Charlotte North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28285

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Charlotte North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28285 Charlotte North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28285 Related

Does owning a home increase car insurance rates? A coworker once told me that once you're labeled as a homeowner, your car insurance rates go up b/c you can be sued for your house. Is there any truth to this? If it matters, I live in NY." Where can I find non-owners car insurance in Massachusetts? I'm looking to purchase a non-owner's car insurance policy (I live in the Boston area). I do not own my own car, but since I'm still in college and I just moved home, I drive both my parents cars and my brother's car. A non-owners policy would cover me in whichever car I'm driving, and I'm just wondering if anyone could recommend a company in MA that offers this?" MotorBike Insurance For CBT...? i was just wondering if i bought a Honda CBR 125r and i got a provisional license ad done the CBT would i need insurance to ride on the roads for 2 years or would i not need insurance until i could save up money for lessons, theory and practical test....???" What cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? what cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? Car insurance when buying a new car ? Hello,i have seen a used certified car online and very much interested in haggling with the car dealer to buy the car,but my problem is,i have heard you need insurance coverage on the car before the dealer will let you drive off the lot with the car.So my question is how do i go about this when i havent yet selected or bargained for the price of the car before purchasing.I am driving 2 hours to-and-fro to get this car and cant afford to go home without the car the day i go to the dealership.How do people go to car dealerships,haggle on any car they love in the showroom and drive home the same day? I cant buy insurance that i may not need( example buying insurance on a 2009 car,but later get a good deal on a 2010) Any help on how to get the car insurance issue straightened out before i go haggling for cars?" What is the best health insurance plan for my husband and I? We're age 20 & 22. In school. Don't receive insurance through work. Live in Michigan. No health problems right now (that we know of) lol. We can afford about $50 to $100

per month. Looking for dental and a visit or two per year to a physician (checkups) for each of us and a deductible that can work around that and decent co pay. My car insurance is higher than everyone elses because im a Young Man? Hi, Im 24 and recently started seaching for my own car insurance poilicy. I thought I would pay about the same rate as my mom, but I keep getting quotes that are like twice what she pays! I asked one agent why and he said :young men are more aggressive and likely to take more risk while driving I have never even had a parking ticket! Just because im young doesnt mean I will drive wild or speed. Is this discrimination? WOMEN AE WAY WORSE DRIVERS THAN MEN!" How can I get car insurance for a classic car? And how much would it cost (roughly)? I grew up loving classic mustangs, corvettes and camaros (had all the hotwheels!) and I'm interested in purchasing an older car. The few cars I'm interested in were typically more" Car insurance advice needed? My nephew passed his driving test yesterday and has a P reg Volkswagon Polo for his first car. I've seen adverts on the tele for Direct Line car insurance and they aren't on comparison websites, does anybody know if they are averagely cheaper or not? Are there any other companies that don't appear on comparison websites? Thanks." Car insurance question? My car is currently under my parents name any under my parents insurance. It was a gift from my parents but we never bothered changing the ownership over and it wasn't a big deal since we live in the same home. I am planning on moving out soon, do I need to have the car put in to my own name to get my own insurance and to make it legal? I've heard that continuing to pay through their plan without living in there house would make it void. If I don't change my ID right away would it still count as me not living there?" Is it possible to get some good life insurance on a 72 year old woman? Where can I look and what do I need to be aware of? What's the benefit of saying you have no car insurance? #NAME? Can my parents add me to their car insurance for a shot period of time? I'm planning to go on a road trip and I was wondering if it's possible for my parents to add me to their insurance so I can use their car for a week, and whether it will be cheaper that way than to rent a car (I'm 24). They have American Family Insurance."

