The East Texan: November 11, 2010

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Mumford & Sons rock House of Blues page 6

The The East East Tex Texan an S TUDENT NE WSPAPER OF TE X AS A& M UNIVERSIT Y- COMMERCE SINCE 1915 XCV, No. 11, 8 pages

Thursday, Nov. 11, 2010


Student group seeks to increase spirit Lack of school spirit prompts A&M-Commerce students to form “The Blue Crew” RACHEL BAILEY STAFF WRITER Due to lack of spirit on the Texas A&M University-Commerce campus, students have rallied to form a new spirit group called “The Blue Crew.” “The Blue Crew will be an official student organization,” Assistant Director of Intramurals and adviser for the Blue Crew Michelle Wentzel said. “It is still in the process of becoming an organization, but that is what we are aiming for.” Many students realize the lack of school spirit on the A&M-Commerce campus and are now looking for ways to boost this. Several cross country runners have recently formed a spirit group on cam-

pus they call “The Pride.” Although the group is not recognized by the university, it is getting notice from many students on campus. “We noticed the lack of school spirit at the sporting events,” freshman member of “The Pride” Alex Kimp said. “So we randomly just started cheering and yelling. It intensified the spirit and got others involved.” According to Kimp, a main reason for the lack of spirit is that people simply do not participate. “This organization will be a cool idea for school spirit,” sophomore member of the spirit committee Hugo Macias said. “This place needs it bad. People need to have fun. You shouldn’t worry about what others will think of you.

Plus, people with spirit are more fun to be around.” The organization is looking for a large group of people who will attend any and as many A&M-Commerce sporting events as possible. The idea is for this group to be a staple for the university. They hope that it will boost spirit and help establish traditions at A&M-Commerce. “The idea would be that the group would come up with chants and cheers for the games,” Macias said. “This would help to form traditions for the university.” There will be no limit on the amount of members for “The Blue Crew.” The organization welcomes whoever is interested in joining.

“The more people that get involved, the more fun it will be,” Macias said. The group hopes to be in full swing by basketball season Wentzel said. They are currently drafting applications through the Student Organization Office on campus. “A&M-Commerce has big potential,” Kimp said, regarding the search for spirit on campus. The student-formed “The Pride” spirit group and “The Blue Crew” may look to merge in the future. The hope is that this will form a large universityrecognized spirit group on campus. For more information about “The Blue Crew” contact Michelle Wentzel at Michelle_Wentzel@tamu-commerce. edu.

Organizations prepare for KD Sing Song

School honors vets


Captain Richard Ellison prepares to light the Vigil Flame during the opening ceremony of the 19th annual Veterans Vigil. The Vigil, which honors the men and women who serve and have served in the U.S. armed forces, was attended by A&M-Commerce faculty, staff and students.

CALEB SLINKARD MANAGING EDITOR The 19th annual Veterans Vigil got off the ground Thursday, Nov. 4 with an opening ceremony in the Sam Rayburn Student Center. Local veterans, students, Commerce community members, and A&M-Commerce staff and faculty were all in attendance. The event began with an opening reception and the posting of the colors by the Greenville High

Thursday H: 75 L: 53

Friday H: 67 L: 46

School NJROTC, during which Sgt. Aubrey England of the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves sang the national anthem. Following the invocation by Dr. Joseph Weber and a welcoming speech by Vice President for Business Administration Bob Brown, Commerce mayor Quay Throgmorton presented a proclamation from the City of Commerce “I’ve said at previous Veterans Vigils that the greatest Americans are those that serve

Saturday H: 67 L: 42

in the American armed forces,” Throgmorton said. “I believe that 100 percent.” Following a video that outlined the background of the ROTC, this year’s focus of the Veterans Vigil, Director of Alumni Relations Derryle Peace presented the Veterans Vigil student chairperson Angelo Farias with the ASTP Memorial Scholarship. “I think it is important to reflect on those who defend our See VIGIL page 3

As this year’s Kappa Delta Sing Song approaches, sororities and fraternities on campus are preparing their routines for the competition. KD Sing Song is an annual event hosted by the Kappa Delta sorority, in which various Greek organizations perform song and dance routines and compete against one another to benefit charities. “Sing Song is an event that we hold every year to raise money for one of our national philanthropies, Prevent Child Abuse America,” Kappa Delta President Jewell Malick said. “Twenty percent of our proceeds will go to the national organization, and the other 80 percent supports a local organization that works to prevent child abuse.” According to their website – www. – Prevent Child Abuse (PCA) America’s mission is to: “Prevent the abuse and neglect of our nation’s children and includes all forms of abuse and neglect, whether physical, sexual, educational or emotional.” According to Kappa Delta Vice President of Public Relations April Parker, last year’s Sing Song was a bit of a learning experience for her. “Last year’s Sing Song was both enlightening and entertaining,” Parker said. “It broadened my understanding of the horrible pain and suffering that is inflicted upon children through abuse and neglect.” According to Parker, this is a major event for her and the rest of the Kappa Delta members. “Sing Song is our Shamrock event and will help reach many children in the hopes of preventing child abuse,” she said. Parker said she is looking forward to this year’s Sing Song and is hoping it will be even better than last year’s. “As a Kappa Delta, it is an honor for me to carry on this wonderful tradition which began many years ago,” she said. “I anticipate a significant increase in participation and support from our campus for this year’s performance.” Malick said she also is looking forward to the event and seeing all the participants’ routines. “I am very excited for this year because we expect a great turnout and a great performance by our reigning champions, Gamma Phi Beta,” she said. “Other participants include Alpha Phi, Kappa Alpha See SING SONG page 3

Sound off

Online Poll

Where do you plan to go after you graduate?

Do you think A&M-Commerce needs more school spirit?

Sound offs updated Friday

Polls updated Wednesday



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Thursday, Nov. 11, 2010

SUDOKU STYLE * Every row of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order * Every column of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order * Every 3 by 3 subsection of the 9 by 9 square must include all digits 1 through 9 Puzzle courtesy of:


University Vice President for Business and Administration Bob Brown stands next to the site of the Vigil Flame during the opening ceremony.

Writer tired of Editorial: Veterans Vigil should rude cell users be bigger deal to more students BRAD RAY STAFF WRITER

I wish I could go one class day without having to hear somebody’s cell phone go off. Checking to make sure that your phone is on silent or vibrate before class is not a difficult or timeconsuming task. Despite usually being quite visibly annoyed, professors always ignore the offender, presumably under the pretense that this is the ONLY phone that is going to go off in class today. I wish they would just kick the offenders out. My capacity for sympathy may be somewhat limited by the fact that my phone has been permanently on vibrate for the last six years. I’m a guy, so I just keep it in my jeans. I notice it going off, but nobody else does. Can you imaging that? I think the problem stems from the larger culture of texting. Yesterday, my roommate complained that he would get distracted from his homework because people would keep texting him. If that’s the case, why not just turn the phone off? I’ve found that one of the more unique and convenient aspects of text messages is that I DO NOT have to reply right away. The vast majority (pretty much all) of texting is just ultra-casual

conversation, so if it’s not urgent, you can just check later. I believe this concept can carry over quite effectively into a classroom context. For example: say somebody’s annoying hip-hop ringtone just imposed itself on your class, disrupting the professor and probably your nap as well. I have never seen the offender run out of the room to answer what must be an important call. Instead, they embarrassedly try to stop their phone while drawing as little attention to themselves as possible (which never works, by the way). So...if you weren’t expecting an urgent call, why was your phone on to begin with? I’m not so much concerned with common decency as I am just annoyed. Yeah, I sleep in class. Sorry, doc, I already absorbed the material from the 200 pages of reading you made me do this weekend. I don’t care. The difference between me and the legions of morons who blare their horrible taste in music through the tinniest phone speakers in the universe, is that I sit in the back of the room, disturbing nobody. Not only that, but at least I can afford to be relatively shameless, whereas you’re clearly drawing the ire of the entire class and embarrassing yourself. Why put yourself through that?

