November 2009

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Revival Anyone? 26 19


FEATURES 11 REVIVAL ANYONE? -hear the call of prayer (part 1) Everyone wants revival, right? Better said...everyone wants the benefits of revival -healing, salvation; rededication; gifts of the Holy Spirit, etc. How can you turn a desire for these things into a reality in the area in which you live? 19 TAKING TERRITORY There is always a promise of God on the pages of the Bible that is meant to be possessed. There was a physical promised land for the people of God in the Old Testament and there is still a spiritual promised land for us to gain under the New Testament authority of Christ. 26 A TERRITORIAL SPIRIT IN PRAYER Joshua’s forefathers demonstrated a spirit which demanded ownership of the land that God had given them. The Lord has predestined us to do the same thing in the spiritual -rule and have dominion over the land.


Prayer Matters Magazine 3 November 2009




17 “forgetting to pray every day is like forgetting to go to work with your clothes on. If that happens, it’s too late to go back and start again.”

20 29 9 23


On The Cover: With a troubled economy, threats of terrorism, joblessness and a general feeling of fear, people all across America are turning to God for answers. Prayer ministries and intercessors are rising up in this nation to pray for those people who seek peace of mind, knowing that Jesus Christ will save them. The responsibility of calling forth the will of God and praying for the lost is at the forefront. Will you be one that fights for the cause?

~ Image by

November 2009 4 Prayer Matters Magazine


NOVEMBER | contributors

From the desk of...

Rick Thorp is the Founder and Executive Director of a multi- faceted prayer organization called The Joshua Group. The organization serves as a covering for numerous ministries that solely focus on the promotion of Christian prayer. He has been in church leadership for over 31 years and is a licensed and ordained minister currently serving as an associate pastor at his home base, Tacoma Christian Center, a large inner-city church in Tacoma, Washington. Pastor Rick is the inventor of a unique prayer program for churches and groups called PrayerMap; is the publisher of Prayer Matters Magazine; and the Director of a grass roots movement called Prayer Move America. He is becoming known as a revolutionary figure and an influential force in the area of prayer, revival and victory, and is a popular, influential speaker that carries a strong anointing of God. Pastor Rick resides in the Pacific Northwest with his wife Jennifer, has a daughter named Ashley, and two grandchildren, Malachi and Rion. For conference, seminar or other speaking invitations, email:


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Prayer Matters Magazine 3 November 2009

ROXANNE MILES is currently the Founding Director of Purposeful Progress Strategic Solutions, which is dedicated to helping faith and community based nonprofit organizations succeed through training, group facilitation, project management and strategic planning. Mrs. Miles has been in church leadership for almost 20 years and is a licensed evangelist, leader of intercession, Bible course instructor and regular Conference presenter for women and prison ministries. Additionally, Roxanne uses her creative gifts to demonstrate God’s heart through illustrated sermons, drama and dance. She lives in Tacoma, Washington with her husband and two sons. TERRY HARRIS is the Founder and Senior Pastor of Tacoma Christian Center in Tacoma, Washington. With Pastor Harris’ leadership, the church, with over 1200 members, has been a powerful force in the city and the entire Western Washington region. After close to 30 years of vision and commitment, the church campus encompasses over 1-1/2 city blocks, and along with the sanctuary and offices, it includes a restaurant and a state-of-the-art gymnasium named Winners. In addition to operating a large church, Pastor Harris has taught God’s Word via a weekly television broadcast, serves on numerous Boards, has authored a book and continues to be a integral leader of the community. ANTOINNETTE WILLIAMS currently serves on the Board of Directors of The Joshua Group, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting Christian prayer, where she also holds the office of Secretary. Mrs. Williams is an active leader of her local church for nearly seven years where she is an evangelist, Bible College teacher and lead intercessor. She uses her powerful gift of ministering the Word of God to empower and inspire people to become all that God has predestined them to be. Antoinnette impacts the Kingdom of God by sharing her ministry gifts at Women’s Conferences, Intercessor Seminars and area churches. She lives in Federal Way, Washington with her husband Michael.

NOVEMBER | frontline



My first recollection of praying was when I was about the age of five. My Grandma Thorp took us kids, sat us down on her bed and led us in the “sinners prayer”. I think all of us had accepted Jesus as our Saviour three or four times by the time we were six years old. She was a true servant of the Lord and even though she went home to Jesus when I was fourteen, I have no doubt that her prayers for me have remained ‘active’ my entire life. As I have gone through many trials over the years, I often think of my Grandma Thorp, and I can’t help believe that God’s favor has been on me due to her prayers of decades ago. Praying with faith creates life. And that life will continue until it reaches its fulfillment. I think we focus on the here and now, but we need to remember that God is God, and He will answer our prayers according to His perfect timing - whether we are alive or not. With that said, I dedicate this first issue of Prayer Matters Magazine to my beloved Grandma Thorp. Grandma, I’ve been seeing the answers to your prayers for over forty-five years. RICK THORP, Publisher

PRAYER MATTERS MAGAZINE is a premier online publication that educates, empowers and engages Christians around the world. It challenges readers to take responsibility to advance the Kingdom of God. The mission of PMM is to equip individuals to become more effective in prayer, fasting and spiritual warfare. To submit an article to be considered for publication; if you have comments or questions; or for advertising opportunites, email: Copyright Notice: The written and visual contents of this magazine are protected by copyright. Excepting translations, you may not reproduce our articles online or in print without first obtaining written permission. Please contact us to obtain his or her written consent. Once you receive permission, inform us where and when the article will be reprinted. Prayer Matters Magazine articles cannot be reprinted without obtaining permission and notifying the magazine. Prayer Matters Magazine is a ministry of The Joshua Group; Copyright © 2009-2019 Prayer Matters Magazine. All Rights Reserved. November 2009 4 Prayer Matters Magazine


NOVEMBER | testimony

Answered Prayer If you abide in Me and My Word abides in you, you will ask what you desire, and it will be done for you. - Jesus

On the day before Christmas 2008, I was diagnosed with Leukemia. Earlier that month, after an annual physical my doctor informed me that my white blood count was slightly elevated. I was referred to an oncologist, and after repeated blood testing which showed rapid elevation of Karen Lewis the white blood cells, it was suggested that I have a bone marrow study done. When the results came back it was confirmed that I had the disease. I was told that my treatment would be chemotherapy, in the form of a pill, and it would be something that I would have to take for the rest of my life. This news was something that I really couldn’t receive. I told the doctor, “no, not the rest of my life”. But even though I had faith in God, I can’t say that I wasn’t afraid. The truth was that, at first, I really was afraid, but all I thought about was that I will not die of cancer like my mom did!

was, “Karen we are going to beat this!” I strongly believed that. I knew I needed support, so I surrounded myself with strong prayer warriors at my church. They began to pray in agreement with me for TOTAL healing. An important breakthrough was when I attended a Friday night church service and my Pastor had an altar call for people that desired demonic forces to be gone for good in their lives. I went forward with confidence that I was healed and that the spirit of infirmity would never return. As time passed by, the scriptures that I consistently declared were Isaiah 53:5 - “and with his stripes we are healed”, as well as Psalms 118:17 - “I will not die, but live to declare the works of the Lord”.