If I got a 1000cc+ for my first bike and restricted it to a 125cc would the insurance be cheap? the bike would be restricted to a 125cc. This would also be my first bike and I would be 17 yrs old. "I have Full Coverage Insuranc. Someone vandalized my car destroying the hood, and the front window is busted ?" My friend has full coverage insurance. Someone vandalized his car destroying the hood and busted the front window out. Will the insurance company cover this? Someone also advised us that it would be better to report the car stolen and they would cover it once it's found with the damage. Is this true? we really need some advice on this one. Don't want to be stuck having to pay the costs for all this damage. Also, what steps he should take first, i.e - informing the police, ect?" Can a person with kaiser permanente insurance in colorado move to arizona and retain that insurance coverage? Can a person with kaiser permanente insurance in colorado move to arizona and retain that insurance coverage? How much will my insurance be? If I am a 16 year old male, and I want to get a 1992 Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.6.... About how much should insurance cost?" POLL: How much do you pay for car insurance? i asked about how much car insurance costs but didn't get any great answers, so i'm just going to do a little survey" How much commercial car insurance does one have to have to deliver newspapers? How much commercial car insurance does one have to have to deliver newspapers? Mice build nest in my engine. Eat lining out of hood heat shield. What can expect from insurance co? I have $100 deductible for vandalism, and other stuff. $500 deductible for collision. Of course, I will take car to insurance and show them the damage. But what should I expect? This is nice car, and shield needs to be replaced. '04 Corvette Convertible. If you know, will my insurance rate go up if I file this claim to replace this heat shield?" Typical renters insurance in springfield MA? what is the typical amount of money you pay for renters insurance in springfield Massachusetts?

Insurance premiums in the U.S.? Did Insurance Companies increase their premiums in the U.S. for all customers (regardless of location) after Hurricane Katrina? If they did, is this a common practice? Don't insurance companies ever lose?" Which insurance company in Ireland provides the cheapest car insurance and best service? Which insurance company in Ireland provides the cheapest car insurance and best service? Should I buy car insurance or not? I am a teenage driver of 16. Insurance is very high for a teenager. My parents have Allstate Car Insurance for four of their cars including a Toyota Corolla which im going to be driving. The Corolla is covered by AllState insurance. I have a California Driver's License and live in California. About 6 months ago, my mom asked the insurance company whether the insurance would cover the car if she lent the car to someone and the insurance company said that they would cover the car as soon as the person who borrowed the car has a VALID DRIVERS LICENSE. I have a valid drivers license but I am under 18 (I am 16). The insurance person did not say anything about age. My question is whether it is necessary or not to buy insurance for myself. It will be very expensive and I do not want to pay for it but I will If i have to. Do I have to get my own insurance for the car or not? If I dont buy insurance and I drive the corolla and get pulled over, am I okay or will I have problems?" Cheap car insurance/ first car whats been ur best quote? hi im all most finished my driving lessons and wondering about the insurance ect i dont wanna spend hours on compere or that putting in details , but wondering if there r any first time drivers out there and give me there thoughts on how i would get a cheap car and cheap insurance" Charlotte North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28285 Charlotte North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28285 Help finding affordable health care for an individual 24 year old female in college part time and working.? I am a 24 year old female in a community college (my 3rd semester) I am not full time because I am working as a waitress to survive outside of school. I have looked all over the internet and the quotes I have gotten have actually made me laugh. 520, 250, 300 a month for health insurance are you kidding? I have to pay 500 hundred dollars for health insurance a month? That is almost my rent. This is ridiculous! I really need to get a doctor and more then that I need a dentist. I grew up with a single father and I have only been able to go to the dentist once because his work did not provide health care unfortunately. I am not trying to come off as bitching but this is really frustrating to me. :o( Can someone please send a website with an affordable New York health insurance? I would really appreciate it. Thanks! :o/" Will my health insurance change?

