mise en place issue 48 Food Safety

Page 18

You Make Us Better One Student at a Time invaluable insights offer students a glimpse into the real world

A Man With a Mission

of foodservice. Your astute advice guides them as they make

When Paul Sofka ’97

important career choices. And the modeling of your expertise and

talks about spreading

professionalism sets the standard for their own performance. Your

the word, he means it in

commitment to them and to all things culinary helps pass on a

the culinary sense. Paul

legacy that starts at the doors of the CIA.

is in the unique position

Every day of the year, alumni like you reach out to current and prospective students and do something extraordinary. Your

of director of culinary

Whether you choose to be a mentor, provide an externship site,

services at the Houston

expand students’ education by offering a demo on campus, talk

First Baptist Church in

the ears off a prospective student and his or her parents at a

Houston, TX. There are

College Fair, or donate a Gift-in-Kind to the college, every one of

many challenges when you

your generous acts helps to Make Us Better. paul sofka ‘97

Friends in Chicago

as many as 14,000 members. Paul might find himself preparing

For the past 12 years,

people, providing lunches for the K-8 church school and childcare

Michael Garbin ’76

center, or creating daily meals for the more than 200 church staff.

has been hosting

But Paul’s other job is to spread the word about the CIA. That’s

the CIA’s Alumni

why he attends Career and College Fairs, representing the CIA

Reception during the

whenever he can. He describes three types of people he meets

National Restaurant

there—parents who wish they could go to culinary school, kids

Association’s annual

who definitely know they want to come to the CIA, and the ones

meeting in Chicago,

he calls the “wanderers.” He’s there to convince them that the CIA

IL. Michael is the

is the best culinary education around. There’s nothing like a man

executive chef at the

with a mission!

of Chicago where the


Club’s membership

Not many chefs can say

recognizes the

they recruit potential

importance of

externs for their hotels

Michael’s relationship with the CIA. With three restaurants and

by playing ice hockey,

180 guest rooms, this private club has all the amenities of a small

but Mark Quitney ’85,

hotel, and a CIA-trained executive chef certainly adds to their

executive chef at the New

cachet. Michael gives back to the CIA by coordinating the Alumni

Orleans Marriott, can. In

Reception. Every year, he asks for and receives the unstinting

the past when he would

support of local alumni. Together they donate all the food and

come north to the CIA’s

beverages for the event, leaving the CIA with only the expense for

Career Fairs, he would take

the wait staff. “I feel that hosting this reception is the best way for me to continue to give back to the college,” Michael says. “I want the CIA to know they have friends here in Chicago!”


congregation that numbers

meals for a three-day Southern Baptist Convention of 8,000

Union League Club

Michael Garbin ‘76

provide sustenance to a

the time to engage some mark quitney ‘87

of the students in a lively scrimmage during which he


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