Demolition magazine - Issue 20

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DEMOLITION The industry magazine like no other

INSITE The Revolution Has Begun

For almost a decade, DemolitionNews has been bringing you daily news updates. More recently, those updates have been complemented by the Demolition magazine, job vacancies via, and high quality video content from Demolition TV. As a result, this is now the biggest and most widely-read news portal for the global demolition industry. And, to date, all of that has been brought to you free-of-charge with our advertisers and sponsors helping finance these various developments. But we want to bring you MORE. And the MORE we want to bring you is not entirely suitable for advertising and sponsorship. Video content like our recent rants about Value Engineering and Non-Payment are valuable and popular, particularly on social media; but no advertiser wants to be associated with what are perceived as negative comments. In addition, we are ever-mindful that this magazine does not always “trickle down” to site level. Instead, it has a nasty habit of landing on a director’s desk and just stopping. That means there are huge numbers of demolition professionals never get to see the biggest and best magazine serving their industry. But we have a solution. A solution that will allow us to bring you more words, photos and video; a solution that will ensure that everyone that wants a paper copy of the magazine can get one; a solution that will allow you – our readers and subscribers – to help direct the future shape of this website, the magazine, and of our video channel. As of this morning, we have opened the doors to allow each of you to become patrons of DemolitionNews using a system called Patreon. For less than the price of a Starbucks coffee per month, you can be a part of what we’re calling the “Demolition Club” with all the benefits that provides. For the cost of two Starbucks coffees per month, you will get paper copies of all our magazines plus a whole heap of other rewards and benefits. And we are determined that this will not be a one-sided relationship. In addition to offering you (currently) three tiers of membership from which to choose according to your needs and budget, we have set ourselves some pretty ambitious goals too that will take your micro-donations and reinvest them in DemolitionNews, the Demolition magazine and Demolition TV and to bring you several new items as well. Just visit to find out more. We look forward to having you as part of the Demolition Club.

EDITORIAL Mark Anthony 07973 456 166 SALES Ben Chambers 01903 899942 GENERAL ENQUIRIES 01903 899823 PRODUCED & PUBLISHED BY Chambers Media Ltd Unit 1, Chatsworth House, 39 Chatsworth Road, Worthing, West Sussex BN11 1LY 01903 899823 Demolition is published 6 times a year by Chambers Media Ltd. The subscription rate is £60 per year. Subscription records are maintained at Chambers Media Ltd, Unit 1, Chatsworth House, 39 Chatsworth Road, Worthing, West Sussex BN11 1LY Articles and information contained in this publication are the copyright of Demolition Publications and may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publishers. The publishers cannot accept responsibility for loss of, or damage to, uncommissioned photographs or manuscripts.

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LIGHT AND DARK The Light And The Dark

As Demolition magazine editor Mark Anthony celebrates his 30th year writing about demolition and construction, he weighs up the stark pros and As Demolition magazine editor Mark Anthony cons of working in celebrates his 30th year writing about demolition the UK demolition and construction, he weighs up theindustry. stark pros and

cons of working in the UK demolition industry. 5


As a journalist first, I could have written about anything. But I do not regret choosing demolition for one moment.

It is 30 years – almost to the day – since I first set foot on a demolition site. I was a young and inexperienced journalist working for the sadly-nowdefunct construction magazine Contract Journal. I was a junior reporter working on the magazine’s plant desk and had been sent to meet a man called Norman Horsler (who some might recall) from PSE Machinery at a site in St Albans. Sensing that I was a little “green”, Horsler questioned my credentials and asked how much I knew about hydraulic breakers. Perhaps naively, I admitted that I had never seen one in action. Horsler – ever the charmer – responded with a terse: “So why the f**k did they send you then?”

Come One, Come All

Among the many things that demolition demonstrates is that a lack of a formal education is no barrier to entry or to success. I have met men (and it is still mostly men) at all ranks and levels of the industry that speak openly about their lack of qualifications. I have met several that have scaled the heights of the sector whilst being unable to read or write to any recognisable standard. Demolition IS the school of hard knocks. With hard work, dedication, commitment and passion, a lack of GCSEs and degrees becomes irrelevant. And I can think of no other industry in which the upper echelons encapsulate such a broad range of regional accents – This is a sector lacking in silver spoons and bereft of elocution; and it is all the better for it.

A lesser man – or one with the skills to do so – might have seen that as a sign to pursue an alternative career. Bizarrely, I was hooked. Thankfully, Horsler’s brand of diplomacy proved to be pretty much unique. The vast majority of demolition folk were (and still are) warm and welcoming. They are helpful and generous. And for all the roughness and toughness of their chosen field of expertise, they are considerate and charitable almost beyond words.

Although many question the way in which the industry’s training is set, governed and delivered, the demolition industry offers a potential for



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career progression like no other. Speak to a site manager, a contracts manager or a managing director, and it is highly likely that they will have spent time cleaning bricks at some point in their career. Even those that have followed fathers, grandfathers and uncles into the top positions in the industry will have risen through the ranks. They will know the specific challenges and inherent risks of working on sites because they too have worked on sites. They wear this progression as a badge of honour; and they provide the industry with a glimpse of the rewards that hard work and dedication can deliver.

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Industrial Nomads

It is not unusual for London-based contractors to work in Glasgow; and it is equally common for a Scottish contractor to invade England in pursuit of work. As a result, demolition workers will be afforded a great opportunity to travel and to experience new places, new people and new challenges. I am often told that no two days are ever the same on a demolition site; and that is pretty much true. No two sites, no two contracts and no two structures will ever react in quite the same way, requiring those working on or about them to be constantly thinking; and constantly adapting. It is that continual learning that drives the industry and which allows individuals to progress and prosper. Outsiders will point to the potential danger of demolition sites. Of course, there are dangers present on demolition sites of all shapes and sizes. But the UK demolition sector has worked long and hard to address those dangers. It has embraced working methods that minimise danger; they have embraced equipment and technology that has slowly moved man out of harm’s way; and they are constantly striving to minimise accidents, incidents and fatalities. One of the unseen (and unsung) side effects of working in a potentially hazardous environment is a reliance on others. Demolition is the very epitome of teamwork; every person working on a demolition site is reliant upon the help and support of



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LIGHT AND DARK another. That atmosphere engenders a degree of camaraderie that exists only in the armed forces and the emergency services.

exception to something I had written; and I have seen people (myself included) excommunicated from the industry’s inner circle for one perceived misdemeanour or another.

I have personally witnessed acts of kindness that seemingly have no place in such a rough and tough industry. I have seen men and whole companies support their closest competitors in the aftermath of a crisis or incident; I have seen the industry rally behind a cause. I can think of no other industry in which that might be replicated to the same degree.

In the main, however, demolition folk are honest and hardworking. They might be a little rough around the edges (which is probably why I like them) but you’re seldom in any doubt about where you stand with any of them. And they are quietly heroic. The charitable efforts of many demolition men goes largely unreported but is an example to us all. The care they take of the environment IS an example to all industries; the care that some take of their employees (and each other) should be.

Friends for Life

I personally have a passion for big diggers. I love to watch an implosion redraw an urban skyline. I am endlessly fascinated by the spectacle of seeing a building or structure being removed to be replaced by something newer and something better.

My job as a journalist generally requires me to remain detached and unbiased. But, such is the overwhelming kindness, generosity and warmth present in the demolition sector that I have lowered my guard. I have forged firm friendships that will likely endure long after I have hung up my pen or they have hung up their hard hats.

But what drew me to the industry – Norman Horsler notwithstanding – and what made me stay was the people. Admittedly, I did have an online stalker for a while; I was once threatened on my own doorstep when a pair of individuals took


LIGHT AND DARK Without the help, support and guidance of certain individuals in this industry, DemolitionNews would not exist; the Demolition magazine could not exist; and I would just be another dried-up and wizened old hack boring all and sundry with what might have been. I came in search of a sector and a career. I shall leave (though not quite yet) with friends.

