The East Texan: October 21, 2010

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The East Tex an


PAGE 6 South African rap

XCV, No. 7, 8 pages

Thursday, Oct. 21, 2010

band enters the ninja


Administration seeks higher enrollment Despite recent increase many more students are wanted on campus Jasmin Brown copy desk chief

The administration of A&M-Commerce set a goal to increase enrollment by 1,000 students annually during the next three years. A complete realization of this plan would raise the university’s enrollment to 13,000 students for the 2013-2014 academic year. With such a sustained growth rate,

questions regarding the quality of aspects of student life such as on-campus housing, security and faculty may surface in potential students’ minds. According to Interim Director of Residential Living and Learning Dennis Koch, plans to increase on-campus housing began when President Dan Jones took the reins at A&M-Commerce in 2008. “Dr. Jones wants to see the uni-

versity increase in campus housing to give a more residential look to the university,” Koch said. “Thankfully, we started this process awhile back as the new buildings will be in line with the growing student population.” As reported in the Sept. 2 edition of The East Texan, construction of a new three-story residence hall began during the summer. The yet un-named 258-bed hall is expected to house

incoming freshmen and is slated for completion by the beginning of the Fall 2011 semester. Additional plans to increase oncampus housing are in the making. “We are having ongoing meetings to create a plan to be able to accommodate all those that want to live on campus,” Koch said.


Cowboys rein in fun

Commerce thefts taper off after arrest jasmin brown

copy desk chief


Team three contestants Anna Flaherty and her father Dave brand a goat with blue paint for the goat branding event at the Redneck games held Oct. 14. Anna  — 8-years-old — was the youngest contestant in this year’s Redneck Games. Flaherty said Anna plans to attend A&M-Commerce in the future.

Redneck games attract students, residents Alyx Davidson staff writer

The 2010 Redneck Horse Games were held on Friday, Oct. 15 at the A&M-Commerce Educational Farm and Ranch. This is the second year the Equine Show Team has hosted the Redneck games. There were five timed events with four teams competing for prizes from Huffman Farm Supply, Pet Degrees, Family Video and the Tanning Station. “We had four teams competing last year as well, but there was a much better audience turnout this year,” Allison Pricer, vice president of the Equine Club, said. Team One was represented by the Wildlife Society, Team Two was comprised of Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity members, and Teams Three and Four consisted of independent riders. The games were commentated by Swamp and

Thursday H: 80 L: 55

Friday H: 81 L: 58

DJ Texas Hic from KBHT radio station 93.5 - The Outlaw. The Redneck Horse Games began with the Toilet Paper Race. In the event, three members of each team had to hold 42 squares of toilet paper between them, and without ripping it, race to the other end of the arena. While the other three teams completed the event, the Wildlife Society team was not able to complete the race because one of the horses spooked at the sight of the toilet paper and had to be scratched. “We had a problem with this event last year,” Pricer said. “Some horses just don’t like toilet paper, or they’re afraid of it.” Team Four dominated the games, winning three out of the five. Jessica Locke, senior agriculture sciences and technology major and Team Four member, said she enjoyed the competition. “This was my first time competing in the Redneck games, but I’ve ridden horses since early childhood,” Locke said.

Saturday H: 79 L: 62

Other events included an egg-on-aspoon relay race on horseback and a flag race, which involved passing off a pinwheel between mounting horses. Anna Flaherty, Team Three member, was the youngest rider at age eight and had to stand on a barrel in order to mount her horse during the flag race event. “Anna plans to attend A&M-Commerce in the future,” Dave Flaherty, Anna’s father, said. “We drove from Windom to come out and participate. This is a great program.” The last two events were goat branding and the remuda race. The remuda race involved catching a horse that had to be saddled, bridled and then ridden to the finish line. Sarah Salzman, Team Four member and senior agriculture education major, was thrown off by one of the school horses, Sugar, twice during the event. “Those were all school horses,” Salzman

See EVENT page 3

A lull in a three-month spike in thefts and burglaries in Commerce may provide an opportune time for residents to reevaluate their security practices, both at home and around town. According to Community Resource and Warrant Officer Alex Suarez of the Commerce Police Department, the department began responding to an increased number of thefts and burglaries in July, which have only recently tapered off. “We started seeing a trend which lasted from July all the way up to a couple of weeks ago when we sent out the press release,” Suarez said. “We had a lot of vehicle burglaries and some home burglaries also.” According to Suarez, a suspect was taken into custody on two theft charges about two weeks ago. Since then, there has been a decrease in reports of thefts and burglaries. “We’re not saying he’s the one that did them, but we just saw an immediate decrease of burglaries,” Suarez said. “We were getting upwards of two to three calls a day on car burglaries and some home burglaries, and all of the sudden, they just stopped.” Furthermore, an Oct. 8 e-mail sent out via the Leo Mail list serve cautioned students about thefts and burglaries on campus and read in part: “In the last three months, the Commerce Police Department has responded to a large amount of thefts, burglaries and burglaries of motor vehicles. Most of the burglaries of motor vehicles have been committed on vehicles that have been left unlocked. Recently, the University Police Department began taking reports of similar crimes that are now occurring on our campus.” Crime Information Officer Lt. Jason Bone of the University Police Department has advice for students to protect themselves from becoming victims.

See THEFTS page 3

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Online Poll

How do you feel about the elevators on campus?

Will you attend any of the homecoming events?

Sound offs updated Friday night

Polls updated Wednesday night


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Last Week’s Solved Puzzle: 8 3 7 9 7 3 4 5 9 2 4 6 5 9 3 8 3 2 1 5 9 5 1 6 4 8

1 9 4 6 2 7 4 3 5 4 8 1 9 8 7 3 2 4 2 3 9

Students need not fear media

JAMES BRIGHT EDITOR You don’t have to be afraid. There seems to be a general sense of fear that if a student talks to a media source, members of the administration can somehow adversly affect their collegiate career. Allow me to set the record straight. They can’t! There is only one person who can mess up a student’s academics: the student. No one can punish you for talking to any media source, including The East Texan. Take it from me. I’ve given the administration multiple reasons to sabotage my academic career because of my work with The East Texan, and to date, nothing has happened. I’ve planned on graduating this May for some time, and that plan has not changed. This fear that the administration is looking to punish the student is downright ridiculous. These people are here to help the students. For the most part, their primary goal is to aid students in their time in college and transition them into professional life. A&M-Commerce has gone so far as to create the student access and success division, the entire purpose of which is to bring

in new students and retain current ones. Now, obviously, there are ways students can get in trouble here. This school does have a code of conduct and a student handbook filled with guidelines, and if a student violates any of those, the administration can affect graduation dates via some form of punishment. However, there is nothing anyone can legally do to a student for talking to another student. I’m not advocating blowing every little rumor out of proportion, but if there is a problem that needs to be addressed, bring it to our attention. If using the media as a vehicle to shed light on bothersome issues bothers you, speak to a counselor. There are multiple avenues available to students for taking on wrongdoings on campus. It’s also important to remember that The East Texan is a part of this community. We report on news and, yes, sometimes that news is negative, but we are not out to get anyone. Our goal is not to cause harm. We try to remain as objective as possible in our reporting. We are simply seeking the truth and sometimes the truth is unpleasant. We don’t control what happens in Commerce, we simply report on it. We are not a public relations firm; so don’t expect everything in the paper to be positive. The purpose of college is to form children into educated adults. This process cannot be completed if students live in perpetual fear of their teachers. The administration and faculty are here to help and if they’re not, they won’t be around for long.

The East Texan, official student newspaper of Texas A&M University-Commerce, is published 12 times per semester during the Fall and Spring by students in reporting and editing classes. Content is solely the responsibility of the student editors and writers. The comments and views expressed in The East Texan do not necessarily reflect the beliefs of other students, staff, faculty, administration, or the Board of Trustees. The East Texan is located inside the Journalism building on the east side of campus in room 113. Single copies are available in Journalism 113 for an additional 25 cents. Letters to the Editor are welcome and should be limited to 250 words. They will not be edited for spelling, grammar and libelous or malicious statements. We reserve the right to refuse publication. Letters should be typed or e-mailed and must include a signature, classification (grade level) and telephone number. Mailing address is The East Texan, P.O. Box 4011 Commerce, Texas 75428.

