the Beijinger September 2014

Page 18

FARM TO NEIGHBORS The newest market to hit the city to date, Farm to Neighbors is the effort of Vice’s Creator’s Project editor Erica Huang, whose own qualms with food allergies and safe production methods motivated her to start seeking out local farmers who follow organic and ecofriendly practices. While it’s currently an intimate venture, the number of farmers and food makers Huang is cooperating with is growing. You’ll see a steady participant or two, including Choonisang Vegetables, who host the only “organic” stall at Sanyuanli Market. Huang’s market uses Modernista’s space, so guests don’t have to wait until they get home to try the food as Modernista’s chefs will prepare healthy brunch items with a selection of the produce on stock. Number of vendors: 5+ We recommend: Charlie’s Bacon by the Kitchen Collective, made with freerange pork belly and hickory-smoked in a hutong courtyard. Ask about availabilty ahead of time as vendors change. Contact: For more info, friend “farm2neighbors” on WeChat.

Mumu’s Home Farm supplies peaches, while Delle Valley Farm provides a variety of sweet grapes

Sundays Noon-6pm. Modernista. 44 Baochao Hutong, Gulou Dongdajie, Dongcheng District (136 9142 5744) 东城区鼓楼东大街宝钞胡同44号

Chef Nuria Cimini creates an affordable brunch menu each Sunday, with items like lemongrass lemonade and an aubergine omelet

photoS: sui


September 2014

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