
Page 1

Diocese to'Award Diplomas To 55! Boys and Girls In 10 High S'chools'


_.. _ , "

A total of 361 girls and 191 boys will be graduated this month from the 10 high schools of the Fall River Diocese. Leading all is Coyle High School, Taunton, which will award diplomas to 106 boys in June 15 ceremonies. Smallest graduating group is 19 girls from Sacred Hearts Academy, Fairhaven. Bishop Connolly 'will be present at five graduations, Bishop Gerrard at· two. Four Fall River schools h~lVe scheduled graduation ceremonies on Sunday, June

An Anchor o{the Soul"Sure and fi'irm-ST. PAUL

~all River, Mass.

Vol., 3, No. 23 . ,

Thursday, June 4,1959 ,8eeond Cia.. Mail Pri..llec.. Authorized .t Fall River. M....


$4.00 pe,


14, one on Monday, the 15th. Both at 2 Sunday afternoon are _ Mt. St. Mary's Academy and Dominican Academy. The 49 girls g~aduating from Mt. St.' Mary's will receive diplomas in St. Mary's Cathedral. Bishop Connolly will be present and Rev. Bernard F. Sullivan will preach. Dominican Academy graduates, 61 girls, will convene in the School auditorium. Rev. Paul ·G. Connolly will address them and Bishop Gerrard will be present. Tl;Irn to Page EighteeD

Gift of Ponies School Picnic Highl.g~,t ~ Awarding of two completely equipped". ponies will ,highlight the First 'Annual Diocesan Sch"6ol'gicnic, slated . STONEHILL GRADUATION,:,' Dignttariesat com:. mencement 'exercises iot 92 Storiehill College senior:s include , (left to right) Frank~t Fol~om~ex~utive c,ommit.tee chairmim", Radio Corporation of Ame~ica andgradua:tion speaker; Bishop' James L: Connolly, Francis Cardinal Spellman and, Very Rev. Richard H. Sullivan, C.S.C., coll~ge pr~sident.

(;ardinal Speililitan· ~riitiates ~ishop Cassidy~ SC!h~larship

I Announcement of the establishment of.-a' scholarship fund, in memory. of, .Bishop'James E. Caf'l~i~y highlighted the eighth annual commencement of Stonehill. College, North Easton. The scholarship, ,open to students 'of Cardinal Spellman High School, Whit- ,92 students received'degrees inman, represents one half Of . eluding 27 from the Fall ~iver a g,ift of $10;000 made to Diocese. John D. Cpnnell, Fall the '~ollege by I:Iis Eminence, River, received a spec,ial award

Cardinal Sp'ellman, for distinguished work in debatF rancis present" at the exercises to -rei~g., ,.. ' ceive, an hon'orary doctor. "of' .CardJnal' Spellman,. presided" laws' degree'. and Very Rev. Richard H. Sul: The remainder of the Card- Ilvan, C.S.C., Stonehill president, Inal's gift' will go towards erec-' c,onferred degrees. Bishop Contlon of a dormitory on the Stone- '~olly gave the invocation., .~ill campus. ' " Commencement speaker. was . Large Attendance " Frank M., Folsom, executive committee chairman, Radio CorOver 2,000 attended the commencement exercises, at which' TurD 10 Page EighteeD

for Monday and Tuesday, June, 22 and 23,at 'Lincoln Park,. NOJ;'th' Dartmouth'. ' ,. . The ponies and "their equip~ent . will' be ':presented, . one . each day of the picnic, to a boy or ' girl, in attendance. Strip tickets issued to the <;hildrenfor rides on' park amusements will bear serial numbers which will Turn io Page EighteeD

Fr. Roland Bousquet, New Bedford Pr.iest, Writes New 'Series : Today, The Anchor begins a Dew series of articles on the aecouterments' of the Church, starting with the, Altar CroSs. , Author of the series is Rev. It 0 h D d 'Bousquet, of st. Josephis Church, New Bedford. The series will not only give information on Church f,urnishings. but will show, how these externals' of religioD . play their, ·part in the great actioD Of ~an ~ worship, of God. . Examples' of the furnishings discusSed in. each article will be photographed from various 'Churches throughout the Diocese. The Altar Cross depicted ,iD thisissoe is fr'om Holy Name Church, New Bedford.

, . ~'I,wiLL Bl.. ESS EVERY PLACE": The promis~ '0(" the Sacred' ,Heart to bless every plaee where His picture would be honored is reeaHedby tliis Tauritorifamily: as their' ,home is consecrated to Him bY. Rev. 'Edward A. Oliveira. Krieeling is Frank Mattos arid' standiQg 'with· little' Da'vid,. ;-. is Mrs.. cMattos. ' "

Family Enthronement, Pop'ular in Taunton

. . 'By Marion Unsworth , Marking the opening days of june, mont~ of the Sacred. , Heart> Rev. Edward A. Oliveira;, Our Lady of Lourdes par- . ish, Taunton, officiated at Enthronement ceremonies in the home of ~r~ and Mrs. Frank' Mattos; 3 Barnum Street. . The Enthronement' is the' tJnii~d States following' Worid official· and social recogni- War II. zance Of the sovereignty, of The Enthronement also rep-' the Sacred Heart of Jesus, resents fulfillment of requests, , .' .'. .. , made by the Sacred Heart to St. over the ChristIan famIly, a rec- M . t M . th 17th T ff' d' t dl' argare at·y III e cen-' oglll IOn a Irme, ou war y, 'tury th t devoti t Him expressed and made permanent ,a" on 0 by the .solemn installation of the ,spread thro~ghout the ~orl~ and image Of'the Sacred Heart iit ~~at ~ speCIal feast, be IIlstItuted . . th e h orne III ' HIS honor. That feast, to . be conspICUOUS p Iace III and by the Act of Consecration. observed tomo~r~w, June ~, IS • day of EucharIstIc reparatIon. Enthronement in the home i s . . , · . ... a worldwide movement started 'The Mattos famIly, IIlcludI~g in 1907 by Father Mateo Craw- ?,other, fath~r, and baby.Da.vI<;Io ley-Bovey of the Sacred Hearts IS the,13th In Father OlIveIra a Fathers, who brought it to the TurD to Pag-e Seventeea


Two"Diocesan Pupils. Win UnUSUal Scholarsftips It's noteworthy enough when a youngster wins a four year scholarship to high school or college; but

LUCKY BOY: Stanley J. Bielusiak,14, is tops among Massachusetts scholarship winners iria contest sponsored by I./Union St. Jea~Baptil'lte 4' Am~riql!e. Wit~ him is his mother, Mrs. Stanley BieIusiak. Meri1be~s of, St. ·Jean Bap., ',~te parish, Fall .River, they live at 293 Spencer Street.

when grammar school graduates are the recipients of eight year scholarships, guaranteeing both high school and college career.. it's a truly unusual event. Two eighth graders of the Diocese have just been named winners of, such awards. They are Stanley J. Bielusiak, 14, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bielusiak, 293 Spencer Street, Fall River, a student at St. Jean Baptiste school; and Jacqueline A. Plaud, 13, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Plaud, 13 Edna Street, New Bedford, who will graduate 'from St. Joseph's school. Both schools are staffed by the' Sisters of St. Joseph. Both. Top Students Both "'Jacqueline and Stanley, not surprisingly, have been top students since pre-primary days, and are accustomed to heading "their classes, but both were de'lighted at "notificiltion of ~heir success in t"he national 'examiria... TVIl :1o"'P&&'e Eiditeea

. LUCKY GIRL: Jacqueline A. Plaud, 13, with her parents, Mt; 'and Mrs. Eugerie Plaud, St. Joseph's' pari&h, New Bed-

ford, smiles at news that


will reeeive an


~ch.Qlarship to high. sch.ool and college from L'Union St. Jean

'Baptiste ,d'Amerique.


~:Excluslve ~ Diet -. ..


':No't 'Goo'd'for '.



of ',Science "~,:.'



" , ' . "fh~;';"June 4; 19.59

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DIOCESE: OF. FALL RIV,ER. , ". .' I '. >... :.:


,(NG)~A theol.ogian

warned here



' " w i i l , 'Be; , " 0 ' ' ' " ' '. 'n. ' ,.' I ;'





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"if all we fee9 the c~ndida~es for a science deAg~ is ~tie~ce :, Sho~~~, exclusively, shallnot.get go.<!,?, ~cienti~~~" ,~I~!l,tlS" ~s:,~, human being; before ,he is .a: sciel)tist~and he 8.,'h,()uldflevelop. ,,~ "·'.S"'•• ",,:0I, ", '" ' " , Th'" 'ii T ' r ; I'e eVI "', his humanity no less 'ti,fi~ questio~.' ",',·' ..V'·A'T"IC"AN'" ',' ,CI' TY',' '(lI.'r'.C"·')',',_"'" ' "d than 'I and 'structure 'of ".e.ra theology, o~a.e "lp' 'a pi ' ]nssclenbflC. ~nt,s" e~, ar~sehoorof divinity ·is.ouLof:place:,;;,: M"il;"II'O'DS of C.atbolics:t'hroug'·h' ed Father Gustave ,WeIgel,' in an engineering -college," he S.J~~ , of' WoOdstock' (Md:)coIrimented., . . out the world may be able, to College. . "'. Father Weigel'suggested that watch the main'sessions of 'Father Weigel stat~ that 'religion'" courses' in' technical, tne' forthcoming' ecumeni~aI schools Of science should'make :schools place. special,' 'stress on' coiincil on television, it was re. it· a point to :'provide,' for 'their '''the nollon of creativi~y; whereported here. ' I sttiilents courses in language; 'by the Scitmtist sha'resinthe The Vatica~' City weeklia, history, 'philosophy and 'religion, action of God the' Creator." This ''L~Osservatore della Domeni~a, the "capstone of ,a humanistic is the aspect of 'religion most "noted that thb will,be the first training." , likely to appeal 10·'the scientist, ~"council of the Church to haVe While "science 'as such does he said, and the one most, rele- audio~visual aids at its dfsposal not render the scientist a foe ·of vantto his work. .an~ said they will be used.. ' religion,". "declated . Father, Wei"Movies, radio and televisioD, gel, "yet ,if must ~ recognizecl . particularly the latter," the that the man of science,. pure or " , . ,weekly said, "will allow 500 applied, ill' often contemptuous ~ ~ million Catholics all over the of religion. WASHINGTON (:li1C) -:"'. Ob- world to be 'present' in Rome. ~eligioUs ColdneSs ,scenity proceeding~..w~ich may It will also allow everyone to . Be said thiS is because Scieri- result in cu~ting of,f mail from . .• see the principal phases of the 'titic training leave~ a student two New York fipnshav~ been 21st assembly that the Universal unequipped to' handle religious' begun 'by ,the ~ost O~ice . Church is promoting' for the questions, 'and, 'accustomed 'to Department. .' . union of men under her great "steer away from" religion. "The The depa~ent~'alleges that wings." result can easily be a coidness '. the firms have been distributing If television is to be used, only to tbe religious or superliciality obscene material thiough .the the public sessions of the council, in his practiee of religion," be mails. , ~" . will be telecast. The daily delibAid. ' By being cut. oli from their eratioDs of the bishops will not ' Schools of science should not mail, POstal officials have. pointed . SOLDIER OF (:HRIST: Frank Sylvia,l3, of St. Tb~rnas, be open to the public and-if -champion ftligion," ., a t b e'j. o'utm the paSt, mail . order dis- More parish, &omeciet; receives t~e sacrament of ConfiJ:'l,l)a- precedent is honored-will 'be Weigel eont,inued. but 'they tributOR ar:e deprived :ot th,eir' tion from Bishop Connolly. A victim of heinophili~ Frank kept IIecI'et by those participat· source of and . thus. is bedridden mueh. of the time. Standing behind hiDI' is hijJ - . ...., .~- .....--~ foFced out of business. , ' . , " . ' ~ly." ' .,' '. PO$I offieWs also, anp9Unced 'spOnsor, Som~~t:Fire'Chi~f ,Joseph R~Lu$sier. " ' . " . To do this, be said, tedmieal' ifttheir monthly roundup of " . . ' 8ehools must include hwDanistic fraud and mailabilitY' eases that ,po ~i. ssi~ns: studies, . ineluding: religion, in %5 foreign fraud' and. obscenity Stonehill College SWDmeI' tbeireUrricula., orders were recommended ,to the' ce ··.. t· 'classeswillbeginMondaY.,~une Father" Weigel coDeeded" that judicial officer of ihe ~~stOf~~ ;: 2:2; and" continue 'to Mo~ ,ae erowdedschedules'of sci- ,Depar1ment,during ~~cb" ~md , ' , ' .. . ~ ," .. ' '. '. . , , ' " I " [, ' " '\." Aug: 3, it isannouncedby,Rn. enee students and their indif- ,."'pril by. ,the, . departme~ps' The'. examinalionlfor, eollege .students ,who ~ire, to james '~. 'DOyl«~;"'CSC;,' deaD. ":fe!'enc:e 'bt humanistie 'studies " general counsel. . ..:r,>enter the MaJor Se~nary:'and study, for ,the' priesthOOd for 'Registration' 'will' be . I'rida~ ,are an obstade, to ,the 'plan, be ~. order,s, , -:~",Id -l',ey~.,.t, .. the' DiOCese ~ held Tbursday, June 18, at the ,Convent ~une ii.' Twenty courses ill; ,11 en"isioned~, ' delivery of ~ail .fr~ ,;thlS '. Of' the Holy Union of,the Sacred Hearts, 'ProspeCt Street, , departmentS· will ,be offered . . PartiaiSolDtioncountry w mall order dlstrlbu. .' :.' , . ' .;', , " . "theeoeducational session. 'A pertiaJ. sOfution, hi said~Jiea operati!1g 0 u t,s.i d ethe ,,~all RIver:' . ' . '. . " undertaken during the first two Ali summer .courses may be ' . keeping'religioUs instruetioD C41untry. . " ',' . The Major Se~m!U'Yc~ll- y~rs of the classical 'cellege " taken for credit or audited' and ""minimal rather than' maximal" : '''In r.olumbus, Ga"tJu: d~~rt-· sists. of two ,ye~ of. Phil-'course. ' . ',' , , " elasses will meet'daily MoDday Be pointed out that "the engin- 'ment' announced, a 55:-year-old osophy and'allied sulij~ts-Those accepfed as students for' through Friday. Closing date eering .......... -"--I does not, turn' out man was t~o . bIe <- the last two'ye. ' .',sentenced.to . '1 after .~e lead' g compara... . an tbe priesthoOd . for the D.ioeese as '10' r registr'a ti"" on w.ill be Tbun: tbe,ologia~s, though'it do~s: wish. y~rs In ]8) .. , t ,~f college-and four. ye~rs ~f a result of th;e examina~~n' and " ,day, June 25. Fin?l examina~ona O to turn out cultured scholars.... .Il ty to, COUll, somal mg Theology. This, exanunatJon 18 recommendation by thea paStor will' be held, from ~u17 • Further,. be said,. emphasill obscene letters., f()r those, who bavecoinpleted 'will'be assigned 'to a Major 8em- 'thrall h,Autt.3... ",' , lIhould be put on the "humanistic from: A#.e'.a:', ,i their fjI:st'!Wo .years oC~lasS~cal':in:ary' 'by the· 'Most' Reve~nd, ' ~; , ,,1,," . , . ,., ., 1; Rlevanre" Of religion to seien.-' ~', cOlieg'e 'studiesiri' ~t'M.loor ~- "·BiShop"·and'·wmbegin"thefr'. . ' ,


' .' " ." . " 'li:' '",

Seeks' to .Stop' Obscene

,.~~~a~.:~~ ;~~enr'~~,to.".



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~. ,Stonehill' AnnounceS Se . Summer

Ian: J·un'··.e'. :,,18 '. ,·Ex.'a'

F,.0 r'p'-,rleS

no·,tio.n. " d' C' a n'd' I-d"'t" " 'h':00 0 es



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N~o~:~:e~:~~:~er,i~1:)~~:~~:l}tr'i~:iria~i~:!its<'stF·tid,ie,~c inF"~~diI~~~P~C'/I'l~;ib,~~,:~l1~ ·;,:·",;"·bONN'EL.lY',';:, Rev:



AI.... T"I'N". SERViCE':''''''

. , '. , , ' . - "Diocese will graduatefrQm 'Notre' "~~noUn~ed b~;: ,Alfred" J. >,:; il'$t .,. aw' ,,~,,~, ,p-" G","'~, I; , ': ,'Tbe'followwg ,films '·iO,be . Dame .University at', the, n.th "'Gendreau ·.'Secretari'oi '! t h e " " ; ' .';'" ,'" ',/,,"" :, ':::, " ',,-,'" ,:' ft'~ , ' " ti ,:annual commencement exercises, of' ",Meets Ii Un'objeetiomible for "general'set,for·Sunda~,June:7.;,,' ,.sist of those IIUbj~ets, ~~ally Tbeseas0I!'s final meeting of,(;,;:':" " " " . " l " , ';': :", . . ' , ' , 'They, are Richard, E: Amaral, " "'. the First'Fi'idayClub sponsor~. . ~mercial •. Industrial :: ~tro~e:' Face of Fue, 'For the ,Prospect ,Street, ,Nortb ,Dighton, :' ,K~~x," , by, Taunton :~,igh~ of CQlu~- "'... ~ 'Iristitutiorial ;;Pirst-ru:ne.. .' 'adults ',and·Charl,es A.,Bowen....Tr.,.54·'B·" 'P'~·U.-;" ,- , . "",bus;Msgr.J:amesJ~c;lyle" . Cou~il,.' Paintingand:DecOrating · :Nd~o..bllectionatsbleSbfkor H cis" ,Tanager Road, ,AtUeboro.',both usf at ~."~,v,e,,,I!'ty, ,~, ,;No.82,~will,be held",t the:;raun-. "',", '0 ,:.. .', '" • I:" " :' · an '.-0 escen : ' a e an 'hi receive. hac~lor ,of ,arts ioe' . ,i, ~.,I·,J!:n·tJled'em~Pn~~I.•~. . ~~r;~,;:.a':'~;." ~_ ',:c grlie.est;andsJoset,Ph'NTe.,ice'oBrieedfY'oJr22d OXFORD, (N~) "'7 A bust of, ton Inn at ~ tomor~~w... , '135 Franklin Street,;, "" eu.--.,..., .... ~.,.~ ,Msgr.. Ro~3:!d,Kno,x,,;the.,,"rriter,.. Rev. Charles, 'Poirier,.," '~~I'R""'"'' OS'':::':rne' '2-1911' t "~'~~':-'~r'did'and "morally bac"::t~i o/:ie~Ce w ' . , and preacher who du~d ,m 195"1, ,. Mary's. Church, Taunton; wJll be . "r:UI" ~ . ,QU , . ~gra~Jig a~osphere of. this Nearly 1300 'wili ree,eive de- .... was unveilen at England's Trin- :- guest speaker. The dub will refilm IS fu.~!f "c~~~unde.~ .~Y '«reeS',at the ceremonies. .John iti College, Oxford University, ,sume meetings in September. An . ".:. \', b~~t ~o~tions Of Christian A. McCone, ebairman" of. the by Evelyn WaUgh, ',the" Catholic' , catholic men in tbearea,are·in;" and Vachtio~ ~d~rc:b of U. _So Atomie EnergyCommis- . novelist. . , '.', " " " ,yjted to. attend. Luncheon,meet,~, both m Sltuations and sion, will deliver the commence,Then an Anglican, MsgY. ItDo:ll . ingB are.beld 'each First·Frida7. , ~ttpn~. ',' , " ment address. His Eminence, \va~ a, fellow ,.and :&ec:~r,. and Franz Cardina. K!)enig,. Arch- ,later 'chaplaip,' at Trinity Col-, ~ ,TOO: ·"Me: ,,~:, . S bishop of Vjenna, will"be ,haec.,. lege before. being ,,~ved, in.to ,j .',FORTY;, HO~Jt"., laureate speaker, , ,',' ,,'. the.Catholic Church, in ,19i1. A ' ..•' ~, ·~r • ..:.:.;..~~,:"", " " , " " ~ ...', ..- " j~ . 0,,N. , ; . , .. ,. "" ..".."fund",has ,~ft' '~11~:~~ " ,Mass 'Ordo. ,,... ,setting ..YP a. l<;l,l9~ ,Me~o.rial '.' June' "l-&. JOseph,' Taun, "WAY ~ MOSt ' Sacred "Beart . , Scholarship at ~ c;ollege.".. " :..•.. ',." INDUSTRIAL OILS ton..., '. , , ',' of .Jesu&Double "of rClails.' , -Mr.' Waugr.'·isat .pr,sent:writ,0 ", . . ' . . ..' . . 'c', .~=r!~t".]11~~ White. Mass Proper;"'qloria; ing,a biogr{lphy ,of Msgr.Knox., HEAnNG OIlS' ' , , . " ." Creed' 'P1"efate . M""Sacred ...._'1 ~.........._ , i.' . . I ::' " 'J'Wle.l~t. Mary, New "Bed, " ,

are :::ce;:v.:ae~if~~~~o~.~heir ~


Exam.~t;is, ~i1r.,~n-


Unveil Msg'r.

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~OIL".(O.i', INt""





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D.I=. S~~



'J=::o:::ie~:":::,'L'EARY'',:', PRESS

. op and:Mass Confessor. .JuRe 21-st. Elizabeth, FaD White. Proper;, Double. Glorja; ,. .' .River. ' , , ' "Coinmon<Preface.' . . . St.M3ry;NortoD. SUNDAy::-m Sund8y <Alter 'JuDe 28----Our Lady of PurpPenteCost. Double. Green,Mass ;" . toJ'y, New Bedford. , teeost. ·Double. Greell, '.Mass St. . Mary, North AWeProper; Gloria; creed; Pref': boro. aeeof the Trinity. ' .:::' .', . MONDAY--':'Mass of the .previous Sunday:' Simple: Green. Mass . Proper; No Gloria; ~c;lmmOD o Preface.. ' " ' "', . S1UIC " TUESDAY-Mass of the previous P.II. St. Au I ti •• , .SundaY; Simple. Green.·. ~ass V~Baven: . Proper; No Gloria; seeond', P oM. Seered Bean. Oall CoIled ss. Primus and. Feli_ i, c BlUffs. . . 'dan, Mar1;)'n;' Common 'bef-\ ~. " ace. . 7:30 P.II. Our Lady 01. tIae WEDNESDAY -St. Margaret,·· Ide. Nantucket. -QueeD and Widow.' Simple. White. Mass Pnlper; G19ria; , 'lUll' ~ . . Common Preface. i;~ ........ THURSDAY - St. 'Barnabas. ·d' IIasa PahIisbeO_ Apostle. Greater Double. Red." - ftuantiIIu • tilt·HilrIdamO 11._-.' hD ,!tiftr. _ _.. CatlloliePrsa·llI'. Mass Pro~r;: Gloria; DIee8. of' Fa" ·River. Sobscrh,tjOIi priee Preface of Apostles. .. -u. ~ per ,..... '

Confirm"tions .:00 u.


.......... ·ftlD........._il'.. lI:Y. "'00




'234 Second st.. 'Fan River


0.-: Jbb. ~'~;'l.(~::








... 1-- .'1l;M GL ,-,. . ~



IOWR1, MASS. ""' ...


Sales &Sel'Yice





'J8 'CO~~ So. o.artmouth-


and ~annis

So. Dortmoulll

·MISSIO~ARIES· OF OUR LADY OF' LA SALETTE' WHy NOT IE A MESSENGER OF OUR LADY?, a Priest or Lay Brother, Teacher, Home or Foreign Missionary , For information about the Fathers. or Brothers, write to: . . ---a8


WY .1-9314







Pontiff Appoints

Cross. Over

Auxiliary Bishop For New York'

. Of

WASHINGTON (NC)."'Msgr.John J. Maguire, Vicar General of the Archdiocese .f New York; has been


Ev~ry' C.atholi~. .


Church in' World .'.


