February/March 2014

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The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine


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a r a b i a n SPORT HORSE




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Readers’ Choice

sport horse

Publisher Cassandra Ingles

of the Year

Editor Peggy Ingles

Advertising (410) 823-5579

page 38

8 Greta Wrigley Q&A

22 top arabian sires & dams of 2013 SHN

Website TheArabianSportHorse.com

38 readers’ choice awards results

66 top HA/AA sires & dams of 2013 SHN



78 READING reflections

Submissions & Story Ideas Welcomed! 6

Copyright 2014 All rights reserved. No reproduction without written permission.

Bits and Pieces


In Memory of EVG Allon Dunit




Saying Goodbye to PL Irish Thunder


Back to Basics

80 Galamaya


Help Your Farrier Help You


Turn Back The Clock


Lindsey Whitcher & Questt


NAAAHA Year-End Awards


Conformation Clinic


Classifieds & Service Listings


The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

S TA N L EY ANGEL SO FAR May 4, 2005 Classical Spanish Arabian mare Daughter of Jezabel SSB+// This beautiful, talented and energetic mare is ready to last out show day and never let you down. An abundance of natural energy, a “look at me” attitude and talent as either a dressage horse, over fences, or event horse. 1

1: A pleasure to the eyes! 2: Engagement 3: Angel & Jezabel – first dressage show for both mother and daughter; Jezabel consistently placed first above 14–17 competitors, and Angel placed consistently second to her mother. This was the only dressage show for mother or daughter, but they were clearly the top horses there, which was lovely to see.



Stanley Ranch is the breeder of CZANTIAGO++/, Supreme Champion Arabian Sport Horse Futurity, internationally recognized, the sire of 5 foals to be born in Spain in 2014. Stanley Ranch has always believed in and bred the Arabian as the “Original Sport Horse.” Molly has served AHA as the founding Chair of the Arabian Sport Horse Committee, and several years on the original Sport Horse Show Commission for SHN. Some accolades for Stanley Ranch horses include 90 National awards with multiple horses, High Score Arabian of the Sport Horse Nationals EXODUS I+//, USEF Grand Champion High Score Arabian Horse, *JOYAMIA+//, many Legion of Honor, Legion of Merit, and National High Score awards with multiple horses, and seven Recognized Field Hunters with the Los Altos Hounds.

CZANTIAGO++/ can be seen at Mahoney Training – and in his classes.

February/March 2014




May 7, 2006 Wradar (bay) x Jialeah (bay) Distance riding and jumping lines, with a strong dressage component Barbarela is beautiful, kind and very talented. She will not let you down. Ready to finish out for the upcoming season, “Barbie” clearly has talents in several directions, depending on the rider’s focus of study. 2 4 3

1: Barbarela’s lovely head 2: Substantial in body and form to function – here’s looking at you!

3: Suspension; it’s easy for her. 4: Barbarela in her winter coat

At this time, Stanley Ranch has a few exceptional prospects available. They have had all the right food, all the right care and upbringing. All the right amount of handling and hand work with people, and proper foal imprinting, and starting has been done. The groundwork has been laid. Their bones are sound and strong. They are mentally ready to work. They are strong in constitution, and they never stop short – they truly love a job. They are the kind of horse to form a strong and productive bond with their own person. We have owned (or been owned by) Spanish Arabians for four generations of our own family. We were fortunate and blessed to start with the good stock of the Spanish Yeguada Militar and horses from a few select Spanish Arabian breeders. We were lucky – a little luck, a little talent – as both Dave and Molly were small “r” Arabian judges at the time. We did do some good picking for a foundation herd, and so were fortunate to have good horses from the beginning.

w w w. s t a n l e y r a n c h . c o m


The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

BITS and pieces

Gaby Stephens and Glenlord’s Mystique

Halimey Go and Michael Pollard


In 35th place Overall is Katy Groesbeck, who competed on her

Katy Groesbeck has worked hard with the two Anglo Arabians

two Anglo Arabian brothers OZ POOF OF PURCHASE and OZ THE

she competes in eventing. Bred by her family, the 2 full broth-

TIN MAN. With Poof, Katy won the Advanced at Copper Meadows


and the 3-Day 2* at Twin Rivers, and placed 8th in the 3* at Re-

x Regalbatim {TB}) have been extremely successful under Katy’s

becca Farm. With Wort, she won the Intermediate at Copper Mead-


ows, was 3rd in the 3* at Rebecca Farm and 10th at the AECs in

Until a couple of months ago, Katy was a working student


for Olympian Hawley Bennett, living in her horse trailer at Haw-

Reagan Lafleur rode her French-bred Anglo-sired ORIENT DES

ley’s farm. After the AECs, Katy took Oz The Tin Man (“Wort”) and

TOUCHES to enough great placings that she ranks 5th in the Junior

hitched a ride East to work for Buck Davidson. After taking a run

Rider category and 10th in Young Rider. They won their last outing

at Fair Hill International, Buck’s group migrated to Florida for the

at Chatt Hills in the Prelim.

winter. Wort is enjoying some down time for now. Two weeks ago, at the USEA Convention/Awards Banquet, Katy received the $30,000 Rebecca Broussard Developing Rider Grant.

Michael Pollard piloted Anglo-sired HALIMEY GO through ten runs with 4 wins to clinch the 9th place in Adult rider for the year. •••

The grant is to help a qualified rider pursue becoming an inter-

The eventing season is under way in Florida, and January’s

national rider. It is not available to anyone who has already rep-

Rocking Horse Winter Horse Trials #1 had some of our favorites

resented the US. Katy was also named to participate at the USEF

competing. Gaby Stephens and her Half-Arabian GLENLORDS

Winter Training Sessions with David O’Connor.

MYSTIQUE finished in second place in the Training Level Rider di-

••• US Eventing’s 2013 Year-End Award winners included a few riders who compete on Arabian-bred horses that helped them to earn their standings.

vision, having earned a 32.40 in dressage and two double clears in stadium and cross country to finish on that score. Katy Groesbeck and her Anglo Arabian OZ THE TIN MAN (Sidi of Magic x Regalbatim) made their Florida debut in the Open In-

In the Overall standings, in 4th place was Will Faudree, who

termediate. They scored a 31.10 in dressage to be in 6th place,

had a great spring on the French-bred Anglo Arabian RIESLING DE

added 4 points with a rail in stadium jumping and added time

BUISSY. They won the Intermediate at Pine Top Spring HT, placed

faults in cross country to place 7th overall.

2nd at Pine Top Winter HT in Preliminary, and 2nd at Jersey Fresh in the 3-Day 2*. They also placed 7th at The Fork in the CIC2* and 8th at Southern Pines HT2 in Intermediate.

Katy is blogging for The Chronicle Of The Horse, the first installment of which you can read at http://bit.ly/1iufpUq. The Anglo Arabian sired HALIMEY GO (29.91% Arabian), rid-

Right behind him in 5th place Overall is Lauren Kieffer! She

den by Michael Pollard, won the Open Intermediate, leading after

had a great year on her Anglo Arabian VERMICULUS. In 13 runs,

dressage with a 24.40, was double clear in stadium and added just

they were 5th place or better 9 times, mostly at Preliminary. Lau-

2 time faults on cross to hold onto their lead.

ren also ranked 2nd in Lady Riders and 4th in the Adult category.

February/March 2014

Pic Of You

Photo courtesy Trisha Dingle

BITS and pieces

CHA Rudyvalentine and Nancy Ziegler

Baske In Moonlight and Verena Stocke

DRIVING NEWS Last weekend’s Combined Driving Test in Branson, Florida included three Arabian-bred entries amongst the field. Nancy Ziegler competed her 22-year-old Arabian gelding CHA RUDYVALENTINE (Chez x AHC Aba Shazie) in a huge Preliminary Single Horse division. They finished fourth overall, right behind World Driving Champion Suzy Stafford. Bonnie Luft and her full sibling Pinto Arabian/Saddlebred mares, BJS DEVIOUS CHANCE and BJS DARRYONS CHANCE (Devious PD x BJ’s Fancy Chance {ASB}) won the Training Level Horse Pairs division. Fiona Lindsay Delfino competed Kami Lindy’s Welsh/Arabian pony CALYTHIO in the Training Single Pony division, where they finished in 4th place. This division had a 4-way tie for 1st place after the Marathon phase! Thank you to Kara Hite of Pics Of You for the fabulous photos and show results!

HUNTER & JUMPER NEWS Professional trainer Ashley Wren of Billings, Montana, was named as the USHJA Western Region Professional Sportsman of the Year for 2013. Ashley shows on both the open hunter circuit with several horses and the Arabian breed circuit on her Anglo Arabian Galileo. The Montana Hunter/Jumper Association voted for her as their Professional Sportsman for 2013 and submitted her name for the Western Region award. According to USHJA’s website, they are awarded to “Those individuals that best demonstrate ongoing commitment and dedication to the USHJA and their affiliate will be selected as the regional winners.” This honor is especially rewarding considering that last year’s winner in this category was Grand Prix jumping legend Hap Hansen. Ashley is a contributor to The Arabian Sport Horse where she writes a column called “Back To Basics” regarding training hunters and jumpers.

DRESSAGE NEWS SC Dressage & CT Association has finalized their year end awards, and one of Egyptian Rose Sport Horse’s Half-Arabians has won Reserve Champion against all breeds! “Baske In Moonlight” (bred & owned by the Lingenfelter Estate), a 1/2 Arab, 1/2 Saddlebred gelding by Baske Afire was Reserve Champion at Training Level in the open division for both schooling shows and USDF shows with his rider/trainer Verena Stocke. “Moonie” placed right behind another National Show Horse Egyptian Rose’s Trisha Dingle has in training - Keyper of the Legacy (bred & owned by Desert Wind Pintos). “Leggs” is 1/4 Arab (his dam was a half-Arab/Saddlebred, sire a full Saddlebred) and he and Trisha were Champions at Training Level Open (schooling shows).


Quinault Bey, by Quick Silver Bey++++// out of Hanoverian mare First Lady (First Gottard) is the AWS Inspection Horse of the Year for 2013. His score of 80.3% earned him “Supreme” status and was the highest score in the nation. He is owned and bred by Missy McGan He is QSB’s last foal in the United States before being exported to Denmark and the retirement foal of his dam. QSB was recently gelded to begin training with a junior rider for the Para Olympics. A convert from the Warmblood world, Missy explains, “I originally bred only Hanoverians, but after becoming a student of Lindsey Anderson and getting to know QSB, I began to rethink my approach to breeding the ideal partner. I believe Arabians are a perfect cross to lighten many of the WB breeds to create a modern and athletic sporthorse. I am so impressed with the Arabian’s athleticism, temperament and beauty.”



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

Greta Wrigley Greta Wrigley is a 3-time Arabian Trust Female Dressage Trainer of the Year and USDF Gold Medalist, earned exclusively on Arabian horses. She teaches and trains out of Greta Wrigley Training in Alachua, Florida in addition to conducting clinics nationwide.

What do you think Arabians can What are the weakest aspects of Arabring to the table as sport horses? bians? How do you compensate for or strengthen these? The smaller size, lightness and responsiveness of the Arabian makes them a perfect partner for smaller women or Junior/Young

While Arabians are generally good movers with 3 clear gaits

riders who might find the larger gaits and strength of larger hors-

they have to develop larger, more uphill movement to compete

es difficult to control or to sit to without stifling the gaits. Arabi-

with their warmblood counterparts on an even playing field.

ans are athletic and generally sturdier than their small size would

Their naturally high neck set can make developing connection

suggest which tends to make them willing and forward partners



and less liable to injury than some of their heavier counterparts. They are also smart, which makes them easy to train, although it does accentuate the need to train correctly, since they can be difficult to convince to change the way they do things. Arabian stallions have been used in warmblood breeding programs to lighten breeds. Al-Marah Quebec is approved for Trakehner breeding, and competed successfully in his own right through Prix St. Georges. Another Arabian, Scrabble, was imported by the Freemans of Oak Hill Farm, Louisiana to use on their Dutch mares. Scrabble was later gelded and went on to be a very successful Young Rider and FEI horse, accumulating many accolades in the show ring.

Tstetson RA+/ a purebred Arabian stallion (Ivanhoe Tsultan x Mon Cie) owned by Jean Chance.

February/March 2014


The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine FLASH POINT PHOTO


and throughness more of a challenge than horses who are built with a more natural connection over the topline. Also, Arabians tend to catch on quickly and can be too smart for their own good. If you are not able to capture their focus on the work at hand, they can provide their own entertainment.

Do you do anything different when riding/training Arabians? In training, we spend much of our time on the basics of dropping the base of the neck to create a round, connected topline so that when they come up with increasing collection, they do not disconnect through their backs and lift the neck by dropping the back. We also work on strengthening the back and hindquarters, working to encourage them to take more weight to the quarters and to lighten the forehand.

Do you see Arabians, Half or Anglo Arabians as being competitive in open competition at a regional, national & international level? Well trained and presented Arabians and Half Arabians have

Half Arabian Aabracadabra (Adios III x Authenticyty) owned by Greta Wrigley.

no trouble holding their own in Regional and National level com-

encouraging and helpful. This has been improved with the ex-

petition. One of the best was EA Novette (owned by Suzanne Stu-

tensive judge training programs by USDF and USEF that prospec-

art of Everglade Arabians) who showed through Grand Prix and

tive judges go through. Judges each come to the box with their

won many USDF year-end awards in Open competition. EA Cyg-

own preferences for breed type and way of going, but most work

nus, OKW Entrigue and Scrabble were also purebreds that were

hard to be fair to each and every horse that comes through their

successful through Grand Prix on the Open circuit. Le Chiminee

ring. Good rides generally receive good scores and poor rides

(owned by Sandi Chohany) and FA Patriot are examples of Half

and poorly ridden tests will be scored with lower marks. Because

Arabians who have been successful at FEI levels. Their competi-

Arabians in general display less lofty and uphill movements than

tiveness is not limited to the dressage ring. Snooze Alarm was

their warmblood counterparts, it is essential for riders on Arabi-

an Anglo-Arabian gelding that competed successfully in 3-day

ans to be more accurate and more prepared in order to be suc-

eventing including competing at Rolex.

cessful in the show ring. This is not exclusive to Arabians, but is

The quality and training of Arabians has improved dramatically in the past decade and gets better all the time. This quality was underscored at this year’s Arabian Sport Horse Nationals

true of other breeds including: Andalusians, Thoroughbreds and other breeds with less extravagant gaits. I have had the honor to ride in clinics with several interna-

where scores exceeded 70% in the Prix St. Georges.

tional judges/competitors including: Jennie Loriston-Clarke, Bo

Do you think there is breed prejudice among dressage judges?

Jena, Jan Brink and Conrad Schumacher each of whom were very

In my experience, judges in general are very fair and open

national dressage stage, the Arabian horse has definitely earned

minded towards Arabians and I have found their comments to be

complimentary and positive about the abilities of the Arabian horses. Although perhaps not yet ready to compete on the inter-

its place in the dressage ring.

Bonn-Fyre Farms

February/March 2014



is proud to present for your consideration for the 2014 Breeding season


LA Legacyinblack +++//

(Ganges x Ularia). Pure Polish. Sweepstakes Nominated Multiple Halter Championships. Making his performance debut in 2014. VIDEO

Epitomizing Form and Function. 7 U.S. National Top Tens and Multiple Regional Championships in Sport Horse in Hand, Under Saddle, Show Hack and Dressage.

The Terminatorr+

Bonn-Fyre Farms Stallions PRODUCE WINNERS!

(Azh Naborr x L’argent -GVHR Main Stud Book) U.S. National Champion. This superb Arabian/Hanoverian Stallion has Incredible movement and impeccable conformation. Sire of Regional and Naitonal Winners.

HERMES ECHO (The Terminatorr+ Echos Desire) 2008 gelding. U.S. National Top Ten, Multiple Regional Championships. 16.2 Hands. Proudly owned by Wynne Schumacher.

Breeding and Training National Winning Arabian & Half-Arabian Sport Horses since 1982 Outstanding National quality Sport Horse prospects available. Specializing in Hanoverian/Arabian crosses Dorann LaPerch • Bonnfyrefarms@aol.com VISIT OUR FACEBOOK PAGE


The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

For Sale

AM Token Chick ++++// 2008 Anglo Arabian Mare by Bremervale Andronicus out of Queen Christine (TB by Marquetry)

6-time National Champion Sport Horse In Hand National Champion Sport Horse Under Saddle Junior Horse National Top Tens

Open Sport Horse Under Saddle & Training Level Dressage Junior Horse

Sweepstakes Nominated Would make a great amateur horse Ready to start over fences


S Jerry Hamilton (520) 940 - 7120 al-marah@att.net

February/March 2014

BIOMECHANICS Anatomy Communicates A SERIES BY LISA MAY Forty years ago, Mary Wanless set out to discover what makes riders “talented.” With six books, multiple DVDs, and clinics worldwide, her “Ride With Your Mind”TM (RWYM) coaching method explains how any rider can learn to shape the horse’s athletic use of his body. Her pioneering work has seeped into that of many others who refer to “rider biomechanics.” Wanless’s strategies can be understood most clearly from the source. with a particular leg? Does she lean, collapse or twist in any way? Does his or her tempo get too fast or too slow? Is she able to bear her own weight evenly and independently? Is he having difficulty carrying her through a turn? Through transitions? How are the rider’s extremities affecting the horse? Does he fall in or out in one direction or both? Does he understand her signals for changes within gaits or between gaits, between straight lines and lateral steps? Are her aids subtle or dramatic? Is communication occurring or failing? Is the horse moving with the comfortable use of his body that he might have when not carrying a rider? Is the rider


moving as fluidly as she might if she were not mounted? n North America, there are opportunities to learn biomechan-

We look at the symptoms. Who is the chicken and who is the

ics material at the source several times a year when Wanless

egg? We unravel the causation in the rider’s body to determine

travels from England to coach in Canada and the US. When

what assistance the horse needs from the rider’s body. We as-

she last visited Maryland, eleven riders from across the mid-At-

sess how to help the rider’s body cope with the dynamics of the

lantic region converged on the welcoming Great Strides thera-

horse’s movement. While symptoms are often easier to see in the

peutic program in Damascus for three days. Mary’s Florida clinics

horse and rider’s extremities, causes typically originate in mental

in late fall and winter attract riders and auditors from points as

state or core. When starting with the body, there are fundamen-

far as Maine and Vancouver. In Wellington, hosted by her student,

tals that can often be altered in the rider’s pelvis and torso that

Heather Blitz (2012 Olympic Dressage Alternate), fourteen riders

will unlock and open doors for their bodies to collaborate rather

participated including Blitz, her advanced dressage students and

than work at odds.

their students.

To help the horse carry the rider more easily, we can often im-

In coaching sessions, we first assesses what is happening in

prove how she 1) bears her own weight; 2) balances her torso to

the rider and horse and how they may be affecting each other.

align with gravity; and 3) maintains the symmetry of her left and

Is the horse or rider worried? Uncomfortable? Distracted? With-

right sides. When the rider’s balance is variable, the horse often

drawn? Are they breathing? Is the horse or rider carrying ten-

makes compensations that dampen the beauty of his movement

sion in his or her body beyond the tone needed to use muscles?

or cause irregularity of stride. The way the rider bears her weight

What parts? At what times? In what circumstances? Is the horse’s

atop or around the horse can trigger bracing or hollowing in the

gait even? Is the rider’s balance challenged in any way or by any

horse that diminish his ability to move athletically.

movements the horse is making? Does he take a longer stride

Reactive efforts to control or correct the horse’s movement



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine with our hands and feet increase these problems. This is most

and triggered his use of his abdominal muscles. He looked like a

obvious when the rider’s arms and legs communicate signals

different horse as he carried his back slightly mounded, reached

that conflict with those of her torso. By making changes in the

under himself with his hind legs, and reached his neck and head

rider’s body at the source of the problem (breathing, weight bear-

forward in a beautifully balanced arc.

ing, balance, symmetry) we can prevent misunderstandings. This

At RWYM clinics, groups of auditors not only watch lessons

makes the rider easier for the horse to carry and to understand.

but also participate with the riders in daily workshops. Through

We change the rider to change the horse:

movement and in discussion, the workshops explore concepts of

One person excitedly commented to her coach who joined us

rider body tone, breathing technique, body use and alignment to

in the ring, “My horse is soft, round and forward just from me

reduce rider interference, increase fluid influence and enable the

changing myself—there’s no fight about it. She likes this!”

horse to move with ease.