The Dark

Demolition is an industry divided. It is a sector of haves and have-nots. It is categorised by those that are within and those that are without. Sitting at the industry’s top table are a collection of household name companies, some of them the closest thing this sector has to possessing “blue chip” credentials. They have attained their positions though years, decades and – in many cases – generations of dedication and commitment. These companies have the financial clout to allow them to take care of their employees; to provide them with the best equipment; to afford them training that stretches far beyond what is

required by legislation. In terms of the demolition work carried out in the UK, this handful of “premier league” players take the lion’s share leaving the crumbs for lesser companies. But in terms of numbers, these companies are in the minority. According to our most recent analysis, there are just under 600 companies in the UK for whom demolition is their primary business. The industry’s top table has room for only about a dozen players. After that, there is a marked “falling off”. While the industry’s premier league players enjoy turnovers measured in the tens of millions (and all the trappings this can bring), the vast majority in the industry measure their turnover with far fewer zeroes. Because of the way the industry is currently structured, those smaller companies are required to march to the rhythm of a drum beaten by their larger rivals. It is those top companies that wield influence over key items such as training, often setting standards that – well-intentioned or otherwise – are difficult or even impossible for smaller companies to attain.


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LIGHT AND DARK The industry remains stubbornly unrepresentative in a manner that saw Benny Hill removed from the nation’s TV screens more than two decades ago. Although some will cite individual exceptions, the industry’s upper echelons remain as white, male and straight as Donald Trump’s staff; and that shows no signs of changing any time soon.

Haves and Have Nots

The division between the living standards of demolition company directors and demolition company workers is probably no worse than in any other sector. My guess is that most Virgin staff do not have a private island to call home like their boss Sir Richard Branson. However, due to the rough and tough nature of the demolition industry, the gulf FEELS considerably wider. If you’re wearing jeans with the arse hanging out of them, and if you’re chowing down on the umpteenth bacon sandwich of the week, the presence of a suit-wearing director stopping by on his way to lunch at The Savoy does not inspire or promote aspiration. It is an unspoken kick in the teeth, regardless of how hard said director has worked to achieve his position.


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LIGHT AND DARK That divide does not end there. While it is true that company owners and directors have been injured and even killed on demolition sites, it is the workforce that bears the brunt of injuries and fatalities. They are the ones for whom cuts and grazes are an occupational hazard; it is their names that appear upon reportable incident accident reports.

excessive use of hand-held power tools – have been reported and recognised for decades but many in the industry have yet to act to protect their workforce appropriately. Further up the scale are issues such as lung disease (smoking remains remarkably common in demolition circles); diabetes and obesity caused by an “on-the-run” diet comprising mostly bacon; and heart disease caused by a combination of all the above.

Future Hazards

Those are the hazards of the now. But site workers will likely have to endure the hazards of the future too.

At the very top of the spectrum are issues such as Mesothelioma and asbestosis. Although the industry has made huge strides in its approach

The nomadic nature of the demolition business means that men (and, again, it is mainly men) are forced to spend a long time away from their families. Although few will admit it, loneliness, depression and mental health issues are not uncommon. Poor diet, alcohol abuse and – more recently – substance abuse is a constant threat. The fact that many demolition workers

are not home for long enough to see their own GP merely exacerbates a catalogue of potential health problems. to the handling of asbestos, unplanned and unexpected exposure remains a threat. There is the less-talked-about threat from silica dust. And as the UK builds much-needed new homes on brownfield sites that were formerly home to factories from the nation’s industrial past, demolition workers might also find themselves exposed to a variety of toxins, carcinogens and other unpleasant leftovers from a bygone era.

Then, of course, there are the direct industry hazards. Slips, trips and falls from height are the here and now; but demolition workers are dogged by a series of health issues that might not manifest themselves for years and even decades to come. At the “lower end” of the health spectrum are issues like Raynaud’s Disease or Vibration White Finger. Both conditions – often caused by the



Boom or Bust

If there is one area in which demolition directors and demolition workers come together, it is in their vulnerability to the financial peaks and troughs that plague any industry linked to the construction sector. Directors can see their life’s work (and, in many cases, the life’s work of their forebears) vanish in an instant; demolition workers can all-too-readily find themselves

gainfully employed one minute and claiming unemployment benefits the next. Profit margins remain slim and while the broad-brush advice is to “fix the roof while the sun is shining”, the truth is that the sun shines on demolition so infrequently and sporadically that the roof remains holed and untended for years; unprepared for a financial deluge that waits predictably around the corner. Such financial tsunamis also have a nasty habit of hanging around. We had the sad duty of reporting on numerous company collapses months and years after economists declared the last recession over. And while many have subsequently bounced back – chastened - in another guise, the impact upon many of their workers (and their suppliers) remains farreaching.

No Industry for Old Men

Ultimately, demolition is a young man’s game. The demands the industry places upon directors and workers alike is more suited to the young at heart; the young of health. No demolition worker in their 50s wants to be tramping up and down countless flights of stairs within a tower block while it is being demolished. No demolition director in their 60s needs the stress of keeping themselves, their family and their workforce fed whilst staring down the barrel of an ever-present threat of corporate manslaughter.


LIGHT AND DARK Even with intense competition, seemingly endless legislation and wild and unpredictable fluctuations in the price of scrap, demolition still has the potential to make some people very wealthy. The last recession is still fresh in the minds of many; but the bespoke suits and Rolex watches are back out on display.

name terms with his local Rolls Royce dealership, there are dozens barely scratching a living and driving a battered pick-up that is several years past its sell-by date. Unquestionably, the rewards are there. But for most, they will remain elusive and forever out of reach.

But such trappings are the preserve of the few, not the many. For every company principal on first

Demolition is not for everyone.








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Striving for Self-Sufficiency Not content with its rapid rise up the UK demolition league table, Downwell Demolition is now focusing on becoming more selfsufficient. Mark Anthony reports.

No man is an island, or so the saying goes. But while outsourcing remains order of the day for many duties and specialist tasks within the demolition industry, Downwell Demolition is looking increasingly inwards and becoming ever-more selfsufficient. That is not to say that Matt Phillips and his team have rotovated the car park at the company’s Essex headquarters and is growing its own veg “Good Life” style. Instead, the company has taken a long hard look at the various specialist skills it was previously outsourcing, and – slowly but


surely – is bringing those skills inhouse under its “Inner City” brand name. First came Inner City Environmental which now takes care of the company’s asbestos removal requirements. Then came Inner City Scaffolding which, as the name suggests, satisfies all the company’s scaffolding needs including a recent 18-storey top down demolition contract in Sutton, Surrey. More recently, the company has started to make maximum use of the workshop facility it acquired from former resident


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stuff Miller GroundBreaking. Keen to ensure optimum uptime for its equipment fleet – particularly its large portfolio of hydraulic attachments – the company has set in place a well-equipped workshop capable of stripping down, repairing and maintaining a broad array of hydraulic hammers, shears and pulverisers. Indeed, the company has become so adept at attachment care that it is now providing the service to other demolition companies.

The solution is as bold as it is ingenious. Downwell has bought a Peugeot Boxer van and has kitted it out to a standard that would be the envy of any independent hydraulic hose replacement service. And Phillips decision to put the first Inner City Hydraulics vehicle on the road was not driven purely by cost. “If we’re taking down a bridge or carrying out demolition works during an overnight possession, we like to have a fully-equipped hydraulics van on standby, just in case a hose fails,” he says. “By putting our own van on the road, we have a vehicle that can be on standby during any overnight possession, manned by a qualified fitter that already knows our equipment fleet.”

In-House Hose

So far, so logical; and the addition of scaffolding and asbestos skill sets is hardly envelope-pushing. But the latest addition to the Inner City brand marks Downwell as unique in its field; and signals a departure and diversification that will make some established hydraulic specialists sit up and take notice.

This prior knowledge is another factor in favour of bringing hose replacements in-house, according to Phillips. “If you call out an independent hose replacement company, there is always the danger that they will arrive without the hose or fitting you actually need,” he explains. “Our van is stocked to match our equipment fleet precisely and contains all the fast-moving consumables we could possibly need.”

“Hydraulic hoses fail. That is the nature of the business,” explains Downwell managing director Matt Phillips. “But we looked at the amount we were paying companies like Pirtek for emergency on-site hose replacements and the figure was staggering.”