Thurs., June' 4, 1959



OnlyB'(Jin Power· Limits' World's Resourc'es

By Rev. Roland Bousquet S&. ,Joseph's Church-New Bedford

,. The· er':lcifix' on our altars symbolizes t he unity that exists between the altar and .the Cross; betweei( the Mass and Calvary~The evening before His death; Our Lord instituted and commi~sionedHis Apostles, to "Do this in remembrance of me," that 'is, in· memory NORTH·' EASTON (NC)' of my~orthcoming passion and death upon ~ the cross. In virtue of this divine deputation, ·-The."critical limiting facthe priest at Mass perPetu-' ates in an unbloody manner anceil which was' pradiced in tor on the world's resources" the early days of the Church. is not materials, energy or the sacrifice of the Cross On A.sh Wednesday, the bishop food, . but "brain power,"" the and its infinite merits are would impose public penance!! chair)l'lan . of the boardo of the

named Titular Bishop of Anti,. .p.hrae and A!Jxiliary, to His Emi- . Dence Francis Cardinal Spellman, . Archbishop of New York. . The appointment, made by His Holiness Pope 'John XXIII, was'. announced by Archbishop Egidio Vagnozzi, Ap9stolic Deiegate to applied to us. . on those who were guilty of' Radio Corporation of America the 'United States. . The practice-of pl;cing a cross serious public Scandal. They were said here. . . : Bishop~elect Maguire was over the altar dates back to the . Frank IV,[ Folsom made this a.dmonished to fast and mortify' early days of the.Church. In thathemselves in a spirit of true. statement in urging graduates of fourth centtlry-; etinstantine the contrition. They 'were then exStonel1ill College here· to de-' first Christian (!mperor, offered peiled from al' active participa- velop "creative thinking." his imperial crown- to be' sustion in the public wor~hip of the Mr, Folsom received an honorpended over the high altar. A Church. On Holy Thursday,' the ary doctorate of laws from the gold cross hung beneath the bishop admitted them to take coliege, which is conducfed by crown. Many Christian' princes, their proper place among the the Holy Cross Fathers. Others. receiving honorary doctorates of following Constantine's example, Christian community. " iaws were His.Emi·n('''~,,- FrRnr:is had their royal crowns placed, Passiontide Veil Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop over. a .c~oss: whiphw~s susThese public Penances were pended either above or about '.' gradually abandoned. The idea' of New York: John M. Curley, the altar as an homage to of making public penances was president of the Eastern StaiIlChrist the King. slowly transferred from the in- less Steel Company, and Father 'Stationa'. Churches aividual sinner to' the commun- George P. Ben~glia, .C.S.C.. The modern altar cross, howity. The parish as a body became president of' King's College, ever, did not appear before the aware that it too needed to be Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Mr. Folsom urged the gradu. reconciled with God. Thus the eleventh century. In its actual imposition of ashes became the ates to "hold sacred the spiritual ,form, the altar cross originated from the ancient: ceremonial of symbol of our unworthiness' to values of' .life. Neither forsake the.stationai churches, The Pope, appear in the sight of God. Only the precepts of' ~harity, justice until the loss of the Papal States, true contrition could enable the and freedom, nor be misled by personally visited on appointed comrp.unity to participate worth- a desire for material things." ~'Let our gr~t. purpose be day.~ SO,me the major churches. ily in the public worship of the of. the Eternal City. A .whole Church. The whole~ congrega- peace on earth,' gOQ(l will toward r it u a 1 eventually' developed' tion could not be expelled from men," he said. "That must be raound these Papal visits. These the. Church as were the publil1.) o.ur victory-a victory shared by mankind." .. ~inners; so it became customary h h born in New York City, Dec. 11, c urc elj becalJle known as· stad i904, ·the son of James and EllElR tional churches, for the'appointed iJring Lent tQ hide the altar. . behinil'a Nchly broca'ded veiL (Shea)' Maguire. He attended .day' of the liturgy, that is ,the . The cost of these screens was Regis HighSchool and Cathedral offiClal'-\\orsh,ip of·the C~urch, often. prohibitive for 5 mall . ssociate Director . CoUegein New.'. York, St. centered church. . N , " . > ,on . ' that I ..,. churches.' ThE altar crosses and' . ~W YORK;' .(NG}·"...James ;S. ",Joseph's Seminary, Dunwoodie, The whole population of Rome the 'statues were veiled fnstead. Mitchell, former executive diand the North Amerlca'1 College participate'd 'in these 'pilgrimages.' Today . the altar': cross a~d" rector of the Na~ional Cath.oliC in Rome. He was' ordained- in , ..Each' parJsll. of tre City; faithful ... Statues are covered 'with a .Community Service and executhe' Lateran B~silica· in Rome,' . and clergy would leave their purple veil dliring: Passiontide tive director of the National Dec. 22, 1928,' by Archbishop own church' and make their l' . Council of Catholic Men hal Giusepp'e Palica. way to' .the. statl'ona'1 chu'rch of, o~~: . P 'rf t S b een named associate director . , . ·T.hc Bishop-elect served as an 'th e d ay., Th ere 'th ey wou ld. await . .e ec ' .; The croSs is so'acrifice affixed to the f or.a d mmistration of the United assistant pastor at St. I:'atrick's the arriVal of the Pope. A sub- . ". ," ,'. . . , . , . ' .. Service~. 0. q~ilOizations .. Inc. . Old Cathedral, New York, from deacon. carrying.a processiorial our Faith is the object of many', altai 'as. ~o m'il~e '~ne .witt) it~ 1929 to 1940; was named Assistcross (a cross mounted on ..a hon;;rs. At an altar.' where the . Her,e '.Y~.s .th,< d.eep symbolism ant. Chancellor~n 1940, Vice staff) .led the papal processional Ble~ed Sacrament is' not re~, .~f the.al.tllr· cro~s: 'fhe.altarof Chancellor' in 1945, Chancellor to the stational .church where served, th~ priest begins Ma~' .you~,p~~is'l chllrc~. is, the ·Cal" . it:t' 1947, and Dioce!!3n Consultor the Pope celebrated' mass with by bowii:tglo~ to the altar andvarr ~ft.odaY,I~edlc1;\tedt~ the and Vicar General in 1953. great ' sole~nity~, .During ·the·· its· cr!l!!S' 'pl!ring a solemn ,Mass; wor.stup' of Gild; the 'alt~r IS the. rOPe ,PiusX~l mad~ him a" ,~ass>the.cross ,was placed in the ." the 'cross IS incensed. The missal . central' ,point :of Catholic' . Ch be 1 . . h h '. .. -, ..' . ' , ' c,·,h.ui!ch.es,; if i~ 'i)fi o\J'r,:' ,altars t ~ sanctuary' between the celebl'ant' directs' the' priest to bow,rever:- " , ., . , . . ... P n:vate·. am. I' am WIt t~tle of Very Reverend Mon- . and the famif"l. At times, the ently to the .altar crosswhen.,.that·the ma~ 'is"offered 'iO'bur' sign'or in 1945, a Domestic Pre-' cross was re'moved fro'm'..I·ts·,staff· .ever'"e h rea . 'd's th e, h ' 0 f Heai.-enl:fFather.·'·'· 0 y i name, CT'h : ",' 'f'" f' th····· d . t'h e: h'Ig'h a'Itar. .J'esus...e B f ore. . consecra · t ·Ion; tb 0 "' .. e :'. mass late I'n '.19A8, .. 'a.nd Prothonotar; ~ and p 1"aced on. . e· '. ''''th': ."'e· s.,cn ."'f' '.Icef 't'h .' an. ' 'n 1953 Th' 1 tt . th d' f" II' '. q,., t 1 . k""'t t'h" . H ' .',' e saC1'1 Ice,o e cross are'es';' · Apo SOIC t I I ." , . I.S,' a' er me 0 ma' y ·pre-· prIes 00 s a e cross.. ' e, IS." , ··t· ....y "'th - :-.:., ... 'A"'M . '. ° vailed, . . . ':tnerebyreritind~(l, thiit he isrelen .13. ,e. same.. ,t a~s, . ..South Sea SR.. " . PI an./ a.y .g . c, 00 ' , E . ' n e w i n g · t h i ! : s a c r i f i c e ' o f CalVary Chrlst,c,·th~Hl~h Pnest o.f t~c:. . '',., ; . Emblem o.f Faith: . '-':'''Thl' ;..... . b 'd ' ... 'th··.· new'" . ov.enant, .r,enews: HIs. ~ya'nnis Tel. HY· 81 ." . A''t' . M''.On· or Sem.on'ary ,Since" the. thirteenth century, myblood:::'which S, IS. my 0 y, .. , . ISIS. i " ".' ' f " f h C ' '.' shallbe'sh~d' ~nque .s~crllce .~ te . ross. PROV.IDENCE .(NC) --;" 'j' he,.' crosil i& always' found on the . for, you and, for many unto forC~lv;a~y:~IS: t~~ ,~.Igh . pomt o~ " diocesan minor seminary' depart- .' 'altiiri It: is 'ilie' centr'e:.piece; the ~ giveriess of' sin." .' hlstor.y:.M~nkmd·ls'lost througH .ment will be 6p~rated .partly· as focal poirU 0'£ the altar.· It stands. . ;'. ' . ' " . " ' , 'the' sm "our c~l1nmon 'father, a .day high .school ,nex;t, Fall, on the· middle of. the altar ,table "...~;.P~~~l~ I"~nance . Ad~: . ': Mankirid' ds ransomed' Bishop 'Russell J: McVinney of· between the large" candlesticks The C.h.urc,h'~ veneration for ' through, th~' redeeming:death of. Prov'idence has announced. so that the foot of t.he ·cross is th~ .Cross reaches a climax on Jesus,.the source ·.of all forgive-· The high school of the minor on th~ same level as the top of Good F:riday D4 rin g the litur-· ness the source of eternal life' seminary department· at Our the candlesticks. The design. and gical .~r.vice, . a ·Jarge crucifix The 'sacrifi~es O'f the Old 'Testa~ Lady of Providence Seminary the size 'of the Cross match' that covered. with a' purple veil is" ment are· 'but . faint representa- . w.ill be 'conducted on a day of the altar, Even side altars borne by the deacc;m'to the sanc,:, tio.ns of-the ··Cro·ss. The cross is school . basis to accommodate have their crosses, but the cross tuary.. ThiS' is not a symbol of .bsoluie. ~Christ, the head of the. boys interested in studying .for over the high altar dominates' sllalTle. or disgrac~; i~ is, rather hunlan .. race, offers to His the' pl,"ies'thood, the sanctuary. 'and the;. whole . the. cr<i~ 9f glory' and' triumph. .Heavenly 'Father the Perfect Bishop M'cVinney has ex-' church. Since it must. be' clearly 'Chri'st conquers' sin; Christ rec- i sacrifice.. ' :- . MilLION DOLLAR I plained it will improve boarding' visible ,to. bOth"priest:.. and, .faith": oriclles' 'rtt'llnk'ind with'God. ~ ' ...On the cross;. <::hri~ offered" accommodatIons 'a'nd 'permit ,in-', ful at Mass,. the cross is usually the'c;r~ss'is, ,uf}veiled, the' .cele-: Himself·.alone. . At .Mass, the .B.~LLROO~ cr~ased enrollment; will decrease'. quite large;.', Every altar, cross· braJ:1t~ p rocl iiifi1s: '.'Behold ..the . faithful' .~nited .w,jth·" the priest· high school tuition fees 'and will bear's' the figl:Jre of the Most . ~ood cif the cross, on whi~h ,has .offer·.~hems~lves .toGod·. with· , Av'ailable for illlo.w stu'dents more opportunity Holy Crucified> Crucifixes m·ade·' hu.ng the salvatio~.of the world......Christ" in' Christ and through Ba~quetS, T~timonia'i, ~. for home contacts. A ninth grade ,.of wood are' used;"however, they . 'Fhe ·.congregation a n.s we r s: Christ., . 'be added to the already'are .usuallY 'fashioned out 'of . "Cofi1e; let us adore." Celebrant, . . Without the sacrifice of the . For. Full Information ContaCt three higher secondary school brass; silver or.are gold fiilished.' clergy and. faithful then lip,.. Cross, . ther~. would be no Mass. grades.' . The altar cross, the emblem of proach t.he symbol of 'Christ's Without, th~ .Cross;.· no sacraROLAN!;> GAMACHE . sacrifice, genuflect and kiss the' ments.. Without the Cross; no WYman 9-6984 image of our Savior. . ~lvation ... The present practice of veiling the altar cross and the statues during Passiontide suggests the eustom of imposing public pen-


,M.Otchefl ..New USO A J





·s·· .{E'·i ':L




H' h S h


I' .



Auto Workers Make Lourdes Pilgrimage


HoI,. Na~ Chiarch~N~~ Bedford .... ,

TlJRIN (NC):-More than 250 sick persons were among the 1,350 people who took part in the' third pilgrimage of Italian Fiat workers in Lourdes. Officials' and employes of the large automobile. co Ul pan y traveled to' Lourd'e's from· Turin on two special. trains. On .the first "~ere '700 pilgrims led' by His Emin,ence Maurillo Cardinal Fossati, Ar~hbishop of Turin. On the second' there were the ',' sick, in~lud\'ng abC!\.lt 100 stretch." er cases'. They were accompanjed " by 97 wO;men ,l;1elpers, nine doc:" ;,>.~~s. ~ll,d 13 priests. , '. .., ..


•• •then ioin the



Sunbeam BREA,D

,...; "





Treats Children Wi.fh Love

,·Ireland Opens ,New, Institute' "

lJy Father John L. Thomas, S.J. . . ' . ,

Assistant Professor of Sociologr Saint Louis Univ.ersity ,


'" I have a problem that completely baffles me. My husband is away much of the time; but .when he's home;.he'sindifferent to our .five children and really vicious in'-dealing with our oldest boy. He nags, criticizes, and" argues: with him, and when the boy gets own father, and in turn, feelS upset, my husband gets sar- , he must dominate 'his son. Tell Him FactS eastic. "Oddly enough, his Wh<lt can you do? Well, Dorfather treated, hiin that,

way, and you'd think he'd be' othy, experience suggests that di.fferent. A. few times when he your. job isn't going to be easy. ',Since your responsibility and struck the boy, authority as a parent is the same I've Inte'rvened, as that of your husband, I think Qut I hate to you had best talk to him clearly side with my and firmly.' . son against his , Point out to him tbat altbough father. W ha t he'h~sn't been able to free himFIRST GRADUATES: Sister Celeste (left) and Sister can I do? self from his own father, this is Jeanine '(center) of the Sisters. of Charity of Provi~nce, In, . one forl]l not justification' for ulking out first graduates of Seattle. University's· College of Sister, or another, bis inner resentment on his own Formation, look over plans for a new camRusWith, Mother Dorothy, wives ,children. --" . and mo,thers -, This will hurt, but '-somebodY Mary Philothe'!'. NC Photo. " . ' '..' • have faced this should teU him the ,facts of life;.." \ pro b i e m, of Remind him that .. a Christian antagonism be- " ~or father has a Divine Model 'Who- GO tween fat her treats .. His children with love. and son down through the ages. The trouble usually~begins only- respect, encour'agement, forgive-_' when the son starts to assert his ness, and patience. WILMINGTON (NC) - So~American theologians and. He is not freP. to make up his independence as, he moves into' own rules for fatherhood if he' 'called "right to work" laws tend American..- Cat,holic e~~rts in manhood. '" , Some "fathers_apparently can- some da'y hopes to face' the 'to intetiere wi~h..... ,the,Orightof the field of labor relatIons are " not face the possibility that' their," Eternal Failier with" ~ clear ,working people to organize e£- almost unanimou'slY agreed that 'fective' unions, the director. of the union shop is' morally legiti, "boys" no longer' accept -their conscience: , , the Social Action De~artment, 'mate.." he ~aid. ,__ ' ,':' . ' leader~hip, ,..while, some sons' StaKes Are'High' ' Not Individual Choiee ' as, if . the ' only way o I' know this isn't going to be National Catholic WeUare Con-J • they can assert their independ- easy: In fact; it may. prove quite ference, saiel here., • "The ,average,·opponent• 'of ,the ence' is to disagree with th'eir 'In the opinion' of "many, per-' union sl},op and the average proineffective because." such, men fathers oli every issue. are. frequently immature' not '-haps the majorIty'" of Catholic ponent of, so-called "right ,to ,Mothers have' traditionally, only emotionally 'biit' 'In" 'their 'students' of industrial relations, work' legislation regards'the de-, servect as "the emotional, shock, religiolis attitudes: '''right to work legislation ham- cision-to organ\ze or not to or. absorbers 'when - this occUrs,' In this case"yo\l)must what pel's the normal growth and ganize-as' a purely individUal' using their ability to love, and you 'can lessel: the effEicts' Of lessens the stability' of trade decision on the part of the ,indilisten patiently to' prevent an 'declared Msgr.vidual worke~s"~ he, said; th'is harsh - treatmel1l Although unionism," open break. ' HBY cOntrast, the-.'AoieriCaa you do not likE to come bet~eeB ':George 'G. Higgins. Your problem is· somewhat your children and- their bither, . 'Unions Encouraged Bishops, th<! Canadian BishoPs diUerent, however, for' your 10And trade unions are -Hnot and the majority of Amel'iean year old son is not yet old you must protect them lest be 'enough to challenge his father's br:eak tbeir spirit or later ,drive _merely tolerated nor permitted, 'studentS of Catholic social-teachbut encouraged" br the Church, iDg place their emphasis OIl the leadership. Hence we have to them into open r~llion. I repeat, this won't be 'e&lIJ', Msgr. Higgins added in an adItOcialresponsibilit,y of inctilook elsewhere for the root of the trouble. I think, you put but the stakes llre high ,-'- the ,dress at graduation exercises of "idual workers to nn~ibute to your finger on it when you men- future succesa; and happineu of the Salesianum, Laboi'-M~~ the eommOD «ood by o ~ Y4lur children. ' IDent School he~. ,with ,their fellow worlten;tioned your busband's family

Common ' G. d Ca'11's Individuals T'o. 0 rg,anlze. .' I nto ' Labor· Unions




b~kground. I'ean His Father





(ENTER THEATRE· Riv~r, Mass~


NOW· fla,u Tuesday, 1t'Mhde- of SL lIw'tHt - Iooh like aaothr. 'SotIg of Beniadette·· , - t.. MIt",,· ·'otIl Of • MOst iEAUTlFUl "lMS~ IV!I SUN-yo.... ON 11I£'SOIHH" CofhGli. Me,_e, ,

\ .~



• • • • • • • • y-.

II ,

', .. ,He, was raised, by a harsb, "domineering ,father, and' as you mention. later, in your letter, he still fears his father. For: ex~ ample, You note that because his ,father was opposed to:a large family" your -husband was " afraid -to .tell him abput. your. third gregnancY.,c1'iM'whetI ~his .' .., fatherciid find olit';. and wanted '" ,to pra'etite, :birth' c6nti~1 aH~r'" ': - : ',that. ',', ,"'.' ~.; '~,,: ,,~ Ii : • You feel that because,'your , . 'husband : knows what .it is, to'.'. be raised '1>:1 a domineeri~g father, he should ,want. to act differently with his own 'sons. This sounds 'reasonable' until we consider 'the effect of his own upbringing on your husband's character. As a ma~ter of fact, he has never really grown up. AI,though, he has taken his' place :'in the 'world of men, emotionally " he has' never freed himself from ' his, father's domination. ,He i~ ,etill a boy, too weak to assert his claims to manhood against his father, yet playing at being' 'a man in the, world "outside bill ' : family circle. ' , Seeks Expression When t!J,is situation occurs, we .. find a typical reaction. Whether . they admit it or, riot, adult sons deeply resenfbeing emotionally tied to the domination of their . fathers. This resentment tends to be expressed in aggressive action toward their subordinates. In other words, without being fully, conscious of it, they attempt 'to ' repeat the very pattern of rela- ' tionships from which they have suffered. ' , , In your husband's case,hE;! is' working out his own inner re'sentment of his father's domina'lion through his cruelly ag'gtes': ,Sive treatment toward his own son. The pattern runs true to form. : ,Because of n:s relationship to his father your husband defines all' father-son relationships as eithe... dominatiofi or subordinapon. He is subordinate to his_ ,?

DUBLIN (NC)-Ireland's fivemillion dollar agricultural re~earch ins~itute, built through U. S. Marshall Plan aid,' was inaugurated here following' a. Mass in Dublin's pro-cathedraL Archbishop John C~· McQuaid of Dublin presided at the Mass and the congregation included President Sean O'Kelly and Mrs. O'Kelly, Prime Minister Eamon de Valera and other 'members of th ~ government and diplomatic corps. The institute was later fo:r-. mally opened by President Sean O'Kelly" who praised the great generosity· of the U. S. govel'nment and people, ancl then blessed by Archb~ McQuaid. , ·American Ambassador' Scott McLeod, speaking after the un- ' veiling, of a plaque commemor-, ating the U. S. aid in the founda. .lion of the institute, said: . "As Christians, we recognize that the land ~ ours while we live on the earth. We areste_ ardS for God to look 'after the earth, which is His. I believe it will be theoretically possible to, ' overcome the Malthusian theo.TY (that increase in food produc:tion cannot keep up witb population growth) and provide the people of this earth with enough to eat. It is from, such institute. as this that such advancement will be possible.'~. ' , (J




-THE ANCHOR Thurs.• June 4, 1.959'


Divine Model :for



"Macfe with IoYing and devout care. fr"nles Descaut,G 'sensft~ve ~ actr'ess,gives an ~piring



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Marist Missioner to Fiji Islands Enoy5 Visit at Attleboro Home , By Venita S. Cate ' Rumor had it a while back that a new family; bad JIloved into Hebronville from Maine and some time later, rumor again had it that there was a priest in the family, then a nun, and again-two priests and two nuns. And at ,approximately this same the real Chiist:nas litory for the time Rev. Herman, Ther-' first time. riault, C.M., appeared on the Tem~atures range from 15 ecene and 'was ':tendered' a to 100 the year 'round, but feel"