The rider



had changed her own pelvis and thigh

signals that come primarily from

positions so that she was better able

a rider’s arms and legs as ‘a

to support her weight. She also stabi-

lot of white noise’ which con-

lized her spine by changing her torso

flicts with the signals the horse

and by breathing in a different way.

feels from the rest of the rider’s

These alterations made it easier for

body and mind. Used as an in-

her Lippezzan mare to move athleti-

tentional framework of energy,


the body’s center is a powerful and yet subtle tool shaping

A rider working on canter lead changes learned that changes in the rotation of her own upper

the horse’s movement. Horses find this body use clearer

thighs, the angle of her own upper body and the shape of her

and, therefore, calming. Supportive signals from arms and

sitting surface could improve her horse’s movement. The altera-

legs can then become a quiet mirror of what the rider’s mind

tions made it possible for her to better match her balance with

and torso intend to communicate. The more ease a rider

that of her tall Hanoverian gelding. This gave them much smooth-

has with the continuous coordination of tone and relaxation

er lead changes.

throughout her body, the easier it will be to maintain bal-

Heather and Mary worked with Grand Prix horse, Paragon’s,

ance and use joint flexibility to stabilize and communicate

passage by making changes in Heather. Passage is a trot with

with rather than react to the horse. RWYM biomechanics

great height in the horse’s steps. The suspension of the stride

coaches these skills.

makes it appear that the horse is trotting ‘under water.’ When Mary prompted Heather to increase the levelness and the front to

We can use our own anatomy to communicate to the horse a

back depth of Heather’s torso, the stabilization allowed Paragon

streamlined framework for movement. Find out more about these

to perform a higher, more balanced passage. “We both feel like an

strategies for using the brain to communicate with horses through

elastic bouncy super ball,” she said.

behavioral science and biomechanics! There’s a wealth of informa-

One horse had a long and stringy look as he pushed out be-

tion at www.Mary-Wanless.com including coaches worldwide—with

hind himself in the trot. He carried himself with a shortened neck,

five in the USA at www.RideWithYourMindUSA.com including Erica

nose behind the vertical, and a mildly hollow back. His rider had

Poseley www.gotseat.com.

to lower the muscle tone in her upper back, shoulders and arms

Lisa May, the first accredited US RWYM coach has been working

while increasing the strength of her abdominal and lower back

with Wanless since 1997 and Horseman Mark Rashid since 2000

muscles to better carry herself. By narrowing her thighs and al-

www.MarkRashid.com. Also a Professional Association of Thera-

tering her balance, she was able to prevent herself from squash-

peutic Horsemanship International instructor, she travels for clinics

ing the horse’s back. That released the bracing in her horse’s neck

from her home in Maryland www.IdylwildFarm.com.

February/March 2014

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The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

zantiago C

w w w. s t a n l e y r a n c h . c o m


February/March 2014

Back to Basics by Ashley Wren


t is winter again, which is the off-season for many of us

the exercise such as adding haunches or shoulder-ins during col-

throughout the country, especially in the Northern states.

lection portion. Adding the lateral movements to this exercise is

Winter every year provides me the time to do many things

beneficial by aiding in the muscle building, responsiveness, and

that I enjoy for myself, my clients and the horses. After the

overall refinement of your horse throughout the overall exercise

last show of the year, I usually take a week or two off because

(see diagram).

showing might be fun, but it is also hard work. I also let the horses

I love poles and cavelettis. You can put them anywhere

go to pasture to enjoy playing before the winter weather arrives.

in the arena to spice up your flatwork as they help the horse

Then after some R&R, it is back to work! In the winter, I like

think about their feet and placement and will benefit any horse

to return to the basics, which includes lots of flatwork and grids. It also gives me a chance to work on problems the horses might have encountered at the shows and need more training on. This means lots and lots of flatwork! It does wonders for the horse’s endurance and mindset without pounding his legs over jumps. Remember that 99% of a jumping course is essentially flatwork. Also, mix up their flatwork for both them and yourself to keep it interesting with lots of circles, serpentines, collection and lengthening of stride and lateral movements—anything to keep the horse’s mind focused and interested. When a rider drills their horse and is overly repetitious with their exercises, the horse can become sour and resistant. One of my favorite flat exercises incorporates lengthening, collection, and circles, which can be done at any gait. Down the long sides of the arena, I lengthen the horse’s stride, I return to a normal working gait and circle in each corner, and then I collect the gait down the short sides. This exercise helps work the horse’s top line, their responsiveness to your aids, and keeps flatwork interesting. Once you progress in this exercise, seeing that your horse is becoming more responsive to your aids along with a more noticeable and refined change between the length of the gaits, then you can incorporate a variety of other movements to

no matter the discipline.



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine If you want to set up a series of poles, the recommended dis-

grid simple and the crossrail height does not exceed more than

tance between them is 3’ for walk, 4-4.5’ for trot, and 10-11’

2’3” in the center. That way, if there is a misstep, it is not a bad ac-

for canter (these lengths may vary according to horse size and

cident. Keeping it low is less intimidating to the horses building

stride length). Another great exercise we discussed last win-

confidence, and they are less likely to stop or run out. The bounce

ter is to place two poles 5-6 canter strides apart and work on

gymnastics can be tiring to a horse, so do not overdo the exercise.

lengthening to leave out a stride and collecting to add strides.

The second gymnastic I like to set up is a relatively simple

One can change this exercise up by adding a halt in the middle

one. The beginning of the exercise is a trot-in crossrail, then 18’

of the poles, then canter off and adjust to have a nice distance

to a vertical and 36’ to an oxer (trot-in one-stride to a two-stride).

over the pole. This exercise will help to prepare for future tests

This gymnastic allows you to raise the fences to higher heights

at horse shows where you are ask to halt in middle of a jump line

and test your horse once they are accustomed to the grid. Again,

in Equitation along with making your horse more responsive to

this grid can be tiring; like all gymnastics they work the horses

your aids.

more than regular lines, so do not overdo the exercise. Also,

When you do jump, there are various exercises that can help

whenever you jump, have someone there for your safety. If you en-

your horse build up jumping muscles and improve a horse’s form

counter your horse wanting to drift, you can add poles to either

in the air. One such exercise is setting up a gymnastic line, which

side of the jumps to help keep the horse straight (see photo).

is a series of jumps spaced relatively tightly together. Gymnastics

The last exercise incorporates poles and a jump to help

can become quite long and complicated, and a horse needs to slowly build up to the more difficult grids. When going through a gymnastic, a rider should not try to interfere with the horse to allow them to work out the line on their own. There are multiple books out there that can assist you in setting up gymnastic exercises and give you ideas on more complicated lines. There are two simple exercises that are my favorites and

improve your horse’s form over a jump. It is a ramped oxer

can be used with green to advanced horses. The first one I rec-

with ap lacement pole on one side. The placement pole should be

ommend as a starting point for green horses is a series of four

place roughly 9-10’ out from the jump to encourage the horse to

jumps set up as bounces (no stride in between) that are spaced

rock back and raise knees higher over the fence after they canter

11’ apart. I introduce the series first with just poles on the ground

over the pole to the take off distance. This is an exercise I would

so the horse is not intimidated by the grid.

not use unless the horse has a foundation in jumping because it

After a few times successful through the grid, I have the first

can make the horse nervous.

fence put up to a cross rail. I will have each fence put up to a

Have a great winter and use the time to enjoy training your

crossrail only after the horse is successful through the previous

horse(s) for the 2014 show season. Remember to stay safe and

grid a few times until all the jumps are set as crossrails. I keep this


February/March 2014


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The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

HELP Your Farrier HELP You


by Richard Snead, Dynamic Shoeing

he first thing to think about is do

and if taken care of, will last you a lifetime.

horse will be worth it. Boots can be a very

you and your farrier gets along

Your farrier should be glad to teach you

important thing to own. They are good to

with each other and communi-

the proper way to remove the nails and

keep around just in case of an abscess as

cates well? Does he or she an-

to pull the shoe off. If your farrier can’t be

well so you can keep it clean and it makes

swer your questions? Now here are some

out right away to fix the problem, having

it easier to bandage and treat.

things you can do to help your farrier and

the tools to do so yourself and knowing

Having radiographs done every year

your horse.

how to do it properly can save the hoof.

within a week of trimming or shoeing can

Keeping your horses hooves dry and

You could then wrap the hoof or put it in

give you a baseline of your horse’s hoofs

clean is the most important thing you can

a boot to protect it until your farrier can

and a comparison year to year. This can

do any of your horses. No matter if it is your

come to put the shoe back on. Learning

help you identify any issues that your

competitive sport horse or your child’s

how to properly wrap a foot if you lose a

horse may potentially have such as thin

prized pony don’t use oil based hoof treat-

shoe or buying a set of boots that fit your

soles. Having your veterinarian and farrier

ments. Try a non-oil based sealant and

go over them together can also help iden-

make sure the hoof is dry when it is ap-

tify any issues as well.

plied. These hoof treatments help to keep

Bell boots can save your horse’s shoes

water out which helps prevent thrush and

from getting pulled off and keep your

hoof rot. It should be done every other day

horse from damaging their heel bulbs if

in the summertime, during wet conditions,

they overreach with their back hooves. It

and when the temperature is over 85 de-

can also help prevent damage to the coro-

grees. During the drier winter months it

nary band which can often happen when

should be done every three days.

they are in a stall. Bell boots don’t have to

Look at your horse’s hooves for thrush or trauma when you clean them. If they have shoes, are any of them bent or twisted? Are they loose? Are the nail clenches

be expensive, simple PVC bell boots tend When clinches are popped like this, you can learn how to pull the shoe, then protect the hoof until your farrier arrives, like below.

to do a better job, just make sure that they cover the back of the hoof all the way to the ground; longer is better than shorter.

raised up? If so, get your farrier out to fix

If your horses are outside in wet or

the problem before it gets worse. Losing a

damp conditions on the day they are

shoe is three times worse because when

due to have their feet done, bring them

a shoe comes off, it can take hoof with it.

in before your farrier arrives so that their

This makes it harder to put back on and

hooves and legs can dry. Clean them

easier for it to come off again. Be proac-

with a brush, not with water. If your horse


was out in the rain, having an extra towel

Learning to take a shoe off the right

around the barn to towel dry their legs and

way and buying the tools to do so can

hooves off helps. This is important to your

make a difference. These tools are as im-

farrier; wet hooves are harder to work with

portant as anything you buy for your horse

Continued on page 84

February/March 2014

Lindsey Whitcher & Questt A Q&A with the talented team who placed 9th nationally in the USDF Jr/YR Intermediate Level, plus Champion Region 6 Intermediate Level

How long have you had Questt? I have owned Questt approximately three years. What did he do before you owned him?

Now, with all of the great

over and it is time to school Grand Prix.

assistance of my dressage trainer, Kathy

My last show was the Region 6 Champi-

Casey, I am the one giving her the riding

onships. My classes were combined with


the Adult Amateur and Open division for


(Thank you so much, Mommy,


my freestyle, and we came in fourth out of six. However, the Intermediare 1

He was a dressage horse

Jr/YR championship was the hard-

shown through Intermediare.

est class to win- and we did. The What is your history with Arabi-

competition in that class was as


fierce as competition can get. My-

Questt is only my second

self. Questt and I pulled a score

horse to have Arabian in him. My

of 64.211%; not bad at all for my

other horse was an Arabian/Quar-

age, 15!

ter Horse mare named Mable that I had, when I was six, for two years

What do you consider your great-

before we had to put her down

est accomplishment so far? My

due to colic



would most likely be not winning, but the amazing teacher he’s

Why do you like Arabians?

been through the years.

When I had Mable, I didn’t


have enough experience with

my mom and I first went to look

horses to prefer one breed over

at Questt, my mom didn’t want to

another, so I never really had an

buy him because she thought that

opinion on them. Now, after hav-

he was really ugly, on the con-

ing more experience with the

trary I saw beneath his appear-

breed, although only being a half,

ance and knew he would be the

I really like them. Questt’s other

one to teach me. The first time I

half is Swedish, so the Arab gives

rode him, I could barely post his

him the little extra “oomph” when

trot because he had so much sus-


pension, but in the end, Kathy had us doing flying changes every sec-

Who has been your biggest influ-

ond stride! Questt has been the


most amazing teacher, and I don’t know where I would be without

My biggest influence through-


out my life has been my mom. She is the one that not only in-

What are your future plans?

troduced me to the world, but to the magnificent world of horses.

Going into the show season of

Throughout the years, she has

2014, Questt and I plan to show Intermediare 2 and Grand Prix.

helped guide me through thick

Someday, I would like to compete in the

and thin, with or without horses; she supports me in every way possible and constantly reminds me that my dreams are

What are your upcoming competitions? Coming into winter, show season is

Olympics and represent the USA.



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

Of the 21 Leading Sires, 13 have Varian-influenced pedigrees. Four were bred or imported by Bazy Tankersley.

Top Arabian Sires & Dams


The 2013 Sport Horse Nationals Leading Sires and Dams

Sport Horse In Hand winners is AM Power Raid+++/, himself an

show the dominance of two of America’s most successful long

eight time National winner with two Reserve National Champion-

term breeding programs—Sheila Varian Varian Arabians of Cali-

ships in Sport Horse Stallion In Hand, Canadian National Cham-

fornia and Bazy Tankersley of Al-Marah Arabians. Of the 21 Lead-

pion Western Pleasure Junior Horse, and U.S. Reserve National

ing Sires, 13 have Varian-influenced pedigrees. Four were bred or

Champion Sport Horse Under Saddle. AM Power Raid+++/ is by

imported by Bazy Tankersley. The Varian influence and Al-Marah

AM Double Dream out of HH Marian by Al-Marah Count Pine+/.

were also responsible for one apiece of the Leading Dams.

His 2013 Sport Horse In Hand winners are: National Champion

Hucks Legacy (Huckleberry Bey++ x Masoret Sur Shafa) was

Sport Horse Mare ATH & Top Ten Sport Horse Mare Powerraid

once again a Leading Sport Horse In Hand and In Hand and Per-

Dawning Sun+++/ (x AM Friskie Friend by Lea Baron), who now

formance sire at the 2013 Sport Horse National show. His son

has 11 Sport Horse In Hand National titles, and AM Chance Com-

MSU Start Again (x Sport Horse Leading Dam MSU Eternity) is a

mand++++// (x Al-Marah Chanel by Al-Marah Garcon), who was

Top Ten Sport Horse Gelding and Sport Horse Gelding ATH. MSU

named a Top Ten Sport Horse Stallion and Sport Horse Stallion

Start Again’s full brother MSU Starta Legacy++++// was named a

ATH (as well as National Champion Second Level Dressage).

Top Ten Sport Horse Gelding, Sport Horse Gelding ATH, First Level

AM Chance Command++++// now has 14 titles in Sport Horse

Dressage AOTR and Sport Horse Under Saddle ATR. MSU Starta

National competition. Both AM Chance Command++++// and

Legacy++++// now has nine Sport Horse National titles.

Powerraid Dawning Sun+++/ had offspring win in the in hand

Also ranking among the leading sires of 2013 US National

classes at Sport Horse Nationals in 2013.

February/March 2014 AM Power Raid+++/ is also the maternal grandsire of first time

These winners are 3/4 siblings as Comets Showgirl is a daugh-

National winner AM Her Majesty Ariel+, the 2013 U.S. National

ter of Corys Comet. Corys Comet is also the dam of U.S. National

Champion Sport Horse Mare In Hand and a Top Ten Sport Horse

Champion Sport Horse Gelding SHF Hale Bopp+++/ (by SHF

Under Saddle and of Top Ten Yearling Colt Al-Marah Prince Puck.

Southern Whiz).

AM Power Raid is also a Leading In Hand and Performance Sire

A third first time leading Sport Horse National In Hand sire

thanks to his sons AM Chance Command++++// and AM Victory

is PA Gazsi (*Gazal Al Shaqab x Memphis NA by Fame VF+), a 3/4

Parade+++/ (AM Power Raid+++/ x AM Lightnening Raid by AM

brother to World Champion Stallion *Marwan Al Shaqab. His hal-

Gypsy Vision), a Top Ten Sport Horse Under Saddle Junior Horse

ter winners at the 2013 Sport Horse Nationals are Reserve Na-

and Training Level Dressage Junior Horse. AM Victory Parade+++/

tional Champion Two Year Old Filly PA Gizella (x Argentinna SSA),

now has five Sport Horse National titles in hand and under saddle

a full sister to World Reserve Champion Filly Ghazalat Al Khal-

KM Bugatti (Versace x Sanegors Lady D by *Simeon Sanegor)

ediah, and Top Ten Yearling Colt Gazasi (x CNF Magneeya by Mag-

is one of only two living stallions to be a National Champion

neeto WLF). PA Gazsi was born with a damaged ear so has never

in halter and under saddle in the same year at the US Nation-

competed in halter himself. He is the only stallion thus far to sire

als. This year he became one of the leading in hand sires at the

both a World Champion in halter and a Sport Horse National In

Sport Horse Nationals for the first time. His two winning get are

Hand Champion!

Reserve National Champion Two Year Old Sport Horse Colt LH Vi-

The sixth stallion to sire two In Hand winners at the 2013

vace (x Rohara Radiance by *Mirok Monpelou) and Top Ten Two

Sport Horse Nationals is HG Esquire+ (WF Khemo Bey x Zakarria),

Year Old Sport Horse Colt Benttli (x Khandi Valentine+++/ by SF

himself a two time Top Ten Sport Horse Stallion In Hand. His in


hand winners are Top Ten Sport Horse Gelding GA E-Khwaytor++

Another newcomer to the ranks of leading Sport Horse Na-

(x Prinzes Kool by Kool Fire++/) and Top Ten Stallion and Stallion

tionals In Hand sires is Canadian National Champion Hunt Pleas-

ATH Hy Wynds (x Ty Lillie Bey by Ty Trax). GA E-Khwaytor++ also

ure and U.S. Reserve National Champion Hunt Pleasure DA Josiah

had four Sport Horse National titles under saddle in hunter over

(Bey Shah+ x PA Ultimate Charm by Cognac). His two winners

fences and hunter hack, and Hy Wynds sired an in hand winner

are National Champion Two Year Old Colt Josiahs Showstopper

himself, Top Ten Yearling Colt/Gelding GA Mondavi, who is a dou-

(x Comets Showgirl by SHF Showstopper) and Top Ten Two Year

ble grandson of HG Esquire+.

Old Filly Josiahs Elegant Comet (x Corys Comet by BPL Agresion).


The first sire of three In Hand winners is a wonderful posthu-

*Bremervale Andronicus++// (*Desperado AHSA x Bremervale Rhapsody) Imported from Australia. Leading sire of inhand winners, performance winners (tied with AM Good Oldboy+), and of in-hand and performance winners combined. Photo courtesy of Al-Marah Arabians.


The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine mous tribute to one of the best sport horse stallions, Masterpiece

Horse National In Hand winners is the very accomplished Mirage

PA++++// (Armani FC x Padrons Vali Girl). Masterpiece PA++++//

V++++//, who is one of only four sires to sire National Champions

was a grandson of U.S. National Champion Stallions Eternety+

both in hand and under saddle at the 2013 Sport Horse Nation-

and *Padron. Masterpiece PA++++// died in 2011 just before

als. Mirage V++++// (Desperado V x Misti V by Bravado Bey V) is

Sport Horse Nationals at the age of nine-already having won 17

the only Arabian ever to win National Championships in working

National titles in sport horse competition, including multiple Na-

western, sport horse halter and dressage. His superb show record

tional Championships in hand and top ten titles in dressage and

includes 16 National titles.

sport horse under saddle.

