The Aleit Group Magazine - Twenty-second edition

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Twenty-second Edition // May 2013

Featuring Aleit Wedding Coordination Aleit Events Aleit Academy

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INDEX // 3


THE OPENING Twenty-second Edition – May 2013

The last of the summer warmth seems to have finally slipped away as we greet what seems to be one of the coldest winters yet. This of course means that we have neared the end of May, a revelation that time truly flies. Time is of course not the only thing that flies, but more of that later. First and foremost I want to use this opportunity to say goodbye to a wonderful colleague. Saying goodbye to someone is never easy, but it is especially sad when they have been a part of your life for such a long time. This month we had to bid farewell one of our most abiding coordinators, Rozanne Morkel-Mong. Building a company from scratch is never easy. Finding people to buy into your dream and build it from the ground up with you is even harder. Rozanne has been with The Aleit Group for roughly 6 years – needless to say that she has been with us through thick and thin and never backed down. With her new little one on the way, she decided it was time to say goodbye to the events industry, at least for a little while. We wish her all the best and congratulate her on the birth of her new baby, Isabella Mong, born on the 18th of May 2013. On a high note, The Aleit Group will be attending the SA Wedding Show at the CTICC in Cape Town from the 7th until the 9th of June. As part of the grand prize for the win-a-wedding-competition Aleit Music and Entertainment has sponsored the entertainment for the entire wedding celebration,

from ceremony through pre-dinner all the way to the beat pumping reception and after party. Cream Library has gone all out with the planning of this exciting event. We are excited to work with them and hope to see you all there! Lastly, I have been hard at work completing my final flying exams this past month, which got me thinking about fear. Not only the fear of actually getting into a small aircraft, getting it up into the air and making a smooth landing back on mother earth, but how this fear can easily, with experience, be turned into something extraordinary. Your fear can become your addiction if you just allow yourself to meet it face-to-face. This is where The Aleit Group differs from its competitors. We choose to strive for our goals that might seem unreachable to others, and face these “fears” head on, not stopping until it becomes our high. So this edition of our online magazine is dedicated to new beginnings and facing your fears head-on to turn them into exciting new challenges. In the words of CS Lewis: “Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point.” Enjoy another inspiring read.

Kind Regards, Hans Roosenschoon Managing Director - The Aleit Group

Photographer : Leon van Rooyen


How does the road forward look for you?

Photographer : Johan Wilke

I am bidding The Aleit Group adieu after six wonderful years. The future is still very unclear. For now I just want to spend more time with my family. My second little one is due very soon. That said it is definitely not goodbye forever! I will be back, even if only to visit. The Aleit Group will always have a very special place in my heart. I am going to miss the vibrant group of extreme personalities that coloured my days with very much!

ROZANNE MORKEL-MONG It was with unforgettable memories and a tear in the eye that we bid farewell to one of our favourite project managers and colleagues as she journeyed on to spend some well-deserved quality time with her family. We were fortunate enough to chat to her one last time about her time at The Aleit Group…

Tell us more about your experiences at The Aleit Group. I have been with The Aleit Group for six years, during which a lot of changes took place. I formed a part of the events team from the very beginning, and watched it grow and evolve into the brand that it is today. During those first few years I assisted with weddings during our quiet seasons, and the balance of the two proved to be very exciting. Where weddings follow an emotional process involving long periods of coordination, events were always last minute and the pressure involved was completely different. The events department started with myself as the only project manager, but after my maternity leave the team quickly expanded and has been growing ever since. We rapidly grew from executing one event per month to about twelve events per month. What part of your job do you enjoy the most? The actual planning process is definitely the most fun! The experience of seeing everything come together like perfectly matched puzzle pieces is probably the most rewarding feeling on earth. We typically have about two to three weeks to execute an event from the day of brief. During this time you get to conceptualise the décor, brainstorm with service providers and bring together all the elements that make a fantastic event. What does a typical day look like for you? Emails, emails, emails… I think it’s safe to say that 95% of our day consists of admin work. For me to feel comfortable with an event I need to have a mood board in place supported by a budget and a final programme. Once this is done a function is pretty

