March 2020

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The Founder



Covid-19 and Anti-Asian Discrimination

is very good advice indeed. Aimed at those who appear Chinese, the increase in xenophobia has already got its own Wikipedia page: ‘Xenophobia and racism related to the 2019–20 coronavirus outbreak.’ From declining visitors



t current count, there have been over 90,000 cases of Covid-19, 200 of them in the UK, but please remember, the death rate is low, at around 1-2% and most people with Covid-19 can fight it off. The symptoms are very similar to that of the flu and many other illnesses: a cough, a high temperature, and shortness of breath. While caution is advised, some people seem Image source: to be taking another approach. As Covid-19 spreads across xenophobia. RHUL’s advice the world, so does anti-Asian to not overreact at the sight of

some students wearing face obvious at the time, but the masks might have seemed worldwide response proves it

to Chinatown to racist verbal abuse on the trains and even people being beaten up, anti-Asian racism is on the rise. This is further fuelled by newspapers that use Asian people going about their day as pictures to illustrate their Covid-19 stories; one such...

Continued on p. 2

Index News....................................................................................1 Opinion And Debate............................................................6 Features..............................................................................10 Lifestyle.............................................................................12 Arts: Literary Reviews.......................................................13 Arts: Film...........................................................................19 Arts: Music.........................................................................21 Sports.................................................................................24

The Jamaica 50 p.6

RHUL Lacrosse p.10

BoJack Horseman p.19

2 NEWS Continued on from tent that the UN human rights guardian Michelle Bachelet front page urged people in February to The Founder’s Stylebook

example is the New York ‘show solidarity with people 2017-2018 Post’s article about the first of ethnic Asian origin’. are The Founder, the Founder Staff. We case of We Covid-19 in ManhatIt don’t is aitalicize time our ofname. intense anxiFormatin her midtan – aStyle woman ety for many people, the daily General 30s – which is illustrated updates on Covid-19 are cercomposition with a photo of atitles completely tainly reinforcing the severPut single quotation marks around books (except the Bible), TV unrelated Asian man wear- ity of this disease, and yet the programs, songs, and movies, but NOT reference works (dictionaries, encyclopedias, or newspaper ormost magazine titles. Put single ing a face mask etc.) in Queens. important things for us quotation marks around video games but not computer programs such According to CNN, racist at- to do is to take common-sense as Microsoft Word. tacks on Asians are spread- precautions, the same as you capitalization Capitalize all principal words, including prepositions and ing faster than Covid-19 in hopefully would at any other conjunctions longer than four letters; capitalize articles and words the US.shorter Nor than is itfourconfined with any other illness. letters if it is to the firsttime, or last word in a title. America, this is very much a Discrimination will not help numerals In general, write out through nine; use figures for the worldwide issue, to the thenumbers ex- oneanything. The only thing disrest. However, write out any number that occurs at the beginning of a sentence or rewrite the sentence. One exception: you can start

THE FOUNDER March 2020

crimination will do is make someone else’s life harder. It is not welcome, not on our campus, not anywhere. So, since it bears repeating, things that will not prevent the spread of Covid-19 include racism, xenophobia, prejudice, discrimination or violence. This is what will help prevent the spread of Covid-19: washing your hands properly and not touching your face unnecessarily.

The Founder Board 2019 - 2020 Editor in Chief Svilena Iotkovska

Managing Editor Rand AlMakhamreh

Publishing & Creative Designer Kaja Matusik

News Editor James Neal

Illustrator Sophie Hinteregger

Features Editor Melissa Nock

Arts Editor Niamh Smith

Opinon and Debate Editor Niamh Houston

Literary Review Editor Sophie Deaville

Lifestyle Editor Antonia Aluko

Music Editor Keren Tomasoa

Sports Editor Dominic Taylor

Film Editor Graciela Mae Chico

sentences with a figure if it’s a calendar year. Some special case numerals:

The Founder is the independent student newspaper of Royal Holloway, University of London. This means we are not affiliated to the student union or the college. We pride ourselves on our investigative journalism and aim to keep our readers up to date with news on and off campus. The views expressed in this publication are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Editor, particularly of opinion and debate pieces. Every effort has been made to contact the holders of copyright for any material used in this issue, and to ensure the accuracy of its stories. To book ad space in The Founder, contact our managing editor at

Official Coronavirus NHS advice on how to wash your hands

THE FOUNDER is printed in Cambridge by Iliffe Print


THE FOUNDER March 2020

Conservatives Pass Controversial Immigration Bill ANNABEL DRUGAN


ue to the long-held Conservative antiimmigration sentiment. The Government have introduced new immigration rules, intending to make immigration significantly more difficult. The Conservatives are looking to essentially cut off the entire supply of recruits from overseas and cause, as put by Stuart McDonald, the SNPs shadow immigration spokesperson

‘a 500,000-person black hole’ in the care sector alone. Under the new policy, Johnson and Patel have teamed up to deliver a blow which will see a £25,600 minimum earnings threshold, which will aim to keep out low skilled workers. The irony of the basic starting salary of junior doctors, radiographers and nurses being around £23,000 (and therefore constituted as low skill), and the “high skilled” jobs of Johnson and Patel, I suspect is lost on few.

The Independent has found that 352,000 care workers are not originally from the UK, with 115,000 from EU countries and 237,000 born elsewhere. With 110,000 vacancies already, this would leave a 460,000-person deficit in the sector if the policy is implemented. The governmental policy was created in a bid to get the 8 million people of working age currently in the UK but not working into jobs. However, of

those 8 million people, by government analysis, 2.3 are students, 2 have long term disabilities which prevent them from being able to work, 1.1 are retired, and 1.9 are looking after their home and family. Some have suggested that rather than implementing these restrictive immigration policies, which some allege are fuelled by racism and fear, they should instead look to allow these (undeniably) skilled workers the pay scale the government thinks they’re

worth rather than making further cuts to funding and possibly even give recognition for the amount that these people do for our society and economy. The Home Office, clearly without communicating with Patel and the Prime Minister, has admitted that immigration is not the correct solution to the issues caused by inadequate funding to the social care system.

Democratic Primary Race Narrows to Two Frontrunners BRIDGET BELLAMY


year ago, the democratic party boasted the most diverse selection of candidates for a presidential primary in the country’s history. Now, four months from the National Convention, when the party Candidate will be chosen, the contest has dropped to just three - former vice president Joe Biden, Senator Bernie Sanders, and Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. After only picking up two delegates in American Samoa, Gabbard is unable to qualify for a position in further debates. What was once a contest of 28 has effectively dropped to just two. Super Tuesday – the day in which a third of delegates can be claimed by candidates – proved disastrous for

Elizabeth Warren and Michael Bloomberg, and in only a few days both candidates announced they were dropping out of the race. Warren, whose campaign was floundering in the first few weeks of 2020, was widely praised for her performance in the Las Vegas debate in late February. She struck out at her fellow candidates, notably Michael Bloomberg, for his support for the controversial stop and frisk laws in New York, as well as his murky history with women. In the wake of the Las Vegas debate, the party was divided into clear winners and losers – and Warren was certainly branded a winner. However, this praise failed to translate into votes as after Super Tuesday, Warren’s total delegates only came up to a disappointing

41, all but forcing her out of the race. Her campaign was not the only one to suffer a defeat during Super Tuesday: Michael Bloomberg came away with only 23 delegates, and his campaign (into which he had funneled $600 million of his own money) came to a fruitless end. His run for president drew the ire of many progressives and was criticized for its heavy use of self-funding – a stark contrast to the grassroots funded Sanders campaign. In a post-Super Tuesday world, what does the democratic field look like? Joe Biden, the favourite for many moderates and establishment democrats, had a slow start in the primaries but was pushed into first place after winning 10 states in Super Tuesday. Polling shows that Biden’s

support base comes from those aged 45 and over, black voters, and moderates. Sanders’ support, on the other hand, tends to come from younger voters, Latinos, and those with a college education. So far, Sanders seems to be running a stronger campaign than he did in 2016 – winning 435 delegates in Super Tuesday, compared to 321 in the previous election. Polls have shown that among democratic voters, beating Donald Trump is the most important issue when it comes to selecting their candidate. Both democratic front runners have earned online insults from the president, being branded ‘crazy’ or even a ‘rabid dog’ in the run- up to the election, but polls have shown that both candidates hypothetically would beat Trump in the general election. Biden is

shown more favourably in these polls, beating Trump by 5.5% on average, compared to Sander’s 4.7%, but these optimistic polls could prove dangerous to democrats in the coming months. After the shocking defeat of the democratic party in 2016, they were accused of complacency by many. Trump seemed like such an unlikely winner, and polling seemed so favourable for the Clinton campaign that much of the drive seemed to evaporate from the party in the run-up to election night. If the Democrats want a different outcome in 2020, they have to avoid treating the election as a sure victory, no matter what the polls may indicate.


THE FOUNDER March 2020

Runnymede Borough Labour and Cooperative group put forward the first alternative budget in over 15 years JAMES NEAL


ast month at full council, Runnymede Borough’s Labour & Cooperative Group put forward the first alternative budget in over 15 years. Supported by a cross-party group of council colleagues from the Liberal Democrat Groups, the Greens and 1 independent, the alternative budget promised to extract an additional £1.2 million worth of revenue, with the stated intent being ‘to expand services and support local people in their homes and communities.’ However, it is yet to be

accepted by the current administration. Declared as sustainable by Runnymede Borough finance officer, the Alternative budget contained the following 7 commitments: Firstly, a reversal of Conservative cuts to council tax support for working people, restoring the 100% discount for ‘hard-pressed families’. Secondly, scrapping ‘draconic’ means-testing for essential home improvement grants, ensuring an additional £100,000 of funding in each year’s budget to help the elderly, disabled and those on

low incomes. Thirdly, drawing from successful similar strategies in Preston, the plan advocates for an adoption of a social value act in procurement strategy, by setting up a new team to review purchases and contracts, to localise purchases through a community wealth office. Fourthly, they plan to introduce the living wage for all council staff. Fifth, they have committed to an investment strategy towards renewables, committing to either carbon neutrality as a Borough by 2030-2035 or offset this through investments. Sixth the plan promises an

aggressive program of housebuilding, delivering a mixture of council rent & affordable purchase stock for residents. Finally, the plan commits to a strengthened council reserve to ensure that the local authorities can withstand unforeseen shocks, event and costly investment failures by the present administration, increasing reserves by 1.25 million by 2022/2023. The Labour and Co-operative group commented: ‘The administration has had nearly 2 decades to get it right, they haven’t and now we are faced with these mul-

titudes of problems. The Conservatives are not delivering a dynamic Runnymede, it’s just the same old stalemate, there has been a lot of talks, but it is now time for real change.’ ‘As a result of this underperformance there has been a sea change in the politics of Runnymede and Labour and the Co-operative group are now in a position to punch above our weight in opposition. We are winning the argument and unlike the Tories, have the answers to challenges Runnymede is facing.’