Thursday, Oct. 21, 2010

Fame-hungry celebs: just go away CHANCELLOR MILLS OPINION EDITOR You know who I want to see on television again? That’s right, Tony Danza. Except that I’m lying. NOBODY misses Tony Danza or “Who’s the Boss?” However, I have to give props to ole’ Danza for being able to recognize when his time in the limelight was done and moving on. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of other celebrities and “celebrities” throughout my lifetime (and a little bit before that). Celebrity: Mr. T Back when he was playing B.A. Baracus on “The A-Team,” Mr. T was certainly an inspiration to Mohawk-clad, bling-wearing black guys everywhere – or just anyone who wanted to wreck some s*** in general. However, if I have to sit through one more infomercial and listen to him say, “I pity the foo’ who don’t buy this ‘FlavorWave Oven,’” I might just purchase one, stick my head inside and use its halogen heat, infrared waves and convention cooking to slowly kill myself in just a matter of minutes. When he should have called it quits: 1987. Celebrity: “Hollywood Hulk Hogan” When I was a kid, “Hulk-o-mania” was definitely running wild. I loved every minute of it. I mean, I can’t be the only kid that would pop a “Hogan-boner” every time he ripped off one of those snazzy tank tops. But the only thing that Hulk has done lately is


Arnold Schwarzenegger has no place in a modern-day action flick, and needs to spend less time “reliving the glory days” and spend more time focusing on finding a solution to California’s budget crisis, Chancellor Mills writes.

that reality show where he just lectures his daughter (who is also clearly his son) and that Rent-ACenter commercial where he appears to be stealing a TV from his “brother,” Troy Aikman. Also, Hulk is not as old as you might think – he’s 57 this year – but he has not aged very well, and it’s starting to become clear that that bandana is no longer covering a beautiful mane of bleach-blond hair. It’s also becoming more and more apparent that “Hulk-omania” is starting to run a little senile, as the Hulkster seems to think that everybody he runs into is his “brother.” When he should have called it quits: What year was “Suburban Commando?” Right before that. Celebrity: Jamie Lee Curtis Don’t get me wrong here, I actually have a deep fondness for Jamie Lee, but as far as I’m concerned, she has not made a film of merit since the mid-1990s. However, just because every movie

she’s done since then has been a massive piece of crap, doesn’t mean that she hasn’t been without her appeal. For those that don’t know, Jamie Lee was known widely throughout the ‘80s as “the body,” a description which proved to be quite apt and thus gave me material to help me starch my socks throughout the last part of the 20th century. That being said, if I have to watch another commercial with her peddling her disgusting “constipation-be-gone” yogurt, I’m going to need some Pepto. When she should have called it quits: I wish someone would have made that “House Arrest” permanent. Celebrity: Arnold “The Governator” Schwarzenegger This is a hard one for me, because, as those who know me are vividly aware, I love me some Schwarzenegger. Old Schwarze-nator hasn’t really had a winner since the early ‘90s, so it would

only make sense that he would retire from acting and step into the political arena in 2004, after 10 years of crappy movies. I applauded him for that. I was distraught because I was losing a hero, but it was a sensible move. Imagine my dismay when I found out that he would be making a cameo in the testosterone-packed action flick, “The Expendables.” This is unacceptable, Arnold! Have you seen what the Schwarz looks like now? He is not in good shape at all. He is not in any shape. He has no shape. He is now an amorphous blob. No part of him belongs in ANY movie even resembling an action film anymore. I’m sorry, Arnold. I love you, but you need to spend less time reliving the glory days and more time focusing on fixing your state’s current budget crisis. When he should have called it quits: When he said, “I’ll be back,” I kind of wish he had followed it up with: “I lied.”

by Arielle McMahon & Brad Ray

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Editorial: University growth plan seen as positive, negative We find the administration’s goal of adding 1,000 students to the enrollment each year for the next three years to possess both positive and negative attributes. Obviously, we support growth in itself as a positive goal and we applaud the administration for setting such a lofty one. If such an increase were to occur, it would improve the prestige of A&MCommerce. The university would be taken more seriously as an academic institution, and enforce more rigid and com-

prehensive admittance standards. These factors would increase the quality of students A&M-Commerce brings in and move us closer to becoming a dominant first-choice school in the region. The negatives of this idea center on the fact that this is a lofty goal. Growth in any form is painful and expensive. As reported by The East Texan, there is a new residence hall currently under construction, but this kind of growth will require more than that. More professors,

The East East Tex Texan an The Established 1915 JAMES BRIGHT Editor Caleb slinkard Managing Editor

JARED WATSON digital media Editor


kat huffines Graphics Editor

CHANCELLOR MILLs opinion editor


jasmin brown copy desk chief

stephanie norman campus life editor


more residence halls and eventually more buildings centered around academics will be needed to support the increase. These are all wonderful additions, but the cost will be substantial. We see it as being difficult to complete this goal without adding some monetary strain to current students. Perhaps the key is to set a slightly smaller goal. The university’s enrollment increased by a little fewer than 800 students this year and we agree that is wonderful. How-

ever, it is not a reason to start setting goals that will be difficult to meet and even more difficult to sustain. We think setting a smaller goal increase of 500 to 700 students every year would yield more positive results. The administration is on the right path, but may be a little more zealous about the enrollment increase than necessary. Note: These opinions reflect the consensus of the entire East Texan editorial board.


903-886-5985 ADVERTISING: chancellor mills


Fred Stewart Faculty Adviser


Thursday, Oct. 21, 2010

Page 3 Bike thefts and car burglaries have dropped dramatically after a recent arrest, according to Commerce Police Department Community Resource and Warrant Officer Alex Suarez.

...thefts decline CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

“It is very important to not leave valuables in cars, report suspicious people immediately and lock your vehicle,” he said. Suarez emphasized that Commerce residents should never let their guard down when it comes to precautionary security measures. “One of the main things that we want to tell people is lock their car doors and don’t leave anything out in their car that is of any value,” he said. “It takes less than five seconds for someone to take a rock and throw it through your window, reach in, grab an item and take off. Any boxes or anything that looks like it might be of any value, they’re going to catch the burglar’s eye.” Suarez said most of the recent vehicle burglaries involved unlocked vehicles with valuables left in “plain sight.” “If you see anybody just going through the neighborhood grabbing (car door) handles, call the police department,” he said. “Let us figure out if he’s supposed to be there or not.” According to Suarez, the Commerce Police Department offers a free security survey to Commerce homeowners.

“It’s a survey where we go to their house and look at all the weaknesses and all the strengths of the house’s security system,” he said. “In other words, from door locks, to windows, to alarm systems, even as far as seeing what kind of bushes and tress are up against their house. We look at those kinds of things to help them be less of a target.” Suarez said the surveys generally take about one hour, depending on the size of the house. “It doesn’t take long,” he said. “Then what I do is take the information and put it together in a format that can give them the pros and cons of what they have.” Suarez said the security survey is a good idea for any homeowner or renter, including A&M-Commerce students who live off campus. “It’s an eye-opening thing,” Suarez said. “I’m not trying to make them afraid of what could happen. It’s more of an educational thing where they can learn how to help themselves.” Although Suarez acknowledged that while “cost prohibitive” may prevent some homeowners from installing alarms systems, he said there are still economical

measures that can make a considerable difference, such as recording serial numbers, and make and model information for household or electronic items that are often stolen. “It’s as simple as going around with a digital camera and taking a picture,” he said. “A picture will tell you a lot about an item. Keep the pictures on a memory stick or a CD. I keep harping on that because we have a national database. If we have a serial number or model number, we can put it in our computer and if someone in another state gets caught with it, they can trace it back to here. It’s a way for us to give it back to you.” Suarez said bicycles were among frequently stolen items in the latest crime spree and encourages bicycle, and even lawnmower owners, to use locks at all times. “Use a simple lock, key and chain,” he said. “Chain it up to whatever you want to. It takes half a second for you to unlock that bicycle; it also takes that much time for someone to get on it and take off. If there’s a lock, door or gate, they’re less likely to bother with it.” Anyone interested in scheduling a security survey may contact the Commerce Police Department at 903-886-1139.

