The East Texan: November 18, 2010

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XCV, No. 12, 8 pages

“Black Ops”

Thursday, Nov. 18, 2010

provides perfect



Leaking shower causes flood of damages Root of problem “remains a subject of controversy” caleb slinkard managing editor

University Police Officers were dispatched to unit 5-C in Berry Hall on Nov. 4 in response to a fire alarm. What they found, however, was far from incendiary. “Upon arrival, I contacted Resident Assistant Oday Al-Shakhshir, who walked with me to unit 5-C, which

CPD uses calendar to raise money savannah christian

staff writer

The Commerce Police Department (CPD) has found a way to raise money and help residents keep track of their appointments: a CPD calendar. Public Information Officer Alex Suarez and eleven other CPD officers volunteered to have their pictures taken by photographer Bobby George to compile the calendar, which is being published by Law Enforcement Publications. “We are teaming up with Law Enforcement Publications in making this calendar,” Suarez said. “They pay for the advertising and production of the calendar, and we profit from it, receiving funds to use for community resources.” According to Suarez, the officers plan to use some of the money for materials for drug education for children in the community. “This will give us extra money to put back for crime prevention activities,” Chief of Police Kerry Crews said. “We don’t have the funds to do that ourselves.” Crews also emphasized that the project is a viable way for community members to become better acquainted with the CPD and its officers. “This is going to provide an opportunity for the public to meet the officers,” he said. “People will be able to see who the officers are, which will make them more real to the public. A lot of people don’t know the officers’ faces, so maybe this will help. We really want to show the public what the department is all about.” Participation in the project was voluntary and received a wide range of responses. “We tried to get as many officers to participate as possible,” Suarez said. “For some, it was like pulling teeth, but others were eager to help.” Suarez said his favorite part about the project has been seeing officers

See CALENDAR page 3

Thursday H: 59 L: 37

Friday H: 64 L: 47

is an unoccupied unit,” UPD Public Information Officer Jason Bone said. “We gained entry into the vacant unit to discover that one of the showers had been left on, running very hot water. It appeared that the hot water had been running for days, causing the entire open area and halls of the unit to perspire with condensation to the extent that the carpet was saturated, the paint was bubbling from the

walls and doors, the ceiling tiles were sagging, water was dripping from the light fixtures, and mildew was growing on several doors.” Unit 5-C wasn’t the only unit damaged by the water. “We then checked unit 5-A, which is the unit just below 5-C,” Bone said. “There we found that the water had soaked through and saturated the ceiling, causing damage to the ceiling

tiles and carpet as well.” How the shower managed to be turned on remains a subject of controversy. “After a discussion with Mark Giossi, we concluded that the shower had a constant drip that eventually caused the handle to loosen enough to cause a constant flow,” Assistant Director of Facilities Kathy McGrath

See SHOWER page 3

ISA lights up night


Members of the India Student Association perform at the sixth annual Diwali festival on Nov. 13. The event was held at the Sam Rayburn Student Center and featured several dancing performances, a fashion show and multiple Indian dishes.

Diwali night draws diverse crowd to SRSC carmen martin staff writer

The India Student Association hosted the Indian festival known as Diwali on Nov. 13 in rooms A, B and C of the Sam Rayburn Student Center. This was their sixth annual celebration of Diwali, which is a yearly holiday in India. Diwali translates to “Festival of Lights” and is celebrated over a five-day span. It represents the Hindu New Year, marks the start of winter and honors the victory of good over evil. Traditions associated with this holiday consist of cleaning or decorating of homes, buying new clothes and giving

Saturday H: 68 L: 54

each other sweets and gifts during the festival. They also vary, depending on what part of India Diwali is celebrated in. For senior education major Urvi Bhatt, this event brought more than one difference. “A lot of people here are from the south side of India and I am from the west,” Bhatt said. “So if I wanted to talk to them in my language, they could not understand me and I could not understand their language. In every state there is a different dialect. We could only speak to each other in English.” Bhatt said she enjoyed Diwali and is looking forward to future celebrations. “I really loved it,” she said. “It was the first time I have attended and I’m already planning what I want to do next year.”

During the event, there were several performances by groups and individuals dancing to non-traditional and traditional music. Between the dancing, there was a fashion show in which women and men modeled traditional Indian dress. After the fashion show and more dancing, a slide show of India and the celebration of Diwali was shown. It had many pictures of Indians telling the story of how India has grown. Throughout the entire show, there were two hosts announcing the acts. Freshman technology major Sujanya Kirla was one of them. “I thought it went very well,” Kirla said. “It was my first time to host and I

See LIGHT page 3

Sound off

Online Poll

What is your favorite Thanksgiving food?

Will you play Black Ops?

Sound offs updated Friday night

Polls updated Wednesday night


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7 4 2 6 6 1 8 3 4 8 1 9 3 8 5 9 2

2 8 9 5 6 4 7

Dusting off the Classics:

“Super Mario Bros.”

Thursday, Nov. 18, 2010

Lee Street should be low priority CALEB SLINKARD MANAGING EDITOR Recently, The East Texan received a letter to the editor in which the reader suggested that we write a column encouraging the City of Commerce to repair Lee Street, which runs between Prairie Crossing and Henderson Hall. While I certainly appreciate the feedback, I couldn’t disagree more. It is not that I don’t understand the current condition of Lee Street – I drive on it almost every day. The broken asphalt and potholes reduce your maximum speed in a car to roughly five miles per hour and wreck havoc on your shocks. It is a very frustrating drive. That being said, there are numerous reasons why the City of Commerce should spend the few funds they have for street repairs on maintaining other streets in Commerce and not Lee Street. First of all, Lee Street simply doesn’t receive as


Though Lee Street is in need of repair, other city streets are in worse condition, Caleb Slinkard writes.

much traffic as Live Oak, Monroe or Washington Streets. Commerce doesn’t have a lot of money to use on repairing streets, so these high-traffic ones should be at the top of their list. Lee is a small side street and not a major road in Commerce, plenty of which need work. Secondly, Lee Street has some of the highest foot traffic of any street on campus, with the more than 250 Prairie Crossing

residents leaving the apartment complex at various times. The last thing that students need to worry about as they stumble to class in the morning are cars racing down a wellpaved road at 50 mph. If there is any street in Commerce you should take your time driving on, it is Lee Street. The fact that there are no crosswalks or lights of any kind to warn drivers that students are crossing is worrisome.

Most car drivers don’t even stop for students who are preparing to cross the street. Do you think they’re going to be more willing to stop if they can fly down Lee Street? I think everyone in Commerce would agree that the streets need some serious work, and I know that the City of Commerce is indexing the streets as an initial step to repairing them. Let them focus on the more important ones.

Opinion: Relationships detract from college experience STEPHANIE NORMAN CAMPUS LIFE EDITOR JARED WATSON DIGITAL MEDIA EDITOR There is no doubt that the most iconic video game character in history is Nintendo’s Mario. He has appeared in countless games over the past 30 years, and his face, hat and unmistakable mustache have become symbols not only for the corporation that created him, but for gaming itself. Whenever someone thinks about video games, chances are the first thing that pops into his or her head is everyone’s favorite digital Italian plumber. Though he appeared previously in “Donkey Kong,” “Donkey Kong Junior” and “Mario Bros.,” the game that put Mario on the map was “Super Mario Bros.,” released in 1985 for the Nintendo Entertainment System home game console. The game went on to become the best selling video game of all time, and revitalized the home game console market, which was seen as dying in the early ‘80s. It’s now hard to separate “Super Mario Bros.” from its tremendous legacy. After all, the game is the gold standard of platform gaming, and is the father of many other platformers that followed, such as the “Mega Man” series, the “Sonic the Hedgehog” series, as well as the numerous “Super Mario” sequels. But the game is just as playable today as it was in 1985. All the hallmarks of platforming are here, and the airtight controls make it a breeze to just pick up and play. If you decide to

avoid the famous warp zones and play the game beginning to end, it is surprisingly difficult as well. Gamers have made their own “Mario” levels for years (exemplified by the ‘Super Mario Frustration’ videos available on YouTube), but the original designers knew what they were doing, and it takes a good amount of skill to make it all the way to the end with your original complement of lives. Even with the difficulty, however, the game can be beaten in an hour or less, so it requires almost no time commitment. It’s the perfect game to kill ten minutes with and drop at a moment’s notice. But the thing that gives you goose bumps playing “Super Mario Bros.” is the music. The main theme is the most recognizable piece of video game music ever, and the Internet is littered with musicians covering it on electric guitar, classical guitar, piano and even 11-string bass. You’re probably humming it in your head right now. But hearing the song in its original form, along with the underground level theme, the water level theme and castle theme is a real treat, and even the game over music softens the blow of getting hit in the face with another stupid Bullet Bill. The bottom line is, if you love video games, you love this game, whether you’ve played it or not. It’s available in all kinds of formats for all kinds of consoles and computers, and it belongs in your collection, no matter the price.

