The Kaje (October Issue)

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The music industry may often be viewed as staid and boring, churning out mass--produced hit after hit. But here at The Kaje we feel that issue after issue we find those who break the mould. London based Woman E are such an act. Drawing more on the poptastic 90s, their debut single “Few And Far Between” is colourfully charismatic but be warned it will get stuck in your head. After a sunny day in Dulwich Park, the duo told us more about their intentions... Woman E is a very topical name, what made you settle on the name? We were following the scandal of Max Mosley allegedly having had Nazi themed sex with a dominatrix, known throughout the case as Woman E. The tabloids were persecuting him with the full force of their double standard morality and we found it fascinating how Mosley turned the whole chase around and ultimately inflicted a humiliating defeat on the tabloids. We thought it had a lot to do with our times: the obsession with sex, Nazis and the almost Victorian moral code the tabloids lay claim name choices. to but never live up to themselves. We wanted to name the band after Do you think the Mox Mosley incident is reflected within something current and liked this sto- your sound? ry because it has so many layers. No, not really, I think this would be quite difficult to translate. But he had guts and was honest, so we give him a lot of kudos “We like to put things for that.


together that don’t necessarily match.”

Were there any close runners? There were certainly many suggestions, but we can’t really remember them. A quick check on MySpace proved every time that others had had the same idea before us. It took ages to come up with this, naming a band isn’t a talent of either of us. When we play gigs we always envy other bands for their creative band 6

The Kaje

How would you describe your sound? We like the term ‘melancholy disco’, we like to put things together that don’t necessarily match. How did you form Woman E? It was a natural transition from a previous band we played in, we just kept working together and had less and less people around us. What do you each bring to the table? We keep each other in check first of all and take a few things

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