-- ---



Sailing Priests of Diocese Advise Youngsters To, Launch Into Deep Vocations InCSt. John's Gospel the caning to Christ of two famous brothers, Andrew and Simon Peter is immortalized. Andrew was first to meet the Messias. Immediately he sought his broth~r "and 'he brought him to Jesus," This Gospel parallel was recalled by the preacher 'at the First Solemn Mass of Rev. Patrick O'Neill. Father Patrick was preceded in t~ priesthood by, bis brother, Father Cornelius. The two have also in common with the brother Apostles a deep love

much high.e~ because of the inof the sea, having sailed from tense hUmId!ty. . . their earliest days. Upon arrIval In the United Natives of Sacred Heart parStates Father Therriault had to stay in Calif~rnia for a week ish, Fall River, both priests attended' Coyle High· School, before retu~nmg to New England to adJust to the change where they decided definitely 0", their vocations. Father Corof temperature. A new ' h n • b' g b ilt f nelius attended St. Charles and u Z or F th °N~e IS em a er on ll~e b y a N ew: ea- St. Mary's Seminaries in Baltiland.er who IS construc.tmg it more, and was ordained in 1950. Father Patrick went from Our gratIs. ~e hopes to ?a~e It comLady of Providence Minor Sempleted when. the M.IssiOnary reinary to St. John's, Brighton, and turns ~ the IsI~nd In December, followI.ng ,a sIx-montJ: course also did graduate work at Boston at. MarlSt headquarters In Watch. College, earning a master's degree in education. He was Hill, R. I. ordained in 1957. Parochial scho.ols. o.f .Tonga For five months following are under the JUrISdIctIon of • ordination Father Cornelius was 12 priests and about 50 nuns of stationed at St. Margaret's BuzSOCiety of Mary, with headWASHINGTON (NC) -:. The zards Bay. This was followed by ,quarters in .Boston.The nuns National .Catholic Community six years at" Sacred Heart, Oak also do clinical work in the Service, one of the six member Bluffs, .then by his present Tonga hospitals. agencies of USO, announced assignment to C)I0ly Ghost Savage Island here that several prominent parish, Attleboro. . After four and one half years Catholic lay persons have been Following a few temporary In Tonga, Father Therriault left elected to posts in the United assignments, Father Patrick was for Niue or the Savage Islands Service Organizations, Inc. stationed at St. Thomas More m 1955. The NCCS statement said that, , There are 5,000 people on the elected to "the usa Board of Church, ,Somerset, where he now serves. island, with Polynesian as the Governors for three-year terms SAILOR PRIESTS: Father Patrick O'Neill (left) curate The brothers see each other Ilative tongue.' It is 100 miles were: Frank M. Folsom, New 'at St. Thomas More Church, Somerset, and his brother, long, nine and ahalf miles wide, York, chairman, executive com- on an average of twice a month, and comprises 12 villages. . 'mittee, RCA; Charles C. Fin\i- and plan summer vacations Father Cornelius O'Neill, stationed at Holy Ghost, Attleboro. Mass celebrated for the cane, Washington, assistant sec- together. They also see a good share a'love of the sea. Both are sailing enthusiasts, spendfirst time on the islanc~ by Fr. retary of defense for manpower deal rf their sister, Mrs. Howard ing free time exploring the co~sts of the Diocese. Therriault the Sunday .following and personnel, Defense Depart., Melker, of Holy Name parish, his arrival. attended by a con- ment; William D. GQrman, New Fall 'River. Their parents are found the O'Neill brothers on especiaU:- the area' around eregation of 20. York, general manager of Gim- now dead, but their father al- cruises to New York and. Maine. Martha's Vineyard. 'Advice to vocation-minded The native homes", made of bel Brothers, Inc.; Thomas D. though very sick, "hung on to They terqI Fall River, "a blessed sand and lime walls with Hinton, Washington~ executive life by sheer wilipower" until Diocese to be in with our inter- youngsters? With double meanthatched roofs, are very small; director NCCS; Victor D. Zimin- the ordination of Father Patrick. est in sailing." They have ex- ing the sailing O'Neills say, The past two summers havt! plored miles of its coastal waters, "Launch out into the deep." each has a smaller house built sky, New York, president of in the rear in which todo cookVictor D. Ziniinsky Company. ing. The' home in which Father . Elected USO officers were: liY'ed was no exception a~d was Mr. Folsom, a vice president; HARRISBURG (NC) _ 'A hospitals, but sectarian medical Commonwealth," the hierarch,. Indeed so very small, it became Mr, Ziminsky, treasurer; Mr. change in the, system of giving institutions and the Philadel- said. necessary to,. remove the bed Gorman, assistant treasurer; • tate grants-in-aid only to noo- phia General Hospital are 'not "Although the~ a.re owned an~ and tables each Sunday ~n order TimGthy Beckett, New, York, sectarian hospitals has beea eligible under the present ays- operated by religIOUS groups, to set Up an altar on. hmges to comptroller; and James S. Mit- advocated by .lohn Cardinal tern. he continued, "it is certainl,. ~~ f~ ~pprC?~lmately 30 . chell, New York, assistant sec:. ,O'Hara, C.s.C., Archbishop of "There are at least 25 general true . that ,the! an:. community to 10 people, some of w~om retary. .' ,,',. Phila4e1pliia,~nd the six Penn- c' -hospitalS in. Pennsylvania now hOSPItals IervIng citizens of the --.rere not Catholic, but curious. ' In additioido NCCS, these are IYlvania Bishops., ' c l a s s i f i e < l a sectarian which are CommoD,,:ealth OIl the ~ Because ~ the 'extr,,:~ely. ,the other member agencies of' Pennsylvania allocate. $Z4 rendering a great and invaluable same basis as. all commwut,. rugged coastline,'a boat VISIted the USO: The Young Men'. milliOn every two 7ears to 185 service to ~"-- citizeN of thia hospita~s do." ' the harbor bu! once a month, Christian Associations the' Nadelivering meat, ~oceries, ~r- tional Jewish Welfa:e Board, fumes, and otber. comm?dltIes the Young Women's Christian ,erdered ~Y the natives. ;nus b~at Association, the Salvatioh Arm,. abo dehvered the mall-'on Ita and the National Traveler. Aid ence-a-month tl'lp. Association.' Shipwrecked Te&cher Six large schGols are situated eo the island, with 85 teachers, 'among them a Mrs. Head whose DALLAS (N-C) - The 11th boat was once shipwrecked naticmal eong~ of the Confrathere. She became the first IIChool teacher on UI.e island and ternity of Christian Doctrine will In 19a8 was the first Niuean ever be held here "from Nov. 26 to '" be decorated by the Queen Dec. 1, 1961, it hall been announceci. « England. Bishop Matthew F. Brady of Commenting on the native dancers, Father stated that Ni~­ Manehester"N. R., said that Daleaos were without the grace or la had been picked for the convention site. Bishop' Brady is ~ision shown by dancers Oft chainnan of, the, episcopal comJIO!lle ()f other South Sea islands, mittee for the COnfraternit,- of "'Where they can portray an voyage with the graceful Christian Doctrine. Bishop Thoma:; K. GQrman of ID&I1ner in which they uSe their Dallas-Fort Wc>rth will be the bands. They have wrists of rub,"1 was quite the hero. when I suggested Gui~ond"Farms 'A hMt to the convention. The Se9,kr!" ' 'sions will take place in the Stat' Quality" milk - but now there never seems to be enough Children of Niue have no t07s ler-HiltOft' Hotel ,here. but play with tin' cllDs, and such togo around. ', , MemiI. Tilei' are ,just'- learninl

welcome home party at the ·home of his parents, Mr. & Mrs. '3 h H Therriault 257 Knight Aoaep· , , ';:~~ .Therriault was ordain... eel to the priesthood by Cardinal Cushing in 1948 and shortly .. thereafter undertoo k a'miSSIonary assignment in the Fiji Islands. He first landed at Tonga, it lIInall kingdom ruled by a native Queen under British proteetorate. He describes it as "a kingdom within a coinmonwealth, with approximately 8,000 Catholics!' '

Name Six Catholics To USO Offices



Sectarian Hospitals


State Grants


Confraternity Plans Convention in Dallas



The- .Thanks

I Get.'II




A. CharpelltAer Reg.Pharm

Mom had better m-det" on extra sUppply Of" tell Dad to I~v. my milk alone. Who does he think he is; anyhow?" . .. . .

' .





Complete Line Building Materials




OS 8-5286'


.A .Quafm;.Af1fk



The Sacred: ··Heart -'. .

I.. C" ,




. . .J u'~~ is. the' month of· the Sacred Heart. · . The· heart·'is the synib9] of ]ove~:Ahd Christ is tlielove of 'God' rendered visible' to men. "God' so loved the::world · .tha~ 'he sent his onlY-beg~tten sonO;: ~ ::" "::. . ' , . .


6 ..'Thurs.,-:THEANCH()R. June -4, 1959..


PleAse M Me Help' . . ;







Wee~ly Calend~r.

.' . Christ br~ught:home the: lesson .to' 'those of His time that God 'willed to love' men' not as a Creator looks with indu]gen:ce upOn the works of his llands' but· as ·a. Father: TODAY-St. Francis Carae.. loves His~hildreit . . . ' ..' .' ..... ." .' ciolo, Confessor. Scion of a noble · Christ the' Infant of. Bethlehem, Ghrist the Shepherd 'of. Napies, he wasbom ., family ··.Boy of 'Nazareth, Christ the' Teacher alld W~mder.:..worker in. 1563 at Abruzzi. During his . 0 ·:early years he 'was -afflicted with of .Jerusalem~the·picturethat Christ .givesby 'Hjs':lif~ was' • .skin ~isease akin .to. leprosy one of gentleness and love. The onlytirri~ He take~~on·the :. and was cured when he decided Old Testament aspects 'of' stern' justice and vengeance is to· become. a priest. After ordina~ when:. the maje'sty'of God is outrl;lged':":-:-when·money:. tion with· John Augustine ehangers- invaded the' sacred precincts· Of· the TeJh'ple. Adorno, he fc;>Unded . the Minor CleI:ks' 'Regular, one of whose The· Sacred 'Fleart .reminds men' that ·theYmu'st learn.· ,main duties is perpetua1 ~dora.- . • nd teath' the:God of Love.; So: often' good peop]~' have a tion of the' Holy Eucharist. He great knowledge of .what it • takes to. make'... a Jmor.tal'sin, was'. the first General of the' · ' .. " . .' . ' . a· great fear of: hell aD(~ pumshmentand,damnabon. :They .Community and was re~owri~f,l. · have a hOly fear ..of God. -But it' is nega:tive'--:-they haNe no' ., for his.·administration. and ')lis preaching. 'He died inJ608 and · Positive pict.ure .of God who is· their Father, tJ:teir Frien~l, .was canonized in 1817. . their Helper.' Religiolds to them a series ,Of "don:'t~'~:they never quitec'at«ha fuller view of the. Go~ :of :Cove Who : TOMORROW - Feasi . of the Sacred: Heart which· oc~urs eight wants His children to be attracted mor.e bY'lhe'vision.of c:::: days after the ·feast of Corpuis good than repelled l?ythesight e~il.· • '< . .~~. Christi and commemorates' ,the' . Pj!g~y,' h~s:",~i.tten:.·.~·I~,.. ~s ~ot~by.~ th~ t~p~l{rlaJ!c,~ ;Q.f: • _...~"'~. ..••. z:·:::if!.tL,;..:~> .. ·,·.~' ..' lQve.and sa~rifice M. Chr·i~t· f9f .:. the .redemption'. of' . mankind.. Generally this date is. ~he fea~ of .St.. Boni.face,· ;aishop-MartYJ:.' : '_ . . .. He was born in 'Devonshire ill' to hold this vision Of b~auty befor'e them; {o take a positive ... ~-~~. .•. -~ 680 a";d iived for some years ~ ·view of God, to."taste and see that the Lor.d·issweee' :. .. ,., .. a Benedictine .. monk before em: .. ', As Bishop She~JiieCently·rematk~d.,'!'what'Jl}'en need ..... n(jlP.ST"(). JIlTS" barking 6n' a missionary career.' '18 not an open mind but an open'heart.'" -Men are.chimged . ' ~ ~ 19 Pope St. GregorY'II' consecrated' him a Bishop and sent': him to . not so muchby.apo]ogetic,S as bY'~indne$S';,virtueis f~ster~d:' . , ' . _d: .. Germany; wher~ he is, ve'nerated' not so much l>Y. inf9 r mation of the' mind. as inspiration of . ANSW.EftS' . as the Ap·osUe. of the nation. He '. . the heart.' Once inen learn the kindness of< God and /trY to ' .... .. choSe Mainz .as his See'. and . pass' ·this: t<l other~;:on~e, thef~rec~iv.'e ..·Go'd~s·,in~piiati.ori ,.' brought; a'boutthe conv'er'sion Of ~"'" .thousands.. With 52 companions, \ and try in turn tfJ inspire others to love Him.:.-t.hen the By Rev. James .A:~ecarthy. he was martyred in Friesland in message 'of' the Sacred Heart 'has penetrated their hearts Holy N;'m~ Churcb-Fall"Riv-er' . '155. His remains are in the AbbeY . and lives. And· 'the Kjngoogins His' reign; -'. .. ... . . . • . : '.. ..' .. .~ " . . .:.' .,. , .. Is ,it true that .){in~ Edward . We repeat, this privilege III of Fulda; Germany: VII of England was a Catholic? reserved for extraordinary rea-. S Anot. T R D AY ---:. St. Nor.bert, .' A friend told me this, but I' sons,'and should be U abused. C 0 ]1 ege·]s : b u·t 8; c ].Imax· ' . lind it difticultto ·believe:. Bishop-Confessor. He was born . . t a t Stone h']] C ommencemen 1 . . .. ' • •. • in Lorraine in 1080 of a noble of the many actIvItIes that have taken place there over the Incredulous ihough it. seems, . family and ied an early life of past year. . " . . . ." ,. " at the time there was a report., Here are two questions ftdissipation at the court of :F;m':' .The Liturgica] Workshop held on Ascension Thursday ,that King Edward VII became a . I'arding prayers; is it 'all ri~ht peror Henry IV. He repented was a ·significantcQntribution to' th~ greater· participation Catholic shortly before his death. ·-to pray for victory in. a. ball and established the Canons Reg· th . h' ' .f th Ch hI' I t' . As you ~aY· imagine, it would pme? Why a:re prayeh not ular, known as the Premonstram e wors . Ip 0. . e . ' urc . t carne at a 'crl"t'' lea . Ime-.. ' . . , 'be 'extreme'ly dI'ffI'cult to au't'hen-' - . always answered? tensions. Later he became Arch':' when the initiaJ impetus given by. the Instruction from Rome .ti·cate thI'S r'eport, sin.ce the King b' h f M d' b . ed' . d f b' d d ownm . th . . . . .Even' be a IS op 0 agdevotion e urg, revlv ,wl,lS manger o. emg. bogge.· 'e: f ace 0 f . many of England is automatically .the .. '. though there may '. the popular to ·the .

Of Feast Days.




. .'M';_.'i>"~.' ~~.:~.:~.~.;.".'.~J.~.:..~..~.~.•~.:~, · '

~; ....•... . '


Stonehl-.l·l's' Growt'h


oovious difficulties. Father S~llivan and 'Father Doy]e de:. head of the Church of .England ;:~;~;:ob~ue:~~:~~~~ensh':;:'::~ Sacred Heart of the Altar ·and · 'serve much thanks for their sponsorship and arr.~nging of· . aridis surrounded by members of 'sider them as separate queries. strenuously resisted heresies that church:' Monsignor Matthew -. It is 'a theological maxim that impugning. the doctrine of "". th IS program. . . . .. SmI·~h, ~I'tor-I'n-chI'ef of .Th·~· RIP H" '113" . 'd' t U· b 'ld' th 'f' t t • . ea resence. Robert e dIed .of m New'-. ". Th e new. St u en mon UI Ing,. e. Irs s ep. In. ·Register,·j a Catholic paper ·with· one may .p'ray for anything .which. S·UNDAy..:....St.· . . ' is la.wful" to desire. So' it is perfive million' dollar 'development p~ogram;assures south;.- national Circulation,evidel)tlyU niit~ed. to 'pray f.o·r victory'. in minster; Abbot. He was a Y-orkeastern :Massachusetts that'- Stonehill' ie'preparing:torneet' had'some "inside information • 'sportS'if one 'intends to play the shire priest who·took the Bene~ its higher scho]arship' needs. The cali'·for'.s,: Catholic:iaitY at . his disposal, for ,he ;wrot~ an '. :~ame .·fairly.. and offers his dictine habii. He obtained per:' · ... .' . " ." · a f t i c l e in that paper in' 1937·stat-· . . th' . 't' of . :m.i~sjonto.Join lr'group of monks with voCational· k,now]edge· to .enter·.a,.·particular field of ing:' "there' is. hardly any qUt}s':' .' prayers m' e proper SPIrI who in 1132. were striving at. endeavor and with the cultural .knowledge 'of Catholic' 'tion ...:.- that· 'Kifig Edward VII. 'absolute'dependance on :the Will Fountains Abbey, York, to live apostle is not going unheeded. Stortehill is taking. its place' died a Catholic.~' He w~nt o~~.. ~of God. . . according to a new interpreta:' alongside other, Cath6liccolleges~to prOduce such' !ieclare. that a CatholI~ prIest, . ,Your ,second questio,n .is an tion' of the Benedictine Rule.:T~ . ' , ' .' " , .' . ' , . '.' . . ' , " . :.,'. ;0" '. , . . named Father' Vaughn was sum- '. }ncorrect . statement· Smcere a'bbey became Cistercian. 'sQon women•. , < ' . ' '.: . mooed 'to ·the deathbed' ·of· the'. '. pray~rsare always' answered; 'afterward. Newmirister Abbey The Diocese is;.proud to recognize .Stomihill'sw.orth and" king . ~t the monarch's request,' 'our prayerful· requests, however; . was founded from it i'n 1137' ilnd to hail its growth. spent about two. hours there and·' .' ·are. not' always' answered. This. St. Robert becaID'e its first Abbot. . . . , . . gave 'him the' Last Sacrame'nts..':may sound 'contradictory, but it He died in 1l59~ Father Vaughn, dudng his life~ is not. Perhaps. it can be clari. 'time, refused to' comment affi~m- fled by a restatement of the ·MONDAY -:- St. Maximus of · Dr. Char:](~sMalik:of Lebanon; President. .theU. N.. atively' or~egatively on ihe ..:norm for. prayer"as. set forth by A,ix, Bishop-Confessor. He lived I General Assembly, .has called for a spifitual renewal by Jihe q\lestion. It is to' be pre~um~d the CO\lncil, of Trent: . "The in' the '. first century_ Traditioil .. . . .; ' . ' '.. that he would have demed It, 'standard whIch should regulate dating from earliesi Christian · . '. . " . W , .est m .ltS struggle agams~ Commumsm, . . . were the-statement untrue. On all our 'wishes is that above all times avers that he was a PalesWith realism,Dr. Malik reminds the free',world that.in the 'other hand, his lips may, tllse, we desire yod, the Supreme tinian .and a -disciple of Our Lord forty-two years·the Communists 'have never been dislodged . have been sealed by 'a promise ·Good.. After .God we should who . accompanied SS, Martha one inch from anyplace where it hasgaine~ real po1itic~lof secrecy, i! he bad. ~eeJi' in.;... 'm~st desire those' thin~s ~hich 'and Mary Magdalen and their brother, Lazarus, to the south of power and so "lhefree world. has not' yefdemonstrati;d .. s~umental .m convertmg~he ·umte us most ~loselY to.HIm. that the' communist' onslaught IS not Trresistib]e." .. : . kIng. ,We leave the COnclu!llOn ' . ~o, w.hi~~our specific request . .France.· He ·is ·venerated as the ht' 't t k ' . th" Id'" t .] .'. . to you. may seem to go una'nswered, 'first bishop of Aix in Provence. ~. W a]s a ~~. e m ~ }!?r. ls:_.np :o~ ypeace' b,~t . ..In relation' to this question, . sincere prayer will always bti~g Another tradition adds that. he ' fr~e represent:atJvego~er~~~nt~th.e'p'r!~a~.y,ofthe,human·.1t .~ight be of;inierest /~you ' ..us· .into .clo~er _union. with. God, was the man born blind towhom person, the moral-law, the contmUIty· of hIstory, freedo~, to know thatKmg Char~es I of ,WhICh,' as t.e Council of Tre~t 'Christ gave sight mentioned iil truth and. G o d . " . . E n g l a n d was received ,into ·th~ _:states, is a primary' intention of Chapter IX of the Gospel of Sl John. '. Dr.M~lik calls .on . the' West to' emph~size spiritu"aICatholic C~utch on. hi~ ~tla~h... every prayer, .TUESDAY - SS.. Primus arid values~hic~~re.t~e· essence of j.ts waY~f.lii~: .. ' .' '0" rt~~~l~h~:t~:~~e ~~ t~~~:l~~; : ; ot~y' Felician, Martyrs. They were It IS heartenmg. to hear one m such a poSItion of erni- HISTORY OFENGI.;AND: There ' . ." . '. . ~ aged brothers who, lived in Rome nence remind menCof the ·real :weapons' thattn,.i'stbe· used' is strong' indIcation th~tJ,<:i~g about 297 and were arrested bein this present w:artare~: It is hop~4 :that t~e: western i'~p-' . G~orge V also. sent for,~ CatholIc . _.' cause of their Faith, during the reseritatives at· Geneva keep in mind . Dr: Malik's> prIest when l1e wa.s c:jymg, fo~~~~~J~~~n~C~ha~I~:~ Diocletian .and Maximian perserealistic apprais"al'of the communist -strength and'the"rn"eans i, ". '",.",' :. .'"' ·hasdec.lared.there ."is no 'bigotry cutions.. They were thrown· te . the lio'ns in the Amphitheatre the West has to (:ountehict it. '.' . . .... ','. " ' o n therattlefield." but the animals would not harm . Through 'neglig~nc~,'1 have . c..' '. DOt' been to the...'sacranienhi in "In. that hour on the front them. Later they were beheaded wh~n men were pr,esSing foroutside the walls of Rome. . several. years, and' I wish to . return. Must I go to confession ward -to take an objective, no asked his comrade on the soldier WEDNESDAY - St. Margaret on Sa.turday, when there is: aright'· or; left what his. religion ,long line, or may I.go at some was," dec.lared Msgr·.' (Maj. Gen., of Scotland, Queen-Widow'. She was the Queen of Malcolm III, other time? >ret..) Patrick J.Ryan. He pointed and. usee: her influence for the OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE' DIOCESE OF' FALL RIVER . The ordi!1ary time for confes- .out that there -ar·e. today "rum'lU-s good of re~igion and· justice. Published weekly by The Catholic Press theDioce~e of·Fall River sion is the customary scheduled of religious tensions in certain She was especially devoted to . hours in each church; but for parts .of the' country." . the poor and worked to prev.ent .' .~ 10 Highland Avenue any extraordin'ary reason, you "Doe~ not this'example of our their oppression. Through her Fall River, Mass. , .' .OSbp!ne .5:7151 _ are free to go to any· Catholic - dead give .lie to such rumors?" goo d offices a number of PUBLISHER rectory and request the priest to 'he asked. '''It- 'is fitting that in churches and monasteries were Most Rev; James. L. Connolly, D.O., PhD.. hear your confession: If he can- death they rest side by :side. built She is said tc 'have forenot oblige' you at the moment, Intolerance never· entered ·their told the day of. her death, GENERAL MANAGER" " ASST. 'GENERAL' MANAGER . he. will arrange· for a time con- minds. It'has been said that there November 16, 1093. By papal Rev. Dan~1 F. Shalloo.' M~A. . ... Rev: JohnP. Dri;c.oll venient to both you and· him that are' noatheistsiri foxholes,and decree, her -"feast is celJbrated MANAGING EDITOR " .' .. you may receive' the sacrament ·it is also' true that there is no ·on this .day in Scotland but· O.D Hugh · J . G o l d e r i , .. , .bigotry on the battlefield." ." .of P.l;!nance. .:rune 10 in other countries.' O




men and ..