The moment that we had been praying for finally arrived. In June 2009, I received a call from my doctor saying, “Mrs. Lewis according to your most recent test, there is no evidence of Leukemia in your I remember not wanting anyone to know. My hus- body.” Hallelujah….. the POWER of Prayer and band and I didn’t share the news with our children Declaration of God’s word. - Karen Lewis v right away because it was so close to the holidays. I wanted this to be between me and God at the time. I didn’t want people feeling sorry for me and I didn’t want to hear any stories about cancer or death. In my mind, death was not an option. My family needed me here and I still had work to do for God. So I began to pray, “Lord help me to get through this and show me who will walk in faith with me.” Through time, God gave me a peace about who to share the situation with. I met with my Pastor first, and the thing I remember hearing him say to me 7

Prayer Matters Magazine 3 November 2009

NOVEMBER | testimony


lmost five years ago, Kacee, my then 13 year old daughter became ill with what appeared to be flu-like symptoms - fatigue, body aches, etc. She came home from school that day and I knew immediately something was wrong. What I did not know was that the course of my life, her life and our destinies were about to be changed. Within hours she was unable to speak coherently; she was hallucinating, and within days she was unable to speak or walk. Within a week, she fell into a coma. An unknown virus had attacked her brain and the doctors did not know how to stop it. During that time - I prayed! I asked God for forgiveness for not treasuring my daughter as completely as I could have. I thanked Him for allowing me to have her in my life and if it was time for her to go, then I said, “Okay God”. I heard my Heavenly Father say, “She is not going to die, but thank you. Thank you for your apology and for recognizing the precious gift that I have given you.” From that point on, we entered a realm of the natural and the spirit that I can only call amazing. My daughter was still in a coma, there was no evidence of healing and the report of the

doctors was not good. BUT GOD said she was going to live and not die and I believed His report! She was hospitalized for six months. During that time she underwent numerous tests some that had never even been done before at Children’s Hospital. She underwent several procedures including a tracheotomy that helped to begin her path to recovery. She spent four months on a ventilator, in and out of consciousness and after four and a half months she was weaned off heavy medication and alert enough to move to the rehabilitation unit. There she began her part of the journey. She believed God for her healing, but knew that she had some work to do. She had daily physical therapy and speech therapy. Some days we cheered together and some days we cried together. We knew God had a plan and we were determined to see our part through. My daughter had to learn how to walk, talk, read, write and all the little things we take for granted. BUT GOD was true to His Word. Despite the reports of the doctors and what we saw in the natural, what God was doing was supernatural and everyone knew it. The doctors knew, the nurses knew and anyone who visited

her during that time knew they were taking part in something miraculous. My daughter is now 18. She is a senior in high school, graduating in the top of her class. She plays on the Varsity Volleyball team, is active in church, teen leadership and the community. She will graduate and go on to a four year university with aspirations of becoming a Pediatrician. Last night she had the honor of competing in a local pageant where she shared her testimony with a packed audience bringing many to tears. When you are in a faith fight, whose report will you believe? My daughter put her faith into action and God met that faith with the miraculous. I chose to believe the report of the Lord AND GOD showed many through this experience that He is good, and His mercy endures forever! - Lisa Woods v

Kacee Woods

Have a testimony? Email to find out how you can share your miracle in an upcoming publication.

November 2009 4 Prayer Matters Magazine


November.09 | knowledge

99 Names of

JESUS A dvo c ate (1 John 2:1) A lmi g ht y (R e v. 1:8; Mt . 28:18) A l ph a and O me ga (R e v. 1:8; 22:13) A men (R e v. 3:14) A p o st le o f o ur Pro fession (Heb. 3:1) A toning S ac r if ice for o ur S ins (1 John 2 : 2 ) Author o f L ife (A c t s 3:15) Author and Per fe c ter o f o ur Fai th (Heb. 1 2 : 2 ) Author o f S al vat ion (Heb. 2:10) B e g inning and E nd (R e v. 22:13) B less e d and onl y R uler (1 T im. 6:15) B re ad o f Go d (John 6:33) B re ad o f L ife (John 6:35; 6:48) B r ide g ro om (Mt . 9:15) C a pstone (A c t s 4:11; 1 Pe t . 2:7) C hie f Cor nerstone (E ph. 2:20) C hie f S he phe rd (1 Pe t . 5:4) C hr ist (1 John 2:22) C re ator (John 1:3) Deliverer (R om. 11:26) E ter n al L ife (1 John 1:2; 5:20) Fai thf ul and Tr ue (R e v. 19:11) Fai thf ul W i tness (R e v. 1:5) Fai thf ul and Tr ue W i tness (R e v. 3:14) First and L a s t (R e v. 1:17; 2:8; 22:13) Firstb or n From the De ad (R e v. 1:5) Firstb or n over all c re at ion (Col. 1:15) Gate (John 10:9) Go d (John 1:1; 20:28; Heb. 1:8; R om. 9 : 5 ) Go o d S he pherd (John 10:11,14) Gre at S he pherd (Heb. 13:20) Gre at Hi g h Pr iest (Heb. 4:14) He ad o f the C hurch (E ph. 1:22; 4:15; 5: 2 3 ) He ir o f all th ings (Heb. 1:2) Hi g h Pr iest (Heb. 2:17) Hol y and Tr ue (R e v. 3:7) Hol y O ne (A c t s 3:14) Hop e (1 T im. 1:1) Hop e o f G lor y (Col. 1:27) Hor n o f S al vat ion (L uke 1:69) I A m (John 8:58) Im a ge o f Go d (2 Cor. 4:4) Imm anuel (Mt . 1:23) J ud ge o f the liv ing and the de ad (A c t s 1 0 : 4 2 ) K ing E ter n al (1 T im. 1:17) K ing o f I srael (John 1:49) K ing o f the Je w s (Mt . 27:11) K ing o f k ings (1 T im 6:15; R e v. 19:16) K ing o f the A ges (R e v. 15:3) L amb (R e v. 1 3:8) L amb o f Go d (John 1:29)