The East Texan, official student newspaper of Texas A&M University-Commerce, is published 12 times per semester during the Fall and Spring by students in reporting and editing classes. Content is solely the responsibility of the student editors and writers. The comments and views expressed in The East Texan do not necessarily reflect the beliefs of other students, staff, faculty, administration, or the Board of Trustees. The East Texan is located inside the Journalism building on the east side of campus in room 113. Single copies are available in Journalism 113 for an additional 25 cents. Letters to the Editor are welcome and should be limited to 250 words. They will not be edited for spelling, grammar and libelous or malicious statements. We reserve the right to refuse publication. Letters should be typed or e-mailed and must include a signature, classification (grade level) and telephone number. Mailing address is The East Texan, P.O. Box 4011 Commerce, Texas 75428.

Being committed to a relationship during your college career is like social suicide. A boyfriend/ girlfriend relationship is a breeding ground for a handful of problematic situations to arise. College students want the following during their college years: to be educationally successful, stress free, have a little bit of pocket change, be able to go out wherever they want, with whomever they want, when they want, and to have fun. Individuals involved in committed relationships probably often find themselves putting off homework in order to spend

time with their boyfriend/ girlfriend, procrastinating, spending all of their money on each other (mostly the men ending up broke), and being nagged about where they are at all times. I find it quite frustrating when I see my friends constantly pounding away at their phones texting their boyfriends saying, “Why hasn’t he texted me back? It’s been 30 minutes.” Oh my gosh, are you serious? I just want to say, “Maybe he is in the shower, driving or going to the bathroom for crying out loud. I’m sure he’ll text you back when he gets a chance.” Relationships are overrated. I think it’s safe

to say, correct me if I am wrong, that college students want to have fun. Is it really possible to have fun when your boyfriend/ girlfriend gets mad or jealous that you just want to go out with the guys or have girls’ night? Sometimes people just need some space. No one needs to be around the same person 24/7. That’s just ridiculous. I personally know students who are in relationships, but trust me, they are not committed. The thing that confuses me is the fact they still say they are committed when they are clearly not happy. Why put a relationship title on something that isn’t worth the name? It’s funny how girls

react when they find out their boyfriend cheated on them because they think it was the first time, when in reality, it has been happening for months. Are you seeing the pattern? Relationships cause stress, drama and arguments. The best part of a college relationship turned disastrous is the dramatic breakup in the end. Guess why? They are both free. Free from the stress, questioning, nagging, hassling, whining, crying, arguing, etc. Just get over each other and have some fun. You’re only going to be in college for so long before you grow up and get married. Think about it.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Dear Editor, First off, black ops sucks ass. the graphics ARE NOT better then MW2, they are akin to world at war. HMMMMM... James Bright - you have it all wrong. no one played COD world at war. most people stayed back on COD MW, which is what will happen to this game. the same regurgitated maps over and over, you’ll play the same 4 maps 50 times before you get to

play the fifth one. and thats without the votes. f**k this game. --Michael Blakeslee Dear Editor, They addressed alot of what was wrong with MW2, no more glitchers, commado lunge, quickscopers, overpowered killstreaks etc... but the graphics are the same as MW2 which aren’t amazing, not a touch on Killzone 2 ( which

The East East Tex Texan an The Established 1915 JAMES BRIGHT Editor Caleb slinkard Managing Editor

JARED WATSON digital media Editor


kat huffines Graphics Editor

CHANCELLOR MILLs opinion editor


jasmin brown copy desk chief



is 2 yers old) great game though, Im addicted. --Julian King These comments are in reference to the Nov. 10 online article, “Review: ‘Call of Duty: Black Ops’ is as good as it gets,” by James Bright.

think about it. The relationship problems you describe are like those back in junior high school. Unfortunately, this whole op-ed sounds like The Voice of Experience to me. I believe it’s you who need to grow up. --MaryK Croft

Dear Editor, “You’re only going to be in college for so long before you grow up and get married.” No, Stephanie, you

This comment is in reference to the Nov. 9 online article, “Opnion: Relationships detract from college experience,” by Stephanie Norman.


903-886-5985 ADVERTISING: chancellor mills


Fred Stewart Faculty Adviser


Thursday, Nov. 18, 2010


A shower in room 5-C of Berry Hall was left on and caused more than $1,000 worth of damage in multiple areas of the room.

...shower causes room damage CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

Executive Director of Facilities & Support Services David McKenna disagreed. “There is no indica-

tion that was the cause of the problem,” he said. “The nozzle was left open.” When asked whether the nozzle was left open by a person, or opened

due to faulty facilities, McKenna said it could have been either. While Bone stated that rough estimates of damage were $15,000, McKenna had a much

smaller figure. “It could easily have been $15,000, but, due to some quick action and the use of some good materials, the actual cost – not includ-

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ing labor hours – will be less than $1,000,” he said. While the actual amount of time the shower was on is not known, McGrath estimates it was on for a day and a half. “RA’s check all empty buildings once a week during rounds,” she said. “Risk Management estimated that the water had been running for approximately 36 hours before the alarm sounded.” According to McKenna, unit 5-C should be repaired quickly. “The repairs should be complete by this weekend,” he said. A&M-Commerce custodial crews have already done a lot of repair work. “Our maintenance assistants and custodial crew were able to remove the carpet, wet vac the floor and carpet, replace a few of the carpet blocks and replace the ceiling tiles that had water damage,” McGrath said. “They also washed the walls and doors. Fortunately, building five is empty and maintenance assistants are in the process of remodeling

each section. They had not remodeled section C. Though there was a minimum amount of damage, we had the carpet sections and ceiling tile in stock.” McGrath was already in discussions with Assistant Director of Facilities Management Mark Giossi about Berry Hall’s plumbing issues. “We had a discussion earlier this month regarding sewer and plumbing issues at Berry Hall,” she said. “Mark had plans to replace the sewer system and the plumbing fixtures at Berry over the Christmas break, but Berry was already scheduled to be open during this time for break housing. We are waiting to see how many students sign up for break housing to determine a strategy to accomplish both.” McKenna said he was appreciative of the university’s response to the incident. “UPD and the Safety Department should be commended for finding this issue and then turning off the shower valve and the electricity so that no more damage was done,” he said.

...calendar aids cops CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

getting out of their comfort zones and involved with that community on a more civilian level. “This calendar is meant to humanize the officers,” Suarez said. “The photos are serious, not comical.” Suarez said he hopes this will change the image officers project, especially to children. “I don’t like when parents tell their children that they better

behave or a police officer is going to come get them. We would like to change that role when it comes to children.” The officers are not yet sure how many calendars they will be given, but they will be available for distribution at the beginning of next year. For more information, contact the Commerce Police Department at 903-8861106.

...lights bring fun to students in SRSC CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 KAT HUFFINES / THE EAST TEXAN Members of Team Ramrod compete during the Nov. 9 “Call of Duty: Black Ops” tournament. Thirty four teams took part in the tournament.