im 21 and still in college in mass, if i move out of my house into an apartment will i lose my fathers health insurance?" What auto insurance gives the cheapest full covarge becuase my friend thats a guy says its 4000 dollars a year? What auto insurance gives the cheapest full coverage because my friend thats a guy says its 4000 dollars a year since his girlfriend totaled his car.. looking for prices ranges typically around 2500 a year Insurance or personal? I had a brush with a car i n the parking lot and the bumper of the other car came off. its a new car and the bumper needs to be replaced. The guy is claming $700 for repairs. Just wondering if i shuld pay it from my pocket or shuld go thru insurance. In case i claim insurance do points get added to my insurance which will impact my insurance cost in the coming years? whcih is more sensible... How much do you pay for car insurance? How much do you pay for car insurance? On like an 2003 truck? Can still drive with my parents in the car even if I don't have car insurance and they do? I'm 16 and I don't have insurance listed under my name yet. I have my license already. Me and my parents were wondering if I could still drive without insurance if they're in the car with me. We live in Arizona btw, if that helps. Thanks!" Does car insurance cost more money for Asian people? Does car insurance cost more money for Asian people? Auto insurance much trouble am i looking at? i don't need to be judged..I made a dumb decision which could have resulted in me losing my life and im lucky i didn't. anyways here a supposed friend of mine told me she couldn't wait to teach me to drive..i told her i didn't want to drive until i got my permit. well after telling me that she pulls over and asks if i want to drive..i tell her no..she keeps pushing telling me she thinks i'd be good at driving and eventually after saying no 8-10 times i give in and we switch..i continued up the road and i made the right and i was maknig another right and i lost control and ended up on the sidewalk and crashed into a pole..airbags exploded and all..when immediately got out of the car and I asked her what we were going to do and she said to me so help me god if i lose my license and again i said what are we going to do? she said were going to say i was driving..we got ran off the road by a red truck..when the cops came i stuck with the same story she did and we went to the hospital and all..this happened a month ago..the vehicle was totaled and she collected money from the accident. I however felt so guilty i went and turned myself into the police and told them the truth about everything. the cop that was at the accident is who i spoke with..i filled out a witness

report and the cop said that he was really glad that I came forward with the truth and that she would be in much more trouble than I and that he planned to take it easy on me since i came forward about it and because i am a mom..he said the most i will probably get is my license suspended..i am still waiting to get anything in the mail and i'm so nervous bc i don't know if i can get in worse trouble and was wondering what other people thought..honestly the whole thing has scared me from ever wanting to drive again and even though i wasn't the victim i really felt like it for days after the accident..i was very distraught..and i'm scared even being a passenger in a car now..i watch everything and get very scared fast. Can i get in trouble with the insurance company? I didn't give them a statement. I just told them about me going to the hospital and supposed friend actually gave them the statement..they sent me a bunch of paperwork in the mail to have me mail back in so they could cover medical expenses but i never sent the stuff in or filled it out bc i didn't want the insurance company to pay for something that was my fault. I live in pa and i guess im just wondering how much trouble i can get in? or if i should be okay because i came forward with the truth. Insurance for my baby? I am researching insurance options for my baby. The baby will be born in few months. I know that the baby will be insured 30 days after he is born. This is my question. Should I find an individual plan for the baby or should I add the baby to my insurance? I did not even know one can add the baby to an existing insurance. I am just trying to find the best deal. If I have to have an individual plan for the baby, I am looking only for Blue Cross or Blue Shield of California (PPO only). If you have any suggestions, please share. Thank you" Cheap car insurance for young drivers? Where can i get cheap car insurance? I'm now 18, and I did use to drive a 1.2 Renault Clio, but I had to sell it, because the insurance was so high. I've been looking at other cars with small engines, and I have been using price comparison sites, but the cheapest quote I ever got was 3000 (and have done Pass Plus too!!) Is there any way to make insurance cheaper, or is there any insurance companies, that specialise insurance for young drivers with Pass Plus? And is there any other ways to make quotes cheaper? Please help :)" First time car insurance? i have been driving my parents car for about a year now and i am going to buy my own car. i am buying a 1.3 Ford KA 07 registration i am female and 19 do you have any tips for getting good insurance and reasonably priced insurance? i am aware it will be expensive. i am looking for fully comp insurance also does anyone have any experience with coop car insurance where they fit a smart box to your car and measure your driving? Why are insurance companies restricted from selling health insurance to anyone? Why would any state decide not to let an insurance company compete? "What are the best car insurance in Eugene, OR ?