Quotes out of Context “I civilly slapped people in the face,” James Bright, Editor.

The Veterans Vigil has been an important event at A&M-Commerce for the better part of the last two decades. The university’s commitment to the Veterans Vigil is extensive and should be commended. Honoring our military service veterans, whether retired, deceased or still in the line of duty, is a responsibility that the students and administration of A&M-Commerce

should never take lightly. While the Vigil is well attended by faculty and staff, we would like to see an increase in the amount of A&M-Commerce students attending the event, particularly the opening ceremonies. Unfortunately, these are usually held in the late morning, a time when most students have classes. The university could give students classes off from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30

p.m. under the condition that they attend the event. Professors and instructors could require students to bring back a brochure from the Vigil to prove that they at least showed up at the event, since usually when students are let out of class to attend something, they simply sleep in. Students shouldn’t need any kind of extra motivation to attend a ceremony of this nature, but

it wouldn’t hurt to give them some. Either way, A&MCommerce students should demonstrate their respect for our nation’s armed service members and the sacrifices made under the United States flag by attending the Veterans Vigil. Note: these comments reflect the collective opinion of the East Texan editorial board.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Dear Editor, “And if all else fails, do what I do: drive out to Harry Hines in Dallas and hunt down and mercilessly kill the hooker or two that you see. It’s perfect in every aspect. You get to relieve your built up aggression – and your sexual frustration (if that’s your thing) – while committing a victimless crime (it’s victimless because hookers aren’t people).” If this piece was an attempt at levity, satire, or just “cute” you failed. As a journalist, editor, photographer, and award-winning op-ed writer of nearly half a century’s experience on five continents I find your entire piece _Writer tries to ‘cope with stress_ poorly written, disturbing, and highly irresponsible. If it reflects your actual views in any manner you not only need a different career field, you need counseling. You should discuss this piece – and your philosophy – with your editorial advisor whom I have CC:’d. And you should consider a visit to the university counseling center. Their services are free to students. Again, if the piece was an at-

tempt at levity, satire, or just “cute” – you failed. Your editorial advisor, or department head can provide you with a list of writers who have done it right, but I’d suggest you start with James Thurber and H.L. Mencken. --Joel Jacobs This comment is in reference to the Oct. 28 article, “Writer tries to ‘cope’ with stress,” by Chancellor Mills. Dear Editor, That’s great! So now that the bird poop is cleaned up, maybe an article should be written about the horrible street that goes between the off campus book store and the campus. Maybe it will put a fire under the University and the City to work together to get that taken care of! --Nicole This comment is in reference to the Oct. 28 article, “Editorial: University commended for efforts in bird poop cleanup,” written by the East Texan editorial board. Dear Editor, Is it just me, or is there an utter and complete lack of gay pride on

this campus? Is it because there aren’t enough Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transsexual people on campus or are they scared? I tried to join one of the LGBT groups awhile ago, but the member ship base was miniscule and there weren’t many events planned. Maybe it has something to do with the social stigma. I know that I walk around keeping more to myself simply because I’m afraid of being judged. But it’s a catch 22 situation isn’t it? It’s harder to come out and form a group for activities and social gatherings when no one else wants to, but yet, without these, gay pride suffers and becomes further and further obscure. There must be LGBT professors and I know that there are LGBT oriented students in masse across this campus, at least 100 people, if not more. Surely .1 % of this student body could use some gay pride, but where is it? I get e-mails in my leo box every day about events and gatherings that I don’t care about at all, why couldn’t a letter be sent to every one about LGBT groups, gatherings or events? It’s okay to be gay! --Duke Glover

By Arielle McMahon & Brad Ray

“Just to spite you, I’m putting you in the paper,” Chancellor Mills, Opinion Editor. “The Republicans have been disconnected. And so goes the G.O.P.,” James Bright, Editor. “Cool. You like wearing rings? I’ve got four,” Jasmin Brown, Copy Desk Chief.

The East Texan, official student newspaper of Texas A&M University-Commerce, is published 12 times per semester during the Fall and Spring by students in reporting and editing classes. Content is solely the responsibility of the student editors and writers. The comments and views expressed in The East Texan do not necessarily reflect the beliefs of other students, staff, faculty, administration, or the Board of Trustees. The East Texan is located inside the Journalism building on the east side of campus in room 113. Single copies are available in Journalism 113 for an additional 25 cents. Letters to the Editor are welcome and should be limited to 250 words. They will not be edited for spelling, grammar and libelous or malicious statements. We reserve the right to refuse publication. Letters should be typed or e-mailed and must include a signature, classification (grade level) and telephone number. Mailing address is The East Texan, P.O. Box 4011 Commerce, Texas 75428.

The East East Tex Texan an The Established 1915 JAMES BRIGHT Editor Caleb slinkard Managing Editor

JARED WATSON digital media Editor


kat huffines Graphics Editor

CHANCELLOR MILLs opinion editor


jasmin brown copy desk chief

stephanie norman campus life editor



903-886-5985 ADVERTISING: chancellor mills


Fred Stewart Faculty Adviser


Thursday, Nov. 11, 2010

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A&M System student regent Cresencio Davila (center) stands on the A&M-Commerce campus with SGA representatives.

Student regent visits university JUSTIN VITZ STAFF WRITER

ing to implement some things that I’d like to do as Student Regent.” On Friday, Oct. 22, Davila came to Texas A&M UniversityCommerce and had dinner with the Student Government Association President Taylor Fore. He tried to attend the football game the following day, but was unable to due to inclement weather that postponed the game. Two weeks prior, he had toured the campus and met with students. “I really enjoyed it,” Davila said. “I like [A&M Commerce]. It’s small, so you get the opportunity to get to know everybody. It’s got a very family feel to it. I enjoyed meeting the students. They were all very impressive. And, it’s a gorgeous campus. I really loved it.” Davila’s path to his present position was not without it ups and downs. “I didn’t really want to do anything at all with my life,” he said. “I just really got disparaged in high school and decided to drop out.” When he was 19, Davila tutored at a small private school in San Antonio, which had about 20 students. The following year, the director of the school left and he was asked to be the replacement. “A few months later [the previous director] came to me and told me he was going to close the school down,” Davilla said. “At that point, I felt in my heart that this was something I needed to continue. So, I purchased it from him and ran it for eight years, growing it from an enrollment of a little over 20 kids to over 100 in about three years.” Davila thought it was hypocritical to run the school without having his own degree, so he sold the school and began working on his secondary education.