Students hear Call of Duty Jordan wright staff writer

“The Call of Duty: Black Ops” Tournament was held at The Club on Nov. 9, from 4:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Sponsored by the GameStop in Sulphur Springs, the Tournament continues what its event coordinators hope will become a tradition after the success of 2009’s “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2” tournament. The tournament coincided with the release of “Call of Duty: Black Ops” to promote the game. Setup for the tournament began in The Club on Monday, Nov. 8. Two replica bunkers were set up at the end and in the middle of the room with four television sets hooked up to Xbox 360s. Activity on the televisions was displayed on the televisions on the back wall. In addition to the decorative bunkers, The Club also had a “Mess Hall” area where jalapeño poppers were served. By 3:50 p.m., spectators filled The Club as the teams gathered for registration. The game mode of the tournament was team deathmatch with five minute time limits in round one, 10 minutes in round two and the semi-finals, and a 20-minute best two out of three match for the finals. The 34 four-man teams competed for a chance to win the limited “Prestige” edition of the game, which includes a steel book case, a medal

with its display case, four exclusive co-op levels and a real RC-XD remote-control vehicle. Second prize was a copy of the game with the limited edition strategy guide and third prize was a copy of the game. Raffles for other miscellaneous prizes were held at the end of every round for all tournament attendees. Only one member was required to complete the registration process, which freed the others to focus on their game strategy. “It’s all about the teamwork,” Team Ramrod member Shayne Bachman said. “It depends on how well they can listen and how well I can listen.” As the registration period came to a close, the feeling of competition began to take full effect. The “Modern Warfare 2” tournament champions were particularly ready to jump into action. Member of Team boTH Crowns Kevin Brooks said, “Good luck to all of the others,” while his teammate Andre Miller said, “May they rest in peace.” Round one of the competition began with Team boTH Crowns battling against Team Sodom Me Elmo. Although the former champions delivered the first kill of the tournament, the first match of the game went to Sodom Me Elmo. The teams played on numerous maps including bunkers, military training courses and even replicas of Cold War era American neighborhoods. The matches ranged

from wins with long leads to final point totals within single points of one another. There was even an angry outburst over one team’s disqualification for failing to meet the conduct of pre-match setup. Despite the emotional intensity of the competitors, however, the crowd conveyed their excitement calmly. “I’m enjoying it all,” spectator Kevin Grubbs said. “They’re pretty entertaining so far.” Some crowd members even made predictions on who would earn first place. “I’ve got to go with In DAK We Smack,” spectator Chris Bishop said. “I think they have a chance to be number one right now.” After hours of competition and a tie-breaking match that resulted in Team The Prestige taking third place, the tournament reached its end at the final round, with Team In DAK We Smack taking on Team Sodom Me Elmo for first place. The final match lasted for three rounds with each team competing to win two out of three matches for victory. Although In DAK We Smack took an early lead, the game and first prize ultimately went to Sodom Me Elmo, comprised of Team Captain Micah Glascock and members Justin Kirk, Clayton Giddens and Shayne Daniel. “It feels great to get the game and I’ve been playing ‘Call of Duty’ for a long time, so it’s very exciting,” Glascock said.

enjoyed it.” Dr. Dan Creider is the faculty sponsor of the India Student Association and teaches computer science. He said he decided to take the job because he sees so many of the students regularly. “I figured it was a good fit since I have most of these students in my class,” he said. “I know them very well and it made sense to be their sponsor.” To conclude the ceremony, all performers went onto the dance floor one last time to

sing the Indian National Anthem. Sophomore education major Sky Blue was among the attendees not associated with the India Student Association. “I had always been interested in Indian culture and decided this would be a good opportunity to have the experience,” Blue said. “I really enjoyed the dancing and music, and thought it was a good way to get people interested in their culture. The pride exhibited in their culture made me respect them more.”

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Ca mpus Life

Thursday, Nov. 18, 2010


Kickboxing classes, like the one shown above, offer “upbeat, high speed excercise” to A&M-Commerce students. While the class is fast-paced and challenging, personal trainer Ruth Beelitz hopes that everyone who takes her class will enjoy the experience.

Kickboxing class delivers unique exercise SAVANNAH CHRISTIAN STAFF WRITER

Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor Ruth Beelitz teaches Cardio Kickboxing at the Morris Recreation Center. Cardio kickboxing is upbeat, high speed exercise, which an educational element. Beelitz received her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in health/ kinesiology from A&M-Commerce. After working in Paris, Texas, for some time, Beelitz came back to her alma mater to teach classes such as kickboxing. “My background [in kickboxing] is more of watching and learning from other instructors along with some things I already knew and combining them to make it my own class,” she said. “My brothers and I grew up with a punching bag in our garage and I used it quite often.” Beelitz said she has taken many kickboxing classes to learn how to put combinations together and break them down when teaching. She likes kickboxing in particular because it is never redundant. “You are never in too great of shape to get an awesome workout in the class,” Beelitz said. “It’s very high energy and I have a high

energy personality, so I get really excited and hyped up with the fast paced music and intense workout. I know that when I am energized and leading the class, it motivates them to try harder.” Junior public relations major Brianna Jackson is a participant in Beelitz’s Cardio Kickboxing class. “I love Ruth,” Jackson said. “I love that she is tough, but not brutal or demeaning. My favorite part is the kicking. I like that I’m getting this high-cardio workout for 50 minutes.” According to Beelitz, her main goal in teaching this class is for everyone to have fun and leave with a feeling of accomplishment. “I don’t want anyone to leave and say they didn’t enjoy their experience or feel as though they weren’t challenged,” she said. According to Beelitz and Jackson, the kickboxing class is intense, challenging and fast-paced. It is different than yoga, Pilates or any other stereotypically feminine workouts, yet, no men participate in the class. “I think this is due to men thinking it is just an aerobic class,” Beelitz said. “If they knew we did a lot of bag work, strength training and abdominal exercises, then they might be more inclined to give it a

try.” Sophomore Will Lian works out regularly, but, like most men, has never tried the Cardio Kickboxing class. “I try to lift weights every other day,” Lian said. “Each day, I hit a certain muscle group with free weights.” According to Beelitz, Lian is like most men when it comes to working out. He focuses on strength training rather than aerobic exercise. Men sometimes assume that exercise classes are only aerobics and therefore never think to try them. “I haven’t really heard much about the kickboxing class,” Lian said, “but it sounds interesting. I would guess more women are in the class for self-defense and protection.” Beelitz said self-defense is one aspect of the course. “I would definitely say that participants are learning self-defense skills in this class,” she said. “On every move, I tell the class to picture their opponent and where they are trying to hit them.” Cardio Kickboxing is offered every Tuesday at the Morris Recreational Center from 5:30 p.m. to 6:20 p.m.

The Student Government Association’s Committees on Academic Affairs and Campus Safety and Security recently held a survey in an attempt to gain student input on issues affecting students. One hundred fifty-nine students, about 1.5 percent of the student body, responded to the survey, which consisted of 10 questions and addressed a wide range of issues including academic advising, the use of anti-plagiarism software, the division of the college of arts and sciences, and the adequacy of bicycle parking on campus. Student responses to the survey will help the committees decide how to proceed on their respective agendas for the current Senate term. When students were asked about the quality of the academic advising that they are currently receiving, about 45 percent of the students rated it at average or below average. When students were asked specifically whether they had met with their academic adviser this semester, about 48 percent reported that they had not, and for students who reported average or below average advising, that amount increases to 67 percent. Clearly, there are some legitimate problems with the quality of academic advising students are receiving and the Committee on Academic Affairs is committed to doing something about. In coming weeks, the committee will be working with the office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs to see what steps the university is taking to remedy the situation and will be making recommendations on behalf of the student body. The Academic Affairs Committee also surveyed students about their feelings on the use of anti-plagiarism software such as Turnitin. com. Approximately 28 percent of students responded that they did not know what the service was. Of those students who knew what the service was, about 21 percent stated that they had a negative view of the service which is in widespread use across campus. Based on the data collected, the committee recognizes that there is a significant portion of the student body that either needs to be better informed about the service or already holds a negative view on its use. With that in mind, the committee hopes to address the problem with university’s administration to see what can be done to better inform students or address their concerns on the issue. On the issue of the splitting of the College of Arts and Sciences, only 24 percent of students surveyed said they knew of the proposed change. SGA is being kept apprised of developments related to the proposed split by SGA President Taylor Fore but obviously more needs to be done in order to keep the rest of the student body informed about how the change might impact their lives on campus. On the survey, students also provided additional responses on issues impacting them. Campus safety and security issues such as better lighting in campus walking areas and concern over elevator maintenance weighed heavily on the minds of students who took the survey. The SGA Committee on Campus Security is looking into the issues and is working with the university to address the problems.