54 Marsh Wall. Photo courtesy of Rolfe Judd


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The Inner City Hydraulics van is manned by Bogdan Chinchisan, a product of Downwell’s apprenticeship programme. He has been trained to carry out all the on-site hydraulics repairs and replacements Downwell could possibly require. The van itself is equipped with a state-of-theart swaging machine that allows hoses to be made and “ended” on-the-go; and is stocked with a broad range of hoses, couplings and fittings to match Downwell’s predominantly Komatsu excavator fleet. But the van’s capabilities do not end with Komatsu; and neither are they restricted purely to Downwell machines. “Our need for cost-effective on-site hose replacements is not unique. All demolition companies rely upon hydraulic uptime to remain productive and profitable,” Phillips explains. “Although it is early days, I would gladly carry out hose replacements for rival demolition companies.” Such is his belief in the potential for Inner City Hydraulics that Phillips is already eyeing a second van for the fleet. “Most of our work

is in and around London. But a van can only be in one place at a time,” Phillips contests. “There will come a time when we will almost certainly require an additional van. And who knows how many vans we might require in the future?” Despite the fact that the creation of Inner City Hydraulics represents a significant investment, it would be easy to dismiss the venture as merely a way Harbour Central. Photo courtesy Rolfe Judd to • minimise spending on external hydraulicofsupport


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stuff services. But this latest departure is indicative of Phillips’ singleminded approach to the demolition business. Even though he has industry experience to spare, he brings to the industry a freshness of approach that is untainted by received wisdom or tradition. His recent election to the position of vicechairman of the National Federation of Demolition Contractors’ London and Southern Region is a justified reward for his forward-thinking approach; and the fact that he is working alongside chairman Robert Collard brings a youthful vigour to the region.

Make no mistake. Matt Phillips is now in the on-site hydraulic hose replacement business. But he remains a demolition man to his core.

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New Lease of Life An increasing number of demolition companies are rethinking their vehicle policy, switching cars for pickups; small HGVs for vans; and outright ownership for more flexible finance options. Julian Tyson, Managing Director of The Vehicle Partnership reports.

For years, the 4x4 pickup was nothing more than a workhorse, a functional vehicle designed to simply get the job done. Not any more. With Double Cabs built for any purpose, and a noticeable improvement in base specifications, their popularity has increased significantly. From a work point of view, there’s the flexibility to carry a wide range of loads and the option to protect cargo and improve the aesthetics of the vehicle with accessories such as load covers and hard-tops. Come the weekend, the weekday worker becomes a comfortable family car that’s driven out of choice rather than necessity. This is particularly true of models


such as the Mitsubishi L200, Nissan Navara, Toyota Hilux, Ford Ranger and the VW Amarok, all of which are now taking the 4x4 pickup to a whole new level. The functionality and flexibility of the pickup means that they’re also fast becoming a first-choice company car for many within the demolition and construction industries.

Tax Efficiency

One of the key drivers to this is their tax efficiency. As most pickups are considered light commercial vehicles (LCVs), they are taxed differently to conventional company cars. Simply put, Benefit-inKind (BIK) is set at a flat rate, irrespective of CO2 emissions or price.






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stuff To illustrate the point, take a look at the comparison below, which shows a potential tax saving of over 47 percent. Purchase CO2 BIK % BIK Annual tax for Annual tax for price rating figure figure 20% taxpayer 40% taxpayer Nissan Navara 2.3dCi Tekna Double-Cab



Fixed rate




Ford Mondeo Estate 2.0 TDCi Titanium







It’s not just 4x4 pickups that are on the rise, van leasing has been steadily increasing for a number of years, and we have recently seen a 10 percent year on year growth as companies look to reduce their compliance burden by ditching their smaller HGVs in favour of vans.

there’s no nasty shocks or unexpected repair bills to worry about for anywhere up to five years. And finally, control comes from the fact that you are limiting any financial exposure and being able to divert funds to be used elsewhere within the business.

This is clearly seen within the demolition industry, as more and more companies are switching on to the benefits of leasing rather than buying vehicles outright. There are a number of reasons for this, but in general it comes down to flexibility, predictability and control.

Having said this, it’s worth remembering that the most popular form of leasing, Contract Hire, has its downsides as well. For example, should your situation change during the course of the contract and you no longer need the vehicle, an early termination fee would be payable to the finance company.

Flexibility in Action

Leasing contracts are flexible because you can choose in advance how long you want the lease to run for and the mileage you’re likely to do. Predictability comes from being able to fix both your finance payments and your maintenance bills for the duration of the contract. This means

Additionally, whether or not the contract runs to term, once the vehicle has been returned, it will be assessed for damage. Any defects which are not considered ‘fair wear and tear’ will need to be repaired at your cost. And, whilst the assessment is carried out in line with BVRLA


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stuff (British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association) guidelines, the finance company, or their appointed representative, will decide on the level of additional cost to be paid. As an alternative, companies with highly variable needs, as well as those who tend to run their vehicles quite hard, often prefer a different type of financial arrangement known as Finance Lease.

Best of Both Worlds

Under such an agreement you get the best of both worlds, with ownership benefits such as taking advantage of the equity that’s built up in the vehicle, whilst at the same paying the sort of low upfront payments normally only associated with leasing. Also, VAT is only charged on the rental payments and not on the initial cost of the vehicle itself. There are two main options with Finance Lease. You can choose to pay lower monthly payments and leave a large amount to be repaid at the end of the contract, which under normal

circumstances is financed by the sale of the van. Alternatively, you could decide to pay more each month and then look to recoup up to 95 percent of the vehicle’s final value when it is sold at the end of the contract. In other words, there’s no financial risk to the business during the contract term, and you get a share of the sale proceeds at the end. However, are there no voluntary termination rights with a Finance Lease, so you need to go into the agreement with your eyes open. Deciding on the best way to finance any vehicle depends on a wide variety of facts, including whether you are looking to minimise risk, initial payments, in contract payments or are looking to keep your options open in the months and years ahead. For further information and guidance, please contact: Julian Tyson, Managing Director, The Vehicle Partnership.

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Workers at Risk A quarter of employees working in hazardous job roles believe their employers aren’t doing enough to keep them safe at work.

Around 25 percent of labourers in manual professions, such as construction, thought their company’s health and safety information didn’t go into enough detail about their role and the dangers they could face, or how to deal with risky situations. Worryingly, the survey of 2,000 employees, working for businesses that have over five employees, found that almost two thirds (65 percent) of employees have never received any information on their company’s health and safety policies. This is despite it being a basic legal requirement for all companies with five employees or more. The research, which was conducted by award-winning data capture app provider, WorkMobile, also revealed that as a result, the majority of workers in dangerous jobs do not feel that they are well equipped to deal with a hazardous situation if one occurred. A fifth (18 percent) would have no idea how to report an issue or hazard at work, despite there being a higher chance of this occurring in dangerous working environments. A quarter

(25 percent) would have a vague idea about how to handle the situation, but would still need to ask for help or consult with the company’s procedure documents first. Thankfully, over half (57 percent) of workers would know exactly what to do in a hazardous situation. Although it is the duty of the employer to keep staff members safe, workers are also failing to take responsibility for their own welfare and follow rules that have been put in place. Almost half (48 percent) of those who work in a hazardous or high-risk role, such as demolition and construction, have not read their operations manual. Surprisingly, those who work in low-risk roles, like office work, are more likely to read their company’s health safety guidance - almost two thirds (60 percent) of these employees have read the health and safety documents they were provided with, despite being exposed to fewer hazards. The survey was conducted as part of WorkMobile’s ‘Work Safe’ report, which looks at the current state of health and safety in the UK and where improvements need to be made to protect workers.


stuff “Employees working in dangerous sectors, such as construction or manual labour, will inevitably face a higher number of hazards than those in office-based roles, for example. Based on this, we’d expect companies in these sectors to take health and safety much more seriously in order to keep their staff safe,” says Colin Yates, chief support officer at WorkMobile. “It’s really shocking to see that some businesses are failing to put in place even the most basic health and safety procedures. Failing to supply workers with information and guidance on health and safety policies could land business owners with a hefty fine, or even a prison sentence in extreme cases. But, aside from this, when staff are not trained on how to work safely, there is a greater risk of accidents happening – especially in these more hazardous industries. With working practices constantly being improved, there is no excuse for not obeying the law and fulfilling their business obligations.” For more comments on this, please check out the exclusive video: https://tinyurl. com/ycs69wrd


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stuff Mick George Joins Mesothelioma Battle Earlier this year, Mick George Ltd announced the initiation of its Environmental division, accredited to complete all related asbestos works within the construction sector.

With the business continuing to establish itself as a recognised supplier to the industry, the company has made another significant statement of intent. In an attempt to further boost the recent medical advancements to aid prevention and patient treatment of asbestos-linked healthcare issues, Mick George Ltd has announced a partnership with Mesothelioma UK, which will see the company provide financial support to the Leicestershire-based charity.