much wrapped up. We get to meet with service providers and venues about twice a week to discuss details of an event and to do site inspections. You have grown with the industry. What is your advice to aspiring coordinators? It all comes down to detail. Along with having a keen eye for detail, you must know every detail of your event in order to manage it effectively. You have to be very good at conveying a concept that hasn’t been executed yet in order to please your client. Most importantly is constant creativity – it is so easy to fall into a pattern of identical events. The true art lies in creating a unique experience every time. The industry is growing daily. When we started out the look was pretty much always the same – white linen and standard cutlery. As time went by the industry became more elaborate, more options became readily available and we began to push our creativity to new levels. It is important that this growth is cultivated and continues in the future of this glorious industry. How do you juggle your family life with your long and irregular hours? That is the difficult part. I am a family person. It is often trying to get a balance between family and work and not neglect the one or the other. It’s really just a matter of focussing on one thing at a time and keeping family and work separate. In my spare time I spend time with my family. I am an absolute beach bum – it has to be my favourite pastime and water skiing is definitely a passion. Weekends on our farm and Sunday braais are also major highlights. During the winter months we are always out looking for exciting kiddie friendly restaurants.



CHAMPAGNE FESTIVAL This annual event is hosted at the eminent Summerplace in Hyde Park, Johannesburg in September and the best Champagne houses in the world are being invited to represent their Champagne brand. For this event, we start brainstorming on themes and entertainment quite early in the year as there is a lot of planning involved. Each year, we decide on a specific look and feel and design everything from the Champagne house stands to the furniture, dÊcor, food and entertainment around this specific theme. The event is hosted on a Sunday and due to the fact that there is usually a wedding taking place the day before at Summerplace, we commence with midnight set-up. We will have all our suppliers on standby during the night and only have about seven hours to set-up for the event starting the morning at 09:00. Hence all the suppliers will have to be briefed in advance for set-up to go as smoothly and swift as possible. Our chosen guests arrive in the beautiful foyer, dressed to suit this special occasion. Upon arrival, they will be given a champagne glass and booklet with all the information on the Champagne houses. From there, they will be ushered to the Champagne house stands to taste a selection of 26 – 30 different Champagnes. A pianist or classical instrument adds to the atmosphere in this area. In between the tasting of the Champagnes, guests will move outside to enjoy some delectable canapÊs and bowl food from the live food stations with interactive chefs. The menu is designed to complement the champagnes as well as tie in with the theme each year. Much thought (followed by food tastings) will go into the menu design to make sure each year is different and unique. EVENTS // 11

Beautiful lounge furniture is placed outside underneath the Bedouin tent should guests want to relax and enjoy the surroundings with the pool fountain. Previous entertainment included a live oyster station built on the swimming pool, a fashion show, caricaturist, stilt walkers, live bands and interactive dessert stations. We are already in the planning process of this years Champagne festival, but you will have to wait and see what we have in mind for another top class event!

YEAR-ENDS This is by far the most crazy and busiest time in the Aleit group events office. We receive briefs for the annual year-ends, hosted in five cities nationally, very close to the event dates. Some cities will have back to back events; hence these are two jammedpacked weeks for us. This usually leaves us with one to two months of planning, brainstorming, sourcing venues, meeting suppliers, looking for innovative ideas and themes and designing everything from scratch. Firstly we will chose a theme and decide on locations for each city. This will either be rooftop venues, an open field with clear span marquees, warehouse or parking lots that are completely transformed. We appoint a company to handle all our permits, including security, health and safety, noise control etc. Mood boards will have to be drawn up and presented to the client with 3D floor plan renderings. The fun part then starts with all the coordinators on board meeting the service professionals and brainstorming ideas for furniture and dĂŠcor. The menu, food station designs, waitron uniforms will all have to tie in with overall look and feel. Guests will be shuttled to the unique location. Upon arrival we will have a shoe polish station for the gents or heel stoppers for the ladies. The arrival drink offered will also tie in with the theme and will be displayed in interesting ways such as test tubes or milkshake shot glasses. The idea would be for guests to walk up to the food stations and see the live chefs in action, complete with smoke machines to add some ambience. Waitrons usually move around, offering bowl food to guests on trays. The most important aspect would be the entertainment.

We usually have a line-up of well-known and up-and-coming dj’s and bands performing to make sure guests stay entertained. The idea is to have as much interactive elements to keep guests entertained for the duration of the event. After flying around the country to execute these events, it is time for our team to take a break. Watch this space to see what theme the team will come up with this year‌.