.• ' . '



The West's' ·Weapons


Big" . Absent .On ,Battlefield


@rheANCHOR ot


" ....... ,,~. "'1



:j1U A~'CHQw-

, .,T,~u.rs.( ~u~e,.4, 19.59 "


'98'0'1'11 'H31\1H ,'V.d .dO 353:>010

Sisters of Mercy To Hold Festival hl :Fa U Ri,ver, .... . ,. I Sisters .of' Mercy' in ,-the "Diocese' will hold' a Summer Festival' from 1'0 A:M. until "8 'P,.'M. Saturday., at' ¥ou'nt

,.SL Mary Academy, ,755' Second Street, Fall River, for, the benefit of their building f~nd. " d ' ·AU the Sisters' fn the New ,Bedford, the 'Fall ,River and the Attleboro' areas will "lend 'their 'support to the ·affair, serving in the various booths with the as·aistance· of their relatives ,and . friends. :. ·.Among the attractions will be NEW. $1,000,000 BUILDING ~DDITION TO MOUNT SAINT MARY'S ACADEMY, ffl Ii'ALL RIVER; cash awards at the close, of .the day's festivities. Many booths 'will' 'have 'other useful artieies: the', Cl>untry 'Store, Parcel' Post,. .Household Articles" Feminine 'CHlC~Cb (NC)-A,ie~ai'ex..,~' ·~ationai.·'dat.h~iic Welfare :Con- that decision the court stated is positiveIYarticulated." 'A'ttracti9ns, 'Fancy Work' and perL said here that the "com-, .fere~ce~"·pointeC:: out. that rec.entthat· ,the test of obscenity is 'Similar importance was given ·Children'S Booth. munity conscience" \vill. h'!tv~ .. legislation 'aria; ~courf/ ;deciSions'~wtteth~r ~,the ,average person t9 the community conscience, ,he _'Boys "and •girls will' find en- a large.part·tO play in stemming, '" have', pl.a·c~di ilic~ea;.;ed:emphasis applying contempora'ry commun- said, by a law enacted last year joyment' in 'skill. games, toys·and the current flood of 'obscene pub- . on the·ilnpoi'tal:l~e",,·ol=co.ritinunity ity standards the dominant theme making it possib.le to prosecute grabs; dolls, Bozo the Clown, the - lications; .' '. 'standllrds'as;~:biake oil obScenof 'the material·taken asa whole persons who send 'obscene maFish Pond; ·and the Milk· Bottle George· 'Reed,associate dir'ec'- '~ti."', '" . " ,'. ';' .....: : ,,' appeals' to .the .prurient inter~ teriat tlirough the mails at the . Roll-Away. 'There .will be te;. .tor ,of "the. 'Legal Depa.rtment" Mr; Reed.was a'participant tn est."'.' c' , place where'it'.js received or in freshmentsand valuable prizes a symposium. on governmental Under this definition,. he said,.. any judicial district througll for ·all. Complete dinners' and •control of ObScene .~literalure, "emphasis is placed on commun- which it passed enroute; in adMlppers will be served also. . sponso~ed b:r;':~e \' iaw'~:h.o~l ~f, ity" staridards~ O'bviously the sa i_ ditionto the point where 'It' Wlls New' Building , Loyola Universi(Y,.he:te:; " ,·utary,·application' of' this test'· 'actually mailed.' . . . ~rren.d_',:~Da " .'.Work 'on the. neW"Acad'emyis , ',"!<' ., :;'. . , ' will depend, in a large measure;'" ''In this'~ay; He said, 'smut diSIn :\his addre$S he· called at- n. n, th,.e ,ann,e,'rand. extent to. . 'about ·to comrrience. Several '; CINciNNATI (NC).- .Anier- teniio~ to the"fiiet that Posfinas':''' "'. 'tributors'haa closed to them' the higher edueation is threathouses have alreadY 'beenraZed 'lcan ter General Arthur. SummerfH!ld Yf;hiclt,~ecomrpunityconscienc~ '~loophole~' by which they could ened lJy three" major"· trends' . '~'make .room' 'fo~: a Diodem, in,effec t choose to face trial in within the' colleges themselves recently 'estimated the ,yearly,: '~ciotis' school 'whiCh "wiiI tie traffic in'maii' obscenity at $500 a;eas ~here. juries wer:e kno~n ' 'joined to' 'tbe p'i-esent' bliildiz:1g~ and within U. S.society~' million~,~'An even larger profit is '. NEW yORK '(NC)-Gen. AI- :to be "'more sophisticated." Un:" The dangers, according' to Tile' 'adfninis'trati'on' 'o'ffices will reaped by .organizations which fred M. Gruenther, president of ' .der :the' new lEigislation, local be on Middle Street side: The ,.Tohn, Dr' Millett, president '. of tr~nsport,·.'ih~ir' wares. by ~omthe American National Red communities can protect them.. Miami· ..University 'in Oxford, new, e~~fice will include an audimOlJ,.,carri~~,'·, ~J,'''''Ree,d said. Cross, has been named 1959 selves against mailed pornog· ·'tol'iuin with 700 capaCity, a large Ohio,. .are:· ,;, . Father of the ,Year by Jhe Naraphy .according to .. their own . ",· Important9 Cas~ t"lon"'a"I'Fa"ther;s' 'D"a'y' Committe'e. commuI).ity standards, he s.aid., Cafeteria, weH-equipped gyniria1) That cqlle~.es will "become U S S H e Cited the 1 57 . . u- e'en 'Gruen'ther, a Catholic lay-" ,'., .. ' . . , additi6~al laboratOries and technical schools" and graduate .",-"""""",,-,-~ , eia~rooms. . students '. "become narrow spe- prellle Court decisi'oh' inthe Roth man who is former' European case' as 'one of' the' most' imp'ort- commander €If ,NATO, has, two ,'. , .The· expansion program is ciali~ts'" " P' , ant legal rulings iIi the' area of So~ and llgran~lchil.d,ren. n'eeded because of the continued ':2). That "the affluent society, obscenIty for many years.' In, irictease in enrollment 'atth'e may ,be corrupting society,' " . academy whiCh serves girls of especially insofar as education is ·~What MinistersCh~lIenge high school age in the Fall River concerned"-a 'society in which area. Mount st. 'Mary's is' the education·' '·i'surre·~ders ". comLaw 'tully Sisters Qf Mercy commun- pletely to" the Culture of' the NEW HAVEN' (NC) ':':':'Three . , Arthur Janson, Reg. Phai'm'. i'ty:"owne'd property in the Di- moment" .. . local ministers have', charged" i.n 'oeese: The former' Mothei-liouse DIABETIC AND SICK ROOM ,. Super~or Court that . state laws andprEisent-day Retreat', HoUse ... :h',:'Th~t:·~.'we ~annot find a , SUPPLIES ': :'54 PLEASANT,$TREEr ~ :tor'a!l the Sistex;s o{~er,cy, it :Wl!:Y.;,. to, I p1l:\~nt<\inth~ . current· against' passing "out: information ~;204'ASH(EY' 'BOULEVARD ' has 'a speCial 'place in .the affec- stre~g,t~ .of" ourcolleg~sand uni- .On artiflcralbirth'c~ntrol '\iiOIlite .• :.: ',' .. NORTHATTLEBORO ... ::~ ,! ".;.... 'liI~w·Bedford" tl1ek religidiiS :fteedom. ,,', ' " tibn's of 'every 'Si~terof MEi'rcy, y,er~iH~~.','. . , ~ ~., TEL, MYrtle' 9-8231 ; ~ ..~,:., '," WY 3-$045 ~The "~~i~jst~~s ~id' ,tJ)ey 'ar~ theft. "relatives' and' 'friEmds ~.., .........,..,.. ...... 'Ii!"""'- ......... ~ .... ~ ""."~. P.rel~te,,' tllr6ughout the Diocese": ,.. ' "~qund: ,bY,-}tht;. Jeac~ing~ 9f th~ ."., '.:" 'History' hi Diocese' ", ..." "'SAN' ANTONIO' (NC)~Arch.:. church ,and UlEjir OW,n religioils ,t/.,· 1:,' ,'.. ,' .'!. ',. The Sis'tersof Mercy'hav~':~ bislloP' Robert"~;. 'Lucey of' San be.llefs', to,.~uT\s'rlp1~r~ied .p~,:" lOilg .'and 'interesWig his~o'ry ·IIi. Antonio has been named an Ag.;. z:lS~!9n~l.'s,,0~,the. ulle of c:.ont.':~­ "!,.-''';; . l. the'Dio<:ese In' 1873 woik in St'. oll~tar;lt ."t', .t~~ J>oJ;lti.fi.<;al 'I;'hrone c~tive d~;Vices ilnd to advi~ ':~, . , A&P~s SUPER-RIGHT'QUALITY MEATS' .. . 'Joseph's Ho'spital~ 'New 'i3edfoid J)y-... liis 1l01.i,ness •. p.ope. John them and to couI)sel. them to use '(tliepresent St. Jo's~ph's Con':' ~H,·",~~ 'was. ,anno.l,mcedbY .~~ ~rr;,~ ,a~~Q give .advice,~~ ONE PRICE· - -~AS iADVERTISEDI ':'.", vent) ,wa's begun:, In the same F.raQ,c:ill.' C.a ,rd i ,n a} Spellman, pr~:"marital'C;0\1nseliI).g.". '. yeiir' the Sisters' began parIsh .Mchbis1;lop,.o,f ..New, York, llt the :,l'he. 7,9-:ye~r,Told ,;laws.iT\ ql,le!i;Super~Right Heavy Western Co~n-Fed "Steer B~~f wotk' and Sunday Sch601 in St. Soletrln.· Ppntifical Mass offered ,tion,,fpr,bid use" of,..anY,drug .9 r Lawrence's Parish. The hospital bY;,t,h~. Arcl;lbishop in, San An- deviee' to prevent conception and also' prol1ibit persons f r o11l .work 'was later cHscontinued. .be- JqniO'Il, M~~cipaIAudit.orium, 'cause 'of the great demand' for in commemoration of his silver counseling .. (>n ,.the use of contraceptiyes, . . 'the Sisters in the schools. ' episcopal ,jubilee. I· .. , '" .'

.~···~a·wy~~"S~es Co~,mu!'~ty'~on$cienc~·S.ig Factor in 9bscenity 'Fight

:Cites' Education ngers . "












'·otect. :,

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'·.'Fall. Riv.~~.8eligw.us,· EinphflSiz~~ ·pre;Ss.ing , .... ~hurc~ 'JYe~ds.i~:;'l!ganda ~ ~~~~n,!r,.~rk . '. ., 'Our' Lord needs' a· home in· Uganda. And Brother Roger, 6f the Brothers of Christian . Instruction, is seekirig that' home for Him. 'Brother· Roger~ son of Mr. and Mrs. Pierre ~~rri~~ette of Notre Dame, parish,' Fall'River has been statiohedat St. Mary's College, l{is~bi" Uganda, Jlince 1947, and!Si,l>~i~c~Ha~ l,lf the ips"titution;:\Vhi~hco~1)ipes~Jo~'r-ye~r high, l'IChool' with a ,junior 9.enl$ ,by, ,c:ompetitive exaqlina;. ,q.ow~ eacll y,£fJi.r:, said the Fall college. Until a: few years non. Hundreqs must .~ turned River, Brot.t,~r._St'!cle.nt~ repr,.e'7 . sent .25 dlff,er.ent .tribes, each ~go tp.~ campusmcl4 ded a with its owridi~!ect, but to prechapel,. but destroying ants ,v~nt Tower of Bab~lis~c~)Uf~,pawed 'at its foundations until it. was condemned by· govern,ment inspectors. , Other college buildings, such ·as -dormitories and classrooms, .are .financed by the gqyernment of British East Africa, but assist...nee does not· extend to religious edifices, . explainedB rot h e,r Roger. At present the school's ·372 boys and 23 faculty members must crowd into. a -dormitory for Mass and other services.' '. "But we will need the dohnitory for sleeping accommodations next year,'" explained Brother Roger.."so our need for a .cJ;1apel is acute.'" , :A, building seating 400 can be .erected for $25,000, he' said, by using students as workers. He will be in this' country until August in an endeavor, to raise ,funds for the project;, • , .Largest College St. Mary's· is the largest eolleae in UJ:anda. and admits stu~

sion, all classes' ar~



in Englisli~ . , . ~ ,. . ' . . '. '. Scie~we courses l~l:\d in,' pop:, ularitY,but l'iterature and' hlstory are elected by many. Art and French wilt be added to the curr~culum ,in· ~h~ near ~uture. Many graduates.from St. Mary's continue their· education at senior colleges; others migrate to city· jobs, or. ,return to. their homes. They pay the equivalent of $75 yearly for tuition. Brother Roger, a graduate of Prevost· .grammar' school, entered the Brothers of Christian Instruetion iIi'" 1933' after completing eighth grade. He is one '" of seven children. He is happy to see his family again but his head and heart a're full of plans for St.Mary's;' In' ·the future He enlarged science' facilities,more text 'an<l"·reference 'books, 'arid B:new 'assemBly hall for ·students. And that chapel. 'Most'partic"ularly the chapel.




'SUpei'·Right Heavy' W~stein ''coi~-Feq S.te~~' Beef •



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.>,' " '.,..

;~;Reti:~~',f6~:~~ ·J:i oi:~:" f.6:j/, " S"n~:p' "~'Ji~~ejil~~> : ....•.. ,. .., ",', . .' ~·:;·•.:.1:.'t,}·

'" :·,;$:·~'~~r~.;~jTt~~~:,·'··i .' .:~T· .,', ,. " - .. y';' '~'~ Women." .·to.,'·S.'t.ud~

. h .U . ' ,-. '-';: . ,. C. a·te'· ing' .~ p "onClassm:a·tfi~~~~Y;'·: "'"



.,., .... ,Dlo,c.!!SE ~". , .'. .:... : ~ '- ".".'" '~F"---.. "'i'L;t... ~V~~,. ~Asf:t ,!.

. ·i.",.-(, <,-,';.,>;,,'. . .

Dy Mary Tinley Daly .; .... ~<~\::'. : ' . . "Comeb:tck for reunioid' read the inv:iktiori .alumnae .office. A chance to see "the girls" a:gai~;:aiter' ,these many years? Acceptance bounced bac.k by returirmait Preparations went on at home: free'i~r and ~efrig' . . erator llt<>cked with' 'as much food ,.' "'-", . 'f' . . . weepIng. over leaVIng one anas 1 we we~e embarkm~ on other; prom.ising • to "keep in a European tour.; menu hmts touch." and recipes tacked to kitWe have kept in. t~uch-but .'

"fr<j~'th~:.. A t Insti tutes


ehen bulletin board, along' with not in the way. we ,envisioned. at vital telephone nu'mbers;' a per- 'age 20. ,..... f. map.ent wa v e' . : Settling down'. at reunion get.. tim e d to be togethers, ·w~ ~'6ke little of colnon-frizzy, nonlege days-those we all. r~memstringy by THE ber.: The· years 'since have carried /week-erid; new' us far from the carefree comraderle shared at that ·time.· Some clothes, midway ., between t h -e . became career women who went gay; chic n u m ; . f a r in.their.cl1osenfields; 'others bers we hoped have had misfortunes.' Some would m'a't c h have died. Most ot' us have mar.. . th e renewedand' becom.e mothers. A few EIGH'rH GRADE WINNERS: Essay contest conducted ried youth mood of ,us,.are WiQo~e.d.jM~ny have by Attleboro Knignts of Columbus,fOl: eighth graders was .and those. our becqrne grandmothers: And here:' won by Candyc~ R~millard, .center~ Sheryll Hill c!:.ight)~ took d aug' h t e r s as in !!'~roup of griihdrllother;" second honors' and Louise Monnier. ,(left) third'lionors. ;' tho u .g h t . . everywhere _ fromdip.1omat[c . " . , ' "suitable :for'a ,woman .,of, your circles. to . the .supermarkets--:. age;Mother.;' . . . . . 'out com.e' ,the pictures. ' ,


. '


Db'scene::.L''Iteratur-e ~'" . ,'S" T' ";.' een·. hreat··

T Couritry 'T'hroughou't. Wor'l'd / .




WASHINGTON lie' women throughout the,na.tlon .will, . spend this of summer stud'yipg the time problems their comm'unl'tl'es an"d' the re's:'po~s'1''bilities of Catholic leaders ia helpink to solve them, '.. Seven )eadership trairaing institutes win be sponsored by the National Council of Catholie . Women in June arid, August; ill Columbus; Ohio; Iiui-lington, Yt.; ,Williamsburg, Va,; New Orleans; Atchison, Kan.; Milwaukee; and Oakl'and, Calif. . . Catholic laywomen and clergy . will seek solutions to' local commu'iIity problems of youth and child welfare, the aging, 'inter;' grou'p . relations 'and the, effect of international" relations oil ·the community.' .." , . ' "More, th~h: l.ooOregistranti are expected. for 'the seven 'jnsH':' tu~es; which':n"ave 'been 'plahned" and' will,· 'be, executed, by. the board,and staff of the -National Council of Catholic'. Wom'en.' ',The four-day' 'trainl'ri'g" 'm' ee't~

,.,' Welcome to College ..... '. 'Important 0 Thrilled' as freshmen; we We ·look at '!Sally's baby the . . ' . arrive at '·A.lmit"Mater. ,"This is.', day she ·see.... J;m.., -.' WAS'HlNGTON, (N?) - .Th·e :.. :o( .. in ., Ings ·will' be built aroundsrilali · . my college!:! we·proudly, tell the;., ': f?ur:."" .,say,· ()f .obsc,ene book!! .l,>efore a HOl.lsepostal discusSions" 'workgroups; .::; each: taxi driVer,' approaching ·Old·· ,;while ,.we. .admu,e", ·01.11' .,fmgers and magazines abr.oadis giving subcommittee iiIv.estigatl:·ng·· th'e' ; in guided ·.bY pr?fessioral .expert#!' . .. . the'field under discussion. Xl . ,. Main, 'ivier' than e~er...· ..,are.r~ac h Infg. 1l~~0 our·. wallet .for Dther countries "t1le idea that.: prqblem : of o,bscene ~iiteratUi'e the concli.Isiorf of each' institiHe, "'Yeah':,; 'heyawris,' plunking a p~c ureo .'EI.een's baby/',an~ the United States,'is populated· se[lfthrbugh'the maj'ls~" '..:'{ ,·the discussion groupswill·.di'aw ;;";l.t'C'a'se'" , on' sidew~lk. . :, .il' been .other of .. ~·Johnny;!! he added , . pw tu .....th d ,.f~ur." d h. ,In by multitudes of sex ~aniacs." .. 'By' contrast, '. . , ';"'mow up' . progiams for' communit_"munist literature distribute'd' 'l'" " ." ·aull'n' d'ames o'ut here all'..day·. .gr'. rn~d' .ese ,~re.":~'" ( t I J;lll!i.!,! .. 'w..Ile '. This warning was i!!sUtld-'~ere ' U action' to meet' 'each pi'obleDi~ I h That'U 'be brie' .buck." '. an ma-nex.-m-..!pe ls.. se~~~h.by Dr· Clyde Tay.1<jr., public af;".- f~reign. countries .'is' 'uniformly, studied.·. ' . .... .'.' ';-'. · ',~' 0' e"d'oll~'rfo~"'hfffi . 'p Ius'. ll)g :!'Ier.. ,wal1~t ,.{o.~.' p,i.;tures. ~f fairs, secretary. of . the. NatioJ,lal "beautif~lin. prl'isenUitioii' .nd.... ".',.,Ot.lle.r tr, .. a,u1ing' ' se'ssi~n,s d.'u~i~.·:' .... .",. -:-', her . grandchildren. ,A grand. ,.., : . m·oral·:·l'n 'co""nten't'''·.'.' ""'-", .:' '.' • , n,,·,. n,cent.tip-.theoldkill]()Y.' ". " ' . -W,:,., " ' -r.eumon .'. " ,rat.e. ... j," th"ef' ···t·· "11 '.. mot~er' .CORHl1g.,. orp~. ommu.ni.o. ,our-d ay' mee Ings WI. .covet·. te" . ' .: . '" .' '-' .' " .. ' ..' ".A.wond.~r:i!!gl~ok,~Lexpan?e!i ~itht?J.it s\}c.h, .ac;co\!t~rlJl~n'i.,maY , ". ;'Lu*heran View ~ pUblicspeaking,~cORpniit~ ·pro:. c • . ' · eampus-all those new bU1li1- be a'lot.more intliresting-,-,but ' ~or t:'lurses S,'.Jhf:;lqy .' " ~ Another ·,wifn~ss;·:Rep~ 'Waliergr~~m.~ng,co'w..lnuni!J~tiqn~;'ti1.!f~. . ~s! We: reallyshOuld.n.!t·i)e she isn't a normal grandma! ' .Summer. activities o~ ttte Fall . ~. Moeller.. of Ohio" i>r~!sed ,tbe .fic ,sa.!e.~~, arld.othe. s.tr:uctu~,;~:" iJ'iJll)risedS- adn't 'we helped.pay.,.", ,Pictures 'disposed' of; eat-Ching , Rlver Catholic Nurses.q,"ild,will ... · progral1); ~f the, Catholic Church:: the :NatIona~,C9un:Cl~' of'CM.h~~~ :. " h , for them?' . " v ' '.:: .• '.~',' up onpr~.~eni st'atus of jobs and begi o with a 'eommunion breag':' . jt:! fig!Iting obsce.n e ~it.era~ure.:Ai-. -: .Wom~~ . . " " ,,' '. ,,' ~':' . ". ,.', families finished;:we;settle down fast to. follow " ,.th.ough. ... ' '. . . . " ';. " '" .. ..:.; " , as antildpated.> But . fu!real' talk---:.thekind we used. Sunday m\?rning".:r,une .. . h,ighli '.' . :' . .:: : how ;.';he ·Admi~.istr:~ti~'ii" has' Jo h~~vei~ ttiedorm~, .. walld.ng, AI?ne'" ,~osp~tal . ~ha~~.~:;M?,s." a.pp,-:ec~,a~e. th~ roJe,,;the. ROlJlal!.. ~' h~m ,and.. bean" sup~r"fOi;'''' ..•. .:. eb~n~ed,! ,~o; l0fl.~e.~. made. up; of. " a~~~ndtn:e ,grounds. :ip th.e spring' Thoma~ .M;cNally a.mt ~lSS c;ecI1e. . Ca.~hplI~. gburch . ha~" p!!l.f~t,I, "in . ,low~c:! by,,~ '\7in~ola ,,iwj.}J be,; hel~" :. .,' " ~ ", ;.~We,.lnS})l.f.mg ... p~?ll.~,n,c~s,:. ~~JY.: .. ,t!"lhghkl~t~~· sO!Jjal~~ente~ ,af::. ' Sut~o~ are. 4;o-~.halr~en :,nd, ~!1-;". J~Yll\~. to,<cl~an ~p thi!l. BtD~!ty ',,!f ,·51. ~ Y~I1~pt' ..s .. fI~iD~,. ,NQi~', ,:. .' . .... .. J.oh!). :ad" .. }! ...", ,.".. ; ,;.. < ',- . ' ',:, ':'. :. ar...eo,u,'::,.owJ) , i . By 6\Mt;$;' .'. ..' "ar.I.es., ':: . , , : :.,.,:.;:' " .. /','. :.:w~et~e..~,ou~ p~~a.£!.e:,:,tis frizzy'.' Rlver ~ubl~c, IMlP~!':sy~tem,.~Il,I; " ~~t!~~;t~~t;:?~rJng .-~~~~t ,~~.~~ :' lee~.~ly.~', c;.osta·;~ll~~~ .. ,~::,:, '. / .... ;.,'The!l".m~tmg pther,.. r.e~mon-:, .. or. strlng.y· our clothes· those we ..~,gues~, speaker:· .Rese~v~,tlOnll.Slve' tra~elm the Far East··Hi .' ticket e6minittee.· .:.~. :.,;"';; ) ,):".:i""""",

wasbap,ti~ed·,~ N:~~dless.: to.-




~, '.~ .


,:":rd>~n9~. y'oUJanywhef!~}:~."we

'.,. "'.

,., . '


p'c~oC~Ma~, l\(Luther~nihj~s~lf;~J,\ep ~ ~t S~. ~.~oeHe~, com.{Yl~l'\ted:.::~

'~' ~.o!, t~9~, I~.!:ll~~:i~~n~mg.pqsl-., ~r l~ss?riswereA~nis.hed; ,co~t~mp~r.~


n . . ,. ... ',..... ;


Wholehearte'~.~welcome'-.:from:' .theSister~;


A,~ocj~t!~n te~ti,mollY


~C!unc~ t?a~




~ ~ F~,II. ~IVer, V:'t~cola'"


'this'~i::·i~':w.ll~ter8HttI~ J.~!ltment c~>unselor,f~r: t~~ r~ll, ,~Dr. T"ayl.~r. ~}(J.,,·U;l~·~'!1>Ccirp,,;~·djl~'eve:~i~~i;:J;U'~

"., F(lr..





)l~ted., ~or: ~edlle~at, ·,'.:He


"said, religious leiiders 'iii',·.