Cresencio Davila dropped out of high school because he felt a lack of direction. Now, after running a non-profit organization for eight years, Davila ALYX DAVIDSON placed on the altar in memory with life and celebration.” STAFF WRITER and celebration of the deceased. There was also a face-painting represents every A&M System student as the There was one such altar on station and a table with colored The Office of Hispanic Outreach display during the event on tissue paper and pipe cleaners to Student Regent. and Student Programs sponWednesday. make flowers. The paper flowers Davila, who graduated from Texas A&M sored a Día de los Muertos cel “The altar and its decorations were a substitute for marigolds, University-San Antonio, ebration on Wednesday, Nov. are symbolic of our love for the which are the traditional flow3 at 5:00 p.m. in the Student deceased, and it shows that our ers placed on the graves of loved decided to run for Student Regent because Access and Success Center. memory of them still lives on,” ones during the holiday. The Day of the Dead is a traHernandez said. “The face painting, hot choco- he aspires to enter the political sphere. ditional Latin American holiday Pan de Muerto is the tradilate and bread were my favorto honor family and friends tional bread placed on the altar, ites,” sophomore agricultural sci- “In politics, I’d be who have passed away. This is and Mexican hot chocolate ences and technology major Zach representing the people, and immediately I felt the second year for this event is the customary drink. Both Torres said. “This is my second that [being Student to be celebrated at Texas A&M items were available during the year participating in the Día de Regent] would be a University-Commerce. celebration, along with sweet los Muertos event on campus, stepping stone, in a “The Day of the Dead gives bread. Freshmen Saul Martinez and I enjoy attending all the sense, that would bring everyone a chance to socialize and Margon Sanchez served the Hispanic Outreach activities.” me a lot of experience,” while honoring death, rather bread to guests at the event. Many of the students and Davila said. than fearing it,” Coordinator of “I think this event is a good faculty members in attendance Hispanic Outreach and Student way to expose our culture, not were happy to be able to partici- Davila thinks that he can be a strong voice Programs Gilbert Hernandez just to Hispanics, but to the pate in an Indigenous Mexican for all A&M System said. community,” Sanchez, a busicelebration, and some think the students. Traditionally, the Day of the ness major, said. “We had a university should welcome more “As a student from a Dead falls on Nov. 2 after All good turnout and I was glad to activities like this in the future. regional campus, I felt Saints Day on Nov. 1. It is not to see such a variety of people.” “I think there should be more that I could bring a perbe confused with Halloween. Sugar skulls are a traditional cultural events for Hispanics on spective to the Board of “We are not here to make folk art used to embellish the this campus,” graduate cliniRegents that would repdeath scary with the idea of altar. Once molded, they are cal psychology student Julian resent most students in ‘trick or treat’,” Hernandez said. elaborately decorated with Sanchez said. the A&M System, and “We are honoring, not mocking cake icing in a variety of colors. More information on the traditional students that the dead.” Undecorated sugar skulls and Day of the Dead and upcomattend College Station,” Altars are built for departed icing were provided at a table ing Hispanic Outreach events he said. “I felt a really relatives, where offerings during the event. can be obtained via e-mail at strong desire to do of food and drink are made “To us, the skull does not repre- HispanicOutreach@tamu-comthe job and do the job throughout the day. Pictures sent death in the traditional way,” or by phone at 903well.” and significant objects are Hernandez said. “We honor it 468-8665. Davila thinks that being the one student in the entire A&M System to represent all of its students is a great honor.,”Farias, a vet- Adams discussed “To be in the same eran and MBA student his career, the people room as the nine indiat A&M-Commerce, he served with, his viduals that make up said. “I’m proud of the work with Cold War university for this turn- literature and American the Board of Regents is such a tremendous out.” perception of national honor,” Davila said. This year’s guest defense. “To look at them in speaker was retired After the ceremony, action and hear their Major General Chris the crowd moved outstrategies and the way Adams. Along with side to the site of the his extensive service Vigil Flame, which was they think [is amazing]. I’m a sponge, so I’m record, numerous lit by Captain Richard just soaking it all in.” awards and Cold War Ellison. Davila knows the expertise, Adams The flame will be importance of his job. graduated from A&Mguarded constantly in “I take it very seriCommerce’s AFROTC hour shifts until it is ously,” he said. “I have program early in his extinguished Saturday made every effort I poscareer. afternoon. sibly can to visit every single campus. I visited Commerce twice. I’ve put a lot of hours in not ... Order, Sigma Chi Morgan also said she only traveling, but tryFraternity, Delta Tau looks forward to how Delta, and many more.” unpredictable the event The Gamma Phi Beta is every year. sorority won the com “It’s going to be a petition last year, but really neat show,” she according to Gamma said. “I feel like a lot Phi Beta President of the people who are Kayla Morgan, it was competing are going no easy task. to come up with a lot ISA announces Diwali Nite 2010 will be cele Save 50% - 70% “It can be stressful of unique ideas, so I’m brated on Nov. 13. Diwali is popularly known as the at times with pracexcited to see what they “Festival of Lights,” the most significant spiritual Off Store Prices On Name tices and rehearsals and come up with. The best meaning is, “The Awareness of the Inner Light.” crazy choreography, thing about Sing Song Central to Hindu philosophy is the assertion that Brand Merchandise but it is overall so much is that you never know there is something beyond the physical body and fun,” Morgan said. what you’re going mind which is pure, infinite and eternal, called the “Last year, we won the to get.” Atman. Just as we celebrate the birth of our physical Satisfaction Guaranteed competition with our Sing Song is schedbeing, Diwali is the celebration of this inner light, trip across the counuled for Nov. 18 at 7:00 in particular the knowing of which outshines all the try. Our songs told the p.m. in the Ferguson darkness, awakening the individual to one’s true Log On To story of the places we Social Sciences nature, not as the body, but as the unchanging, infiwere visiting on our Building. Tickets can be nite, immanent and transcendent reality. Diwali was way to New York and purchased in advance given the official status by United States Congress it was really fun and from a Kappa Delta for in year 2007. Barack Obama became the first energetic.” $3 or at the door for $5. dent to personally attend Diwali at the White House. A&M-Commerce celebrated the traditional Latin American holiday Día de los Muertos for the second year in the row. The event, which focuses on honoring the dead instead of fearing death, was sponsered by the Office of Hispanic Outreach and Student Programs.

University celebrates Day of the Dead

... Vigil celebrated

... Sing Song unpredictable

Below Whole Sale Prices Kids Apparel

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Ca mpus Life

Thursday, Nov. 11, 2010

This week in SGA TOM AVILA


Bicycle safety tips MITZY Y’BARBO STAFF WRITER

Increased enrollment at Texas A&M University-Commerce means increased bicycle traffic and safety concerns. University Police Department’s Public Information Officer, Lt. Jason Bone, urges cyclists to become familiar with campus guidelines and regulations. Bone said these guidelines have not changed, but asks riders to refresh themselves with them and be considerate of foot traffic. He also said that pedestrians need to be aware of bikes on campus to help prevent accidents. The UPD urges owners to register their bikes for identification purposes. This registration is free, and owner will be given a permit to be attached conspicuously to the frame. UPD will also furnish engravers for the owner to etch their driver’s license number on the frame. These steps will help deter theft and provide officers with contact information. Bicycle riders are subject to all state laws pertaining to bicycles; in addition A&M-Commerce has additional traffic and parking regulations. Some of those include: 1. No bicycle or motorcycle to be ridden on sidewalks, walkways, lawns or in any building. 2. Bicycle parking is permitted only in bicycle racks or in areas approved by UPD. 3. Bicycles may not be tied, locked or secured to permanent fixtures including but not limited to: buildings, fixtures, trees, hand rails, banisters. Bone said officers will not stop or ticket every rider seen on walkways, but added that if riders on sidewalks begin to cause problems or become safety concerns for pedestrians, they will enforce the rules more tightly. Campus officials acknowledge a shortage of bike racks, and have ordered several to help ease this situation. The additional racks will be located at Ferguson, Binion Hall and the Music Building, among other locations. Bone, who started the bike patrol on the A&MCommerce campus about ten years ago, encourages students and staff to travel on two wheels. He attributes several reasons to the increase in bike riders on campus: gasoline prices and the economy, environmental awareness of fuel emissions from autos, and the convenience of parking and quick travel. For a complete list of bicycle and traffic regulations on campus, visit web.tamu-commerce. edu/admissions/tuitioncosts/bursar/documents/ TrafficandParking.pdf.

Courtesy Photo Dr. Kathryn Jacobs

Dr. Kathryn Jacobs and daughter, Lizzy, share a moment on the beach. Jacobs said she shares her work with her students because she cannot imagine not practicing what she preaches. She has published more than 100 poems since 2007.

Professor finds inspiration in tragedy SAVANNAH CHRISTIAN STAFF WRITER

Most people are molded in some way by their parents and the environment in which they are raised, while perhaps many fewer are affected in positive ways by personal tragedies. A&MCommerce Professor of Literature and Languages Dr. Kathryn Jacobs is not an exception to either of these scenarios. In her childhood, her British mother heavily influenced Jacobs’ literary tastes. According to Jacobs, those books instilled a strong love for English in her. “My mother would give me books that she had read as a child, just as every other kid’s parents did,” Jacobs’ said, “but of course the books that she read to me were all British. To me, this was completely normal.” Jacobs was also frequently ill as a child, a circumstance that further fostered her love for reading. “During these times, I would just read,” she said. “The Middle Ages became one of my worlds.” Jacobs’ frequent illnesses also furnished her with ample time to write poetry and short stories on her manual typewriter. “I have terrible handwriting, so I have to type all of my work,” she said. “I wanted an electric typewriter, but my parents said I had to earn it. I did chores around the house and sold vegetables from my garden to everyone in my neighborhood.” Jacobs received an electric typewriter for Christmas that year. The gift brought Jacobs to a clear realization of the career path she wanted to pursue. “I knew right then that I wanted to be an English teacher,” she said. Jacobs began attending the University of Michigan at the age of 17, while finishing high school.