Mesothelioma UK is a national specialist resource centre, dedicated to providing information, support and education for Asbestos-relatedcancer. The charity integrates into the NHS frontline to ensure professional nursing is available at the point of need, achieved through a growing network of specialist nurses, regionally based in NHS hospitals throughout the country, by the charity. “Mick George has a history of community support and philanthropy, with a genuine dedication to


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stuff supporting related charities,” says Liz Darlison, Mesothelioma UK director of services and consultant Nurse at UHL. “The UK has the highest incidence of cases of mesothelioma in the world and with asbestos being at the heart of this disease, there’s a real connection here with Mick George’s expertise in surveying, stripping, carriage and disposal of asbestos. We are delighted to welcome them on board and together we will continue to help patients with mesothelioma, their carers and families across the UK.” Asbestos contaminated materials are commonly accepted as one of the most dangerous within the construction trade, and for good reason due to its linkages with fatal diseases such as Mesothelioma and Asbestosis. Statistics and recent media revelations suggest that despite clinical developments, the reality is that the dangers are still very much apparent and urgently need attention. In excess of 2,500 people are diagnosed in the UK with Mesothelioma each year, with mortality rates

remaining particularly high. Mesothelioma is the 16th most common cause of cancer death, accounting for two percent of all cancer bereavements in the UK. Sadly, those who have previously had a connection with the construction industry appear to be mainly at risk in later life. Although the two organisations face a demanding challenge, the collaborative venture is poised to play a pivotal role in altering the statistics moving forward. National audits suggest that improvements in survival and basic science breakthroughs are progressing thanks to the works that Mesothelioma UK are already engaged, but the two aren’t content with stopping there. It is anticipated that the additional finances donated from Mick George Ltd will encourage further developments, specifically in reference to extra Nurse’s, research, as well as informative and educational programmes.


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stuff Jon Stump, Finance Director at Mick George Ltd commented: ‘’Our experience in handling Asbestos, means we’re well paced to understand the dangers, and why there are such stringent regulations in place to reduce potentially catastrophic outcomes,” concludes Mick George Ltd’s finance director Jon Stump. “Unfortunately, Men from the industry we’re most commonly involved are traditionally

more at risk of harm by associated diseases, predominantly due to inadequate precautions at earlier stages in their career. As well as doing everything within our power to protect our own employees, we’re keen to have a positive impact on everyone else in the Construction Industry that works with the material. The partnership with Mesothelioma UK is a strong foundation to do just that.”



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A Parting Shot Michael Saunders spent more than 50 years in the UK demolition industry and – sadly – has seen many industry friends killed in demolition action along the way. As he finally hangs up his hard hat, he has some stark warnings for all those still within the industry. Volvo Penta is

launching two new diesel engines – one of which the company claims to have the highest power density engine per litre of displacement in its class.

The following views are those of Michael Saunders and may not be the views of Demolition magazine. After 50-odd years in this industry, I have seen the good, the bad, and the downright ugly. And if it does not change then there will be more problems to haunt demolition as a whole. I - along with others - have lost good friends to this industry. In fact, we have all lost too many. This I put down to lack of thought, wisdom and knowledge, and to chasing the elusive pot of gold at the end of each job. I am not going to mention names; they know who they are. I have watched with great interest the patting of backs, the selfcongratulation and the selfindulgence of many within this industry. And I am frustrated when ideas are suppressed or just ignored. I wonder also why the people in power in this sector never answer a question from those on the ground, even when we are told a reply will be forthcoming. I have watched the way the card system has crept in and wonder how someone


can do a course and answer a few questions then become supervisors or managers with no actual experience of demolition. Surely if you give someone the answers to questions, then a one-eyed and deaf fool will get a pass. I have asked many times what was wrong with the old way; developing skills through the labourer, mattock man and topman ranks where individuals learned along the way. I have never received a satisfactory answer. When I saw that Matt Phillips and Rob Collard were voted in at the NFDC’s London and Southern region, I have to admit I was happy. I wish them well and hope they will in some way bring a fresh breath of air into the Federation; God alone knows it’s needed. My main concern in the last few years has been the safety of the men I had working under me. They come to work to feed family and enjoy life; they do not come to work to end up on a table in a morgue or in a hospital bed because some fool has been allowed to do work he should not even be considered for. This whole card system has to be sorted out, once and for all. I have listened to blokes on site moaning that again another ticket needs renewing. Some firms do put their men through the course. But most agency men have to fork out their own money for the privilege of being allowed to work. Yet somehow there are those that continue to obtain a ticket via the back door.


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stuff There are some good firms out there; and some that are trying to be good. There are also those who have no right to be in demolition; the risk takers the people who think you take a building down the same way it was built. The worst for this are the big building companies who think they know best, but in reality have no idea what they are doing, and when it goes wrong they blame the demolition company. The ones who price jobs and have no idea what is involved and are focused only on the pound note at the end of the day, and if it goes wrong who bloody cares. I have come across engineers who have no idea about demolition. These people are dangerous.

then they need to talk to those people; to listen to their concerns. This is aimed at everyone in demolition. Our industry has taken a few knocks over the last couple of years. But we in the UK demolition world are still the best at what we do.

I have watched my chosen industry go from bad to being a little better, but it needs much more. It does not need people to represent the industry by sitting down eating a five-course meal in a posh hotel when I am at a funeral burying someone killed in a site accident. If those who represent demolition want the people on the ground to either look up at them or have any sort of respect,

I am now retired, so what happens now does not directly affect me. But my hope is that those at the industry’s top table listen to those coming into the industry. Train them properly and pay them a wage they can live on. Your workforce keeps you in the manner to which you’re accustomed. Take good care of those that are good at their job. They will repay you with loyalty and respect, something that is sadly lacking in today’s world. My last words are for everyone in our chosen line of work. Be safe. No risk is worth your life nor anyone else`s. Question anything that seems wrong. And most of all, make sure you all return home safely at night.

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THSP Aspires to Aspiration Zero The HSE calculates the cost of an accident causing an employee to be off work for seven days to be £28,500. If you find that you are chasing the same health and safety failures month after month, why not change your approach.

THSP’s Aspiration Zero – Achieving Culture Change workshops are designed to help you work towards eliminating accidents from your operations. We know what a tough ask this is but is a goal we all aspire to achieve, helping to ensure that everyone that comes to work gets home safely. In addition to the cost benefits this Behavioural Based Safety Programme is geared towards providing the tools needed to change attitudes, actions and ultimately the culture within your organisation. Behavioural Based Safety (BBS) creates a safety partnership between management and employees or contractors, continually focus on people’s actions and the actions of others promoting good safety behaviour. A BBS/culture change programme focuses on what people do, analyses why they do it, and then applies a research-supported intervention strategy to improve behaviours and practices.

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At its very core, BBS is about applying solutions to real world problems, the purpose of which is to challenge the behaviours of all staff and consequently reduce the likelihood of any safety related incidents or accidents occurring. Collaborating with your existing health and safety team and your existing systems, THSP’s Behavioural Based Safety Programme will bring measurable improvements and ensure engagement whilst reducing costs.

STUFF A catalyst for cultural change for several organisations from the construction, civil engineering, facilities, highways and rail sectors. As a result of BBS a number of clients have seen their reportable accidents reduce and minor accidents drop by 50 percent in the same time period. Close calls and near misses have increased dramatically, which shows buy-in to the programme. Also, since its inception there has been on average a 150 percent rise in the number of safety incidents reported within the business, a rise which has contributed to the growing recognition of ownership of the programme. The programme has been merited with a number of awards including Safety Innovation Awards, the Rail Business Awards and was Highly Commended at the annual IOSH awards, and most notably to THSP’s Behavioural safety expert Steve Wiskin for his development, management and facilitation of the programme winning Safety Person of the year.

In addition to these bespoke BBS programmes, THSP has launched a full range of workshops for individuals or groups, these include: •

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Are You BIMready? Depending who you ask, Building Information Modelling is either a necessary evil or a revolutionary progression? Chris Hoar, Partner, Michelmores LLP, weighs up the pros and cons.

Building Information Modelling (BIM) is regarded by some as a necessary evil. However, by others, it is an exciting new way of procuring and delivering construction and demolition projects. In 2016, BIM level 2 became mandatory for use on all public sector works in 2016. Over the next year we will see further implementation of BIM – and evidence suggests it is becoming more common place in the private sector.

What is BIM?