The fact that some people still disapprove of tattoos, does not stop students from getting them. Some students view tattoos as an extension of literature and their bodies as canvases that they keep forever.

Tattoos retain social stigma despite rising popularity among youth

Women, don’t get a tattoo. That butterfly looks great on your breast when you’re twenty or thirty, but when you get to seventy, it stretches into a condor. ~Comedian Billy Elmer SAVANNAH CHRISTIAN STAFF WRITER

Tattoos are becoming increasingly popular, especially with today’s youth. Those who get tattoos generally see them as beautiful, interesting, symbolic and artistic. However, the parents and grandparents of these men, and especially of these women, don’t always think the same. Junior English major Khimen Cooper has multiple tattoos. “I always pictured my body as a canvas,” Cooper said. “It’s just one that you have to keep forever.” One of the most common arguments against tattoos is that they are permanent, for all practical purposes, and therefore might someday be a source of regret. “Even if I look back one day and hate any of my tattoos, I will remem-

ber that they were a part of my life at one time and therefore will not regret them,” Cooper said. Junior painting major Sam England has a sleeve of tattoos on his left arm. “Why would you not get tattoos?” England said. “To me, it shows respect for artists. I like their work so much I let them put it on me.” There are often stories behind tattoos, like the rose on Professor of Literature and Languages Dr. Robin Reid’s left shoulder. “I got my [rose] in 1983, in Oxford, England,” Reid said. “It was my souvenir for a study abroad program I was doing for my Master’s. I picked a rose because I’ve always loved roses and the imagery of the rose in British literature.” England also has a rose tattoo on his left arm. “My dad grows all different kinds of roses, so I got a rose tattoo for him,” England said. According to Cooper, some tattoo stories are more important than others. “I have a tattoo for both of my parents, but they aren’t dead,” she said. “Everyone always assumes they are dead and I got those in remembrance

of them. I also have a finger mustache. There is no story behind it, but it’s funny, so it has a purpose.” Reid connects the meaning of tattoos with the meaning of literature. “I think every text has meanings, multiple meanings, and tattoos are not different,” Reid said. “The meaning might be very personal and never explained, or it might simply be because the person choosing the tattoos loves it, but I don’t think there has to be some official reason that must be imposed, or that people have to explain everything.” That not all people approve of tattoos is a fact that those with visible tattoos have to take that into consideration. “I always keep long sleeves with me because I understand people get offended,” England said. “Any discrimination that comes my way because of them is my fault.” Cooper said her attitude toward her tattoos has changed over time. “At first, I was proud and them, and I wanted to show them off,” Cooper said. “I have learned that I did this to myself and I have to take responsibility for them. The worst part of discrimination is that complete strangers find it

as a conversation starter. Yes, tattoos hurt.” According to Reid, she has never had to deal with negative reactions toward her tattoos, except from her mother. “The only person who has ever said anything is my mother,” Reid said. “She finds tattoos disturbing and distasteful. She asked if I wouldn’t be unhappy with them when I am 80 and wrinkled. I figure, if I am lucky enough to see 80 and am wrinkled, then I’m the cool 80-year-old with wrinkled skin and awesome tattoos.” Cooper has a similar attitude toward objections to her tattoos. “People don’t understand any deviation from the norm,” she said. “Why do they care? It doesn’t matter that I have tattoos. I have learned that people speak out against them because they are afraid of them. I feel sorry for people who look at me and think I am a lesser person because I have tattoos.” England refers to a song by Ani DiFranko when explaining his tattoos. “Her lyrics say that a tattoo is no more permanent than I am,” England said. “I am only here for a short amount of time, tracing history as I go.”

Ca mpus Life

Thursday, Nov. 18, 2010

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A&M-Commerce President Dan Jones and his wife Jalinna attend the bonfire, which was postponed from its original time during homecoming due to inclement weather. The event brought students together for the final Lions home game.

University closes out 2010 football season with band, fireworks show, bonfire MEREDITH SHAW STAFF WRITER

Junior painting major Kenny Scarberry served in the United States Navy for four years beginning in 2004. The pictures he collected during his travels throughout the world aid him in his artistic work.

A&M-Commerce student learns unique perspective from military service time JASMIN BROWN COPY DESK CHIEF Junior A&M-Commerce painting major Kenneth “Kenny” Scarberry got a taste of overseas travel and culture during his 4-year U.S. Navy career that is serving him well in his collegiate career. Scarberry grew up in Commerce, having moved from Cooper with his family while in the fifth grade. Following his graduation from Commerce High School in 2003, Scarberry adopted a reclusive lifestyle. “I kind of closed myself off from the world,” he said. “I moved into the garage and focused all of my mind on playing video games and trying to figure what I wanted to do with my life. All of my friends had gone to college and some had families by then, so I was trying to find my place in life.” He decided to join the U.S. Navy in 2004, a decision that was greatly influenced by two chance acquaintances who lived in Scarberry’s neighborhood. “One was a Marine and the other was an Army guy,” he said. “They would talk about their different experiences in the military. Every time I heard them talk, I wished I had some kind of story to jump in on.” Yet, Scarberry’s father, himself a former military officer, was the most influential figure in the final decision. “One day, I looked over at my dad and said, ‘I’m thinking about going into the military,’” Scarberry said. “It was the next day that the recruiter showed up at the door. He had called that evening and said, ‘My son is talking about possibly being interested. Would you be willing to come and talk to him?’” Scarberry said a yearning to “see the world” attracted him to the U.S. Navy. “I didn’t end up joining the Army because there wasn’t much opportunity for travel,” he said. “One thing the Navy definitely guaranteed was travel.” After seven months in the Navy’s Delayed Entry Program (DEP), Scarberry began active duty. “I learned how to tie a lot of really cool knots and how to drive all of the ships and boats that were available to learn to drive,” he said. While in the Navy, Scarberry visited Spain, Italy (including Rome and Pompeii) and Dubai, which he said he heard referred to as the “Las Vegas of the Middle East.”