“Every day I would go to my high school classes in the morning and then ride over to the university for my other classes,” she said. “We didn’t have professors come to our high school like they do today.” Jacobs completed her Bachelor’s degree in English in three years and went on to obtain a Master’s from the university as well. “I got my Master’s because I wanted more background in my field,” she said, “but I still didn’t feel prepared to teach because I had been so focused on class.” Jacobs decided to apply to the doctoral program at Harvard University to better prepare herself to teach at the collegiate level. “I wanted to be an expert on what I was going to teach,” she said. “Harvard made me a professional; it was essential.” After earning her Ph.D. and teaching for a few years, Jacobs married and had three children. Her son Raymond had cerebral palsy, which prevented him from walking normally. “I knew I had to quit teaching to raise him properly, so I decided to give it up for a while,” Jacobs said. “I spent 45 minutes every day going up and down the stairs of our Manhattan building with Raymond, teaching him how to walk. It was difficult, but he finally learned, which allowed us to move to Commerce in 1993 when I was offered a job here at the university.” In 2005, Raymond died unexpectedly of sleep apnea. Her son’s death impacted Jacobs deeply. “His death had to make a difference in the world,” she said. “I was not the type to go change laws or anything like that. Instead, I turned back to poetry.” Jacobs has dedicated all of her chapbooks to Raymond, who has become her inspiration for writing.


(L-R) Shawna Brisco and Jasmine Mallone participate in the sumo wrestling activity at the Health Olympics held Wednesday, Nov. 3.


The Health Olympics hosted by the Implementation and Evaluation of Healthy Living class Wednesday, Nov. 3, offered exercise and fun for faculty, students and staff. The event benefited two local charities, Court Appointed

Special Advocates for Children (CASA) and Celebrate the Children. “This is a very fun event and it’s a great way to raise money,” Assistant Director of Facilities with Residential Living and Learning Kathy McGrath said. The Health Olympics included volleyball, dodgeball, basketball,

“My professional life has the shape it has now because he died,” she said. “If I am going to justify me living when he was stopped at 18, this is what I have to do.” According to Jacobs, without the death of Raymond, she would have just been a dabbler in poetry. “I share my work with my students because I cannot imagine not practicing what I preach,” she said. “If everybody in the world who loved me died, the evenings would be hard, but in school I would be happy.” Jacobs teaches a wide range of courses at A&M-Commerce including mythology, Shakespeare, Middle English and creative writing. Jacobs attributes her to attraction to teaching medieval period courses to her childhood immersion in British literature. “I call myself a Medievalist,” she said. “It’s a little like a fantasy. You immerse yourself in a world that is just different enough from our own. I live a lot in my head, so I never fully involved myself in this world we live in anyway.” In her teaching, Jacobs focuses a lot on poetry, specifically the development of poems. “Today, teachers don’t really focus on poetry in their classes because they were never taught it themselves,” she said. “It is an important part of literature, so I am trying to ensure that the teachers I send out know how to teach poetry.” Since 2007, Jacobs has published over 100 poems and has a book of poetry coming out next year. “In writing poetry these past few years, I am turning back to my own love,” she said. Jacobs said that teaching serves as a coping mechanism for her. “When I teach, I don’t imagine there is any disaster that could remain real to me,” she said.

sumo wrestling and competitive hula-hooping. Participants could also make a donation and pie a professor or fellow student in the face. “There are some guys out there who are playing a pretty good volleyball game for a rag tag bunch,” alumnus Hoyle Julian said, “We [he and his wife, Ann Julian] make all the local games and special events; I also tutor athletes three nights a week, so events like these are a nice fun break for everyone.” The class that ran the event managed everything from the sponsors to marketing. Giving out free gifts was a focus for the class. “This is completely student set-up and run,” Professor Quyn Dang said. “So far, we have good numbers coming in; also they are giving out tons of freebees because when anything is free

people rush to get it.” Most of the free gifts were locally funded health-minded items, such as a book written by a local physician Dr. Rick Selvaggi titled “Dr. Rick’s Guide to a Long Healthy Life.” But the class also made fun a priority at the event and gave out items like sunglasses and A&MCommerce patches. “People are having fun and that’s what we really wanted to achieve,” Dang said. “You can have fun while helping out a good cause, the children.” Students from the class seemed happy with their accomplishments. “It’s a great energy here and everyone is participating and having a great time,” student Darlene Allin said. “We wanted students, faculty and staff mingling and interacting while raising money for the kids, and that’s exactly what we got.”

Several weeks ago, the Student Government Association (SGA) formed an adhoc committee to investigate student concerns about delayed financial aid disbursements. Senators Cody Vali and Donna Gosbee headed up the committee and were able to get answers about the issues following a meeting with representatives from the university’s Office of Financial Aid. The committee has determined that because of federal regulations that govern financial aid disbursements, A&MCommerce is unable to release student funds any earlier than the date prescribed by law. However, representatives from the Office of Financial Aid did state that many delays in students’ funds could be alleviated if students were more diligent when filling out the necessary paperwork by the prescribed deadlines. That being said, there are other reasons why some students struggle with getting their information into the university on time. The committee discovered that the Office of Financial Aid only had one fax machine through which students could send their documentation electronically. A&MCommerce assured committee members that this was totally unacceptable and that new fax machines may be added in the future. SGA will be working with the Office of Financial Aid to keep students better apprised of financial aid deadlines in the future. One of the most important issues undertaken by the newly elected SGA Senate was an overhaul of the outdated SGA Constitution, which governs its activities. The current Constitution was last amended in 2007, but the document was still flawed. It contained redundant information also inlcuded in the Senate’s Standing Rules, errors that conflicted with other documents such as the Judicial Bylaws and Senate Election Code, and several glaring spelling and grammatical errors. To deal with the problems, SGA formed an adhoc Constitutional Committee to undertake a revision. After several weeks of working, the committee has submitted a revised Constitution to the SGA Executive Board which held a closed meeting on Oct. 21 in order to examine the changes. A student referendum on the document will be held sometime in mid-November. In other news, the SGA Committees on Campus Safety and Academic Affairs are jointly working on a student survey and forum so that they can solicit student input on issues related to academics and campus security.

Ca mpus Life

Thursday, Nov. 11, 2010

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Photo Courtesy Matt Plummer

Junior computer science major Jonathan Moore, graduate student Matt Plummer, his cousin and freshman Ryan Plummer, and senior theater major and English minor Kasey Thompson currently comprise The Moving Stills, a band quickly picking up steam in the Commerce community. Matt and Ryan Plummer have been playing together since they were 13 years-old and decided to expand this past summer.

The Moving Stills attract more fans in Commerce area ADAM TROXTELL SPORTS EDITOR For those paying attention to the modest music scene in Commerce, the past few months have been fairly eventful for four A&MCommerce students. Graduate student Matt Plummer, his cousin and freshman Ryan Plummer, senior theatre major and English minor Kasey Thompson, and junior computer science major Jonathan Moore currently comprise The Moving Stills, a band quickly picking up steam in the Commerce community. Matt said he and Ryan have been playing guitar together for years, and only recently began looking to expand. “Ryan and I have been playing since we were 13 or so,” Matt said. “We didn’t call it a band, really we just kind of did it for fun. This past summer, about July, we brought Kasey on, and that solidified it into a band where we would write songs, record and

hopefully perform. We used a lot of her poetry to start to write music and put it along with a lot of the instrumental stuff Ryan and I had written, because neither of us really felt the need to sing.” This is where Thompson, who already had pages of poetry put together, came into the picture. Matt said she was a perfect fit for vocalist. “It wasn’t really like, ‘Hey, we want you to sing for our band,’” she said. “One night, I came over and they asked if I had stuff written down. I started laughing when I found this real sexy poem that I wrote. I said no, and he was like ‘No, let me see it.’ That’s how that happened, and the band was formed.” The trio acted quickly to create their first song. “We wrote the music for ‘Troposphere’ while she was on the way there,” Ryan said. Thompson said she wrote the poem that the song is based on after a long relationship had ended.