I'm a college student and looking for the best car insurance in terms of reasonable price and have the higher coverage. I'm looking for full coverage. Please help me as you can whether you recommend one or you could lead me to a recommended insurance. Thanks in advance Seeking an auto insurance company who offers independent spouses insurance? married, but want to buy separate auto insurance" M2 and G1 car insurance? As I noticed in site that if you a holder of M2 you can drive G class vehicle under the condition of getting G1. So that means M2+G1 == G2 in one way (I mean G2 won't equal M2 + G1) So anyone have an idea how much insurance I have to pay for getting a car (i know a lot of details here but consider cheap car and no experience at all)? This info about M2 + G1 = G2 is from here: Note: Class M2 and Class M licence holders may also drive Class G vehicles under the conditions that apply to a Class G1 licence holder. Thanks in advance Who Is The Best Car Insurance Company For A 17year old? Who Is The Best Car Insurance Company For A 17year old? Why want the Republicans work with the Democrats to get a good health care system in the U.S.? Is it because the Republicans are behind big business? Car insurance question? Can someone get insurance on a vehicle when their name is NOT on the title?? The insurance is in VA. My husband owns the car and was letting his little bro drive it, but we've removed the insurance and told him NOT to drive it, and found out that he has put insurance on it with his insurance company! Is this possible or legal even?" What would the insurance quote for a Chevy silverado 1500 1995 be? ive looked at the insurance sites and they want all my information i just need a estimate for my truck please help i dont want to enter all my information Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? Please tell me what you think about Infinity Auto Insurance? Please tell me what you think about Infinity Auto Insurance?

What kinds of insurance we should get in California? What kind of insurance we should shop if owner live in the property them self? What kind of insurance we should shop if it's rented out? What kind of insurance we should buy if we need fix the problems like dishwasher? Is it necessary to buy such kind of insurance? Why is my car insurance so expensive? I'm 18 and I drive a 2008 dodge caliber. I've been paying 200+ a month on insurance and I'm sick of it. I will be 19 in the summer and have had my license going on 3 years. I have a clean record accident free and incident free. Will my payment ever go down? It's bad enough I'm already a poor college student lol. Its about car Insurance? hi guys i was wondering ive recently looked at a car ad the cars insurance saids 15E its and 2003 ex police car 'volvo s80' at the age of 21 is that going to be expensive. ?????????? Car insurance question...? I am currently driving my father's car. The insurance for the car is under his name, so the proof of insurance has his name on it. I have no idea if i myself am supposed to have insurance or not. Am i driving legally? If not, tell me what i can do to be able to. I am 16 and my father and I both live in Florida." Charlotte North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28285 Charlotte North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28285 How long do I have to wait to be able to buy car insurance? My sister has been paying for car insurance because the car is hers. I want to buy a new car, so I need to pay insurance on my own. I've been driving for 1 year. The problem is I had 2 tickets: speeding and move-over violation. I think because of that, the insurance quote is very high, like $200/month. I wonder if I will be able to buy insurance with lower quote a couple years later or not, and during that time I will put my car under my sister's insurance. Thank you to people who give me answers!" Question about getting car insurance for mil!? Long story short my mother in law lost her car insurance and can't afford to get insurance back my question is can my husband put her and her car under our insurance?!? How soon do I need auto insurance after getting my Driver's License? I'm going to be getting my Drivers License for the first time in a week (I am 16), and I was wondering how soon after I get my license do I need to have auto insurance to drive legally? I'd like to be able to drive the day I get my license, but my parents don't