Scarberry enjoyed most let the left side of my brain aspects of his military take over. What seems like experience. only minutes of painting can “The only thing I didn’t turn out to be hours of work like about the military was and I absolutely love it.” being away on holidays,” he His creative style is still in said. “I think the one thing its formative stages, accordthat I’ll take away from it is ing to Scarberry. the camaraderie. You make “Right now, it’s really friends in the military that experimental,” he said. “I try you’ll have forever.” to say that whenever I focus During his last two years of and really attempt I can service, Scarberry decided not almost portray some sort of to re-enlist. realism. Mostly, it’s expres “I decided that I actually sive and experimental.” wanted to go to school,” he He has general idea of said. “During that entire how he would like to use his time, I was talking to friends, painting skills at a profesand they had all gone off to sional level after graduation. school and some of them had “I’ve always been fascigraduated by then. I was like, nated with graphic novels ‘Wow. Look at what they’ve and role playing trading card done.’ At the time, I looked games,” he said. “I’ve always at it as saying, ‘Gee, I’ve done been kind of interested in the absolutely imagery they nothing but present for the “I think the one join the milifantasy world tary.’ But I they have crething that I’ll take also got to and I think away from [my mil- ated, see the world that would be when a lot of itary service] is the something I’d my friends like to push camaraderie. You had never my paintings make friends in the toward.” even been out of the military that you’ll A movie buff, country. I Scarberry enjoys have forever.” didn’t know viewing films exactly what I by his favorite wanted to do, directors in his but I knew I wanted to go to leisure time. college.” “I’m a big fan of direc He ultimately decided to tors,” he said. “I’ll see movapply to A&M-Commerce, ies for actors, but mainly I’ll was accepted and began see them for directors.” classes in January 2008 as an Wes Anderson, the Coen undeclared major. After his Brothers and Stanley Kubrick freshman year, he became a are some of his favorite painting major. directors because of their “I really have always common usage of dry comenjoyed art,” he said. “It’s edy. something I really liked doing “I really like British comin high school and I thought it edy,” he said. “I’m also a was a lot of fun.” super-nerd. I like ‘Star Wars’ Incidentally, Scarberry’s and ‘Star Trek.’” military travels furnished Joe Crenshaw, a staff him with a ready store of art member at the Sam Rayburn knowledge, which helped him Student Center, has known tremendously in his studies. Scarberry for about 10 “While I was in the miliyears and said he admires tary, I got to go see a lot of Scarberry as an artist and a really cool art overseas,” student. he said. “It was really cool, “It’s his attitude toward because I didn’t even have art,” Crenshaw said. “He’s to study. All I had to do was really open-minded. To him, open up my postcard book or art is art. He’s not interested flip through the pictures I had in picking it apart. He’s taken.” honored whenever his work As an artist, Scarberry is displayed and respectful enjoys concentrating on the when it is time to be taken stages that lead to a finished down. To him, school is life. product. It’s not just about getting a “I like seeing the final degree; education is a lifeproduct,” he said, “but I’m long process.” more about what’s happening Crenshaw also values at the time. It’s kind of proScarberry as a friend. cess-driven. I like to respond “Kenny’s dependable, to how the paint is looking on honest and one of the few the canvas. Whenever I start guys I would say would applying paint to the canvas, never stab you in the back,” I get into this rhythm where he said. “He would stand I just kind of lose myself and behind you, no matter what.”

Despite the cold weather, many students made it to the rescheduled Homecoming bonfire on Friday, Nov. 5, to close out the Lions’ football season at home. The event featured fireworks, hot chocolate and a live band performance. “My favorite part of the bonfire was singing with my friends along with the band,” freshman Richelle Brown said. “I had a blast.” Fireworks were placed within the bonfire so that they would go off throughout the night. Students were not the only ones who enjoyed the event. Honors College Dean Dr. Raymond Green attended with his daughter. “I decided to go because I’ve

always enjoyed fireworks,” Green said. “Also, my little girl is really into fire right now, so she was excited to get to come.” Once the fire was going, the band began performing some of the latest hits from Katy Perry and The Black Eyed Peas, and some old favorites by Journey. “Even though it was so cold, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves by singing and dancing along with the band,” freshman Jesse Jackson said. “The band seemed to be a big hit.” Although it didn’t last long, the bonfire was entertaining and brought students together before the last home football game. “I’m glad I ended up going,” freshman Mayra Ramirez said. “I was a good opportunity to mingle with other students and bring an end to the football season. “

SGA discusses revised constitution, personnel ALEX GERMAIN STAFF WRITER

Discussion ended on a new constitution, a new chief of justice was instated and new information about the cost of textbooks was discussed during the Nov. 10 Student Government Association (SGA) meeting. Senate member Anthony Shrock resigned as Chief of Justice. Under the new constitution, the chief of justice no longer has a vote toward any decisions made for SGA. Vice president Lauren Booe nominated Lacy Gaines for new chief of justice. Gaines, who recently graduated from A&M-Commerce, teaches a math class. Booe and SGA President Taylor Fore said they thought that having an outside party’s input on things will help a lot. Gaines was voted in as chief of justice, but some senators were concerned as not everyone knew who she was and if she was qualified for the position. Gaines will attend the next meeting to get better acquainted with the senate. The Chancellor’s Student Advisory Board (CSAB), mentioned in previous articles, came up with a proposal regarding high book costs. During fall 2010, a survey of students showed they spent anywhere from $120 to $1500 on textbooks. They also suggested that a sell back price be listed. Matthew Pereida and others had some suggestions for bookstores on campus. “Requiring a receipt of purchase to sell the book back, or stamp a certain amount of books that will be required to be bought back.” Pereida said. The senate is looking over the proposal and will bring back suggestions next week to send to CSAB. The discussion over whether to vote on the new draft of the SGA constitution ended tonight as well.

The two main issues were the time of meetings and the measure of quorum needed for meetings during winter and summer breaks. The size of quorum was reduced because of the difficulty of getting people to show up to meetings during these periods. “Getting a good number of people to meetings was like pulling teeth,” Booe said. Some senators said the new proposed size of quorum was too low and that there could be a possibility of referendums or other issues passed without enough input. “One-third is reasonable, a half would be good, but people are busy,” Senator Adam Haney said. Fore said he was glad that people want to get involved during these times, while other senators noted that the proposed one-third of quorum is suitable. Determination of meeting time was put under the standing rules, so if the need for time changes arises they will not have to amend the constitution to do so. Also, legislative authority was reduced during the summer and winter break because there was an unequal balance of power. Booe mentioned that a blood drive will take place next week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The blood drive is still in need for volunteers and can count toward community service hours. Haney brought up a Christmas parade that will be taking place soon. He said the city plans to have a horsedrawn carriage that people can ride around the square. The city asked SGA for a donation of $150 for the carriage, which would include an SGA advertisement on the carriage itself. “It’s a small price to pay for the publicity,” Haney said.

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Thursday, Nov. 18, 2010

Art Art Scene Scene

Fromage du Jour A weekly look at film cheese


In “Ice Twisters,” scientists attempting to create rain accidentally create ice storms and tornadoes.


Rachael McAdams and Harrison Ford star in the new com-dram “Morning Glory,” which opened Wednesday, Nov. 10.

Audiences want to root for McAdams’ young, passionate character portrayal KAT HUFFINES GRAPHICS EDITOR  There’s something about waking up at 1:30 a.m. to start your day and go to work that scares a lot of people, but not Becky Fuller (Rachael McAdams), the determined TV producer in the new film “Morning Glory.” By drinking coffee at 2:00 a.m., she makes her life fit around the center of her universe – her job. Anline Brosh McKenna, screenplay writer of “The Devil Wears Prada,” presents another film about a young woman trying to make strides in the journalism world, only this time it’s centered on broadcast journalism. In this film, Becky, a young, passionate producer, hits a roadblock when she is let go from a local morning show in New Jersey. However, this doesn’t get the feisty producer down; she goes on a full pursuit of another job. After an intense search, and what seems like a million resumes later, she ends up moving to New York for her first executive producer position at a horribly organized networking morning show called “Daybreak.”

To establish herself as an executive producer, she fires the show’s male anchor and legally twists legendary evening news anchor Mike Pomeroy (Harrison Ford) into becoming in male anchor of the show. On top of having to deal with Pomeroy’s curmudgeon personality and Diane Keaton’s character, Colleen Peck’s over-the-top morning show personality, other members of the staff, the show’s ratings being down and possibly being cancelled, Becky has a love interest with Adam Bennett (Patrick Wilson), another producer in the building. Even though this film had a lot going on, I think it worked. It keeps you interested and you can’t help but root for Rachel McAdams’ character giving it all she has to keep the show from being cancelled. I wish that her love interest with Bennett had been explored more, but that would have extended the film to a ridiculous length. I think the movie had a good balance of comedy and drama. In addition to the hilarious physical comedy of Matt Mallory’s portrayal of the Ernie Appleby, the kooky weatherman on “Daybreak,”

Ford and McAdams worked well together. Plus, there wasn’t so much drama that you would lose your head if it didn’t work out. You wouldn’t feel completely devastated if everything didn’t fall into place. The main complaint I have is the voice that Ford gave his character. He had a good depiction of grumpy, hardnewsy Pomeroy, but his voice of the cynical, gruff man was slightly annoying, almost annoying as Christian Bale’s Batman voice. McAdams did a great job in her lead role. I like how the film centered on her and her personal and work relationship, and that it wasn’t completely about making Ford’s character happy, or making it work with her beau. It was about determination, leadership, teamwork and making time for the ones whom you love. Overall, I enjoyed the movie. It had a realistically conveyed the sense that we all have so many things going on in our lives, especially those who are in the journalism industry. It showed the potentially unhealthy amount of time that those in the news industry devote to their work.