“One of my things is I’m afraid of thunderstorms,” she said. “I wanted someone to be with me and make the thunderstorm happy.” Soon after that, The Moving Stills played “Troposphere” at Cowhill Express Coffee Co.’s Songwriter’s Showcase, which is hosted by local radio station 88.9 KETR. “The response was pretty awesome,” Matt said about the band’s first song. “Matt Meinke of KETR took the recording and put it on the radio. He got a lot of requests for it and more information on the band. We ended up sending him our actual recording of it and he’s been playing that on the radio for almost the past two or three months. He said it’s the most talked about song on the rotation of 88.9 right now.” Thompson said the genre of the band could fall into the category “folk indie-rock.” Matt said the type of music they develop has changed from song to song.

“We started out solely acoustic,” he said. “But we like to add a lot of different things. Right now, we’re working on a song that is predominantly acoustic in the beginning, but we’re adding electric guitar and piano. I’d say it’s more like an acoustic rock kind of thing. We take the songs one at a time. We don’t look at it as ‘We play this instrument, so it has to be included in the song.’ We pick out what each song needs.” That’s one reason Moore was brought into the group. “I’ve been in music ever since I learned to play guitar,” he said. “Right now, I don’t even play piano, but we’re adding piano to it, so I’m slowly picking it up. I’m just doing whatever I can to push the band to the next edge.” Matt said the different ideas come from each of the band members’ individual tastes. “I think we all have our personal ones,” he said. “That makes it kind

of cool. We all have our own distinct likes and interests music wise. We have our disagreements, but when it goes really well, we’re unstoppable.” The difficult part, according to Matt, is coming up with a creation that everyone can follow. “The hardest thing we’re finding right now is sticking to the format, I guess,” he said. “We don’t necessarily have to stick to the format, but we’re trying to make them make sense rather than just talking over music.” The band members interact frequently outside of rehearsals, as Moore and Ryan both play at the Baptist Student Ministry, and Matt and Thompson are involved in theatre. Matt said a lot of the work is done with collaboration outside of a group practice. “We’ve been pretty well received so far,” he said. “I like to know what people think whether it’s good or bad, but that doesn’t necessarily put

a hindrance on what we do as a group. We know what we like, and we know we’re going to put our best foot forward with lyrics and the music because we spend a lot of time working on it. The fact you can put so much into something and have it mean something to other people too, it’s really a cool feeling.” “The Moving Stills” currently have a Facebook page ( and music available to purchase online. Matt said they are looking to take an extra step. “Our main focus right now is getting together a five or six song set for our first recording we’re going to get out there,” he said. “We’ll start sending demos to venues and things like that. Between the lot of us, we have a lot of connections in the local music area and abroad, so the possibilities and capabilities are there.”

Texas Wildlife Society welcomes people to participate MITZI Y’BARBO STAFF WRITTER The Texas A&M University-Commerce chapter of the Texas Wildlife Society offers invaluable experience and opportunities. The organization is specifically designed for wildlife majors, but membership is open to anyone. The A&M-Commerce chapter of TWS was founded in 2004 and averages 30-35 members on their roster, with 15-20 active members. A&M-Commerce Senior Christine Hardin is the local chapter president, with fellow senior Dusty Howard serving as its vice president. Both Hardin and Howard are wildlife & conservation science majors. A&MCommerce Biological and Environmental Sciences Department Head and Professor, Dr. Jeff Kopachena serves as the chapter’s adviser. TWS meets every sec-

ond Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. on the first floor of the Science Building, and has a variety of activities taking place throughout the year. The local chapter was awarded Outstanding Student Chapter for 2009 for their community service hours, a fact Kopachena said he was very proud of. They also won the award in 2007 and 2008, and they were pronounced Student Organization with Highest GPA in 2007. Other notable honors were given to Student Member of the Year Ryan Scauzillo in 2008 for logging 400+ volunteer hours for the year, and the same award was given to Christine Hardin in 2009 for logging 600+ volunteer hours. “This is quite impressive given the young age of the organization,” Kopachena said. As the chapter’s adviser, Kopachena primarily assures the chapter fol-

lows its bylaws, and also oversees their funds. He also organizes trip for the organization, such as those to the annual state convention. TWS has several fundraisers during the year. Money raised is put mainly to expenses for attending the state convention, which will be held in San Antonio this year. They have also made annual donations to Relay for Life and have even given money to the University of Memphis to help fund a conservation video being produced there. Hardin said their most popular fundraiser was their “Pie a Teacher” campaign. Students donated money with a specific instructor’s name attached; the instructor who received the most contributions in their name got the pie. This campaign raised $500 last year. TWS has a lot of special events coming up along with their regular volun-

teer efforts. Their special event last month was to work the Boo at the Zoo, an annual Halloween event at the Dallas Zoo, nightly from Oct. 28-31. Volunteers dressed up in costumes and either manned games or passed out candy. “As you can imagine, there are a lot of kids coming through there, so they really need[ed] the help,” Hardin said. Howard said TWS will also be working at Fossil Rim Wildlife Center, which they try to work a couple of times per semester. Members will be helping to finish the Children’s Activity Center and will perform trail maintenance. This has been a long-time project of the chapter. Kopachena and chapter members will also be re-seeding the upland portion of the A&MCommerce wetlands, and also removing ash trees to plant water oaks in their place. Some of the ongo-

ing projects of TWS are working at Pride Rock in Terrell, and working with Cornell Blue Birds in the Wetlands of Cross Timbers Ranch. Kopachena said the chapter will be going on field trips in late November and into December to do mist-netting, and is also planning trips to birding trails for some bird watching. Hardin and Howard are trying to increase efforts with community education about the Wildlife and Conservation Sciences program offered at A&M-Commerce. “There are not that many schools around who offer this, so it’s important to let people know we do,” Hardin said. She plans to visit high schools in the region to recruit future students. Hardin said the practice with public speaking is “very important” for her future in order to work with the public and present research information.

Both Howard and Bryant said the benefits they get from being a member of TWS are priceless assets to their futures in wildlife science. The research and volunteer work alongside professionals provides experience that is not available in a classroom. Also, the contacts they make each year at the state convention will be invaluable when they begin to apply for jobs or advanced student programs. “It will definitely give them a leg up and get their foot in the door when that time comes,” Hardin said. Howard encourages all majors to join the chapter, and invites any others who just enjoy being outside or working with animals to participate as well. For information on TWS, contact them at tamu_wildlife_society@

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Art Art Scene Scene

Thursday, Nov. 11, 2010


Above: After their main show, Mumford & Sons were joined on stage by members of Cadillac Sky to perform an encore to their set at The House of Blues in Dallas on Thursday, Nov 4. They also performed a song, “Lady of the Water,” which was written by one of their openers, King Charles. Insert: King James performing his set on the House of Blues stage.