...enrollment increase still goal CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

University Police Department Crime Information Officer Lt. Jason Bone said UPD has begun taking measures to meet the desired enrollment increase. “We have already been putting in some systems that have a growth capability, such as surveillance cameras, mass notification and other technology items,” Bone sad. “Everyone has been as forward thinking as possible.“ Faculty Senate President LaVelle Hendricks said it will be necessary to hire new faculty and increase the number of class sections in order to accommodate consistent growth. “The fact that we have the second largest increase in enrollment of all Texas colleges and universities is admirable,” Hendricks said, “but at the same time, I think it’s incumbent upon the administration to continue to work with the faculty to ensure that we have people in positions to teach these individuals.’ Hendricks is working hand in hand with university administrators. “I will be actively engaging with both the president, the provost and the faculty senate so that we can sit around the table to discuss what is the overall plan to make sure we have adequate faculty in place to deal with the numerical growth that we can expect over the years,” he said.

Hendricks said that parking is one aspect of the campus that he has heard students comment negatively upon. “The president has made it clear that we have space on campus for parking,” he said. “Unfortunately, it’s not adjacent to the buildings where students have their classes.” Nevertheless, Hendricks said A&M-Commerce is enjoying exciting times and pointed toward plans such as an expansion of the Cafeteria in the Sam Rayburn Student Center as wise goals. “I applaud the administration for looking down the road,” he said. “There’s a fun flavor in the air.” Koch thinks that A&M-Commerce can fill a need for specific educational demands with its enrollment plan. “I do believe that this is a goal that we should be working on as there is a need right now in several areas, for example, Veterans and those needing additional training for employment, for more education, and we can accommodate that in an affordable manor for our community,” he said. Koch said he is optimistic about the potentially widespread impact the plan aspires to. “Education is the key to making our community, our state and our nation a better place,” he said. “I am excited to be part of the solution in which we are providing the educational opportunity for all.”

KAT HUFFINES / THE EAST TEXAN Several students and staff members attended the enrollment party on Oct. 11. Free hot dogs, sodas and t-shirts were handed out to those in attendance.

University celebrates 10,000 caleb slinkard managing editor

A&M-Commerce celebrated reaching its record enrollment of more than 10,000 students with a party on Oct. 11 in the gym of the Morris Recreation Center. The event, which featured a t-shirt giveaway, hot dogs, chips, potatoes, dessert and a pep band, was well attended by students and faculty. A&M-Commerce President Dan Jones, Commerce Mayor Quay Throgmorton, A&M-Commerce Faculty Senate President Dr. LaVelle Hendricks and Student Government Association President Taylor Fore all spoke at the event. “You are part of university history,” Jones said. “This is the biggest A&MCommerce has ever been, and it is better than it has ever been – better students, better faculty and better staff.” Jones also praised A&M-Commerce facilities, particularly the new Music Building and the Commerce community itself, calling it the best community in Northeast Texas. Throgmorton presented A&M-Commerce with a proclamation celebrating the enrollment mark.

“A higher enrollment is always better for the city,” Throgmorton, who is currently enrolled in a history class at A&M-Commerce, said. “It provides more folks to support our shops and local businesses.” Hendricks recognized Dr. Mary Hendrix and the Department of Student Access and Success for their pivotal role in the record. Awards were presented to various departments and colleges for their part in the enrollment increase. “I thought it was a festive atmosphere and a great way to show appreciation for the campus and students,” Hendricks said. “The record enrollment mark is a positive step for the university.” Hundreds of A&M-Commerce students filled their plates with hot dogs and potatoes after the event was moved to the gym because of rain. “I liked the event, it really showed school spirit,” sophomore art major Rashid Lane said. “In the future, I’d definitely tell my friends to come.” The A&M-Commerce administration hopes to see an annual increase of 1,000 students over the next few years.

...event unites horse lovers CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

said. “So, I’ve never been on that horse before, and we had no warm up time before the events. That was only about the millionth time I’ve fallen off a horse though, so it was no big deal. I just had to get up and roll with it.” The members of Team Four were presented with the overall $100 cash prize. Salzman said she enjoyed the events regardless of her falls. “This was our first time competing in these events,” she said. “We had a great time.” The Equine Show Team holds two events per month as fundraisers, usually Trail Rides and Arena Nights. The university barn has 15 horses on hand to rent, and anyone can participate for $5. They plan to host the Redneck games again next fall. “Hopefully, we can get an even better turnout next year,” Pricer said. “It would be great to see new people at the event.”

Look for the upcoming special editions of The East Texan. We will be bringing the best of homecoming, Halloween and political news from around the area. Join us Nov. 2 for up-tothe-minute election results at

Ca mpus Life

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Thursday, Oct. 21 , 2010

University overhauls laundry program JORDAN WRIGHT STAFF WRITER

Theater and special education major Antonio Wright is inspired by method actors like Sidney Poitier and Meryl Streep. Wright has been involved in numerous organizations and productions on campus, including directing “Patsy Cline” and hosting an ANGLS drag show.

Wright utilizes creative, artistic nature JAMES BRIGHT EDITOR There is seldom anything better in life than knowing what you want to do for a career. Theater and special education major Antonio Wright knew he wanted to act from a young age. “I played Martin Luther King Jr. when I was in third grade, and from then on, I knew I wanted to do this forever,” he said. Classic acting style is what Wright said he enjoys most. Although Wright said his dream is to work with directors like Martin Scorsese and James Cameron, he loves method actors like Sidney Poitier and Meryl Streep, and has found that they tend to influence him more. “They are true and straight to the point,” he said. “There is not a lot of garbage. Plus, they had to work around the lack of special effects.” Learning from the masters of the acting craft is something Wright greatly appreciates. “If you learn from the best, you can produce the best work,” he said. This particular type of acting style is how Wright said he makes a role his own. “You have to dive in and make it work for yourself,” he said. “You have to completely immerse yourself in the character.” Research is the key to this form of acting, according to Wright. He said the most important thing in portraying a character is finding out what makes him special, taking that information and making it your own. Wright’s roommate, theater graduate student Erica Franks, said his eccentricity contributes to his abilities on stage. “He pretty much says whatever is on

his mind,” she said. Wright’s acting skills do not stop at the stage. As an openly gay man and a prominent member of the Association for the Needs of Gay and Lesbian Students and Supporters of, Wright has had to step into the role of a host for a drag show. Former A&M-Commerce student and ANGLS member Morgan Corley said Wright is a lot of fun because he always finds ways to fix problems. “We (ANGLS) put on our first drag show and our MC backed out,” she said. “Antonio was there to step up.” It was during this show that A&M-Commerce got its first taste of Ko Ko Delicious, Wright’s alter ego drag queen persona. “We came up with a lot of different names in an ANGLS meeting and Ko Ko is the one I liked the most,” he said. His passion and skills are also reflected in his friendship, according to Franks. “Our birthdays are two days apart, and this year he bought me a dress that was better than any straight girl could have bought,” she said. Aside from acting on campus and his work with the ANGLS drag shows, Wright has also appeared in different theaters all over the DFW area. He said he has done work with the Civic Theater, Greenville theater and acted in children’s shows. Despite his love for acting, Wright said he feels more comfortable with directing. After co-directing last semes-

ter’s production of “Patsy Cline,” Wright said he realized how much more relaxing it can be compared to acting. “I do not have to perform every day,” he said. “I get to fine tune my craft and don’t have to worry about specific nuances.” As a director, Wright said he is able to concentrate on the audience and what they will get from the performance. “I get to make sure everyone has the best possible view of the stage,” he said. Acting is not Wright’s only passion. He said his mother got him involved in working with people with special needs. “Once you work with these people, something touches you inside and makes you want to keep helping,” he said. Wright especially enjoys helping special needs individuals hone specific skills. “This group of people has a lot to offer,” he said. The future is still uncertain for Wright. He said he has a few things he would like to try upon graduation, but has not decided on what course he will take. Although Wright is not working on anything on campus, he said he will be performing in a national competition, which could earn him prestigious recognition. Regardless of what he chooses to do, Franks said Wright has a bright future. “He has not reached his peak by a long shot,” she said. “He’s got the drive and ambition to go wherever he wants.”