“Call of Duty: Black Ops” is the seventh game in the franchise and is considered by many to be the best “Call of Duty” game thus far.

“Black Ops” takes first person shooter games to the next level JAMES BRIGHT EDITOR  “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2” is considered by many to be the best first person shooter video game of all time. I happen to be one of them, so naturally, I held little help for the COD series to produce a game anywhere near its caliber again. Thankfully, my first instinct was wrong. “Call of Duty: Black Ops” takes what “Modern Warfare 2” did and raises it to a level I never thought possible. The game’s graphics, controls and endless multiplayer options are unparalleled. The COD games have always been known as leaders in map design and graphics, but “Black Ops” exceeds all expectations. It builds maps that

are realistic and beautiful. In both online and single player modes of the game, “Black Ops” gives gamers the feeling that they are actually in combat. Other games have made strong efforts toward this imitated reality, but “Black Ops” succeeds where these previous efforts have failed. It’s not solely the graphics that cause this sense of reality. The controls for “Black Ops” have been tweaked to perfection. The typical control structure remains the same, but small tweaks such as the ability to dive and turn in the air while diving, propels “Black Ops” to a new level. It is the perfect balance of old and new. It’s different enough that long-time COD fans will respect the tweaks, but still easily

accessible to new gamers. That’s one of the reasons the controls are so great. They bridges the gap between COD experts and newbies. Online play – as is the case in most COD games – is the real powerhouse in “Black Ops.” The typical team deathmatch and free-for-all modes are still available, but the game expands upon the online world like I’ve never thought possible. There is far too much to develop in this review, so I will simply focus on my favorite online feature of the game: zombies. After the wildly popular Zombies download for “COD: World at War,” it seemed inevitable that the next COD installment would try to capitalize on this trend. “Black Ops” did and it is

a treat. The zombie missions, which are available to play online and solo, are amazing. They are as intricately designed as every other portion of the game and add a whole new dimension to “Black Ops,” which challenge the wildly popular “Left 4 Dead” series. The levels take players through several stages of Nazi zombie bliss, which will literally cause two hours of any gamers’ life to disappear. There really is no downside to this game. I’ve tried to find one, but in vain. For fans of first person shooters, this is literally as good as it gets. I can only hope that the COD series will prove me wrong and create an even more entertaining addition to their series some time in the future.

“Ice Twisters” never stops to explain itself to audience JARED WATSON DIGITAL MEDIA EDITOR We’ve covered two of the major types of B-movies, horror and science fiction, pretty thoroughly over the course of this column, but there is another major category we’ve ignored completely: disaster films. Enter “Ice Twisters.” Like “The Towering Inferno,” “The Poseidon Adventure”and “Earthquake” before it, the movie tells the story of a group of people in harm’s way due to a massive wave of natural terror. Unlike those films, however, the meteorological atom bomb bearing down on our heroes is completely preposterous: tornadoes made of ice. How can a tornado be made of ice? Excellent question. I wish I had an answer for you, and I even have the advantage of having seen this awful movie. Oh, the movie tries to explain, but it does so in a super-technical and rapid-fire way that is so indecipherable it makes “Star Trek” technobabble seem perfectly logical, Captain. “Ice Twisters,” which I assume was called that because “Blizz-nado” was taken, stars no one you’ve ever heard of as a group of governmentfunded scientists trying to create and seed their own cloud to create rain. They decide to run their tests close to Portland, Oregon, because, obviously, when you think of arid wastelands, you think of the Pacific Northwest. What the scientists didn’t count on is that their experiments create massive thunderstorms, and several small towns are hit by tornadoes. After some investigation of the aftermath, they discover not only are they responsible,

the twisters are actually made of ice. Luckily, one of the towns in the path of the twisters was hosting a book signing from a famous disaster author, Charlie Price, who apparently has written a book exactly on this subject, and has all the answers about how to stop the meteorological madness. It’s almost as convenient as Michael Crichton being in a town attacked by dinosaurs, or J.K. Rowling being in a city attacked by teenage wizards. What makes this movie tremendously disappointing is that the twisters themselves are only on screen for maybe 15 seconds of the entire running time. Most of the rest of the time, the characters are bickering with each other about who thought of what and who is responsible for what crimes against humanity. Oh, and they use lots of big science-ish words to explain how in the world tornadoes can be made of ice. As the storms bear down on Portland, J.K. Crichton decides the best way to stop the storms is to shoot a laser through the ozone and fire a second laser back through the hole from space to heat the clouds and dissipate the storm. How is that supposed to work? Again, I have no idea. Sensing a pattern? This is another movie that is a title and almost nothing else. Someone must have sat in a basement (possibly smoking something) and thought “You know what would be awesome? What if there were tornadoes... made of ice. That’d be sweet.” “Wait, what? How is that supposed to work?” “Oh, we’ll figure it out.” Ladies and gentlemen, I give you “Ice Twisters.”

Verdict: Two Shatners

This may have been the movie I enjoyed watching the least this semester, not because it was badly shot, or the effects were awful, but just because every aspect of it was thoroughly, aggressively mediocre, and nothing was explained nearly well enough for anyone to understand. I have only one rule in that regard: if a movie doesn’t have enough time to explain itself to me, then I certainly don’t have time to give it a decent rating. - Jared Watson Digital Media Editor

Next week: “Space Girls in Beverly Hills”


Thursday, Nov. 18, 2010

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Women gear up with Ouachita scrimmage DARIUS ROSE STAFF WRITER

Senior Mattilyn McIntyre attempts a jump shot at the Field House.

The A&M-Commerce women’s basketball team lost all three of their first scrimmage games of the season to Ouachita Baptist University on Tuesday, Nov. 9. Junior forward Shavon Walker said control was an issue for the lions. “We need to control ourselves, and our game and not theirs,” she said. “We don’t need to let the other team determine what we do.” Walker, who went four for eight with eight rebounds, said the team needs to talk more and be more patient. “We were trying to slow down the clock, but fouling was not neces-

sary,” she said. Junior Guard Tiffany Mitchell said that despite the losses, she thinks the team will prevail this season. “We need to dig in deep and basically prove we our better than the other eight in the conference,” she said. Mitchell said she also thinks that since the team has a group of freshmen, it is going to take time for everyone to jell since they have not played at the collegiate level. “When you have new people that’s one thing,” she said, “but freshmen that have never played at this level, it’s obviously going to be difficult not having any experience.” Mitchell, who went five for 13 with five rebounds,

said every player on the team is important. “Each of them brings a different flavor to the team,” she said. “Everyone has their own skill. It will definitely bring us together, and if everyone gives all that they have we will be successful.” Senior guard Mattilyn McIntyre said this game was a chance for the Lions to work on their own game. “I know it wasn’t a real game,” she said. “At a time like this, we need to focus on ourselves, and not necessarily worry about what the scoreboard says.” McIntyre went seven for 17 with nine rebounds and said she will never lower her style of play no

matter how her team is playing. “I’ve always been a competitor,” she said. “I don’t care if we’re up by 20, or down by 20.” Head Coach Nicole Anderson said the team needs to understand where to go on the offensive end. “[We need] cohesion to really know what we are trying to do offensively,” Anderson said. “I do think our defense is one of the team’s strengths.” Anderson said the team is developing at a good pace prior to the season kickoff. “I believe we our progressing in the right direction in taking small strives to being ready to go November 19,” she said.