Mumford & Sons deliver their folksy Fromage du Jour A weekly look at film cheese bluegrass sound to The House of Blues CHANCELLOR MILLS OPINION EDITOR Two things you need to know about me: the first is that rarely will I find a band whose album I can listen to all the way through. I’ll get to the second thing in a moment. When I discovered Mumford & Sons through a friend in April, I fell in love. Not only did I fall in love with them, I also fell in love with the entire folk/bluegrass genre. Now, the second thing you need to know is that I have never been to a live concert before. So, when I discovered in August that M&S would be playing at the House of Blues in Dallas on Nov. 4, I jumped on the tickets. Considering that the show had been sold out for a month or more, it wasn’t surprising that the House of Blues was packed to the brim with plaid-clad folk enthusiasts. Me being new to the concert scene, I was a little disappointed to find out that I would have to sit through another band called Cadillac Sky, because I really just wanted to see my boys and be done with it. You can imagine how I felt when I arrived to found out that M&S would actually be having a second opener before Cadillac Sky by the name of King Charles. I just knew I was going to be completely miserable and bored until Mumford & Sons came on. Boy, was I wrong. Being of the same genre as M&S probably played in favor of the openers because I thoroughly enjoyed Cadillac Sky and King Charles almost as much the main event. King Charles had some very catchy songs including a modernized version of Billy Joel’s “We Didn’t Start The Fire,” which the crowd seemed to particularly enjoy. Next came Cadillac Sky, a five-man folk band whom I enjoyed much more than I did King Charles. These guys were a lot more like M&S in that they sounded much more folksy than King Charles and played a wider array of instruments as opposed to the King’s limited guitar play. Bordering on the fringe of country, Cadillac Sky’s songs clearly had a spiritual influence, which gave me

the impression that these guys put their hearts and souls into their craft. That kind of devotion is something that I greatly respect from a band. Cadillac guitarist David Mayfield really got the crowd going with constant exclamations of “TEXAS!,” as well as trying to get the audience involved in echoing lyrics during some of the songs. They put on a great set, ending on a final song in which the boys from Mumford & Sons came on to provide backup on drums and piano. Around 11:00 p.m., it was time for the main event and you could just taste the anticipation in the air. Being the main attraction, it came as no surprise that M&S’s set was by far the most visually stunning and fun. They went pretty much through their entire album, “Sigh No More,” and even unveiled a new song titled “Below My Feet” from their upcoming album. It was nice of the boys to give the crowd a new song, but I’m pretty sure that everyone would have been satisfied if they had just played through “Sigh No More” from top to bottom. I say this because the songs that already exist are all wonderful and that, combined with the amount of light effects and M&S’s showmanship, is enough to see any fan into a Mumford-ian Heaven. Something that I really enjoyed as far as visual appeal was that, much like in the music video for “Little Lion Man,” there were lights strung from the upper seats to the stage that weren’t turned on until they began to play that song. Once they ended their set, the boys walked off the stage to the sound of most of the audience chanting for “one more song.” After a few minutes, the band reemerged on stage followed closely by King Charles and some of the members of Cadillac Sky to sing a song written by King Charles entitled “Lady Of The Water.” After that was done, instead of bowing to a round of applause and swiftly exiting the stage, they stayed on to play “The Cave.” All three bands played a great show to a full house and not only did I have a blast seeing one of my favorite bands in concert, I also got introduced and hooked onto two new artists.

The East Texan Editors’ Picks

“Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl” is disgusting and has almost no story, but still entertains.

“Vampire Girl” proves to be squeamishly fantastic JARED WATSON DIGITAL MEDIA EDITOR I said of last week’s movie “Mutant Vampire Zombies from the ‘Hood!” that some scenes were needlessly violent without advancing the story, and were gore for the sake of gore. Well, that movie has nothing on this week’s feature: “Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl.” Coming from the country where all things weird and gross originate, Japan, “Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl” has more shocking, disgusting images in the first five minutes than any film I’ve ever seen. The opening sequence, which has nothing to do with the rest of the film, shows the “Vampire Girl” character fighting and eventually dismembering three shrieking “Frankenstein” girls complete with graphic skin removal and gallons upon gallons of blood. Basically, you can learn everything the movie is

about from this sequence and quit while you’re ahead if you wanted to. But the movie goes on, trying to patch together a story to go with all the gore. Ostensibly, it’s about two girls fighting over a guy, one of which is a vampire. The nonvampire girl dies fighting her, and her kabuki-clad mad scientist father patches her back together with magic wood screws that somehow bring her back to life. Believe me, it is just as ridiculous and nonsensical as it sounds. However, though I regretted eating right before watching, I have to admit the movie is something of a spectacle to behold. The special effects are gritty, but possess enough of a cartoonish vibe to allow the viewer to get so grossed out that they stop watching. And, God help me, I enjoyed it. I couldn’t tell you why, but I was entertained. I guess that’s my seven-word review: “It was gross, but I liked it.”

Verdict: Three Shatners


“Something I never wanted to know about or observe in movie form. I hated it.” - Megan Carey


“It was kind of a witty movie. There was a lot of sarcasm and it symbolized the comeback of a new and improved Robert Downey Jr.” - Chancellor Mills


“One of Will Ferrell’s best performances in perhaps his most underrated movie.” - Adam Troxtell


“I like zombies.” - James Bright

By no means would I want to see a movie like this every day, or maybe ever again, but I think this movie is so uniquely disgusting that everyone should experience it at least once. - Jared Watson Digital Media Editor

Next week: “Ice Twisters”


Thursday, Nov. 11, 2010

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Senior Megan Benitez tees off during one of this fall’s tournaments.