~i~y!~;~:; ·,'i~, ,''''''«'',.:' ...-#

'-?S~;~!r~it~:~::]::~l~::~~i~;~~q~f;f~~~1;~~~~~\~~~\;~~t~'t ~::fr{l~:~~:t~!" ';:,.,p~~~~;,! ~~". '~:, ~r~': fou.n~;,;tt}ar.:ou~;-.~ii.it~;.lldjtiain-~,~presented ,~t .5~. VJnc~~t,~e Th~y'told h~~,'1je:iia'itl,'" g' ifts~ '",." :~





:the':i,WJ!idles.; There .. .. .. country:, . '. . /.:'j ',' ... " . · wrmkles, ' '~ray o.r',vahant,l~'-' 'ing ha9-"eilabh!d .us·'tO"'roil'witb .: P.aul. Health Ca.mp, Westp.ort:·that distribution ,. 'of" American'. " -: :.". '.' '.' ", ·i~.·· '.. ;: '. '~uch:ed-uI) h~ir. ::.Upl?er, ~~IJ.ls,,,, .the : punches:,':;; :~'i'~";/"~. ;;"" Nurses will take .~rns.':in be~ng',"p~~nography,.abroad ·!plays·. di:- ':,': '.' .- '.'':' ~~' :.'.. .1-"':' ,.,:,- ...• ~.':. ,-, . have lost ... leari .ela,st\c1ty;' We, .. o? call healtt' i:ectly.· into <the . bands;..:. ·.. ?,' ',,' nere~s, JP.anY"a dowager's r.'!I)l~: tai.ra e~h~lll{aHci,~~,,~:·>~;;': /.~. . ~ld tr~at~ent" . commutlists. ~... . • ':.'. ; .., '-::.': ,.. .' .., 'l'ew ~(:~.s,.~~v~,onl!-c.0.ne.C.~IJ.' .·Wat~hmg;,the·g~aduating sen~ .. ,~~': . " " ' ' ' ' " " . "":" ,. . , ':.' ',> '. . -',- . • ny: ',_ ',.". ,.. iorsot 195!j, see:QUrseives . ". ··O"·:···.V. :i:S'" 'However, ·to conte·mporary.. in' simiiar c~ps "lIn'q.:·gc;wnswish B.L'·u".E B-.·B·"0'.":·:N·· ... ''.". .. . .. ":" . · eyes, we' are' still the sam~ them ··well.· . . :. ' , . . . people;, . '. . ·A~d"we:.re.gl~d' that they, ~~ " c·Last·'tlme we. had seen m,a.r Y we.m thelr·places·.many years of .. these claSlimates, they . were ago, canriot.seeaio\i'nd' the bends ~,. ·JOSEPH M: f.DON"GHY .' ,.'J'.. .," If~~lsaged ',2!J . or, 21, fresh lmd. in "that'road that' iies out yon' '. : .: .. own'er/mgt:; , .' ,-' ready for ".the road that lies out' der." ". . ' ': .::.,. . . 273 CENTRAL ,:1'4..2 . ~ampb~lt. St. ' . y'onder~;.(class 'song)·.. l'hat road,.. . d.,. " . ' .I . . ; , ' . New Bedford" MoSS.. .. . S' .' '. '~we~e .su.re, wo.uldstre~c;h ~>nc~,"'1stet.Md.~levQHa5' NEW BEDFOROt·' ".. . :.,.' ',""WYm' an' '9" 'L7·92' .:; and on, .WIth mostly .apd. '1"rip I'e· A nnlvers~ry~;'''':' .. .." "'. .' " o,ecasional d!>w.ns· tl1 ~p~ViI.ould'· .. '!,." ~,:,t.:.' ' . . H'E" 'D"': .:' ,,' -v ",... ':.".:;':- ,;. at t' · '" I' '. At' N . ','" .' WY' 2.....216· . "" (. A QUARTERS'FOa'",,;," 'mea!l' m. g' . ,· ....· OTRE:DAME" ,:. . .:C0 lONIAlANI)''',,':,,: "th' ".SJmp y 'e,asy .' coas d · ' . ,. '(NC)-Sister"" . .. ., . '. " .' : -.... .. . · :., at time, 'o~r : unmf,! 1ate con·:' M: ,Madeleva,' president of St. ' ' .. '...., '. ,:' , " . . . ", ,eel:~s.- ,;Vere.',;teli~~· .at h~ving: M~rY's(::ollegefor women c o n " : : ' '.. :.' ;','; "";;";':':;, :' ., T~ADITJ~NAl; FUR...~tURf"" '. '.' ~'j p8!)Se4;cfiQall:xa~s, ~ exciteJl.1~nt:' '>:puc.t~(r by the'. Ho1y €i-oSs Sister:s ;, .:'!" , .' '. . . ,:. , '.' :Oyer dates 'for ,the cI¥ss dance,., here arid widely acdaimed for . . . of engagements; : ,'her ·poetnr;' has 'celebrated ;.;. ...L.,".V .. E. A.•.'S.·.·.·,M.···..A.··.: . . ·.y.','.·.... .·..,:..·.SP.:.. '.·H· ·. .-,,!;.. . .·R:.·'·. · ;':lJ:eCtueilthing"" :~ol,1r if.oiljl(!s: ".~., •tJ:jple.. '.al\iJiyer~ary.·~ , ' " .~,~:; . 1-:..... .A '•. , .,' 'counterparts . in.·f 011 o.w i,n it . Sister, Madele"a . marked ~'. ,'T..he A.i'm.Y.. o.i',elti'i~t·'need,.· s: ;~,u.\.·. co.'~;a.g···~,e.,::y"':~~~··.:~~i·le·'· " · :.:·!la's~s·; ·Signi.n~. 'up: for Jobs;" years. ll~aluhi'iia:eIf 8t ;Ma~y's, d , ",.."." :,';";:'~" .:.;.~. , '25 years' as pI:eSident.of the fir t ' .... an most:~of. all ¥OULOffer:·,Him·.YQIi't. heart"3Il a' " :. 'Chanc,eIlQr " 4ged Infirm.' AloD.{With·· . ~. '.\ " , . -. .. .·Of' .. ·... ·M... : 'f'""'':--''A'I' , ~:, .-the yn:ited States and her ''1in'iI,8 hfe ofpraye~:y'ou:w:i1learefor(l:II~s'AgedOne.s·~a ,'.... .,. as~ 9r' . umnae . birthday. . ' , ' ,. work of I . .' , . '; Itt.: Rev. Msgr. Humberto' S. . The anniverslirieS were' .. ,., : . .: .." ;'\':' i, . '-, · ..·'·:Medeiros' Mass o f_.EV. ' MOTHE.• M. ANG'ELIN'E ' T'ER''E·<SA"'·O···CARM' . - , ' . . '..Chancellor· . ., will cele.;, ~brated Th' 'k' with . . ' '.,a' Scjlemn .... ',:":' . -: · ·t)rate }.fass "in : Sa:credHear~' a.n sglvmg,.jn.the· Chapet of . ' ,'" at. 9:15 Sunday . the Holy'Ghost at..the·eollege'·and : 'ST.' '.:: ,:, ", , · .Jborniilg, June ·7, for the Alum- with a di.nrier .at'Morris Inn on ' GERMANTOWN; NEW',YOfll(;~.:," : ,,';".:; .. " nae AssoClati6'n . . . . the nearby Univel'sity"of:'Notre ' .' " '. : . " ' . : '>'-::'('~2:,:l,,;':,;':::l~> . ',.; . ' .', '<Ata' breakfast follo'wing, Miss. , p_a~,e .ca~pus; T,l:Ie,a~~j~;.wer, ~. "'. ,..... '~ ""0'>'.-' ~ary E.' Sullivan; of 'the acad-~' .,l!ttfJ1~~Q';by m~~~rs,,~onh~.co~;'~, ,c,'-;: ~, ,,'., .0:'" "J'~.. ,; J:>...,.'"" ",:'''; . ,my's 20th reunion Class .will lege .faculty, .the student body·... ·U·· and 64 graduating .. .... . .;I:iO":. organ- ,,"" .. '..


~~a,v~ r~~iiion ·w~ib~ ;:~r'::'








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s~niors ,:.,a~~,the,alu~n'ae.. inducte~'int~,the .f,,"~t·,,·;

T' HE ·AIi...· ..... ~~ 't"

':; '.~:.~ ~.. FEAST:;: ~OF ' ST.[A~fHONr··'"~'"~i'~;'i.:.;:,(·~


of New officers to ~ presented 1:5c Me" ,. 'I,"," ·'N···' ·'·,or," lDclude Mrs..Marjorie Hall 'To_.WALLET tSIZE P.ICTURES-Wil_IBe · ~arz, president;;"Y'M'i's:~-""lJei'tj' :(;mii,:~ied'··(S~~I.:ir{~PI~st;~)':;,~» .. ,'li' ,I';: ~~"JSAjQl~ ANTONIO,.' C~UB ~~~QUND,S . Turner Sullivan" vice president; M I ' . . , . ' ,. ',' , Mrs. Mary O'Neill Melker secre15" ea.·•. ·2 f~r'·1,5~,. p;p. ait and Street, North 'F.air:hav~n· ","', \."" tary; . Miss. Ann . McAndrew, 24: HOUR ,SERVICE": ' Por!ugue5e' .Delic~cie~";:P.~p~la(.:ohCl"'~archM(f5!~'~; . ~easurer. ," . ' . . , . PARADE SUNDAY; JUNE 14, ~.9 AM-'---~""·


~e~Jl"th~~{~::~i'h~:o~h'~~ifAi'i~ ,SEA~~'T~,,\,',gJ:.,$74 . ,NEW/B~DFORD, MASS.

f:l.le breakfast..

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.h'.\"t.~·:(.,. ;-......r::fc"-,;" .r... c<'""~. .

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Ho!y.. .

Ma~5';;l:(),,·,AI.M ...,..Sf'., M.~ry~s Parish, N'o;~h ~~irQav..." " '. Father Mei;1des; li~«;~cli'" ..., "~",""",,,,,,,,", ~~,".'

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Glassware· Choice:~"lfraROrfant" P~rt of New I-Iome 'PI~nning"


1M AMCMOI,,Thurs., June ...,. 1959


.Coyle Seniors Win Awards

. By_ Allee BcKtgh Cahil Is there anything more inviting these warm days than • ,tinkie of ice in a glass of· water! Probably 'we make JilOre ilse of our glassware in 'summer than' any other seaaM the .young person starting housekeeping does well " -.0 have .a basis fo.r judging g~1eCI in gla~' making linee ... qualIty. Knowmg some- the days of pressed glass. thing about how it is made Several Test. will be helpful. There are several tests for

Three scholarships ha.e beeft awarded outstanding memben of the graduating class of CoTIe High School, Taunton. They include the Lt. James Mulcahey scholarship to Peter Gazzola, also ,honored as outstanding Coyle man of the Tear . and winner of the AmeriCall Legion school award for scholarship and citizenship. Also the Fred U. Ward Taunton Kiwanis Club scholarship to John Cross, also winner of the senior mathematics award. The Lt. Joseph M. Levis, Jr. scholarship, together with all honor monogram, will go to Charles McEachern. Other Honors In all, awards went to IT out of 108 seniors, including recognition for oratory, scieBce, Latin. aiId other academie lIUbjeets. Und.ercla~n receiving 1'eCOffnition . included 11 juniors, 11 lOPhomores and: se...en fresilmea. .


All glass is manufac~ured from judging the q1uality of glassware. • mixture of silica and alkalis Stemware made of leaded blown heated to form glass rings with a clear musical • molten mass. tone, when 'flicked with a fingerOther ingredinail. When buying glassware, may be run your finger around the edges lidded dependto determine whether they are iRg upon the smooth· and regular. Hold the kind' of glass glassware against a pure white 'being mad e . background to assure that it .is Glass is one of sparkling clear and' lustrous. WIN ESSAY CONTEST: Marilyn,Powers (center) won tile oldest Gi Colored glass should have a the essay contest conducted by the Knights of Columbus ill . .n-made maunifOl'Dl color. Good glassware _iais, go inc h~. relatively. few wavy lines, Attleboro. a~ong seventh graders. Second place winner wu _ k Iio Pboespecks and .bubbles, though La:wrence J;>eSantos (lef~). Third award\.went to Jame. llician tuDes. It bubble glassware is purpo.elT . Lewis (right). . . . .,. be blown " . .. ~roduced and has a beaut,- of . ' pressed in a mold iDto the • . Its _0, . *eel Ihape. Giasl containiDg a For ever,.da,. use you will be ....t deal Gi lime • tile Ieut wise to buy a generous .upplT Saint Of Sacred Heart ea:pensive to manufa~; .it is .of ~~~~e. but. attractive Subiect of Reidio' Play brittle, and is 'usuallT p~ wa~,. frUit )u,lce. aDd sherbet COLD SP~ING (NC)~J!jfty lIbape. It is not su~tablefor_g~.. You may want to .tart Tears· after ·she' led a first Com- . munion willa' the class. The '. St. ~garet-Ma17'Alacoq~ ...tUng or ~.tching. .' . ..Y,o~·g~·~ryice.in .setsof four. muniou' class' .from St. Joseph'. -other' promised Sister Domitilla, 'is the subject of a half-beur · Glass coritainini'a Jreat deal Try to bur ,it, ~r9m open stock parish school to the church, Si5- that .she" too; will retura ~ tbe radio play' to be presented .at . 6:30 Sunday night ,b,. the. Cath.,iead, is e'xPe~ive'~ ~ufac;" ~f., d~~n,. th~t is. more, or lea 'ter Mary Domitilla led 10 of the Paith. . but' it has the high lus~~~d,~d.~I,ear.:unc()lo~ gIass:- original"13 members of· the class . AJlother of the: class; 'William olic Theater Guild of New BedRuschman, 'recei\Ted C(ffiimunioo ford. . " - '. "'itabie for' finet8bleware.' Did ~llre~ ~,he.,saI,est choice.. ill proCession again ..at a golden from"'his son," Father Albert By MiIIs ~llen M. Gau~' ~ ev~r won!i~r" a~t. eo~ored .,; ?-'h~~ ,<v.e. ..S9me?f. the pieces . jubilee' ·celebration. RuSc1iman~-who. offe*ed tIie JUthe play gives highlights in ,the 1l~!"It, ~.s 'proouce4 by ·the you want to start WIth; goblets Three of the original class are Ilddition of "certain chemical" to or tuml>le~(I for water; tall dead:' Two' had lapsed from .the bilee MaSs. Father Ruschinan "i8 'life of, the.' SI,lint; .f:hr~top~ A •. directOr of the RUl-aI'Life Bureau Best will direct and Misl Flortbe· otheringreciientii. " '" :., glasses iced" tea and iced but 'one of these went to m tbeCoviDgton di6cese here inenceMeUo 'win . atiPPlT i»rga_ . In band bloW1l' 'glasS' thecdffee; small fruit juiceglasiles; Faith, CoJ.Ifessi6n'and ~ived Com- 'Kentu<:~.' . " , ' ., ~comp3n~erit. ", ,', . beauty, . o( Ule' stUlpe . d~P.t!ndS stemmed sherbet glasses; glass 1IPosdhe'blow'ei-'s skiU.A mlU,lll plates' for ,use under sherbet MedaH~t .Pays Tribute el hot glass CNl the end of a glasses;·fo~'.desserts! for salads; v . ' , .. ' , " , , , I .... blow. pipe is blown . and genU,. a few 'rehshand Jelly 'dishes, TO:'DaughtersMemOtj JIOtateduntil the dem-ed shape' .and . perhaps ' .' a' glass cake or· . . MIAMI (NC)-Heilrt-to-:heart .. formed. Whether' thin· 01' thick, . sandwich plate. .. taiks he had with his teenage . band-blown glass is fragile ., . ilaughter,' now dead;' guided · .. ··r '.... tban pressed glaBs.'lt'b also mOre Solve Regina Graduates William.J: Me~han 'into his work liistrous.·Crystal gllW-the very .FQW:.frqql fOe the. Holy Name Society' arid ,"- , ; ' ~qual1iy 'of' plaiD 'glaa--:hlis . Four . .£rpm. the ,Diocese ,refor liim tbeSo'Ciety"sbigh .1\.··· :.," a'" cI6a'r"'''bell':'lik~ riri," .,.,hee Qe..ive~ tt'etir~:fr()m'BishQP RWI- Iionor\, tbeYercelli Me'dat" . tIIppecl. . , ~." '\ " ~l J.J4:eVinfl'ei" .of Providenee' ." lIn . out . :eonversations;" Jti. · ., 'Qolle_e~.~... :' aCSal~e·.R~gina College ~_. Meehan said, "she' expreSsed llany.:people who like antiques .~e~t l!][er~.ises. :. . . sUrPHse lit iliebehavior of s6me . eonec.·t.,>.·..·.t.e.·. ~.·:s~.. d,.gla.ss. Ris.glass.', ,:.T.,.b.·.e.y, . ·,a,re..B.a..,rbar.,a.. ' F . .' ."-'," ~t;i~g~ ~7:t,':S~~ ~as bOtiterecl -UNION WHARF ., MASS~''';I' . ,o: •. ~ l.~. .~,.. ~ I J.' .at {w:s:nfade· In nearly all N ~ d' Do ...~ by l)ild beba\Hor ~a-nd expressions ./ .h"_~l~'" ·j ..z~~·~~·· ~~~ ~~ , ~ American g'l~orka in the late' .U"!!.,', P··:":':'v·. ~1·n;.J.t'o'·wn·'. :,nna,·.:·a·"nd· ·Be.'_.'. '. iurionlC' :bOYs. "Her' death lefi'·• i itittion of cut glasS. ,', W"'l'" .• v F~;; R' all . re-.,. iiig'g!ip "wife. ......O'·s· . ir{,::un .--. . , 0 .~W~~I ,;iff ~". l:ver,. ' " . ''-in ..,'''the ,..,'Ji~es ." or my .. '.. 'l'bere :ar~"maQY patterns of . . 6- _I bacbe! f artIl deand myself,' Sh~was o!:tr'l)ol" DAUGHTERS OF ST. PAUl· ," . ~., .,." .... ~p~~~:~" ,.. or.p.... . . child'. ·l·t. ieft' Wit.h a"'fcelio,;, .....¥itiI ,0 (I~ __ . . . . . . . . pioes8~ .: glass ;"b.ur UnlesSi~ isqee;.,."., .":';11 ..:. .. .a.n.t viMy.,d .. _ ~ ef'''.' IDterested in oolleeting it, their "~' . In~" :Silva, ,,F,all River. of. wanting' to 'do S!)DudtbingfOr ftlitions:" ""_.' .1I io., ; ...... .t.~ _me~' are if1~~r~~~~> "., ~~che~~r ,.~f, sci~nce in nursing, youilg" pt;oPl~ 'I latched 'on to ' Tberear~)l~me famous names magna cum laude, .... the 'o·pP,Ortunity..'· of .'prori"oting . ,~.-.y., 5i '~•. ~ . whicli'you migbt like to·,.. MiSSWolo~ie<i'~lso recei~ a .:JWiiorHoly· Name 'soCieties.": . . . alt _ ' . _.,_,~", become'~alJiiliar,S~f?as ~ater-' .i~!'ch,c.~'s.,~t,ilic;~t,e. gr'aduaQDg '. 'He l1as"been 'i~trunie~tal' iD ,., ioo~OI' atioa ,._ , ...: .... . . lord, which was or~g1Dally made . cum laude. she was named. winth~' form~'tjon'~i' 32 'juniprsoci:' ftv. MOTNH SUI'DtOI • '. ill Ireland and which is a cut- ner of the. Judge Florence K. eties for boys fl'ooi the'se~erith 'io ST. PAUl'S' 'V£.· IOnON··. MASS> ." :,' llass with, an, irrid~~tmt .finish;Ml.iriay" Award for Pjlilosophy. grade through' high IIchool. Orrefors/ ~hich is a Swedish 'Miss"Hurd 'wa's' also recipient of ..... ,lass that is modem and distinc· a teache'r's certificate. . . 'Uve in design. The finest and Miss Silva is a member of PwMBlNG & HEATING, INC. most unusu;d. glass made in Kappa Gamma Pi, national hon. jor Domestic America today is'Steuben glass. I 01' lIOCi~ty for Catholic women's' " . .. SHARON, MASSACHUSETTS You'll find'~ it In; many of our ,eoUeges. ~ . It: Industrial _ _ ..... Sale. and ," ,"' Itores, as well'aS in 'museums . . dM ~ i .;to 1J yean old Oil 'Bumears Serviee MId art galleries. Do it, To Atten ass 'Six week-season: June H to AuguIt' .-wi see··ho;"" far~e ·~ve prO-: . Graduates .. of·Jesus Mary ~ 2-9~47 . ..... , . . Academ.,., Fall ~iver,.. are in:Register for 2; .or 4, Of" 6' weeb 0 ' · ~.. ACUSHNEJAw" Marist. $OY$ ;vited'bythe' Alumnae AssociaNEW BEDFoaD , . '~'. :, \ ' ,.. Tutoring if~: ~~d _ , t '.' :. ;'.: :'~ •. tionto 'attend Mass fOr 10m. grad. THE· .UOTHERS . Of THE $o'eR&» HEARl' ",".' _'. :.uating clasS at'8 Sunday morn,.


Nun'Agoi'n Leads First Communion Class on. 50th: Anniversq,ry





··59~lb •


Piocese .



':<M~.'L.EAHI~ SEA' fOODS ,,·.','1 '._HAVEN.






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" .CAMP· 'sAC~ED .HEART' .


·tli'inch ons:: T. hr.'-"'·.es ··.on..·: S'o'



ci.~i~~lZ~ij~~~.u2:~t :~=~:. a~~m~:etrewillnu:


·,:.·.. . SACRED' "HEART' . SCHOOL ,:':.

aaOnS.-a'~I;u:tIl4-Al~P@1':!~Plirl- ,_ted ~gethero . ... I,i~.at~t·~tr,:yeaiT'. 8Pl;~t'::in ~', strotb PacifiC:. islands ., • -- . . ,.0':', ,t ,.. ' ., 1!f)llCh we~e" the.. ~11~ of~ bitter ,". Iliglioting ·,World 'War II, .: . : Father, . "George Fahey; S.rYI. Yisitin-g h'ill hQmi,iiei:e; said ~e 15;000 "of .Ore 45,000 nl;\ti"es.·,on BOugairivjl]~. largest -in· 'tb,e .. jil1Md' chain, 'are . CathOlic;.::: 1t:·is. ~ '"'Mf' unusual' to' diStribute - r;ooo Communions· 'at' a ,single Mass, be said. . ·..C '. , " '.' . He rep6tte<f'.tbat there a.-e .' -:... 30· Marist. .tnriestS,'6'1 SiS- ,'! . . . .. i, ... ·.M .~.'·lk~ .orltioC .. the"Kor,U~: ~(i~pm~ ·~d. ~ l'Ijie. Of th~,"3q:'~and -..others' ~re :na'Uv";:~ said.' 'y .

, ··""sH~RoN: 'IMS$AC:ttUSms·.·· .." ,.~ ~ .'~ '.~ A RESfDENT' SCHOOL' FOR 'BOYS ':.'.: ·:~amm~: ..grad~i +S+7~. .. ;: •• .J





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hMIIvcIi~.. .-:. A li¥e LobaNr '.


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CASA BLANCA· Cogg.hpll

~;'idg~, 'airt-aven





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B;AzA.AB ~, .F.riR, Itt!: BfNEflT'OF



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.S~lURDAY~.JUNE.6,.1959 10;00 A.M; ""til 8:00 ;.Al. . .. ... ' ". ".' ".', •\

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,.', MOUIft' IT. MARY'S, 711 .~' ~.-.~ :,.....' . . .' [



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Every Sunday- $2_95 ·



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.._.NEW ENGlANO,.. '·C'LAM


."OPEN. TO, mE· PUBUC ....... ~

U#IISHMENTS . . . .. • \".





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.1:[nsp·i.res~ew'·E"·th~u$IQ·sl;ti~: · ...., ,',.', By

MoSt: Rev~"Rob~rt



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Dwyer"D;,Q.' .... .