Mirage V++++’s 2013 in hand winners are: U.S. Top Ten Sport

He left just four registered purebred get. all are now National

Horse Mare ATH Anna Mariah C (x Windsong Bey by Wind Storm

winners in sport horse in hand-three of them having won their

V), U.S. Top Ten Two Year Old Sport Horse Filly Ammiraj (x Rajma

first titles in 2013. They are: Top Ten Yearling Filly A Fancy Mas-

Black by Klint Black+++/) and Reserve National Champion Year-

terpiece (x Natives Fancy by Milrich Native) and Top Ten Two Year

ling Sport Horse Colt Miraggio (x *Yankee Lady FHP by WH North-

Old Colts Masterpieces Heir (x KH Lalique by Big Sky Cobaalt) and

ern Yankee). In addition his son Maska C++ (x Evening Star RR by

Masterpieces Legacy (x Mei Rougealee by Gay-Rouge). The fourth

National Champion sire Evening Shaide, a son of *Simeon Shai+)

offspring of Masterpiece PA++++// is 2011 U.S. Top Ten Yearling

was named 2013 U.S. Reserve National Champion Sport Horse

Sport Horse Filly Moonlit Masterpiece, a full sister to Masterpiec-

Under Saddle Junior Horse and Top Ten Training Level Dressage

es Heir.

Junior Horse, making Mirage V++++// a Leading Sport Horse Na-

The second of the three stallions to sire three 2013 Sport

tionals Halter and Performance sire for the first time this year. The third stallion to sire three in hand winners at the 2013 U.S. Sport Horse Nationals is AM Good Oldboy+ (AM Sea Captain++ x AM Tis Beverlie by U.S. Top Ten Stallion Tsatyr). He is also one of the four stallions to sire National Champions both in hand and under saddle at the show. AM Good Oldboy+ is typical of the versatility of the Al-Marah horses, his original show career was in reining, in which he won five National titles including two U.S. Reserve National Championships. At age 17 he returned to the show ring as a hunter and was named 2009 U.S. Top Ten Green Working Hunter! His in hand winners this year are: Top Ten Sport Horse Stallion ATH Al Marah Feisty Star++++// (x AM Misty Dream by Dreamazon+++/), who also has three top ten awards in hunter classes, Top Ten Yearling Sport Horse Filly AM Lone Star Parade (x Amlightening Raid by AM Power Raid+++/) and National Champion Sport Horse Mare AM Her Majesty Ariel+ (x Al-Marah HRH Domaine by AM Power Raid+++/). The leading sire of in-hand winners at the 2013 U.S. Sport Horse National Championships was Australian import *Bremervale Andronicus++/ (*Desperado AHSA x Bremervale Rhapsody) with 8 winners (he had six last year). He is


also one of the five stallions to sire both a National In Hand

(AM Sea Captain++ x AM Tis Beverlie)

Champion and a National Champion in performance at the

Tied for leading sire of performance winners. Photo courtesy of Al-Marah Arabians

February/March 2014


2013 Sport Horse Nationals (more on his performance winners

Sport Horse National winners in performance is U.S. Top Ten Fu-

later). His eight winners this year were:

turity Colt DS Major Afire, by Afire Bey V out of S S Magnolia by AN

Al-Marah Jessica+// (x Reem Al Fala by AM Gypsy Vision,

Magno, and thus a maternal brother to U.S. National Champion

a grandson of another Australian import by Al Marah,

Stallion Echo Magnifficoo. Like his sire, DS Major Afire had one

*Bremervale Destiny) Top Ten Mare and Mare ATH.

winner in dressage and one in sport horse carriage driving. His

Ansa Francisca (x AM Fancie Frisca by Opalo) Top Ten

dressage winner is Top Ten Second Level Dressage ATR Entegrity

Mare ATH.

Bey++/ ( x Kaz Enchantment by Canadian Reserve National Cham-

AM Actress Aedile (x *Bremervale Heiress by *Desper-

pion Park Percussion). His Sport Horse Carriage Driving winner is

ado AHSA, thus a double granddaughter of *Desperado

Major Star LCL+/ (x SH Lailas Star by U.S. National Champion Stal-

AHSA) Top Ten Two Year Old Filly.

lion WN Ultimate Star), who had four titles in that division.

AM Emilias Samba (x Al Marah Casba Choice by AM Ben

Multiple National Champion Park, Allience+// (U.S. National

Dream) Top Ten Two Year Old Filly.

Champion Stallion *Aladdinn x A Love Song by U.S. National

Ar-Raqis (x AM Capricious Star by AM Good Oldboy+) Top

Champion Stallion & Park *Bask++ x U.S. National Champion Mare

Ten Two Year Old Colt.

*Elkana++), has proven himself as a sport horse sire with get such

Al-Marah Prince Puck (x AM Warrior Princess by AM Pow-

as multiple National Champion Dressage OKW Entrigue+++//. At

er Raid+++/) Top Ten Yearling Colt.

the 2013 Sport Horse Nationals his winners were National Cham-

Al-Marah Cleon+++/ (x AM Mighty Clemantine by AM

pion Jumper and Reserve National Champion Speed Jumper

Double Dream) Top Ten Gelding ATH

Hope Springs Eternal+/ (x Pajarito Espirit by Top Contender) and

AM O Pericles Style (x AM Stylish Steed by Opalo) Na-

first time National winner OKW Atomic+++// (x OKW Fire Within

tional Champion Gelding ATH and Top Ten Gelding.

by *Probat), a pure Polish gelding who was Top Ten Sport Horse STRAYWORKS MEDIA PHOTO

What makes this roster even more amazing is that all eight of these winners have previous Sport Horse In Hand wins with the exception of the yearling colt! Eleven different stallions sired two or more purebred winners under saddle at the 2013 Sport Horse Nationals. We will now focus on discussing them and their winning get. Nine of the Leading Performance sires sired two winners apiece. Two of these are father and son-Afire Bey V and DS Major Afire, usually considered to be dominant saddleseat type sires. Afire Bey V, the breed’s all time leading sire of champions, is the sire of Top Ten Second Level Dressage AOTR Rohara Beaujolais+ (x Burgandy Bey by Bey Shah+). His second winner, CA Backdraft+//, is a former National winner in english pleasure and park (he had 4 Top Ten titles in those divisions) who began to compete in Sport Horse Carriage Driving in 2012 at age 17. He has won 11 titles in that division in the last 2 years, 7 of them in 2013 including National Champion Scurry Obstacle and Reserve National Champion Timed Obstacle. CA Backdraft+// is a double grandson of Huckleberry Bey++ as his dam Ambiance V is a Huckleberry Bey++ daughter out of the great producer April Charm. The other noted sire of saddleseat type horses with two 2013

Mirage v++++// (Desperado V x Misti V by Bravado Bey V) Tied for second-most leading sire of in-hand winners and of in-hand and performance winners combined.


The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine





5 6



February/March 2014



(*Aladdinn x A Love Song by *Bask++)


Sparagowski Photo.



DA Josiah

(Bey Shah+ x PA Ultimate Charm) Photo courtesy of Pam Burrows.


DS Major Afire

(Afire Bey V x S S Magnolia by AN Magno) Vesty Photo.

4 7

AM Double Dream

(Dreamazon+++/ x CF Gai Fantasia) Photo courtesy of Al-Marah Arabians.


AM Power Raid+++/

(AM Double Dream x HH Maid Marion) Photo courtesy of Al-Marah Arabians.


HG Esquire+

(WF Khemo Bey x Zakarria) Robert Gainey Photo.


Afire Bey V

(Huckleberry Bey++ x Autumn Fire) Vesty Photo.



KM Bugatti

(Versace x Sanegors Lady D) Wojtek Kwiatkowski Photo.


PA Gazsi

(*Gazal Al Shaqab x Memphis NA) Rousseau Photo.

10 Hucks Legacy (by Huckleberry Bey++) Cameron Photo.



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine by Aikon x U.S. National Champion Mare *Elkana++) was named Top Ten Sport Horse Mare in Hand, Sport Horse Mare In Hand ATH, Sport Horse Under Saddle AOTR, Sport Horse Under Saddle ATR

Photo courtesy of Al-Marah Arabians

and Sport Horse Show Hack ATR. Hey Hallelujah++// is also the maternal grandsire of two of the Sport Horse National winners. They are: 2013 U.S. Top Ten Sport Horse Junior Horse Thats My Babee (Baske Afire x Taffettaa by Hey Hallelujah++// x To Love Again, a granddaughter of U.S. National Champion Mare *Elkana++) and National Champion Two Year Old Sport Horse Gelding Groovin (Baske Afire x GFT Sing Alleluia by Hey Hallelujah++//). Three stallions usually considered primarily sires of main ring halter horses had get win under saddle at the 2013 Sport Horse Nationals. U.S. Reserve National Champion Stallion Padrons Psyche is the sire of Top Ten Training Level Dressage and Train-

Reem Al Fala

(AM Gypsy Vision x Al Marah Kandu)

ing Level Dressage ATR Psyches Magic BA+// (x Shahlica by Bey

Produced multiple Sport Horse national winners for

Shah+). Psyches Magic BA+// now has 6 National titles, including

the third year in a row.

3 in hunt pleasure and one in sport horse under saddle. Another sire that most people consider predominantly a main

Show Hack, Third Level Dressage and Fourth Level Dressage.

ring halter sire was one of the leading performance sires at the

Leading In Hand and Performance sire Hey Hallelujah++// (Huck-

rity Colt Falcon BHF, an inbred son of Bey Shah+ as his dam Bey

leberry Bey++ x Hallelujah Bask) passed away in the summer

Serenade SF, a multiple National Champion in halter herself, is

of 2012. His outstanding show record included 10 National ti-

a Bey Shah+ daughter. Falcon BHF sired two performance win-

tles, among them U.S. and Canadian National Champion Eng-

ners. His son KF Kestrel++++// earned his fourth National title,

lish Pleasure and Pleasure Driving and Top Ten Stallion. Hey

U.S. Top Ten Training Level Dressage AOTR. KF Kestrel++++// has

Hallelujah++//’s SHN winners are both first time National win-

previous Sport Horse National Championships in hand and a top

ners. Dance Fevor+/ (x Dancing Love by *Bask++ x Habina++) won

ten in sport horse under saddle. He has five lines to Bay El Bey++

4 Dressage titles: Top Ten Training Level ATR, Training Level AOTR,

(three of them through Bey Shah+) and traces in tail female to the

First Level ATR and First Level AOTR. Alheylujah++ (x A Elizabeth

excellent producer Country Magic, an *Eter daughter. The second

Kharbon Khopi+++//, sire of VA Vouvray and seasoned campaigner VMA Khahpur Khopi++++//.


2013 Sport Horse Nationals. He is U.S. National Champion Futu-


2013 Sport Horse Nationals Leading Performance Sire and

Klint Black+++/ (Desperado V x Windsong Bey) A leading in-hand and performance sire

February/March 2014 winner by Falcon BHF is first time National winner Luxemere Pa-

Kharbon Khopi++++//’s other Sport Horse National winner

trician+/, one of the top purebred winners at the show, who was

is the seasoned campaigner VMA Khahpur Khopi++++//, who

named National Champion Hunter Hack AOTR, Reserve National

now has 14 Sport Horse National titles (he has multiple national

Champion Hunter AOTR, Top Ten Hunter ATR, Hunter Hack, Sport

championships in hand). This year he was named Reserve Nation-

Horse Under Saddle AOTR, Green Hunter and Hunter Hack ATR.

al Champion Second Level Dressage, Top Ten Sport Horse Under

The double Khemosabi++++// grandson Kharbon Khopi+++//

Saddle ATR, Second Level Dressage ATR and Third Level Dressage

sired two performance winners at the 2013 Sport Horse Nation-

ATR. VMA Khahpur Kopi++++//’s dam SZ Ashanty is by National

als. Kharbon Khopi++++// has 7 National titles himself, including

winner sire Fan Tastik (by *Nariadni out of a *Silver Drift daugh-

US Reserve National Champion Sport Horse Stallion and Second

ter) and out of Aveva, a predominantly Polish granddaughter of

Level Dressage. This year he sired first time National winner VA

U.S. National Champion Stallion *El Paso.

Vouvray (x MA Alcyone Athena), who had four titles: Top Ten Sport

Another stallion who combines lines to Khemosabi++++//

Horse Under Saddle ATR, Second Level Dressage ATR, Second

and Bay El Bey++ with lines to the Russian imports *Muscat and

Level Dressage and Third Level Dressage ATR. VA Vouvray has a

*Nariadni is HG Esquire+, sire of the 2013 Sport Horse in hand

fascinating dam side pedigree-his dam is by the predominantly

winners, Hy Wynds and GA E-Khwaytor. HG Esquire+ also ranks

Egyptian Rashiiq Jamilll, who has three lines apiece to U.S. Top

as both a Leading Performance Sire and a Leading Halter and Per-

Ten Stallions *Ansata Ibn Halima++ and *Ibn Moniet El Nefous

formance sire, as his son GA E-Khwaytor++ also won Reserve Na-

combined with Babson blood. MA Alcyone Athena’s dam *Furno

tional Champion Hunter Hack AOTR, Top Ten Hunter Over Fences

Arkade is by the German import *Pereth (who is linebred to Na-

AOTR, Top Ten Green Hunter and Hunter Hack ATR titles. A second

zeer) out of the pure Polish mare Aretuza, granddaughter of the

HG Esquire+ son, GA Ehstaire, is a first time National winner with

National Champion sires Doktryner and Wielki Szlem.

a U.S. Top Ten First Level Dressage ATR title. GA Ehstaire is line-

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The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine SUE EVES PHOTO


Rajima Black, by Klint Black+++/, produced Top Ten winners both in-hand and under saddle.

First time National winner AM Her Majesty Ariel+++/(x Al-Marah HRH Domaine by AM Power Raid+++/) is the 2013 U.S. National Champion Sport Horse Mare and was a Top Ten Sport Horse Under Saddle as well. Al Marah Feisty Star++++/ (x AM Misty Dream by Dreamazon+++/) was named a Top Ten Stallion ATH, Hunter Hack, Green Hunter and 14.2 and Under Hunter. Almarah Star Zone (x MSU Eternity (*Napitok+ x Easter Basket) Dam of two purebred SHN winners for the third consecutive year, Dam of three winners in 2011.

NS Sarazona by Milrich Duke) is a 2013 Reserve National Champion Hunter Hack, Top Ten Hunter Hack ATR and Hunter Over Fences ATR.

bred to Khemosabi++++//, Bay El Bey++ and *Nariadni.

The top ranked Performance Sire and In Hand and Perfor-

The final three leading performance sires of the 2013 Sport

mance sire at the 2013 Sport Horse Nationals is the Australian

Horse Nationals were bred or imported by Bazy Tankersley of Al-

import *Bremervale Andronicus+++/ (Desperado x Bremervale

Marah Arabians. AM Double Dream is the product of a full brother

Rhapsody). Eight of his get won halter titles and three won under

and sister mating, by Dreamazon++++ out of CF Gai Fantasia. His

saddle (one of those three, Ansa Franisca, won in both halter and

2013 winners are the seasoned show veterans Al-Marah Power

under saddle). His halter winners have already been mentioned.

Reign++++// (x AM Lady Delaine by *Seffer) and AM Mighty Hec-

His performance winners are: Top Ten First Level Dressage AM

tor++++// (x AM Echoing Sea by AM Sea Captain++) Al-Marah

Chose Othello++++/ (x Babre Rosemary by *Bremervale Destiny),

Power Reign++++// is a 2013 U.S. Top Ten Sport Horse Under

Reserve National Champion Training Level Dressage Junior Horse

Saddle and Hunter Hack AOTR, he now has 11 National titles. AM

and Top Ten Mare ATH Ansa Franisca+++/ (x AM Fancie Friska by

Mighty Hector++++//is the 2013 U.S. Reserve National Champion

Opalo), and Top Ten Training Level Dressage Al-Marah Prince

Jumper and a Top Ten 14.2 and Under Hunter. AM Mighty Hec-

John++++// (x AM Warrior Princess by AM Power Raid+++/).

tor++++// now has 27 Sport Horse National titles!

As in the previous year, we see the success of both the Al-

AM Good Oldboy+ (AM Sea Captain++ x AM Tis Beverlie) sired

Marah and Varian breeding programs in producing beautiful ath-

a total of five 2013 Sport Horse National winners, three in hand,

letes. Three of the stallions on the list of Leading In Hand and

one under saddle and two with wins under saddle and in hand.

Performance sires were bred by or imported by Al-Marah, the

February/March 2014


top ranked in hand and performance sire, *Bremervale Androni-

to *Raffles. Her winners this year are Top Ten Sport Horse Stal-

cus+++/, is a tribute to the foresight of both his breeder, Jill Toft

lion and Stallion ATH and Sport Horse Under Saddle Junior Horse

of Bremervale Stud in Australia, and the wisdom of his importer,

Al Marah Swift++++// (by Al-Marah Quebec+). He also won six

Bazy Tankersley. The Varian breeding program is responsible di-

titles under saddle, with four National Championships in Hunter SUZANNE STURGILL PHOTO

rectly or indirectly for six of the leading in hand and performance sires, who all trace to Bay El Bey++; five of them trace to Huckleberry Bey++, two are sons of his and two are grandsons through his son Desperado V. A number of the leading In Hand and Performance sires have already been featured, so the following discussion will include those who have not been previously mentioned. Klint Black+++/ (Desperado V x Windsong Bey), is a 2013 Sport Horse Nationals Leading In Hand and Performance sire. Klint Black+++/ is a former US National Champion Sport Horse Stallion and also has multiple National Championships in western pleasure. His winners include HS Khozmik Enkhanted+++//, the 2013 U.S. National Champion Sport Horse Under Saddle and Top Ten Sport Horse Under Saddle AOTR and Training Level Dressage, who now has 5 National titles. Klint Black+++/’s in hand winner is first time National winner Top Ten Sport Horse Mare Sha Amira Moon Bey (x Moon Lily Bey by Moonstone Bey V+/). HS Khozmik Enkhanted+++// is out of TR Mikimoto, a daughter of U.S. National Champion Stallion and National Champion sport horse sire Legacy of Gold out of a straight Spanish mare. Three mares had two purebred offspring win titles at the 2013 Sport Horse National show thus ranking them as Leading Dams. For the third year in a row, MSU Eternity (Canadian National

Powerraid Dawning Sun+++/ (AM Power Raid+++/ x AM Friskie Friend) Nat’l Champ and dam of Top Ten winner.

Champion Park *Napitok+ x Easter Basket by *Bask++ x *Silfretta)

Hack Junior Horse, Sport Horse Under Saddle Junior Horse, Green

is the dam of two Sport Horse National winners (in 2011 she had

Working Hunter and 14.2 and Under Working Hunter. Reem Al Fala

three winning offspring). Both of her winners are full siblings

is also the dam of Top Ten Mare and Mare ATH Al-Marah Jessica+/

sired by U.S. Reserve National Champion Country Pleasure Hucks

(by *Bremervale Andronicus++/), who is linebred to *Bremervale

Legacy (a son of Huckleberry Bey++). MSU Start Again and MSU

Destiny. Al-Marah Jessica+/ now has 7 National titles in hand (she

Starta Legacy++++// were both named 2013 U.S. Top Ten Sport

is just three years old) and was also the 2013 Canadian National

Horse Gelding and Gelding ATH. MSU Starta Legacy++++// was

Champion Sport Horse Mare and Sport Horse Mare ATH as well

also Top Ten First Level Dressage AOTR and now has a total of 15

as Top Ten Futurity Filly, so she is one of the few horses to have

lifetime National titles, while his brother MSU Start Again (who

National titles in both main ring halter and sport horse in hand.

was 3 years old in 2013) has 5 National titles thus far.