“I played Martin Luther King Jr. when I was in third grade, and from then on, I knew I wanted to do this forever.” -Antonio Wright

A&M-Commerce’s campus laundry facilities were overhauled as of Oct. 5, 2010. After years of having to pay for the usage of on-campus washers and dryers, residence life has finally made use of all university laundry facilities free of charge. Laundry facilities at A&MCommerce have revolved around the usage of cash, cash cards and adding value for years. Variations of this system have earned mixed receptions from students for years. “Loading the cards up was kind of a hassle,” Smith Hall resident Antonious Solomon said. “Now that we don’t have to keep adding value, things are smoother and quicker than before.” The overhaul has received praise from several students, who claim that the improvement has made the chore of washing clothes much easier. “I have enjoyed the free services so far,” on-campus resident Missy Hathaway said. “The change has worked really well.” Students also appreciate the economical impact of the changes. “The machines have been much easier to work,” freshman dorm resident Collin Scoggins said. “Since I don’t have to waste money, I can also stop stuffing the machines with as many clothes.” The new system is not without at least one drawback, however, as it has increased demand. “Since it’s free, more people are using them, so they’re a little bit harder to get a hold of,” Scroggins said. In addition to the issue of availability, there are also areas that have yet to see any the effects of the change at all. Sorority houses have yet to have their machines replaced, despite the removal of all value-adding machines for laundry cash cards. Panhellenic Council President Amanda Edwards said this creates an awkward situation. “My roommate came into the room and didn’t realize that she couldn’t use the dryer,” Edwards said. “So, she had to leave them to dry in the room, which was kind of disgusting. Everybody has to go to other places to do their laundry like Laundromats, boyfriend’s houses, any place possible.” Edwards said her attempts to voice a concern about the inconveniences have gone unanswered. “I have sent numerous e-mails, text messages and phone calls to residential assistants, and have not gotten an answer back at all,” Edwards said. “I don’t know if they’re too busy or just don’t care, but I feel really shafted.”

Commerce public radio unveils new morning programming JERIC GRIFFIN STAFF WRITER Commerce’s public radio station KETR-FM has a new morning show. The 35-year-old radio station recently switched from “The Morning Blend,” a locally produced morning show, to “Morning Edition,” a nationally syndicated production. The switch to “Morning Edition” in July ended the sixteen-month run of “The Morning Blend” on KETR. KETR Station Manager and Program Director Jerrod Knight was one of the hosts for “The Morning Blend,” along with News Director Scott Harvey. Harvey currently serves as the local anchor for “Morning Edition.” “The switch to ‘Morning Edition’ obviously saves us time and money here at KETR,” Harvey said. “Not having to do ‘The Morning Blend’ gives our station manager Jerrod Knight more time to do things he needs to do to keep this station running in top shape.” More than 13 million Americans listen to “Morning Edition” daily on 660 different National Public Radio (NPR) stations. “Morning Edition” receives its information from reporters in 17 other countries and 17 locations in the United States. Since its debut in 1971, “Morning

Edition” is the most listened to radio broadcast by NPR and the second-most listened to syndicated radio morning show in America. “We switched because we wanted to preserve the way our listeners perceive KETR as a professional radio station,” Knight said. “You cannot have the second-most listened to syndicated radio show in the nation and not be legitimate.” As well as “Morning Edition,” KETR also added “All Things Considered,” a syndicated afternoon program similar to “Morning Edition” featuring news, interviews and current event commentaries. “All Things Considered” also debuted in 1971 and airs 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily on KETR. “The morning drive from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and the afternoon drive from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. are the prime times that people listen to radio,” Knight said. “The new programming even more legitimizes everything we’ve already been doing.” All programming on KETR is made possible by donations from listeners. Unlike commercial radio, public radio’s funding comes from public pledges and memberships. To pledge support and become a member of KETR, visit

(From left) KETR host Matt Meinke, station manager Jerrod Knight and news director Scott Harvey conduct their most difficult interview.

Ca mpus Life

Thursday, Oct. 21, 2010

Theater student currently writes “Possessed” Stirl enjoys investigating the paranormal in his spare time. He said he has When A&M-Commerce had a fascination with the theater graduate student paranormal from a young Jeff Stirl is not on stage age, and began his own or behind the scenes as a investigating because of director, he enjoys trackhis disbelief in paranoring down elusive cases of mal cases featured on the paranormal. television. The thirty-five year “I’m actually an old Stirl taught at the officially licensed high school and junior paranormal investigator,” high levels for nine years Stirl said. “One of my before deciding to get his friends got involved with Master’s degree. this group first, and I “I did theater, taught asked him to throw my speech, even coached name in there. I wanted football and basketball to get involved, but we for a little while,” Stirl have since left that group said. “After a while, I just and formed our own decided that I was tired group called Unknown of that, so I looked into a Paranormal Group.” graduate program here, The play Stirl is liked what I heard, and currently writing, signed up.” “Possessed,” is based Stirl is portraying on a paranormal inciMichael in the world dent he investigated in premiere of “Iphigenia” Northeastern Oklahoma at A&M-Commerce. earlier this year. Stirl’s dedication to the “The lady called us acting craft is evident to and claimed that she had other performers. been held down in bed “He’s very comby an unseen force,” mitted to his work,” he said. Jacob Layton, an A&M“She looked up and Commerce student who saw a dark figure standis also performing in ing at the foot of her “Iphigenia,” said. “He bed. Another night, she puts in his time and was lying down and knows what he’s doing.” something icy-cold Stirl has been in many touched her back. A different plays and DVD rack had flown off executed nearly every and hit her boyfriend. aspect of play production. Her daughter had actu He said his favorite has ally been thrown. A table been “The Rainmaker” by in her kids’ room got N. Richard Nash. thrown against a wall.”

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Courtesy Photo Matt Plummer

A&M-Commerce graduate student Jeff Stirl is currently writing a play, “Possessed,” which is based on a paranormal incident he investigated in Northeastern Oklahoma earlier this year.

Stirl investigated the case in person. “We had quite a few things happen,” he said. “I don’t know if it would qualify as absolute, hard evidence, but three of our team

members were knocked over by something that wasn’t there, and I saw this with my own eyes.” Stirl wants to use his “Possessed” play as his thesis, and after “Iphigenia” is finished,

he hopes to do a tablereading of his play. Those interested in learning more about Stirl’s paranormal investigating group may visit unknownpg. com.

ToGa! 2010 Pi Kappa Alpha put on their annual Toga Party at The Rail Thursday, Oct. 14. The fraternity holds this event to raise funds for their philanthropy, the Special Olympics. Students were encouraged to wear togas and experience an “ancient greek” atmosphere. Courtesy Photo by Ray Moreno

Freshmen Meghan Litchfield, Morgan Phillips and Richelle Brown, along with their friend Laura Carr from England, show off their togas Thursday night at The Rail.

Courtesy Photo by Laurencio Tamayo

Active Pi Kappa Alphas, from left to right, sophomores Tyler Bailey and Chandler Robertson, junior Ray Moreno, graduate student Borge Klungerbo and sophomore Pi Kappa Alpha pledge Price Davenport enjoy a moment with each other during toga.