Expectations not met in fall golf season JON MCDANIEL STAFF WRITER The fall portion of golf has recently come to an end and the players and coaches are hoping for more success in the spring. Senior Dustin Gideon expected greater things for the team this fall. “Our fall season started off very slow, but we Junior Carolyn Bell runs in the Lone Star Conference Cross Country Championship meet, in which she placed 23rd with a time of 17.33.05. started to progress as time moved on,” Gideon said. “I feel the fall season was not as successful as JON MCDANIEL 10 miles a day. A normal in the sport. “My favorite time run- we wanted, but we did STAFF WRITER routine for us varies from “She coached long ning so far was when my show signs of solid team four miles to 12 miles. distance running for the family and I went on a play with various good Running 60 miles per Sometimes we’ll just Metroplex Striders and vacation to Switzerland rounds.” week would seem impos- run 10 miles early in the was very encouraging,” during the summer of This year’s team is very sible for most students morning while there is Bell said. “She’s definitely 2007 and I got to run in young, consisting of one on campus, but for junior still plenty of fog out and the main reason I’m the Alps,” Bell said. “The senior, one sophomore cross country runner then do weights later in involved in cross country scenery was so amazing and five freshmen. Head Carolyn Bell, it’s the the day.” and running.” and the temperature was Coach Louie Bledsoe said norm. First-year Lions cros Before running for around 60 degrees. It was he was pleased with the Bell was the top fincountry Head Coach Texas A&M Universityjust perfect.” young players on both isher for the Lions in the Darren Schneider is Commerce, Bell attended Sophomore Jennifer teams. first three weeks of the proud of what Carolyn Vanderbilt University Speer said she appreci“The freshmen have, cross-country season. brings to the team. in Nashville where she ates the qualities that for the most part, done “It’s very exciting to “Carolyn has been an also ran cross country. make Bell an outstanding very well on both the make the finishes,” Bell outstanding addition She said the move has teammate. men’s and women’s said. “I was quite happy to our women’s team,” brought about a nice “Carolyn is an aweteams,” Bledsoe said. with my time, which Schneider said. “Most change. some teammate,” Speer “Aaron Cockerill, Chris was at 19:47 at the Chile importantly, she is a great “I like the laid back said. “She is really Leasor and John Moug Pepper [Festival]. I’m just person. As an athlete, she atmosphere here at encouraging, and I know had good fall seasons for excited that the season is is not only a talented run- Commerce compared if I needed anything at the men. On the women’s under way. The competiner, but she is a very hard to the up-tempo pace at all, she would be there side, Chantry McMahan, tion has been fun and worker and she continuVanderbilt,” Bell said. for me.” Chelsea McCoy, Katelin challenging, and our team ally displays a calm and “This school is only an Bell said she and her Walker, Kaley Jackson is doing our best.” steady demeanor. Her hour away from home teammates don’t generand Sara Diaz played The Chile Pepper is abilities and personality and it’s easier to talk to ally have anything special well.” what Carolyn calls her have quickly elevated her people here. I enjoy the they do before a meet. Bledsoe said that while favorite meet of the seainto a strong leadership farmland more than the They simply come prethe team didn’t play son. role within our program.” urban setting. Plus, I ben- pared. exactly how he wanted, “It was a fast course Building up to 70 miles efit from running on the “My goal this year is there were many bright and a pretty one, too,” a week is no easy feat. dirt roads since they’re to just improve at every spots. she said. “There was Bell said she has been better for my knees.” meet,” Bell said. “I just “The best moments of plenty of farmland running ever since Bell said one of the keep pushing myself to the seasons for the men with cotton growing junior high. highlights of her cross keep trying my hardest. I would be Chris Leasor’s all around and various “I started running track country running was don’t really have a ritual hole-in-one at the St. barns. The weekend was in the seventh grade,” when she ran at the before a game. I’ll just say Mary’s tournament in great and being able she said. “I began to start Congress Avenue in a prayer and drink a cup San Antonio,” he said. “It to see the nice facility running the longer disAustin. of coffee and I’m ready.” was his first hole-in-one. For the women, it would that the University of tances, and then I began “One of the coolest After she finishes up be Chantry McMahan’s Arkansas has was espeto start doing quite well. things so far was meeting her running days at fourth place finish at the cially neat.” I started officially runGovernor Rick Perry,” A&M-Commerce, Bell UCO tournament. She Bell said her finishing ning cross country when Bell said. “He was out in said she would like to shot rounds of 77 and times can be credited to I was a freshman in high his running gear shaking follow in her mother’s 69 to finish fourth in the her practice regiment and school. I raced against hands with everybody. It footsteps. tournament. I was there to her coaching. various schools across the featured the best runners “I would like to be for this one.” “Coach Schneider has Metroplex while I attend- in the state and it was a junior high school He thinks the team’s a great training schedule ed McKinney Christian exciting to be a part of.” counselor after college,” most solid performance for us and I really like the Academy. During that Bell said that while Bell said. “My mother is attitude of the team,” Bell time, I was running about the Congress Avenue working on her Ph.D. and was at the West Texas tournament in Amarillo. said. “To stay in shape 60 miles a week.” meet was one of her most she worked in a similar “They shot rounds over the summer, Coach Bell said her best memorable races, her field, and this is why of 302, 293 and 298 for Schneider had us runfriend’s older sister favorite time running was I’m interested.” a total of 893,” Bledsoe ning 70 miles a week, or helped her get involved in the Alps. said. “This was their best tournament score wise of the fall. The women had a really good tournament JON MCDANIEL from injury and helped lift prised me with the way from behind 21-17 late in at UCO. They shot rounds STAFF WRITER the Lions to a win. they’ve performed coming the third set and closed of 321 and 307 for a total “This was our first into the collegiate level of out the match with a kill of 628. Four of the girls The A&M-Commerce vol- game back with starting the game. I would say that by senior Naomi Mays had rounds in the 70’s in leyball team ended their setter Jordan Neal,” Head this year’s freshmen class from Neal to give A&Mthis tournament.” two-game losing streak Coach Craig Case said. haven’t played like freshCommerce the victory. McCoy said she wishes with a decisive victory “She was out with a bad men, and that’s probably While the Lions pulled she had the knowledge over the Texas A&Mankle sprain and it’s such the highest compliment off a victory last night, she has now at the start of International Dustdevils at an amazing difference she you can give to them.” many on the team were the year. the A&M-Commerce Field makes to this team. We Freshman Kayla Bond disappointed at the over“For me personally, House on Wednesday, played well Saturday, but and sophomore Rachel all season. I would have changed Nov. 3. Jordan is so skilled that Robertson led an attack “We had a rough start my mental aspect of the The Lions (13-14) won it makes the team play a margin of .194 against the to the season,” Bond said. game,” she said. “I would the first three sets, outlittle bit better. It’s exciting Dustdevils. The two each “We started playing pretty have worked harder on scoring the Dustdevils to have her back in had 11 kills in the victory well through the season, keeping my head in the 25-16, 25-18, and 25-23. the line-up.” Wednesday. Sophomore but it’s disappointing that game and not getting “I thought we did Case said his entire Morgan Moeller had a we’re not in the tournafrustrated when a shot amazing tonight,” senior freshmen class is special. match-high 13 digs, while ment this year. We’re goes wrong.” Terra Ousley said. “It “I’m really happy with the Neal recorded 33 assists going to have a tough It wasn’t just freshmen was good to snap the two performance of the freshand nine digs. off-season, but it’s going who wished they would game losing streak. Our men this year,” he said. The Dustdevils (1-23) to make us a better team. have done better. Gideon starting setter missed the “We feel like we have all were led by Alexandria This season we may not said he wished he would last few games, but helped the pieces and the freshMontemayor, who have accomplished all have performed at a highus win tonight.” men have really strong recorded 10 kills to keep the goals we set out, but er level. Freshman setter Jordan roles in our program. the scores close, especially throughout the season, “Playing as a senior Neal played in her first Jordan Neal and Kayla in the highly contested we’ve become a better and captain for our team game since recovering Bond have really surthird set. The Lions rallied team.” has presented new and

Bell signals arrival with top finishes

Volleyball snaps streak with home win

sometimes difficult challenges,” Gideon said. “As the most experienced on the team, younger members look to me for solid play and consistent performance. This season, I have started off very slow and have not produced the results I would have liked, but with this year’s team, some of the younger players have become the foundation which we have relied upon for solid play and have made up for where I have come up short.” He also said the team needs to improve their decision making skills while on the course. “The only things I would change are the way we managed courses and our shot decisions,” he said. “In golf, you have to be very disciplined and have a plan for every shot then execute that plan. We often would make mental mistakes that cost us shots, which ultimately lost us better positioning in tournaments.” He expects the team will have the offseason they need to reach their goals in the spring. “Our offseason will consist heavily of workouts and conditioning along with individualized instruction on the course,” Gideon said. “Our goal as a team is to be not only the most skilled, but the most physically fit. As a team, we are going to do whatever possible to turn this season around and to become one of the elite teams out there. It will not be easy, but with this group of guys, it is definitely possible.” Assistant Coach and former A&M-Commerce player Heather Pantalion is looking forward to the offseason so the team can grow. “Our goals for the spring are to make all the players become more consistent in tournament play as well as making progress at the same time,” Pantalion said. “All schools in our region are becoming more competitive, and I believe with the players we have, we are right there with them to compete. As for the offseason, we work out a little more and focus on individualized instruction and we plan to prepare for a better spring.” The offseason started on Monday, Nov. 1 and Coach Bledsoe already has the team hard at work for the spring. “We will have strength and conditioning workouts on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays,” Bledsoe said. “Players will have a two-hour time period assigned to them each week for practice. We need to work hard to be more competitive. To do this, we have to try to be more consistent in our play so we can improve our team and individual scores.”

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Thursday, Nov. 11, 2010

Freshman Raymond Mata and a group of runners compete in Abilene.