First-time Leading Sport Horse Nationals Dam Rajima Black

Like MSU Eternity, the Al-Marah bred mare Reem Al Fala (AM

produced Top Ten winners both in hand and under saddle. She’s

Gypsy Vision x Al Marah Kandu) produced multiple Sport Horse

a daughter of Klint Black+++/ who was previously mentioned as

national winners for the third year in a row. Her sire is a son of

a Leading Halter and Performance sire. Her winners are Top Ten

the predominantly Crabbet *Bremervale Destiny, an Australian

Training Level Dressage Junior Horse Black Magyk+ (by US Na-

import, and her dam is double *Count Dorsaz. She is also linebred

tional Champion Sport Horse Stallion PA Nyte Star, a son of U.S.


The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine National Champion Stallion First Cyte+) and Top Ten Yearling Fil-

National Champion sire *Nizzam. His winning offspring is 2013

ly Ammiraj (by Mirage V++++//). Rajima Black has had just three

Top Ten Sport Horse 2 Year Old Gelding FFC Brumbee (x FFC Bri-

registered foals so she’s done a great job as a producer thus far.


Deserving special kudos are the competitors who won at the

The second stallion who won in hand at the 2013 Sport Horse

show and had offspring do the same. At the 2013 Sport Horse

Nationals and sired a winner at the same show is AM Chance Com-

Nationals, three purebred stallions had In Hand titles and also

mand++++// (AM Power Raid+++/ x Al- Marah Chanel by Al-Marah

sired purebred in hand winners, and one mare with multiple ti-

Garcon+). He was a Top Ten Sport Horse Stallion and Sport Horse

tles had an offspring win as well. The mare is 2013 U.S. National

Stallion ATH and was also the National Champion Second Level

Champion Sport Horse Mare ATH and Top Ten Sport Horse Mare

Dressage. His son Commandperformance AT (x Al-Marah Diva by

Powerraid Dawning Sun+++/ (AM Power Raid+++/ x AM Friskie

AM Good Oldboy+) was a Top Ten Two Year Old Sport Horse Colt.

Friend by Lea Baron). Her winning offspring is Top Ten Yearling

The third stallion who won and had an offspring do the same

Sport Horse Colt GG Power And Fame by the Brazilian bred stal-

at the 2013 Sport Horse Nationals is Hy Wynds (HG Esquire+ x Ty

lion *Sir Fames HBV.

Lillie Bey). He was named Top Ten Sport Horse Stallion and Stal-

FFC Dundee (*Dandaloo Kadet x FFC Raritee by FFC Gey-

lion ATH, his first National titles. His winning offspring is a very

nius+/) is a 2013 U.S. Sport Horse Top Ten Stallion and Stallion

special one, as he is inbred to HG Esquire+. He is Top Ten Yearling

ATH. He’s predominantly Crabbet breeding (94.5%) and his dam

Colt Mondavi GA, whose dam GA E-Vangeline is also a daughter of

is linebred to *Raffles and Rissalix and also carries a rare line to

HG Esquire+ (out of ENF Mirror Image by Marnin).

Sport Horse Nationals Leading In-Hand Sires Ranked by Number of Winners: 1. *Bremervale Andronicus++// - 8 winners 2. (tie) AM Good Oldboy+, Masterpiece PA++++//, Mirage V++++// - 3 winners 3. (tie) AM Power Raid+++/, DA Josiah, HG Esquire+, Hucks Legacy, KM Bugatti, PA Gazsi - 2 winners

Sport Horse Nationals Leading Performance Sires Ranked By Number of Winners: 1. (tie) AM Good Oldboy+ and *Bremervale Andronicus++// - 3 winners 2. (tie) Afire Bey V, Allience+//, AM Double Dream, DS Major Afire, Falcon BHF, Hey Hallelujah++//, HG Esquire+, Kharbon Khopi++++/, and Padrons Psyche - 2 winners

Sport Horse Nationals Leading In-Hand and Performance Sires Ranked by Number of Winners: 1. *Bremervale Andronicus++// (8 in hand, 2 performance, 1 in hand & performance) -10 winners 2. (tie) AM Good Oldboy+ (2 in hand, 2 in hand & performance), Mirage V++++// (3 in hand, 1 performance) – 4 winners 3. (tie) AM Power Raid+++/ (1 in hand, 1 performance, 1 in hand and performance), HG Esquire+ (1 in hand, 1 performance, 1 in hand & performance) – 3 winners 4. (tie) Baske Afire (1 in hand, 1 performance), Hey Hallelujah++// (1 in hand & performance, 1 performance), Hucks Legacy (1 in hand, 1 in hand and performance), Klint Black+++/ (1 in hand, 1 performance) – 2 winners

February/March 2014



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

Conformation With Elaine Kerrigan, Lynn McEnespy, and Peter Mileo

Purebred #1


loin and hindquarters with obvious power—good length in his hip and femur. His back is, arguably, a bit short and with the slight straight shoulder, it may affect his walk by making it a bit lateral. His tail covers his hocks, but his legs have good bone. The pasterns are a bit short and upright, and it appears he is slightly back at the knee. This is not a “deal killer” for a dressage horse, but a hunter judge may penalize it more. He clearly shows desired traits in a sport horse.

Peter Mileo: Nice neck but a bit straight in the shoulder. I’m not sure what to Elaine Kerrigan:

think of his topline due to the shadowing. His loin looks longer

Head is at an angle that makes it difficult to critique, but appears

than desirable. I’d like to see a longer hip and a better laid back

pleasant. Well-shaped neck of good length with a smooth con-

shoulder. His front leg alignment looks good, as do his rear legs

nection to prominent withers that set well enough into the back

with low-set hocks and plumb legs.

for a suitable saddle position. Short, strong back with well-devel-

Purebred #2

oped loin connecting the hindquarters. Though the croup is not “typey flat,” the hindquarters show angles, strength and muscling for sport horse activities. Shoulder is quite steep and front legs are set further back than ideal. Forearms and gaskins are fairly well matched with adequate bone for the lower legs. Pasterns and hoof angles appear balanced with fronts showing more slope than the shoulders.

Lynn McEnespy: The overall impression of this guy is he is a very nice hunter type. He and his handler are also very well groomed and turned out. It is a bit difficult to assess his head and neck as it appears he is looking to the left, but he seems to have a very pleasant expression and attractive head with good width between his cheek-

Elaine Kerrigan:

bones. His neck is well shaped with a good throatlatch but a bit

Pretty, nicely shaped head. Neck is rather thick at the throatlatch

short in the poll. His shoulder may be a bit straight and a bit open

and underline of neck appears a little bit over developed with

angled, but that may or may not influence how he moves. He has

topline of the neck being a bit short, though it could be the pose.

quite a nice saddle position with a smooth connection from his

Okay shoulder and humerus angles, however, I would like to see

neck thru his withers to his back and loin. I particularly like his

the withers reaching further into the back for a better saddle posi-

February/March 2014 tion. The back is slightly longer than ideal and would like to see a

Half-Arabian #1

stronger loin connecting the hindquarters. Fairly good hip angles showing depth and muscling, however, the overly long hind legs compromise his balance. Adequate bone and lower leg angles, but I can’t see the front hooves. Wry tail set, but again, could be the pose of excitement that shows an overly tight topline that affects the appearance of the conformation.

Lynn McEnespy: This is a very attractive more “classical” type Arabian than sport horse. In this picture, we can clearly see he is higher at the croup and not quite the desired “uphill” structure desired today. He has a lovely, classically shaped head and neck, but it appears he may

Elaine Kerrigan:

be a bit overdeveloped in the underside of his neck. His shoulder

Handsome with keen expression. Elegant, well-shaped neck flow-

is good, but his humerus is a bit short, and his withers need to be

ing smoothly into withers that extend well into the back for a great

better defined and developed for a good saddle position. Of par-

saddle position. Short, strong back connected to hindquarters

ticular concern for a sport horse career is his rather long back with

with a strong, well-developed loin. Lovely shoulder and humerus

a weak-looking, long loin with the highest point of his croup quite

angles and lengths. Nicely angled and developed hindquarters.

far back and high. His hindquarters are fairly well developed and

Front and hind legs are in good proportions, though pasterns are

the length of hip is good, but a sport horse should have a bit more

a little longer than Ideal and slightly tied in at the knee. Well pre-

forward sloping of a femur. His hind legs are a bit sickle-hocked

sented, smooth bodied, balanced sport horse.

with the point of the hock a bit high, and the hind cannons are on the longer side. It is hard to assess the front legs as they blend

Lynn McEnespy:

together in the photo.

This is an elegant, attractive horse with a good overall impression as a sport horse, particularly dressage. He is quite well propor-

Peter Mileo:

tioned overall. He has a very attractive head and well-formed

Pretty forehand. It is hard to differentiate his front legs with

neck. The poll is a little short but the throatlatch is well-formed

the shadowing, but I think he would benefit from shorter can-

and good space behind his jaw. His entire topline is very smoothly

nons. I don’t like his topline. His loin and coupling don’t look

connected and well developed. His shoulder is very well shaped

very strong. He is a downhill horse in this photo. His rear legs are

and his withers and saddle position are also very good. He has

plumb, though I’d like his hocks to be set lower.

a very good back, loin, and hindquarter connection indicating strength and suppleness that we would hope to see in his move-

Submit Your Horse Would you like to enter your horse into our free Conformation Clinic?

ment. The muscling and development is also very good in the hindquarter. He is a bit sickle hocked and appears a bit long in the hind leg but that is where this score would reflect how he moves. If he pushes out behind, our suspicion would be confirmed. He is a bit tied in at the knee in front, but not a great amount. He shows

Please email your submission to: info@thearabiansporthorse.com Subject: Conformation Clinic Submissions will be featured at our discretion. Photo credit must be provided.

clear potential for being a sport horse.

Peter Mileo: Thank you for posting this lovely horse. His first impression is wow!!! Great balance, leg alignment and angles. Forehand is won-



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine derful. Could have larger joints and a bit more bone. Shoulder,

into withers that lays well enough into the back. Loin is a little

withers, neck connection and shape of neck are all very nice. I’m

longer than ideal, also affecting the hip angles. Gaskins seem

not sure about his coupling as it might be a tad long but lets not

proportionally longer. Good bone. Good angle of pasterns and

get hypercritical. No horse is perfect, and this guy is very good.

hooves. It appears this is a youngster, which might explain some of the developments and strengths seen in the mature horses. Also

Half-Arabian #2

the angle of the photograph could distort the appearance of the conformation. Very well presented.

Lynn McEnespy: This horse has a stunningly beautiful front end. The pose in the photo certainly shows off the lovely neck and shoulder to the best advantage. While this horse may not have as much Arab influence in the head, it is certainly attractive with an exemplary neck especially for dressage. The shoulder and saddle position are also exemplary in the smooth connection from neck to withers and back and muscle development. The back is of good length, however the loin connection is a bit long with the highest point a bit far Elaine Kerrigan:

back. Sometimes this indicates a bit of weakness especially in

Pleasant head, though not showing a lot of Arabian influence.

carrying power desired for upper level dressage. The hindquarter

Nicely shaped neck, though could be a little longer, ties smoothly

in general is a bit light compared to the front end but this may also be the age of the horse. The legs have good bone and appear particularly good in front. The hind leg is a bit long from the stifle to the hock and a bit open making the hind leg a bit out behind. This is also a situation where the movement score would reflect the conformation score. This is a lovely, elegant horse that also has the desired traits for a sport horse. Well groomed and turned out.

Peter Mileo: Another nice picture to look at even though it was taken from a vantage point that is not usually flattering to the horse as the camera is above the horse looking down. Very nice forehand. Short cannons. I think the loin and coupling could be stronger. His hind end is adequate. I can’t say much about how his hocks are set with the photo looking down. He appears to be behind plumb in the rear legs and over bent at the hock.

The Arabian Legends

February/March 2014


Breeders of Purebred Arabians, Straight Egyptians and Half-Arabians for Halter, Performance, Sport or Pleasure

El Shihab++

(El Nabila B x BWS Classy Chassy) Res. National Champion Hunter Hack Jr. Horse Sport Horse In Hand

Nakhda Karim Shah (Shahir x Nakhda Saqqara) Straight Egyptian Reg.’l Res. Champion Sport Horse In Hand STUD FEE $1000/750

Carol and Scott Parker • 913-856-2373 STUD FEE $750/500

About Elaine Kerrigan

Waverly St • Olathe, Kansas 66061 www.thearabianlegends.com

About Lynn McEnespy

Trained by Phelps Equestrian

About Peter Mileo

1970 saw the beginning of Kerrigan

I currently live in California and breed

Peter Mileo has been breeding Arabian

Bloodstock, with the goal of producing Ara-

warmbloods including standing an elite

horses since 1990. He started with Fadjur

bian sport horses. With that I pursued dres-

Hanoverian stallion, Waterford (imported

line horses and evolved toward CMK horses.

sage, endurance and a little jumping. With

from the Hanoverian State Stud in 2006). I

After several conversations with Sandy War-

a special interest in the bio-mechanics of

am a “r” USEF Dressage Sport Horse judge

ren of Warren Park Stud hoping to breed a

horses and riders, I also have an extended

and have attended several seminars in

mare to Aulrab he discovered a coming 2

education as a large animal veterinary tech-

sport horse judging and breeding including

year old colt by the name of Magic Aulrab

nician and as a graduate of the USDF judges

the Hanoverian Breed Orientation Course

and purchased him. After a short show ca-

learner program. KB Omega Fahim++++//

in Germany. I have judged sport horses in

reer they started riding endurance where

is a stallion of my second generation. He

hand and under saddle at several Arabian

Peter feels he learned about what makes

has achieved 4 USDF National Champion

shows including Championships as well as

a good horse. “Regardless of bloodline or

awards at FEI level dressage, and 4 AHA

recognized dressage shows. I am also a “R”

even breed a horse needs to have balance,

Sport Horse National Champion awards

dressage judge and have judged for several

well let down legs and solid legs and feet.”

at FEI level dressage. He has offspring that

years including state and regional champi-

Peter has studied many videos of horses

have also attained USDF and AHA Sport

onships and at CDI’s.

under saddle and at liberty from Arabs,

Horse National Championship awards. KB

I have ridden and competed several

Warmbloods and the great Standardbred

Omega Fahim++++// has been inspected

horses in dressage, hunter/jumpers, and

mare Monimaker. This has given him a well

and approved for breeding purebred Shag-

combined training for many years and have

rounded knowledge of what a good athlete


competed several horses to the FEI levels .

is and why.


The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine


February/March 2014 39


The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

First Annual

Readers’ Choice Awards Sponsored by Windswept Horse and Hound


ne of the things that inspired us to embark on publishing The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine was other publications’ minimal recognition for sport horses in

their annual offering. To celebrate our first year of publishing, we conducted a true Readers’ Choice Sport Horse Awards program. Nominations and voting were limited to subscribers only to keep the integrity of the awards intact. Winners receive the award pictured to the left as well as a $50 gift certificate to Windswept Horse and Hound, International Suppliers of Innovative Equestrian Accoutrements (www.windswepthorse.com).

Thank you to our award sponsors for their generosity and thank you to our readers for your enthusiasm. Congratulations to all of the winners!


February/March 2014

Our first Readers’ Choice Awards proved to be very popular, with you nominating some extremely deserving and highly successful athletes (and breeders) in each of 10 categories:

Upper Level Dressage (FEI):





Upper Level Eventing (Preliminary/ Intermediate/Advanced): OZ THE TIN MAN VERMICULUS

Lower Level Eventing (Beginner Novice/Novice/Training): GLENLORDS MYSTIQUE STATTOK PL IRISH THUNDER








The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

2013 Readers’ Choice Awards


sport horse of the Year

Sponsored by The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

and working hunter Horse of the Year Sponsored by Phelps Equestrian


t is a story we’ve heard repeated about Thoroughbreds for

ing the winning race mare Ortie, overseas in order to breed to Eu-

years—a failed racehorse makes it big in his second career

rope’s finest stallions. In 2003, Ortie was bred to France’s leading

as a show horse. Now, the Arabian world has a story like this

racehorse sire, Dormane. This was not the first time this mating

about one of its own.

was performed, but actually the fifth.

Dianne Waldron of RoseBrook Farm in Florida is a highly re-

The first time resulted in a mare that was exported to UAE

spected and successful breeder of Arabian racehorses. Dianne

as a two-year-old. The next was Doran, who was purchased and

has bred four horses that are Darley Horse Of The Year Award

imported to the US by Dianne as a yearling. He raced seven

winners in addition to being named Breeder of the Year four

times winning five, including four stakes races, and earned over

times, including 2013. She keeps a band of broodmares, includ-

$97,000. In 2000, Dianne imported the third, a mare that earned

February/March 2014



2013 Readers’ Choice Awards

$47,000. In 2002, the stallion, Ordained, was imported to the US

said that, “He couldn’t outrun a fat man.”

where he earned a remarkable $169,000 while racing until age

His looks and temperament being what they were, Dianne

nine with a total of 66 starts! The 2003 model, Ordination, was

decided that perhaps a career as a show hunter would be a bet-

still racing in 2013, having earned over $111,000 in 69 starts.

ter option. She called her friend, hunter judge Ellen Shevella, to

It’s an understatement to say that hopes were high for Ortie’s

assess Oration for that possibility. When they longed him over a

2004 son. Dianne imported him as a weanling and he started in

pole, he jumped it nicely, so off he went to a trainer. After a bit

his first race at three years old in 2007. In that and the next six of

of work over fences, Ellen knew where he should go—Ricci and

Oration’s career starts, he didn’t live up to his pedigree. Yawning

Stephanie Desiderio, who are known nationwide as the very best

his way to the starting gate like it was a Sunday hack, it has been

of Arabian show hunter trainers.

The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

2013 Readers’ Choice Awards Oration’s talent was unmistakable in the hunter ring, with his mellow, lopey canter and textbook form over fences. He was a natural. Combine that with the expertise in training the Desiderios lent, and you had a phenomenon.

Ricci and Stephanie had bought Oration from Dianne with plans to compete and eventually utilize him as a breeding stallion. Again, Oration proved to be the horse to beat, winning six Regional Championships in four divisions before once again aiming

In 2009 at his first A-rated show, Oration won 17 of his 22

towards Sport Horse Nationals in Idaho.

classes: Working Hunter, Hunter Hack, In Hand and Under Saddle,

It was there that the Desiderios and their incredible horse

all with Michael Desiderio showing him. At his first Regionals, he

set an historical record. Oration won each of the eight Nation-

earned seven Championships out of seven classes. People were

al Championship classes he set foot in, including the Supreme

noticing the athletic bay with the four white socks by then!

Champion Sport Horse title. These were eight classes with five

Their next stop was Sport Horse Nationals in Kentucky. The

different panels of judges over four days with two riders—one of

partnership between Michael and Oration was impressive, and

which was Alexandria, a junior. He thus became the most deco-

the judges rewarded them handsomely with six National Cham-

rated horse at a single National show in Arabian show history.

pionships, a Reserve Championship and a Top Ten. In addition,

Oration was bred to a Thoroughbred mare and a Selle Francais

Oration was named Reserve Supreme Champion Sport Horse of

mare that year. Those two are now three-year-olds embarking on

the entire show.

their initial training and showing great promise. A full brother to

With all of these accolades earned by a racetrack washout in only his third horse show at the tender age of five, Oration became the talk of the Arabian show world, and rightly so.

the Anglo filly was born the following year. Dianne has also bred to him. She has an Anglo filly and a Welsh cross filly by him, both foaled in 2012. His first purebred offspring is due in 2014 out of an exceptional Hanoverian-approved mare.