THE FOUNDER March 2020

A Shaky Transition – How a Former East German State’s Election Disrupted Merkel’s Succession Plans Karrenbauer, or AKK as she

manage her party counterparts,

has been nicknamed, had

and in the wake of the election

t has not touched most of been a staunch member of

result, she was rebuked both in

the international headlines the CDU since 1981 and

the media and by politicians

since her announcement in had served as its secretary-

across the political spectrum,

2018, but Angela Merkel’s general, as well as Minister-

including her party. Angela

14-year tenure as Chancellor President of the Saarland

Merkel said on a state visit to

of Germany is coming to an from 2011-2018. AKK had

South Africa that the election

end in just over a year. She also succeeded Merkel as

was “A bad day for democracy

has been the face of German CDU leader following the

… that broke with the long and

politics for the better part Chancellor’s decision to step

proud tradition of the CDU’s

of the last 20 years, and in down in 2018, and political

values”. Five days later, the

2014 she became the longest- observers began to label her

damage had been done, and

serving incumbent head of as Merkel’s protégé more

AKK announced her decision



government in the European




to resign.

Union. After such a long elevation to the position of

With the Thuringia fiasco

time under the same leader, Minister of Defence a year


it is crucial both for Merkel’s later. However, due to some

resignation of AKK and the


government holding a second

Demokratisches media gaffes, inappropriate

Union Deutschlands (CDU) jokes





election, which Ramelow won

party, as well as for German embroiled in a free speech

as he had expected to do the

politics as a whole, to ensure debate in May 2019, AKK a smooth transition between was barely clinging onto the

first time, Merkel’s grip on the

Image source: Wikipedia

government appears to be tight

Merkel and her eventual baton that Merkel had passed Democrats (SPD) and The Thomas Kemmerich was successor.


as her by February 2020.

a result of the events in Thuringia




again. However, although the

Greens (Alliance 90) was nominated, supported by

election result was re-done,

state elected, and in February the FDP, the CDU, and

the original vote cannot be

month, election took place in October when the time came to most controversially, the




there are fears that this of 2019, but its significance elect a Minister-President, AfD, breaking the general

efforts to secure an heir

carefully planned and crafted as far as AKK and Merkel it was widely believed that agreement between all the

have ended in disaster, and

succession may be beginning are concerned only appeared Die Linke candidate Bodo other parties that the AfD

instead of continuing placidly,

to unravel.

when the new government Ramelow would retain the should not be allowed any

Merkel’s heir apparent, at was formed on February 5 role of Minister-President influence in government. least before Thuringia, was th 2020. Essentially, a hung that he had held before the AKK




German politician Annegret parliament formed by The election. Instead, the Free herself during the crisis, Kramp-Karrenbauer. Kramp- Left (Die Linke), The Social

Democratic Party candidate nor had she been able to




appears instead to be hurtling towards the unknown.


Britain is Racist: The Jamaica 50 prove it IZZI VAUGHAN


n February, over 50 Jamaican nationals were set to be deported from UK detention centres, who came to be known as the Jamaica 50. 17 of those detainees were eventually deported following legal action by Detention Action, who put forward an urgent application to the Supreme Court. The application argued that the detainees did not have sufficient access to legal services due to a lack of mobile phone access, and the court order managed to save some of the people who were set for deportation. Many of those set for deportation were minors, as young as two, five, and seven years old and many others had served their sentences and had not reoffended since. To give some examples of those set for deportation,

Image Source: Metro

Tayjay was five years old when he came to the UK. Aged 19 he was sentenced to a drugrelated offence for which he was sentenced for 15 months, spending seven of these in prison. He was released five years ago and has not reoffended since. There is also Reeshaw Davis, convicted for robbery 10 years ago spending two months in prison; he came to the UK aged 11 (The Independent). It should alarm every person in this country that those who were lucky enough to be born in Britain into white skin would face far more forgiving treatment under the law for very similar charges. The Jamaica 50 case is but one example of an entire legal institution which fundamentally disadvantages black and ethnic minority people. According to the Lammy Review, BAME people have a 240% higher chance of being imprisoned

for drug related offences, and black men are more than three times more likely to be arrested than white men. Ultimately, if you are born into white skin you will be forgiven for much worse crimes than anyone born into an ethnic minority. Take Boris Johnson who came to the UK aged five, like Tayjay, who has admitted offences relating to class A drugs. His case is almost an exact reflection of Tayjays, the only difference being that Boris Johnson is white, wealthy, and privileged. The Jamaica 50 case, and its surrounding legal context, sends the message that BAME people are still considered second class citizens in their own country by legal institutions which are supposed to protect them. The UK must accept responsibility for its citizens, and their crimes, the same as they would of anyone else. But the current system sends the message that any person of colour who was not born here is not allowed to make mistakes, while the rest of us who were born here are comfortable and safe in that privilege. Rule of law means that everyone is treated equally by the law, and the UK prides itself for upholding this value. But if it really values rule of law, then why was Tayjay threatened with deportation, and not Boris Johnson?

THE FOUNDER March 2020

Climate Change: The Facts Have Changed but the Message Remains the Same ANNA-MARIA LEST


or more than three decades now, governments and NGOs all around the Western world have been telling us that if we adapt towards a more climate-friendly lifestyle – if we fly less, consume less meat and recycle – we might be able to prevent global warming. While this may have been true thirty years ago it simply does not hold up anymore, but many political fractions are still unwilling to acknowledge this fact. The point of this article is not to belittle individual action but rather to question what we can do to prevent the inevitable and what it means to have hope. Since climate change is a global challenge, it can only be solved if all of us do our part. In the West, carbon emissions have been steadily decreasing and the EU is aiming to bring emissions down to zero by 2050. It is also true that many companies are spending more of their budget on renewables: for example, around 5 percent of BP’s investments go towards renewable energy. However, at the same time BP has invested far more – over £40 billion – in projects that undermine climate change. The leading global economies such as China, the US, India or Japan are all ramping up development programmes that rely heavily on the use of carbon. More importantly, who can blame these countries – especially lesser developed economies – for taking advantage of the last golden days and boosting their own economies? After all, this is what the West has been doing for decades. On the other hand, individual action although admirable, accounts for such a small amount of the problem that there is no way it will prevent further changes in our climate. Plastic straws, for example, account for less than 1 percent

of the pollution problem in our oceans; however, it is true that if everyone stopped flying and started eating sustainably, personal carbon emissions would reduce significantly. But firstly, it is truly unrealistic to think this will happen. Has there ever been a point in history when all people and all governments have come together and abandoned their personal privileges, wealth and resources? Furthermore, even if all the greenhouse gas emissions stopped, we still would not go back to the past. The global warming would continue for many decades before the climate actually stabilised itself. This will undoubtedly bring along even more floods and forest fires such as the recent catastrophe in Australia. Instead of holding on to the illusion that what we are doing right now will eventually save our planet, it is time to seriously reconsider. It is time to start preparing for a future that will be decidedly warmer than the current world we live in. It is time to start preparing for more floods and forest fires and by doing that, it might benefit humanity much more than fighting a losing battle. After all, when we stop deluding ourselves there will be so many other things to do (shelters to build, new agricultural practices to consider) before our ecosystem goes through major changes very soon. The world we know is disappearing and we need to start dealing with the problem of global warming now rather than pretend we can still stop and prevent it.

THE FOUNDER March 2020


Labour does not need continuity, it needs radical change, rooted in its principles JAMES NEAL


or Labour members, activists, supporters and voters, December 12th 2019 was a crushing blow. We woke up to find that we were due another five years of Tory-led austerity, another five years of divisive politics, another five years of a government which willingly blocks child refugees from being reunited with their families. All the worse after 10 miserable years in opposition and five more down the road. We are 124 seats from a parliamentary majority and have just suffered our worst electoral defeat since 1935. The Labour party must now begin some serious soul searching if we ever seek to enter government again. Wishful thinking and ideological purity are all well and good, but Labourism means nothing if it doesn’t implement real change that helps those in need. For the

Image Source: Sky News

past decade, Labour has lost its primary purpose; that being the winning and holding onto power to implement real change for those that put their trust in us. We patted ourselves on the back for our ‘progressive attitudes,’ while failing to protect our Jewish members and friends from vile antiSemitic abuse. We spent

a decade fighting amongst ourselves in brutal, broadly meaningless, re-selection campaigns when we should have been campaigning against the Conservatives and preparing for power. We wasted hours on meaningless debates about ideology, oblivious to the actual real concerns of those workingclass voters we claimed to

represent. That is not to say that Labour should sacrifice its principles for the pursuit of power, far from it. Indeed, Labour principles have guided some of the party’s greatest hits, from the NHS, and the Open University, to the Equal Pay Act and Sure Start; the party does best when guided by its core principles. As the ever-controversial Blair once noted ‘Power without principle is barren, but principle without power is futile.’ Neither is it to say that our time in opposition has been meaningless. From taking on the Murdoch empire under Miliband to expanding the membership under Corbyn, there are positives to take from this last decade. However, for the Labour party to move forward it must elect a leader and deputy leader who mark a clear break from the past,

who look outwards as well as inward for the party’s future. Not a return to Corbynism or to Blairism, but something new. Indeed, after four electoral defeats on the bounce, it would be unwise to vote for anyone portrayed as a ‘continuity’ candidate. So far Keir Starmer and Lisa Nandy seem to be presenting themselves as a clear break from the past and a promising alternative for the future. Either candidate could prove the breath of fresh air needed for the Labour party to move forward, with exciting visions for the future of the party. At times like this however, it's worth remembering the words of the Labour party’s greatest leader Clement Attlee after the historic 1945 General election victory; ‘You will be judged by what you succeed at …. not by what you attempt.’

Plutocracy Now: The case against billionaires buying elections ZAFIR ZAFIROV


o say that the United States is slowly turning into a plutocracy would be an understatement. Whether we are talking about the outrageous sums of money that control American political life and elections, or even about a White House with a billionaire in it, it is impossible not to see the influence that big money has.

While it can be misleading to think that it is only the Republican Party that so obviously flirts with big money, it should be noted that the Democratic Party – at least its centrist part – is no different. There are many examples as to why that is the case, but we should not look further than the most striking one. That is the grotesque way billionaires such as

Michael Bloomberg and Tom Steyer are trying to buy the Democratic presidential nomination, while at the same time hurting the grassroots candidates and destroying the already flawed American democracy. First, we saw the Democratic National Committee changing its rules thus allowing Bloomberg, the former mayor of New York, onto the debate stage.

That was, of course, after he donated $300,000 to this governing body that is on paper supposed to be neutral. And if that was not enough of contempt for democracy, Bloomberg decided to keep his ongoing strategy plain and simple – if something does not work in your favour, just buy it. As CNN reports, Bloomberg himself has already spent a staggering $501 million on ads for

different media outlets. The second-biggest spender? Mr Steyer- the other billionaire with more than $200m spent on ads. Even if we pretend that those shocking numbers would automatically mean votes, in reality there is a whole different story. So far, Bloomberg and Steyer combined have been awarded 0 delegates after two caucuses and two national

8 OPINION AND DEBATE primaries. What is more ironic is that Mr Bloomberg casually decided to skip the first two states, showing zero respect to those same people whose votes he will seek in November. So, what to make of the numbers then? Well, ideas

still matter to the American voters. Yes, theoretically you can buy the media or even a political party. What money cannot do, however, is fool the electorate. This is especially true if you have a terrible record, as is the case with Bloomberg whose

offensive mayoral policies and sexist allegations make him even more unappealing to the regular voter. As for Steyer, who is already out of the race, the record shows that being against enormously popular ideas such as Medicare for All would not

THE FOUNDER March 2020

make you appealing to people who have struggled for all of their lives because of the greed of the pharmaceutical and insurance companies. Following Super Tuesday, we are yet to see how Bloomberg will perform, but one thing is certain – nobody

is excited about Trump versus Bloomberg. Just imagine for a second how many good things could have been done for the world if you had 700 million dollars to spend. It is something for all of us to think about.