EVENTS // 18

THREE DAY BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION This was an amazing event to work on and our client allowed us to take initiative. Not much time was given to plan this three day celebration, but we jumped at the opportunity immediately. The idea was to host 50 of his close friends at one location and organize accommodation for three nights. The beautiful Babylonstoren was the preferred location. The first night was a very ‘informal’ and relaxed evening under the Franschhoek stars. The French theme was incorporated in the décor – small round and rectangular tables with miss-matched tablecloths to add the French touch. Guests where entertained by Manouche, while helping themselves to imported wines and fresh breads, cheeses, charcuterie and much more from the old wooden tables. The evening after the function, the photographer sent their favorite pictures to us and we used this in our early morning program for the day. We would print out copies for all the guests to showcase some photos of the previous day and also list the program for the day with weather forecast, things to do etc. The next day was the special christening of a little boy and this emotional, religious ceremony took place underneath a big oak tree, next to the river. Guests were seated on hay bales and received parasols and still water. This followed by a very relaxing afternoon picnic hosted underneath the trees on the lawns, where each family/couple received a picnic basket. Homemade lemonades and ginger ale was served in CONSOL jars, while guests lounged around and enjoyed some croquet and other lawn games. While this took place, we were busy setting up for the gala birthday dinner and after party for the evening. The restaurant was beautifully set-up and decorated with

crisp, white Peonies – only available for two weeks of the year. The special menu was prepared by private chefs and paired with 40-year old wines. Guests had no idea about the after-party and we got them on their feet after main course and a pathway of lights led them to the tunes of Freshly Ground that performed in the transformed old shed. After another successful day, we had to update the program and edit photos in the early hours of the morning. First thing in the morning, programs were dropped off, while most guests slept in to recover from the late night. A beautiful brunch at a long table was set-up in the middle of the gardens, with flowers that looked like they came from the garden. While guests had the day for their own leisure, we were setting up for the Alice in Wonderland-themed party that started late afternoon. Décor was sourced from all over Cape Town to find the unique pieces to create this look. Oversized tea cups and bunnies were made from polystyrine and second hand high heels were spray painted in pastel colours – all hung from the trees. It was an afternoon filled with tables of food, trays of drinks and a jampacked entertainment line-up. Goodluck being the entertainment highlight of the evening. The next morning, while guests enjoyed their coffee and said their goodbyes, we were busy breaking down and waiting for suppliers to collect all the hiring. I have learned so much during my time at The Aleit Group, built friendships, learned about reply times and triple checking for spelling errors (thanks Aleit). It has been a great journey and it is with a hefty heart that I have to say goodbye and move on to the next chapter in my life. I will treasure all the fond memories and am proud to say that I have been part of The Aleit Group. May the company only grow from strength to strength!

EVENTS // 29

EVENTS // 29


LEANI & MICHIEL RANDLORDS Gorgeous couple Leani and Michiel chose an urban setting for their designer wedding. Perfectly perched at the highest point in Braamfontein, Randlords is an exclusive rooftop bar and lounge venue, located on the 22nd floor of South Point Towers. Floating high above the City of Gold, its magical 360 degree views stretch from the majestic FNB Stadium in Soweto to the suburban Sandton skyline – and beyond. Panoramic views of the Johannesburg skyline created an incredible backdrop for the stunning ceremony. Guests received colourful animal shaped umbrellas that added a playful element. Two long tables with gold mirrored Perspex tops filled the main reception area, with naked bulbs creating a warm glow on the reflecting surfaces. Modern vinyl menu prints in the shape of gaming boards adorned the windows, while exciting floral décor created a soft texture within this modern, tangible ambience. The wedding stationery was truly a fresh new take on something quirky and fun. Guests were surprised by QR scan codes at their allocated seats which led them to virtual thank you notes written by the newly wed couple. It’s a creative dash of personality that the couple added to their wedding. The seating plan and menu was displayed on the windows, creating the feel of viewing a computer game. Leani looked ravishing on her wedding day. Her simply styled gown fit her perfectly, the soft details paired with the perfect shoes. With the extended veil sleek behind her, she had Michiel gasping for air as she walked down the aisle. Her soft make-up with nude lips set the tone of their theme, subtle yet stunning. The after party that followed was nothing short of electric. As the opening dance commenced a beautiful fire work display took place at a nearby venue, lighting up the night sky in a beautiful display of colour. There was definitely something magical in the air – let’s call it destiny at work.