Prayer Matters Magazine 3 November 2009

L a m b W i t ho u t B le m i s h ( 1 Pe t . 1 : 1 9 ) L a s t A d a m ( 1 Cor. 1 5 : 4 5 ) L i fe (Joh n 1 4 : 6 ; Col . 3 : 4 ) L i g ht o f t he Wor ld (Joh n 8 : 1 2 ) L ion o f t he Tr i b e o f J ud a h ( R e v. 5 : 5 ) L i v i n g O ne ( R e v. 1 : 1 8 ) L i v i n g S tone ( 1 Pe t . 2 : 4 ) L ord ( 2 Pe t . 2 : 2 0 ) L ord o f A l l ( A c t s 1 0 : 3 6 ) L ord o f G lor y ( 1 Cor. 2 : 8 ) L ord o f lord s ( R e v. 1 9 : 1 6 ) Ma n f rom He ave n ( 1 Cor. 1 5 : 4 8 ) Ma s te r ( L k . 5 : 5 ; 8 : 2 4 ; 9 : 3 3 ) Me d i ator o f t he Ne w Cove n a nt ( Heb. 9 : 1 5 ) M i g ht y G o d ( I s a . 9 : 6 ) Mor n i n g S t a r ( R e v. 2 2 : 1 6 ) O f f s pr i n g o f Dav id ( R e v. 2 2 : 1 6 ) O n l y B e go t te n S on o f G o d (Joh n 1 : 1 8 ; ) O u r Gre at G o d a nd S av ior ( T i t u s 2 : 1 3 ) O u r Hol i ne s s ( 1 Cor. 1 : 3 0 ) O u r H u sb a nd ( 2 Cor. 1 1 : 2 ) O u r P ro te c t ion ( 2 T he s s . 3 : 3 ) O u r R e de m pt ion ( 1 Cor. 1 : 3 0 ) O u r R i g hte o u s ne s s ( 1 Cor. 1 : 3 0 ) O u r S ac r i f ice d Pa s s ove r L a m b ( 1 Cor. 5 : 7 ) Powe r o f G o d ( 1 Cor. 1 : 2 4 ) P re c io u s Cor ne rs tone ( 1 Pe t . 2 : 6 ) P ro phe t ( A c t s 3 : 2 2 ) R a bbi ( M t . 2 6 : 2 5 ) R e s u r re c t ion a nd L i fe (Joh n 1 1 : 2 5 ) R i g hte o u s B ra nch (Je r. 2 3 : 5 ) R i g hte o u s O ne ( A c t s 7 : 5 2 ; 1 Joh n 2 : 1 ) R o ck ( 1 Cor. 1 0 : 4 ) R o o t o f Dav id ( R e v. 5 : 5 ; 2 2 : 1 6 ) R u le r o f G o d ’s C re at ion ( R e v. 3 : 1 4 ) R u le r o f t he K i n g s o f t he E a r t h ( R e v. 1 : 5 ) S av ior ( E ph . 5 : 2 3 ; T i t u s 1 : 4 ; 3 : 6 ; 2 Pe t . 2 : 2 0 ) S on o f Dav id ( L k . 1 8 : 3 9 ) S on o f G o d (Joh n 1 : 4 9 ; Heb. 4 : 1 4 ) S on o f Ma n ( M t . 8 : 2 0 ) S on o f t he Mo s t H i g h G o d ( L k . 1 : 3 2 ) T he O ne Me d i ator ( 1 T i m . 2 : 5 ) T he S tone t he b u i lde rs re j e c te d ( A c t s 4 : 1 1 ) Tr ue B re ad (Joh n 6 : 3 2 ) Tr ue L i g ht (Joh n 1 : 9 ) Tr ue V i ne (Joh n 1 5 : 1 ) Tr u t h (Joh n 1 : 1 4 ; 1 4 : 6 ) Way (Joh n 1 4 : 6 ) W i s dom o f G o d ( 1 Cor. 1 : 2 4 ) Word (Joh n 1 : 1 ) Word o f G o d ( R e v. 1 9 : 1 3 )

32 NAMES God November.09 | knowledge


1. JEHOVAH: LORD Yahweh is the covenant name of God. 2. EL: God “mighty, strong, prominent” 3. ELOHIM: God a plural noun 4. EL SHADDAI: God Almighty, All Sufficient 5 ADONAI: “Master’’ or “Lord” 6. JEHOVAH-JIREH: “The Lord will Provide.” 7. JEHOVAH-ROPHE: “The Lord Who Heals” 8. JEHOVAH-NISSI: “The Lord Our Banner.” 9. JEHOVAH-M’KADDESH: “The Lord Who Sanctifies” 10. JEHOVAH-SHALOM: “The Lord Our Peace” 11. JEHOVAH ELOHIM: “LORD God” 12. JEHOVAH-TSIDKENU: “The Lord Our Righteousness” 13. JEHOVAH-ROHI: “The Lord Our Shepherd” 14. JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH: “The Lord is There” 15. JEHOVAH-SABAOTH: “The Lord of Hosts”

16. EL ELYON: “Most High” 17. ABHIR: “Mighty One” 18. BRANCH: (tsemach), The Branch 19. KADOSH: “Holy One” 20. SHAPHAT: “Judge” 21. EL ROI: “God of Seeing” 22. KANNA: “Jealous” (zealous) 23. PALET: “Deliverer” 24. YESHUA: “Savior” 25. GAOL: “Redeemer” 26. MAGEN: “Shield” 27. EYALUTH: “Strength” 28. TSADDIQ: “Righteous One” 29. EL-OLAM: “Everlasting God” 30. EL-BERITH: “God of the Covenant” 31. EL-GIBHOR: “Mighty God” 32. ZUR: “God our Rock”

November 2009 4 Prayer Matters Magazine


NOVEMBER | revival anyone?

