hurt. When other people’s decision set you up to suffer, or others

July 2010 4 Prayer Matters Magazine


JULY | 2010 are plotting against you, and you begin to experience a trial, you have a choice. Through this prayer, you can put it into God’s hands. If He chooses to open or shut the door to your benefit, they can plot and plan and scheme all they want but that door is moving in accordance with God’s word and will only; it isn’t moving because of them and what they planned is not going to work against you. God just says no. When He does, no man can open it. It's sealed. No one can stop what you and God are doing together. So, as you ponder your vision, your dreams, your ministry, your goals, or any of those things that you and God have talked about, you have the chance to ask God to open the way and keep it open to you. This applies to wherever you’re going next in your life - from today to next week to next year. As you pray for the opening of the door to your future, God can easily speak a word, “Okay, I hear you! Your career, it's going to happen" and no matter who tries to stop it, it’s going to happen. “Ok, I hear you! Your ministry is going to happen”. “Ok, I

hear you, your future is preserved.” And when He speaks that type of word, the door for His Will in your life is open and the door to the enemy is shut. God can open a door for blessings and Satan can't stop the blessings. God can shut the door against the curses and the destruction and Satan can't get to you. What a prayer! What a God! v TERRY HARRIS is the Founder and Senior Pastor of Tacoma Christian Center in Tacoma, Washington. With Pastor Harris’ leadership, the church, with over 1200 members, has been a powerful force in the city and the entire Western Washington region. After close to 30 years of vision and commitment, the church campus encompasses over 1-1/2 city blocks, and along with the sanctuary and offices, it includes a restaurant and a state-of-the-art gymnasium named Winners. In addition to operating a large church, Pastor Harris has taught God’s Word via a weekly television broadcast, serves on numerous Boards, has authored a book and continues to be a integral leader of the community.

“Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weakness. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” Romans 8:26


Prayer Matters Magazine 3 July 2010

EDUCATION | bookshelf


BOO B book

learn Prayers that Bring Change Kimberly Daniels

“Prayers that Bring Change� is made up of power filled prayers that give hope for healing broken relationships and which will result in spiritual revival both individually and cor porately. The collection includes prayers that bring promise of financial freedom in these turbulent times. Best selling author, Kimberly Daniels, has compiled a collection of actual prayers generated during seasons of prayer with her intercessor y prayer team. These prayers are centered on changing the spiritual life of the reader. They are prayers designed to revolutionize the prayer life and to produce positive life changes in the believer.


Prayer Matters Magazine 3 July 2010


EDUCATION | bookshelf



GROW study

For these and other Spirit-led books, go to www.arsenalbooks.com

Secrets of the Prophetic

Kim Clement

Kim remembers the first time he heard God’s voice, when God called him to full-time ministr y as he emerged from the waters of baptism. From that moment on, God began teaching him how to move in a prophetic gifting. In this book, you will discover amazing and practical truths about the realm of the prophetic from a man who is a prophet to the nations and who answers such questions as: W hy is the prophetic ministr y so necessar y today? How do I respond to a word from the Lord? Will God speak directly to me? Can God speak to me in different ways?

July 2010 4 Prayer Matters Magazine



EVENTS | calendar

ap penings

july~aug July 7-10 | Elk River, MN NORTH AMERICAN CONFERENCE ON TRANSFORMATION Transformation is real, it is tangible and it is happening. In Elk River, you will see it, touch it, hear it from those that are in the middle of doing it. And you will become part of it in this heads-up, hands-on transformation experience. Ed Silvoso and guests www.transformourworld.org Zabee Theater Elk River High School Elk River, MN July 8-10 |Scottsdale, AZ DEBCO ARIZONA Cindy Jacobs, Janet Porter, Jan Anderson, Rhonda Edwards azdebco@gmail.com Doubletree Paradise Valley Resort 5401 N. Scottsdale Road Scottsdale, AZ 85250 480-947-5400


Prayer Matters Magazine 3 July 2010

July 9-11 | Cincinnati, OH OPEN HEAVEN CONFERENCE Matt Sorger and Randy Rice www.lifechurchwestchester.com Cincinnati Life Church 8480 Cincinnati Columbus Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45069 513-777-4771 July 19-23 | Daphne, AL OPEN THE HEAVENS Perry Stone, Dutch Sheets, Nathan Morris www.johnkilpatrick.com Daphne Civic Center 2603 U.S. Highway 98 Daphne, AL 36526 251.621.2105 July 22-24 | Mount Prospect, IL MOVING FORWARD Chuck Pierce, Barbara Wentroble, James Nesbit, Anne Tate and Roxie Elliott www.freeindeedministries.net Northwest Assembly of God 1400 N. Milwaukee Ave. Glenview, IL 60025

EVENTS || calendar December.09 calendar

July 30-31 | Oklahoma City, OK REACHING FOR THE STARS, PULLING HEAVEN TO EARTH Patricia King and Katie Souza www.expectedendministries.com St Luke’s Methodist Church 222 NW 15th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73101 623-444-5366 August 5-7 | Everett, WA THY KINGDOM COME Bill Hamon, Chuck Pierce, Peter Wagner, John Eckhardt, Dan Hammer www.glory-of-zion.org Sonrise Chapel 11625 Airport Road Everett, WA 98204-8713 (425) 355-9129 August 19-22 | Anaheim, CA LIFE IN THE SPIRIT OUTPOURING James Goll and Munday Martin www.blessedintl.com Stadium Vineyard Building 1531 S. Sinclair St. Anaheim, CA 92806 714-446-8884

August 27-29 | Grand Forks, BC PINES BIBLE CAMP Cal Pierce www.healingrooms.com Pines Bible Camp 1005 N Fork Road Grand Forks, BC V0H 1H8, Canada 250-442-0220 info@pinesbiblecamp.com

got an event? let us know by emailing: contact@prayermattersmagazine.org

July 2010 4 Prayer Matters Magazine


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