How did you meet? The story of how we met is actually quite a modern one. We initially met each other online followed by our first date at a beautiful Spanish/ Caribbean restaurant in Minnesota shortly thereafter. Harrison had an entire evening planned (dining, museum tour, etc.), but before we knew it, the restaurant had closed up around us. We were lost in our conversation and in each other’s eyes. We shut the place down - determined to meet up again. Neither of us were looking for a long-term relationship at the time, but it quickly became apparent that our friendship was destined to turn into a life-long commitment. Tell us about the proposal. On the day that Harrison turned 40, Christopher had organized a day of unique experiences around New York including strolls through outdoor gardens, cocktails on hotel rooftops and birthday wishes from friends near and far. To conclude the day, the couple dined at one of their favourite French restaurants in the city. After a slight mix-up on their table location thus challenging Christopher’s detail-oriented personality, Harrison was served his “dessert” on a silver tray. Dessert that evening was a Tiffany box with an engagement ring inside. Along with words by poet Pablo Neruda, Christopher got down on his knee and asked Harrison to marry him for life. Before Christopher could finish, Harrison shouted, “Yes!”. A gaggle of tourists captured the moment for all time on their cameras and had a story to tell when they returned home. Tell us a little more about your wedding day. Our wedding day remains etched in our memory as one of the best days we’ve experienced together. Welcoming our intimate party of 20 guests to Grande Provence was a highlight. We were not able to see the winery until the night before the ceremony so we put our faith in Johnny and The Aleit Group team to select a venue perfect for us. As we entered the property, broad smiles crept to our faces knowing that Grande Provence was absolute perfection. It was such a joy to welcome our friends from Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, London, Nairobi and Cape Town to our ceremony. We were both teary-eyed and overwhelmed with gratitude for our friends and for one another that day.

What was the best moment of the day? Two weeks before the ceremony, we learned that our musicians from the US were not able to join us in Franschhoek. We furiously scrambled to find a vocalist and musician to fit the R&B music that we selected for the ceremony. We were incredibly blessed to find two new friends in Cape Town who surprised us with the quality of their musicianship and the openness of their hearts (Dan Eppel & Monique Hellenberg). When they performed, we took in the scene around us and realized that the sky was indeed “the colour of love”… spontaneous dancing even took place minutes before the ceremony! Harrison also loved hearing Christopher’s vows for the first time… standing in front of our friends, emotionally exposed, confessing our love and commitment to one another. Tell us more about the honeymoon. Our honeymoon was our entire trip to South Africa. We started off in Kruger National Park for an amazing 3-day safari organized by Rhino Africa, then flew to Cape Town for two nights in Franschhoek where we were married at Grande Provence Heritage Wine Estate. We concluded our time in Cape Town where we rang in New Years’ Eve with our friends listening to Hugh Masekela in Kirstenbosch Gardens. Tell us more about your experience working with us. It’s quite challenging planning a wedding from another continent spanning multiple time zones, but from the start Johnny and his team were on top of everything. We felt listened to and cared for. What more could you want on your wedding day? We are a non-traditional wedding couple and we needed our planner, our venue and our experience to fit us and our aesthetic. The Aleit Group knows how to make things happen in the most beautiful and thoughtful ways possible. We plan a lot of events in the US so it was an absolute pleasure to put our faith in Johnny. By the way, the food and wine at Grande Provence is to die for. We want to eat and drink there every week! What advice would you give to future couples getting married? Breathe. Take a moment before the ceremony to take stock of what brought you to that moment. Find a quiet place and be present for one another. And let The Aleit Group worry about the details!


The Aleit Academy Workshops A PEEK BEHIND THE EXQUISITE CURTAIN OF WEDDING AND EVENTS Over the last few years, The Aleit Group has been inundated with requests to put forward some specialised Workshops to share with the world what makes us, The Aleit Group what we are. We have since been politely declining as we just didn’t have the time to spare... The Aleit Academy has now diligently come to the rescue and taken on the opportunity to begin with the first of many exciting Workshops to come! We are exceedingly proud to announce that The Aleit Academy will be hosting the first of four upcoming exclusive Workshops in just a few short weeks. This first Workshop will be a Food and Wine Pairing with the Executive Chef of Stir Food, Gustaaf Boshoff at the helm. The dates have been set for the 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th of June 2013 and will be held on the breathtaking Lourensford Wine Estate, in Stir’s newly renovated kitchen alongside the ever popular venue, Laurent. This particular Workshop will consist of four consecutive Wednesday Evenings from 18h00 – 21h00 where those attending will be treated to live demonstrations by Chef Gustaaf, continuing into a hands on session where preparation of items will take place at individual stations in the Stir Kitchen. This means that once you have learned, prepped and cooked to your heart’s content, all that’s left to do is sit down at an elegantly laid table and enjoy the fruits of your labour! This would not be complete without a perfectly paired Lourensford wine which Chef Gustaaf