BIM brings together all of the information about every component of a building in one place, making it possible for anyone to access that information for any purpose, for example to integrate different aspects of a building design more effectively. In this way, the risk of mistakes or discrepancies is reduced, and abortive costs minimised. As hardware, software and cloud applications herald greater capability to handle increasing amounts of raw data and information, use of BIM will become even more pronounced than it is in current projects. Ultimately, BIM envisages a collaborative multi-disciplinary approach for any project, from conception to hand over and project use throughout the whole life-cycle of the building.


The focus of BIM is to design a project with the end purpose in mind. At its peak, it is the natural progression of 3D CAD design whereby all parties with design input, as well as the employer and construction parties, contribute and subsequently work from the same single design. That is not to say that BIM is limited to new projects, as, if used correctly, BIM can also be used for retrofit works to existing buildings, bringing existing property stock at least partially into the 21st century.


The government has recognised that the process of moving the construction and demolition industry to ‘full’ collaborative working will be progressive, with distinct and recognisable milestones being defined within that process, in the form of ‘levels’. These have been defined within a range from 0 to 3, and, whilst there is some debate about the exact meaning of each level, the broad concept is as follows: • BIM Level 0 – in its simplest form, level 0 effectively means no collaboration between design team or other parties with the drawings being produced as 2D CAD. These are then subsequently distributed via paper or non-amendable electronic prints to the rest of the

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team. Generally, this has now largely been surpassed in practice by the industry. BIM Level 1 – this level involves limited collaboration between the design team parties. It consists of some use of 3D CAD for concepts works but the use of 2D drafting for statutory approval documentation. This is generally the level to which the industry is working at present. BIM Level 2 – this level is distinguished by collaborative working between parties using 3D CAD models. However, each party works from individual models so that external data from other parties combined is with the individual model to create a “federated” BIM model. Most UK practitioners who have begun to adapt to BIM are operating at around this level. BIM Level 3 – considered the “Gold Standard” of BIM. This level has been used internationally on a few large scale projects, but is generally still some way off for the vast majority of UK construction practices. BIM level 3 requires all parties to be working from the same 3D CAD model which is stored on a cloud server and is therefore accessible by any party anywhere in the world.

built” model. This is then provided to the end user of the building, meaning that they are able to monitor information relating to the performance of the building (e.g. energy, maintenance and other performance costs). Ultimately, at the end of the life-cycle of the building, the end-user will have detailed information to hand to safely, quickly and cost effectively demolish or otherwise regenerate the building.

Benefits of BIM

There is no doubt that BIM has the opportunity to completely revolutionise the way that building projects are designed, constructed and utilised. The concept of having the entire design team working in collaboration from the outset, with the client able to respond and suggest any amendments before even a peg is put in the ground is a clear positive in terms of overall project delivery. Savings as a result of the use of BIM on several large international projects have already been seen. It is estimated that as a direct result of BIM, 199 days and £65k worth of time was saved on the development Abu Dhabi Airport as well as a reduction of 30% in construction time of Shanghai Tower. Despite the clear benefits, there is equally little doubt that the implementation of BIM is a significant sea change for the construction and demolition industry and one which does not come with an insignificant expense. This expense is not just limited to the acquisition of new technology programmes, data storage and information security costs, but also training and engagement costs for staff. Whatever your point of view, BIM represents the future of demolition and construction and there is no doubt that - for both industries - it is here to stay.

After the design phase, this model continues to be accessible by the demolition team, who would be able to amend this to create an “as-




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Looking up In Downtown Minnesota

ON SITE Things are looking up for Minnesotabased Rachel Contracting, thanks to a Volvo EC700CHR high reach excavator that is hard at work on a giant downtown demolition project.

St. Paul, one-half of Minnesota’s twin cities rose from the steep bluffs where the Mississippi and Minnesota rivers collide. Once a quiet frontier trading post, the city was soon transformed into an industrial hub. The transition sprouted new enterprises, such as West Publishing Company, which today remains the nation’s largest producer of academic and law books. The lawless also flocked to the city. As described by infamous gangster Al Karpis: “If you were looking for a guy you hadn’t seen for a few months, you usually thought of two places: prison or St. Paul.” Fellow outlaws, such as Baby Face Nelson and Machine Gun Kelly notoriously used the natural caves tunnelling under the city as hideouts.

Major Contract

The former West Publishing complex, built in 1886, and the Ramsey County Adult Detention Center (ADC), built in 1979, occupied three blocks in downtown St. Paul. The local landmarks became disused when West Publishing relocated to the suburbs. The city strained for urban housing, but potential buyers balked the risks of developing such large structures. Instead, the council voted to demolish the vacant complex, market the site, and recoup the costs from future income from the new development, projected at $150 million. When the bidding process was complete, Rachel Contracting, based in St. Michael, Minnesota, was awarded the $15 million, 79,000 m2 demolition contract. Established in 2006, Rachel Contracting specializes in earthwork, demolition, utilities and specialty contracting. “We take the jobs that are unusual, the projects others don’t want,” says CEO Don Rachel. Work began in November 2015 on the 10-story, sevenbuilding complex. The job covered a variety of applications – from asbestos abatement and excavation, and total demolition to bluff stabilization and erecting a cast-in-place concrete retaining wall along Kellogg Boulevard, a main road in the city’s centre. “The first step was to abate all hazardous materials, including asbestos,” says Nick Bartemio, project manager for Rachel Contracting, adding that more asbestos was uncovered than initially anticipated by the pre-engineering studies. Before any exterior demolition could begin in earnest, bluff stabilization was required to shore up the back wall facing Kellogg Boulevard. Rachel completed this by drilling 5,486 linear metres of grouted rock bolt anchors into the face of the bluff. After demolition is completed, Rachel Contracting will build a 457-609 mm thick retaining wall using 2,300 m2 of cast-in-place concrete along Kellogg Boulevard.


ON SITE Challenging Location

The height of the structure, plus the location of the site made the contract the most challenging in the history of Rachel Contracting. “The site sits between a main downtown artery and is nine metres from an active rail line on the Mississippi River-facing side,” says Mark Kraemer, vice president of field operations for Rachel Contracting. “We knew going into the bid that we could not bring it down by explosives, so the only option was to use a high reach demolition excavator,” Kraemer adds. “We looked at competing brands, but we felt more comfortable going with the Volvo. The support from local dealer Nuss Truck & Equipment was a big factor in our decision. We had a short lead time, and Nuss was able to provide the machine very quickly and were on site for set-up and training our operators.” “The EC700CHR was chosen for its reach and weight capacities,” says Jim Soderbeck, field sales manager at Nuss. The high-reach machine has a maximum pin height of 32 metres with boom extension and is fitted with a Genesis GDT Razer three tonne shear. The matched powertrain and hydraulics supply ample power for the shear to fracture concrete and snip rebar at height, and safely lower it to the ground. “The high reach allows us to bring this job down in a much more controlled fashion. On a building like this, with thick concrete columns wrapped around steel I-beams, we can cut through them with the shear without jeopardizing the safety of the building, pedestrians and vehicular traffic,” says Randy Shultz, general demolition superintendent at Rachel Contracting. Reinforced concrete slabs range in size up to 304 mm in thickness.

Modular Joint

The EC700CHR high reach excavator’s added value is its ability to convert to a standard excavator efficiently. The Volvo-patented modular joint design, located in front of the boom cylinders has a self-aligning, hydraulic push-pull pin system that makes changing the boom swift and simple. These features contribute to one less machine on site and keep the EC700CHR from becoming idle.

The high reach boom is converted to a standard boom every two to three days and is paired with a Genesis DemoPro 900 for concrete clean-up. “The conversion enables the machine to work with a 5.4 tonne (12,000 lb) attachment and use at work heights of 18 to 20 metres,” says Kraemer. “That height level is our bread-and-butter here in the Midwest. We have it down to less than an hour with two people. Volvo did an excellent job making this machine come apart and reassemble easily.” Rachel Contracting also uses a Genesis GDR 300 demolition recycler and LXP 300 Logix Processor fitted on three 36 tonne excavators for sorting and processing. Over 85 percent of the compound is being recycled and left on site. All concrete is crushed for base or backfill. The steel and ferrous, and non-ferrous metals are recycled and the remainder sent to the landfill. The ongoing work, scheduled to complete later in 2017 demonstrates the power of innovation and a tactical approach, developed by Don Rachel and partners Jerry Rachel, Mark Kraemer and Matt Coz. “We went from zero


ON SITE to $100 million in projects over 10 years, and today, we have over 220 employees,” says Rachel. Rachel owes his success to the right employees and equipment. “This is a very large job in our market and intrigued us for a lot of different reasons, including the history and the challenge of the bluffs. The demo portion is typical for us, but the anchor tie-ins under the city and retaining wall were unusual.” Unusual, but not out of scope,

as Rachel Contracting has an entire division devoted to earthwork, soil remediation and stabilisation. Most jobs are concentrated in the upper Midwest. Recent demolition projects include the 93,000 square metre 3M plant in Beacon Bluff and the 112,000 m2 Brookdale Mall in Brooklyn Centre, Minnesota.