Bishop·'of R~bo"

• -i

'lO"Th.urs., :~:ntE~~NCHOI" .June' 4, 1959

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Iio~. 'sh,allone' wfit~:j'~~elligi~ly~bf 'th~,,~eetifig wit!t·


Adventists Back 'A. S' , t D· . j'


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hli.v.e.coined1t.heir owrt.".·en-.·.·"·,I:.O~ ::~NGELES """~.~l!,: ' .the Holy. Fa·th·er? ·Th.e· ·.R.omAns' . <1.. • Southerri California:(NC) Adventists. dearirigexpression for: him, IlPapa:a:lIa'Mano, "The P o p e · · · . h i i v e ' · b~en" a'sked 'iosupport:' whohoids' out"his .hand:'; ·l(might-also be 'interpreted as . . state legi'slation 'curbing ·:r>ro,:, ; .' h'" .. :.. '.' '''1'' ., ' . ' .' . ". . duction.. of.··pornography.· ;The·: ..':1: '.Pop~' '.v,ho oho d,SUS'JIl" th~ ,eyes.' bea'~ satiSfacti~n. S'outhern"California Conference - . , the palqi: of his' hand.'." It :. Th,ere fOllows a' little homily:, on of:seventh Day Adv~ntists has ~ llaYs. inoI"e'~ th~m' many"'an«J. St. Fran~is, de" Sales, bow:' he 'ann()\lnced:'that mem:bers 'of' ali' more ·:pr~tentio~s. phr~~,~~/: fO~J:1d ~~!dlY ... singl~ Cathoi~c . of-' itS",S churches will·.support : for to. be ushered ·into'.,his pres- .. wb;.enJ~El ...took p?SSessll:m ·of ~IS . proposed legislation ;j'gainst' ob- :. ence is ·to feel. not oriiy,' the c di~fic.ult'· see, and . left it with :. scene~ fiJm~;;Je<.;ords 'and publi~armth ·of his'" 70,OO~ soul~...· \'. .'... cations.. ;, . . . . . .grasp,.·hand·. to.. ~ou. ~ndeavor to l.nterJect" W' hand, .. hut to' that the~eare some rat~er conrealize a·father:. ' ·spicuous ."differ~nces between Ag'ain·St. Papers' , hood. at once yourself and the .Pririce-Bi~hop fir-mand ti,tter- . . . of '., Geneva,.Doctor . o.f~ the Ca~l}donagh . (NC) - Bishop. Iy g e n e r o u s ; ' C~l.;Irch., ?~d aSain~! buty'?~r: '. Neii)iarrenof Dimy warned 135 '. . . protestations are waved aSide:" newly confirm.ed children here: SQ ; y'ou;' :;.rait '. '.' The point oI' the homily is oilly ,tobe~·on··the :alert "against coni- : turn" in . '0 too clear; it is the same Church' 'mun'ist paper's being' sent to their " the red-damask . and the sarite Divinl'e:'Spld't who parents' homes, asserting that: antechamber's; . w~tches over it~\va~tingonlyfor the Reds are' using every trick: • fb' n g wit h mii- human co-op'eration: .', and device to ensnare the young ass'o'rtedother Bishops, all,:. pr·e:..·t~thoiic'. educa'tioiL::. is " the of Ireland. . su'n\'ably"'on edge, and Yo.ure.:.·' strength 'of tne' :Church in. the' ·"It has happened in -this: hearse the :few'pitiable' phrases" United Stafes. The Holy' Father diocese," lie stated;' "that child- : Y9U have..conned for the' ·occa-. is very positive on ·this 'point; . ren's' n'am'es . were taken from. sion:There is still the, traditiomil.· m:anife~tly·,in' admiration of the children's ':magazines ,. '. '; iUld: . corrimunist papers' sent to -tt)estr : forrruility: of ·'the:-·Nobie 'Guard"~ work a-nd sacrifice which ~have':' ;.....nd the Gentlemeri QI. the Cape, gone into Ui'e b~i1ding "'of' so" . children's ·hOm~s. 'Since . the.; 'and' S\v'ord,.but even as you wait" mightYa.bulw~rk.ofreligiOllin a .' . communists are, so, active; .it; ·ifi)egip.s ~ip "d~wn' 'oii·.you .!ha·t.·~ :'secular ·age,:'bul'.Catholic schools. ; ' .beliooves you tobe·actiye for the : sUb.tle~ ·cha:itge.:has-overta~e·~'~ ~he" m~ltiplY. and . t h·e.i r ·~.o;~ ·k_~·I .cause of· Christ."" :.,', ' :-.' ~•


a" r.ns· ·.Ir.os'h Ch'.oldren· .' Red


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'Y~~;~8':~~n- F;;~~a:~dal~:~:b~C:,ntoa.~:~t. ~:'

c This ;: ,.' : t~n~rY'ot the-: death, of S.t.John..Baptist Vianney·c'caJIs·.-at-' i err-OI:S inAhe' false doctrines. tha': th~Ag ?V.hj.~·self,. llow'h;~~}s,:' sal. .. '~'. : ..... --:. :' '.' 'tenfionto 'this pulpif\J'sed by hilll "i~ ~~re9Id.'pari'S~':.¢h,U#hn.wilLbe. presented to you," .. be ~ . Yf:l~\ly . I~t,,~~sted lI~ttH:~,.N~I~a';l" ., :~~';~~Uld ,gIVE!. ,~~sPJ~cI,aLb~ess7,~, where ,the.-patron\ of parish' priests preached. NG 'Photc5:', :. a~~~~: \:' ¥?u . ~an!1ot, s~~n~ ;~~ly : ... . .' .' " ,'.' . " ' .. :".,., ... ··"·"\by.whl~e \, fa1l?e .doctrInes. are. · Boy' Scout·movement,., ~hth -'mg to those whom a mISSionary'. . ,~iii~h h~'. has 'been';long>;ii'~soci'".' Di'oc~s'e:;like_Ren6·do·:i~e.ir;pkrt;.': 'f' t" 0;: :':~ :<;. beihg·.'·disseminate.(f.. :ti~' 't~ese; afea. 'yotl,"find,yol1rs~lf:.e'x~?,~; in"m:aintaining~ a'st'rong"aJ)d<' .IS IX~Oln rogr~m,·:, papersCOrning)?to.t"~ct~iocese,·.

h·asyo.l\ i~ ~9yteUs YOUL ~?0lf">'




; panoply.of .th!l .c~hurchr,univer-

.'0" E": ", . . . . :. ;"5'· p'""" p" . ;.. . . ·ers· C()mbQt ·1>,·r'inted,Filth.·iri ·Mo.lls';·'.:

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;~~~n~o~ri\'·~~c·~~~'~~~?t;~~,:~r~~~es~r:ui~:o~;::s:~~:~; a~~t ,'~:l,·'''.' .I".'~". the'!allott~d.tt~me ..j~·"~]r~ady'~.far'," :You agree that there are}yj)u~h" overt!xtel1ded: Buf;,timestillfor , ", . . ' . , ' , .. , .

· n()tes~.'









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STEUBE~VILLE ,(NC) . .,...;....; 1\: po~master"cope .with ,maiLol'der " . i six-:po~nt program'to combat· ~b!1cei1~ty; .. · ". .;';'".::: . ::::., problems . common . to Etfrope· the'intr.oduCtiol) of our compail-'~ •.dl.;~se· iru.":;n"a.t.·.ion·of' p·rinte.\.l".' filt.· .h·.· . , ..... '. . .. "and. America, and·youlabori'olls:" . ion' and"friend . of: .m·any··ye.ars,:" th' 'h' th" "I h b d ',2)" Ai~ for· wid~sp!,ead, cim-. '" . the...th e MonSlgnor· . f' rom L "I ' / . roug malh s .as 'support . IY.· ·set·.. . a b' ou t·expressl.ng os,'A nge eli." . d b e B'· J'h een 'K'a - . certed,- public . .in the';' · difficulties., . of enlisting den' ··Hearing·Of his devotion to the: ~n~ . / sf ISbe°P '11 0 . n mg batUe.again.c;t obscenity. .. mothers' for ·thecub packs. . music 'of the Church and the . )lsslOf· ~u nVI ,e. . : 3) Strive' to· make·the courts ':.' · :Then; suddenly,': the hm,er ·litur~,his. reacti~n. is ,prompt· . : Tlle~ishop's·progr~m. coin- . awar~ of. the JIlagnitude .of the ·door open'sand YOllr:nllme i!l:. and· emphatic, Thtfcause of gI>Od;' cl~es WIth aJ).appeal Issue~by -- ·situ~tion·· b)j. protesting light' · called. No time for a last glance~· music ,jn.theChui'ch is''impor;. U.S.Pos.trpaster General Arthur fines and.looph()letactics.' . at tpe notes tucked in"yo\Jr;cliff.., tant-mosF important.· It, is'. his· E . Summerfield t()' ~he Ame'rJca~. ~4) ,Defend the,U. S. POBtmaster', . '.' '~JtiLY 6 to. AUGUST ,.,,, Youare~ ~iiee·s·· j~·t~{ ownjoy' irdhe long; c.eremoiiies ~ ,p'tblic'. t~ ."h~lt:~th~ barQns ·. f!f . G.eneral .wh.en . he is charged. .'6 Weeks - ' 60 Hour Course' presence, and then you 'a.re·bej'1g;ofthe.Vatican;' it-' is the' "glory ..... o~sclmity~who.arebrazenly VIO.-,. ~i·th. censorin·g. and"restri«iUng:: 'caIL'WY" 5-7024 write·fOr· :. " . emJ)!-'~~i:!;.l\ ~:.Itali~nne:-·;~y;th'e~.Ofthe Chllrch:::,'; .' . . : la..tir:g,,~ur,h~~~~,~nd,~~~ic~~ing ·fi'eed()m. , . ' . " ... ~.\JlIet!~' :, ::'. :'., ,: ·p.~um b ),1 w~~~lg~r~,. lOW1?.1 t~,~, ;:. ", Tb~n' th~ :.:f!nalpetit1()It'·1or "~'.: '" o,~r ,,~~l~.l,'en. ' ..~~.. ":m~~,' .orde~. , I). siiri'.",.' ., ...,..... . '>,'.',.. '~';. · .::A.ll:,!9~!:,...L~.~In. .hasp0'X-~ out~ , blessmg.-for',:all;dhe faithfuJof, traffIc]... -. '.' . ,:; ... '. to notif . :ut~m;.a~~~;~or ~Plt;'i' :~~,tH·E··.tA·M·PBE LI. t~e. w~~d?~.mto th~.<:.:our~of" N~:Vild~:.U:-e: . ~()!'J)ellt.i~f.:,;p~~ipg,.,~.'p~~:~ take .,thls h}n,g~~wl1''', " n 'niYii" Q Ih.es ..-",.h~J1' o~ .. , 8;,1:, Dam.~su~; ~11'y'our J:French:;. f9f;.il p.,IC~\!re, a,d,,{Re~p~t~~m}:\~t .Bi~~op ... M~SSi?' :.~~~6rt~d'" ·t,he '. :ed:ub~ .i~~:::>th t~e~. '.V;~.en , . '., has. ·.t.aken ·French leave.' No: MemorIam, and tne gracIous' men 'of the SteubenVille diocese . . . ,,,.' '. '., ' .. : t ~.,l;I,uth;()r~~leS" Diatter;, as~':You find·· YOllrself; leave-taking. The strain aml"ihe' attenQin~' , the' sevenlfianiiual any:wa~.,.a~d l~t)r~~,~~,cIQe:\ "'" . :~ .. '" .9.08·'P,~'rl=,h~~e Str~et ·si.tting:in·the . chair be,siqe .. ,the. ·.;ten,sion ,have, .. a.l~ ~anil1hed:-:-:are.Dio.cesari ·CO'ordinating'Coun'cii.· .. ,,6), .~()nti~ue 'Jo .... suPp()t:t~~t\. ". . New' .Bedford desk,. lal1~~a,e .lo~se~.: ,i;ts. "Jmp:~!~~.·:: ,:,all.,.!prgottet:l~· ·rR.u.. hav~~:~~n~ a,t;, T~e' six~point ::pro~raTrl ·iS~· N';:" .'.' serVIce, of ~~ ~EJ.J., to--; ~e, n~tiq~~, ( tance. Y~u:::'~a~ .sp.eak:".:t(tj~~.r~:f':'~i?nie.:~tI:.your.f~t~er'fh?u;~e.::"". .'i)' ~rY. to"bri~g: a~~ut.'·~eces:' ~~ ~. . . .~~'.' ~. . . . . .~. . . .~. . . . . .~. . . .~. . . . F~the.r ~l~houtwor~y.l.ng ~bQut. '.So I~ ~oes on,. day a.fter~~ay':::So.. sary changes in,laws to h~lp ~e" . . ' .. . .. " ·:the mceties.·.Qf.grammar. ' . BIShop after BIshop 'comes::t6;sit ....... . .., ,', .: .;You:s.taI.Wn~r:a fe~·:.prelim;.. beside the deskand'.9~;ie::~tie ' , ' 1 . : .. ' ". ~, · inary phrase.s: .Where is\Reno'!J:l.uiet voice and· feel '.the ";genial

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'SA'V'E' M'O'N E'y' ON "~y.'.,·o'····U··.·R~· · ·O':·I··L,,·'.·H.'E'·A··"1,"

D &. D' S',a ·· I" :;' "'d' .S' • ." es a"p. . " ,erVlce, .' . . .... ., . "" ." ..




'F':"R":I";:G" ·'·'I:·,lNc.: ·A·;·:·'ffi··';·:·'JE::···:'·


, .Father is reading' out th'e statfs-, . fresh enthusia'sm .for the" cause : ." . - ' ..,:... " ' . . '. ' ."~ ° .~AJ.'1·.· W3-6YmS92-.· . ·tics with evident ·gusto.· ' . , which Peter shares 'with his . ; A big Diocese, no'!· Yes, ·Holy Apostles; which theWatcliinan ~m Father, .the largest in theterri-, .on th'e Tower' shares.wlthalf . ,:·torial United.States;though the who d~elnn the' City. of':Gool " CHARLES F. VARGAS '. most. thinly, populated..~·:TeI:ti":.·' . ' : . '.' '",' .,;',: '254'ROCKDALE'AVENUE~ . :., .,. tQ.rial Un.itEld·;~tates?)~.a. pOlle~",.. ,; Leg~I':Ba~ ".."'" :, NEw:B_EDFOID;.t.lASS;::;:·. '. . ... ~AIR . ' ti~t the light .D"~ak.~.·~~ro,'!~~:~r:~.)}\!fARRISI3tJRG(NC)"':':'::~f~h~;' . ~laSkil, ..and Hawau.;tr,~,.~~~~:<:l~.~,is~ati~n b~nnin~:,J:acial';~is-. : I~NCIS J.PEV-'J.lIE!;.,' ".'.;(,~""'",',; ':, " .~RTHUR,. 'J.. DOUCET · ~h~tgleefully~~me,rp~e~~,: .. <......'W'I~mabon,,·m.·,t ...e:',.. sale~n4~'/ ".,. " . :,' . ~Same··DiviDe S~irit .. ?".\'<,,·:':' ;"\:iental~'of houses '-}ias"J>een"urged: :.,:....... , ... '.. " .:.' .I~;'i;·:'.·f·::';;}.. · .. ri.\.'~.".'t";~l'~'./f&'A.'.~ ." .. '.::'Andis'. -the '·~hurchh'.,b;I:a~ir;g>";;'bY·.·!the .CaUidli~, Interraciat . ., j{rogress' iri""Neviida?:";~~i",,$ik~,co\i~cils ~f :--'Philadelphia and ! " ~stics are' again consi1~tea;::anq.?':'7:[l?i-ttsourgh. ..' . . ,<' ~:,,4 ::-,:".'" n'~"l~ :~!::"~':'''''\ , ''',.-'f:, 1:."




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"363'-SEC'O···...ID····'ST' ..',,,,.,. F' ·•..·L·.·· R V·' R


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.·LO ,j'G;H:liN:~:,·'CHEV~RolET"

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NelV. I.,:

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Only Authorized'

.:CHEVROLET: DEALER,'·: ,::,·:~545'-MiL~:.·~t~ . NEW BED~RD: MASS.


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W;ork?···Ab·otln·ds;;;:Wit'h Fact~-·; Of·'Sol)eri·ng,i'Sig.dificance··', ,~


~THEAN€HOR-' , Thurs.,' 4,,1959'·



, ; By'Rt.Rev.Msgt. Johrl S. Kennedy ~·',(Sacred,,:Heart JohnN. Makris' book The Silent Investigators (Dutton. "'11 E d $4.95) "introdoc'es the'l'eaaer to, the/United Stat;s Po~tal:":E~OVena. n 5 . Irt~pection 'Service. Whih~i mo~tof:;1J8"have probably he3:rd . o(Hie 's.e~v,ice;' few .of tis 'k}jow, anYtihiil~~aboui its: working~.: WASHINGTON' (NC) Yet'it ~uches,'our lives, T:'h' ....'" . t 'If" ". 'd' j'._ ·The Apostolic Delegat~' . pre-: · .f .tal . ta and,.:; ' to tUti'O:~'l"" a .... , .e c..our a Jrme ... IS "0 caPl . 'lmpor' ne~. · .. ·coiistit'Utit.hality.· sides' af Mass tomorrow" the welfare of-:-the'e,ommun-. '- .. '. c. Iiidefensible Racket climaxiok ,a nO-vena of holy ,Uy. We can' become :beiter" Roth;. incessantl~ ~eld"up' the hours which' commemorates the

With'" M'ass: ',; a..

aequainted'w'iih it and'm~re,' etfortSof the 'Postal"In'lipeCtiol< 60th an~iversary of the' conseaware of oii~'. debt io it in the .. Service to scalding 'ridicule; rep_' eration' ofthe human race to the fast:~movi'ng a~~es~riting. it l\S inte~.f~ririg; in: a. Sacred Heart of Jesus by Pope count p e p p e r e d ' wa)',' bOth' stupid' ano' sinister; Leo XIII; with bizar'r-e with th'e rights of adult AmerThe Mass at which Archbishop c h a r a c fer ~ " . icans. . .. , Egidio Vagnozzi officiates is' which Mr'. MakHe . pict~ed himself as a being celebrated in Sacred Ifeart ris has written. champion of these rights. And Chapel here, a replica of. the ,He'. supplies " all the time he . w as operating, chapel' afthe Visitation convent, some history of ,., wit~ . ' a; fa.1 financial;··.return;·, a, in .Paray ':'le - Monial, France,the ,'11 e r v.i c e ",' rac~e,t ·which is il1 de!el1sibl!land where St. Margaret Mary Ala-· whici;l is the' ~ .hafnothihg at': all l~ common coque was told by Christ to pro:illdest and ·mo~t., :,W\t~J~gitiJ;nate ' Pl1~licatiotj: , mote devotion. to Him in His versatile of the Mr,",Makris also' discusses the Sacrelf HearL " federal Govern;j "reiij:dousjunk'" racket. This)s General Council ment's,law;-en- ' " th~ itJa:i~ing 'of'~rsolicited r~liAt each holy hour during the' fo~cement agencies. He also .de_.gic')\:i~,articles of; no, value,,~i.th nine-day. program., speakers' tails; the, training of candidates . thE; ·r~qu.estfor a doration.He . stressed the role.. that devotion' for the job of postal inspector. notes"thiit' this involves a big to t.he Sacred Hear't can pla'y in .But most 'of the book is devoted' 10ssW. the Post Office p~part'" . realizing the hopes of His Holi-' to ·cohsider;>tion,~i..the variOlJ$me~t~·,:",·'. ' . , . . . FORMAL- PR.OFESSION: Bishop Connolly. makes his ness Pope John XXIII that the :i,:ategories:ofcrime with whi~h'" ·11ii.I~;;":one 0(-; th"e'::~religjous . formal profession a,s a member of the .Third Order' of St., fl;rthcOJ:ni'ng ecumenical council._ the service has' to cope,'. .'.. "junli:~!~outfitl(seT\tl:,25.3,889pi~ces· Francis to Franciscan Provincial Father Reichman in' Our . ,~jn serve to unify Christianity.. The ch~pter of greatestmq- of·' thi~d-d~ss '~aU ;n/~95~,"'On" Lady's' Chapel," New B e d f o r d ; ' , "fl1ere plica,'of the Paray-Ie. ment to ·the :.generality: is the , these .Jt,p~.ld.p'osta~e~0~:.$I!J,808., " ",. , Monial chapel is on the grounds

. . ' . " :,



'Arm ed".Forces' C·ho p Iaii,s ·Hit'·; ~~~~r~:i~~ts F~~~!~t~f

of''the iiostal distributIOn of par.. ', $12,556. The, tot~1 loss to the. I?e-, . '. ' . :', ' , '" ,~. n6gtaphic 'literature ·and· ...p.iC...i.' ~alit.!De.~t.q,n\,t~IS'llort.l?troaIlJ~g-.,' U'. , . ~S· tur~""'" ,.,!'. ..., : " •. mJ'~~~,,~a~$I~t~O~O,OO() .. , ,.,. . .' .,' ' . ."0" .' "h ''''in , ' . 1\'" There aJ;'e chapters on many . . . , . . tl1at~li~~Y pe~~~i~g e ~;n.~roe:J~~~,;. 0dther1i:in~sl' ofkb~ses;froml nior_ .. WASHINGTON (NO)--,-An' ·~.r~~J.1~z~tiori, q(sery~~'~" · ;'...:". .,.' 1'1' t" '... 't' ff' \ . It" 'j:;;'.' er !>y ~al , to POJ,son..pen . etteJ:s, . chaplains c,hflrges the courts; are,. too often, "lJnrealistic~. in,.. rapuy 18 sma Ime. s racket":'!' u. ." e x,orlOnnge~,c t 't' ': t .: onf"de'·· ":i I' . blem 0 f 0 b'scem'y.·ours 't C t h ave.. often,· 't"'il" "b'ig' , ·t'im~ 1 ncemens" ueamg WI"th" th·e,pro ac ~a. y . a .. . ' operations J lonely hearts ,clubs .. I' h f '1 t I busmess runnmg ·to no· less than· ,. d'" " '." -:,.j.';, I . '0' d'· ' '. shown. by ~heir ru mgs' t at they al" 0 . rea ize the' "'un~'j " ' , ' an varJOuS·.meuka an re uc- r'e'all'st'I;C" l'n deall'n'g wI'th thOe '"'' ;,' " .,i . .., ; • ~p'OO',Q?O'~oo .a year .~nd ,n~oly:- 1. ing frauds.. . . 1M, a :n,e~w_ork ?f· deille!~ ~M" Tii~13'othor)~i'ri'gl'esc'out fy'ijicaf' p'roblem" of obscenity'. ~:~::;:.ntd~:::~~~~;~t:~~t~:~~~~~: over the .co.~nt~y::. . "cases; shows ,how 'the' service: ' CQurts .:have .often to which this cancer has., PC;lT~, ''''Y0rse CC>Dsequ~l,lces:... operatedi"in·eaeh,. and gives an' by. (their rulings that they. meated our society,"; the chapIt would be bad enough 'were" excellent idea o£"tne 'complexity lajns said: ·this merely' a matte'r .of 'circulat.: of its problems 'and the resource-' fail to realize the "incompatibil.,., 't 'th th l't of thO ing' unspeakab.Iy indecent· mat- fullness with ..which it meets I y WI • e mora 1 y' . IS,,' ..They' called . for increased . nt ' d f' obscene "and ter. But there are worse conse- .. them. , cou ry . an . 0 " public 3wa.reness of ·the prob..lem· . po.rnographic pUbli<;ations, the, of .0QScene. literature, adding: ·quences. For _example" 'as the This boo~ is fa"r from~beihg' a 'Military' Chaplai,ns AssQciation ·"Against· this background of result of the distribution ,of such . brilliant· literary ·effod.But : it· said'in a "resolution 'adopted at, ,public awareness, law .emorce- ' '\OUeness, all.sorts of, clubs ~IJec-. is teelllingwith facts'of~ber.. · itS;;annual convention: The a8SO-, . rheilt officers, public proseeutots, iali~ing .in per'lersion spri~g. up~ ing .significance so presented'as~ ciatipn.:is.made. up,.ofchaplainSJ and the 'judiciary sh'ou'ld bt; ex::' , . : Also,. Mr.. Makris "says ';As, to make ,entert~ining reading;' of . the ·th·ree·. 'm·.aJ·or.·· {aI'th's ,on', ". .... . . , ~ted, in keeping with our ~on~atter ,of recor,d,n~l}eout.of t~n' act.i,v.,,e,·. dU,'t.. ,I' ,t,·ired.,...or.. re.,S,er,v:.e ,. t d' x charge m pp.aisAs Catholi";' '",1, ,t4;) protect ~enar~es e ,on a s e . . . : . '''', ,."!.", :"!"" . . . . . ' , ..... ,·1 status with the U. S, armed. stitutionat:gl\ararities . . ~e' Unite,lr:St~t~s:.are:f~urd'· to 1:: Cultural 'Strength':' ", f r " . our citizens a~ainst the ravages' wssess' q,uanlltJes of 9bscene: ,'1/".", " ,.. '" "OC~S:,,,,,,, " ..'I:,;, , , I.' , 6f'thi~'contamin~ting'evil ,;l;hich' 'b'noks'a'nd,'pietu~, 's;' A ·.se.'x,....·c.ri.m,. "':" . 'C:.. lil"C",A"G,,6.',. : .. '(.,N<;:" ) ...".·.•• I,f .,t.h ..,e.", ..3,0,.,' 'J.J:l it;;,fer,~o:l.~tior ()n , ob.~cen«;: ., ., , ...,.. .' r' . ' n . t . th ' r h't' t 'm.·oral ;life, .·of.': .thi~', ina}. doesn't need pornography ~. or 40, mIllIOn ::<;:atl:101,cS' Ill, JiHS, I erll~~re". !l:aS~?Cla I?n. I, ~u '" t~reate~.B :, ,.. ','. r 'the '1,1, "., ... I' ~s an ;'iiicentive' to'go :'btl the: countr3': 'wer~ a~!are' oftheif at','!il~~k s,heet . wagfl~ine~,lJllin:s naHoq.~~ '" , ".;.: ,. pr~wl, .but;, as: it·has· been"estab;,: i ·ttir!il streh~th;; n'o.:poweriri- the' at;J.v,!lI),t\lJ:e" ma~f1z,ines;, ~ i ~l:ie: lished time .and.: agail)-,' the' smut." . laild"could 'equal' them." , ., ' . ii, . magazines '~n,j,', s.ala'cious pocket: is a potent., stimulant." " The . o1::>~ervation· has been. books wli.ichappe~1'lottie pruii::': ' . . ' . . /' t t 11 made by' Christopher Dawson, en't' ' 'iriterest : and threaten the ~oreover the peale,rs ar~'no a :" ~,ritish .historian,' whO curr,e~tJy. mo'ral'strengtli of the American' u?scru\J~lous ~b~ut trYrJ gl'n~'iS profesSoJ:, of Roman Catholic. people," put their corru~hve. wa es to.;: ..~tudies at the Harvard Univer- . ; "The presence of these publi-. t~e hands ~-. chIl~re~.. ~hey .ge~" sity Divinity School. . ~atron's at corrie~ newsstands, in' h~ld, of mailIng. hsts.:~h1Ch ~on-. This latent.. "cultural power; anq.. around· military posts and ·tam names ofyoungs~ers.:':who., Mr. Dawson:·said· is an' "infiiJite- . even on the newsstands of gov-' have written to .reputable hOuses. ly'more'uTiportarii issue than the' for coins, stamps, model planes, qlJestions of political influence- '. A.. dolls, etc, ,of whether there- is any chance They send these' bOys 'and girls ' of a Catholic being elected pres- . Inc. offers that· appellr legitimate--, ident.'or other questions· which M.O V E RS f9 r example; of, .pictures o~ his~' , haye a, certa.in journalistic apSERVING. terical personaliti~s.· Once con- peal·,but.w!:tlch"only touch the ,1Fall: ,River, 1 New "Bedford II' . ~ct is made, they' sliP.' in. obscene surface of. Catholic" life.." ". . " '" , ',." Cod A . . matter;:urglng',th~'Yi:llingster·s to .' . The cult\Jral;iSsue .i~lthe'vital . ;01. ,~ape., .. " rea make.-protits.',by 'bec.oming. age,~ts . one,' .h~·,,:,ill~i,$~te~~ .~~at.i~ . it ~ is ~.".. ·Ar';);.~r·~~'~~~~~·",~ . f~ its"sale lllnohg' theirfri~rids;: ': "only. by 'communication: of cub'· \AERQ'::.~Y~OWEft>,_, >.' .' '.:'C~" ' , : ' ; ' "h' , . ,.,,;,. ture,·an<tthe,·meeting of·'.minds . H' INC.',:

CO'.' r't''." ·Ob.··s'c··e·.n'.•ety,· .'·:·'R·u·I,.e.n' g'






.'. , . "










crt;;;· Saqed ,l:Iell.rts o~ J~s~s .~nd ' M.;'"ItilerFranCis· L..ar~in,·ss'.~cl, .. : mlt}OJlai'dlrector Qf, tl)e~n:':~

th~,Pn~meI).ror ~he. Sacr~4Heary:

and' dIrector o~ the novena, .sald e:lcl} '. topiC was' discussed' '!iri the' , , , light 'of ,Pope 'Pius XII's state:'" m,ent..th,at ·r!evo.t.i.on to' the' Sa:c'red''. 'f Heart should be considered theso~rce and .symbol of unitY; S<\ivaiion ,peace; for all nationS." " ,' . .