Should the UK adopt Commercial Surrogacy? Should Surrogates get paid for their services? AMY GERVASIO


ith developments in embryology and fertilisation technologies paralleling shifting cultural attitudes, people are more able now than ever to choose surrogacy as an alternative to traditional pregnancy. Commercial surrogacy is prohibited in the UK; surrogates can be compensated for certain pregnancy costs, but they cannot be paid for the role itself. So why has the movement to commercialise surrogacy undergone a renaissance of sorts? The central reasons focus firstly on the current frailty of surrogate altruism, secondly on the desire to ensure that the baby is guaranteed handover to the expected parents at birth and lastly on the grounds of discrimination against socially or genetically infertile couples. Currently, couples are completely reliant on the kindness of friends, colleagues and even strangers to offer their womb. Whilst many stories exist detailing the joys and willingness of some women to carry someone’s child, these do not reflect the painful reality that many couples experience. Commercial surrogacy would also establish an enforceable contract which would ensure that expectant parents receive

their baby – a desire of many Commercial Surrogacy advocates including The Gamble Association who support contract law being utilised to enforce surrogacy as a voluntary contractual agreement. As society progresses and surrogacy no longer retains status as an unethical and niche practice, commercial surrogacy would accommodate and encourage different family types. The public acceptance of a surrogacy agreement inherently endorses equality between different types of families and helps promote equal treatment of all variants of family type. This all seems perfectly plausible, but it is not long before issues regarding these changes arise and we are forced to acknowledge the lack of compatibility of commercial surrogacy with UK law. Because of the way in which English law is constituted, the woman who births the child is the legal parent of the baby. After six weeks the mother can consent to pass parentage over to the expectant parents and they will become the legal parents. To allow commercial surrogacy would require a complete upheaval of the UK’s current stance on not only surrogacy, but birth rights and parentage. This momentous change would impact a plethora of other legal

Image Source:

areas, and the consequences of changing parentage could have devastating effects. It could also create disparities between different types of familial relationships whilst being a logistical nightmare; this huge upheaval could leave a baby stuck in ‘limbo’. There are also concerns regarding the payment. Paying for surrogates targets the most vulnerable women. There is concern for exploitation of women, particularly from other countries where women are unaware of their rights and are consistently taken

advantage of. Furthermore, a monetary divide is created between parents that can and can’t afford surrogacy – regulation of the industry would be complex, and so some parents would be discriminated against because of their financial background. Lastly, in a world where there are so many children with the potential for adoption, does it not make sense to encourage adoption as ‘the next-best alternative’ to having your own rather than surrogacy? Adoption is admittedly different to surrogacy in that the child will not have your

DNA, but when weighing up the options shouldn’t we as a society place greater value on the love and care for a child rather than some immense pressure to produce your own? Ultimately, the child’s best interests need to be of the highest consideration in both commercial and noncommercial surrogacy. The UK does not seem to be moving towards commercial surrogacy anytime soon, but if it does, it is critical that the most importance is placed on the potential child and how they will be affected.

THE FOUNDER March 2020


Why do we continue to celebrate sex offenders? NIAMH HOUSTON

TW: sexual assault hen you hear the name Harvey Weinstein, do you think of the famous film producer that continues to dominate the industry with cult classics such as Pulp Fiction; or do you think of the sex offender? The question as to whether the artist should be separated from their art has been long debated; however, it is time to take a much firmer stance on this issue. Weinstein has recently been found guilty for two out of five charges he was taken to trial for: thirddegree rape and first-degree criminal sexual act (BBC). Whilst this is of course a huge victory for leaders of the #MeToo movement, it is simply not enough. High-profile abusers such as Weinstein continue to be glorified and celebrated


throughout society. In fact, according to a 2015 study by Vocativ, Weinstein had been mentioned in more acceptance speeches in the history of the Academy Awards than God. This untouchable platform created for men in power protects them from the consequences of their heinous actions, hence why it has taken until now for Weinstein to be convicted despite having ‘36 instances of alleged sexual abuse, bullying, harassment and threats over a span of 40 years’ (The Guardian). Although Weinstein has now been convicted, it appears that his status is still being protected. If you search Weinstein on the internet currently, you will be faced with a wave of articles with headlines referring to the ‘disgraced producer’. Why is it that media publications choose to soften the lan-

Image Source: Sky News

guage surrounding abusers? By referring to Weinstein as a ‘disgraced producer’ you are complicit in maintaining his status; you are choosing to see Weinstein the famous media mogul rather than Weinstein the convicted rapist. Unfortunately, the glorification of abusers extends beyond just Weinstein. On the 28th February this year, just four days after Weinstein was

found guilty of rape, Roman Polanski received three wins at the César Awards. For context, as the national film award of France, the César Awards are considered to be the French equivalent of the Oscars. Previously a reigning leader in Hollywood, Polanski fled to France following multiple charges of sexual assault, including unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor to

which he pled guilty (BBC). Despite protests, Polanski received 12 nominations and three wins at the awards, an insult to survivors of sexual assault everywhere. Actress Adèle Haenel – who is also a survivor of sexual assault – walked out during the ceremony exclaiming ‘shame!’, whilst the César Awards defended their choice to celebrate Polanski’s work by claiming that they ‘should not take moral positions’ in giving awards (BBC). This in addition to the creation of the #MeToo movement serves as a prime example of how the burden of ensuring that abusers are held accountable is placed on survivors rather than institutions. It is time for the film industry to recognise that the artist should not be separated from their art, and to recognise that it is simply unacceptable to continue to celebrate and protect sexual predators.

VICTORIA’S SECRET VS THE PLUS-SIZE INDUSTRY: does the fashion industry promote unhealthy standards of beauty? CARLOTA SANTOS MOVILLA


ashion is one of the most controversial industries nowadays. With all its glamour, elegance, eccentricity and the freedom of expressing oneself it has captivated millions of people. At the same time, who else thinks of emphasis on body image, pretension and ridiculous prices for impractical clothes? Representing these two points of view, we have Victoria’s Secret against the increasingly popular plussize modelling world. About Victoria’s Secret and their incredible success, a lot of people would say that it is very likely due to their unattainable and seemingly perfect body image that they transmit to us. Recently, their annual show

was cancelled as well as 53 shops being closed in 2019. Apparently, they came to this decision because it did not particularly increase their sales (even though it took place for 23 years, starting in 1995). The statement angel wings became prominent in 1999 and the production of each one became more and more elaborate, adding Pink models and widening representation with models such as Kelsey Merritt – the first Filipino VS model – or supermodel Winnie Harlow who has a visible chronic skin condition. Despite the company’s efforts to be considered inclusive, viewership of the show has been declining as the public started to lean more towards lingerie which combines comfort and style. Their mistake was that their statements

and actions did not corroborate their attempts to be inclusive: several transphobic comments were made as well as statements such as ‘there is no TV Interest in a plus size show’ (Insider). Another irreversible mistake they made was the ‘Perfect Body’ campaign which showed a number of models posing in lingerie, all with the same ‘VS angel’ body type. It sparked outrage as it was harmful and did not celebrate diversity. Add some photoshop accusations to the brand as well as models revealing unhealthily strict diets prior to the show and the VS empire seems to, slowly but surely, start to crumble. On the other hand, we have the plus-size modelling industry which is, for many, a step in the right direction to eradicate body-shaming.

This market is expected padding to create illusions, to be valued at 9 billion which sounds like the equivapounds by 2022 (Variety). lent to photoshop but on the However, it is not exactly other side of the spectrum. clear where the ‘plus-size’ It cannot be ignored that range begins. These mod- there have been unhealthy els are often asked to have standards the public has been an hourglass figure, slim bombarded with for years, stomach and unblemished and that should be where we skin. The fashion industry draw the line. The modelling will probably always have a industry is growing and evolvcertain image they desire to ing each day into what peoconvey, even if it is based ple want. Let’s not glamorise on diunhealthy versity standards or body in whatacceptever shape ance. The they come. negative Let’s hope side a few for healthy, plus-sized c o n f i models dencehave conradiating fessed is models of a pressure whatever that leads size into body Image Source: stead.


THE FOUNDER March 2020

Lacrosse – The Sport You Are Sleeping On REBECCA WILLIAMS


know what you are thinking – is that not the thing they play in Wild Child? Yes, it is. The sport, however, is so much more than Emma Roberts running around trying to catch the attention of her high school sweetheart. Lacrosse is one of the fastest growing sports in the UK, and that is in part thanks to universities. Students have the opportunity to give lacrosse a go, with games and training sessions happening practically at their doorsteps. This is certainly the case here at Royal Holloway. The club boasts around 100 members, with the opportunity to play in at least one of the five men’s, women’s or mixed teams available. The growth of the club at this university reflects the growth of the sport nationwide, with a wealth of new people of all ages looking to give it a go. One demographic of people who are becoming more familiar with the sport are school children, and Royal Holloway Lacrosse made sure they played their part in giving local kids the opportunity to have a go at lacrosse. On the 11 th of February, the club hosted the Active Surrey tournament. Seven local schools were invited so that children between the ages of 9

and 11 could try something new. They were treated to a lacrosse masterclass beforehand, learning all the basics of the game. They then proceeded to play a ‘pop lacrosse’ tournament, which is a variation of the

Royal Holloway Lacrosse put on a charity tournament which included Royal Holloway’s Women’s Football, Eton Fives, Basketball and Netball teams. Eton Fives came out victorious thanks to their height advantage and

through sport and nature. The tournament was a great success, with the respective teams being taught the basic skills before having a go at some competitive play. Most importantly, though, lots of money was raised for

aggression, but all teams impressed and managed to win at least one game. This tournament was in aid of Allegra’s Ambition. It is a fantastic cause which is close to the heart of many of the club’s members. Their aim is to help and challenge disadvantaged young people

a fantastic cause. These are some of the ways in which the club have been trying to make lacrosse more accessible. This is just a reflection how lacrosse is growing nationwide. According to Lacrosse England, since 2009 BUCS registered

Image Credits: Amy Andrawos

sport created to allow kids to learn lacrosse in a safe and accessible manner. It was an incredibly successful afternoon which shone a light on how beneficial opening lacrosse up to kids can be for both them and the sport. After the success of this,

teams have increased by a staggering 130 percent and there are currently 200,000 people who play lacrosse annually. The progress made by the sport in England is reflected in the success of the international teams. In the 2017 Women’s World Cup, England finished with a bronze medal. This followed bronze in the 2015 Women’s and Men’s European Championships. Lacrosse is undeniably growing, and anybody can be a part of it. Royal Holloway Lacrosse run active sessions every Thursday between 5pm and 7pm for anybody interested in getting involved. These are open to anyone, whether you have played lacrosse for years or never picked up a stick. The club run these sessions with the aim to play their part in the growth of the sport. They also wish to encourage students to stay active because of the mental health benefits of exercise, especially when having to deal with stress, exactly like students do. If anybody has any questions or is interested and would like to contact the club, they can be found on Instagram at the handle @rh_lacrosse.