Revival Anyon By Pastor Rick Thorp


his series of articles is for three kinds of people: those that desire a powerful manifestation of the Holy Spirit in their region; those that desire a powerful manifestation of the Holy Spirit in their own lives; and those that don’t know exactly what revival is, but want to find out. Revival is real. Revival is active. Revival is for today. You can experience it in your own lives and see it first hand if that is what you desire. Over the next few months, we will discover what revival is all about and what it takes to literally change the spiritual landscape of an area.

Planted by God I was born and raised in the beautiful Pacific Northwest of the United States. My parents’ house sits at the foothills of the Cascade Mountains in the State of Oregon. I grew up on a farm with chickens, cattle, pigs, dogs, cats and an occasional horse. I have a lot of fond memories from my childhood. One that sticks in my mind was that my dad would occasionally head out to the barnyard to catch a couple of chickens to butcher for dinner that night. Of course, my (continued on page 13)


Prayer Matters Magazine 3 November 2009


NOVEMBER | revival anyone?

(part 1)

November 2009 4 Prayer Matters Magazine


NOVEMBER | revival anyone? mom was the master fried chicken chef! I used to climb trees, scale cliffs, wade rivers and build a lot of forts. I remember digging a giant hole in the chicken yard and making an underground place for us boys to hide. We would do things that most people wouldn’t have dreamed of, like peeling bark off of trees to bag up and sell for extra money; or watching your dad’s buddy blow a giant hole in the side of an old abandoned Volkswagen with a homemade cannon. Those were the days. The stories that could be told about my childhood would fill a book by itself. I was definitely a country boy through and through.

city, I will start acting like a “suit” again. Regardless of my current city ties, it will never take away from the fact that my roots are embedded deep into the country landscape of Oregon. If you haven’t noticed, it rains a lot in Oregon. I remember that right out of high school I headed to Southern California and worked for a construction company. After a few months of swinging hammers in the sunshine in Los Angeles, I surprisingly started to get lonely for the rain. One time, there was a sprinkle, and even though it was hard, I could smell the fresh scent of rain through all of the smog. It made me want to go back home -back to my roots.

Somehow, over the years however, the Lord put me in the city. Now I make my home near Seattle, Washington. It too is beautiful. But of course the difference of living on a farm and living in the city is obvious. The closest thing to taking a hike in the woods is to get out of bed, throw some clothes on and walk to Starbucks. Tall buildings and the hum of factories in the distance take the place of big fir trees and cattle mooing at a dairy. Yes, once upon a time a country boy, I’m now a true-blue man of the city. I guess you would call me a ‘human hybrid’.

Why am I telling you all of this in an article about revival? It has to do with planting. God places a special sentiment in our hearts for someplace on the earth that we can call home. He plants us in certain places and gives us a sense of ownership so that we will carry out what He has called us to do in that area. He places us somewhere that we can call home; someplace that we can protect and do some planting of our own. And even those that bounce around from place to place, whether due to job location, military service or something else, He still puts a place My wife jokingly reminds me that my country in your path that becomes closest to your heart. blood kicks in when we go to visit my parents. I start slowing my speech down while I simulta- He has been giving territory for people to posneously pick up a twang. There is just something sess since the creation of man. Adam and Eve that changes when you get away from the hustle were told to have dominion over the earth (Genand bustle of the city. I tell her not to worry esis 1:26), to tend to, and protect the Garden of because when we get within 50 miles of the big Eden (Genesis 2:15). Abraham was promised a land of his own (Genesis 15:18-21) and was told to take possession of it (Genesis 15:7). Later, that land, through Joshua, would be occupied by Abraham’s offspring. Possessing a land of your own is very important to God, otherwise He wouldn’t have ordained it for the people of Israel. God set up a system thousands of years ago that carries on to this day. The obvious difference from the days of old compared to today is that the occupation and possession of land, regions or cities, no longer means physical territories, but spiritual ones. When we talk about possessing the land and defeating our enemies, it refers to the spiritu-


Prayer Matters Magazine 3 November 2009

NOVEMBER | revival anyone? al realm, not the physical. This is because of the work of Christ and the new dispensation that we live in because of what was accomplished on the Cross at Calvary. You have heard of the terms, “taking the land”, “possessing the land”, “defeating our enemies”, and “having dominion”; these are terms relating to the physical land of the Old Testament, but also relate to the spiritual land of the New Testament as well.

my privacy!” “How dare they steal what wasn’t theirs!” That’s the kind of feelings I have about spiritual enemies coming into my city and region. How dare these forces of darkness come to my “house” (city, land, region) to kill, steal and destroy. This is where I live; this is where I was born and raised; this is where my family dwells; I feel VIOLATED and I am mad!

Like Adam and Eve, we are supposed to tend to and protect the land that has been given to us. Like “God has been giving Joshua, who had to take the land by force, we are to territory for people to stand up and demand victory. God plants us in areas where we are supposed to stake a claim and expossess since the ercise spiritual dominion. We are supposed to take ownership of our territory and oversee that area creation of man.” with a vengeance -just like we would our own home. What does this have to do with revival? EveryWhy does God plant us in certain areas? Why does thing! I pray for revival and God’s Spirit to manifest He give us that sentimental spirit of “home”. The because I want my city and my region to be a place answer is that, just like Adam and Eve, and later, the children of Israel, He wants His people to be responsible for what He has given them. He wants us to be serious about our possession. He desires for us to occupy, with authority, the territory that He has blessed us with so that we will take an active part at developing that spiritual land for His glory. If we don’t care about what He has given us, then we won’t protect it and our “enemies” will come to occupy it for us. Just like the Hebrew people being held captive by the Egyptians, we will be held captive to the forces of evil in our own region. I briefly talk about my upbringing to make the point that I get angry at spiritual darkness overtaking the region where I live; I take it personally; I claim it as my own and I am responsible for taking care of it. It has been given to me by God; He has given me authority over it; therefore, I get mad at seeing the effects of the devil in our communities. I get upset when false religions and anti-Christian sentiment settles in my town. I am disturbed that the enemy is holding people in bondage and blinding them from the truth.

where God dwells and is glorified. I want to see people saved, and healed and set free from addiction. I want to see the area in which I live be a place that enjoys peace, prosperity and freedom. I want to see the fruit of the Holy Spirit manifest in people of my region. This is my house and I desire God’s fullness to dwell here. That’s why revival is so important.