will pair to the unique menu each week. Not only will you brush up on a few basic cooking skills, but you will leave a more confident cook with new methods to apply in your own kitchen and dinner parties – not to mention a new understanding of cooking in a catering style kitchen! You can also be sure that Chef Gustaaf will have a few surprises up his sleeve each week to add to the excitement... Get in as soon as you can as there is only space for 10 participants this time! The Aleit Academy will also be present the following Workshops in the months to follow: • • •

Floral Details Hair and Make-up A-Photography

Each of the above Workshops will be featuring the best of the best in the industry at the helm to teach all their tricks of the trade. As with the Food and Wine Pairing, they will also feature 4 lectures over a month period on a Wednesday evening. These Workshop dates will be set in the next few weeks, so look out for posts on The Aleit Group and Academy social media and Newsletters. Should you wish to apply for the Food and Wine Pairing please email Food and Wine Pairing with the Executive Chef of

Stir Food, Gustaaf Boshoff Date 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th of June 2013 Time 18h00 – 21h00 each Wednesday Venue Lourensford Wine Estate, in Stir’s newly renovated kitchen alongside the ever popular venue, Laurent.

Gustaaf Boshoff - Executive Chef

of Stir Food

Note that only 10 places are available this time round and will be taken on a first come first serve basis – good luck!


Photographer : Nikki Meyer

Photographer : Joe Photography


Photographer: Inecke Photography

Jenny Laubscher, formerly known as Aleit’s friendly blond personal assistant, recently rejoined the group after a two year break, this time as a project manager for the events team. After her marriage in 2011 to farm-boy Johan, the newlyweds headed off to the vast horizons of the Sandveld, where they enjoyed the tranquillity of the farm life. Jenny immediately fell in love with the open fields and freedom, but secretly missed the buzz and excitement of city life. Being career driven Jenny was thrilled at the prospect of moving back to Stellenbosch – even more so when she received a phone call from managing director Hans Roosenschoon inviting her back to The Aleit Group family. Jenny recalls her answer being a no-brainer – “when do I start?” Growing up as a small town girl from Kirkwood in the Eastern Cape, Jenny’s dream of becoming a city girl came true in 2003 with her studies in Stellenbosch. In 2010 Jenny was given the opportunity to join the Aleit Group as part of the weddings team, living her dream among crystal, peonies and crisp white linen. This fairy tale job soon turned into her own magical wedding with West Coast potato farmer Johann in June of 2011 and she spent a few months away living on their farm. Her wildest dreams came true when opportunity knocked and they needed to move back to Stellenbosch. Jenny was welcomed back into the Aleit family with open arms and is now part of the fast paced events team. Jenny’s keen eye for trends and fashion assures that she is back with a stylish bang and ready to take on the challenge of making every event magical and memorable with her extremely organized administration skills (which is a must in the industry). “I am so thankful for my job and amazing colleagues, and best of all, I am excited to go to work every morning. I am ready for every challenge that the new day throws at me.”


Kind Regards, Aleit Swanepoel Founder and CEO - The Aleit Group

TO END IT OFF I recently had the honour of visiting some of my very beloved cities. As wedding season was winding down, it was the perfect opportunity to jet off to London and Munich for media visits - as we are still to privileged to boast being the most published wedding and event coordination company in both the UK and Germany. London always ensures for the most wonderful inspiration (and the best shopping before summer season). This visit was just that tad extra special as I got to spend some time with past and present Brides.

En route home, I took a little detour (I’m also allowed a little holiday!) and spent some time in Cairo, Egypt. Visiting Egypt has always been a dream of mine, and what an experience! Standing next to the majestic pyramids one feels utterly humbled by the amazing things humankind is able to achieve. We tend to get so caught up in our day to day lives that we forget there is a world out there with the most amazing variety of cultures. My visit to Egypt, though short, is one I will treasure forever.