Courtesy Photo by Ray Moreno

Graduate student Borge Klungerbo and junior Justin McGuffey, both active members of Pi Kappa Alpha, pose in their togas. Pi Kappa Alpha was founded in 1868 and is dedicated to developing men of integrity, intellect and high moral character. And also to fostering a truly lifelong fraternal experience. Pi Kappa Alpha holds an annual Toga event, which all students are welcome to attend.

Courtesy Photo by Ray Moreno

DJ Christopher Mangual, a junior at Texas A&M University-Commerce, keeps the crowd moving and the excitement level of the party up.

Sodexo’s partnership with the Student Government Association (SGA) is starting to yield information and results for students. Sodexo Manager Charles Lear has stated that his company, which supplies catering services across the university, is committed to providing “exceptional student experiences” in student dining services. As discussed in last week’s column, changes have been made to dining options in the Cafeteria this semester. Sodexo has introduced a rice bar, a vegetarian station, and the new “Mex-to-the-Max” option to provide students with more choices and better value. Early this semester, Sodexo and SGA formed a student panel to provide input on dining services. Because of concerns raised in those discussions, Sodexo has provided supplemental information regarding the removal of trays and takeout boxes. Lear has stated that because the Cafeteria is now providing an unlimited dining option and students are able to eat in the Cafeteria any time throughout the day, that the takeout boxes have become obsolete. The boxes were originally intended to bridge the gap between limited dining hours and students’ demanding schedules. Sodexo also implemented these changes because it is moving toward a more environmentally sustainable business model. Along those lines, trays were removed to reduce the amount of waste water generated by dining services. This past week, the members of the input panel met in the Cafeteria to experience dining services first-hand. Panel members suggested that Sodexo offer a second choice of meat on the daily menu. In the next few weeks students can expect to see a second meat option and the return of straws to the Cafeteria. It was brought to the attention of SGA that there are significant student concerns regarding bikes on campus. The issue of an inadequate number of bike racks is a primary concern to many students. For example, the Ferguson Social Sciences Building, one of the largest buildings on campus, lacks even a single bike rack. As a result, students have found creative, yet unauthorized, ways to secure their bikes in the absence of a rack. The SGA Safety Committee has taken up the issue and is working with the University Police Department (UPD) to keep students informed about bike parking regulations on campus. UPD wants students to be aware that it is against university regulations to chain your bike to any thing but a bike rack, and that failure to comply could result in the impoundment of your bicycle. The SGA Safety Committee is also working to get more bike racks installed around campus. Safety Committee Chairperson Tim Houston reports that in the coming weeks new bike racks will be installed around Ferguson, Binnion, and the Sam Rayburn Student Center. Until that time, students are advised to follow all standard bike regulations. SGA is seeking student input on issues related student life. Students wishing to voice a concern are encouraged to attend SGA Senate meetings, stop by the SGA office located on the second floor of the SRSC, or e-mail SGA President Taylor Fore at sga@cp.tamu-commerce. edu.

Art Art Scene Scene

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Thursday, Oct. 21, 2010

Fromage du Jour A weekly look at film cheese


Audiences should go see “Red” if only for the sole reason of seeing Helen Mirren shoot heavy artillery with such artful panache. The movie also stars Bruce Willis and Morgan Freeman, which never hurts.

The quality of “Metal Man”, which appears to have been shot in someone’s backyard with a Flip camera, does nothing to help its cause.

Faux “Iron Man” film “Retired Extremely Dangerous” movie, proves metal is weak

more exciting than a retirement home MEGAN CAREY ART SCENE EDITOR  Two questions: When did Bruce Willis become old enough to be the aged, retired character in a film and what possessed classy-lady Helen Mirren to man a sniper rifle as well as a high-powered machine gun? It was these questions that directed me to the theater to see “Red,” a movie I otherwise would not have seen. Comic book adaptation movies are usually not my forte, mainly because I do not read comics whatsoever. However, “Red” is only loosely based on the comic, with less violence and more humor than its comic book miniseries counterpart, which meant I had a clear conscience to see “Red.” The CIA concept of the film only vaguely inter-

ested me because CIA, in my mind, means Cannot Initially Apprehend. The CIA involvement brought with it tons of gunfire and an intersecting of lives that otherwise would not have intersected if it weren’t for some crazy, weird CIA-type reason. The ragtag team of CIA misfits used to be a team once upon a time, but they haven’t seen each other since they retired. Now, they are forced to reunite when a hit squad is hired to kill them. What did pique my interest and draw me in was the cast of “Red:” Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren and John Malkovich. Who would ever pass up the honor and privilege of listening to Freeman’s voice, really? Willis received and acted upon every opportunity to boast his wonderful action chops,

which even I can say were accentuated in one really awesome film sequence in which he steps nonchalantly out of a spinning car to go shoot some misled CIA operative. Mirren, graceful as ever with her smashing British accent, is, in my opinion, the highlight of the film because she is the essence of the film’s message – age and occupation don’t deter a person from wanting a normal life. Frank Moses (Willis) just wants to have a normal existence with Sarah (Mary Louise Parker), without his retired Black Ops status to come and haunt or kill him. Victoria (Mirren), ex-M16 spy, longs to be reunited with the Russian spy (Brian Cox) whom she loved, but was forced to shoot him in the chest three times. Will either of them get what they want? What turned me off,

Editor’s Picks CD: “Doowop and Hooligans” Bruno Mars


“I like how Bruno Mars is somewhat vulgar, but it’s cute.” -Kat Huffines MOVIE: “Jackass: 3D


“$O$” is Die Antwoord’s long-awaited major label album release since their 2009 single “Enter the Ninja.”

“$O$” needs no help 12NEWS.US

“If I never had to see another Jackass movie in my life, I’d be fine.” -Caleb Slinkard TV SHOW: Silent Library


“This show is sick at times and totally genius.” -Megan Carey


Most people have never heard of Die Antwoord, but for those people who have, three things ring absolutely true. They’re vulgar, they’re ridiculous and they’re undoubtedly awesome. Riding the success of their 2009 single “Enter the Ninja,” the band, which hails from South Africa, has acquired a cult-like following. Their most recent release “$0$” combines a few of their singles with roughly 10 new songs. Die Antwoord is a mixture of early ‘90s hip-hop, modern jazz sounds and lyrics that are a mix of English and Afrikaans. Using male

and female vocalists, Die Antwoord manages to keep their music entertaining throughout the album, while maintaining their original style, which has built their following in South Africa. From the first song on the album titled “In Your Face,” the band jumps into a hip-hop laden groove, which lasts through the duration of the album. Each song presents a variety of explicit lyrics. Although seemingly juvenile, it’s the use of vulgarity that really makes Die Antwoord stand out. It’s common to hear vulgarity in today’s music, especially in today’s rap variations, but this band takes it to a new level. The thing is, they do it well. The music would not

and sort of downright irritated me, about the movie was its focus on age and living life after not being young anymore. It was blatantly shoved in the audience’s faces with recurrent phrases like “Grandpa” and “Old man,” and I felt that the director thought I wasn’t intelligent enough to pick up on the feelings and situations of the characters. As if it didn’t occur to me that when CIA agents, or anyone for that matter, retire, it is because they were getting old. Despite its minor negative aspects, “Red” was a romp of a good time and at least it was a CIA film I could comprehend. It doesn’t require a lot of brain cells and has numerous good-laugh moments throughout. Now, next question: “What kind of films will Willis evolve to next… ones beyond the grave?”

feel natural without the vulgarity. It would seem commonplace and feel censored. Even some of the song titles are explicit, and some of these tracks are some of the best on the album. “Evil Boy (F**k you in the Face Mix)” will make anyone want to get up and dance. Equally amazing is how catchy this band’s music is. It’s hard to find anyone who has heard “Enter the Ninja” and hasn’t spent the afternoon humming the tune. Initially, it seemed like this was the only song that could have this effect, but that doubt was quickly dispelled after listening to “Rich B***h.” After just one listen, “Enter the Ninja” was replaced by a new tune, which was just as addictive. Humor is another aspect of “$0$” that makes it a must-own. It’s unclear whether the band knows how funny their music is, but that doesn’t really matter. They start almost every song by introducing themselves in the music. Virtually every song centers on the male lead singers alter ego, the ninja, in some way. The lyrics tell about the ninja’s exploits in battle and sexual prowess. It’s insanely difficult to take this information seriously, which is why the humor is such an important factor. If the music tried to make itself serious, it could easily become completely unlistenable. The truth is that this band isn’t for everyone. Most people would either be offended, annoyed, disgusted or all three by this album, but for those who enjoy this sort of thing, Die Antwoord is a treasure trove of entertainment.