THE FOUNDER March 2020


Celebrating International Women’s Day with the Pioneering Women of Royal Holloway MELISSA NOCK


nternational Women’s Day was on Sunday 8. Mar 2020. According to http://www. internationalwomensday. com, it is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and Image source: OxfordMail political achievements of Women Chartered for the legislation of sex women. Thus, to celebrate the I decided to research some Accountants’ Dining Society education and birth control of the powerful women to provide an opportunity and to lower punishment for Royal Holloway has been for women in the profession abortion. The University of privileged to cater for over to meet. As well as her Gothenburg established the profession, Kerstin Hesselgren Visiting the years. These women are accountancy not only successful by means Ethel Watts was also active Professorship in her memory. of their own achievements in the movement to secure It is awarded to outstanding researchers in but they have also used their equality for women from female careers to support women for the 1920s-1960s. She was the social sciences and generations to come and that involved with the London humanities. is what makes them special. and National Society for Women’s Service and Hilda Martindale OBE – Ethel Watts – the first continued this work when it the pioneering senior civil woman to qualify as a became the Fawcett Society, servant and author. offering her services as an Hilda Martindale was one chartered accountant. of the first woman to reach Women struggled to enter accountant. the higher levels of the Civil the accountancy profession when it took on its organised Kerstin Hesselgren – the Service. She argued strongly form in the nineteenth- first woman elected to the for equal pay and for women century. In 1895, the Institute Swedish Parliament and to be given the right to choose of Chartered Accountants the first Swedish female to stay in work after marrying in England and Wales delegate to the League of and wrote several influential reports and books. She was (ICAEW) president, Charles Nations. She qualified as a Sanitary a prominent campaigner for Fitch Kemp, commented that he would be so embarrassed Inspector from Bedford the improvement of working by the admission of women College in 1905. In 1921, she conditions, particularly those that he would rather retire became one of the first five of women. Her mother, than consider it. However, women to be elected to the Louisa Martindale, was also in 1924 Ethel Watts became Swedish parliament and the a British activist for women’s the first woman to qualify first woman in the Upper rights and suffragists. In 1901, Martindale for ICAEW membership Chamber. During this time, by examination and the 2nd she was active within gender became a factory inspector female ICAEW member. and social issues. Hesselgren with the Home Office; one of In 1945, when the number worked for the access of Britain’s first female factory of women joining ICAEW all political positions and inspectors. As a member was increasing, she founded equal salary for both sexes, of the Whitley Council

Committee on the Women’s Question, Martindale argued in favour of women’s right to choose whether or not to leave their jobs if they got married, as well as in favour of equal

Kerstin Hesselgren Image Source:

pay. In 1933, she joined the treasury. Her will established the Hilda Martindale Trust in 1952 to fund British women attempting to establish themselves in professions dominated by men. In her will she appointed Bedford College as trustees of the Hilda Martindale Trust, which ‘makes awards to British women towards training or studying for a career in a profession where women are underrepresented’.


THE FOUNDER March 2020

Marine Serre Presents Designer Face Masks at Paris Fashion Week masks. It is not surprising Coronavirus, the company

this collection thus stems

important to note that the

that it may seem as though has seen a spike in demand for

from an issue which has

virus has had an effect on

aris Fashion Week 2020 Serre has taken inspiration its products and is expected

been present for much longer

fashion as certain shows

took place from the 24 from the one thing which to restock in April.

than the virus: pollution.

have been postponed and

This is also not the first

A representative for Serre

others cancelled; Shanghai

3rd of March 2020 and this the Coronavirus. However, time that the designer Serre

commented on this as they

Fashion Week – which

year, Marine Serre’s models a representative for Airinum has incorporated face masks

explained that while the

was meant to take place

wore face masks and veils. has spoken to The Hollywood in their show as the Insider

masks protect from bacteria,

on March 26th – has been

Serre’s Reporter claiming that, ‘this claims that masks appeared

pollution and smog, they

postponed whereas Seoul


have ‘not been tested for

Fashion Week has been

all over social media outlets long before the coronavirus’. collection and retailed at

the COVID-19 protection’.

cancelled altogether. Even

and people were quick to Furthermore, this face mask is $575; in other words, the

Therefore, as New York Post


associate these face masks actually known as the ‘Urban masks which Serre revealed

writer Jack Hobbs states,

Week went ahead with

Air Mask’ which is selling at in this year’s Paris Fashion

Serre’s collection at this


According to the Insider, a retail price of around $69 to Week have not been inspired

year’s Paris Fashion Week

editors and guests did not



attend whereas those who

with the air quality brand out of stock. Airinum has instead meant to depict the

Coronavirus-themed spring

attended took precautions

Airinum to produce these reported that due to the designer’s vision of ‘future


by wearing medical masks.



th of February through to the is causing global paranoia:



show, photographs appeared has been a project going on in

with the Coronavirus. Serre




collaborated $99 although it is currently by the Coronavirus but are

non-disposable designer face paranoia

Victor Virgile Image Source: Insider


the wear’. The inspiration for







Fashion numerous

THE FOUNDER March 2020


Down and Out in Paris and London A love letter to Love Songs For The Shy And Cynical: by George Orwell: Review to laugh at themselves. At




times, they appear cruel or

principle novels are

boyish by mocking those

considered as some of the

who help them, but Orwell

most important in Twentieth

points out how this comes

Century literature, one can

from the natural hatred of

too easily disregard his

being pitied.



earlier work. Down and Out

Orwell exposes problems

in Paris and London offers

which are still painfully

a social commentary unlike


that which we can find in

how life can become more

1984 or Animal Farm as it is not a warning or a prophecy,

Image Source: Flickr






as are

destitute through exploitation

narrative, Orwell masterfully

and dismissal from those

exposes a class which is


The book is a memoir of

forced to work tirelessly so


Orwell’s life in the 1920s

they can secure their next meal

Orwell seems to directly

working class and while

and nothing more. Soon the

critique the American dream

Orwell admits he adjusted

allure of good fortune brings

through his description of

time frames, the content of

Orwell back to London where

a young man who worked

this work is supposedly true.

his circumstances are reduced

hard as a plasterer and let

Orwell starts by describing

further as the position, he

his savings grow only to

the grimy conditions of

returned for is not available.

lose everything when tragic







comfortable In


Having shown us working

events killed his sweetheart


class life in Paris, Orwell

and maimed him. In a society

inescapability of working-

takes a step further and shows

with a minimal safety net, he

class life becomes painfully

us homeless life in London.

could not work and tumbled

clear as we see Orwell

As Orwell spends his days

into poverty where Orwell

choose between meals and

walking to different shelters in

found him painting on the

rent repeatedly. We feel

accordance with the perverse

Embankment for pennies per

our legs burn with his as

law that a man must move


he spends days walking

on after one night or risk

In spite of all the hardship,

through Paris in search of

prison, the book is in danger

this work is optimistic as

work only to return home

of taking too depressing a

Orwell shows the reader so

exhausted and unsuccessful.

turn. However, the tone is

many destitute people who

Eventually, he secures a job

saved by the fellow homeless

refuse to let their spirits

as a dishwasher working

people who Orwell paints


seventeen hour shifts for

with vivid colour. Some of

criticism shines through as

a pittance which is often

these characters surprise us

he asks us why there is an

stolen by an opportunistic

with their intelligence and

entire class with almost no


some with their willingness

means to improve their lives.

his The












obert Shearman is perhaps best known by fans of Doctor Who, for which he has written many very successful audio dramas and episodes, however, I first discovered his work in December 2018 when I was given a copy of his short story collection Love Songs For The Shy And Cynical. Since then, it has become one of my favourite books to read for its humour, its darkness, and its wonderful comprehension of human nature. Over a year later I feel it is about time I wrote it a love letter. Published in 2009 by Big Finish Publications, Love Songs is a collection of, essentially, love stories. However, these are far from your average tales of love. Throughout, there is a noticeable tension between what love can be and what it is, presented in an unerringly, unsettling and piercing way through symbols both grotesque and understandable. The collection transverses platonic, romantic, and familial love, the expectations we have of each, and our own ability to meet those expectations. It is harsh, tender, revolting, endearing, terrifying and terrific. In short, it is a delightful conglomeration of the best and worst of human behaviour in our everyday relationships. It is not for everyone, let me make that clear, but, for me, Shearman’s unique presentation of relationships was utterly entrancing.

Never have I felt more exposed, more engaged, or more uncomfortable when reading, and this is all very intentional. His framing of emotion within unrealistic, and often ironic situations, makes for an experience which feels new but familiar. So too, his fearless crossing of boundaries and examination of taboos shocks without completely alarming the reader, activating those responses that are so rarely found in everyday life, but which are so easy to get addicted to from the comfort and safety of one’s own home. It is most definitely a dark humour that Shearman presents throughout, one that might not accommodate everyone’s taste, but it does not stop him from accessing the human heart with all the gravity it deserves. Indeed, through these stories we meet the devil (a writer of romantic fiction), the composers of the first ever love song, and several only vaguely happy humans each trying to figure out what they want and how to navigate the lives and relationships they have been dealt. It is decidedly different from any other collection of love stories out there but offers no less hope for what one can expect from their future, and no less insight into how people approach and respond to love in the modern world. All this, and a helping of comedic twists that are not easily forgotten. To be brief, this book is a love affair in and of itself, and I eagerly await its response as I take it off the shelf once more.


THE FOUNDER March 2020

Ide(a)s of March (for reading) SIMRAN GREWAL


his month heralds the Ides of March – what some might call the original group project. I like to read dramatic books during the month to channel my inner Roman and laugh at my friends who have group projects to do. Rome was not built in a day, but it did burn in one, so, in a similar vein, here are my top dramatic Greco-Roman themed books which you might find yourself burning through in a day!

Image Source: Pinterest

Image Source: Simonandschuster

Percy Jackson and the Olympians The Iliad – Homer Series – Rick Riordan You will find these books tucked away in the children’s section of any Waterstones near you (support your local bookshops!), but despite the target age I find that these books grapple with a particularly mature range of themes in an easily palatable but poignant way. These books are also just pure fun! Get that serotonin! Learn some Greek curses! Learn some Latin curses! Go be that kid in the English class who pulled random Greco-Roman facts out of nowhere because they read the Percy Jackson series as a kid.

Unless you are a classics student, do not read this book unless you want to perish instantly. Wait. That might be too harsh a judgement. I managed to stumble through The Iliad myself one summer. It took me the whole summer. Did I become a better person because I read it? No. Can I brag that I read The Iliad and make it look like I am smart and cultured? I guess so. Would I recommend this book to anyone? Perhaps only to people I do not really like, or people who have more patience than I.

Image Source: Goodreads

Image Source: Goodreads

The Song of Achilles – Madeline Miller

The King Must Die – Mary Renault

This book is basically what I would describe as being The Iliad but really, truly, incredibly gay. You, History and Classics students, make me shudder when you say that Achilles and Patroclus were just “very good friends”! If you enjoy soft romance, then this is the book for you! However, this book does get heavy in a lot of places very quickly and if you are aware that the Greeks love their tragedies and are familiar with the story of Achilles, then proceed with caution. The Song of Achilles is a touching testament to the friends to lovers to soulmates trope, a thrilling bildungsroman that had me gripped from start to finish.

