the Beijinger October 2013

Page 46


New Chip on the Block Exploring the Freshest Flavors by Cat Nelson


here must be something about the potato chip that calls out to the flavor chemist like a blank canvas to the artist. A quick jaunt down the chip aisle of the convenience store reveals unfathomable depths of purported creativity.

We did a tour of the scene two years ago of the nowtimeless flavors like cheese lobster, cucumber, and numb & spicy hot pot. But Lay’s freshest line-up of unexpected flavors demanded a return visit, and this month we snacked on the year’s newbies alongside a couple of their more distinctive “classic great tastes.”

Zesty Tomato (RMB 5.80) “This tastes like that cold dish of tomato with sugar … but not as good.” “You could serve these with a burger and not need ketchup for it.” “This is like squeezing tomato puree onto a piece of bread and then wolfing it down … which I’ve done.” “It tastes like unemployment.” Sweetie Barbecued Pork (RMB 5.80) “This tastes like the flavor packet from fangbian mian – probably is.”

French Chicken (RMB 5.80) “Half of the challenge here will be trying to ascertain what the flavor is, as opposed to just salt.”

“It’d be good with baijiu.”

“If this were a movie, it would be starring someone like Matthew McConaughey in his ‘lawyer with abs’ phase. The female lead would be Kate Hudson.”

“It tastes like the broth they use to boil a pig’s head. Don’t ask me how I know.”

photo: Joey Guo

“Bland. Kenny G probably eats these for inspiration.”


October 2013

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