After a relaxing winter, it was back to the show ring. By now,



February/March 2014


2013 Readers’ Choice Awards “We are very careful to breed him to only the highest quality mares. There is no other stallion like him, and we intend for his sons and daughters to be extraordinary,” explained Ricci. In 2011, Oration won all four National classes he entered, ridden by Alex, Stephanie and Michael. (They did not attend SHN in 2012.) In 2013, Alex competed him at Youth Nationals where he won National Champion in Working Hunter and

and Michael both showed him at SHN where he again won all four of his classes in addition to being named High Point Hunter overall. It must be noted that the open hunter, jumper and dressage judges that officiate at Sport Horse Nationals have had noth-


Hunter Hack and Reserve in SHUS. She

ing but praise for Oration. One judge upon

his card. Another utilized an in-hand photo of Oration in an article she wrote as an example of great conformation for sport. Last year, Ricci and Stephanie generously donated a breeding to Oration as a raffle fundraiser to benefit The Arabian Horsemen’s Distress Fund, with the drawing held at Sport Horse Nationals. They hope to repeat the fundraiser annually. “This horse is the future of the Arabian. Arabians are supposed to be able to do it all and do it well. This is the athletic type of horse we should all be breeding,” said Ricci when Oration was presented at the drawing. “One needs to think outside of the breed show venue and consider breeding a horse that is also competitive in the open show world.”


seeing his jumping style wrote “Wow!” on

The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

2013 Readers’ Choice Awards

EA Cygnus upper level dressage Horse of the Year Sponsored by Laura Hinson & Zee De Man


Cygnus was a 1990 Arabian gelding Hayel

by Orion

out of Coranette, owned by Karla and Mimi Stanley since 2005. They had purchased him from Anne Hornbeak who had trained him to Grand Prix. As a mount for Mimi, Cygnus challenged and educated her up through the levels. Along the way, Cygnus became the only Arabian to earn a USDF JR/Young Rider Grand Prix Horse of the Year Award. He is also the second horse in the country to earn a USDF Horse Performance Certificate at every level of dressage. That is in addition to his four National Championships and five Reserve National Championships. He and Mimi made history, performing 75 Grand Prix dressage tests together, putting Cygnus amongst the top 50 dressage horses, living or dead, of any breed. Their last test together was in September, BOBTARR.COM


which they performed in a snaffle, earning a 61.915%. Mimi penned a story for us about

February/March 2014


2013 Readers’ Choice Awards their partnership that you can read here:

intestine left us with no decision but the

my best friend and partner. Now it is just


most difficult one. Cygnus’ time with me

me. I trust in the knowledge Cygnus gifted

was over. He went out at the top of his

to me and the legacy he left me. I will be-

game—no retirement.

gin again and stay true to our path.

ber 10th, Mimi wrote this epilogue:

Our Final Chapter Cygnus started 2013 as he always did, my White Charger that ruled our kingdom but 2013 was to be his final season. He

It is hard to think of my life without DON STINE PHOTO

After Cygnus passed away on Decem-

accompanied us to Cheyenne, WY for his Grand Prix tests. It went well the first day with a definite glitch the second. Something that those not close to Cygnus might not know was that Cygnus was extremely sway backed and had been almost his entire life. Only through the magic of a very unique hand crafted saddle was he able to be ridden. His saddle of 18 years cracked in half during his test! The saddle was rocketed back to Canada to be re-manufactured and Cygnus and I went bareback for over a month. During this time I felt lucky to not fly off of him as he never felt a need to make any ride easy. We ended up passing on the Arabian Sport Horse Nationals. He was ready as

were not the funds for the show. Instead, we went to an open USDF show in Minnesota. That test was to be special in all ways. It was his 75th Grand Prix test, it was one of his best tests ever and he did it in his snaffle. We were one and Cygnus was happy. He left us December 10, 2013 at 4:00 AM. He was healthy & full of life until slight colic symptoms showed in the evening. By 12:00 AM the surgical team was assembled and at 4:00 the inoperable tumor that had invaded his small


was the saddle but the reality was there

The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

2013 Readers’ Choice Awards

Paladin SF LOWER level dressage Horse of the Year Sponsored by Mystic Ranch Arabians

by Laine Sklar


purchased Paladin SF (“Peej”), my

Buttrum of Sovereign Farm in Buckeye,

and three quality gaits, the combination

2007 half-Arabian gelding (Aul

AZ. My trainer, Jennifer Parker of Agape

of which would hopefully take us up the

Magic /+ (ox) x Padua Go (Trak)),

Dressage in Tucson, AZ, and I picked Peej

levels to Grand Prix together. I worked

in the fall of 2008 from Heather

based on his eager and curious demeanor

with Peej on the ground for a year and a half before starting him under saddle in the spring of 2010. We showed Training Level in the 20102011 show season, finishing



with a 69.2% median score and the Reserve Championship for USDF All-Breeds awards for the American Trakehner Association in the Training Level Amateur division, as well as Top 20 nationally in the Adequan/USDF Adult Heather Buttrum Photography


Amateur Awards at Training Level. We showed First Level in the 20112012 show season,

February/March 2014


Heather Buttrum Photography


2013 Readers’ Choice Awards

finishing the year with a 70% median

competed in the 2012-2013 show season,

high point ribbons in addition to the na-

score, the Championship for USDF All-

including six Dover Medals and open High

tional awards listed above, in both open

Breeds awards for the American Trakeh-

Point at the Scottsdale Arabian show, all

dressage and AHA shows, competing in

ner Association in the First Level Amateur

with me in the irons.

dressage, sport horse under saddle and

division, and Top 10 nationally in the

Peej and I made our USDF Third Level

Adequan/USDF Amateur Awards at First

debut in August of 2013 and received a

In addition to being a wonderful show


61% and two 64%s from three different

horse, Peej has a heart of gold and is a

We showed Second Level in the 2012-

judges, placing second in two classes and

wonderful companion. He can be nervous

2013 show season, finishing the year with

first in the third class, our first time show-

and spooky at times, but he always tries

a 69.2% median score, the championship

ing in California. I also earned my USDF

to please and do the right thing. Hearing

for USDF All-Breeds awards for the Ameri-

Bronze Medal at that show.

him whinny to me brightens my mood

sport horse in-hand.

can Trakehner Association in the Second

We have received only one score un-

each evening when I get to the barn after

Level Amateur division, and 3rd nation-

der 60% and more than 20 scores over

a long day at the office. I couldn’t ask for

ally in the Adequan/USDF Adult Amateur

70% in the 50 classes in which we have

a better partner on my dressage journey.

Awards at Second Level. We won every

competed so far. Peej and I have received

USDF Second Level class in which we

many state and local championships and


The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

2013 Readers’ Choice Awards

Oz The Tin Man UPPER level eventing Horse of the Year



Sponsored by Dawn & Thom Jones-Low, Faerie Court Farm Arabians

z The Tin Man is a 1997

up victories in dressage, endurance and

2nd after dressage, but laid down double

Anglo Arabian gelding by

eventing. In 2013, they got a late start on

clears on cross-country and stadium to

Sidi Of Magic out of Thor-

competition due to “Wort” needing to re-

come out on top.


cover from a hoof resection.


and bred by the Groesbeck family.

With her sights firmly set on The Event

But their first event back, Copper

at Rebecca Farm in Montana in July, Katy

Ridden by Katy Groesbeck since she

Meadows Horse Trials, the pair won the

was thrilled to be named a recipient of

was 13, they have competed and racked

Inermediate decisively. They were tied for

one of the 2013 Rebecca Broussard Trav-

February/March 2014



2013 Readers’ Choice Awards

el Grants. The USEA Endowment Trust

much promise that in 2013, the USEA

tra performance. He is like riding electric-

awards the Grants to event riders pres-

awarded Katy the $30,000 Rebecca Brous-

ity—there is nothing quite like it. You nev-

ently competing at the advanced level to

sard Developing Rider Grant. The grant is

er even really feel him touch the ground,

assist with travel expenses to compete in

to help a qualified rider pursue becoming

and he has a determination about him

the CIC*** division at Rebecca Farm. Wort

an international rider. It is not available to

that is unparalleled to any horse I have

placed 3rd overall in the 3* level, being

anyone who has already represented the

ridden. Every time I canter down center-

one of only three horses to run double-

US. Katy was also named to participate at

line or leave the startbox, I know I am in

clear on cross-country.

the USEF Winter Training Sessions with

for the ride of my life. At the USEF Devel-

David O’Connor for the second year in a

oping Rider/Eventing 25 training session


in Gilroy, David O’Connor noted that he

Next up were the American Eventing Championships where they placed 10th in Advanced. Katy shipped east to attempt

Katy describes Wort thus, “He is an

has a lot of try and a huge heart; I think

Fair Hill International and then headed

overachiever and a perfectionist, even

he would do just about anything I asked

to Florida for the winter. Their first event

more so than me. Some days, I just wish

of him. And he just keeps getting better!”

there in January had them finishing 7th in

I could find the ‘off‘ button! As I have ma-


tured as a rider, however, I have learned

This horse and rider have shown so

how to channel his excess energy into ex-


The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

2013 Readers’ Choice Awards

PL Irish Thunder lower level eventing Horse of the Year Sponsored by Bold Image Media





Arabian cross gelding bred by Playland

toes with his intelligence and athleticism.

bought PL Irish Thun-

Farm, it was with hopes of him becoming

(Rosa even bought his half sister as a fu-



her next Advanced Level event horse. She

ture eventer.)

Hill x PL Eladdinns

brought the brave youngster along slowly

They made their debut in 2012 at Be-





and carefully. He became an important

ginner Novice and finished 6th. With the



part of Rosa’s family, and kept her on her

help of trainer Kim Severson, they moved up





being ready for Training Level in 2013. Last spring, at just 7 years old, “Flynn”


2nd in his first two events at this new level. They went on through the season, finishing in the top five placings in


7 events, all on their


score alone with no added jumping penalties in

February/March 2014


2013 Readers’ Choice Awards

stadium or cross-country. Rosa and Flynn finished their season at the Hagyard Mid-South Three Day Event at Kentucky Horse Park in October. It was their first long format competition with the weather and footing adding to the difficulty. But they completed it—a great victory in itself! They were on track for attempting a 1* competition in the spring of 2014, when fate stepped in and took Flynn’s life suddenly in December. Read Rosa’s tribute to Flynn on page 76.



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

2013 Readers’ Choice Awards

EVG Allon Dunit Jumper Horse of the Year



Sponsored by Angelique Anthony

VG Allon Dunit+// was a

to trainer Kristin Hardin to train, compete

thought that Elaine Enick and Dunit were

2004 Half-Arabian geld-

as a hunter and jumper and to ultimately

a match made in heaven. The first photo

ing by Saladins Allon+ out


Elaine saw of him was Kristin jumping him

of Quarter Horse Jundunit.

Kristin, who describes herself as

Bred by Evergreen Arabians, he was sent

a “matchmaker” of horses and riders,

over a jet ski on the beach, and she was smitten.

February/March 2014

2013 Readers’ Choice Awards

Owner Elaine Enick and Allon Dunit

Kristin Hardin and Allon Dunit on their way to winning a Reserve National Championship in Jumpers in 2013.

Kristin started him on his path to 5 National Championships and 4 Reserves

dition to wins at Scottsdale and several

leaving up the rails. In October, Dunit won

Regional Championships

a $1,000 .95m class, a $1,500 .95m Speed

in 2009. Elaine purchased him in 2010,

At open hunter/jumper shows, both

and piloted him herself to 2 National and

Elaine and Kristin earned many ribbons

1 Reserve National Championships in ad-

on him, thanks to his speed and skill at

class and two 1.00m jumper classes. Read Elaine’s tribute to Allon Dunit on page 64.


The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

2013 Readers’ Choice Awards

Finale AA driving Horse of the Year

Sponsored by Tamara Woodcock/Aelfleah Farm by Amanda Compton


inale AA’s story is unique

of Orleans, in 2004. Her new owners, Alex

offspring of both the sire and dam. Out

and he is truly a special

and David Bennet, bred her back to Gai

of the blue that next summer, I received a

horse, not only to me but

Madrigal again. Curious to see the out-

phone call from Alex. She explained that

to a few other people as

come, I visited Alex and David a few times

she had always felt he was really mine

well. Although he is a full sibling to both

at their farm in West Virginia. When I saw

and she knew he would reach his full po-

my homebred geldings

the yearling colt I fell in love him. I gently

tential with me—they were giving him to

Louie Louie AA and

asked if they would consider selling him,

me! Finale has been by far the most gen-

to which they graciously declined.

erous gift I have ever received and I am

Mardi Gras AA (Gai Madrigal



For the next year I thought about that

of Orleans), I had

handsome colt and his potential as a sport

Driving is a sport that asks everything

sold his dam, Maid

horse, knowing he was the last and final

of your horse, with the use of fewer aids

forever grateful to them.

and requires the utmost trust between horse and driver. It’s also a history lesson, taking you back to a time when driving horses was a necessity. I had originally planned to compete Finale’s full brother, Louie Louie AA, until a stifle injury in July had unfortunately sidelined him for the rest of the year. Louie’s younger brother, Finale AA, was still green in the carriage with limited experience off the farm. My original plan had been to show him next year. So with just two short months preparation, Finale DON STINE PHOTO


was heading to his first Sport Horse Nationals! We were able to squeeze in two shows prior to SHN and he surprised me

February/March 2014



2013 Readers’ Choice Awards

with his willingness and trust, even during obstacle classes which we had not yet had time to practice. At SHN, I was overjoyed when we took National Champion in Timed Obstacles, Reserve National Champion in Scurry Obstacles and four other Top Tens in Carriage Driving Reinsmanship, Turnout, Pick Your

Obstacles. It was amazing winning my first National Championship with my own horse, a dream I had since I was a teenager and had my first Arabian, a 1984 paternal brother to Finale named Star Anthem (Gai Madrigal x Mashan).


Own Route and Gambler’s Choice


The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

2013 Readers’ Choice Awards

Al-Marah Arabians sport horse breeder of the Year


Sponsored by Windswept Farm Sport Horses

The Al-Marah team at 2013 Sport Horse Nationals.


lthough the highly respected founder of Al-Marah

started as a 40-acre horse she named Al-Marah, which translates

Arabians, Ruth “Bazy” Tankersley, passed away a

to “a verdant garden oasis.” In 1949, she moved the farm to Mary-

year ago, her amazing legacy of breeding athletic

land, and then permanently returned to Arizona in 1975.

and beautiful horses continues. Her stallion, Al Ma-

With the specific goal of breeding an athletic horse with a

rah Swift, was named the 2013 AHA High Point Horse, and Mrs.

gentle disposition, she searched the world for breeding stock.

Tankersley was named USEF 2013 Owner Of The Year.

Her foundation stallion, whom she said “fulfilled my dreams and

Mrs. Tankersley was the foremost Arabian horse breeder in

defined my mental image of the ideal Arabian horse, ”was Indraff,

the US, with having bred over 2,800 horses, and hers is the oldest

the first son of Raffles. Indraff sired 254 purebred Arabian foals,

continuously bred herd of Arabians in the world.

and had more than 2,700 grandget.

Her horses also made the Top Sires and Dams rankings of the

Her son Mark Miller is in the process of moving the herd to

2013 Sport Horse Nationals, with four of her stallions leading the

Florida to maintain Mrs. Tankersley’s vision with the help of her

list as top sires of both in-hand and performance winners.

longtime manager, Jerry Hamilton.

Mrs. Tankersley bought her first Arabian at age 19. She began her world-renowned Arabian breeding program in 1941 when she and her first husband, Peter Miller Jr., moved to Arizona. It

February/March 2014



2013 Readers’ Choice Awards


Al-Marah Swift competing at 2013 Sport Horse Nationals, where he won numerous titles.

Bazy Tankersley

AM Chance Command, 2013 National Champion Arabian 2nd level dressage.


The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

2013 Readers’ Choice Awards

Czantiago conformation Horse of the Year

Sponsored by Rimrock Equestrian Center & Ashley Wren EDITOR’S NOTE: We had planned an arti-

of the most influential bloodlines in Spain

In August of 2012, Czantiago was pre-

cle on Czantiago’s adventure at the North

(see sidebar on page 59 for more about

sented for inspection with the American

American 70-Day Stallion Performance

Czantiago’s ancestry).

Trakehner Association, and after rigorous

Test before he was even nominated for one

Czantiago himself was named Nation-

testing, he was accepted as an outcross

of our Readers’ Choice Awards, so we de-

al Champion 2-Year-Old Sport Horse Colt

stallion. Unfortunately, Czantiago’s CA

cided to include it here.

in addition to Supreme Champion 2-Year-

Carrier status resulted in his acceptance


Old Sport Horse in 2009. He resumed his

being revoked at a later date.

s the product of a breeding

show career in 2012, earning his Legion

“Most similar to the Arabian sport

program that began four

of Supreme Honor and five additional

horse are the Anglo Arabians and the

decades ago, the Spanish

National titles. These included Reserve

Shagya Arabians. Trakehners have a high

Arabian stallion Czantiago

National Champion in Hunter Hack Junior

percentage of ‘blood’ as well, and one of

is considered by his breeders to be the

Horse and four National Top Tens in Green

the characteristics being judged is nobil-

epitome of their life’s work.

Working Hunter, Hunter Hack AAOTR,

ity,” explained Molly. “So, from our expe-

Training Level Dressage Junior Horse and

rience, we would say that the Trakehner

Training Level Dressage AAOTR.

people place more emphasis on confor-

Molly and Dave Stanley of the Stanley Ranch in Reno, Nevada found the Classic Spanish Arabian to be the embodiment



of a truly versatile and athletic horse. In

time, Czanti-

their pursuit of bloodstock to produce

ago had also

these horses, the Stanleys traveled more


than 50 times to Spain in order to study



the breeding programs there. They im-



ported close to 100 horses during this

the Stanleys

time in order to create what they consider


the perfect Arabian sport horse.

pleased due



Czantiago was born in 2007, sired by

to their qual-

the imported GRANIZAR and out of PAS-

ity and uni-

CION S. This cross brought together two


Czantiago and four generations of the Stanley family.

February/March 2014



2013 Readers’ Choice Awards

mation, physical talent and mental fo-

“This was the first of our horses we

overall results are calculated from those

cus—that nobility that we know Arabians

had considered doing this with,” said

scores. Scores range from 10 (Excellent)

have just bursting out of them, as Czan-

Molly. “We were very interested to see

to 1 (Very Bad).

tiago does.”

where Czantiago would shine against

Molly explained, “Although it is called

Also in 2012, Czantiago was present-

warmblood breeds. By their very nature,

the North American stallion testing, it is

ed at an RPSI Inspection, where he was

Arabians are quicker, lighter to the hand

all done in the German way. The riders are

scored as Premium to be listed in their

and leg, and more reactive than most

all German, the scoresheet is in German

Stallion Book I upon his meeting their


and they are sent to Germany to be tallied

performance requirements. His dam, Pas-

The 70-Day Test was held at Silver

up. So it is truly the North American test-

cion S, was also inspected and deemed

Creek Farm in Oklahoma from Septem-

ing of the German warmblood breeds.”

eligible for Main Mare Book I.

ber 29th through December 7th. During

She added, “The 70-day testing of warm-

It was there that German Stud Book

the testing, a training judge assesses the

bloods puts the emphasis on performance

Director Otto Schalter suggested the

stallions and assigns scores based on cer-

highest, with the conformation utilized for

Stanleys enroll Czantiago in the 70-Day

tain criteria. During the final testing days,

the final score. Nobility was not given as a

North American Stallion Performance

two test judges, two guest jumper riders

score as only the top four horses in that

Test. Only one other Arabian had com-

and two guest dressage judges each as-

test are shown on the triangle as more or

pleted this test previously, but the Stan-

sign marks on Gaits, Rideability, Free &

less a tie-breaker.”

leys decided to go for it.