This story looks at the life of Theseus in a historical context with none of the mythology that has become synonymous with the idea of Ancient Greece. Literary reviewer, Orville Prescott called it "one of the truly fine historical novels of modern times" and I can only agree with his judgement. The King Must Die is an interesting read for fans of the original mythology, really reiterating the idea that all the old stories must, in fact, have truth to them.

THE FOUNDER March 2020


Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express (Review) MEGAN WATSON


his is the first Agatha Christie novel I have read, and it did not disappoint. It certainly will not be the last. Christie has created a gripping and enthralling novel, from start to finish, that is impossible to put down. As each chapter ends, a new clue is discovered to help reveal who committed the mysterious murder on the Orient Express. Born in 1890, Agatha Christie is, to this day, the best-selling detective novelist of all time. One of her most iconic detective characters, Hercule Poirot, who stars in the Murder on the Orient Express, was inspired by the Belgian

refugees who came to the English countryside during the First World War. Christie did not design Poirot on a specific person she had encountered but thought that a Belgian refugee would make an excellent detective for her murder mysteries; thus, Poirot was born. The novel is set on the Orient Express and, during its journey, twelve passengers, all seemingly strangers, from different backgrounds, ages and races, come together. When the train is suddenly stopped at midnight due to snow, a murder is committed. A body is found in one of the train compartments and everyone on the train is now a suspect. There is a murderer among them, and

Image Source: Waterstones

the more Poirot uncovers about the passengers, the more connected they appear to be.

The novel is split into three parts: the events before the murder, the murder, and Poirot’s investigation. As the story unfolds, it is up to Poirot to investigate the murder and decipher each passenger’s story, alibi and motive. The part I enjoyed most in the novel was Poirot’s interviews with the passengers. The characters were fascinating, and it was exciting to walk through the investigation with Poirot, trying to uncover more clues that lead to the killer. Agatha Christie cleverly crafts the narrative so that the reader is never one step ahead, learning from the passengers and discovering pieces of information at the same time as Poirot.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to begin reading thriller or detective novels. I was not intimidated by the novel, rather it is a nice length, of just under three hundred pages, and I found myself reading it within two days! Christie ensures the first few pages draw you in and after that there is no choice but to discover with Hercule Poirot which passenger committed the murder. The novel is entertaining, but it also raises questions around crime, justice and morality. The ending is a thought-provoking one as the reader finally learns of the murderer and realises that their conviction is not as straightforward as you would first assume.

Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? and all the other impossible questions it raises CARLOTA SANTOS MOVILLA


tarting off as a play, Edward Albe’s Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? achieved one of the most famous storylines for its marital rows and dialogues overflowing with clever insults which has now become essential in literature. With a Tony Award under its belt for ‘Best Play’, we can confidently state that it will not leave anyone indifferent. If that was not enough to impress you, the film adaptation has been recognised by several BAFTA awards and Oscars so the content must be something to look forward to if its interpretation and photography have been so widely applauded. It is not often that a play makes history in the big screen as much as Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?. First published in 1962, this series

of events in New Carthage trespasses boundaries that time and generations, somehow, only find more relatable year after year. This play, whether seen at the theatre or read, clearly benefits from the effects of antagonising continuously. The middle-aged marriage of Martha and George seems to be impressive and intimidating to the Biology teacher who represents everything innovative, arrogant and modern. He is married to Honey who is the “ideal wife” at the time: quiet, beautiful and unambitious. Of course, this character just happens to be called Nick (Nikita Khrushchev). As one reads along, it becomes obvious that Albee was compelled by the concept of masculinity. Martha’s character is the roughest of them all, yet she is a woman, her emotional childishness is amusing to read as she never seems to have said enough

cruel remarks to her passive husband. Her aggressive outbursts become normal due to how often they happen and, as more drinks are served and more hours pass, their judgement seems more clouded than ever. Martha is a person who lives in self-disgust at her lack of professional fulfilment which seems to impair her logic when it comes to what is real and what is an illusion: something that we come to witness towards the end of the play. Personally, these qualities set it on a great starting point for a wonderful read. It is quick, witty and relatable. The three unities from Aristotle’s on action, place and time guided Albee’s structuring of the play and so it takes place within the course of one day (or night, in this case) and in a single place which is Martha and George’s living-room. This theory studied within drama

makes the play extremely dynamic as we are welcome into their home and, consequently, incessant arguments and underlying insecurities within complex m a r i t a l dynamics. Albee’s work has been misunderstood at times, but I think he said it best: “plays are to be useful, not merely decorative”. This liquorfueled, harsh and truthful work of art Image Source: Wikipedia holds a lot of meaning within the title of the truth. And, frankly, (feel free to draw your own they all are. conclusions): who is afraid


THE FOUNDER March 2020

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest: A Review SOPHIE DEAVILLE


the nurses assume is both sedated by Nurse Ratched mute and deaf, making him which has some interesting,

ritten in 1962 by Ken the ideal observer as the if catastrophic, consequences Kesey, One Flew nurses do not think he can for himself and the other

Over the Cuckoo’s Nest is understand them. The Chief patients. Nurse Ratched (also set in a psychiatric ward in suffers from depression known as the Big Nurse) hallucinations, is the head of the hospital when a new patient, Randle which implies that he has and has total control over McMurphy, enters the ward schizophrenia, but this is the patients, which fuels and starts to stir up trouble never explicitly stated. her hatred for McMurphy Oregon. The novel begins and

with Nurse Ratched’s nicely Randle McMurphy joins the as he does not adhere to her complacent and sedated ward after feigning mental clear structure for the other mental patients. Needless illness so that he can live out patients. The Big Nurse is to say, chaos ensues as the remainder of his prison incredibly manipulative and the sentence in a, supposedly, sadistic at times by restricting tyrannical rule of Nurse more comfortable place the patient’s access to basic than prison. McMurphy is human needs. Ratched. Throughout the novel, there Our narrator for the essentially the anti-hero McMurphy


novel is Chief Bromden, a of the novel as he tries to are sketches of various faces half-Native American who free the patients from being and people, which I originally thought was a depiction of

Image Source: Waterstones

that much more raw and

judged similarly to how


Kesey portrays them. In

In One Flew Over the

The Chief’s perception of

Ken Kesey, the author of the book Image Source: Wikipedia

the patients with him in the



ward. However, I recently



discovered that Kesey himself




me of the shock treatment


that Alex receives in A


Clockwork Orange as both

drew them whilst working at a

endured such as the use of

books reflect a dystopic and

psychiatric ward which gave

electric shock therapy or

cruel nature of hospitals

me a completely different


and mental illness.

perspective when I look back

behaviours and personalities.

at the drawings. The manic,

Despite being fictional, the

thoroughly recommend One

lost, and painful expressions

events in One Flew Over the

Flew Over the Cuckoo’s

on the drawings, to me, always

Cuckoo’s Nest, the suffering

Nest as it is a masterpiece of




literary work and achieves

experiencing those emotions,

conditions that they have are

that which so many novels

so the fact that Kesey had a

still applicable now, even if it

try, and fail, to do:



is not as extreme. Those with


people suffering in a mental

mental illnesses continue to

subjects within the novel.

institution made the drawings

be outcast, mistreated and







some ways, this reminded















THE FOUNDER March 2020

The Perfect Mother – a glimpse into the struggles of motherhood: Review RUXANDRA VRABIE

go out for a fun, enjoyable

husband and does anything




that is necessary to be a good

before they all go back

mother. Colette is a career

ince March is a time when we



and mothers, I decided that a book about the celebration of motherhood would be more suited for this month’s review. New




Times Aimee

Molloy beautifully contours an exciting psychological thriller about the struggles of motherhood and the great amount of pressure and scrutiny exerted upon mothers by their families and the public. On





summer’s night in Brooklyn, ‘The May Mothers’ prepare to


work. ‘The May Mothers’ driven writer with a loving is a group of women that

husband and a new baby, but

met online whilst seeking

she struggles internally to

pregnancy and parenting

keep it together and adapt to

advice on a website called

her new way of life. Winnie

‘The Village’ and all gave

is the beautiful and shy

birth in the same month,

single mother who seems

May. Twice a week, they

to be the most successful

meet in Prospect Park to

at balancing her life and

talk about the everyday

raising her baby. Nell is the

struggles and joys of

impulsive and adventurous



mother who organizes the


night out for ‘The May



baby-centred lives. Francie

Image Source: Blackwells



her babysitter, to stay with



Winnie’s baby Midas, whilst

for their parenting decisions

baby monitor. Soon, their


they are on their night out.

and personal lives. As an

guilt turns into horror and

to Brooklyn with her

Two drinks later, Winnie

unflattering picture of Nell

fear at the realisation that

gets a desperate call from

enjoying herself at a bar

they all left their babies at

Alma revealing shocking

surfaces the internet, a TV

home and any one of their

news – six weeks old Midas

host, Patricia Faith, begins


is gone.

a campaign criticising ‘The

kidnapped whilst they were

Even though they are not

May Mothers’ and shaming


close friends with Winnie,

Winnie’s parenting abilities.

Molloy crafts a wonderful

the mothers join together

Meanwhile, a sense of

story which examines the

and promise to help Winnie

guilt and shame begins to

life of four different women,

find Midas. As a complicated

roam over Francie, Nell

who have nothing in common

police investigation begins,

and Colette as they blame


Winnie and the rest of

themselves for baby Midas’

whose lives are completely

‘The May Mothers’ find



torn apart by the media and



they convinced Winnie to

public’s judgemental attitude

the spotlight of a national

go out drinking with them

resulted from modern day’s

scandal as the media begins

and made fun of her for

society misconceptions of

to scrutinize and judge them


‘the perfect mother’.