Community, charity key in basketball tourney ADAM TROXTELL SPORTS EDITOR The Hunt County Sheriff’s Association (HCSA) is hosting a three-on-three basketball tournament at the Morris Recreation Center on Dec. 4 from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. The tournament is open to anyone who wants to play and teams can register all the way up to the day of the tournament. The entry fee is $20 per team before Dec. 4 and $25 per team on the day. The winners of the tournament will receive a cash prize. According to HCSA President Jeff Haines, the organization is comprised of employees of the Hunt County Sheriff’s Office who have wanted to hold events in the Commerce area for quite some time. “Any time we’ve tried to do something like a softball tournament, we got rained out,” Haines said. “We thought a basketball tournament would be a good way to expand into the Commerce area.” The efforts of Haines and the HCSA to organize their event at A&MCommerce were aided

by senior criminal justice major Mike Gowens, who works as an Intramural Program Assistant for the Moriss Recreation Center and as an intern at the Hunt County Sheriff’s Office. “The MRC did do us good and gave us both the courts on Dec. 4, but other than that, I’m helping them out because I’ve done it before,” Gowens said. “The MRC is just here to open their arms and help them in any way they can.” Gowens said the original idea came from the HCSA and included a 5-on-5 style tournament. Since Gowens has worked at organizing competitions before, he gave his input. “I said 3-on-3, half court, call your own fouls,” he said. “If you bring in seven guys to play a 5-on-5, you cut that in half and have two teams. So, you have more of an opportunity to play than to sit on the sideline.” According to Haines, proceeds will go to nonprofit organizations the HCSA works with, especially around the holidays. He also said

one idea involves the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree, in which underprivileged children are donated Christmas gifts. Should there be any children not chosen or left over when Christmas comes closer, funds from this tournament could be used to buy them gifts, according to Haines. “The money raised would be used to pay back non-profit groups that do work around the holidays,” Haines said. “Anyone at the last minute that needs a little help, we can reach out and help them.” Haines said this tournament would also be used to further the name and services of the HCSA, as well as reach out into more branches of the community. “It’s awareness for our group, but also to reach out to the community,” he said. “We want to be a community service organization, and we’re looking to get more involved and expand on those values of a sheriff’s department and its members. We want to show we’re not just here to put the bad guys away.” Gowens said the HCSA

is also looking to get involved with students in the Commerce area. “They’re heavily involved in other districts, so they want to get up here and spread the word that they are in the community,” he said. “It’s such a big district, you might not see them as much. But, they want to get involved with the school, the school community, the high school here, and bring opportunity to the community and see what actually is going on.” Gowens also said the tournament could serve as a welcome break to students who might find themselves stressed at the time. “For those that aren’t athletic in ways, it’s just that they can come out,” he said. “It’s right before finals. Come out and take a weekend to breathe and relax. There’s raffles, chances to win prizes, they might be serving food, but they’re still trying to get the details together. And if you want to feel like you want to help the community out, if you want to outreach, twenty bucks is going to go to a good cause.”

Schneider expects best in NCAA meet JON MCDANIEL STAFF WRITER The A&M-Commerce men’s and women’s cross country team will race in the NCAA South Regional Championship in Warrensburg, Missouri on Saturday, Nov. 20. Head Coach Darren Schneider thinks his team is ready to compete in the tournament. “The majority of our preparation for the regional championship has already been completed,” he said. “Our workouts at this time are designed to sharpen our fitness level with high intensity training and at the same time provide plenty of rest as we approach this major competition.” Schneider said he has high expectations for the upcoming meet. “We expect to have one of, if not our best performance of the season this weekend,” he said. “Our athletes are in great shape and healthy as we prepare for the regional championship. We would like to improve upon our regional finish from last year with both the men and women’s teams.” Junior Carolyn Bell has made several first place finishes this year in the women’s division, and finished in 23rd to lead her team in the Lone Star Conference meet. She said she is hoping her team can go into the meet and com-

pete with the best. “I’m very excited for the upcoming meet,” Bell said. “Physically, Coach Schneider has started tapering our workouts so there is more of an emphasis on quality over quantity toward the end of the season. Mentally, I am just trying to prepare myself to race a 6K as fast as I possibly can. The team is running well and we’re looking to surprise some people.” In her final year of running cross country, senior Kate Donovan said she thinks this year’s team is special. “This year’s team was a different story from the others,” Donovan said. “Last year, many of my closest friends graduated and as I missed them oh so very much. I’m very glad I got the chance to train with this year’s group. Each has their own story to tell you and is always there to support you, whether it is at the end of the race or a tough workout. I’m glad to say I got to spend my senior year with these individuals.” Donovan says she will miss running cross country and will make the most of this race. “As the season comes to an end, and as my senior year closes in, I can only really face the reality of it all,” she said. “I’ve had some great experiences, met some great new peo-

Freshman Kenzee Jackson tries to locate his running lanes up field.

Cards edge Lions in final football game SPORTS INFORMATION

A seven-yard touchdown run by Paden Lynch with 7:22 left in the game tied the game and it was the extra-point attempt by Thomas Rebold that led host Incarnate Word to a 17-16 win over Texas A&M UniversityCommerce on Saturday afternoon in the season finale at Tom and Gayle Benson Stadium. The Cardinals marched down the field on a 19-play, 77-yard drive. On Freshman Raymond Mata runs at the Lone Star Conference meet. the drive, the Cardinals ple and am proud to say I capable of eclipsing last converted a crucial fourth had the privilege of trainyear’s times. and one, and a third ing with them. Yes, as it “We were pleased with and five to continue the is sad. I still like to think I our improvement comdrive. The third and five can walk away with some pared to last year’s perfor- took the ball down to the great memories and stories mance in conference comA&M-Commerce one and to tell in the future.” petition,” he said. “Both three plays later, UIW She said she expects the our men’s and women’s tied it when Lynch broke team to accomplish their team placed higher and through for the touchgoals in this race. bettered our score from down. “As for my expectations, last year’s meet. I was With the win, Incarnate I do wish the best for our pleased that our women’s Word improved its record team,” she said. “We have squad ran their best race to 3-8 and the Lions end all worked so hard to get so far this season at the the season with an identiwhere we are today and I conference championship. cal mark of 3-8. know that we are all more Although our men’s team A&M-Commerce sophothan capable of reachran well, we all believe that more London Hamilton ing the goals we have set we are capable of performfor ourselves. I could not ing better. Our men’s team ran the ball a season-best expect anything less than has been ranked as high as 27 times for a career-best 103 yards and a touchthe best coming from this tenth in the region during team and I know they will the season. We would like down. Freshman safety Courtney Craig had 11 expect the best of themto improve upon our pretackles to lead the Lions. selves.” dicted finish and move as Incarnate Word running Schneider thinks this far as we can into the top back Trent Rios ran the year’s team is more than ten as possible.”

ball 37 times for 207 yards and a touchdown. Rebold put the Cardinals in front by a 10-6 margin early in the third quarter. A&MCommerce answered with a seven-play, 27-yard drive. On the drive, Hamilton ran the ball three times for 19 yards, but it was a career-best 48-yard field goal by sophomore kicker Ahmed AboMahmood that energized the Lions. The Sherman, Texas native made all three of his field goals in the game. Next, the Lions took their first lead of the game when Hamilton broke through on a five-yard touchdown run for a 16-10 lead. On the drive, senior quarterback Adam Farkes found Kenzee Jackson for a 20-yard completion. Next, Farkes scrambled 14 yards and took the ball down to the UIW 22. Then, the Lions called on Hamilton, who three plays later, gave A&MCommerce its only lead of the game. The Cardinals answered with a go-ahead, gamewinning touchdown. Next, UIW forced A&MCommerce to punt and the Cardinals melted the clock with a game-ending 10-play, 66-yard drive to secure the victory.