Do you know someone whose house was broken What is revival? into? One of the first things that you will hear them Jesus revolutionized the world. He obliterated the say is, “I feel so violated!” “Someone broke into my way things were and brought in the way things were home, snooped around, stole my property and I am going to be. Forty days after His resurrection, He so mad I’d like to scream!” “How dare they invade stood in front of His closest confidants to say that November 2009 4 Prayer Matters Magazine


NOVEMBER | revival anyone? He had to leave. He said that he had to go back to the Father, but before He left, He reminded them that John baptized with water, but shortly, the Father would baptize them with the Holy Spirit and that they would receive power (Acts 1:1-9).

mother of Jesus, and with His brothers.” The word “supplication” is the Greek word de’esis. This word is used sparingly and is a yearning of great proportion. It is a plea; a genuine entreaty; it implies a realization of need and a petition; a seeking. That word paints the picture that they had an extremely After Jesus’ ascension, the Apostles then went deep yearning for God with a great expectation of back to Jerusalem, and along with others, began what He was going to do. The need was extreme, to pray and seek God. They must have been emo- even to the point of poverty in their spirits. tionally exhausted. First of all, their lives were transformed by being a part of the historical ap- Once the Day of Pentecost arrived and the prompearance of the Messiah; then they experienced ised Holy Spirit came forth, the world was never to all of the ups and downs of ministry such as wit- be the same. Now, instead of God being outside of nessing supernatural miracles on one hand, to be- people, He became an internal part of them with ing threatened by people who wanted to kill them the fullness of the Holy Spirit. The man Jesus on the other. Then it was the excruciating experi- wasn’t here to dwell on the earth anymore. Now, ence of seeing their loved one murdered right be- the very Spirit of God would dwell in people who fore their eyes; to the ultimate glory of seeing Je- boldly occupied the earth for Him. Now, human sus raised from the dead; then back to seeing Him beings would be able to be one with the Father just leave again; and now, waiting in earnest for an in- as Jesus prayed prior to his crucifixion (John 17: credible promise of the Holy Spirit. After all of this 20-21). Just like Jesus transformed history, the Holy Spirit has done the same. He dwells in us. He gives us power. We are to use that power to advance the Kingdom of God on the earth. We are to use that power to “possess the land” that He has given us. The day of Pentecost and the development of the early church meant many things, but the preeminent characteristics of that time were: 1. Salvation in mass 2. Baptism of the Holy Spirit 3. Physical healing 4. Casting out of demons 5. Signs and wonders People were being saved in droves; receiving the Holy Spirit; speaking in languages that they didn’t know; being miraculously healed; being set free from demon possession and oppression; being raised from the dead, and on and on. This was the beginning of the Age of the Holy Spirit. and more, I would imagine that the times of prayer and supplication they had in the waiting were ones of complete and utter yearning. Acts 1:14 states that, “These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women and Mary the 15

Prayer Matters Magazine 3 November 2009

What is revival? It is getting back to something that once was. It is ‘reviving’ something that took place before. It is experiencing the unrestrained manifestation of the Holy Spirit just like the people experienced during the day of Pentecost. It is

NOVEMBER | revival anyone? Holy Spirit, along with supernatural manifestations, is for today. The ridiculous theological arguments remind me of how the Pharisees and Sadducees wagged their fingers at Jesus. I have seen and heard just about every explanation under the sun about how the move of the Holy Spirit is not for our time. Many declare that it is actually a big deception of Satan. I guess if that is the case, the power of the enemy didn’t die out like the skeptics claim the Holy Spirit did, because it’s clear to me that Satan is still doing tremendous damage in the world today. If there was no longer a need for the power of the Holy Spirit, then Satan’s activity would not exist. being immersed with the power of God. Revival is getting back to the purity of the Holy Spirit as if it was the first day He was sent to the earth. There was a great need for God to move this way then, and the same need, and solution, continues today. This kind of experience requires a spirit of repentance and brings salvation in mass, physical and emotional healing, deliverance from bondage, baptism of the Holy Spirit; and supernatural manifestations of God such as prophecy, speaking in unknown tongues and seeing miraculous signs and wonders.

Revival is needed today. The manifestation of the Holy Spirit was not meant to last for only a few decades within the early church. He desires to manifest in all of His fullness today. He is simply looking for a people that are desperate for Him and will do what it takes to see the fullness of His glory. We have been planted in certain areas of the earth and have been charged to take care of it. It is time for us to step up to that responsibility, bring our regions into alignment with and for God, by beginning to pray for revival and true transformation.

Why do we want to revive that which was lost? Next month we will look at how to begin to bring Why do we want to see this kind of manifestation forth revival in our land. v of the Holy Spirit? Why do we want to get back to that kind of purity? Its because we want our land Questions? Comments? Email: to be healed; we want to see our family, friends, co-workers and neighbors saved; we want to see sick people healed; we want evil strongholds to be broken so that our children and grandchildren can grow up in an area of righteousness; we want our cities to be a haven of peace; we want people to find God; we want righteousness to prevail! The same Holy Spirit that was alive and well in the early days of the church is alive and well in our world today. He hasn’t left; He hasn’t died off; He hasn’t stopped manifesting miracles. God is just waiting to find a people that will yearn for him as deeply as the Apostles and disciples did as they were pleading for His outpouring. It’s sad that many discount that the baptism of the November 2009 4 Prayer Matters Magazine


MINISTRY | spotlight

People of P Eddie & Alice Smith | Eddie & Alice Smith Ministries Eddie and Alice Smith are the founders of the U.S. Prayer Center in Houston, Texas, and are internationally-known authors and speakers, each year crisscrossing America and circling the globe equipping Christian leaders in retreats, seminars, and conferences in areas of prayer, spiritual warfare, spiritual mapping, deliverance, leadership and other Christian disciplines. Prior to beginning the U.S. PRAYER CENTER in 1990, Eddie and Alice served 16 years in itinerant evangelism, and 14 years in the local church. They are known as America’s Prayer Coaches, and in addition to speaking and writing, they offer a 52-week free Internet course on prayer that serves to train Christians worldwide who have few resources. Their books include the titles: Help! I’m Married to an Intercessor, Strategic Prayer, Beyond the Veil, Delivering the Captives, and others. Eddie and Alice reside in Houston, Texas and have 4 children, Julia, Ashlee, Robert and Bryan. For more information about Eddie and Alice, go to their website at