Southern has


Mothers’ and asked Alma,


Aimee Molloy, the author of the book Image Source: Goodreads










THE FOUNDER March 2020

Watchmen – Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons KIARASH GOLSHANI


the greatest pieces of overall


n 1961, John F. Kennedy fiction composed in the 20 the proclaimed



As to me, Watchmen is one of much darker. Cold

the th century. This work blurs war

York, y





Post- a t t e n t i o n .


created Things



American people: ‘We in this the lines of what constitutes masked vigilantes to bring interspersed country are the watchmen of literary fiction and genre justice to the streets where within world freedom.’


fiction. It contains all the the police could not. They text that blur

A question posed often by qualities of what is defined were treated as celebrities, the


Watchmen is just that: ‘Who as literary fiction: social often used commercially b e t w e e n watches the Watchmen?’

reflections not unlike our big names comic


Dear reader, if you have on the human condition, today.


was n o v e l .


not explored the medium complex characters, darker passed that banned masked After every of comics in any capacity tone – yet is denigrated to the vigilantes,

that c h a p t e r ,


before, let me introduce you comic book genre, a medium remained either went public there is an to the king. The opus that often disparaged by literary or changed the medium forever. readers.




military. i n - u n i v e r s e

Moore’s Sometime before the act, text


m a s t e r p i e c e a scientist’s freak accident further

Image Source: Wikipedia


the the law. As well as that, a

c o n t i n u e s leads him to become the world and characters; for Brechtian comic within a to

influence first Super-Hero, a post- instance,


right-wing comic pervades the narrative

works to this human god who can take newspaper which launches and mirrors the events of the day and has apart things at an atomic unhinged been

adapted level attempting to rekindle the



against book, explaining a character’s

mainstream motivation without it being

into a feature his humanity. His existence under the backdrop of the outright said. film



a tests the mettle between the events of the comic, while

It would not be amiss to

HBO USA and USSR are poised deifying the most amoral say that Watchmen is a work

series released and ready to bring about of “heroes”. Or, excerpts of genius that uses its medium late last year. nuclear annihilation as the from Under The Hood, an to its full potential, which The

world doomsday


inches in character autobiography is why a movie would not

established by ever closer to midnight. Watchmen exactly


of one of the first to ever be able to capture its full

A gross simplification of put on a mask which gives essence and inevitably alter

like a complex and varied work, candid

our own from there is far too much to deeply

insight deranged


the that which is fundamental

psyche to the story *cough cough*.

first glance, yet praise to fit into this small of the kind of people who An absolute must-read for A poster of the film version of Watchmen Image Source: Wikimedia

fundamentally section. Yet I cannot stress decided to first put on everyone. different

and enough how much this book costumes



THE FOUNDER March 2020


BoJack Horseman; How To Be A Better Person, Straight From The Horse’s Mouth ALEXANDER WHITEMAN


oJack Horseman is all about contrast; on the surface, it’s your standard adult cartoon about an anthropomorphic horse man and his wacky Hollywood friends, where half the jokes are gags based on the many animals that inhabit the show. But it’s also a focused exploration of human (and animal) emotion, as much about life as is it about jokes. So, what can BoJack teach us about overcoming our flaws and living a happy, fulfilling life? Well, let’s start from the beginning; who is BoJack Horseman? The show’s creator, Raphael Bob-Waksberg, had moved to Los Angeles and was paying rent to live in the closet of a massive house at the top of Hollywood Hills, with no car and no friends. “I was stranded up on this house,” he said, “and I remember looking out on the deck over all of Hollywood and feeling simultaneously on top of the world and never more isolated and alone.” This is BoJack Horseman. His gigantic house overlooks the whole of Hollywood, a symbol of his tremendous wealth. He’s had

A still from the TV Show

every opportunity for success, and yet he can’t bring himself to be happy. It’s not until his ghostwriter, Diane, releases his biography that BoJack begins to understand who he is; a bitter, nasty old man. If he wants to find peace, he’ll have to change. The key to BoJack’s struggles is his battle with meaning. In the nineties, he had it. He was a star! He played a huge part not just in the show, but in the lives of all the people who watched him. He had meaning! But now? None of his wealth or popularity gives him any joy,

and he realises that to find it, he needs something more. From then on, BoJack tries to find purpose; acting, running, starting relationships with owl-ladies (we’ve all been there). Unfortunately, these are still just distractions. He isn’t any closer to finding that meaning, nor to becoming a better person. He’s also made a LOT of mistakes in his life, and the show doesn’t shy away from the consequences. People get hurt, abandoned, scarred. It sometimes feels like nothing stays good once BoJack touches it. In his words, “I’m poison…I’ve

nothing to show for the life that I’ve lived, and I have nobody in my life who’s better off from having known me.” Fortunately, he’s wrong. He isn’t inherently bad. Change is tough, it can take years to work out, and even then, there’s no guarantee you can fully escape from your mistakes. But it’s possible. As Diane tells BoJack, “I don’t think I believe in ‘deep down’. I kinda think all you are is just the things that you do”. So, all he needs to do is act like a healthier version of himself. By doing that, he’ll come to understand who he

is, who he was, and what he needs to do to be better. He’ll find his meaning and then, maybe, his happiness. Of course, it’s not that simple. As Waksberg says, “we’re all deserving of forgiveness, and redemption and grace, but we have to work for it. We’re not owed it.” Saying sorry, promising that things will be different, doesn’t mean anything if you don’t commit to selfimprovement. Like BoJack is told, “You can’t keep doing awful things and then feel bad about yourself like that makes it okay. You need to be better.” We’re all flawed, and we all make mistakes, but running away and keeping ourselves distracted won’t help. The only thing we can do is face the darkness head-on, get the help we need and hope that the world is ready to forgive our shortcomings. That’s not easy to do. Some people never do it, some people spend their entire lives trying. But the world is all about contrast; as dark as it can be, there’s plenty out there to brighten it up.

Illustration author: SOPHIE HINTEREGGER


During a political rally, US President Donald Trump hit back at this year's Academy Awards for

awarding Best Picture to South Korean film Parasite, saying "How bad were the Academy Awards this year?...' And the winner is ... a movie from South Korea,'...' What the hell was that all about?". Neon, the film's American distributor, aptly tweeted back, 'Understandable, he can't read'."


THE FOUNDER March 2020

Emma. is Wildly Refreshing The Invisible Man: The Lingering Spectre of Trauma and Unafraid of Having Fun W A LUKE HETHERINGTON


fter the success of Greta Gerwig’s adaptation of Little Women, the era of the reimagining of beloved classic novels continues with Autumn de Wilde’s Jane Austen adaptation, Emma. (don’t forget the full stop) -- previously adapted by Douglas McGrath (the 1996 adaptation starring Gwenyth Paltrow) and the muchbeloved loose recreation Clueless by Amy Heckerling. Based on the 1918 novel of the name, Emma. follows the antics of the ‘handsome, clever, rich’ Emma Woodhouse who, after planting the marriage of her former governess and companion, decides her new hobby is the art of matchmaking. Perfectly embodied by Anya Taylor-Joy (Thoroughbreds, The Witch), the film’s affluent heroine resorts to matchmaking her companions to avoid her own romantic and sexual frustrations, as well as being a general source of amusement and a means of testing her prowess around the village of Highbury. After putting together her governess’ wedding, Emma is then tasked with mentoring local boarding school student Harriet Smith (the marvellous Mia Goth). Together, they fall in and out of love with the men

around the town. But despite these amusing stories of young love, it is Emma and Harriet’s bond and Emma’s audacious perspective on life that makes this film most memorable. While retaining its original temporal elements, the period drama proves refreshing and entertaining for audiences

Connor Swindells -- giving the newest adaption the best of what the two prior silver screen adaptations had. What truly reinvigorates the film is its production design (led by production designer Kave Quinn) and costume design (Alexandra Byrne), the set and the costumes work seamlessly

A still from the film

new and old, the sharp dialogue by Eleanor Catton, and the enchanting, folky score by Isobel WallerBridge and David Schweitzer revives the story for the new decade. While it has household names Bill Nighy and Miranda Hart, the film is brimming with exciting young talents like Josh O’Connor and Mia Goth as well as Sex Education talents Tanya Reynold and

together in making the film a captivating visual feast; like its protagonist, unafraid to flaunt their beauty and all their quirks. While this 2020 reiteration is no way nearing the cult status of Clueless, it enshrouds a fun, delightful, PG-rated wildness that is still missing in the conventional period dramas.

ith recent popular releases like The Girl on the Train, the notion of gaslighting (psychological abuse where a partner makes someone doubt their sanity and grasp on objective reality) has gained increased coverage. Thankfully, Universal’s aborted attempted at an Invisible Man reboot starring the controversial Sauvage advertiser Johnny Depp has been rejected in favour of Leigh Whannell (Saw, Upgrade) and his femalecentric take on HG Wells’ novel. Instead of focusing on an anti-hero scientist descending into madness, Whannell – giving script input to Elisabeth Moss – focuses on the victim she plays: Cecilia. A mannered prologue sees her methodical escape from the titular abuser, Adrian. The opening shot implies a stable relationship, but as Cecelia changes from a nightgown into an emancipative hoodie, it becomes apparent that this environment is a constrictive one that has entrapped her. After she escapes and Adrian seemingly kills himself, she suffers from agoraphobia, with every jogger a potential threat. Although it is clear that Adrian is not dead, the film spends an elongated portion of its runtime focusing on the effect he has had on her. Cecilia’s suffering is appropriately prefaced with

a BBFC warning of “domestic abuse”, but this does not do justice to an early scene where she details the level of control Adrian exercised over her life and wardrobe; it is truly disturbing and carries more upsetting weight for fellow victims than a BBFC warning for a Blumhouse horror film suggests. The nauseating injustice of gaslighting only increases across the runtime when the unexplained actions are inevitably blamed on Adrian. Family members, mutual friends, the authorities all doubt her theory that her abusive ex is behind it all. Whannel has proven himself an effective director of horrors and thrillers in the past, but by opening his script up to Moss, a surprising amount of depth tackling a dark subject that predominantly affects women. The character of Adrian himself is a startlingly accurate depiction of a narcissistic bully. To fully dissect the layers of gaslighting would ruin several unexpected avenues the plot suddenly turns into with a handbrake-turn. However, the mission statement itself (taking a thriller and turning it into an allegory for extended trauma) is a resounding success.


THE FOUNDER March 2020

Track Review: Please, Stop Buying Those

Adam Carpenter – Briefcase Record Players: Obliterate Me An Open Letter KEREN TOMASOA


all a myth perpetuated by

is just better to spend more

Big Fancy Turntables who

to get the most out of your

hose Briefcase Record just want hard-earned money Players

for from their consumers – here




rom Welsh artist Adam Carpenter comes a single defined by contrasts. A departure from their usually more acoustic stylings, ‘Obliterate Me’ is an energetic and punky track that revels in the struggles of anxiety; ultimately making the most of living in a bad situation. Balancing honest intensity with frenetic musical energy, this teaser for their upcoming EP ‘Obliterate/Ugly’ promises their ‘most daring songs yet’ while maintaining the same deeply personal lyrical content and from-the-heart guitar work of the rest of their discography. Cutting through an understated and pleasantly mellow introduction with piercing vocals, buzzing guitar and crashing drums, the immediate

stark difference in tone on this track immediately reflects Adam’s struggle in ‘distancing [themselves] from [their] anxious thoughts’. Their punk influences shine through in heavy, crunchy melodies inspired by Jeff Rosenstock and Fresh, with a distorted texture almost reminiscent of Joyce Manor. The guitars perfectly complement a set of vocals that ride a wave of noise; rocked and rolled by a tide of fuzz in a desperate SOS from the bottom of the soul. ‘Obliterate / Ugly’ is set to release on the 8th of May, and if ‘Obliterate Me’ accurately reflects Adam’s most ambitious project yet, the anti-folk scene should be in for a treat. The single is available on all streaming and digital platforms now, and more of their music can be found at adamcarpenter.

Overall, if your collection

short) always call out to are a few reasons as to why


me whenever I somehow you are better off spending a

records thrifted from charity

manage to find myself in little more:

shops and want a portable,





compact solution for both

bedroom of a friend, or in players damage the surface

listening purposes as well as

an HMV that looks like it is of your records. Collecting

Boomerangs on Instagram

one DVD away from being vinyl is not a cheap hobby,

dot com, then a Briefcase

forcibly shut. This, however, and a lot of its collectors’

Record Player would be

is an open letter to readers of appeal comes in protecting

more than suited for you.

