the Beijinger January 2015

Page 40


Putting Sweet and Sour to the Test by Kipp Whittaker


s we get older we undeniably lose some of our lust for super sweet confections. These selections are a mix of Western imports and old Beijing standbys

Kang Er Bei Suan San Se (RMB 19/kg) “Definitely tastes like something my grandmother would eat to wake up her taste buds.” “Featuring synthesized apple, strawberry and lemon flavors, these were an essential candy to many a Beijinger in their formative years.” “Strawberry is by far the most sour of all the flavors, and causes the most puckered-up face action.”


January 2015

Skittles Sour (RMB 8.5) “These are sadistically sour little suckers. Not for the amateur candy consumer.” “This is probably what battery acid covered in sugar tastes like. There is a slight burning a hole in your tongue sensation.” “Will cause mouth numbness and an ugly puckering of disgust to your face.”

photo: joey guo

Bonumee Gummi Sour Worms (RMB 10) “Much cuter and tastier than the worms found in puppy stools.” “Way too many of the yellow/red flavor worms, would much prefer more red/blues in here.” “These are loaded with tartaric acid, which really dries your mouth out. Regardless, these are still a sour, chewy classic and a triumph of synthetic flavor invention.”

easily found around town. Dig in and figure out which ones to unwrap.

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