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Prayer Matters Magazine 3 November 2009

MINISTRY | spotlight

Prayer Pastor Tommy Hatcher | Prayer Tower Ministries Prayer Tower Ministries is headquartered in Tacoma, Washington, USA which includes their Church in Tacoma as well as over thirty churches spread throughout Belgium, France and The Netherlands. Pastor Hatcher started his first church in Coevorden, Netherlands in 1993 and has influenced countless people for the Kingdom of God. He was born in Okahumpka, Florida, and his wife, Judith was born in Panama. They are missionary-minded people, each speaking several different languages, ministering the gospel all over the world. As noted by the name, “Prayer Tower” is a place of prayer. Pastor Hatcher is a humble man of God that oversees and participates with his congregation in a plentiful schedule of consistent prayer, intercession and fasting. Other areas of ministry include Transitional Housing, Nursing Home, Feeding Ministry, Christian Academy, Men’s Ministry, Women’s Ministry, Vacation Bible School and Tutoring Program.

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To nominate people & ministries of prayer. email November 2009 4 Prayer Matters Magazine (supply email address of nominees)



NOVEMBER | taking territory

aking Territory By Roxanne Miles

So Joshua said to the Israelites, “how long will you wait before you begin to take possession of the land that the Lord, the God of your fathers, has given you?”


here is always a promise of God on the pages of the Bible that is meant to be possessed. There was a physical promised land for the people of God in the Old Testament and there is still a


Prayer Matters Magazine 3 November 2009

(Joshua 18:3)

spiritual promised land for us bedience, Moses wasn’t able to to gain under the New Testa- bring the people into the land, ment authority of Christ. but Joshua, his successor was. “So Joshua took the entire land, God empowered Moses to bring just as the Lord had directed His people out of Egypt. He led Moses, and he gave it as an inthem based on a promise for heritance to Israel according to a new land that would belong their tribal divisions.” (Joshua to God’s people. Due to diso- 11:23). Joshua was able to

NOVEMBER | taking territory mark the territory on a map and say, “Okay, everyone, go take what God says is now yours.” For years the Israelites had waited to receive the blessing, but now that it was time, we see them hesitating. They are now in this land of promise, but still acting as guests, and some even ready to be enslaved, or incorporated into the existing villages and towns. But that wasn’t what God had in mind. He told them to possess the promise. Would they do it? We see in verse 18, Joshua is still pushing them to make a choice. Further, in Chapter 12, Joshua begins the passing of his “torch”, and reminds the generation to follow that God himself will drive the enemy out of the way. He tells them, “God will push them out before you, and you will take possession of their land, as the Lord your God promised you.” Victory is sure….”if ”. If what? If the people of God take action. If the people of God choose to possess. Joshua’s charge to future generations was for them to be strong because they would need to fight. He told them to obey without turning to the right or left because God would order their steps safely. They were not to serve other gods or assume the habits, values, or behaviors of the world they were living in. They were to hold fast to things of God. In short, when God was sending them into the territory, it wasn’t to blend in. It wasn’t to ask for a green card, or work visa or to just pass through, it was to fully possess the land and set up rulership according to God’s order and heritage. And if they went about that business, Joshua further promised that “no one would be able to withstand you”; “one of you routes a thousand because the Lord your God fights for you.” If they believed enough to “go

for it”, they were promised not to fail. When Jesus came, He stated throughout the gospels that He was establishing God’s Kingdom on earth. God’s Kingdom is full of promises for believers today to possess. God’s Kingdom is full of His people who are meant to be strong and courageous and to possess the land. We are not talking about walking into your neighbor’s home and claiming it for your own, but we are talking about possessing all the promises God’s Kingdom has in it for the good of our nation. The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof. It is His footstool. Will we prayerfully bring His power and Kingdom forth so it can be seen more readily in our everyday lives? Will we confidently believe that if we refuse to except the way of the world and expect a new report from Heaven that our prayers can bring them forth? God’s history demonstrates that He is ready to move and He just needs a strong and obedient army to yield to the call. He needs a generation to possess the land. The prayer of Jabez (I Chronicles 4:10) is often favored by Christians because we focus on the blessings we desire to call down into our lives. “Bless me indeed!” is truly God’s heart for us. However, we need to look at the motive of Jabez in his plea to understand why it touched God. “Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” Why is this simple prayer so enticing to God’s ears? It is a blessing to be chosen by God to be used to expand His territory. The territory He gives to you, just like to the Israelites, is meant to be a means of increasing God’s influence here on earth. This expanded territory brings more of the earth’s resources under His authority and rule. He gave us the job of possessing; of taking hold of everything in this world and using it for God’s intended purposes. He wants us to make that choice. He put the world under man’s control to yield according to mans November 2009 4 Prayer Matters Magazine


NOVEMBER | taking territory

Recommended reading: Beyond Jabez by Bruce Wilkinson

will, with the hopes that man’s will would be God’s own. Giving an understanding Believer more territory to possess is one way of getting this world to line up with God’s Kingdom.

me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” (I need protection because I know that there will be retaliation; I am in this to make things better and not worse!) When we decide to pray about changing ownership rights The enlarging of territory takes to territory, we need to be ready work. Just like the Israelites to enter a fight and follow God’s couldn’t just show up and have im- strategies to victory. mediate power, we have to know what territory we are moving into Do you want to take more territoand why. We have to know who ry for God’s benefit? Do you beis in the territory and what God’s lieve that a praying body of Christ plan is. The Israelites had to would allow for us to more fully choose not to merge with the ex- possess the promises of God now, isting people and structure; they and not just in the hereafter? had to commit to follow God’s direction in order to build strong Do you believe that if the Body and productive cities; they had to of Christ prayed more, that we choose to inherit and possess the could more fully experience God’s land and not just be a guest. We promises now and not just in have the same choices today. the hereafter? Let us follow the charge of Joshua and be that genPossession is a choice that re- eration. Let us pray the prayer of quires a commitment. There Jabez for the enlargement of the were good reasons for the rest of Kingdom of God. Let’s do it toJabez’s prayer: “Let your hand be gether and see what happens. v with me” (Lord I cannot take this territory alone! You have to go ahead! I have to be going where Questions? Comments? Email: you want me to go!) and “keep 21

Prayer Matters Magazine 3 November 2009

Revival won’t come... unless we pray.