The Founder’s music section your stash. Its resell value


to Please, Stop Buying Those drops as it gets damaged, and

ideally like to preserve the

it is of high importance that

condition of your records,

I understand. Their appeal you preserve the integrity of

then I am afraid to inform

calls to you like a siren sitting the records.

you that you should probably

an electronic store, in a Over

Image Source: Gary Lambert

budding collection.

Briefcase Record Players.



on a rock in the crashing sea Furthermore,


as you paddle out to shore. machinery,





They are colourful. They are players are likely to skip in bright.








tantalising Urban Outfitters pastel coloured briefcase.

importantly, various places, meaning that


they are affordable in our you are paying extra to have current climate of collector’s your songs cut off in strange

(Note: The writer has entirely

want places. A lot of new listeners

circumvented this problem



something of your own in a start




post-Spotify world. That is players and believe that ‘all vinyl is just like that’ when






cassettes, disintegrate

over time – thereby nulling

However, I am tragically that is simply not the case.

the need for preservation,

here to inform you that they Lastly, if the price is too

are far cheaper, and there

damaging good to be true – it probably

is no real debate over audio

both is. There is a reason that

quality, for they sound like

physically, and spiritually. ‘audiophiles’ exist, and whilst

dirt being funneled in your

(The former is perhaps more this is not an endorsement for








you to spend thousands of

Unfortunately this is not at pounds blindly, sometimes it


THE FOUNDER March 2020

Album Review: Kesha’s High Road interest on royalty payments.



esha’s philosophy is

Between 2014 and 2017,

pretty simple these Kesha was silenced. For her, days: ‘I'm going to be as this suppression was infinitely happy as possible because I

more unbearable than her

could get hit by a bus in ten financial loss. Her fans felt the minutes’. Here’s a quick same way; ‘#FreeKesha’ went run-down as to why she viral and protesters gathered outside Sony Records’ offices might feel this way. In 2014, Kesha publicly for months on end. Eventually, accused her producer, Dr. a compromise was reached, Luke, of chronic physical Dr. Luke was fired, and Kesha and emotional abuse. The was freed. After Rainbow, case went to the Supreme which centred on this Court, but the judge ruled in traumatic period, High Road is Dr. Luke’s favour, denying Kesha’s second release since Kesha’s plea to break her her emancipation. Here, she with rejects the role of the wounded him. Luke then filed a martyr, as the media branded $50 million defamation her. She makes it clear lawsuit against Kesha, and that she is more ‘Girl, six-album




Image Source: Variety

in Interrupted’ than ‘Damsel in

Image Source: Wikimedia

try too hard to revive the


herself much sooner.

In the opening track,

festivities Kesha was forced

While some tracks on

Kesha declares ‘Tonight’s the

to leave all those years ago,

High Road are party anthems

best night of our lives / We

using outdated party tricks.

which hark back to Kesha’s

got it all if we're alive’. Her

Luckily, High Road sticks

‘Ke$ha’ days, others are

joy at being back in the game

around for the cosy after-

fresh and thoroughly modern.

is contagious. The bass is

party, here losing any and all

Kesha, determined to reclaim

boosted, autotune is cranked


her lofty position in pop,

high, glitter is audible. But

In Cowboy Blues, we find

has catered to both nostalgic

Kesha is well aware of the

ourselves in a sleepy post-

fans and a new generation

public’s split opinion of

party living room, leaning on

of listeners, who may be

her, voicing it in My Own

Kesha’s shoulder as she

unfoundedly sceptical of her

Dance as she drawls, ‘You’re

strums a ukulele. In BFF, we

abilities. Before its release,

the party girl / You’re the

lie staring at the ceiling with

Kesha said she hoped to be

tragedy’. She wears this

our equally dazed companion.

‘fully seen’ on this album.



Resentment suggests pine

After all she’s been through,

accessory, assuming the role

trees and fireflies. Kesha’s

it would be understandable



storytelling talent is on full

if she kept her guard up, but

in Raising Hell and ghetto

display in songs like these;

the Tennessee songstress has

sweetheart in Honey. Tracks

their effortless charm stands

shown us her soul. If Rainbow

like these are pep rallies of

out and makes us wish Kesha

was a battle cry, High Road is


had showcased this side of

a victory dance.





THE FOUNDER March 2020


Album Review: BTS – Map of the Soul: 7

Image Source: Metro



en months after the release of Map of the Soul: Persona, K-pop sensation BTS released their highly anticipated Map of the Soul: 7 on 21 st February. Accompanied with an explosive music video for their title track ‘ON’, the album features five songs from Persona and fifteen newly composed tracks. ‘7’ relates to how the seven members Jin, SUGA, j-hope, RM, Jimin, V and Jungkook have braved various ups and downs since their debut seven years ago, with some tracks paying homage to their

previous eras by sampling their older songs. 7 continues to demonstrate BTS’s versatility not only musically – as heard in Jimin’s Latin-inspired solo ‘Filter’ – but also thematically. For instance, ‘My Time’, youngest member Jungkook’s solo, delves into his feelings of growing up too quickly after debuting with BTS at the age of fifteen. This smooth R&B track is followed by the slick and darker ‘Louder than bombs’, a ballad co-written by singer Troye Sivan, which has become an instant favourite. The Bangtan boys also show a more vulnerable

fighter’, complete with a marching band, gospel choir and Jungkook’s brilliant falsetto passage in the bridge section. It would not be a BTS album if the members didn’t express their deep appreciation for their dedicated fanbase, ARMY. Jin’s solo ‘Moon’ likens their relationship with ARMY to the moon and Earth as heard in the lines: ‘You are my Earth/And all I see is you’, whilst ‘We Are Bulletproof:

flows from the rappers of the group (RM, SUGA and j-hope) and contrasts with the nostalgic feel of the singers’ ‘Zero O’clock’. After V’s uplifting ‘Inner Child’, a message to his younger self, Jimin and V celebrate their deep friendship in their heartwarming duet ‘Friends’. J-hope’s solo ‘Outro: Ego’ follows SUGA and RM’s ‘Respect’, bringing the album to a close with an afro-beat inspired sound

the Eternal’ is filled with BTS’s deep appreciation for the unconditional support they have received since their debut, especially in the lyrics: ‘We were only seven/ side in ‘Interlude: Shadow’ But we have you all now.’ and ‘Black Swan’. The ‘UGH!’ is an incredible former – SUGA’s solo track diss track with impressive – explores the bittersweet realities of fame. Although he is one of the most famous K-pop idols in the world, he laments that ‘No one told [him] how lonely it is up here’. ‘Black Swan’ confesses how the members would rather lose their fame than their passion for what they do. In spite of all these tribulations, ‘ON’ – the title being a reversal of their 2013 song ‘N.O’ – is a powerful song where the boys declare ‘[You] can’t hold me down ‘cause you know I’m a Image Source:

whilst sampling the intro from debut album 2 Cool 4 Skool (2013). BTS continue to demonstrate how music can transcend language and culture, with 7 proving that they can only move onwards and upwards from here.


THE FOUNDER March 2020

Bundesliga Round-Up – Title Race Far From Over Haaland.


only 26 conceded ranks them

signed from Austrian club

as the second best under


RB Salzburg in January

Bayern, as well in Europe,

academic year in the

and is already 12 th on the

where they progressed to

Bavarian city of Munich,


the knockout stages of the



charts. He has quickly set



about breaking records in for

recorded a solid 1-0 win

Bundesliga football. Here, he

Dortmund, becoming the first

over Tottenham Hotspur in

provided The Founder with a

player in Bundesliga history

the first leg. Coach Julian

round-up of the season thus

to score five goals in his first



two games. The ardent Leeds

buoyed by the fantastic form

25 games into the season

United fan, who rejected

of their own prolific hitman,

and the Bundesliga is far from

Manchester United before

rumoured Liverpool target

decided yet, with perennial

signing for BVB, has enjoyed

Timo Werner. The German’s

favourites Bayern Munich’s

a rich run of form and has


grip on the title under attack


forward Marcel Sabitzer has

from Erling Braut Haaland-

title hopes, with many fans



inspired Borussia Dortmund,

hoping that a few more goals



in-form Bayer Leverkusen

will lead to Lucien Favre’s

resulted in more than a

and the bogeyman of German









as Manager


football, RB Leipzig. Bayern Munich extended their lead at the top of the

A photo of Eliot in front of the legendary Serge Gnabry’s shirt whilst on a tour of Bayern Munich’s Allianz Arena.











power, speed and trickery.

Only four points behind Leverkusen and Borussia make Bayern are their Der Mönchengladbach

Below FCB, BVB and RBL

Klassiker rivals, Borussia up the rest of the top five, Dortmund. Best-known and with the gap between

Borussia Mönchengladbach, fourth

Pierre-Emerick part of the table undisturbed Aubameyang’s former side. for now. Leipzig, the subject

this late form has seen them

Led by Jadon Sancho, the of many protests over club based in North-Rhine their club’s management

Gladbach boast the second-

Westphalia have received a structure, have nevertheless recent surge in popularity impressed on the pitch, both

the league as well as great Thuram,


anniversary as a football club,


but the win was far from a


classic Bayern demolition as

charts in the Bundesliga,

they continued to struggle up

with an impressive haul of

as Gladbach and sixth-placed current Liverpool manager Schalke totalling nine points, Jürgen Klopp’s and Arsenal look to be occupying the top

front without talisman Robert

25 goals from 23 games.




Dutch youth prospect Joshua

regarded as one of the best

Zirkzee has been deployed

finishers of his generation,

as Lewandowski’s backup,

the Pole has been on the

but while the 19-year old

sidelines with a shin injury

does display a similar edge

since late February and looks

in front of goal, it has been

set to miss most of the rest

Serge Gnabry who has led by

across Europe due to their in the league, where their acquisition of Norwegian prolific scoring rate of 62

of March too, including the

example for the Bavarians.





Augsburg on Bayern’s 120 th



cope with their mixture of

second-leg against Chelsea.



the title again.

of March with a 2-0 win over




being rendered unable to

UEFA Champions League absence,



Bavarian rivals and lifting

table to four points on the 8th






phenomenon goals scored compared with

sit Bayer Leverkusen and in a close-run battle for place.


have notched up 10 wins out of 11 in all competitions, and surge into the top four, while best defensive record in forwards

like son

Marcus of

France great Lilian.



THE FOUNDER March 2020

Europa League Forecast Six Nations Championship M vs Coronavirus the tournament, there should

in contention a first Serie A

be enough flair for United to

title since 2009/10 would

ore important than the

mount a significant charge


lifting of the Europa

for the trophy.