. '.


it"l~_~~_~~ 44',,"~H6

FAIRHAVEN' "LAUNDERETTE',' ON ROUTE'6 "You 'ea~e it'and we· wili .wash it H •. Shirt Service.. • pr.)' Cleaning & Dyeing _~, ~ ,&.'HGre~~: Stamp~) :~. : '1 .1~, tiut!l.est~~ A.v,e,n"., ~t Route ,6, . . .Faith~,Y,e.n. ," ..... . ,.WYman, 5-799.Q

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+ ,'·:TliAN5:l't<:P. . : pn~<~!~~~;:Z:stob~tit~le/.;·:~:~r:!~rfiiifh~,t~:~~:it~~:f-:: ~< '~~n~!~~;-=-tJ II



to all freedom 'of thought. There are 'th~se who maintain that; lest leg}timate publications,.

~ir~~~t;~:::rC;:;:t ~7~~o~~;at~~~


, ris shows that this soph)stry· has been cynica!lr and pl'of,itl!bly exploited by" tacketeers· in. rot':'





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New ~..

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·FRA..... .~ K ~ S FEITE' LBERG · · · · N EW :ES.~~!:E~" ,.tI:j.. , :, .,.,I~~.~:~~~(:E·' ':'0 R. .21'Bedforcf"St· :·.::;.pi~~'o~;:~~2a16 USE D

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. . .. Fall ,liver; Meiss.

,C,~J;.~'?'s.,S~y~i.tg,s.~ntl~ !lh;i~i~g ~' . ... . . '. .' . "'. .' '.


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'ko~:''':~~: .~ce ~:~ll~ :·?:~~~~f~' :ST?MAiY~Yii\¥·"·' biggest,~~d ,~ost,~~~t?ri.ous." ,~" Camp".for'Gir,,,-·Ag~~',~:-15'.<-·


W,hethe'r·. ,-•.


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a, ...:. EW. ..,. 'yo~ 'can

. .Gc!t an; 'AUTO ':LOAN ':"FfRST 'SA'F'E :··DE·POSrr.' >' '' 1


!the .. " .. r ":,' Resi'-ent """ .., .. , I f , , , . , ' . ' , 1 " · , .~rnogr;lphe.rs>to;~rterl{~, l~ tl)~;" ',.'.; .,":;:,'" .~'.:'~ ":JtiNE' 2cr~' AljSUStll~(;);'}:', . "'i'; I.':" " .' At RATI;S THAT. WILl ,SAVE YOU MONEY . past 25 ,years'? and wh!>i accord·:-i: . I'}" ":,' ';".' . ".' . . " . '.- ..... : ", . "', . . '..;."·I .. ',~.·.+. -::" ,·\Coin.pa~~ons,are;conviftcing! . ;coni~ in .and,. get the .figures ~ng to' him; ",:~sti1f1his,~ir~ula~~.',' ,.<?'pel'qfed 'all~"'sup~ort~~ ~y eXp'~rie~fiedl:SI;t~rs"ei;:'d Coun'" .. , " ". .. , . . , ,..... . to many smaILchildiel').,".. j,.'~ • ' .. ,."selors.: Superb, Irving,.conditions; Enjoy our"beputifuh large; "f~. ~;·i·' r"~ .• Roth ...vas ev'tmtuaily jridicted' ,-n~~ Crystal. Blu.e·Swimmih·g ·fool. .' . "" '. .' ","" . '. . '.' ... , br6ught 'to'· trial; a'n,("tolfu-d' "'",:' .'·W~kl}"- fe~' -$'35':00 """',' -·'Re9i.stiatij~,{'$5"~ "'.',, ,', '.. (', , -;; lluilty. He appealea.,t,9:theSu-, ; 'I." PhOne GE 4,.2079·or.,GE 4.:.0143 ' . ' ", . . . 'remC t t': 'th'eo'.. I· '· n'I·Ie"d'·'''' '. ' , "., \. "" ,' ,,; • ':, '•••• J." ";.,~,, ,,, .. OF.. N .. ~ .. '. BE.D.FO..~. D, '.' , U,,1, . . , , •.. ' ,,' 1 ' P, ~, . our, .'l?,. . , ... .. ,or write to:.' .."',' , ••••.•, .. ' . I.. )", ii . ~~~s!. o'n,.ihe,grou,n~s :that~e',·.:~ '..r.':" .'\ ,: ·$IS~ER.MARy. j,H,P~~~/.·~.$.M.,.~, ' " ' \ ' . ,"\,MAIN . QFFICE~.union. a,nd Pleasant Streets ~bscenJty .s~tute unae~ whl~h'H" 3070 PaWtucket Avenue Riverside, ,R.. I.. ":i' N,O~TH E.ND-.1,.20Q A.i:ulihn.et,. A,v.el;'lue. : . .' be was ConVICted was unconsti-"' . . ' . -.:' .", '

'NATIONAL.' ,SANK '... " .





i~ elimination o! _the.tra~flcklflg .<::a~holic.ism and ',the. re.!lI,signj.,S ..• :: so.K.empa:~;~,

1n pornog~aJ.>h~·18 the cr.y'-th,at,1o;,: flcanee of' Catholic ·;vlr.tues.!'. ' " clamp dow . on it is censorship, "'" " and, as such, a deadly threat


.. ·.1,






:N'9W recall, if you will; a similar heresy of over 400 iears ago. HOLY ROSARY ~ when' the Religious Revolution affirmed two false dogmas. 1) The' Oak Bluffs . visible Church or the Body of Cfirist, needs . $10 SACRED HEART . no visible· head. Hence .it decapitated the Stanley Radw!lnski. $10 histo~ical ; truth of the Primacy of Peter SACRED HEART Jollln Britcher.. whom Christ· name!i the head of the Church. $10 2) Bishops can be ,consecrated and' priests Mr. & Mrs; Richard Tonry, Buzzards_ Bay ordained without any reference to ·the ,Head, John Reilly, Mr. & Mrs. Ray-. ST. MARGARET of the Church. Hence a headless body can -remondKnott, Mr. & Mrs. M~nuel $10 produce new spiritual life and authority Perry, Mr. & Mrs. George Sim&; R Realty Co., Mr. ok Mrs. without a legitimate succession :of life from mons. "chard Ward. the.Ap~tles. ·Mr. &; Mrs. Joseph Hayes, ~Albert Turner. Marie Cronan, J. Francis Cro. Today, over 400 ye~rs later, the ComProvincetown nan, Marguerite Cronan; munists. whe do Dot believe iii God and, :~..r. PETER THE APOST... Mrs. Raymond· Harrison. therefore' wish . to desko)' the Cburch. :' $100 . ' 7 ' . Mr. & Mrs. Claude Cornaglia, ClOIDe atolll' aDd, sa,.: "You were }'b'ht ... , ':'Bleasing of the Fleet. Mr.. "', Mrs. ~Sainuel McClellan, . ,.ears .&,o and, we.Me plckl. . ' liP where !i; , ;.. . $25 Mr. '" Mrs. Lester CrowninMIsSION~; .VETERAN : ':roti left' off: We' koOw.thal Ute onl:r wa:r to destro,. enr:r trace r'l'he First National Bank, Sea' shield; Mr.. Ernest Barber,Mr.. , F"th' , . J ')" t C.M;, of DWiDu;, ill the world Is 1)' to deia,. tile PrImae, of Peter 811. , '. & M J b F'tz tri k ' a er' U es, M'eyrs, •• to ,~. ~~Ite· Sa~D.~ , ~ '. JIood, Packers Judge Robert A." rs. osep . I pa . e '.' 74, who has spe'nt. 50 years Welllb-: . . , Mr~ & Mrs. John Fly~, Mr. '" . .~ . I, ,_ " : ' . ';'.;., : • . " •. '. " : : : . . . '" ' ' MI"lI. Arthur Duarte:. in the missions of China, will ~9~I1lW,1is~ in Northern: ,~~rea, Vietnam and Chipa ~wen.~ : Ik. Frank' A. Days Jr. ~ «OLY' FAMR.i· ' .. observe. the' golden' ;lriniver.-· behind' the . Ira .Curtain .allow'. priests' to keep' their churchea, sal')"' . of· his ordination Sat- IJChooUJ'ilnd eonventSon:ooodition that they 'deilytbe 'Holy:Father ' . Monument Fish,eriea. AdolPh Bombardier.. , urday.in" Baltimore: <NC 01' :the Prlniac~.'of Peter:, They brainwash and, persecute biShops $10,. . . ,..', , ' . ' , $20 Photo 11OtiI· in a state.of insensibil.ity t,h~y consecrate',ne.- bisb()ps~t"'" : Bonnie Doone ,Restaurant; Mrs. Mary CaSey. .:' out'. mandate from ,tbeHol,. Father, or Apostolie Succession. . ' · ~bral's Market,. Fi~h,~~en'~., '"$10 " .. lIarket, ,Boat Joan & T~, Elsie ~maral& Famil7,Mr. ,.J '"i... "';"', .__ " Atlantic House: .. .',,1 & Mrs. Theodore Brassard,Mi'..; Never before lit histor:r was the' Primae,. 01 Peter - nel'Playhouse Gift Shop & Peter's &. Mrs. 'Francis Dlitrll, 'Mr. • '11 ,5 ' 'Min'" afflrm~' lis bJ the. Comnllmlsts toda,.,.,Hell.jolns.with Ell Restaurant Mrs. Manuel Lo~s .Mr. & 'Mrs. .)l!fEW, YORK ;;(NC):.o....Disclosheaven, tit aff.Jrini~i'~~,", DIVine Citurch,m~ h~ve a·,Hf)~d.- and t k Seekonk " "ran. Mejld~s .. , :':.. ,:",: ' J ure ,thatoffepsi:ve •.and. indecent 'wtltall•. tolhe &~~nHu~~,~.,io.B'nU&~WlhHlele~h!~v·~DCalhufrlrc~:'~.S~_d~ilv:..&'lroOftmh~II' ., Danie) .O'Connell, Mr. &. Mrs. M--th ' Da' d' are b ·n.. ~_. - .. - - ..... - " OUR LADY OF, " -. . . . . er,·s; y' car s" I el.... , a l i i...~ ' t i o a "..... ~ "'L C;:h~':1~s ,.~'Leary, &.)W.~; ,$Old ..throughout'. . th~.,.city ,ba.ll ....... It to des$rUe •.: ,:,.: ' ., MO , . U NT , 'CARM"," Louis Rezendes, Mrs." Adeline "aro\lsed.,the ire of "Catpolic War :::,~,,, .'1,'",;,: ,.',",>.",1": ,,:,:':'~;' •. 1 ',"'. ".','



Mr. '"


. '15 .


"'V 'Score· ,.'eterans I d ' ' C' d" ecent. or




'.' 'Holy


$Z5 ':*9~ri;Qti;, .Mr·.. ,& ·Mr8.·Cbarl~ Ghost ' . Brotherhood, Sf'mas:' Wlii ter StarVisll.'·'. '" ,,' ~eY$~r. ,': :,:~'.!\:·c" ~':' oua LADY LoURDEs"

':' "\yhile' th~:H~I,.·FilttierJsundeto' a.t~lick·'a~, you'asa:Catholi~ upportirig'hitn :r.'b·ur. " :' 'IBiih ; demands'!.'There'is i.etY'·tO ,; "We'a'r~ 'iri:t6tiriirig'~~' '~~- ·...hiclii~You'ca~) rltake ". :sacrffi~ 'which ;~~ 'd'ii-ediT' tcdiis "Roll'::; ",'. "i~'" '·1 """'.;,,, .. ,,,',j ,',:' ,,:oor~h.iri'-io'De·'on·tlle.·look. outlot ,'n'ess'" 'to" c.om'"'00'"t' ;~"."'A''-,,-,., a"t'id·c'~"" 'm", .Misilio'nta'rids. t.·t'·,lB·hili·pontificaI , , . "$10 ' \ ' 'th''''e'se'''''--~c'a";''''·9'.· ·"a..'n..·."'.',· .~ "r'eq'"ue"s't 15I-""'I'~v'fo;'r"','t'he' '"pa<::R:'r'o"'p'ag'a'.tl·on,· .. ......'·o·f' 'the" 'F'a"I't'h".""; ..", . " " ' . ' , · , ' 1 " " , ' ;·~a,.'.1\n':·.; t,e,"",I...,·i_n.Ch~.:',·".,p'l·,:.'r.~·lop.""ta,a'.'.u.;"ls·Oi1.;'y;".Ja,';·.·,'·Ad"., ·.', :'e- .i',:'li·.'.·.e~·,~r.:.,' , 'ciealers~'• U take them U I'U 'off '-their """" "",. '.. .... ,.'. ,.' . , "",. . "",' , .'


,i.-Paul -Shread, Jane,Barker;,'"'I, • .ya I D'emers. ,.'" .. ' , , ",


llit: '"

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" : ,.,'" ,"" ,ST. P"':m.~, " /. 'e:ilairm it 0".'01" tile '-veteran's' lis he baS_kl. in ..God's DIIIDe affi1,'JD7.~ur .~II~f ·I..:)b.~ PrI~J'.. ~;'Peter V:OC~i:i'::, ',i.,:,":'" '" Mr;"A:"~;~".ll~is,:;:~~"W" 'jjrga:nOOltion~;'" "'" '. . C,',. ,.,n·",' :~..e : :~I:~=~::::'.~:'8i~~lce.lor~ -'.Ior. --'1" ,!,," 'Ii 'Mr.s. ·W.iI.liam ·.H....''ll.---' ·'".Jr,.<.', "If 'is' hard" to,"realize :'that "W. :" .. ':.. " • • • .', . ' . ""~n Murra:i • .':"" Mf.:~", Mril:··RoberfBr:c.;;~Mi·&, anybodycouI<i'stbop'lIO' lOW"'u ~ ::.... ,;-".. , 't.:';~·". :.'':''', "·i'~;,.•. " ~",::",.""':" ,.,.'-' ~., "Oscar Pelletier, Wilired'BtaiF Mrs;'J'oseph:'Johrison,~r;'•.•1'9.: ... ~·,desecrate motberbood '~". he " idO[fLo.Vi'YOU,~·'~oo:'for "'.·'From,·tbe.poor~to the pOOr.. • ette, Frilllk peMattos; ;Mr.. '" Augustine Pimenta·:.Jr':' ,. " co~tinuiUl:'~unfortuna~ly,"~re '~. ~:~~.!iJ,;M. ~'~i. . . ·J~T sOrry I ' ~'t hav'~ ~ore to ,send. 1Irs. ,Laurent Beauvais; M'ariu'el ... Lt. "'. Mrs., Dan'iel .Barulaldl,· W,no llegislatiOll,to..cope ;properlT ~ ,~.~lB,,'n..;,t~~ ~,~:Of ~-:ager-ll;'''we re reall,.··, not 10 .:bad" as DeMa'ttos.····, .' /"":";"'\. '" .. i,:" . lI(r-, .• "'."Mrs;·" Robert., .Chapm;m, 'with ,:this'-sitUation. i There·.,;ilre~ ,~pl~'}W,nk.. ~:" :, '" . ",,:.;.', """:~':'~':" c" " ' ; ' '. " I.",....~ 'Herbert Bassett .'AuTed.;~N~;':' . , Sgt. '" Mrs.,Wodecki; Sgt~··,,:Mr.,- JRaRy loopholes in: the, law,,:-. "" ',," .; "":','; " i , ;l i :".: ;; i .,.~. c '" '; ~. :~r;,Joh!l,~~~ Sr., Mr.:-'" . Kenneth Jobnson, Mrs. Margaret '",',·1lberefor.e.;w.e,,~elcallingfor, 'Pra;' fOr,i:,the"Cllureh· throughol1t"'the" 'W6tld 'ori\'tb~· WORLD':': Iks. Clovis Roux, John Crafford. Ho1l8nd~ ' . , , ",., , . I , ' , yolunteer' action.' We believe MISSION ROS,ARY. Pray especially for its Head, Pope JolUi'';Jtxm :!, Winifred Violette, Mr. & Mrs.;. Mrs. Flor...Byme, Mr.,·."IINi that the answer is to get people .on .the w~i~~I.J~~~:~J~l~\~~Y:We' ~e~d yo~ I a~oR~ . : jAlfred Terwilliger, AnthonY! ll:.dwardMcGillivray: .' ' , . . w swp::buying'· them".'rhis.will . '~ISSI9N RO$~RY if you l!e,nd us a $2 offermg and 'your 'request· ,~endricks, Mr., & Mrs. Manuel:. " ,~,.. " 'S·AC.l:EU'··nABT I.":;,:,:..,,.;; strike at the' oH-color . card f_'l~"'" ".': .""-' ", 'II' ' .::,"L i"" • iI'" '",' ",."','. ,; " :"." ,.' '_ .'. ""'.'~ ". ; J'urtado, Eileen 'Darling's.' . ,',,""''''''' ·. :.,r,' .. ;eN ",. ".: seller's ,weake·:t ','pOint ; ~ '. h~ , '.' ,,,,";, '<'.. ;, "'''''' """ ", .... .r-,~.: ;' :' ";': "","" '" .,.~. "., ,.,'., ;'1 Mr.. & Mrs. Manuel Pestana,' MI'..'" Mrs. Thornu McMor-' p,~I,t~,tbooJr::;" . "'. ",,;' "', "''''1 ,,',";C,,>-.',.>,:,;: --,,',; ",,-', " ' , - - " ", .. , :e" ,,' ':, .. I' M acD ona; ld Mr -- M " ~'Vw _" I' .".·,·St..pl].... ,n,' .Q. "'b.a.nn.""'.,execu-, ·.. ,~.Cl,lt,ouUhi.·colwnn, pin..;your 4~~1f~~' W.,Jt...a,rid;.qlail itio~~, ~e vma , . (.. or;,': rs.:... ' ..., ,~ "'I -Of' . ,;John Unsworth, Jane E. U~i" '. . .!; ~ye, ,dir,ector: of; the, GreeHng Most R~v,Fulton,,,J,.Sheen,,-Nation.'ll.PiJ:~~or.,,()(: The, ~i.etl.for" :1Worth , Mrs. William Bisbop, Mr.:~ .Mansfie,ld GlJI?4,4ssocia.tjop., Sl\j~tbe, d~tri~ the Propagation: of· the ,Fait~; :366 Fifth Avenue, New York 1,.~ ·f.. I~ ~rs. P. H. S l a t t e r y . ' , ' . I;t,u.~ion,,~ such cards isa.,"d,is., OF:iYOW- DIQqESAN,DIRECT,0R REY-;RAYM.QNP,~•.CONSIDINE, , . ·,c ST::;:-ll) ~J.";t~;.~ ,JIU standa,rds,o( .,good 368., Nortb Main Str.eekFall,Ri~er.Mass. ',,, .. ":v,:, '.,,, "ii," ·, j ·,North<Easton,,, . St. . Mary's ... ~ 't8s~. p' m,o rals., at;ld""good lO(;ial ;.... , '. ;.,"", ',;" ,;, '., ':-" ""'."~:'';'' ", ' ..,.. , '-." --." ... " .. '. . ',,' Conference,' St,'· . '. __ '-,ACULATE CONCEFnON Vincent lie Paul. refinement. . : ':,$%5 j '.•' . ' • " '$25. , , ' "A' particularly oHensive · ,'M'orth Easton CounCil Knights A P'ri~rid; . ;" . card/' be contipued, ''is . one :111, Coll.!mbus,.'Helen IPert:~y, M r . , '.' $10 lami)ooiling Whistlers Mother" , . . j .. Ii:, Mrs. Frc,derIck Murph.... oM"r . .l'" A:.'M·rs. Leo, . '; ' . ,M . . rwhich has' been seen in stores'hi , Sr... Annese, ., . . : ..-ederick Murphy "Jr. '" Mrs: William con'Dor, Mr.. &.' various parts. of the city during , ,$%0.. : . , Mrs: PatriCk Lonergan; Mr. & 'the past fe~ days. Jt"makes • ,.Mr. & Mr~ .. Gerald WaIUn:. Mrs. 'Arthur""MarcheseUi, A mockerY of one of our greatest ',i ,Mr. &: Mrs. D. R. Ingemi. : I J'rien(e .;' . ... ;,.;.;,c.,. 'j '" .,. . 'in~~~t~tionFMotlie!."'s Day: 'it iii •Ie. $~5. 'I in eXtreri'iely" l)~(ftl\ste.~' " ., ,.,; ,

Itrs~ 'William Gahan, ,John'Ti'ili;

aulo. ';'" "'.

Veterans and of the greeting card' industry here . '



,: ..

'I' : : " " ' ; '., , ' " ' ' ' ' , ' :





i.,"'" " .

~; .~:S. Mar~"~;:.ea.: ..,,.:',·~: :.Hebronviile..:"'·'" · :~rt DeB.e;:::', '''':''i-.'; ST. MARY \; !