Cross country teams compete in LSC meet SPORTS INFORMATION

Led by the eighth-place finish in 25:04.56 by Cody Hughes the Texas A&M University-Commerce Senior Naomi Mays goes up for a kill during A&M-Commerce’s match against Incarnate Word on Saturday. Mays ended the game with 6 kills. men’s cross country team finished fifth at the Lone Star Conference Championships on ADAM TROXTELL with sophomore Reagan slammed down the decidIncarnate Word won SPORTS EDITOR Hayes serving helped the ing point off of freshman all three of the sets (25-21, Saturday in Abilene, Lions to a healthy 16-10 Jordan Neal’s set. Neal, 25-19, 26-24) last Saturday, Texas. A&M-Commerce, who The A&M-Commerce lead. From there, it was who was in her second but just missed out on was picked to finish ninth volleyball team finished all A&M-Commerce, and game back after injury, making the LSC in the preseason, had all the season 10th in the they went to a 2-0 set lead ended the game with 38 tournament. five of its scoring runners Lone Star Conference after with a 25-13 win in the assists, four kills and Robertson again led in the top 37. a win and a loss in their second frame. 8 digs. the Lions with 10 kills Abilene Christian had final matches of the From sophomore Ali Robertson said she was and Neal had 31 assists. three of the top six finishseason. Insell’s serving in the happy the team finally Playing in her last match ers for its 26th Lone Star In just their fifth fivethird set, A&M-Kingsville got another conference as a Lion, senior Terra Conference crown. Among set match all season, took a massive 16-8 win after having to push Ousley had nine kills the three was individual the Lions came out on advantage. Insell had two through matches without and two blocks. She said champion Amos Sang, top over Texas A&Mservice aces in the run, Neal. having her team around who covered the 8k course Kingsville 3-2 to win their and freshman Lauryn “It felt really good,” her was the biggest thing in 23:49 for his secondfirst Lone Star Conference Lozano got one of her 14 she said. “We missed that she will miss about playconsecutive title. Eastern match since Oct. 24 last total kills as the Javelinas feeling. We had a pretty ing volleyball at A&MNew Mexico was second, Thursday night before los- took the third game 25-15. serious injury that we Commerce. East Central was third, ing 3-0 to Incarnate Word The visitors turned that had to roll through, but “I feel like I played and Cameron was fourth, on Saturday. momentum into a 25-20 we all bounced back and hard,” Ousley said. “It’s followed by the Lions. A&M-Commerce began win in the fourth game. got back into our original been a good year for my Next Incarnate Word was the first set of the A&MHayes and senior Rachel positions.” team in general. Even sixth, Tarleton State was Kingsville match by takShelton served for a few Head Coach Craig Case though we didn’t meet all seventh, West Texas A&M ing a 9-4 lead under the decent runs for the Lions said he was proud to see the goals we wanted to, was eighth, Angelo State serving of senior Naomi early on, but the Javenilas his players take the final we played hard. We met was ninth and Texas A&MMays. fought back to keep the set, and had special praise our goal of making sure Kingsville was 10th. The Javelinas managed game close. With Virginia for Robertson’s efforts. we get better every goal With the eighth-place to come back within a few Hernandez serving, who “I thought our players and stay strong until finish, Hughes is recogpoints of the Lions soon led the floor with 23 digs did a nice job of really the end.” nized as an all-Lone Star after, but never took the on the night, the visitors revving it up and playing Case said this is the Conference selection. lead. Sophomore Morgan took a 21-16 lead late on real hard in that fifth set,” main reason he thinks this Behind him was senior Moeller finished off the and did not look back. he said. “Any time we can season was not wasted. Robert Reed, who finished set as A&M-Commerce It was only appropriate get Rachel Robertson the “I felt like every point 14th(25:34.09), followed won 25-21. The kill was that the fifth and final set ball, that’s option 1, 2, and on the floor we were com- by junior newcomer one of seven for Moeller ended with a kill by soph- even 3 sometimes. It’s nice petitive and every point Raman Singh in 31st on the night. omore Rachel Robertson, that she’s really grown we played hard,” he said. (26:09.78), next freshman In the second set, the who led the floor with into that ‘give me the ball’ “I would never say the Raymond Mata was 34th Lions once again took 19 kills on the night. The type of player, and she’s season was for nothing or (26:18.46), followed by an early lead, but A&MLions never lost the lead done a nice job with it. So, wasn’t worth it.” redshirt freshman Everett Kingsville managed to in the deciding game, I was really happy with Wilder in 37th (26:28.82). come back. A 4-0 run and eventually Robertson that.” Alex Kimp was

Win, loss close out volleyball season

42nd in 26:42.66, Tyler Hemenway was 53rd in 27:20.21 and Ross Hicks was 58th in 27:21.51 to round out the A&MCommerce lineup. Despite a wrong turn by the lead vehicle, Texas A&M UniversityCommerce junior Carolyn Bell finished in 23rd in a time of 17:33.05 on Saturday at the Lone Star Conference Women’s Cross Country Championships. Bell and the field ran 4.5 kilometers, rather than five, due to the wrong turn by the lead vehicle. Senior Kate Donovan was 43rd in 18:11.15 as the duo of Bell and Donovan has been the top two finishers for the Lions throughout the season. The Lions finished 12th and Midwestern State won the team title with five runners in the top 16. For the individual crown, Anais Belledant of Abilene Christian cruised to a 15-second victory over runner up Brissia Montalvo of team champion Midwestern State. A&M-Commerce sophomore Jennifer Speer was 56th in 18:37.17, followed by Megan Lara, who was 75th in 19:50.03, next was Alysha Turner in79th in 22:05.43 and Jamie Hays was 80th in 22:40.11. The next meet for the Lions is the NCAA South Central Regional meet in Warrensburg, Missouri on Saturday, Nov. 20.

Senior Day spoiled by late field goal ADAM TROXTELL SPORTS EDITOR

A 37-yard field goal from East Central University with one second left on the clock, gave the Tigers a 36-33 win over A&M-Commerce last Saturday. The win also gave ECU a share of their first ever Lone Star Conference North Division title with Northeastern State University. The kick came after a four play 32-yard drive by the Tigers, set up by a short kickoff by A&MCommerce, which gave the visitors the ball at about midfield. “I’m very proud of this young team,” East Central Head Coach Tim McCarty said. “They hung in there with last year’s, and I’m very thankful for them. We overcame a lot. The pressure to win for this crew, it’s not pressure, because they’ve had to do it every week.” ECU started the game on top, answering Lions junior running back Marcus Graham’s 3-yard touchdown run in the first quarter with 24 points of their own in the first half.

After the first 37-yard field goal from junior kicker Matt Berrey, junior wide receiver Chris Espinoza caught the first of two touchdown passes from junior quarterback Tyler Vanderzee before a 5-yard touchdown run from senior running back John Gaines. After all of this, the Tigers found themselves up 17-7 at the half. Espinoza had eight total catches for 121 yards on the night and led the ECU receiving corps along with junior Zack Patteson, who had seven catches for 152 yards. Vanderzee was 28-45 with two touchdowns and one interception for 435 yards on the night. The visitors were less dominant on the ground, as they only had 95 total yards on 36 carries. Espinoza caught his second touchdown pass to kick-start a crazy second half. Senior quarterback Adam Farkes then capped a 10-play, 80-yard offensive drive by A&MCommerce with a quarterback sneak for a 1-yard touchdown. On the extra-point attempt, sophomore

kicker Ahmed AboMahmood’s kick was blocked by ECU and junior defensive back Austin Daniels returned it all the way to the other end of the field to give the visitors two points. With 7:52 left in the third quarter, ECU led 26-13. On the Tigers’ following drive, a short pass to Gaines was wrestled away by freshman defensive lineman Tevin Moore who went 31 yards for a touchdown to put the Lions within seven points, 26-19. The extra-point attempt was blocked again, but this time with no return. After both teams missed field goals and had multiple offensive drives come up fruitless, the Lions caught a massive break. A pitch from Vanderzee out to Gaines went off the mark, causing a fumble which was picked up and returned 30 yards for a touchdown by Lions senior defensiveback A.J. Billings. This extra-point was good, tying the game 26-26 to start the fourth quarter. Both teams then scored one more touchdown, Gaines for ECU on a two-

yard run and senior Julian Hayes on a 6-yard pass from Farkes, who went 17-34 for 208 yards passing on the night. AboMahmood’s high kick was well short of ECU’s return men, allowing the visitors prime field position. After four plays to get further into Lion territory, Berrey’s second field goal of the night proved much more vital. “We waited too late to start playing, I thought,” Morriss said. “Again, penalties hurt us bad, our kicking game let us down, and we just didn’t make enough plays in that.” Morriss did have special praise for the seniors on what was Senior Night in the Lions’ final home game of the season. “I think they worked hard,” he said. “They’ve bought into a new coaching staff, and they’ve been pretty good players and good leaders. We appreciate all they’ve done for our program and Texas A&M-Commerce.” A&M-Commerce will now wrap up its 2010 season with a trip to San Antonio to face Incarnate Word this Saturday at 2:00 p.m.

Senior quarterback Adam Farkes looks for a pass against East Central during the Lions’ narrow loss last Saturday at Memorial Stadium.

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