Full IMHO Overview 2012

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IMHO Board

IMHO’s First Project!

We Believe… • That health is a human right • That health is not defined merely by the absence of disease or infirmity, but by the complete state of physical, mental, and social well being • In empowering communities and develop sustainable

health systems

IMHO is NOT a….. • Political or socio-cultural organization • Advocacy or religious group • Doctors’ club

IMHO is a… • Humanitarian aid organization • Volunteer based group • Not-for-profit agency

What Makes IMHO Unique • Volunteer nature of organization • Extensive network of proven contacts on the ground • Cultural sensitivity & understanding • Ability to fill in the gaps • Unique opportunity to use our expertise, experience to help rebuild the devastated areas of Sri Lanka • We work within the existing framework and compliment the efforts of those on the ground

Visits by IMHO Health Care Professionals IMHO provides a platform for individuals to get involved and provides tools to be successful in their mission

More than 1500 volunteers in 25 States!

2011 & 2012 Combined Efforts of IMHO USA & IMHO Canada

2011 Efforts & Financials EXPENSES • Programs: $183,437 • In-Kind: $41,375 • TOTAL: $224,812

2011 Geographic Focus (USA & Canada) Sri Lanka (88%) Haiti (4.8%) Somalia (2.2%) Egypt (2.2%) Ethiopia (1.7%) Japan (1.1%)

2012 Efforts & Financials (to-date) EXPENSES • Programs: $59,110 • In-Kind: $1,050 • TOTAL: $60,160

Emergency/Disaster Relief • Sri Lanka flood relief efforts: $18,000 • India cyclone relief: $5,000 • Somalia famine relief: $5,000 • Japan tsunami relief: $2,500 • Egypt solar panels: $5,000

Ethiopia Development Efforts • • • • • •

Shipment of 5 voltage converters: $1,605 Shipment of medicines: $3,000 In-kind medical supplies: $410 Local surgical textbook development: $2,205 Ongoing Clinical Psychology program development at Gondar Medical College Commitment to deaf education/empowerment project: $5,000

Livelihoods Support: $23,500

Kilinochchi, Jaffna, Tellipalai, Ramanathapuram, Kalmunai, & Mannar

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Story of Empowerment‌

Women’s Trishaw Driver Empowerment Project • Provided 5 three-wheelers/trishaws to trained women who will perpetuate the program

Mental Health • Kalmunai Mental Health Society: $5,800 • Jaffna Multi-Disciplinary Team: $7,000 • Jaffna Addiction Unit: $3,000 • Ongoing support for services in Manthikai and Tellipalai: $5,000

Amputee Rehab & Support • 25 Indoor wheelchairs via Jaffna Jaipur Centre for Disability Rehabilitation: $3,000

Hospital Support Jaffna Teaching Hospital • Diabetic Center Support & Development: $13,560 • Tumor Registry: $2,250 • Clothes, Support, & New Years party for child chemo patients: $1,100 • Cardiac Catheters: $5,000 • Bone marrow biopsy needles: $500

Hospital Support Batticaloa Teaching Hospital • Breast biopsy needles: $3,000 • Renal dialysis machine: $6,000 • Pneumatic calf compressor: $3,500

Hospital Support Kalmunai Base Hospital • 5 labor beds: $5,000

Hospital Support Kilinochchi Hospital • Eye surgery for 250 patients: $2,400 • Toilet repairs for Gurukulam Children’s Home: $1,500 • Elders Care for 6 months: $2,000 • Incentive allowances for doctors (8), nurses (4), midwives (7), admin assistants (3), and other staff (2) for 6month period: $8,900 • Support for in-patient care at Pediatric Unit for 6-month period: $600

Kilinochchi Hospital Eye surgery patients

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Toilets for Gurukulam Children’s Home

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Hospital Support Mullaithivu Hospital • Patients thyroid tests: $1,800 • Transport support for staff to visit peripheral hospitals: $1,800 • Meals & internet support for staff: $1,500

Ambulances & Patient Transportation • Kilinochchi: $9,800 • Mullaithivu: $11,100 • Batticaloa: $10,000

Other Projects • Orphans nutrition support in Jaffna & Mannar: $5,708 • Mobile Clinics in Sandilipay: $2,500 • Emergency furniture for Mulankavil Hospital: $3,000

Achievements of Our Partners

Selection of Dr. Sathyamoorthy for 2010 InterAction Humanitarian Award • Click to edit Master text styles – Second level – Third level • Fourth level – Fifth level

Recognition for Point Pedro Base Hospital •


The Base Hospital Point Pedro was awarded the Silver Sward (2nd place) by the National Health Excellence Award for outstanding service delivery in March 2011 IMHO USA contributed $5,000 for quality renovations

Recognition for RDHS Jaffna RDHS Jaffna (under Dr.Ketheswaran) won the Bronze Award (3rd place) at the National Health Excellence Awards


Recognition for Kalmunai Mental Health Unit

Awarded Best Mental Health Leadership by World Congress of Asian Psychiatry in Melbourne, Australia in August 2011

The Future • Continue to empower and build the capacity of our local partners • Create a more established presence in Sri Lanka

Persistent Challenges in Sri Lanka • • • • • • •

Poverty: Livelihood projects Mental Health & Psychosocial Needs Overstretched doctors and health services Lack of Allied health care staff Children: Orphans and lack of protection Single parent households Lack of vocational training

Continuing to Serve the War Displaced

Developing a NICU at Jaffna Teaching Hospital • JTH serves catchment area of approx. 650,000 – Includes highly war-affected areas of Jaffna, Kilinochchi, Mullaithivu, Mannar, and Vavuniya • 10,000+ babies delivered per annum – Approx. 20% require medical attention after delivery • 105 baby deaths in 2010 due to lack of neonatal care • High incidence of sepsis and cross contamination • Lack of facilities and overcrowding

Babies sharing incubators! • Click to edit Master text styles – Second level – Third level • Fourth level – Fifth level


Sri Lanka

Get involved! IMHO provides a platform for individuals to get involved to help others in need – Adopt a village!

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give Sir Winston Churchill

Rebuilding Iyankankulam village

How can you help? • Spread the word! Not just among Tamils!! • Turn parties and anniversaries to raise awareness and turn fun into fundraisers! • Help us network with other NGOs/Charities/foundations and Corporations

How to donate? • Direct debit (DD) from your checking account – Once a month or once a year

• Online: www.IMHOCanada.org • $1 a day! Do it tonight! Please spread the word and encourage others to do the same

Service is a commitment‌ Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has Margaret Mead

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Thank YOU!

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