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RVA Looks North East

Work is underway to clear a suite of redundant assets in the North East of England, in one of the UK’s largest projects of its kind. World-leading petrochemical firm SABIC has appointed specialist consultancy RVA Group to oversee the decommissioning, demolition and dismantling of 10 plants at its North Tees and Wilton sites. With work having already commenced in the two locations, the multi-million pound programme is expected to be completed in 2020. The more immediate programme involves the demolition of a Jetty, which will begin at the end of July and be cleared in eight weeks. Continued decommissioning support is being provided for a tank farm complex and RVA is also finalising the contractor selection process for the demolition of two Aromatics plants, with a proposed mobilisation date of January 2018. Elsewhere in Wilton, the 48-week demolition of SABIC’s Olefins 5 Furnaces and neighbouring Butadiene 2 facility is already in progress and

expected to be completed by the spring of 2018 and the close of 2017 respectively. Home to some of the most iconic industrial structures in Teesside, these two sites have transformed raw oil refinery materials into an array of chemical products, for almost half a century. But this is not the end of the SABIC story in the North East, as the organisation’s Site Director (acting) Daren Smith explains: “With the two-year upgrade of our cracker plant now complete, this current multi-million pound cleanup signals the latest chapter in the creation of safe, efficient and state-of-the-art facilities that are fit for the future.” Whilst RVA is no stranger to projects of this scale – having overseen the three largest decommissioning and dismantling projects ever executed on Jurong Island, Singapore, for instance – this is the biggest assignment the team has seen undertaken in the UK. “The portfolio of assets being cleared as part of this extensive programme is vast,” says RVA’s managing director Richard Vann. “We’re talking a


DEMOLITION british demolition AWARDs summer 2018


ON SITE range of world-scale chemical plants made up of complex structures, surrounded by live plant, in a multi-user operational site. This is an inherently demanding project but unparalleled planning has been invested to prepare for this phase of works.” With more than 25 years’ experience in this field and having worked for six other firms on Teesside, RVA was first appointed by SABIC in 2011 to review all redundant assets on the two sites. Drones were deployed for selected areas to meticulously inspect the condition of the various structures, before a rigorous, scheduled decommissioning strategy was developed to meet the operational, isolation and budgetary needs of the client.

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RVA was appointed via competitive tender to act as the decommissioning consultant, project management resource and CDM Principal Designer, for this latest phase of the project. “Some of the elements we’re working with here, have not been in use for some time. By cleansing the site of assets that are no longer adding value – we’re paving the way for SABIC’s future operations in this industrial heartland of the UK.” Six RVA personnel have a full-time presence on the two sites, with visiting roles from three additional senior managers. The collaborative assignment is also being carried out in conjunction with SABIC’s own project management team, plus surveyors, dismantling and demolition contractors who are being independently appointed via tender for each individual phase of work.

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ON SITE Teamwork between S Norton & Co Ltd and AR Demolition successfully completed the demolition and clearance of redundant processing plant at a remote granite quarry on the west coast of Scotland.

S Norton Sets Sail The Liverpool-based metals recycler provided specialist support for the Midlands demolition company in processing and transporting more than 1,500 tonnes of scrap steel by boat from the Glensanda Super Quarry, near Oban. Significant investment in upgrading and constructing new facilities by the quarry owner Aggregate Industries had left a former workshop, crusher house, conveyor system and ‘glory hole’ building earmarked for demolition. With huge reserves on site, the now-redundant structures were preventing progress on further extraction and needed to be removed.


ON SITE The quarry’s isolated location on the banks of Loch Linnhe meant the only viable access solution for heavy plant and equipment was by barge from the mainland to the quarry port, an hour’s sail away. Working with AR Demolition’s oxy cutting team, S Norton & Co’s operatives used thermic lances to process the oversize scrap pieces into manageable standard sizes of 5ft x 2ft to allow for suitable storage on the ship and best price for the customer. The 20-metre high crusher building had housed some very heavy castings that were too large to be dealt with by the excavator-mounted shears. Weighing in excess of 50 tonnes, these required specialist removal and disposal by the AR and S Norton teams. To remove the material from the port, AR Demolition had considered using bulk tippers; however this would have increased the time for the project and massively impacted traffic on the local roads.

Having looked at the alternatives, S Norton & Co was asked to supply a 3,000-tonne capacity coaster to ship the material to its Liverpool base for further processing. The teams loaded the vessel in under two days. S Norton & Co’s Contracts Manager Kenny McKeen explains how the company was called in for its specialist expertise in processing some of the scrap and the type of vessel to carry it back to Liverpool for subsequent export. “It was a highly unusual job due to the remoteness and inaccessibility of the site. We sent two men with burning equipment and lances who assisted in the processing and loading of the metal and worked as part of AR’s team,” he says. “One of the key challenges was the draft in the bay where the vessel docks and the depth of water was a major consideration, requiring close liaison with the harbourmaster. It was the furthest distance we’d ever sent our men on a project and everything went as smoothly as clockwork!”


ON SITE Commenting on what had been one of their ‘most complex and challenging projects’ to date, AR Demolition Managing Director Richard Dolman said: “S Norton’s specialist expertise has been extremely helpful, especially with cutting up the larger pieces of metal that required particular skill. They also provided valuable assistance with loading the freighter they had chartered to transport the scrap metal to Liverpool,” he concludes. “The quarry’s remote location presented unusual logistics in that everything had to be transported by water; that made a relatively normal project unusual.”

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KIT TALK Hughes & Salvidge in the Zone Hughes & Salvidge has become the first UK demolition contractor to use SiteZone proximity warning system as part of its health and safety remit. A UK demolition contractor has taken a proactive lead on anti-collision safety by specifying the use of OnGrade’s proximity warning system, SiteZone, in its health and safety enforcement on site. Until now, the use of SiteZone has been recommended by lead clients to all their subcontractors on a project. However, Hughes and Salvidge has taken the corporate decision to insist on using the SiteZone Proximity Warning System on all projects at its Heathrow Airport operations that involve plant and on-ground personnel. All Hughes & Salvidge plant vehicles being used at Heathrow Airport have been fitted with SiteZone, which uses radio frequency identification (RFID) detection. This means that SiteZone can see around corners, through dust and smoke and in poor light conditions, giving targeted warning alarms to both drivers and workers on foot should they enter each other’s working area.

Plant and vehicles are fitted with SiteZone base stations, while site workers have RFID transponders fitted to their hard hat or sleeve. When a site worker breaches a predefined detection zone, both the worker and driver receive a ‘proximity warning’. The RFID tag vibrates, making the site worker aware of the vehicle, while the driver is alerted by sound and flashing lights in the cab of the vehicle. This two-way alarm feature is fundamental to site safety, since responsibility for avoiding accidents is shared by both parties. SiteZone also logs incident data which can be transmitted and viewed on the Cloud by using the telematics function. It collects essential data from SiteZone in the event of a zone breach to help managers monitor and improve site safety. Hughes & Salvidge site managers have full access to the system via a dedicated log-in, which enables them to view information such as the number of unauthorised entries into a safety zone and a real-











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KIT TALK time display of length of time spent within them. By generating this information, performance reports can be created to highlight key ‘hot spots’ on site, within specified zones or specific personnel safety breaches.

personnel are working in close proximity. The feedback already from our plant operators, on-ground personnel and our clients has been excellent and as an employer it has given us great satisfaction that we have provided an extra element to our already stringent Health and Safety processes to help keep our staff safe.”

Hughes & Salvidge Group Safety, Health, Environmental and Quality (SHEQ) Manager, Tony Jack said, “At Hughes & Salvidge we work very hard on our approach, development and implementation of matters relating to Health and Safety. We are very proud of our Health and Safety record and we are delighted to enhance this further with the introduction of the SiteZone Proximity Warning System on all plant we are using at Heathrow Airport.