Stadium Jumping and Cross Country. The

Summer Stoffel, director of the test-


The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine ing, said of Czantiago, “He was one of the

sport, would al-

most prepared and fit stallions of this test.

ways do what-

We just loved him. And everyone that saw

ever you wanted

him here at the testing loved him.”

to do and would

When asked if she had any worries

never give you

about Czantiago going into the testing,


Molly said, “He had 15 different riders

believe he got a

before going to this test, and I was a little

very high ‘willing

concerned that it was going to be detri-

to work’ score.

mental, sort of take the shine off of him,

He was very tal-

that maybe he’d get resistant. As a matter


of fact, it was good that he’d had 15 riders


before he went down there! Czantiago got

him in the test-

his highest scores in character and consti-


tution, although not in rideability, which

they were doing some trot work and he

surprised me.”

trotted a 1.10m fence and he gave it a

Regarding the results of the testing,

1.50m effort. Great bascule, great form

Summer explained, “It’s hard when you

and we were thinking ‘Whoa!’”

look at just the data on the paper. We

At the conclusion of the test, the Whole Index, Rideability Index and Jump-



We saw


from At the 70-Day Stallion Test.


on cross-country gallop,” said Molly.

ing Index scores are announced and indi-

She continued, “We did explain to his

vidual score sheets given to the owners.

owners that he has full talent there, but


Czantiago’s scores were 81.19, 85.94 and

for us to bring it out of him in 70 days

showed them the individual scores. You

76.61. When looking at his individual

under a high-pressure situation, where

really have to look at the individual raw

scores, however, you can see how much

they are doing so much, wasn’t fair. But

scores versus the final indexes to get the

all of the riders and judges appreciated

long-term, if you cultivate that talent, he

complete picture.

this Arabian.

will be great. For us to get it just to have

“People look at the final score and

His Arabian work ethic shone for all to

scores for the testing—we didn’t want to

say ‘Oh, he was second to last,’ but that

see in Czantiago. Summer described his

interfere with his long-term career be-

isn’t what matters. What matters are the

attitude, saying, “He was always a good

cause he is such a good guy. We just loved

individual scores. It also greatly depends

him. He was definitely

upon what group of horses they’re put in

the best Arabian we’ve

with—this year we had a lot of dressage

ever had in the testing,


had a nice long talk with his owners af-

and everyone was re-

Here is hoping more Arabian sport

ally impressed by him.”

stallion owners utilize the warmblood in-

The test had a bit

spections and testing to demonstrate the

of bad luck with the

abilities of these horses, but to also show

weather, as an ice storm

the world that Arabians can stand toe-to-

came in on the last day

toe with any breed.

when they were sup-

Read more about the North Ameri-

posed to do the cross-






where Czantiago had gotten his best scores— At the 70-Day Stallion Test.

We raved about him and we





View Czantiago’s score sheet here: http://bit.ly/1gmxG2C

February/March 2014

History Behind Czantiago++/ by Molly Stanley

Southern Spain against all breeds and jumped 2 meters at the Spanish National show.

We toured Spain to see the Arabians a number of times in the

Despite our successful importation of ninety-nine horses

mid-seventies and were lucky to have the company of MariPaz

from Spain, as the fates would have it, we were never able to im-

Murga and MariAngeles Bravo Delclaux to meet all the breeders

port IAGO, for several insurmountable reasons. So came to an

(30 or 40 at that time) and to see all the Arabian horses (about

end the dream of having IAGO at home in the USA.

1500). I was National Hunter-Jumper Chair for AHA and, for

But IAGO was unforgettable, and our breeding program there-

some reason, was convinced that the Arabian jumping horse of

after was always looking for a horse with his outstanding charac-

my dreams was in Spain.

teristics. His conformation and form to function was unusually

And indeed he was. IAGO SSB, bred by the Yeguada Militar

outstanding: he was beautiful, kind, willing and a fabulous jump-

of Spain, a son of the immortal TABAL (CONGO X HILANDERA by

er. He was a tribute to the breeding program of that time at the


Yeguada Militar, which produced him.

db), YM mare. BETONICA SSB proved to be a strong producer of Arabian jumpers. It was a particular strength, seen time and time again, descending in this female line.

To our minds, IAGO was the perfect model Arabian—the ‘Gladys Brown Edwards’ horse for Spain. Over the years, the produce of the Stanley Ranch breeding

We did not find IAGO immediately, but we did find the basic

program produced a great many Champions in Sport Horse dis-

stock we sought for a breeding herd of Spanish Arabians to take

ciplines, including *JOYAMIA+// (*DIAMANTE X OPALINA SSB, by

to the USA, many fine, well-built, good tempered and athletic

ZANCUDO), USEF National Grand Champion High Score Arabian


Horse, winner of the King Saud trophy, shown by Molly Stapleton

IAGO was at the home of a breeder in Barcelona. The husband

Stanley and daughter Lisa Stapleton.

had Arabians, and the wife was English and a jumping horse rider.

Thirty-five years later, in 2007, an unusually outstanding colt

IAGO stood in his stall watching other horses jump but was not,

sired by *GRANIZAR (GHADAMES X *KADINA by TABAL) was born

himself, asked to jump until we were able to buy him and put him


in training with Henrique Bidon, a jumping trainer in the South of

all the attitude, brains, balance and beauty we were hoping to

Spain. Henrique was a good trainer but too tall, at 6’5”, to ride

see, and his pedigree reveals that IAGO is his paternal grand un-

IAGO himself, so he put Jorge Bidon, his ten-year-old son, up, and

cle. Here was CZANTIAGO (born in the ‘C’ year), the first one to

the rest is history. That pair won the jumping Championship of

carry the name of his great uncle.

IAGO jumping 2 meters at the Spanish National show.

Czantiago’s sire, *GRANIZAR.



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

Dunit was a Masterpiece. Fully loaded, totally equipped to do the job God designed for him. Fearless. Intelligent. Gifted. Arabian.

In Me


Bred at Evergreen Arabians, Arizona in 2004 by Liz and Harold Green, Dunit came to Kristin Hardin and in 2009, began his legacy. A total specialist in Jumpers, his training by Kristin brought out his soul. I’ve shown in Open hunter/jumper since 7 years old. On a working gal’s budget, I had to mold to the nature of the horse I could afford to buy. When riding I had to learn to stay adaptable and flexible to the ways of my horse. This was my greatest training, riding a bunch of different horses with many different issues. I’ve trained with Kristin with Open horses and listened to her stories of the family atmosphere of Arabian folks and the fearless Arabian horse. My husband and I moved to New Zealand. I told Kristin if she found a great Arabian jumper, let me know. While living 7,000 miles away, she did. Kristin knew the fit with Dunit would be perfect. We returned to California, April 2010. Dunit was 6 years old and already a “Champion-to-be”, and I was ready. I met Kristin and Dunit at an Open show at Woodside Horse Park. Dunit won a Champion Amateur Jumper division with me, and Champion Open Jumper division with Kristin ...... two weeks in a row. I’d say we got along ! Off to a great start, that sealed the deal. Kristin lives a 10 hour round trip from my home. I drove to her farm in between work to train, and met her at shows. We ran the beaches of Pismo and played in the surf. We’ve had the time of our lives!! It was not ideal to be so far from Dunit, but I would never move him from Kristin’s championship farm. So, Kristin rides and shows him, and I ride and show him. Kristin and I “get” each other. This is why our relationship and results are so special. My horse Dunit is my family, but not a pet. He is my partner. I treat him with the respect of a Champion athlete. I’ve been training and working for over four decades for a National Champion horse.

by Elain

emory of

February/March 2014

Here’s what Dunit did for all of us:


ne Enick

2010 Region 2 : CA = Double Champion - Jumper and Jumper ATR. Pacific Slope : CA = Double Champion - Jumper and Jumper ATR. S H Nationals : Idaho = Triple National Champion - Jumper, Jumper ATR, Power & Speed. Legion of Honor “+” = September 2010. Legion of Supreme Honor “+/” = November, 2010. 2011 Scottsdale : AZ = Triple Champion - Jumper, Jumper ATR and Gambler’s Choice. Region 2 : CA = Double Champion - Jumper and Jumper ATR. Pacific Slope : CA = Double Champion - Jumper and Jumper ATR. S H Nationals : Kentucky = Reserve Champion Jumper and Reserve Champion Jumper ATR. Legion of Excellence “+//”, 2011. Within 1 year, Dunit owned “+//” the highest Achievement Award for a performance horse in hunter/jumper. United States Equestrian Federation’s Horse of the Year award for Region 2 = 4th Prize. 2012 Scottsdale: AZ = Double Champion Jumper and Jumper ATR. Region 7 : AZ = Double Champion - Jumper and Jumper ATR. Region 2 : CA = Double Champion - Jumper and Jumper ATR. S H Nationals : Idaho = Double Champion - Jumper and Jumper ATR Also, in Open hunter/jumper shows each year, Dunit won Championships and Awards at Woodside, Pebble Beach, Santa Barbara, Memorial Day Classic - LA, Showpark - Del Mar, and others. United States Equestrian Federation’s Horse of the Year award for Region 2 = Reserve Champion, and, Region 7 = 4th Prize 2013 Kristin rode and showed Dunit as I was working out of the country for so much of the year. I know they have such fun together and the rewards kept coming throughout the year. At S H Nationals : VA = Reserve Champion Jumper and Reserve Champion Speed Jumper. USEF Horse of the Year Award for Region 2 = 4th Prize.

Horses are our family. We put everything into them. They give everything they have. And they are glad to do it. So very grateful Dunit passed away happy. As Dr. Seuss says “Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened”. I’m crying my eyes out, but smiling ! Thank you for playing, Dunit !!! Lots of love. Elaine



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

Top HA/AA Sires & Dams

OF THE 2013 SPORT HORSE NATIONALS By Peggy Ingles & Arlene Magid

The sires and dams of the top ranking Half and Anglo Arabians at the 2013 Sport Horse Nationals are a diverse mix of breeds and bloodlines.

of Half/Anglo Arabians title for 2013. Shugak (Lea Baron {Azraff} x SRF Lauramaar {Laurief}) is a CMK Arabian, linebred to *Raffles through crosses to three sons who

The most winning horse of the entire show was the five-year-

sired National winners: Azraff, Geym and Wasl Raffles. His sire

old Hanoverian cross HAVE ENOUGH++ (SHUGAK X HAVE FAITH).

Lea Baron was a U.S. National Champion Futurity Colt, a Canadian

He earned two National Championships in Sport Horse In Hand

Top Ten Informal Combination winner, and a National winner sire.

Open and ATH; three Reserve National Championships in Train-

Lea Baron was owned at the end of his life by Al-Marah Arabians,

ing Level Dressage Junior Horse, Hunter Hack Junior Horse and

where he sired three daughters who produced National winners.

Sport Horse Under Saddle AT; and three Top Ten titles in Training

Shugak is his top siring son. Shugak earned multiple champion-

Level Dressage, Sport Horse Under Saddle Open and Sport Horse

ships in Show Hack, Costume, CEP, Trail and Driving. He is the sire

Under Saddle Junior Horse. In addition, Have Enough was named

of CBS HOBBIT+, National Reserve Champion Hunter Hack, multi-

Supreme Champion Sport Horse In Hand.

Regional Champion Working Hunter and USEF H/J Horse of the

His full brother, HAVE ANOTHER++++//, won 6 National Top Tens in 2013 in Dressage, Sport Horse In Hand, Sport Horse Under

Year; BAYARDS EARLY EDITION+, 2X National Top Ten Hunter Hack and 3X Regional Champion Working Hunter.

Saddle and Hunter Hack, thereby earning Shugak the top sire title

Shugak’s dam is by the inbred Laurief (the result of a mother/

and Have Faith the top dam title of Half/Anglo Arabians of SHN.

son mating) out of the predominantly Egyptian mare Amaar, who

These two horses’ wins also earned Shugak the USEF Leading Sire

is linebred to *Fadl and is of all Babson breeding.

February/March 2014 Their dam is a Hanoverian/Hosteiner HAVE FAITH that was a very successful show hunter and equitation mount. The Polish Arabian *PIAFF PASB (Eldon x Pipi) is the sire of PIAFFS PRIDE who earned three National Championships Working Hunter Open, Hunter Hack Junior Horse and Sport Horse Under Saddle Junior Horse; two Reserve National Championships in Hunter Hack Open and Sport Horse In Hand Geldings Open and one Top Ten in Green Working Hunter. *PIAFF PASB has an exceptional show record, which includes 2005 Polish National Champion Stallion, 2006 U.S. Top Ten Senior Stallion, and 2007 Scottsdale Champion Sport Horse Stallion. He has 43 registered American get and has sired National winners in North America and Poland. His Polish born son

have faith

#1 Top dam, a Hanoverian/Holsteiner cross.

ALERT was named 2010 Polish National Champion Stallion. His son PAZZAZZ JT is a 2012 U.S. Top Ten Reining Futurity

dam of 5 National winners including 3 Polish National Champions.

and Reining Junior Horse winner. His son KALALOCH is the 2012

Piaffs Pride is out of Dutch Warmblood mare ELEGANT LADY

U.S. National Champion Working Cow Junior Horse and Working

who was a very successful show hunter. She also produced NAV-

Cow Horse Futurity and Reserve National Champion Reined Cow

AGATORS ORION +++//, National Reserve Champion SHSH and


Sport Horse In Hand, and 15X National Top Ten title winner in

*PIAFF PASB is by Polish National Champion Stallion and Der-

SHSH, Dressage Sport Horse In Hand and NAVIGATORS ELGANT KC,

by winner ELDON, and out of Polish National Champion Mare PIPI,

Reserve National Champion Working Hunter JTR and 5X National

shugak #1 Top sire of the 2013 Sport Horse Nationals



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine Top 10 in Working Hunter, Hunter Hack and SHUS. Friesian LOKI sired 3 horses with wins at SHN this year: SRC

his pedigree include ROM earners in both Halter and Performance, including a Superior Halter National Champion.

ANASTASIA, National Champion in First Level Dressage Open &

He sired full siblings IVE BEEN RIPPED and IVE BEEN SPLASHED

ATR and Top Ten Second Level Dressage Open and Sport Horse

(x Roscza Sadon by Don Ibn Bask). IVE BEEN RIPPED was named

Under Saddle AT; SRC ANNABELLE+/ with Reserve National Cham-

National Champion in A/HA/AA Prix St. Georges Dressage with a

pion Training Level Dressage AAO and Top Ten Training Level Jun-

score of 70.592, Reserve National Champion in A/HA/AA Fourth

ior Horse and Sport Horse Under Saddle Junior Horse; and SRC

Level Dressage with a 68.25 and Top Ten in Sport Horse In Hand

GABRIELLA, Top Ten Training Level Junior Horse.

ATH. IVE BEEN SPLASHED won two Top Ten titles in HA/AA First

Loki is also the sire of SRC SILVER DESTINY+//, National Cham-

Level Dressage ATR and Working Hunter AAO.

pion and Reserve National Champion Dressage, 11X Youth Nation-

His third offspring to earn National titles this year is ROYALS

al Top Ten Dressage/Hunter Hack/Working Hunter; SRC PHOENIX

PAINTED PRIDE (x SBA Royale by BAR DR Ragal) who placed in

RISING+//, 12X National Champion Dressage, 5X Reserve National

the Top Ten in four classes—Working Hunter Open, Hunter Hack

Champion Dressage, 14X National Top Ten Dressage; SRC PARROT

AAOTR and Second Level Dressage AAOTR and ATR.

BAY+/, 2X National Champion and 2X Reserve Champion Dres-

ROSCZA SADON has produced 4 champions—2 National win-

sage, 2X National Top Ten Dressage & Sport Horse In Hand; WIND-

ning Half-Arabians and two purebreds. She is by DON IBN BASK, a

HORSE VALKYRIE+, Youth National Champion Walk-Trot, 2X Youth

U.S. and Canadian Top Ten Stallion and sire of 7 National winners

Nat’l Top Ten Walk-Trot/Hunter Hack; WINDHORSE KLEOPATRA+,

including Canadian National Champion English Pleasure JOTR and

US Nat’l Top Ten Hunter Pleasure and Youth Nat’l Top Ten Dres-

Reserve National Champion Park AOTR RA BEAU BASK, Canadian

sage; SRC BABY IVE CHANGED+, 2X Youth Nat’l Champion Dres-

Top Ten Stallion and U.S. and Canadian Top Ten Western Pleasure


DON BEAU BASK++/ (himself sire of 2 National winners in western

His sire, LUDSE 305, was known for his dressage offspring and

pleasure), Canadian Reserve National Champion Country Pleasure

sired one of the first Friesian stallions to compete in Grand Prix

AOTR 18-39 DONS JUBILEE+//, Canadian National Champion Half-


Arabian Pleasure Driving KARI ME, VINTAGE NICELY DUN+ (who

SHENANDOAHS PRIDE sired 3 offspring competing at SHN.

has 8 National wins including U.S. National Champion Half-Arabi-

A tovero Quarter Horse, he was a halter champion, earning the

an Trail JTR), and AQR CATALYST+//, who has 36 National titles in

Grand Championship at the Illinois State Fair twice. Both sides of

working western, including U.S. National Champion Reined Cowhorse, Canadian National Champion Reining and twice U.S. National Champion Reining. Nine DON IBN BASK get have produced National winners. Roscza Sadon’s dam Rose Eclipse is by Legion of Merit Silver Streak++, a 3/4 brother to multiple Top Ten Mare Cover Gal and US National Champion Second Level Dressage Bay Count. Rose Eclipse is out of Gayrosea-Gal, a 3/4 sister to US Top Ten Mare Gamaars Melba. SDF ENTOURAGE++++// garnered two National Championships in Green Working Hunter and Hunter Hack ATR, a Reserve in Working Hunter AAOTR and four Top Tens in Working Hunter ATR, Hunter Hack Junior Horse, Sport Horse Under Saddle Junior Horse and Sport Horse In Hand Open. His sire

PIAFF Arabian *Piaff was the sire of one winner in both in hand and performance.

is the pure Polish OKW ENTRIGUE+++//, one of the top

February/March 2014 competitors in Arabian dressage, holding 10 National titles, 8 of them National Championships. His winning get include National Champion Sport Horse Under Saddle Junior Horse and National Top Ten Dressage and Sport Horse In Hand Gelding GLYNNSONGS ENCORE++/, National Champion 2 Year Old Sport Horse Colt ENLIGHTENED, Top Ten 2 Year Old Sport Horse Filly TSERAFINA, and the National Champion Half-Arabian 2 Year Old Sport Horse Colts RMC ENTRIGINGPROSPECT. OKW ENTRIGUE+++// is a son of multiNational Champion Park ALLIENCE+/, whose get have won National Championships in dres-

elegant lady

sage, English pleasure, park and pleasure driving.

A Dutch Warmblood mare that produced one winner in both in hand

ALLIENCE+/ is by U.S. National Champion Stallion

and performance

*ALADDINN, sire of 71 National winners and 144 National winner

SDF ENTOURAGE’s dam CHRYSALIS is an imported Hanoverian

producers. His dam A LOVE SONG is the dam of 4 National winners

by CARISMO, one of the best sons of the legendary CALYPSO II,

and 4 National winner producers including multi-National Cham-

who passed his licensing in Germany in 1995 and was the winner

pion English Pleasure and National Champion sire A TEMPTATION.

of his stallion performance test. Carismo is that rare stallion that




The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

1 2



7 6

February/March 2014



Imported Hanoverian mare

Chrysalis had one offspring win in both in hand and performance.


Friesian stallion Daen sired 2 win-

ners in performance - Bronco Photo




Arabian top dam RMAR Royal Gal

who produced 2 performance winners.


Arabian OKW Entrigue is sire of

one winner in hand and performance Tamara Torti


Friesian stallion Loki is the sire of

3 performance winners - Vesty Photo



Arabian Rocszan Sadon produced

3 winners in hand and performance


Lusitano Saphiro is the sire of one

in hand and performance winner


Top dam Sizzlin Scotch & Elijahs

Trubador MGF as a foal



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

Arabian Trubadorsmadrigal sired two performance winners - Suzanne Sturgill Photo produces jumpers and dressage horses of merit. The Hanoverian

AAOTR and 2 Top Tens in Second Level Dressage ATR and Third

Verband remarked on his terrific ability to pass on trainability and

Level Dressage ATR. Her sire SAPHIRO is an imported Lusitano stal-

rideability to his progeny.

lion that has competed up to Second Level Dressage successfully.