want to add me to their insurance plan beforehand with the possibility of me failing the exam. Is their any kind of grace period that allows me to drive the day I get my license so I can wait until after I complete the test to purchase insurance?" How much would cheap car insurance be in california? im 18 and its my first car whats a good estimate for cheap insurance Where can i find good health insurance in san francisco? Where can i find good health insurance in san francisco? Do you need boating insurance in California? Do you need boating insurance in California? Does insurance go up when I get my driver's permit? I'm a little over 15 and a half i live in california and my family has AAA so will the insurance price raise? i know that when i get over 16 it does raise but any tips on how to bring down the rates a little? "Around wat do u think the cost of my insurance will be, im 17 years old with a jeep cherokee?" Around wat do u think the cost of my insurance will be, im 17 years old with a jeep cherokee?" How much does type of car vary the insurance rate? I am 18 and am going to be licensed in about a month or so. I am thinking about buying a first car but I'm just wondering out of curiousity, how much would insuring a 2002 BMW cost more than let's say...a 2002-2004 Honda Civic? I'm looking at the civic but if they are in the same price range, I would rather buy the BMW. Yes, I know about the Honda gets 50 mpg and BMW will cost more to maintain, etc, etc but I'm just wondering, would BMW insurance cost a lot more for a old model?" What car ins is the cheapest? in california...? What car ins is the cheapest? in california...? Best life insurance policy? Which is the best life insurance policy for tax saving and investment for employee? What's a good medical insurance plan for someone in my situation in CA?

It's so overwhelming with all the different policies out there, if someone has a recommendation for a good insurance company that is affordable for my situation: a. self employed single female b. no health risks/problems c. mid 30s d. prefer a plan that covers maternity just in case" Are the following cars high on insurance? Is the supra MK4, 240sx s13 and s14 high on insurance? please help I would like to get one of them for a first car but I need to know if there high on insurance." Health insurance cards? I need the template for a state farm health insurance card or the information, thanks" Motorcycle Insurance? I am looking at a red 2007 Honda Shadow VLX. I'm a 21 year old female, I'm on State Farm with my car, living in Lake Charles, which is probably one of the bigger cities in Southwest Louisiana. Just wondering what average cost might be to insure this bike. Like, minimum or if it's totaled. I only have one speeding ticket from a year ago on my record I believe. Thanks!" How do I find out how much the insurance settlement check was? I was in an auto accident and had head injuries. When the insurance company settled, I did not see the settlement check. My lawyer wrote personal 2 checks to me totaling what he said to be the policy limit. I never saw anything that showed what the policy limit was and I feel like he has done something very underhanded. This same lawyer sent me to a doctor for a test and charged me 6,500.00 for an EMG. After I received the bill I went to the doctors office to find out why it was so high but the office was no longer there. My lawyer said that the doctor died in an auto accident I recently found out he is working in another location now. How do I find out what the insurance settlement check was?" How much would the insurance be for a Porsche Cayenne Diesel a year? The insurance would be for a female driver with over 25 years of experience. How much would it cost a year, and also how much would the monthly diesel bill be? Thanks" How much will my father's insurance go up for me? yea well i want my license and he says no because it will raise his insurance through the roof. just how much will it increase? im 18 and i live in brooklyn. the car id drive would be a 06 nissan maxima. any idea around how much it would go up? Motorcycle insurance for 125cc? Hi guys, Just wondering if anyone could help me, I want to get a motorcycle instead of a car - despite what people say I just can't wait to ride to college and back. So I've