Be a part of something big.

“ This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests which we have asked from Him.” 1 John 5:14,15

November 2009 4 Prayer Matters Magazine


NOVEMBER | prayer secrets

(12) Twelve Powerful

Prayer Secrets

(part 1)

By Pastor Terry Harris

Hebrews 11:3 states,

“Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God.” “So that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” The worlds and the universe were made by the Word of God! The principle that needs to be understood is that God does not do anything in Heaven or in earth unless He speaks it first. He speaks it, and then it creates the blessing. God’s Word creates whatever He desires for it to create. God’s power is in His Word. God speaks and it happens. If you can get God to speak, it’s a done deal! If He says it, then know it’s going to happen. Through faith we have this understanding: Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). God looked out and there was nothing, but because He be23

Prayer Matters Magazine 3 November 2009

NOVEMBER | prayer secrets

lieved that whatever He said would happen, He spoke and guess what? Boom!...Saturn. Boom!... the Moon. Boom!...Stars. How’d that happen? He just spoke. Everything that you see was made by the Word of God. Nothing was in existence. Nothing! He spoke and things came into being. Look at every verse in Genesis chapter 1. What does it tell you? “And God said.” He wasn’t working; God was just speaking! How hard was creation for God? Day, darkness, night: He just said it. Water? He just said it. . In Genesis 1:31, God looked around at everything that He had made and beheld that it was very good. He saw that everything that He spoke had come to pass and He called it all good. What the scripture states is absolutely incredible. The “worlds were framed by the Word of God so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” That means there were no particles of anything. He literally created dust. God, with His power and His Word, spoke and all the phenomenal things in creation happened.

When you know that God has spoken, and you understand Hebrews 11:3 as well as the first chapter of Genesis, then there is a peace that comes into your being. It won’t matter what is going on around you, or what others are saying, or what the situation seems like. When you know that God has spoken the victory, it just doesn’t matter what the circumstances are.

Because we are meant to be imitators of God, we need to be doing the same thing As believers, if we pray, “God all I need You to do is just say the Word”, we can have a confidence that the answer is coming.

If God says something to you, you can take that Word and rest with it. It makes faith easy when you know that God has spoken. God’s Word causes action in the earth. The earth is the Lord’s and whatever He says, it has to do it.

What if He speaks something for you? Do you A great example in the New Testament was when think it would come to pass? Of course it would. Jesus was walking and a Roman soldier came up Therefore, the first Powerful Prayer Secret is: to Him and said, “my daughter is sick, but Jesus, you don’t have to bother to even come to my If you can get God to speak, house; all you have to do is just say it and I know that she will be healed.” And twenty miles away, His Word will come to pass! a healing took place because it’s about the spoken Word and belief in that Word. Jesus was moved One of my favorite prayers is, “God I just need because somebody understood the power of His you to speak the Word…speak the Word into this Word. He sent the man off and basically said, situation for me.” There are times when I storm “it’s a done deal!” The power was in His Word. the gates of Heaven. I will pound and pound and God loves it when His people will take Him for pound at the throne room while saying one thing, His Word. He loves being believed. “I just need you to speak!” “I need you to speak into this challenge.” “I need You to speak into In order to get blessed, God must speak. To get this situation.“ “God, I just need you to speak a that breakthrough, to get that miracle, you need Word.” “If You speak it, I know it’s done!” God to speak. Isaiah 55:11 states, November 2009 4 Prayer Matters Magazine


NOVEMBER | prayer secrets “So shall my Word be that goes forth out of my mouth, it shall not return unto Me void. But it shall accomplish that which I please. And it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” He promises that the Word He speaks shall not return void. God is saying that when He speaks a Word, it is not going to come back to Him and say, “Hey God, it didn’t work”. “I was sent by you. I’m your Word, but I got here to the situation and then changed my mind!” God says that His Word will never come back to Him with any excuse, with any reason of why it did not happen. Any Word that God speaks does not return to Him unfulfilled. People may try to stop a Word from happening, but God will accomplish that which He pleases. We need to pursue the Word with faith, and then it cannot return void back to God. We must stay on course, and if we do, the Word that God speaks shall accomplish a blessing. There will be things that occur in the physical realm to make it happen; things will change so that the Word of God can be proven true. The Word goes into the earth, the situation, into a blank atmosphere and then things just start showing up. Situations begin to change. People begin to change. Decisions begin to change. That’s the Word of God working. He sends His Word into things and His Word prospers in the thing where He sent it. Pray this: “Father God in Heaven, I ask that You will speak a Word into...(lay out whatever it is). In Jesus Name.

January 23, 2010

Faith Prayer Fire

Tacoma, Washington For Conference Details

This Powerful Prayer Secret only takes seconds, but with faith, miracles happen and breakthrough occurs because God’s Word never comes back void. v Pastor Terry Harris is the senior pastor at Tacoma Christian Center in Tacoma, Washington. For more information go to:

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Prayer Matters Magazine 3 November 2009

One Day Will Change Your Life

November.09 | calendar

A Territorial Spirit In Prayer By Antoinette Williams

Just as Joshua’s forefathers demonstrated a spirit which demanded ownership of the land that God had given them, he had an understanding about what it meant to possess a region, land and territory. He was ordained to rule over a specific area. The Lord has predestined us to do the same thing in the spiritual realm -rule and have dominion over the land. To claim or protect a region, we must rise up in that territorial spirit of Joshua. As intercessors, we are to take dominion over the territory that the Lord has given us. As we begin to look at the earth as a gift and responsibility given to us by God, as Ambassadors for Christ, we then begin to take ownership of what is rightfully ours.

is your inheritance”. Then Joshua ing, but utterly destroyed all that went after what was rightfully his. breathed, as the Lord had comWhat did he have to do to possess manded.” the land? He had to fight for it! But even though he knew he had How do we dominate a region? to fight, he also knew that he had We “destroy” our spiritual enevictory. mies through prayer and spiritual warfare. God’s will is for us to pray, As it goes with Joshua, so it goes intercede and fight on behalf of In God’s commission to Joshua, with us. God has given us land the people, our region, land, and He states, ”From the wilderness (spiritual land); He has equipped territory. We are to take hold of and this Lebanon as far as the us for the battle; we must move what rightfully belongs to us. He great river, the River Euphrates, and take action to dominate the gives us many examples of how to all the land of the Hittites, and land. do this in His Word. to the Great Sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your When we align our will to the Our Lord is the same yesterday, territory. No man shall be able to Lord’s assignment for a specific today and forevermore. Therefore, stand before you all the days of territory, then just like Joshua, His expectations are the same. your life; as I was with Moses, so we must partner with our King Just as he told Joshua to take the I will be with you. I will not leave and begin to enter it in a strong land, let us grab hold of our area you nor forsake you. Be strong and and courageous manner. Joshua and spiritually possess it with auof good courage, for to this people 10:40 says, “So Joshua conquered thority. v you shall divide as an inheritance all the land: the mountain counthe land which I swore to their fa- try and the South and the lowland thers to give them” (Joshua 1:4-6). and the wilderness slopes, and all Questions? Comments? Email: The Lord reminds him saying, ‘this their kings; he left none remainNovember 2009 4 Prayer Matters Magazine


Q November.09 | q and a

Does God hear everyone’s prayers?