A first for OnGrade, the application of SiteZone in the demolition industry is a milestone in its quest to improve site safety awareness. “SiteZone has already proved a success in the construction and waste sector. However, we know that the demolition business is high-risk because personnel on foot often work in close proximity to heavy plant on site,” concludes OnGrade director Gary Escott. “The team at Hughes & Salvidge have shown just how dedicated they are to their staff’s safety, and using SiteZone will help them to reinforce and improve safety performance.”

“We didn’t want to use this safety system because we were asked to, we wanted to initiate the system as a key part of every project we do at the Airport - where plant and on-ground

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KIT TALK Volvo Construction Equipment has unveiled its latest concept machine. Known as the EX2, the 100 percent electric compact excavator prototype delivers zero emissions and – according to the manufacturer - 10 times higher efficiency, 10 times lower noise levels and reduced total cost of ownership compared to its conventional counterparts. Volvo claims it is the world’s first fully electric compact excavator prototype.

Are Friends Electric? The Volvo Group defines electromobility as ‘commercial vehicles and machines that can utilise an electrical motor to propel or to perform the main purpose of the machine’. To make the EX2 prototype fully electric, the combustion engine has been replaced with two lithium ion batteries, totalling 38 KWh, which store enough electric energy to operate the machine for eight hours in an intense application, such as digging compact ground. The hydraulic architecture has also been replaced


with electric architecture which incorporates electromechanical linear actuators that help to optimize the transmission chain. Removing the hydraulic system and the combustion engine, as well as reducing the cooling needs, has led to significantly lower noise levels. At this stage, the EX2 is purely a research project and there are currently no plans for industrialisation. The EX2 stemmed from the company’s earlier ELEXC research project, which was partly financed by the French


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KIT TALK government as well as various funding bodies in France. Volvo CE worked with a team of six partner companies which all contributed towards the €7m project. The ELEXC work started in 2012 and concluded in 2015, Volvo CE has since been working on other research projects connected to the EX2, such as durability tests. “The electrification of construction equipment will produce cleaner, quieter and more efficient machines – this represents the future of our industry,” concludes Ahcène Nedjimi, electrics and electronics systems lead engineer and EX2 project leader. “The EX2 is a revolutionary machine. With its zero emissions and ten times lower noise levels, it could easily be used in densely populated areas without disturbing people – even at night. Ten times higher machine efficiency and maintenance-free systems mean

that operating costs and total cost of ownership would be significantly reduced. The prototype machine delivers the same power and force as its conventional counterpart, as well as faster speeds in combined movements. And all of this has been achieved without compromising on machine performance, ensuring customer needs would be fulfilled.”


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KIT TALK Hydrodemolition Comes Clean Aqua jet Systems AB, a global leader in hydrodemolition machine manufacturing, has introduced the EcoClear water filtration system.

The innovative machine works with Aquajet’s full line of hydrodemolition robots to treat the wastewater generated by the process by neutralizing water pH and greatly reducing its turbidity so that it can be safely released back into the environment. Until now, methods to treat wastewater on site were inefficient, took up too much space, or were simply unavailable, leading to significantly increased costs and logistical challenges. The EcoClear system enables the hydrodemolition contractor to treat wastewater in real time and maintain an environmentally sound jobsite. “We want our customers to focus on what they do best — precise hydrodemolition of concrete bridges and other structures — not how they will manage the water removal. That’s why we developed EcoClear,” says Roger Simonsson, Aquajet Systems managing director. “It collects, neutralises and removes solids without requiring the hassle of a separate water reservoir or filters. This enhances customers’ productivity while exceeding environmental regulations.”

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The EcoClear — which is powered by Siltbuster Ltd., a leading manufacturer in water treatment systems — moves as much as about 20 cubic metres per hour, through a series of treatment chambers that neutralizes alkaline water to a pH of 6 to 9 and reduces turbidity to just 20-25 mg particles/litre. The

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KIT TALK entire process can be watched monitored and controlled online with the RECO control system.

Optical turbidity sensors and pH probes continuously monitor and record the water quality to ensure only clean water is discharged. If the water does not meet set limits, the feed pump automatically shuts down to prevent dirty water from escaping. The water then starts to recirculate until it meets the preset values of pH and turbidity.

The machine works by pumping water expelled from an Aqua Cutter into an inlet chamber, where a flocculating agent is automatically added to help clump the particles in the water. The water then flows into a second chamber that introduces carbon dioxide to neutralize the pH. In the next chamber, the floc, or solid particles, settles into a storage hopper and is removed by the integrated pump. The water continues to another chamber for a second pH adjustment. A final monitoring tank confirms the water pH has returned to a neutral 7 before it’s pumped out.

Aquajet designed the EcoClear for easy maintenance. A folding roof and integrated walkway make it safe and convenient to inspect the machine. The one-of-a-kind design also doesn’t require filters, eliminating the accompanying downtime and cost of replacing them.




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KIT TALK Heir to the Crown My first SED - in fact my first plant exhibition - was at Whipsnade in 1987. I didn’t realise it at the time, but that was the beginning of what would become a career and a life-long passion for plant. I followed SED when it moved. And I shed a silent tear when it finally - and prematurely folded. But, in truth, MY SED died the day it left the wallabies of Whipsnade. I was sceptical about the idea of PlantworX in precisely the same way that I was sceptical about Daniel Craig’s ability to replace Sean Connery as the true James Bond. I was wrong. In fact, Like Daniel Craig’s Bond, PlantworX was not a replacement or a substitute. It was something new; something different. The first Plantworx had novelty on its side. The second Plantworx rode the post-recessionary goodwill of that inaugural show. But Plantworx 2017 was the acid test as the gods of the weather conspired to send torrential rain

to Bruntingthorpe and turned the site into something resembling the battlefields of The Somme. But the people came. They smiled through horizontal rain. They tramped through muddy aisles and onto muddy stands. And they did business. Many of those attending Plantworx 2017 will now see Bruntingthorpe as their Whipsnade. They will see PlantworX as their SED. But, even though it has replicated much of that Whipsnade spirit, Plantworx is not SED. It is something different. Something modern. Something of it’s time. In many ways, it is something better. The current generation finally has a construction and demolition equipment exhibition to call their own.


KIT TALK Turning Dumpers on Their Head

JCB, a relative newcomer to the site dumper market, is promising to turn the sector on its head with the unveiling of a new seven tonne prototype model that seemingly solves the safety issues that have dogged these site workhorses since they were invented.

The new Hi-Viz concept machine addresses growing industry concerns over accidents and serious injuries involving site dumpers on construction sites. JCB’s new 7-tonne concept machine is designed and engineered specifically to tackle those concerns by enhancing visibility, operator protection, stability, comfort and serviceability. The UK construction industry and its suppliers have come together recently to look at ways in which the use of site


dumpers can be made safer on site. According to JCB, the key to site dumper safety, particularly at the heavier end of the dumper range, is visibility. Current regulations call for the operator to be able to see a 1.5 metre tall person or object, standing one metre from the machine when un-laden. With JCB’s new Hi-Viz concept dumper, the operator can easily see a 1.2 metre high person or object all around the machine, even when fully laden.

KIT TALK There is also a need to improve the level of safety currently offered by a simple ROPS bar behind the operator’s seat. While the operator should use the lap belt supplied at all times, many choose not to use it in order to attempt to jump clear in the event of a machine rollover. To combat this, JCB has designed a ROPS/FOPS Level II glazed cab that can be used on machines above 4.5-tonnes operating weight. As well as providing additional protection from a rollover or a falling

Advertorial feature

Here comes the sun choose a diet rich in vitamin D,” he continued.

Two per cent of deadly skin cancer cases in Britain come from working outdoors. Construction workers account for the largest proportion of these cases (44% of deaths). To help combat this trend, workers from Keltbray Demolition & Civil’s project at The Stage in London are now working with researchers from Heriot-Watt University’s Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM).