Hey, do you want to see “Iron Man”? Wait… Hey, do you want to see a movie that’s kind of like “Iron Man”? Hold on… Do you want to see a movie that completely rips off “Iron Man,” but was shot in someone’s yard with a friend’s Handi-cam? Then do I have a movie for you! Yes, I’m talking about “Metal Man,” the 2010 “mock-buster” that is so horrendous even noted rip-off studio The Asylum (who made “Princess of Mars,” the Fromage du Jour movie in the Sept. 30 issue of The East Texan) wouldn’t touch it. The aforementioned Metal Man is a college student named Kyle Finn, who is suckered into donning the suit (which much more closely resembles a fan-made costume for the mid-90’s kid show “VR Troopers” than anything Tony Stark would ever wear) by the scientist who created it, Dr. Arthur Blake. Blake informs Kyle that he will never be able to take it off again. Being a superhero really sucks sometimes. Blake, who is played by the only marginally recognizable actor in the movie, “Phantasm” veteran Reggie Bannister, was forced to put Kyle in the superhero business because he stole the suit from his former employer, token evil businessman Sebastian Reed, and because he is a pacifist and does not want the suit to be used as a weapon. One has to wonder why a pacifist would be designing an indestructible suit of armor full of rockets and flamethrowers for a weapons manufacturer in the first place, but I digress. Reed has now sent hired thugs to kill Blake and take back the suit. After capturing him in his lab, Reed himself confronts Blake and kills him by barely brushing the side of his head with the helmet and apparently exploding a ketchup

packet on his forehead. Kyle, who is fresh off his suit bonding experience, comes to aid Blake just as he dies. He does not have to mourn him long, as a hologram of the doctor appears in the helmet display and explains that he will be Kyle’s guide to learn the finer points of using the suit, as well as half-heartedly and constantly reminding Kyle to calm down. Bannister plays all of this with the conviction of an NPR newsreader on Valium, constantly lulling either himself of the audience to sleep whenever he speaks. Really, even this much plot summary is too much, because if you make it that far into the movie, you deserve a medal. The acting is sub-porn star quality, and it very clearly looks like it was shot one someone’s Flip camera in around half a day in someone’s grandmother’s house and lawn. But what really makes this movie unwatchable is the sound. I have never heard worse audio quality in a movie. For starters, whenever Kyle is in the suit, his voice sounds as if he’s talking through a Burger King drive-thru speaker. For the rest of the cast, it sounds like the microphone is either two inches from their mouth or 50 yards away, which also explains the obscene amount of ambient noise that clogs the soundtrack. In one scene, it clearly sounds like someone is rolling an office chair back and forth behind the camera at the same volume as the dialogue. Movie, I’m already trying as hard as I can to slog through your preposterous story, please don’t complicate things by making the cast impossible to hear. In a final slap in the face to filmgoers, IMDB estimates the budget of “Metal Man” at $1 million. Where did the other $999,950 go? Ladies and gentlemen, I believe that I have just seen a money-laundering scheme shot on digital video.

Verdict: No Shatners

To call this movie fatally flawed is to call a slaughterhouse “a little gross.” This movie should have a restraining order filed against it by every video store in America. -Jared Watson Next week on “Fromage du Jour”: “Suck”


Thursday, Oct. 21, 2010

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Freshman McMahan leads A&M-Commerce golf COLTON BLACK STAFF WRITER Freshman Chantry McMahan is making a name for herself in the golf realm, achieving some of the best scores, not only on the A&MCommerce’s women’s golf team, but in the Western region where she is ranked 25th. McMahan said golf has been a part of her life since she was a child. At age six, she was given her first set of golf clubs. Since then, she has continued to pursue success in the sport that she loves. This was seen most recently in her debut at the Lions first two tournaments of the season. “I was nervous for our first tournament,” McMahan said. Despite her nervousness, McMahan finished her first collegiate tournament in 13th, shooting back-to-back 80s. McMahan said the support of her family and friends is a major driving force in her success. “My dad is like my shadow in tournaments,”

McMahan said. Besides her father, women’s golf coach Louie Bledsoe has become a major influence not only in her golf career, but also in her life. “I see him as a grandfather figure,” McMahan said, explaining that she no longer has a grandfather. Bledsoe thinks McMahan has the potential to play the part of a leadership role on the team despite being a freshman. “She has got leadership qualities, not vocal, but leading by example,” Bledsoe said. Showing off those qualities at the UCO Broncho Classic, McMahan placed fourth overall in a tournament involving 88 competitors, and shot a one-under 69, the best score in the field, in the final round. McMahan said she feels leadership is indeed one of her biggest contributions to the team. “Going into the tournament as number one seed, I have to have team spirit and encourage

everybody to shoot well,” McMahan said. She said the bond between her and her teammates is growing stronger with each practice. “I like the team, they are very competitive and all the girls are cool,” she said. Although she is shooting better than the seniors, she still looks up to them for advice regarding more than just her golf game. “The seniors are guiding me through college life,” McMahan said. McMahan has ambitions to qualify for the larger tournaments and become a professional golfer or, if that is not a possibility be a professional coach for golf. Bledsoe said he sees the potential of her college career based on the first two tournaments that the team competed in. “From what I’ve seen, she is a good all-around golfer,” Bledsoe said. “She is very knowledgeable about the game.” She said her more immediate goal for

Chantry McMahan has led A&M-Commerce in two tournaments, including a score of one-under 69.

A&M-Commerce golf is to place in the top 10 in every tournament. In

shooting just 3 strokes away from the top spot in the Broncho Classic,

she said first place was “so close she could taste it.”

Texans steal late win continued from page 8 give the Texans the lead for the first time since the first quarter. Robertson had 85 yards off of 20 carries for the game. A&M-Commerce answered with arguably the top play of the evening. Freshman running back London Hamilton was handed the ball, began his run, but was sent backwards by a collapsing line of scrimmage. After changing directions in the back field, he started forward once again and went 49-yards for a sensational touchdown to put the Lions up 31-27 with 10:14 left in the game. “It just happened in the moment,” Hamilton said about the touchdown run.

“My O-line did they did, and I just finished the rest.” The Texans failed to respond on two offensive drives, and it began to look like the Lions would come out on top. A&MCommerce were forced to punt with under three minutes left in the game, and put Tarleton on their own 8-yard line. This began the game winning drive. After seeing his team lose so close to the end, A&M-Commerce Head Coach said the Lions hurt themselves, with 12 penalties for 137 yards in the game. “Sometimes I think we try to play like gangsters out here, with personal fouls, hitting people late,

just stupid stuff,” Morriss said. “I think the last drive, thirty or forty yards of it was penalties. We just beat ourselves.” Hamilton said he was disappointed by the close loss, and felt there were only a few small differences between the teams. “We should’ve won,” Hamilton said. “We came out and played hard the whole night, we just had a couple of minor set backs that had us under the water.” Farkes was 13-30 for 137 yards and had one interception in the game. He was also sacked three times. The Lions now move onto their homecoming game this weekend against Southwestern Oklahoma.

Senior Naomi Mays attempts to set the ball up for a teammate during a win against Tarleton State.