The next leading sire is the imported Friesian DAEN, whose

Her dam, LEGACY OF ARISTON is by U.S.National Champion

son CURZON+++// (x Jadzia) earned National Champion in Inter-

Stallion Legacy of Gold, sire of National Champions including

mediate A/B Dressage, 2 Reserve National Champions in Grand

DA Durado++++//who has over 50 National titles in sport horse

Prix Dressage and Sport Horse Show Hack and son JETTIN TO THE

competition. Legacy of Ariston is out of the 3/4 Polish mare Aris-

DAENCE (x Kits Zaafinah Xena), who earned 4 National Top Tens in

to Tambourine. She is by U.S. and Canadian Top Ten Stallion and

First Level Dressage ATR & AAOTR and Second Level Dressage ATR

National Champion sire Ariston, out of Four Wind Taji, a daughter

& AAOTR. CURZON holds 15 National titles, 9 of them Champions

of US Top Five Futurity Colt Four Winds Flag who sired National

or Reserves.

Champions in english pleasure, hunter over fences, hunt pleas-

DAEN is sired by JOCHEM 259, who in 2008 was posthumous-

ure and trail. Four Winds Taji is out of National winner producer

ly awarded the ultimate predicate a breeding stallion can receive:

Al-Marah Rawa. This is the same dam line that produced multiple

Preferent status. Sire of Half-Arabians DAENCEIN INTHEDARK, Na-

National Champion English Pleasure Mamage, whose dam CF Fire

tional Top Ten Hunt Pleasure JTR and Regional Champion Dres-

Magic is by Ariston out of a granddaughter of Al-Marah Rawa.

sage; DAENCING IN THE DARK, Regional Top 3 Dressage; CLOUD DAENCER, Regional Res. Champion Sport Horse In Hand.

Two full siblings put their sire and dam in the top: ELIJAS TROUBADOR MGF+// took home one National Championship in

MS SPANISH LEGACY+++//singlehandedly propelled her sire

Training Level Dressage, three Reserve National Championships in

and dam into the top rankings by earning 2 National Champions

First Level Dressage, Open Sport Horse Under Saddle and Sport

in Sport Horse Under Saddle ATR and AOTR, 2 Reserve Champi-

Horse Under Saddle Junior Horse plus two Top Tens in Training

ons in Sport Horse In Hand Mares ATH and Second Level Dressage

Level Dressage Junior Horse and Sport Horse Under Saddle ATR.

February/March 2014


The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

Photo by Stuart Vesty


AFriendly Fire

Shenandoahs Pride

(Afire Bey V x Flare Bask) is a regional driving

Quarter horse that was the sire of 3 performance

champion and sire of Shezaffirecracker+//

winners. Photo courtesy of Butch Crippen

Full sister ELOQUENT TROUBADOR MGF won a Top Ten in Training

and of 2006 Canadian Top Ten Western Pleasure JOTR 14-17 Az-

Level Dressage Junior Horse.

kaban. Haziz Halim’s dam, Serenity Shahrabi, is a paternal sister

Their sire is Arabian TRUBADORSMADRIGAL+, a straight Egyp-

to multiple National Champion Dressage Shalom Mishkoh and to

tian stallion who was a 2012 U.S. Top Ten Sport Horse Under Sad-

Serenity Ibn Osiris, sire of Canadian Reserve National Champion

dle. He is also a multiple regional champion sport horse under

Reining Egyptian Rapture.

saddle with adult and junior amateur riders. He is a full brother to the successful producer Maria Halima,

Trubadorsmadrigal+ is a grandson of the Top Ten Stallions *Ansata Ibn Halima++ and The Minstril.

dam of champions in Europe. His sire Haziz Halim is also the grand-

Their dam, SIZZLIN SCOTCH, is a palomino Paint by IMA FANCY

sire of 2009 U.S. Top Ten Green Working Hunter CEA Phancy Halim


Additional Sires of two or more Half/Anglo Arabian winners:

Additional Dam of two or more Half/Anglo Arabian winners:

FROHWIND – Oldenburg


BALADIN D’OC – Anglo-Arabian


PA NYTE STAR – Arabian




ROSENTHAL – Hanoverian

RUN REALLY RUN - Thoroughbred

NICO – Friesian/KWPN BEY ORO – Arabian SPARTACUS - Friesian

February/March 2014 BAR has sired several Half-Arabians with National titles in Western

Park Afire Bey V, the breed’s all time leading sire of champions.

Pleasure. His daughters have been successful crosses with TRUBA-

Afriendly Fire is out of National Champion English Pleasure and


Informal Combination Flare Bask, a daughter of National Cham-

Quarter Horse mare JUNDUNIT produced full siblings (by Sala-

pion sire Bask Flame. Afriendly Fire is also the sire of several other

dins Allon), EVG ALLON DUNIT+//, Reserve National Champion

National winners including 2012 Canadian National Champion

Open Jumpers and Speed Jumpers and EVG FINALE, winner of

Country Pleasure AATR 40 & Over Born of Fire W sport horses and

three Top Tens in Working Hunter ATR, Hunter Hack Open & ATR.

National Champion Sport Horse Carriage Driving Fire Opal++++//,

She is also the dam of EVG GEE DUBYA+/ and between the three,

who is a Half Arabian.

they have earned 6 National Championships and 7 Reserve Na-

Her dam is FOXY STYLE, a Saddlebred sired by Foxs Legacy out

tional Championships in Jumpers; 4 National Championships, 1

of a Flight Time daughter. Both dam and sire trace to 6-time World

Reserve National Championship and 15 Top Ten titles in Working

Grand Champion 5-Gaited Wing Commander. Foxy Style has pro-


duced 3 full siblings that have regional wins in dressage, halter,

One of the top dams with 2 offspring is Arabian RMAR ROYAL


hunter pleasure and carriage driving.

GAL, who produced RHOYAL CONTUCCI+// (by Hanoverian Contucci) who claimed one National Champion in Third Level Dressage, two Reserve National Championships in Third Level ATR and Fourth Level ATR plus a Top Ten in Fourth Level Open. Her other offspring is RHOYAL LEGGACY+ (by KWPN Rousseau) who won a Top Ten in First Level Dressage. Her WB cross offspring have earned 26 National titles in Dressage, 11 of them Championships. In addition they compete in open dressage shows. She is a paternal sister to National winners in dressage includ-

Congratulations to

Tracy Pierce & Elijas Trubador MGF+// on your outstanding 2013 show season

ing Rhoyal Revaul+/ and Royal Valiant Trooper+. She is by U.S.Top Ten Prix St Georges and Third Level Dressage Perkhee Royal Gem, a son of US and Canadian Top Ten Western Pleasure and National winner sire Rho-Keem+++ and a grandson of Perlezon, sire of US National Champion Stallion Arn-Ett Perlane+. Her dam Rmar Galinda is a champion producer and was sired by U.S. Top Ten Stallion and National winner sire Heritage Elegant. MOLLY is a Warmblood mare whose son DOUBLE XL +++// (by AE EXCEL) garnered two National Championships in Third Level Dressage ATR and SHSH ATR and 3 Top Tens in Third Level, Fourth Level Open and ATR. Arabian AFRIENDLY FIRE is the sire of SHEZAFFIRECRACKER+//, who earned two National Championships in Carriage Pleasure Driving Gamblers Choice and Carriage Pleasure Driving Working; and five Top Ten titles in Carriage Pleasure Driving Timed Obstacle, Carriage Pleasure Driving Turnout, Carriage Pleasure Driving Reinsmanship, Carriage Pleasure Driving Scurry Obstacles and Carriage Pleasure Driving Obstacles. Afriendly Fire is a multiple regional champion in pleasure driving and country pleasure driving. Afriendly Fire is by U.S. Top Ten

1 National Championship • 3 Reserve National Championships 2 National Top Tens • 6 Regional Championships

Trubadors Madrigal+

standing at stud 15.2h Straight Egyptian • 2014 Fee - $1000 Sweepstakes/Sporthorse Nominated Incentives to proven producers & show homes

Madrigal Farms Laura@madrigalfarms.com

(541) 231-9734


The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

Saying Goodbye By Rosa Lehnig

Saying goodbye was the farthest thing from my mind.

for my husband. Dustin chose this horse, so he immediately had

Nearly three years ago, after selling and delivering my last

a vested interest in the success of the horse. Dustin had always

horse to his new owner, we all set out for a weekend of horse

been involved since the day we met, but nothing like what has

shopping. My husband, Dustin, and I had spent countless hours

evolved over the last 3 years. With the horse loaded up in my

researching different breeders and had lined up to see around

trailer, and us back on the road, it was time to give him a good

five breeders in one day, through North Carolina, Virginia, and

“barn name”. Dustin is a huge fan of the John Wayne movie,

Maryland. Just as we were pulling away from delivering my last

“The Quiet Man”. John Wayne, far from his Western type mov-

horse to his owner, the rain began. My husband would later say

ies, was a boxer, returning to Ireland. One character in the film,

it was twenty horses in three days. Maybe that is how it felt to

named Michaleen Flynn, would ride his horse through town, and

him… and the children. Yes, we were taking my trailer along,

the horse would instinctively stop in front of Cohan’s Bar… Well,

though I informed everyone this did

“Flynn” it would be.

not mean we would be taking one

Flynn immediately became part

home the same day. We ended up

of the family. Every aspect of our

having to stay the night some where

life revolved around training and

in Virginia, without spare clothes,

competing, working to reach our

which proved difficult considering

long-term goals of the most upper

being soaked from the rain. All but

levels of eventing. I affectionately

one horse we looked at was not yet

started calling Dustin my manager

undersaddle, so we spent quite a bit

because of all the work he did sup-

of time standing in pastures, watch-

porting us, and preparing us for

ing a bunch of young horses being

competitions. And our two children,

chased around in the rain. None of

they are my cheerleaders. It was a

them struck me.

rare event that all three were not out

Our last stop on the last day

on the cross country field cheer-

was Playland Farm in Maryland, a

ing as I galloped by. Cynthia, my

breeder of Irish Sport Horses out

daughter, would always congratu-

of Arabian mares. Days after the visit, it dawned on me… It had

late me at the finish and give Flynn a big pat. Robert would just

stopped raining when we got to Playland. Glenda Player showed

smile as wide as possible, in his somewhat quiet way, gleaming

us around and then I met PL Irish Thunder. He was a fluffy, butt-

at us with pride written all over his face. Flynn had a way about

high baby. I recalled his video and free jump photos. I knew the

him that was unassuming, yet spectators and other riders would

horse had the athletic ability to go as far as I wanted to go. We

randomly compliment our rounds and question me in regards to

put him in the indoor and free lunged him around. That was it. I

his breeding, age, etc. Flynn had quite the fan club going. He was

was hooked. Something about him struck me. He looked at me

recognized wherever we went. Just something about him struck

like, “I know what I’m doing”. As we stood in the aisle way talking

people. Flynn could be quite arrogant at times, but more like he

about him, I kept hearing this occasional bang coming from his

felt he knew the better way to do something. I actually liked that

stall. He was so sweet, yet, he had the spunk needed for upper

about him. I wanted to know that in a tough situation, he would

level eventing. Being that he was a unbacked three year old, I did not have

instinctively make a choice on the best route to take. And he often did. Only in dressage did we have disagreements about how

concerns to do a pre-purchase exam. We spoke with Glenda and

to do a movement, but once I showed him, he did the movement

while a bit unorthodox, we decided that coming back in a week

to the best of his ability.

to bring him home was ridiculous. Dustin had previously, without

This last year competing was full of ups and downs. We

my knowledge, decided that this was the horse for me, and when

placed in the top five multiple times at Training, even bringing

I said, “he’s it”, Dustin was eager to get the horse home. I did not

home a blue from the Marlborough Horse Trials, but it wasn’t

realize until a year or so later, that this was the breaking point

without some trials and tribulations. Many moments of “what

February/March 2014 in the world are we doing”! Our last event of the season, one in

wrong. I didn’t even have to halter him; he followed me to the

which we spent months conditioning and training for, was the

gate. I took him in to his stall, where I noticed he had not had as

Midsouth 3-Day at the Kentucky Horse Park. Preparing a horse for

much water the night before as he usually drinks.

the long format, regardless of the level, is an eye opening experi-

Then began the pawing. It went downhill pretty fast. I had the

ence. A rider can learn so much about their horse through this

vet out in a little over an hour while I walked and administered

event. Flynn and I had a great dressage test.

banamine. The vet took about 15 minutes with him and decided he needed to go to Woodside Equine Clinic. This couldn’t be happening. Not to my young, healthy, strong Flynn. Flynn underwent surgery, and they removed a major impaction in his colon. Once in recovery, they pumped nearly 40 liters of impaction out of his stomach. In the days following, the vets kept pumping his stomach, but his stomach just wasn’t working. “Stomach Ileus” they said. A rare condition we discovered and if the body won’t fix it, there isn’t much they can do. This condition is what likely caused the colic. The stomach refused to work. The causes are somewhat unknown, since it is fairly rare. Unfortunately, a result is nerve damage, rendering it impossible for Flynn to even feel the pain he was in due to the stomach becoming distended and full of fluid over and over, despite pumping it every few hours. His heart rate never went above 40, making it difficult for the vets to manage him, as the heart rate is a big indicator of pain. Also, Flynn is somewhat stoic and does not show unnecessary emotion. Five days in, and Flynn was not recovering, and he was seemingly getting worse due to the loss of weight and all the IV fluid was just going to the stomach, only to be pumped out. I never

Cross country day was good and bad; we had some mishaps

imagined that this would be an experience that I would have

due to the sudden torrential downpour and drop in temperature,

with my Flynn. But the rain… all the rain we had been having; it

but overall we finished with two stops, but not all that went dur-

just kept raining, every day. I would take Flynn for walks in the

ing the storm finished, so I felt lucky. Show jumping on day 3 was

rain, just to see him perk up some. He really perked up when the

fantastic. We were always at home in the show jumping arena. Flynn was proficient, bold, clean, and we had fun. A pretty good end to the event. We decided that this would be the last event of the season. Conditioning him to prepare for the long-format was pretty taxing and there wasn’t much left to accomplish in the month we had left, other than moving up to Prelim. But doing one Prelim didn’t seem worth it; we would have to go back to Training anyway in the spring to “warm-up”. Flynn deserved some time off for all his hard work. There was always next season to do more. I gave Flynn nearly a month off and rode him some in November and December; mostly light flat work. As January approached, I knew it was time to get back in shape and prepare for Aiken, the start to our 2014 season. January 9th was a warm day, especially

children came for a visit. He even hugged them, as he usually did.

since we had a few days of not going above freezing. I was doing

They made cards for him that the very sweet vets taped up out-

random work around the farm and noticed Flynn was just stand-

side his stall. On January 14th, Dustin left work and came to the

ing around, near one of the corners. He had developed a nasty

clinic to sit with Flynn and I, and to speak with the surgeon, Dr.

habit of eating fences when he didn’t have hay, and he had hay,

Jonathan Hirsch. It was time to make a decision. Flynn deserved

yet, he was just standing around. I thought maybe he was a bit

better than this. Flynn didn’t deserve to be in this condition. It

warm in his blanket. I walked out and took his blanket off and

wasn’t fair to him anymore, and as much as I thought this strong

thought to myself, “did he get fat since I last rode him?” I tried to offer him hay, and he didn’t take any. I knew something was

Continued on page 84



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

Reading Reflections An Entertaining Look At Combined Driving A Series By Dawn Jones-Low Books have always been important to me. As a child, I spent countless hours reading at home and at the public library. Growing up in the suburbs in a non-horsey family, books were also my main entryway to the world of horses and provided fuel for my dreams. Several decades into adulthood, books are still a treasure to me as they continue to inspire and inform all areas of my life –including riding and horsemanship. Books have always been important to me. As a child, I spent

and ponies, tack and harness, carriage construction, training, the

countless hours reading at home and at the public library. Grow-

roles of the driver, groom, and navigator, descriptions of the three

ing up in the suburbs in a non-horsey family, books were also my

phases of CDE competitions, rules, safety concerns, and competi-

main entryway to the world of horses and provided fuel for my

tion strategies!

dreams. Several decades into adulthood, books are still a treas-

The book is enlivened by a sparkling wit that appears through-

ure to me as they continue to inspire and inform all areas of my

out the text. Commenting on his initially skeptical response to

life –including riding and horsemanship

the proposal to add a driving sport to the FEI disciplines in the

Books offer opportunities to expand knowledge and explore

late-1960s during his tenure at the president of the FEI he wrote,

unfamiliar territory. Of all the sport disciplines, Combined Driv-

“However, having had so many of my own brilliant ideas turned

ing is the one with which I have had the least direct exposure so I

down at various times, I had made up my mind that I would never

was intrigued when I discovered a book written by HRH the Duke

turn anything down unless it was patently absurd.” pg. 9 As the

of Edinburgh (yes, that’s Prince Phillip) called Competition Car-

proposal was developed and refined, not only was the Duke of

riage Driving. At only 122 pages, it is a rather short book yet the

Edinburgh persuaded to support creation of this discipline under

author manages to incorporate information regarding the his-

the auspices of the FEI, but he became an enthusiastic participant

tory of FEI Combined Driving Events, selection of suitable horses

in the sport with respectable performances with several different teams at international events with 4-horse and later pony teams. Woven through the book is a continual focus on safety “In the early years of [combined] driving competition there was one particular issue that excited the members of the FEI Driving Committee. They were under pressure from what might be termed the ‘reactionaries’ to prevent the use of new-fangled designs and unconventional materials in the construction of carriages. The ‘progressives’ on the other hand maintained that it was better to let these things be tried in case they turned out to be safer or more appropriate. I am glad to say the latter won out and I believe driving has become much safer as a result.” pg. 52 When discussing selection of horses or ponies for a CDE team, Prince Phillip covers the general aspects of temperament, size,

February/March 2014 athletic traits and other qualities that are desirable. He also includes summaries of many of the breeds of horses and ponies that he observed having success in the UK and in international competitions. Notably for those of us in the Arabian sport horse community, Arabians were not mentioned among a rather long list of potentially suitable breeds --most likely because he had not encountered a sufficient number of examples of the breed in the sport to be able to recommend them when he wrote this book. Given that the use of Arabians in combined driving events has increased in many countries in the years since this book was published, we can speculate that the breed might have been mentioned if

experienced a mishap or accident in order to help other drivers

the book were revised to reflect today’s context. In any case, the

better prevent similar incidents. “I have twice made an involun-

omission simply highlights the importance of the need to prove

tary descent from the box seat. I went round a corner on a slope a

the capability of Arabians in each sport discipline by participa-

bit too quickly … and went out of the side door. Fortunately I was

tion and achievement within those disciplines in order to inspire

able to hold on to the reins and the horses stopped. However the

other drivers and riders in those disciplines to consider Arabians

two grooms were off and away like lightning leaving the referee

as a viable option for their needs.

the sole occupant of the carriage. It was fairly obvious by his

Each chapter is full of practical examples that illuminate the

expression that this was not the sort of behaviour he had come

complexities and nuances of the sport. Combined driving was

to expect.” pg. 118 In addition to the safety of the driver and

largely modeled on the ridden sport of eventing with a driven

grooms, he has a deep concern for the well-being of the horses

dressage phase, the marathon phase of challenging obstacles

and an appreciation for the horseman’s responsibility for the

that must be navigated on varied terrain at some speed, and the

horses in their charge. “One very good reason for learning from

obstacle driving through sets of tightly spaced cones. Of course,

the experience of others is that most horses have an extraordi-

driving a carriage adds another layer of challenges that aren’t

nary memory for unpleasant incidents and they seldom get over

present for ridden disciplines which is further compounded

a nasty fright. … Therefore learning from personal experience

when driving pairs or teams rather than singles! The author’s

may well do lasting damage to the horses.” pg. 109

enjoyment of the sport is conveyed via his many shared tips and

This book provides an infectiously enthusiastic introduction

anecdotes. For instance while discussing the driver’s challenge

to the sport of combined driving and reveals a sport that seems

to maintain an elegant presentation during the dressage phase in

to offer opportunities that are well suited to the athletic ability,

spite of whatever trials a four-in-hand team may be offering from

intelligence, and elegance of the Arabian sport horse. Kudos to

moment to moment he writes, “In fact, you have to behave rather

all those who are participating in this exciting equestrian sport

like a swan moving away from danger – all calm and serene on

with their Arabian bred sport horses and helping to showcase

the surface, but paddling like hell underneath.” pg. 80

the amazing capabilities of Arabians, Shagya Arabians, and part-

Because education is a core purpose of the book, the Duke of Edinburgh candidly shares a number of examples where he has

Arabians to the combined driving community.



a y a

The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

m a l a


by Vickie L. Novak



alamaya is the fortuitous result of a

Sport Horse Mare In-Hand in the Open division and Top 5 in the

rather unfortunate event. When my

Amateur division.