League is not their first


League trophy is what it

Wolves may be slightly




choice of silverware this

go ahead, whilst some of


signifies – a guarantee of


Champions League football

opponents. Olympiakos will

AS Roma are in a tight



pose a much different threat

battle for the top four in Serie

benefits of this ranging from

to that of Espanyol in the

enhanced revenues to an

round prior. Wolves have

increased ability to attract top


A this season and would prefer to the annual Six Nations that this not be their only Championship, held between

players, it is understandable

under Nuno Espirito Santo,

why many teams endure the

and his next aim as Wolves

gruelling Thursday-Sunday


playing schedule that the

deliver Champions League



football. However, when you

the second round of the

couple the inevitable tired

competition has concluded

legs in the Wolves squad

and the draw for the last 16

(owing to a season which

has taken place, the Founder

began back in July) with their

seeks to assess the chances

lack of European knockout

of the remaining sides in the

experience, one must argue


that perhaps next season will











Manchester United are

present a stronger chance of

the competition’s outright

either a top four finish or a


Europa League trophy.





the Women’s games have he past couple of weeks

already been cancelled and


many of the others are still



avenue into the Champions England, France, Ireland, League next year. They have Italy, Scotland and Wales.

an experienced squad and The current champions, should not be written off if Wales, have been hit by some they make it past Sevilla in difficult games, losing 30the next round. 33 to England on 7 March. Bayer Leverkusen are in This was rather surprising a similar domestic situation considering that in the second

to Roma, flirting with fourth half England were down to spot in an even Bundesliga. 13 men. This put England in Though they may not have the lead with one week to go

as strong a squad, young after France experienced an sensation Kai Havertz will be unexpected 28-17 defeat to seeking to guide his team into Scotland. However, it seems

waiting to be confirmed whether or not they are to go ahead. In the Women’s Six Nations results, England dominate the table with a points difference of 145 after managing to beat Wales 66 – 7. The game was attended by a record number of fans, which neared 11,000 in size. In the Women’s league, Wales are quite safely in last place, with no current possibility of regaining some points. At least the Welsh seem

the Champions League for like this will have to stay 2020/21 – an achievement for the time being, with the

to have taken to losing banning fans from chanting

20-year-old All other matches, and a playing for them next season. previous game between Italy

Dderwen’ in Carmarthen has as the loud disturbance was

graciously, with one pub

their 6-1 aggregate thumping

Inter Milan were unlucky

of Club Brugge. Uninspiring

to be knocked out of the

which is in the interests of Wales vs. Scotland fixture the Leverkusen too if they want only game still being played.

in their domestic campaign



so far, it is likely that Ole


Gunnar Solskjaer considers


the Europa League as their



They have a favourable tie in and Ireland, have already the last 16 against FC Basel. been called off due to the



stages. They are a very well-

spread of the coronavirus,


the Champions League for

balanced team – supplying

Our favourites:

particularly in Italy. There

that this is due to the noise

the 2020/21 season. With a

excitement in attack with

Man United

has been no announcement

created, it wouldn’t be far

last 16 tie against Austrian

the likes of Martínez and

Our outside choice:

yet as to how long the games

off to believe it was simply

side LASK, the Red Devils

strength in defence with

Bayer Leverkusen

will be postponed for, and no

due to how upset Wales

will fancy their chances of

centre-half Godín. They will

indication either when the

were about their positioning

progressing further. If their

certainly fancy themselves

announcement will be made.

on the tables, especially

big attacking hitters are fit

in the last-16 against Getafe,

The Under 20s Six Nation

towards the latter stages of

but the fact that they are still

games are still planned to






performances high-quality in




Welsh anthems. ‘Yr Hen banned songs being sung, upsetting the neighbours. it



considering last year.


THE FOUNDER March 2020

Zak Crawley Stars as England Draw Warm-up Match DOMINIC TAYLOR


ngland had positives to take from their first warm-up match in Katunayake in Sri Lanka. The Founder takes a look at the first match, the standout players and what this possibly suggests ahead of the two-Test match series that commences on March 19th. In the first innings, England made 316 before being bowled out. As it was a warm-up match, England were entitled to any 11 batters out of a squad of 16. Zak Crawley and Dom Sibley, following an impressive tour of South Africa, opened again but Sibley will be disappointed to be bowled LBW for 14 by Anjula, who finished with

figures of 43-2. Denly and Crawley both ‘got in’ before being dismissed for 32 and 43 respectively. Stokes and Pope uncharacteristically finished with low scores of 3 and 8 respectively, but positives can be taken from the first innings of captain Joe Root and Jos Buttler. Root made 78 whilst Buttler, a World Cup hero from the summer, made the highest score of the team with 79. Jennings, who is included largely because of the form he’s previously displayed on the Indian sub-continent, made a poor score of 19. Ben Foakes, a candidate to keep wicket for England on the tour, made 27 not out before he ran out of partners at the other end. Whilst bowling, England’s spin bowlers performed as

expected. Dom Bess, another who came out of South Africa in good form, took 3 wickets for 54 runs whilst Lancashire’s Matt Parkinson took 4 wickets for 68 runs. He will be hoping that was enough to deserve another chance ahead of the Test series. Opening pair Stuart Broad and Sam Curran failed to claim a wicket but Chris Woakes, who has recently been criticised for his form in away series, took figures of 2-21. Lancashire’s Mahmood also produced a decent performance, claiming the scalp of Priyanjan – who top-scored for the Sri Lanka XI with 77. Despite Dom Sibley failing to contribute any runs in the second innings, Zak Crawley demonstrated his ability at the top-order, calmly scoring 91 runs from 99 deliveries.

Denly and Stokes made 27 and 43 runs respectively before Pope impressed with 77 runs. Jennings failed to contribute significantly again with a mediocre 23 and Foakes, again finishing not out, ended Image Source: BBC Sport on 24 runs. The key winner from this to stick with Crawley as an match was Zak Crawley. opener alongside Dom Sibley. Before this match, there England will be happy with were murmurs he could the form exhibited of Root, be replaced with Keaton Buttler, Pope and Parkinson, Jennings. However, his who may have just done good form, coinciding enough to claim a starting with Jennings’ poor sport for the Test series. performances, are likely to push the England coaches

It’s Coming Home? England’s Chances at Euro 2020 JAMES NEAL


surprise to many, England appears to be the bookmaker’s favourites for the upcoming competition. The competition, which promises to be a celebration of the Championship’s 60year history, will be hosted by 12 different stadiums in 12 different cities throughout Europe, with ‘the Home of Football’ Wembley Stadium hosting the Semi-Finals and

Final. Previous European adventures by the Three Lions have historically met with failure: embarrassingly getting knocked out by Iceland in 2016, Italy in 2012 and even failing to qualify in 2008. Indeed, one must look back as far as 1996 for England’s last half-decent performance at the Euros where they finished 3 rd after a heartbreaking semi-final penalty

defeat against the Germans after current England manager Gareth Southgate missed the 6th penalty. So, will football finally ‘come home’, at these upcoming Euros? A surprise to many, England appears to be the bookmaker’s favourites for the upcoming competition at 9/2 odds on to win the coveted trophy. Moreover, France and Arsenal legend Thierry Henry recently suggested that ‘amazing’ Gareth Southgate

could lead England to their first ever Euro victory and first international trophy since 1966. Strong displays in qualifying, such as a 7-0 humiliation of Montenegro, a 6-0 dismantling of Bulgaria and a 5-0 drubbing of the Czech Republic have given England fans much to be excited about. Captain Kane’s 12 goals and magician Raheem Sterling’s 8 goals over

the 8 games have had many watering at the mouth about the firepower of England’s attack. Jadon Sancho’s remarkable performances in the Bundesliga have further bolstered England’s attacking quality. While England’s midfield has often been a source of concern, strong performance this season from players such as Harry Winks, Jordan Henderson and Mason Mount should allay some concerns.


THE FOUNDER March 2020

Furthermore, England can rely on the creative talents of such hotshots as Jack Grealish, Jimmy Maddison and, of course, maverick Jesse Lingard – if called upon. Defensively, England

seems to have overcome some of the challenges that plagued them at the 2018 World Cup and 2019 UEFA Nations League. Indeed, youngsters Japhet Tanganga, Reece James and, most impressively, Bukayo Saka

have all impressed in defence this season and may prove to be valuable additions to the Three Lions team. England stalwart Harry Maguire has only impressed pundits, despite the indifferent

performances of Manchester United this season. England will face beatable Croatia and the Czech Republic in the group stages, along with the winner of the Path C qualifier. Either Scotland, Israel, Norway or

Serbia will get that slot. With the current strength of the England squad, alongside the tactical genius of Gareth Southgate, football may, finally, come home.

NBA Round-up Currently in 6th and 7th the post-season.



are Oklahoma City Thunder

Rookie Zion Williamson

th in RPG and 3 th in PPG, the

play-off push. The Pacers

Bucks will take some beating

are still in the midst of a

ith play-off races

and the Dallas Mavericks. The didn’t play his first game

in the post-season.

rebuilding phase, and will


former are the Conference’s until


The strong desire to finish

give the play-offs a great

up in both Conferences,

surprise packages this season to injury, but his arrival

2nd is personified by the

shot, but perhaps next season

the Founder gives a brief

and will continue playing has lit up the Pelicans

high-quality basketball being

will be more fitting for them

summary of how the season



played by the next five teams


has panned out so far.


latter hope that New Orleans

in the conference. Despite


have scored excellently this could see some play-off

the loss of star player Kawhi


Western Conference:

season, owing to star man basketball. This last play-

Leonard and a season plagued

averaging 27.5 PPG, the

The two teams expected

Luka Dončić, who is 6th in off spot is also sought

by injury, the Raptors are

Brooklyn Nets look set to

to dominate were the LA

the league in PPG and 3rd in after



finish in the play-offs. 8th

Lakers and the LA Clippers.


Grizzlies (off the back

enjoyed a 15-game win streak

spot is currently occupied


Both the Utah Jazz and of an outstanding season

from January 15th to February

by the Orlando Magic, but

seven-time All-Star Anthony

Denver Nuggets have been by rookie Ja Morant) and


with Bradley Beal averaging

Davis to couple LeBron


James. With two franchise

phases, so it is refreshing where Damian Lillard has


figureheads and a strong

to see them develop into been averaging 29.5PPG,

Celtics and the Miami Heat.

roster around them, it is

contenders this season. They and scored 61 against the

Both teams are young and

unsurprising that the Lakers

both possess players that have Warriors on January 21st.

electrifying at times.

are well on course to secure

proven their worth too such as

top spot. The Clippers have











into recently,






rebuilding the Portland Trailblazers,


Looking are




notable Kyrie

title Irving


over 30PPG, his Washington


Wizards should not be ruled


out of the race. All the evidence from the season so far points towards

Slightly less of a threat (but

a Bucks vs. Lakers final,

Donovan Mitchell and Nikola Eastern Conference:

still playoff guarantees) are

which would undoubtedly be

a talented outfit also, led

Jokić. Finally, the Houston The efficient and resolute

the Philadelphia 76ers and the

an excellent series.

by 2019 Champion Kawhi

Rockets, led by James Harden Milwauke Bucks are out

Indiana Pacers. The 76ers

Leonard – who is averaging

(the league leader in PPG), front. Driven forward by

have seen their form dip

27 PPG. They sit second at

are looking for their first title last year’s MVP Giannis

recently due to injuries to Joel

*all stats correct as of

the time of writing, but with

since 1995, but are unlikely to Antetokounmpo, they were

Embiid and Ben Simmons,


only five wins separating

have the durability required to the first team to secure a

and the fact that they are 22nd

**(PPG = points per game,

them and 7th , the stakes of

beat some of the high-quality play-off place this season.

in league scoring won’t give

RPG = rebounds…, APG =

every game remain high.

opposition they will face in With the ‘Greek Freak’ 4

fans confidence of a significant


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For regular updates on the progress of The Garage, please follow The Garage on Instagram @thegarage_PSL

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