Volleyball splits LSC matches SPORTS INFORMATION

Oct. 14 The Texas A&M University-Commerce volleyball team dropped a 25-19, 18-25, 25-19, 25-23 decision to host Central Oklahoma on Thursday night in Edmond. A&M-Commerce (8-11, 1-6 LSC) senior Naomi Mays had her fourth double double of the season with 10 kills and 13 digs in the loss. Sophomore Rachel Robertson and senior Terra Ousley had 12 and 11 kills, respectively. Central Oklahoma (16-7, 5-3 LSC) had four players with doubledigit kills including Kristen Wilson, who had a double-double with 15 digs and 13 kills. Alex Richardson added 13 and Zuela Adom and Taylor Summers each had 10 in the victory. Following the third tie in the opening set, two attack errors by the Lions and a kill each by Adom and Summers put host UCO ahead by a 12 to 9 margin. They remained in front for the remainder of the set to take the first set by a 25-19 margin.

A&M-Commerce won the second set by leading from start to finish. In the set, the Lions had three service aces and took advantage of eight hitting errors by UCO to even the match at a set each. Following the intermission, UCO bounced back in the third set, hitting at a .355 clip with 13 kills on just two errors. The score was tied seven times and the lead exchanged hands twice, but it was the host Bronchos that picked up the two set to one advantage. In the fourth set, the contest remained close with 14 tied scores and four lead changes. Tied for the 14th time at 22 each, Wilson stepped forward with a kill and joined in a block with Adom to put UCO in front, 24-22. The Lions got within one on a Robertson kill, 24-23, but the Bronchos prevailed for the win with an A&M-Commerce service error. Oct. 16 The A&M-Commerce volleyball team posted a season-best .364 hitting percentage in a

convincing 25-12, 25-8, 25-9 straight-set win over Southwestern Oklahoma State on Saturday in Weatherford, Oklahoma. A&M-Commerce (9-11, 2-6 LSC) never trailed in the match, had just five hitting errors, and posted eight service aces in the win. Sophomore Rachel Robertson led the potent attack with a team-best eight kills on 17 attempts. Plus, senior Naomi Mays and sophomore Morgan Moeller each had seven kills. Freshman Jordan Neal had three of the eight service aces and Mays and Robertson each had two. Senior Terra Ousley and the Lions front line had 11 blocks with the Houston, Texas native having seven block assists. Southwestern Oklahoma (7-17, 1-8 LSC) was held to a -.084 hitting percentage and had 31 hitting errors in the loss. LaKendra Sanders had a team-best six kills in the defeat. The Lions are back in action on Monday night at 6:00 p.m. when they face Oklahoma Panhandle State in Goodwell, Okla.

A&M-Commerce senior Chelsey Haight runs with the ball during a soccer match against Incarnate Word.

Lions win, draw in Oklahoma SPORTS INFORMATION

Despite a 14 to 9 advantage in shots, the Texas A&M UniversityCommerce women’s soccer team tied host Northeastern State University on Sunday, 0-0, in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. The two teams went 110 minutes without a goal, but there were opportunities in the contest for both teams. After a slight 3 to 1 advantage in the first 45 minutes, the Lions’ attack

out shot Northeastern State by an 8 to 3 margin in the second 45 minutes. NSU (4-4-5, 0-4-3) mounted a threat in the 53rd minute when Ashley Dolezel got off a shot that was cleared away from the goal by sophomore defender Taylor Maeker to keep the game scoreless. A&M-Commerce (7-5-1, 3-3-1 LSC) set up a pair of opportunities on back-to-back corner kicks in the 75th minute that were saved by the RiverHawks’ goalkeeper.

Sophomore Brionna Minde had a chance in each overtime with each shot coming up short. The RiverHawks had four shots in the second overtim, three of which sailed wide. A&MCommerce goalkeeper Randi Hafele made a save in the 107th minute. The Lions return home for the remainder of their regular season schedule, starting with Central Oklahoma on Friday, Oct. 22 at 7:00 p.m. at the A&M-Commerce Soccer Field.

Page 8 LSC Football Scores: SE Oklahoma, 56 Central Oklahoma, 55 Eastern NM, 19 East Central, 22 Tarleton State, 34, A&M-Commerce, 31 N’eastern State, 20 SW Oklahoma, 10 West Texas A&M, 24 A&M-Kingsville, 28 Abilene Christian, 54 Incarnate Word, 17 Angelo State, 21 Midwestern State, 35

Standings North Division 1) NE State, 4-3 (3-0) 2) Eastern NM, 3-4 (2-2) 3) Central Okla., 2-5 (1-2) 4) SE Oklahoma, 3-4 (2-2) 5) East Central, 2-5 (2-1) 6) A&M-Commerce, 2-5 (1-2) 7) SW Oklahoma, 1-6 (1-3) South Division 1) Abilene Christian, 7-0 (4-0) 2) West Texas A&M, 5-2 (2-1) 3) A&M-Kingsville, 6-1 (3-1) 4) Midwestern State, 6-1 (2-1) 5) Angelo State, 2-4 (0-4) 6) Incarnate Word, 2-5 (0-3) 7) Tarleton, 2-5 (1-2)

LSC Volleyball Scores:

Oct. 14

Eastern NM 3, East Central 2 ACU 3, Midwestern 2 A&M-Commerce 1, UCO 3 A&M-Kingsville 1, Tarleton 3 West Texas A&M 3, SE Okla. 0 Angelo State 3, Cameron 1 Texas Woman’s 3, SW Okla. 1 Oct. 15 Texas Woman’s 0, UCO 3 Oct. 16 Angelo State 3, Midwestern 0 Eastern NM 1, SE Okla. 3 ACU 3, Cameron 0 A&M-Commerce 3, SW Okla. 0 Incarnate Word 1, Tarleton 3 West Texas A&M 3, East Central 0

Standings 1) ACU, 19-3 (8-0)

2) West Texas A&M, 15-8 (8-0)

3) Angelo State, 11-10 (7-1) 4) Central Oklahoma, 17-7 (4-4) 5) Tarleton State, 17-7 (4-4) 6) Midwestern State, 10-10 (4-4) 7) A&M-Kingsville, 9-10 (4-4) 8) Incarnate Word, 7-9 (4-4) 9) Texas Woman’s, 7-14 (4-4) 10) Eastern NM, 11-11 (3-5)

11) SE Oklahoma, 6-12 (3-5) 12) A&M-Commerce, 9-11 (2-6) 13) Cameron, 7-14 (2-6) 14) East Central, 3-20 (1-7) 15) SW Oklahoma, 7-17 (1-8)


Thursday, Oct. 21, 2010

Box Score:

Tarleton v. A&M-Commerce TSU.............10......7.....3...14_34 A&M-C.......10....14.....0.....7_31 First Quarter TSU_FG Wiest 24, 9.42 A&M-C_Graham 36 run (AboMahmood kick), 7:21 A&M-C_FG Abo-Mahmood 32, 3:19 TSU_Regal 6 run (Wiest kick) 0:38 Second Quarter A&M-C_Mosley 3 run (AboMahmood kick), 8:51 TSU_Frye 11 pass from Stephens (Wiest kick), 3:38 A&M-C_Mosley 6 run (AboMahmood kick), 0:39 Third Quarter TSU_FG Wiest 20, 1:45 Fourth Quarter TSU_Robertson 21 run (Wiest kick), 11:32 A&M-C_Hamilton 48 run (Abo-Mahmood kick), 10:14 TSU_Hakim 21 pass from Stephens (Wiest kick), 0:40 TSU A&M-C First Downs..........22...........19..... Total Yards..........390.........361.... Rushes-Yards....34-110...40-224. Passing..................280........137.... Punt Returns.......2-16........0-0.... Kickoff Returns..5-55........7-88... Interceptions........1-0.........1-21... Comp-Att-Int...17-33-1...13-30-1 Sack-Yds Lost.....3-12........2-20... Fumbles-Lost.......0-0..........2-2.... Penalties-Yds......10-80....12-137. TOP......................30:51.....29:09..