chosen to get a honda CG 125 which is a decent bike runs from a to b. I'm looking at insurance online and it's around a grand! Is the companies that offer cheap insurance I mean, what's the average price? I'm 18 live in a decent area without much crime I'm doing my cbt next week and maybe it's fact I haven't been riding (in their eyes) a long time? Any help appreciated!" "Im 19 ,how much should i pay for car insurance? im not british.but im getting a uk full licence.. any people know how much should i pay for a classic mini? and how about a 1995 subaru wrx? How much would insurance be for a teenager with a 2005 mustang? I am too young to apply online for a car insurance quote and don't really feel like asking my parents because they keep saying it's way to expensive. I would just like to know around what price would car insurance be for a mustang for a teenage girl. It would be helpful if I had $ amounts instead of way to expensive answers. Thank you :) Double Health Insurance Coverage? I was recently laid off and offered a severance package that included continuation of full health insurance coverage for 6 months for me and my spouse; I will begin another job which offers health insurance; can I be enrolled in both plans under my name? and What happens with pre-existing conditions? We res the cheapest place to get car insurance? We res the cheapest place to get car insurance? What is the payment you make to the insurance company called? ***Auto Insurance I need affordable health insurance and can't find any anywhere.? I need affordable health insurance and can't find any anywhere.? Charlotte North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28285 Charlotte North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28285 I am 16 and just got my license and I am wondering how much insurance would cost for a 1994 Mitsubishi 3000GT? I live in Illinois and I already own the car. My parents are saying that the insurance is going to be to much to pay for. How much do you think it will cost per month? How do I find out if my insurance covers Mirena?

I have Blue Advantage/MN Care for my health insurance and have been looking into getting the Mirena IUD.. I am on daily birth control pills now, but would like to switch to something more effective/semi permanent." Does Auto insurance go down automatically after the age of 25? If I drive a small and cheap car... The best and cheapest car insurance? The best and cheapest car insurance? What's the best site for cheap bike insurance ? need to insurance my moped but want to make sure I get a good deal and cheap, any ideas ? thanks Whats the cheapest car insurance for someone that has points on the their driving record.? Whats the cheapest car insurance for someone that has points on the their driving record.? How can I afford car insurance (17 - 18 year old)? Does anyone have any ideas on how to afford running a car, especially insurance which would be around 2500-3000 per year. I'm still in sixth form and plan to go to university so I only really have weekends to work. Is it possible to afford to run a car? How to people do it? Thanks" Car Insurance for a new driver???? My wife was looking at getting her drivers licence and was wondering how much it would cost roughly for say a 1998 dodge caravan to be insured under a new driver. She is 28 and will be taking a driving school to learn how to drive. Does anyone know if it would be more or less then $400 a month. Thanks Worries about insurance with a tracker? Being a 19 year old male who lives in London, insurance was clearly going to be a problem. I have however found some decent quotes which include having a tracker fitted. Now, I don't mind it too much but I do have some worries: a) The location/address: on the quote, I provided a relative's address which is outside of London (the address is about 40 to 50 minutes away from my actual address). Consequently, the price was cut by about half! The worry I have is that if I have a tracker installed, won't it be obvious to the insurer that this isn't my real home address when they see me parking and basically using my actual address instead of the relatives'? I won't be anywhere near the relative's address b) Speed limits: I once read somewhere that '90%+ people go over the speed limit' and although I don't know how true this is, it's clear from driving that in some areas, going at 30 causes delays and its