Prayer Matters Magazine 3 November 2009

A November.09 | q and a

Isaiah 59:2 But your iniquities have separated you from your God; And your sins have hidden His face from you, So that He will not hear. Psalm 66:18 If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear.

3John 9:31 Now we know that God does not hear sinners; but if anyone is a worshiper of God and does His will, He hears him.

1 John 5:14-15 Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.

Questions? Comments? Email: November 2009 4 Prayer Matters Magazine  



EDUCATION | bookshelf

BOO B book

learn Prayer Shield

How to Intercede for Pastors, Christian Leaders and Others on the Spiritual Frontlines C. Peter Wagner Right now, someone you know is in desperate need of your prayers. It’s the person out on the front line, leading God’s army into the world to proclaim His good news. Pastors, teachers, and all types of leaders are under severe attack from the enemy. And they’re depending on the prayers of those who care to help see them through.

The enemy knows where our leaders are vulnerable, and he strikes at their weakest points. But the greater power is on our side. Through intercessory prayer you can reinforce your leaders with God’s strength and protection. If we aren’t praying, though - if intercessory prayer is missing - the full extent of God’s power is often stifled in the lives and ministries of our leaders. They can’t do it alone. Someone must “pray the price.” Prayer Shield is a field manual to help you become that person - to help you step into the gap and intercede for your pastor or leader. It will show you if you have been called to intercessory prayer and provide step-by-step instructions on how to do it. You will learn: The Biblical basis for intercessory prayer ~ Who is and isn’t an intercessor ~ Why leaders themselves often don’t pray enough ~ How to recruit prayer partners ~ The three types of personal intercessors.


Prayer Matters Magazine 3 November 2009


EDUCATION | bookshelf




Intercessory Prayer

How God Can Use Your Prayers to Move Heaven and Earth Dutch Sheets If God is all-powerful, why does He need us to pray? If we pray and nothing happens, does this mean that God isn’t listening? If you’ve ever felt that your prayers don’t count, Intercessory Prayer will show you just how vital your prayers are.

In this book, pastor and teacher Dutch Sheets explains the nuts and bolts of prayer with wisdom, gentleness and humor. This book will inspire you, give you the courage to pray for the impossible and help you find the persistence to see your prayers to completion. Discover your role as a prayer warrior – it can mean the difference between heaven and hell for someone you know. Endorsement Few times in history does an author capture the heart of God and create a classic that will affect generation after generation. Dutch Sheets has accomplished that with Intercessory Prayer. After you read this book, you will understand how to stand, make decrees and become the lightning of God in the earth. Chuck Pierce, Author For these and other Spirit-led books, go to November 2009 4 Prayer Matters Magazine



November.09 | calendar


NOVEMBER 20-21 | Osage Beach, MI Advanced Deliverance Seminar Rebecca Greenwood Come Join Us for two days to deepen your understanding of deliverance and setting the captive free! This will be a time of intensive training on how to conduct prophetic deliverance sessions and a training time on self-deliverance.

Tan-Tar-A Resort 494 Tan-Tar-A Dr Osage Beach, Missouri 65065 Registration 719-243-3302

alendar DECEMBER 28-31 | Kansas City, MO ONE THING 2009 The International House of Prayer onething’09 is a gathering of young adults who have set their hearts to discern the times and live with abandonment and devotion to Jesus. Come this December and join thousands of others with like heart and like mind to pursue this call to one thing.

Bartle Hall 301 West 13th Street Kansas City, MO 64105

DECEMBER 29-31 | Fort Mill, SC New Years’s Conference Rick Joyner, Lance Wallnau, Lt. General W.G. Boykin Discerning the times, especially for the church, the nations, and individuals for the coming year.

DECEMBER 2-5 | Mechanicsburg, PA School of Healing & Deliverance Randy Clark In 1994 Randy Clark was at a conference originally scheduled for 4 days, the conference later became known as the worldwide revival known as the “Toronto Blessing”. Receive a fresh impartation that will release a new dimension of revelation, along with a deep sense of confidence and resolve to pursue the deeper things of God.

JANUARY 7-9 | Albany, OR ELIJAHLIST CONFERENCE “What Is God Saying for 2010?” Dutch Sheets, Chuck Pierce, Kimberly Daniels, Denny Cline, Steve Shultz


Apostolic Resource Center 1451 Clark Street Mechanicsburg, PA 17055

Prayer Matters Magazine 3 November 2009

Heritage International Ministries, 375 Star Light Drive Fort Mill, SC, 29715

Vineyard Christian Fellowship 2110 Santiam Hwy SE Albany, OR 97322

November.09 | calendar

JANUARY 7-9 | Phoenix, AZ WOMEN ON THE FRONTLINES Patricia King, Gwen Shaw, Iverna Tompkins, Heidi Baker, Stacey Campbell, Faytene Kryskow, Linda Valen, Sharon Stone, Beth Alves, James Goll Church for the Nations Central Avenue Campus 6225 N Central Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85012 (602) 861-0000 JANUARY 17-20 | Las Vegas, NV APOSTOLIC PROPHETIC ADVANCE Chuck Pierce / Cindy Jacobs

Westcliff Campus 8100 Westcliff Drive Las Vegas, NV 89145

JANUARY 23 | Tacoma, WA FAITH/PRAYER/FIRE CONFERENCE Rick Thorp, Terry Harris, Roxanne Miles, Antoinnette Williams

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November 2009 4 Prayer Matters Magazine


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