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Thursday, Nov. 18, 2010

Box Score:

Tigers-Lions ETBU (81) Turnipseed 5-9 5-7 17, Prince 4-7 2-2 12, LaGarde 5-15 8-10 20, Egharevba 4-12 6-8 14, T. Brown 1-5 0-0 2, J. Brown 0-2 0-0 0, Prejean 4-10 3-4 12, Burton 0-1 0-0 0, Santiago 0-0 0-0 0, Gray 0-1 4-4 4 A&M-C (89) Hunter 7-9 0-1 14, Hambrick 2-11 2-2 8, Singleton 5-10 4-6 15, Dowell 4-5 1-2 9, King 6-10 4-7 16, A. Brown 2-4 0-0 5, Gordon 0-0 0-0 0, Henry 0-0 0-0 0, Arriola 0-1 0-0 0, Sledge 1-3 0-0 3, Carson 3-9 0-0 6, Whitley 5-8 3-4 13 ETBU 26 55_81 A&M-C 42 47_89 3-Point Goals--ETBU 7-24 (Turnipseed 2-5, Prince 2-3, LaGarde 2-9, Egharevba 0-1, J. Brown 0-1, Prejean 1-5) A&M-C 5-16 (Hunter 0-1, Hambrick 2-8, Singleton 1-3, Brown 1-2, LaBree 1-1, Carson 0-1) Rebounds-ETBU 44 (Egharevba 12), A&M-C 40 (Hunter 8). Assists_ETBU 7 (Turnipseed 3), A&M-C 21 (Singleton 7). Fouls_ETBU 18, A&M-C 23.

LSC Football Scores: Southwestern Oklahoma 17 Abilene Christian 47 Eastern New Mexico 35 Tarleton State 10 A&M-Commerce junior transfer student Stefon Carter takes a jump shot during the Lions’ first game of the season at home against East Texas Baptist last Saturday, Nov. 13.

Lions fend off Tigers in opening game COLTON BLACK STAFF WRITER The A&M-Commerce men’s basketball team won 89-81 in their first game of the season against the East Texas Baptist University Tigers on Saturday, Nov. 13, to mark the beginning of the Lions basketball season. The Lions started the first half down, but quickly tied the game at 5-5 and then proceeded to take the lead. They were able to maintain that lead throughout the first half and led by as many as seventeen points. A&M-Commerce limited second-chance points and was able to convert numerous Tiger turnovers for points in transition. The Lions ran a man-to-man defense and forced thirteen turnovers in the first half. Their defensive effort allowed them to capitalize on Tiger turnovers, giving several opportunities for layups and points in the

paint. In the first half, Preston Whitley and Desmond King scored a combined total of seventeen points in the paint to add to the Lions’ lead. The Lions shot 5 for 5 at the free throw line during the first half and out-rebounded the Tigers 22-17. At the end of the first half, King threw down a two-handed dunk, giving A&M-Commerce momentum as they went into the locker room up 42-26. The Lions came out shooting in the second half, starting with a three pointer early on and building on that momentum. The scoring became one-sided as the Lions went up by more than 20 points, keeping the pressure on defensively by switching back and forth between a full-court man press and half-court man defense. The Lions were led by Brian Singleton with 15 points and King with 16 points. Singleton

was happy with the game’s outcome. “It felt good to get our first win,” Singleton said. “We were putting what we practiced to work.” Despite holding a large lead in the second half, the Lions were plagued with foul calls against them, allowing the Tigers to get to the line a total of 35 times, 28 of which the Tigers scored their free throw shots. This enabled the ETBU to get back in the game late in the second half and bring the Lions’ lead to within four points. Another major contributor to the game, Whitley had 13 points and 7 rebounds, said he thought the team could have done better. “I felt like we could’ve been better on the defensive end,” Whitley said. “We were letting them penetrate and we didn’t keep our intensity as high in the second half.” But the Lions held firm and

That Sports Thing: Fall Recap

ADAM TROXTELL SPORTS EDITOR It’s pretty easy to tell this fall semester was not the best for A&MCommerce sports in general. Some of the programs, such as volleyball and women’s soccer, were looking to cope without big names from years past. As for Lions football…. well, there’s really nothing much to say. A 3-8 (2-4) record and second from bottom in the Lone Star Conference North Division is hardly an improvement from the 2009 season. Second-year Head Coach Guy Morriss was brought in to elevate the program, yet saw his men slump and give performances that, no matter how courageous and determined, proved fruitless.The Lions burst out of the starting

gate with a demolition of Upper Iowa, in a game that provided the first look at a remodeled Memorial Stadium complete with away stands and a fancy new video board. It was on the actual field where the Lions triumphed, as running back Marcus Graham gave us a glimpse of what would be with 85 yards from 15 caries and two touchdowns. The Harvey Martin Classic proved to be anything but, as the Lions were thumped by Angelo State. Other than wins against Southeastern and Central Oklahoma, it was really all downhill from there. On a positive note, highly rated quarterback J.J. Harp has served his time out for transferring within the LSC and is set to start next year. This, plus the return of Graham and freshman phenom Kenzee Jackson, sheds light on an offensive improvement. Women’s soccer (8-7-3, 4-4-3) backed their way into the Lone Star Conference tournament, and a lot of that is owed to a shock 1-0 result against Abilene Christian on the final weekend. Senior Chelsey Haight’s seven goals were formidable, but a strong team needs at

least a 10-goal player. Defensively, they were solid, and if Jordan McCarty continues to improve and grow into a midfield catalyst, Neil Piper could see his team return to form. With what they were dealing with, the volleyball team did the best with what they had to go 14-14 (4-10). Head Coach Craig Case had to virtually create a new attack force, and in the end, this consisted of freshman Jordan Neal (with 842 assists and 68 kills) and sophomore Rachel Robertson (304 kills and 75 blocks to lead the team). These two, plus freshman Kayla Bond and her 201 kills, continue to show great promise for this program. Meanwhile, even the golf players are saying they didn’t do well enough and the cross country men are finishing fifth in the LSC meet (well done to them, by the way). At a time when cuts to state-funded education loom and the athletic department is making it known they need more money, one wonders if these results are enough to convince the Student Service Fees Committee to grant Carlton Cooper’s wish.

pulled out with a victory for the first game of the season, shooting 50 percent from field goal range and 31 percent from outside of the three. While the team and fans were satisfied with the win, Head Coach Sam Walker thought there was a lot to improve upon. “I’m frustrated,” Walker said. “I’m happy that we won, but they were a team that we should have beaten by 20 or 25.” His main concern was the fact that the Lions were unable to prevent the Tigers from making a run late in the second half, despite controlling the lead for the entirety of the game. “I feel like we didn’t have the attention to detail that we had in the first half,” Walker said. “We didn’t respect them so they were able to do whatever they wanted.” A&M-Commerce plays another home game against St. Edward’s on Saturday, Nov. 20 at 7:00 p.m.

Northeastern State 8 Midwestern State 28 East Central 21 West Texas A&M 52 A&M-Commerce 16 Incarnate Word 17 Central Oklahoma 35 Angelo State 49 Southeastern Oklahoma 24 A&M-Kingsville 38

Standings North Division 1) East Central, 5-6 (5-1) 2) N’eastern State, 6-5 (5-1) 3) Eastern NM, 5-6 (3-3) 4) SW Oklahoma, 3-8 (3-3) 5) SE Oklahoma, 3-8 (2-4) 6) A&M-Commerce, 3-8 (2-4) 7) Central Oklahoma, 2-9 (1-5) South Division 1) Abilene Christian, 11-0 (9-0) 2) A&M-Kingsville, 10-1 (5-1) 3) West Texas A&M, 8-3 (4-2) 4) Midwestern State, 8-3 (3-3) 5) Angelo State, 5-5 (1-5) 6) Tarleton State, 3-8 (2-4) 7) Incarnate Word, 3-8 (0-6)

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