Beautiful Bride, Madushi De Silva and I had so much fun at her dress fitting, at Caroline Castigliano. I felt like a proud dad when she stepped out of the dressing room. I could not believe the true sight of beauty and innocence in front of me. The dress fitting was then followed by picking out shoes at her favourite stores. We redesigned her jewellery and then went to pick out suits for the Groom, Groomsmen and Best Men…the list goes on! Thank heavens for Harrods that ensured for just for the most amazing high tea spread, just when we were in great need of sustenance La Durée Tea Room rescued us. Getting to know Madushi and Stefan over an unforgettable dinner at a private members-only club that same evening was particularly exceptional.

Ending off our May newsletter I wish to share a gripe I have been harbouring for a while. South Africa has the potential to be on par with the best in the world. Note that I am not referring here to the standards of weddings and events, I feel we truly match and in some cases exceed international standards here, but there are other areas where I feel a little improvement is necessary. During my meetings in both London and Munich, I was astounded at the level of detail put into the tiniest of things. Walking into an office in London I was left with this feeling of awe. Everything has been given thought to, the décor is meticulous, the smallest thing has been paid attention to. This is something we as South Africans need to strive towards, especially us Capetonians are guilty of having quite a relaxed, nonchalant attitude, when it comes to offering refreshments to our clients. Bring on the Macaroons! And not only Ceylon, but a variety of teas and coffees…watch this space to see the treats our clients are in for, when visiting any of The Aleit Group studios for meetings. Bringing this back to events - setting up for a wedding or event is a simple example, just imagine the effect if all staff and service providers arrive for set up, dressed uniformly in smart black. It would add that little bit of wow factor to the process. Just a little thought to leave you with…

I also got to spend time with two of our former Brides… both looking as radiant as the day they walked down that crisp white aisle…don’t know if it is just auspicious, but I have to say that all our Brides are exceptionally beautiful and become even more radiant with time! Liesl Lamare is going from strength to strength in her career, and I am proud to now also call her an associate of The Aleit Group. Anca and Pieter Grobbelaar are the happy parents of little Abigail, the little girl with the most infectious smile. And, a bonus that they love Indian cuisine as much as I do. Truly a delight to see our blissful couples and their gorgeous families. We are so blessed in this industry - we work with and get to know our clients during the happiest times of their lives, and to top that we share their most special of days with them. These factors all ensure for incredibly special lifelong friendships.

I hope all our loyal readers have a wonderful May. Keep warm as winter is slowly but surely creeping up on us.

SERVICE PROFESSIONALS EVENTS CHAMPAGNE FESTIVAL Venue Catering Sound, Lighting & AV Registration Flowers Furniture Photographer Bedouin Tents Models & Choreography Bars Staff Perspecs Tables Live Music Cold Storage Stationery Hiring Champagne House

Summer Place Stir Food Presentation Staging ITEM Okasie Propstars Cari Photography Nomadik Red Dahlia Thirst By Word of Mouth Gideon’s Flowers & Functions CC Aleit Music & Entertainment Value Truck Rental Lara Designs Funxion Fusion Javelin

YEAR ENDS Flowers & Décor Photographer Hiring Stationery Lighting & Sound Flooring Bar & Staffing Food

Red Hot Events ZaraZoo The Jukebox Co & Woshbox A-Design Presentation Staging Connecta Floor Thirst Bar Service (JHB), Shake & Serve (CT) Stir Food (JHB), Fedics (CT)

THREE DAY BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION Venue Menu & Drinks Photographer Technical Stationery Tables Trapeze artist Magician Entertainment Dance Floor Giant Chess Set Flowers & Décor Hiring High Tea Table Bar & Beverages

Babylonstoren Babylonstoren Inecke Photography Presentation Staging A-Design In & Out Events Emilie Lelouch Alexander May Magdalene Minnaar Blinde Boere Orkes Three Tons of Fun Goodluck Connecta Floor Science Centre Floral Affairs My Pretty Vintage Artichoke La Maison The Prop House Nelle Cakes Thirst

SERVICE PROFESSIONALS WEDDINGS LEANI & MICHIEL Venue Floral DĂŠcor Music & Entertainment AV & Sound Food Beverages Stationery Photographer Hiring

Randlords The Flower Art Company Aleit Music & Entertainment Randlords Randlords Randlords A-Design Mike Rose Photography Exclusive Hire In & Out Events

CHRISTOPHER & HARRISON Venue Music & Entertainment Food Beverages Stationery Photographer Hiring

Grande Provence Aleit Music & Entertainment Grande Provence Grande Provence Secret Diary Philippa Ndisi-Herrmann In & Out Events

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