LSC Women’s Soccer Scores:

Oct. 14 A&M-Commerce 5, East Central 0 Oct. 15 Eastern NM 1, Incarnate Word 4 Texas Woman’s 0, NE State 0 Central Oklahoma 1, ACU 3 W.T. A&M 0, Angelo State 2 SW Oklahoma 0, Midwestern 3 Oct. 17 A&M-Commerce 0, NE State 0 W.T. A&M 1, Incarnate Word 2 SW Oklahoma 0, ACU 4 Texas Woman’s 0, East Central 1 Angelo State 2, Eastern NM 0 Central Okla. 0, Midwestern 3


1) Midwestern, 12-1 (7-0) 2) Abilene Christian, 11-2 (6-1)

3) Incarnate Word, 8-3-2 (6-1-0)

4) Angelo State, 9-4-1 (6-1-0) 5) TAMU-C, 7-5-1 (3-3-1) 6) Central Oklahoma, 7-7 (3-4) 7) Texas Woman’s, 4-8-2 (2-3-2) 8) W. Texas A&M, 6-5-3 (2-4-1) 9) SW Oklahoma, 6-8 (2-5) 10) N’eastern State, 4-5-5 (0-4-3) 11) East Central, 5-7-2 (1-5-1) 12) Eastern NM, 3-11 (0-7)

A&M-Commerce freshman Tevin Moore closes in on Tarleton quarterback Nick Stephens just before he gets a pass off last Saturday.

Lions lose on last minute touchdown ADAM TROXTELL SPORTS EDITOR A 21 yard passing touchdown from junior quarterback Nick Stephens to junior wide receiver Saalim Hakim with 40 seconds remaining in the game gave Tarleton State (2-5, 1-2) its second win of the season and sent A&M-Commerce to a 2-5 (1-2) record with a 34-31 loss. The pass came at the end of a nine-play, 92-yard offensive drive by the Texans, which began with 2:39 left in the fourth quarter. It was Stephens’ second touchdown pass of the game. Stephens finished 17-33 for 280 yards and had one interception on the night. Hakim had four catches for 113 yards. The game began in an unusual fashion, as the Texans attempted and recovered an onside kick. This led to a 24-yard field

goal by freshman Blake Wiest to put the visitors up 3-0. It took A&MCommerce six plays and just over two minutes to respond on their next drive. Junior running back Marcus Graham broke through a few tackles and appeared to have rolled over onto a Tarleton defenseman to stay on his feet and get a 36-yard touchdown run. Graham was once again a main threat on the Lions offense, getting 127 yards off of 21 carries. After the extra point, the Lions took their first lead of the night at 7-3 with 7:21 left in the first quarter. The ensuing Texans offensive drive was stopped short by A&MCommerce junior defensive back Chez Thomas’ second interception of the season. After fellow junior Michael Cleveland tipped the initial pass

That Sports Thing: Who will win the world series?



Perhaps the oldest maxim in sports, apart from “never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line,” is “good pitching beats good hitting.” In a year that is being called “The Year of the Pitcher,” there is no reason to pick against the team with the best three-man rotation in all of baseball, the Philadelphia Phillies. The Phillies’ ace and mortal lock to win the NL Cy Young Award, Roy Halladay, has been waiting 12 years to get a chance to pitch in the playoffs, and all he did for his first postseason start was throw a no-hitter.

Roy Oswalt, ex-Astros ace, has been on absolute fire since his trade to the Phils, with a 7-1 record and 1.74 ERA in his 12 starts. Let’s not forget that the Phillies number three starter, Cole Hamels, was the ace of a Phillies staff that took down a championship two years ago, and already has a World Series MVP on his resume. The Phillies can hit too. Their infield is loaded with former MVP’s Ryan Howard and Jimmy Rollins and slugger second baseman Chase Utley, and their deep lineup will do nothing but benefit from the hitter-friendly parks they will face in New York or Arlington, in addition to the four games they will have in Citizen’s Bank Park due to the NL victory in this year’s AllStar Game. But in the end, it’s all about the pitching. Even if the Phillies only manage to put one or two runs on the board, in most games, that will be more than enough.

captain Derek Jeter and dominating closer Mariano Rivera. True, the Yankees currently have a payroll of $206,738,389 according to and the Texas Rangers are only spending $55,168,114, a difference of more than $150,000,000. And yes, even if the Rangers make it past the Yankees. they’ll probably be facing a team CALEB SLINKARD that’s been to three league MANAGING EDITOR championship series in the past three seasons, the It’s been over a decade Philadelphia Phillies. of sports humiliation, In the end, all that numerous disappointdoesn’t really matter. This ing playoff defeats, and is the Rangers’ year for countless off-season one major reason: startacquisitions that ultimate- ing pitching. The Rangers ly proved useless, but I have always been able to can finally write this: the hit, leading the majors in Texas Rangers will win homeruns in 2001, 2002, the 2010 World Series. 2003 and 2005, and were Sure, the Rangers are second last year. This year, facing the New York however, the Rangers’ Yankees, who have rotation is arguably the eliminated them from best in the AL. Led by the playoffs in their three ace Cliff Lee, Texas was previous (and only) play- buoyed by great season off appearances, in the from Colby Lewis (196 best-of-seven American strikeouts ), C.J. Wilson (15 League Championship wins) and Tommy Hunter Series (ALCS). Yes, the (13). Behind this surprise Yankees are the defendrotation, the Rangers will ing World Series champi- make it past New York ons with a roster studded and their NL opponent en with stars that include route to their first World experienced veterans like Series title.

from Stephens in the air, Thomas caught the ball and set up the Lions offense on their opponents’ 30-yard line. The Lions could only manage a 32-yard field goal from sophomore Ahmed AboMahmood to give them a 10-3 lead. The Texans answered just before the first quarter ended. Hakim made the big play of an 81-yard drive with a 49-yard catch. Jerome Regal ran in a 6-yard touchdown to tie the game up 10-10 with 38 seconds left in the opening frame. Sophomore running back Jamar Mosley’s three-yard run into the end zone capped a 14-play, 74-yard drive by A&M-Commerce and put them up 17-10 in the second quarter. The touchdown was the first of two for Mosley on the night who got 22 yards off of eight carries in the game.

The Texans were forced to punt for the first time on their next drive. After an A&M-Commerce fumble on third down, Tarleton tied up the game once again. This time sophomore Jeken Frye caught an 11-yard pass from Stephens for the touchdown with 3:38 left in the first half. Another long drive from A&M-Commerce gave them the halftime lead. On the eleventh play of a 70-yard march down the field, Mosley scored his second touchdown to put the Lions up 24-17. The third quarter was fairly quiet, with only a 20-yard Wiest field goal to speak of. It came off of a 14-yard drive, which ate up 7:55 of the quarter. After trading punts to start the fourth quarter, Tarleton junior Evan Robertson ran in a 21-yard touchdown to see Tarleton page 7

Lions Sports Week v. Midwest. State 7 p.m.

Thurs. Oct. 21

v. Central

Friday Oct. 22

Oklahoma 7 p.m.

Tiger Chase Invitational Ada, Oklahoma Host: East Central

Saturday v. S’western Oklahoma Oct. 23 2 p.m.

Sunday Oct. 24

Monday Oct. 25

Tuesday Oct. 26

Men’s Bruce v. S’western v. Cameron Williams Oklahoma Invitational 3 p.m. Women’s Noon Oklahoma Ivitational Men’s Bruce @ ArkansasMonticello Williams Invitational 6 p.m. Women’s Oklahoma Ivitational Men’s Bruce Williams Invitational Women’s Oklahoma Ivitational

Wed. Oct. 27

Listen to From the Bench Friday nights from 6 to 6:30 p.m. on your station 88.9 KETR with Jared Watson and Caleb Slinkard

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