The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) has funded the research, which aims to reduce exposure to UV radiation for those at risk of high exposure, and increase exposure and encourage dietary changes for those who may not get enough sunshine to synthesise the vitamin D. “This project aims to minimise the risk of skin cancer and maximise the benefits of vitamin D to promote healthy muscle and bone strength,” explained Contracts Manager at The Stage, Gavin Lawless. “Those involved in the project are using a smartphone app that sends text messages to remind them to cover up and protect their skin in the summer, while in the winter they will be encouraged to

Throughout the project, the study will monitor the participants’ vitamin D levels. “It is vital that construction workers get the right amount of sun and of the ‘sunshine vitamin’, D, without getting sunburned, which increases their risk of developing skin cancer,” explained Professor John Cherrie of Heriot-Watt University’s School of Engineering and Physical Sciences. Keltbray Group, St Andrew’s House, Portsmouth Road, Esher, Surrey KT10 9TA T 020 7643 1000 E


KIT TALK object, the JCB cab also has an integral secondary impact protection system (SIPS) built into the cab’s structure. This supplementary safety measure, in combination with guards on the rear edge of the skip and a front screen guard or hammer glass, could potentially allow the dumper driver to remain in the cab while the dumper is being loaded. This would completely remove the need for the operator to continually climb on to and off the dumper, improving efficiency and keeping the operator in a safe working environment.

in the frame. Despite this, ground clearance has been maintained, as the chassis sits at the same height as the four-wheel drive system’s transfer box and driveshafts.

The big difference with the Hi-Viz site dumper concept is in the front chassis. The front axle has been moved forwards to make room for the skip to sit behind the axle line. Increased steering lock allows the longer wheelbase machine to maintain the same turning circle as a six tonne dumper.

The forward edge of the dumper’s skip has been extended beyond the load carrying area. This provides improved dump clearance for the front wheels. JCB will build both forward tip and swiveltip versions of the Hi-Viz site dumper when it goes into production.

The front chassis is lowered considerably behind the front axle, to allow the skip to sit much lower

You can view an exclusive video of the new machine here:

The totally new skip offers a 3.4 m3 heaped capacity on this 7-tonne machine, with overall width falling within 2.5 metres. The combination of a longer wheelbase and lower skip greatly improve the laden dumpers centre of gravity, boosting stability on rough ground.

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KIT TALK Hyundai Expands Wheel Loader Range


KIT TALK Hyundai has added another new model to its wheel loader range. The new HL965 has an operating weight of 20,100 kg and is powered by the latest Stage IV Cummins QSL9 electronically controlled diesel engine that develops a gross power of 200 kW at 2,100 rpm.

The HL965 offers an improved loading capacity. The maximum axle load capacity is 44,000 kg at the front and 35,000 kg at the rear, with standard 23.5 R25, L3 tyres. The new cab is 10 percent larger than on the 9s version and in is fully sound-proofed using state-of-the-art noise reduction technology which ensures maximum silence when working in noisy environments such as quarries or waste handling depots. The new air conditioning system maximises heating and cooling performance by optimising air flow through the cabin. The electro-hydraulic integrated control lever allows operators to operate attachments with ease which in turn enables greater productivity and minimises operator fatigue. The HL965 has improved visibility which has been achieved by revising the mirror position. There is also the option of LED front lights, LED working lights and LED rear combination lights. The HL965 is optimised to enable operators to access accurate equipment data in quick time. This feature is of importance when working in tough environments to improve productivity. The new HL965 has joystick controls for boom, bucket and 3rd hydraulic line as standard – fingertip control is available as an option. All the models in the HL Series can also be fitted with joystick steering as an option. Touchscreen monitor and EH controls allow several new features like ‘Soft End Stop’, ‘Bucket priority’ and ‘Boom bucket detent mode’, to be controlled


KIT TALK through the touchscreen. The ‘Soft End Stop’ delivers - when an attachment reaches the end of a stroke - a ‘shock free’ operation by reducing the speed of the attachment near the end stroke. This function can be disabled through the monitor should the operator not want to use this function.

capacity and minimise material loss when travelling. Durability is also enhanced using high wear-resistant steel in key structural areas of the bucket. An intelligent seven-inch touch wide screen monitor is like a smart phone display and is larger than the previous models and is easy to read. The audio system, which includes a radio, has an integrated Bluetooth hands free feature, and a built-in microphone allowing the operator to safely take and make calls when in the cab.

All Hyundai HL900 series models include Hyundai branded onboard weighing system as standard equipment. Accurate to +/- 1 percent, the system has automatic and manual settings for monitoring individual and cumulative bucket load weights. System measurements are displayed on the multi-function screen in the cab, providing load-weight monitoring reliable enough to support production management.

The ‘Infotainment’ system also allows the operator to enjoy the Miracast system which works via the WiFi of the operator’s smart phone and enables easy use of the smart phones features on the big screen including navigation, web surfing, watching videos and listening to music.

Hyundai’s improved bucket design features an innovative wider opening, curved side plates and enhanced spill guard to maximize bucket


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ADVERTORIAL HOW CHANGES TO INJURY CLAIMS WILL HIT THE DEMOLITION INDUSTRY The government has announced a change to the Ogden discount rate, which is used to calculate compensation awards for serious personal injuries. This is to ensure inflation does not erode the future value of a payout which has taken effect from March 2017. It will undoubtedly have a substantial impact on claims. This will affect businesses and individuals: • Motor insurance – 36 million motor insurance policies, covering both domestic and commercial vehicles will be affected. It is estimated £75 will be added to the average personal motor premium. • Business – A personal injury claim could increase by 127% and the NHS will see an annual hike of £1 billion. How is an injury claim assessed? The system used, known as The Ogden Discount Rate is designed to make sure a severely injured person has the necessary financial security to provide for their care and loss of earnings. The discount rate is used to calculate the amount of compensation they receive to reflect the return they will earn when that money is invested.

A personal injury claim could increase by


What will this mean? Consider the following example:

If John, who is 30 and earning £25,000 a year suffered an injury and was unable to work again, he would receive a pay out of £1.8m under the old rating. Under the new system this would increase by 127% to £3.5m.

Before After

30 year old plasterer with a traumatic brain injury



18 year old claimant with spinal cord injury



15 year old who requires lifelong care




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The early feedback from insurers is that premiums are likely to rise as claims payments will inevitably increase. Now is the time to reduce the likelihood of a claim and improve your risk. Not only is this good business practice, your company will be more attractive to insurers to achieve a better premium. We will be doing all we can to help our clients: 1. Risk management – regardless of the business you are in, it makes sense to have a robust risk management plan. We can help you with this – get in touch now.

Example claimant

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2. Fleet – Statistics show that there are nearly 200,000 casualties on the road each year. If you have a fleet of vehicles we have access to on-board systems which can reduce your ‘at fault’ accident rates. Contact us or visit our website to find out more. 3. Industry expertise – we specialise in construction and demolition. Each of these industries face their own personal injury risks and we can help you reduce claims. For example, we have a guide to help you avoid avoid Health & Safety Fines. 4. Consider if you have the right level of cover. This is good time to review your level of liability cover and ensure it is fit for purpose. A standard £10m limit may no longer be sufficient. We can offer a free review of your current cover to identify both gaps and overlaps.




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ANGLIAN DEMOLITION CHOOSE AN ANACONDA DF410 SCREENER FOR THEIR AGGREGATE OPERATIONS IN NORFOLK Norfolk based demolition and asbestos removal company Anglian Demolition Ltd recently took delivery of a brand-new Anaconda DF410 Scalping Screener to screen contaminated C&D material to remove asbestos from aggregates before crushing Lee Storer commented, “We have had other machines in on demonstration from some of the world’s leading manufacturers, but when RK6 came in with the DF410 we were totally surprised by the performance, footprint and aggressive screen box that the Anaconda had to offer. The machines we trialed were all in a similar range as the Anaconda, but just did not provide the same separation of asbestos which is crucial to us to provide a saleable aggregate. Dan Flack from RK6 was always helpful and on hand to answer any questions we had”.

(10’ x 4’) screen box it’s the largest in its class. All belts fold hydraulically and the machine has a fixed screen angle of 15 degrees. The machine can also be containerised for easy shipping requirements. There is the options of either JCB or Deutz engines and can come equipped with either Bofar Bars, Finger Screens, Punch Plate or Wire Mesh. A radio remote control is also available.

The Anaconda DF410 is one of the best compact scalping screeners in its range and is the most popular machines that Anaconda Equipment currently manufacture. Weighing in at just 15.6 tonnes, it leads the way in aggressive screening of any machine of its size on the market today. Variable speed belts and a high energy 3m X 1.2m

For more information on the range of recycling equipment provided by RK6, please visit our website at Alternatively email . Office/Spares Paul Donnelly Aaron McVeigh Dan Flack Silas Malcolm-Smith

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