Hanoverian mare injured herself and

I moved ahead slowly and deliberately with Maya’s ground-

required an extended layup, my vet-

work and under saddle training. We had long-range goals but no

erinarian said, “This is your opportu-

deadlines to meet. If age and experience have taught me anything

nity to breed that Half-Arabian Sport

over the years, it’s that there are no short cuts, and taking one’s

Horse that you wanted!” I took his advice seriously and ventured

time in the beginning with a young horse pays huge dividends in

into a part of the equestrian world in which I had no previous

the future. Experience has also taught me that I don’t ride young

experience. I had been a serious rider and competitor for many

horses in cold, frigid Midwest winters when the ground is hard!

years but only dreamed of being a breeder, albeit a “one-time” breeder. Gabriela (Graf Top II x Faccionable), her dam, is a tall, elegant Hanoverian mare whose pedigree includes Matcho, one of the few Anglo Arabian stallions accepted into the Hanoverian registry. I chose the stallion Journeey (Eternety x Juwel), owned by Jim Saddison of Tristam Arabians in Wisconsin, as I felt they would complement each other. I had admired Journeey from the time he was a youngster and watched as he achieved success in the halter arena at the Regional and National levels. He was handsome, correct and had that “look at me” attitude, coupled with an exceptional disposition. Galamaya, aka Maya, was the result of this carefully planned encounter. She is a nice blend of her sire and her dam: she got

An one-hour-old Galamaya.

size (16.1 hh) and substance, coupled with good dressage move-

In April, after a hiatus for much of the winter, Maya was ready

ment and nice suspension from the Hanoverian side, and from

both physically and mentally to tackle some serious work. I

her sire, the refinement, sensitivity and intelligence of the Ara-

turned the reins over to Ryan Yap, a very accomplished dressage

bian. Maya had been shown successfully in-hand at USDF Open

trainer in the suburban Chicago area. I shared my goals with Ryan

and Class “A” Arabian shows before beginning her career in per-

at the outset: I wanted him to put a correct, solid foundation on

formance. In 2012, she was Region X Champion Half-Arabian

her and not push her too quickly, but in time, to see what ability


February/March 2014

she had—or did not have. And finally, I told him that I would like

was the USDF Region 2 Dressage Championships at Lamplight

him to get her out to at least one recognized Dressage

Equestrian Center in September. Maya had qualified for

show by the end of the season—if she was ready.

the Training Level Open Championship and put in a

Ryan and Maya “clicked” in such a way that I never thought possible in a very short

Top Left: Galamaya and

stellar performance, which ranked her 10th out

Ryan Yap at Lamplight.

of 24 entries against some very high-quality

amount of time. She was a willing student,

warmblood competition! This was the cul-

and it was apparent that she began to un-

Top Right: Vickie and Galamaya,

mination to an amazing show season for a

derstand this whole “dressage thing.” The

Region X Champion SHIH.

horse that had only been in serious training

transformation was remarkable.

I could

hardly contain my excitement when Ryan

for five months. Maya also earned her USDF Bottom: The beautiful Galamaya

announced that she would be making her de-

striking a pose.

but under saddle in Training Level at the Dressage at Lamplight show in Wayne, IL in mid-July. Maya kept it together, placing in each of her classes, with a high score of 73%! nothing

Galamaya’s USDF Half-Arabian All-Breed Championship was a remarkable achievement, in light of her limited experience under saddle, and was all

the more noteworthy because all of her scores were earned at


USDF rated Open dressage

a little bit of success to

Shows. She has definitely

whet the show appetite.

proven that she can hold

Two weeks later at Silver-

her own against other dres-

wood Farm in Wisconsin,

sage breeds. It took a tal-

she placed first in all three

ented trainer with patience

of her classes. Before the

and a gift for communica-

summer was over, Ryan had

tion with young horses

taken her to five dressage

(and mares, in particular)

shows. She steadily gained confidence and improved her performance with each successive outing. The finale to the show season



Performance Certificate at Training Level.

to bring out the best in her. We are eagerly looking forward to First Level next year!



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

Senrab The Jumping Fool by Kat Walden


pril 1953, marked the birth of a red chestnut colt with a blaze, white socks on the near side and a belly spot. He was very well bred, sired by an early Northwest champion and out of a daughter of his breeder’s foundation stallion. C. Harold Palmer registered the colt as Senrab, and the Arabian Horse Registry of America gave him the number 8787. Taking a 5-1/2’ wall in a puissance class mid-1960’s ridden by The colt’s pedigree promised performance ability. It repreJane Arrington. Fallaw photo sented a Who’s Who of early American breeders who trained the majority of their stock to ride/drive because they saw the Arab as Senrab would develop the quiet manners needed for pleasure or a working breed. Accordingly, even horses that were not famous hunter competition, and he was not considered pretty enough for in the show ring were likely to have been proven in endurance, halter, so Traylor decided to make a jumper of him. polo, harness, jumping, stock work or other saddle training. It was Senrab begged to differ. At first he acted as though jumping reasonable to expect that Senrab would be a good riding horse was cruel and unusual punishment; it took months of work before as well. he consented to hop over a one-foot high pole. He made progress Inexplicably, by the time he was four years old, Senrab seemed at a snail’s pace, but Traylor was too stubborn to give up on him. destined only for dog food. Although no one could figure out why, He accepted being trailered and became used to the bustle of he showed a violent antipathy towards any suggestion of trainshow grounds, but when he was finally entered in some classes, ing, other horses, people and stalls. He had become so notorious another snag popped up. He would behave like a perfect gentlearound Coos Bay, Oregon, that his frustrated owners could not man until he got into the ring, then would usually refuse the very even give him away. first jump and never completed a single course. Traylor came close Fortunately for Senrab, veteran trainer Roy Traylor, then head to giving up on him then. riding instructor at the Parnell Preparatory Girls School in WhitFinally in May of 1962 at the annual Rose Bowl Riders Show in tier, California, came to Oregon in search of horses for the school. Oak Grove Park, with the highest jump at four feet, Senrab finished Traylor was persuaded to take Senrab as a free “bonus” in order to a course in a class. That day the gelding learned that the better he get another horse he wanted. jumped, the more people clapped, How Senrab was loaded into and oddly enough, a ham was born. the trailer for the trip back to He had a few more lessons to learn, California is unknown. but within a few years, people were Initially tires were hung saying that Senrab counted the all around the walls of Senrcrowd before he took his first jump ab’s stall at the school so that on course, and he preferred packed he had something yielding to houses. He always charged into the hit whenever someone tried ring with his tail up over his back to catch him. Although no one and his head high. His jumping form could see much potential in was unorthodox but effective. the gelding, it is to Traylor’s During the early and midcredit that he did not sim1960’s, Senrab competed at all the ply give up and send Senrab major shows in the West, usually off to killer buyers. Instead ridden by school riding instructor Traylor persisted in his atJane Arrington but also by various tempts to train Senrab; by his students of the school. He won at later estimate, backing him Del Mar and Santa Barbara. He won took three times longer than the jumper stakes at Pomona and usual. It seemed unlikely that 1961 photo of Senrab and Jane Arrington, an instructor at Parnell. many children’s classes at Del Mar, George Axt photo.

February/March 2014 in which he easily handled the size limit of 5’ over a 6’ spread (child riders were expected to be tougher in those days!). He would and did jump nearly anything he was put to, from tractors to stacked-up wheelbarrows, and he earned the nickname “the jumping fool.” Senrab often showed successfully in FEI classes carrying 165 pounds, and he cleared 6’4” walls in competition scores of times. Traylor regularly lunged him over 6’6” walls at home and firmly believed that Senrab could have cleared 7’ walls easily if he had been started under saddle a little younger and schooled more. Traylor’s faith in the gelding is shown by the fact that for a number of years he offered $1000 to any Arabian that could out-jump Senrab. No one ever answered the challenge. From the time that Senrab began to win in shows, his temperament gradually mellowed, especially towards other horses. He was no longer a maverick, and he stopped acting like one. He eventually became a favorite at the school. In his late teens, Senrab was retired from open competition. From then on he starred as a lesson mount for the school and did some exhibition jumping. Although he competed over big jump courses for close to a decade, Senrab remained sound and enjoyed robust health. Earlier it was stated that Senrab’s breeding gave the expectation that he would become a performance horse. He was by Potif #3942 out of Mufissa #4887. Potif’s sire *Latif was an en utero Polish import, although he was by the Davenport stallion Antez, who was exported to Poland then imported back to the U.S. Senrab’s sire line was *Deyr (desert-bred). Mufissa was by Musafir out of the Kellogg-bred *Nasik daughter Nafissa, whose dam line was the famous war mare *Wadduda (desert-bred). Within this broad outline, several famous performance horses

Rider is this photo is 12 year-old Laurie Howard, who was a student at Parnell. Gloria Axt photo.

contributed to Senrab’s genetic makeup. Two of his great-grandsires, Ronek and *Nasik, were themselves athletic and also good sires. Ronek was 5-gaited like his sire *Raseyn (who had also jumped to four feet), and Ronek was also used to work cattle. He was a brilliant performer who could still wow an audience at the age of 20. *Nasik was well known for his free trotting action and for passing it on to his offspring. Musafir’s maternal grandsire, *Mirzam won 3-gaited classes in open shows (all breeds) and was also known for passing on his trotting ability. Senrab had one line to El Sabok, the only stallion to finish first in one of the U.S. Official Endurance Rides, which covered 300 miles in five days with horses carrying full cavalry gear (although he was disqualified for a minor injury which occurred very early in the ride). Finally, Senrab had several lines to the celebrated jumper and trotting mare *Naomi (desert-bred), which may account for the springs in his legs. A once-misfit gelding with an uncertain future, Senrab responded to all the patient training invested in him with an outstanding show career in all-breed competition. Early on, he was also shown at Arabian breed shows, but the course heights quickly became too low to hold his attention. After all, Senrab was a star, and he thrived on the challenge at a big jumper show. His achievements as a jumper hold up well more than 30 years later. It seems safe to say that no other Arabian in North America has met the big boys (mostly Thoroughbreds in those days) in FEI and puissance high-wall jumping classes and come away the winner. Certainly no Arabian competing today is showing at this level. But since people tend to think that only big horses can handle big jumping courses, who knows how many Senrabs might be out there just waiting for a chance to prove what they can do?

Senrab and Jane Arrington collecting a trophy. One of the only known photos of Senrab standing.



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

Help Your Farrier Help You Continued from page 20 and muddy hooves are hard on the farrier’s tools.

based on their workload can help prevent issues from arising. Excessive treats which are higher in sugar content, including carrots and apples, can be detrimental to their weight and health. More

Ask your farrier if there is anything that he or she recommends

horses that are overweight have serious issues than horses that

for your horse. Don’t mention how you can’t afford to get certain

are at the proper weight or a bit under. Horses that are overweight

things done like special shoeing. This will make some farriers not

tend to have more distortions to their hooves such as flaring. This

recommend what’s best for your horse because they think you

can also cause more stress to their tendons and ligaments. This

can’t afford it or that you may think they are taking advantage of

has been a hard concept for people to grasp. Be sure to consult

you. Get their opinion first about what they believe is best then

your veterinarian as well before making any drastic changes.

discuss options that work with your budget if it’s something that you won’t be able to afford.

Communication is key. Maintaining a good relationship with your farrier and asking questions when you aren’t sure about

Supplements are a good idea as well but be sure and research

something will help you understand more about your horse’s

them. Generally, if it doesn’t have 100 mg of Biotin and 50 mg

hooves. Proper care and maintenance are important and can help

of DL-Methionine per serving it will not do much for your horses

prevent major issues with your horse’s hooves.

hoof. Remember, Biotin has other uses such as bettering coat and skin conditions at other levels. I like using (Biotin 100mg Extra

Dynamic Shoeing operates out of the Raleigh NC area. Rick Snead

Strength) Do your homework on various hoof supplements before

believes in a team approach when addressing soundness issues and

you buy anything.

the overall wellbeing of his equine clients. Rick has been a Farrier for

Another issue that can cause problems with your horse’s

almost a decade. He stays on the cutting edge of technological ad-

hooves, that many people overlook or don’t think about, is your

vances in shoeing through specialized continuing education train-

horse’s weight. An overweight horse can cause a lot of stress on

ings and partnerships with veterinary professionals. Rick enjoys his

their hooves and bone structure. This can lead to founder (lamini-

horse Rain (qh) & Mustang Katie who is care leased to a 6 y/o who is

tis) issues. Maintaining a proper and consistent diet for your horse

enjoying her first shows with her.

Saying Goodbye Continued from page 76 horse would come back, he wasn’t. The vets removed his tube, cleaned him up, and turned him

together. Our lives revolved around him, down to deciding to stay in Virginia when Dustin got out of the Navy last year. The children

out into a paddock. This was for us; to see him as a horse, not a

lit up around Flynn and had something to root for, besides some

sick horse. The rain stopped. The sky developed into a beautiful,

arbitrary football team. They saw what it meant to work hard and

colorful sunset, and as I watched Flynn walking around, I knew

to be rewarded, in more ways than one, for all the hard work.

this was it. Something bigger was telling us to let go, that through

They saw us “fall” and get back up and go again. Dustin finally

all the muck and pain, there was something better for him.

saw what I see in horses, and why I enjoy training and compet-

Losing Flynn was like losing a friend. He was my partner,

ing so much. He supported me at our highest and our lowest,

my teammate. We had good times, we had frustrating times,

even if I was trying to hide. I realized that I could not do any of

and we had down right awful times, but at the end of the day, I

this without the support of Dustin and the children, and I finally

trusted Flynn and Flynn trusted me. We had so many goals that

learned to let go a bit, let others help, and not expect perfection

we never even had the chance to try to accomplish. But in these

each and every time (though I can still try for it). Flynn taught us

last few weeks, I look back at all that we did accomplish. I took an

all life lessons that some people never learn.

unbacked horse and had him successfully competing at Training,

I never imagined a time without Flynn. I never imagined him

ready for Preliminary by the time he was coming six. He was an

getting sick. I never imagined saying goodbye. But I did say good-

incredible horse.

bye, and I’m sorry, and thank you for everything.

Not only was he good for me, he brought the whole family

February/March 2014 Award Banquet Photos

Bayview Farm at the USEF Awards Gala

Bailey Lones at Eastern Tennessee Hunter

Jumper Assn. Banquet

Left to right it is Madison Benicky, Mikaila Levendusky, Aleah Levendusky, and Missy Snyder at GAHA.

Madeline Erce & JW Alexandrite,

winners of top Purebred Amateur Owned, Trained & Shown

Sunscat Hollow

Arabians’ awards from VAHA and BRAHA



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

North American Anglo Arabian

Year End Awards The North American Anglo-Arabian Horse Association (NAAAHA) has announced the winners of its 2013 High Point Program for Anglo-Arabians that compete in Working Hunter, Jumper, Eventing., Dressage, Sport Horse Under Saddle, Conformation, Endurance and Competitive Trail. All shows and rides whether rated or unrated counted towards these awards. Each Champion and Reserve Champion received an engraved trophy plate. All placings also received a huge ribbon. Anglo-Arabians are the third oldest breed in the world, having been bred in France as far back as the early 1800’s. The breed is comprised of a combination of Thoroughbred and Arabian blood, requiring no more than 75% Thoroughbred and no less than 25% Arabian to be registered. Anglo-Arabians are highly respected worldwide as exceptional athletes, especially in the Olympic disciplines, and have been highly ranked in the world in the sport of Eventing. Visit NAAAHA’s website, www.NAAAHA.com for more information.

2013 ANGLO-ARABIAN HORSE OF THE YEAR Galileo and Ashley Wren

February/March 2014

Hunter/Jumper Champion: Galileo/Ashley Wren Reserve: One More Round/Alexis & Bill Doughty Third: RA Peaceinyourheart/Miranda Kuchera Fourth: Church Creek/Alexis & Bill Doughty Fifth: All Good Things/O: Cassandra Ingles R: Hannah Darby Sixth: NF Miss Scarlett Slew/Marian LaLonde

One More Round and Alexis Doughty The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine Photo

Pudding On Aires and Madison Benicky Catherine Ginn Photo

Dressage Champion: Khemos Khopi/O: John Albright R:Heather Rudd Reserve: Pudding On Aires/Madison Benicky Third: Athena/O: Rita Mason, R: Ashleigh Flores-Simmons Fourth: VF Majestic Rogue/Madeline Jahns

Khemo’s Khopi and Heather Rudd

The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine Photo

Athena and Ashleigh Flores-Simmons Tamara Torti Photo



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

Sport Horse Under Saddle Champion: Khemos Khopi/O: John Albright R: Heather Rudd Reserve: NF Miss Scarlett Slew/Marian LaLonde Third: RA Peaceinyourheart/Miranda Kuchera Fourth: VF Majestic Rogue/Madeline Jahns

Conformation Champion: Al-Marah Oliver Twist/Paula Nelson Reserve: NF Miss Scarlett Slew/Marian LaLonde Third: Hall That Glytters/Kelli Bennett & Jackie Edmonds Fourth: RA Peaceinyourheart/Miranda Kuchera

NF Miss Scarlett Slew and Marian LaLonde

Vermiculus and Lauren Kieffer

Hall That Glytters

SS Allsfairn War and Susan Young

Photo courtesy Marian LaLonde

Photo courtesy Kelli Bennett

Photo courtesy Susan Young

February/March 2014

Fifth: Khemos Khopi/John Albright & Heather Rudd Sixth: Khorajous Zoria/Rita Mason

Endurance/CTR Champion: AJ She-Ra/Alexis Jones Reserve: SS Allsfairn War/Susan Young

Eventing Champion: Vermiculus/Lauren Kieffer

AJ She-Ra and Alexis Jones John Nowell Photo

RA Peaceinyourheart and Miranda Kuchera

AM Oliver Twist and Paula Nelson Photo courtesy Paula Nelson

VF Majestic Rogue and Madeline Jahns



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

Classifieds Aulrab granddaughter bred to Natl Champ Sport Horse Wolkenzorro: FV Aul Alarazzl Rose (“Rosie”) is a 2004 strawberry roan sabino/rabicano 14.3H purebred Arabian mare. She is line-bred Aulrab with correct conformation & excellent movement. “Zorro” is a 16H black overo American Warmblood/Half Arabian Pinto that will be showing 2nd level. Video, pedigree & more at http://prtcdressage.com/. Contact Karla or Mimi Stanley at Prairie Rose Training Center Dressage. 701-222-0148 or prtc@bektel.com

Services Our Services Directory is available for just an annual fee of $25 (6 issues). Subject Headers created as needed. Not for Stallions or Horses for Sale.

FARMS ROZE ARABIANS • Angela White • Elizabethtown, PA • Breeders of Straight Egyptian Arabian Sport Horses Horses for Sale • Clinics • www.RozeArabians.com • RozeArabians@gmail.com • 717-585-0855 MYSTIC RANCH ARABIANS, Karen Ernst, Herald, CA • Breeders of Arabian Sport Horses www.MysticRanchArabians.com • mysticrch@softcom.net BLUE MOON FARM & TRAINING CENTER • Sophie H. Pirie Clifton • Training, Clinics, Instruction thru the FEI levels • Tryon, NC • sophie@montana.net

February/March 2014


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