a bit daunting when you're at the limit but everyone else is just speeding past. How much would this change the insurance? c) Price: is the price of the quote they provide the limit? What I mean is if they see bad driving with the tracker, could it increase the quote or is there a limit? Thanks for any help :) P.S Happy new year!" Cheapest car insurance? Don't care if my car gets damaged.? Hi, I have a really old car that I just want to use to get around town. I don't care if it gets damaged in a crash or whatever, because it already looks terrible. SO, how do I get the most basic and cheapest car insurance? Does anybody know what company will charge the least for insurance?" Will auto insurance find out about my ticket? I got 2 tickets carless driving and 62 in a 40. My truck has insurance in my grandpas name. the cop asked for my insurance but i lied and said i didnt have it so he didnt even see a insurance card. do you think that progressive will find out? they did last time when i got pulled over but i gave the cop insurance Question about car Insurance.? I live in Canada, Ontario. My question is, if I am 16 years old, can I call insurance companies for insurance quotes? Of course if I have my license and tell them everything honestly and truthfully. Do I have to be 18 or above to do this? Just please tell me if I am eligible to call insurance companies on my own to gather quotes. Thank you" Looking for a site for Affordable Individual Health Insurance? Hello, I'm looking for affordable individual health insurance online web company.Can you suggest me where can I find cheap and good site for my insurance?I'll be very thankful." Pregnancy insurance? How much does pregnancy insurance cost for a young couple? I'm not pregnant yet, and we're both healthy. Just want to play it safe... :p Thanks so much everyone! :)" Do you have health insurance? if so, how much is it per month? how old are you? what kind of deducatbale do you have? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance? also, do you support obamacare?" Question about health insurance coverage? I work for a municipal court, a city job. I asked if I could purchase a direct pay insurance plan on my own without participating in the one the city has. They said if I wanted to enroll in my husband's or SO's health plan, I could do so. However, I cannot purchase an individual plan(I am single). Something about a buyback of insurance

from another corporation. I do not understand this. Can anyone enlighten me? Thanks in advance." Which car insurance? (10 pts)? I am a 19 yr old female, first time driver and am planning to buy a used 2003 honda accord ex. i wonder which insurance is cheapest for me. i live in san diego, ca and am wondering how much geico, progressive, etc would charge under these circumstances. please dont tell me to check online quotes. i will do it later. im just wondering how much you are paying as a comparison and what you think i should go with. thanks" Where can i find really good dental insurance w/out a job?? Where can i find really good dental insurance w/out a job?? Dealing with insurance company after accident and trading my repaired car? I have had a car accident caused by someone else in california last year in August. Now I am trying to trade in my car bmw but they said the car is not tradable due to the carfax showing that it has structural damages. The dealers offer me to get a new loan with them and let my lender repossess the car. They said i cant trade in my car now the book value is too low compared to what I owe on it. any suggestions? Can I go after the insurance company for damages because i cant get rid of my car now... or what can I do to get into a different car. The bmw i costing too much to repair I am a first time driver with a pass plus..aged 24. any tips for getting cheapest insurance on second hand car? please consider the engine size, car model make etc" Will the insurance company pay? On my way home last night, I was hit by a guy making a left at an intersection neither one of us had a stop sign, however I was keeping straight and he turned and hit me. Now I am 17 years old, and the car is in my moms name and so is the insurance, I am not on anyones insurance, the other guy had insurance and however he did not have a license. So the police issued him 2 tickets leaving the scene and no license. So my questions are 1. Who is at fault 2. Who's insurance would I go through (I only have liability) 3. Will his insurance pay? 4. How long does this process take? 5. Procedure? 6. What should I do?? Thanks in advance." "Where can l find low cost Dental care in Orange County,CA?" I would like to find low cost dental care in O.C,but the one l find on the net is called Medical Discounts International,Inc, l don't believe it's a government program and l have my reservations. Is government programs better than private ones? Any agencies that are reliable and good? Thanks." Why can't i get cheap car insurance?

i recently passed my driving test and i'm thinking of buying a cheap 1000cc car but every site i check i can't get anything less than 6000 a year even tho the car is like 600. i even have pass plus.. ABOUT how much is scooter/moped insurance cost? if it is 150cc? i will be 16 when i get it. any good brands to look for? thanks "Should you be allowed to buy car insurance only AFTER you have a car accident, and save your money beforehand?" Isn't denying car insurance AFTER a car accident denying it for a pre-existing condition ? If this health care bill passes, I don't know why anyone would car insurance on an undamaged car or house insurance on a house that isn't on fire. Save your money until the event happens and then fight them on the legality of coverage denial for pre-existing conditions. This is the lunacy that Obama wants to bring to America." Charlotte North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28285 Charlotte North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28285

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