Ste..ilization Bili . ~~~:~s f9.~.p~f~~t· " L

'b: M'QrthEastori·,Circlep ..J;unior::':;:::,'$50·':';'::·, RALEIGH- (NC):::"':-A proposal '., aut;~!ersofJ~b~~Ja.;,M~,-,A.liceJ Mrs. Adli' Bertozzi. for forced sterilization of unwed McGUIrk, Mrs. Agnes Alward;i ! ' . $10 mothers in Notlh Caro,lina Seems ~r. & Mrs. Christopher Brady,,) ; Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Blake,Mr.""':certain to fail of passage. ' The Mr.. &, Mrs.', James 'Flanagan.: . ,& Mrs. Rolana Ringuette, Mr. 'Bi . bill's, sponsors have 'announced· Mr.. & Mrs. 'Yillia~ .P:Neill,Mri. George L~d~am. .. wit,hdrawal', of.'·;their support Mr. & Mrs. Leo Bryant, Annette's froin the measute: , .' Beauty Salon, Jobn' L .. Dtliley, . S~a"Se~... " , ' Reje~tion Qf the· bill, which at ~r, & Mrs. Josepb M. Hanley.' . OUt LADY OF FATIMA Gne' UiIie "";appeared' heading : ' : Joseph Hurley, Lawrence • $35 toward relatively' easy paSsage, -Burley" Mr,'" &" Mrs.; Vincent - Qcean'GrOve:Pbannae,..',:;'" followed when ,opposition' ·was. ,Hurley, William Lahey, Mrs., $18 vo~ced by relig{oJls lead~rs: Dish'::. Russell B.Cochrane,. .Walter i opVincent S. Waters "of RaJeigh ·Anna C. Loud, Walter T.Rear~· ... '.' '," Armburg. ' iSsued,a past'oral le~ter opposing. · I

~ es"port ST.

. Attl'ibutesSOC'i~1 .,:':-" ":~u:-~asur~)~t'i-ess~g' itS-·8i,i1fu~ GEOBGE~vils to Ulitetac:y:;'''''·,;, ':,.' i

. ,?-lame, '. ':: ](oly' :'Soe~,.

.... _


. . ..,;.;~:':. :1 24H ;: UNITED NATIONS (NC) .' ~'" '~e's;:C""ilt"ch. __ ::'~lIiteracy ..is aUbe bottotn.',of all:,. .' NURSING CARE · . /' the S9C'i~i evils '~f Latin 'hehca-:__ . /. . " ,;"::' . MiCt~··'Jole:"·'J<K.quin~:~~do/ NUf'Ses;'fiom :! S'i"PATBIC::&;' i :. member' Qf''the.ColOrnbian·i':'' '~', "~c:~~~dited:sChOoli . , . ~ . ~s....





:del~gati?D'to:tlle uni~d~~~i~~;":·,'·:":.a'C'';0:RM''A'''''--K'

IbBiI' 011 Co; .. :EcOOODUC and Sodal ~OU~Cll,'.; ii'.'" inC... , ...~. '. '; , . ' '10 ' '. . ' .', \_ sa~s, illiteracy is ~i'~'~~IY(be.,':':NtJR-SINGHOME · ..... "'.MI.S, A~o!pb .Billotte, ,.abllity. ~. read ,.n<l".wrlte" It.,;, :,,:,-, ,,'. ". ' .. • . '" Mrs. ,Reginald !.9xly.,' also include's, he·.said; .. t~e lack ',.: :ABeautifui .......... ,~H'ATTLEBOROX14 pL.:.. o f . cultural background and" BeOutiful Scenery'-' , S';;THEItESA'S',! the. p£.oper id~u abOuf':h~alth()' \' 88: fOllY STREET. . . . ._10 .~ygIen~ and. ~he 'P9~ib~l!t.I~. of..... FAt1tHAVEN' WY·3-3277. . . . . . CahAlL, '. ~OVIn.g liVlDl.\ stan~cla.: " '. . .... ;..._ _~-_ . ..;._..'

,. ...

'. :; .•' "DepenCl.able' .-<21'




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.• ~~,-,,~y, ..."

,Service· ..'


" :j:j,' '-: ~..




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J\ ":'" .:: .- :.. '" :. ·"""'.rre.er!ptktM.oatte4 fori'ond; DeUYeHd' ",I.;"";' J ,." -', I.." .', ,,;. ", ' .-' ." . . . .' _.

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.:';'OMe • day .... iSCM"_~\lnd sW~. '4:30' P.M.',· ';:", , ::> 5peCiGt A~~t~.'~~~·:,r"'. ',,;:' ,. '. ,,' ,,;: .' '. ,.':ro'::~m~ ,;'r.iptfOM.'·


:' ·'fOUllEY'S·:1·~,'pIIAItMACY:":~·:: . '.

.,. '.A;'ur·i~:~Sheci~'PrOp;-'

,!O2~206'~ .~"f {J



. '.' . . '''''';a. ltv.;.; ........ "j!' ""11 :,,' ,",,: '. " .... '..... '- .... \.. J; ••.



tassel adjUsted by Ann Guilmette, Fall River. At right center, two Ta'u~ tonians discuss post-graduation plans. They are' (left to right) KennethD. Shindelwig,and James R. Tormey. At far right, special congratulations ate .' extended to Mrs. Alice J. O'Malley, Brockton, mother of 'six; by (left to right) RobertV. A,ndrews, Berkley and "james: Boyle II; Vineyard Hav.en. . , "'.: : . .

I'f'S ALLOVER: 'Exchanging mutual congratulations on attainment

of diplomas ,at Ston~hill College are represeiltativemembers of the grad-

uating class. In ,left 'picture (left to .right)~e :RaYmo~~fVaiHancourt, New Bedford; Charles Menard Jr., Fall River; ,and ,John Coggeshall Jr., North Dartmouth. At left center, AI:,n Marie O'~~nnell, Nort? Tiverton, has her


"'' E

Sulpician Priest~ Says'ExQ.ggera,ted Statements Benefit ··Conunl.lnists

Summer, School Plans

· P. atcl'd'e' The·Parish·



Thurs., June 4, 1959"



t 3; :' ",


MILWAUKEE (NC) -Com. Father eronin munists in'the·tJ. S. have bene- extreme statements' froln 'Iome '0 ST. PETER'S, ' " NOTRERIVER: DAME"'.: n th h a b't . a·n·ti-c'omm.'l'lni,s t~ "c.reate ~J ~m, DIGHTON FALL . I e d f rom ....e I 'of 'many . , Americans going to· 'extremes in' pathyiit the ,liberal eom.munity Thursday, June 1~, is set for The Women's Guild will. spon- anti-Red statements, a new book and make .. ·it susc'eptihle to' the .'. 0 '$. installation ceremonies for' the. 'I1Or"an:all d8y' ruin.ll)age.sale.from·h· , . .cI'vl'l r'I'g'hts 'a'rgum''en' .~" ral'se''d b'y" . . . c arges. " . . ... "NEW, ,YORK (NC) Italiana Women's Guild.: Tci be' held' in .. 10 this 'morning, W 9 tonight ,at the.' commun·ists." .... ' . the church, they ,will, be fol-' , 278 East 'M;iin',Stre,et.'A sl!;atlng Few A,~~ri~an's .seem . to ':bav~ of Amedcan·descen.t. are .~iDe. ' Mrs: Ric . h. " tee.n,ag¢rs, is, set·, for.- .th e pa t'lence. ..f or ca Im and.~ ca~e~ "., . "1 enlisted' here for lowed by' a . banquet. party". tor, ,. "I' n "th'e en!!u~ng c ash" . be' , a drive to de· ard Parchesco will be seated tomorrow ,night;, c .with; <busses luI stu~Y· \)1 communism and th~'tween the, two clunps,':' be wrote, feat ,.communist candidates ill · president; ,Mrs. John Medeiros, leaving the' corner'."ef. Eastern, .·result often 'i,l."exaggerated, a~d: "co~munists' 'are ofteri 'f~ee':,to th~ "SicUian .electioQs SU~day,;"! vice president; .M,rs. George "Avenue 'and'StiJOseph'StFeet . inacc'urate' " statemelits~" which '. work with a"minimum of bin- ' . Jo~ ,N.' ,La' Cort~, dir~~tor; oi , Dutra,' recording' ~cretary; Mrs. promptly 1It 6:30;'.:" '; "'.' ,,;' ie(: off .:ii libera:l_con/lervative . drancel', , ' . . . . . 'the American Friends' of,'Ualy Alvan, Constantine; :corresPorid-·'~'i','''~RNA,iP'~;·.::-:: ~'. '," '. :,.,'. c~ash,\~er ciyU rJgh~, and i~.the' . ' ~eporting,,·tha~:~ :eiiti~a~ '. 2~ '(;:06':t Stieet,::B,rOOk;iy~,; said ingsecretary;' :M:rs~ ,Joseph 'Nail-: .. ASSO~E.T)',:'·'~;~".'·,:;' , . ~ourse of·. thelulIl;·the ',}led. ; ()f'U.. ~. C:Qmmullls~~s,~r~r~t.hls " pe 'poped .that 1o.0,()OO .me8sag~. eimento~tieaSJrer:::' ',. ,,'. - . ' "-:;',' ,.. , . ":,-," .. -:' are 'of,ten free to work""·lth a . about "7000 ,members . Father . would be ,sent by.airmail.:u.rgin, . Ju~e" The a~~~~~n_,~pgil!al~y,~~ed-':' of hindrance.'" cj;~riin ~autioned'.thi~,'··sm~.i,." and ....~elativ~s ';in. . Sicily . .' :Oth,.;r: " . '~:v,e,ntllinciude . " ' ,•.uled·for' saturday Juned3 by' .minimum , ' ...., . , ...., . ' .'. ' . , 4 , •. " "irl.mds' ...... ' . ~,~rpOJ::ate. eo~,uJ,lion . Sunday;, , , .the . Women;s " GUii(i"~""'~~eii . Thlsisclaimed'byFatherJohn '~ut, ~ffec.tive::;!~roup ~oyld Df)t ' UJ.yote )iga~~sf t~e, :co~~u!)A:Sta. .. , 'une. '1; <to ',.be .,follow~d' by ,~', ,pOstponed .fO:s'atuidaY~orn~ .. €ronin,:S$., assistanfdiredor·of. be d}scoUl~ted." .• "~e,,.rec~Ued,:that'sl~llIla~, ~a~ ..: .I' brea)t~ast,.. C:;hUdren~ssum~e-: '" ill'g, ,'June 20,~(\\ioill~ 'heid:'at 'the SOciaJ .ActiOn 'Department -, . "LOyalty' and securi 1t pr-G- . ,pa~~~, :~er~ " effective ::JIl ,,~ ',sehool" wdl :P.e" heJd Mond,aY"Carroll'sBarnj:Wiiter '-of~the,National Catholic'-We'1fare .rains,e~po'sUrer of eommu'nist Itahap, '.natlonal. elecbon~..... ,J.UDe . 29~. t~rougp,. Thursdl:iY,.· ,,-- The next . reinilarm~t1n'g' ill: CQnference,:; in •~illnew bOOk/. tactics iatid'propagimda':"and, ,~P18.JI~<I.)~53..', " __ ,'",," . ~uly., Wlt~" ,lI4~S' pUl\ton,. .Rose. "'.Rt lor Monday\· :t~me . 15,,~,'- .::' ')SbciaI. Principles' and EconOmic ,proi>~rlY~ ..ee>nducted" .' eongres~ ' I . . '. " :. , m ,ch~rge,., "", ': ,. ".', '. ':,' ., .., ... ' ....;,., ::,.. .'.' ':', '.' :~/ Life.'" ".' "',' . sional investigations:' r e .m.-a j"n --': .' '. . ;" 8T.. JOSE"U'S;., '"", . , ' '. ~~~~~DA~1::~RO;""':'"'. ·'·C··.·'h'· f'. p' "f' ".. . :', netiessary;,,,. 'be ·wrote. . ' ;, ..,'., ... ,-.-;,,' ".' , /" , . ATrLEBORO ,," '.':.' ',.", . "".', " " ' c " " " " ' , ' . . • i", at 0 IC ,ro.es~or ,. ,.... ",." ""'" ..,;,,:, .'.', .:' . A music recital by school ,The women 'ofl the parish ,will,. "" ",'.. " . ' ... ' . ' . But ,"re.. . ,~.Hs(.; appro~ch thlll " ",,'. ' .. : , . '0' · children of the' parish will. be _ serve>as an l1on6rgU~rd'~nSun- :,Fellowshlp Inner ~sk ",wlth sanltr, and )Dodera- I: h~ld at ~:30 Sunday.ev~ning" .day andMonday~~rmg. the.,. SEATTLE (NC)~Dr, 'Dcmaid tion,:", , ...,' . '.' ' . ";, June' 'I,' in the. Parish ball on' Forty' Hours".'I:>e"',otIon::,-Mrs. . ¥ageej .asSoc;iate , profeSSor. o f . ' ,Y(~d;iig:~ ,Ma~le . Street. '. The,'" public, .iI·, He~ry Desautel· is 'm 'charge'of .~ pharmacology at the University ~.,.... 'c, ".;, jnvlted. . , ' , : assl~mentofhours. , . .of Washingtoll,.inedieal,llch60l, ,""", u,'" The pilgrimage $cneduled,thi.s .' ~Jrl_ S.cou~' Troo~.l~. ,of~hehas 'been awarded a one y e a r ' ..'''', '. ~·S' ,if, month, br t!Je Ladies of' Ste., parish 'Will boldthelr last meet.. fellowship for stlidy' ~broad1>Y. ~ .Anne has been, postpOned. ing of the year' on' June 17.. the Guggenheim' Fou'ridatiOri'. ' .






,< . :". , ",

S ta rt. Ca. m.p· ig''n

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T C', 'f R'e.d . ·om.' b'a".




-s,iree:t: ",' ,

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,50" ,'




iMM:ACULATF;~CONCEPTI9N, . Dr. Magee will do research in Oil' BURNERS .T . ,EASTON. ~.' gastrp-enterology in' Scotland, and ba.nquet of .' The Women!i; ,O:uild wills.pon:" Sweden a' nd FI'nland·.· A. natl've Also complete Boiler:~Burner. . th Installabo,n. W G l Id 11 be h Id 'or Furnace Units. Efficient .e omen s ';l WI . e. . sC?r. a .ret'reatat ·Stohehl!1 Col- i of Scotland, Dr, Magee received low cosi beating. Burner and 1"t 7 Saturday ~lghF, June 6, .£01- lege; Saturdar, June 20. A din- " medical degree from' Oxford fuel oiJ sales and service. . , . .lowed~y danCmgi~rs. Em~ett .ner dan,ce is's~neduled' for Sat-: . University in 1948. He wall ·S··t·an'.le.y. . I···.Co.,·.. I·nc·... ' P. Almond, past preSident of the urday June '13 at Frothingham" . d "d"d c t f h'l 1:1 P Y Diocesan Council of' Ca'tholic Memo'~ial Hall:,'" . :war e ,a °h o~'~ P I 080 '.' ·t80... Mt. Pleasant. Street '.. '" W '.'. '11 be th ' t 11' g ,. . ' , . " . egree . 10 P yslO ogy b y th.il 'New Bedford W"f 3-.~"'1' omen, ,.WI, ~ lOS am .. ESPIRITO SANTO,,"" ' <.•...!: 'Univer'5ity of Illinois'in 1952. officer. The banquet will' be: lor ' . " ... , ': ' member.s o~lY, but guests' are in:- 'F:AL~ RIVER. '." .:: ';. ~------....,;.-..., vited tel the installation an4' A Parish 'Festivalwill' be held' ,;. ,'. . . ' - , . . '., , .dariCe." ' .' . ,Thursday.to'SaturdaY,J~·ll.. . ." ;, ,:" . . w ESTP9 ST



&:~a~r:(j:~~';Mr:.'~~p~~~~:', ··'·




~?dJune 18~2Q:"':

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r-------------.-----.... ,:,,',.:'/Sav,e: With.'; 'Saf'e:ty~"

~-"""---"'''''''''~''-'''''''''~-'~_.' ,.,.,,' '.O·."·','I·."~ L:',. . ::.:. . ".... ,

t M' Al

,ussler. ;Vlce.preSI ,en; Mrs. rs. ': D':·E.' ' I~d Brown;' ti'eainirer; , .J.-O s · B'·.R~·"0'>' ~i>h Bolles, secieta~y; Mrs;.~or-,

·"'S,· "·S":"E"·' .


J ",;:.: , : ".~~~' t;';':',,: :.:',"> L: H'. , '0' I

~.: .", -,.~


eating . ' i 's ,:" . and Burners· ~




.,' ..Me.. '~~i'~~I''''Ma:ss: ',::.,. ,·c¥o



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.,' your: 'h.ori,~·and fa~i1y:": ,,,., ., .: .: ' . . '.




:~l'1 5



, ,':'l~t~~~":' divid~nd "at ::t~ •



rote, of ,'31/.4%: ~ . ; -.::.. ....... ,·anrium. •r,-·

:;\:<' SaY~: by: ~il

,NEW. 'BEDFORD, MASS. ' . '. . .' . .'


.... ::,:




.'W·H I TE~S' .Family o"Resfouro':'t'" .~"

'at: 6· .).

: '" '- '



T~ N~rro~ in ·No~h·We,stport





:'aNMooii:i;"(NC)' 2.;'c." '••'.. '''.J",.;'...•. ../\.. Memorial Day field' MasS"was-' . .~ icelcbrated on, the main. par-ade _, ,TROPt.UES ' . " ground.!! here by ~i~h~p G~orge , OPEN~rHU~S:' &,FRI. ':NITES. W. Ahr of Trenton: before a,con', ~ " , gregation' cit ArmY'.'tt'ooPs" and ... TOW:N civilians in. honor' of the Blessed,,,i·.< 150M\cHshnet Ave. WY 6-8725 Virgin for peace, and foi'depart- . oN' B dt d eel ril'embef~"of the armed forcea. "',,,,e~' . ,fl.. or ..,',

Fall River SavinI'S. "!~,'.



Open F,iday evenings till • "



>t;.. '

:~perat~ve' -B.an~s .,

FALL,lllVER " , . , ' . . ' <'. , " . ' : . A ,smorgasbo;Ci llU'pper' ~Ik' .: 365 NOIrf.~"r.RQ~,'.'STR~Ef:': maxed activities lor' the Catpolic," NEW BEDFORD. .{ Women'. Guild, All, preseI:lt't : Wy.na'Ii'·2~~534·' , . . ~' offiCers'will remain in 'term for," ,. "'" '" .:> another yjlarac;cording to 'guiljs' ,~~~""",:"',"""~"'''.'''''''''''' c~stom" il'i~y'" are 'he~d~d .'by ,. , " , ,.. , , . . Mrs. Alexander Vezina.' Next KROYDEN meeting' .is' . '~L 101:-, }.Jonday.,' '40% i

'Golf"C'lu1)5 .



A Savings,' Account .-at": THE 'OlDREI)BANK' will., ,he!p y~~, ,~~v~ for :,: "thi';'gs 'you"11 . 'wont .for 'Ii


. ' Mrs. Theodore Cloutier heads. , · the ,banquet and" inlltal1at~ql) . : : .

·;~~;~~'s,'" ."



- ',.:;,,'. '14lNO:' MAIN 'ST. ,.,',''',

.,t .•••

.j- ..:.. . -:; .•:: '. For Rfi!serv.ations " t·'.:l;·,~.:.



, ,'1 .;

," -"j',. 'J ~

~. :~.

Phont!'" OS' :5'~1·j18'5 .' . ':t::",;:::i.. --.,:.;" :".h ~




'J~ "~;'t" '.:;: .~ALL;~IVER ~~,"~,;~, :,.,:;' , :T8I. dS5..786t'·

.. ..,', .......'."'.


: . -;

~'. ~

.. - ·f'::*-;-:'

Three Mount SenioR and One Grad Rec~ive Scholarship Benefits .

' .


Three seniors and one grad-

to Stonehill College. ,nate ,0f ....Mt::=St~·'Mary Academy,'--~ 'Margaret'an 'active'M:einber:Cof" Fall River, l1ave 'been awarded, the Four H Club in addition,to 8Chollfrships :for'; cOllege or her. school activitie~;~~ril.rnajo'r" · aatestudy. "'., . , , . 'in chemistry, at .i:::athqji<:UniThe:'seriiors . are, Marguerite versity.She,.is the daughter of Williainson : and Marilyn ~en-, ,,' ~r.and·Mrs.'Ehio "Silvan,,'E1n:l nedy,;' ~oth wiIlriers,of full, ,fo,~' "Str~t, . perkley,' 'anef,' attends . year .'sth~larships to Salve Re~ Sacred Heart Church' Taunton. gina ~..-..uege; ~nd Margaret Sil-:' Frances 'Martinm~rited her, ,van, :aw&rded' a f()u.r :yelt!:' ,awai4for.studyin:Franceonthe ' 8Chol~rship to the Catholic. Uni~_.basis.'of a 'competitive ,~xamina- / versity of America. , .. ", .. , ',tion based 'on the life :and~wofks The: graduate student is Fran·:: ' ' of, Frede~ic :Mistral a Provencal ees MartiiJ.' of the claSs, of 11}56,: .- ,pOet.. Sffewill tea~h, Fre~chm now ;a junior at'Salve ,Regina'': 'high'~hool foUowingher gradu~'· · College. She will study for one atiqn. She'is 'the daughter of Mr. month. this Psummer at the Al-'ana, . ';~g;, ',J~tnes MartiIi;, 488 lianeEii Francaise, Paris. ~dge:S~reet;:)!'allRiver. ,Choose Major' Fields, ' "_~~ · ; . c , : Matguerite, . daughter' of Mr. ',":"',~f: '; ",$25 and Mrs. Thomas,J. Willialnson,,:i::~~ama~~ciClothing Work2527' iSouth Ma·iiJ. street Fall: ';,e~s()~':~\meri~; CIO 377; L & S Rivet' <and a member of Blessed;:; 'Co'ocrete Irit:," New Bedford Saerabent parish will major in'" S~.yed9ring : Company, Dr· '. & French and, ,nl'ino; iii Spiriish atf"Mrs.~mil $U,chnicki,' Fa'Ycett ' . Salve, ~egina, lVIarilyn,a::'mem<:·:;M,i~~~;,Inc .. \ii',' . . her' o{ St. Mary's Cathedral par- ·,.:.ME;-. ~~t~ne: L. Silva; Dr. Ish m: ·th~YdaUghtet: of' Mr'S'~Mar:.." '.:,:llI1aQ.~~~'.f;•.,: :I?eMello;;.',PI';<,·;Walter" ; "

Prelate Outlines Duty.,'of"P~es·~ ,


em=et ;,~ ..' K"~rii1ledY:'

. MARGARET ~ILVAN: ST. ANTHONY OF THE . DESERT, .. . '$15 .' " ." .... Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas Galib. . "$~O :.':' ...;;. Mr. & Mis.. Ernest Cabral.

.Nat~on,al"'Ac'counts ...,:',: '~'M:cbOiial'dj,;,J:~~anyi/~,~i!:: •

si:f"Thir'd',J," 'O~N(;il~Y-I~;ii-(iashire'-:'T~iiiie"""

.' , '. $~O: ,~} ." . . A:l./c John C.~;.Goodrich. --:. ,". $~~';i::: 'Ancfr~ws


Atttl' TorpHi; .':'.






. $'75


at PJerce~,;.ilili.

.,' , ... '. ., $!5., '~:;. .'



~ The prelat~~gav~ th~!:nv~ca­ tion .at. dedication ceremonies of .newWashington Star, buildingiO. the Southeast' section' of ,the city. The. Star" a daily' imd ~Sunday, p~per, .mov.ed' into .the new q~a,rters ,.after 105 year's o,~ 'historic I'ennsy~vani!l Avenue.





,"., Praises .Prelate . "HARTFORD' ,(Nt): -GOv. Abraham RiI:iicoff ofCoime~ti­ cut' has. 'lauded the' effods' 01 '. "~fiesiin ftfrth,er~if S'tate labOl''management'r-elatibns: The 'G'o;;~ erh'Qr mad'e'!iis conmient iricoriIiec'tiQn willi' hi~' reappoininieiit .

'bi, Msgr.. ·. ~osepli, ,F.'. pi:>hriE!~Hr,

directot of' the Hartford.Archdiocesan Labor Institute; "'is 'Cfj'airman of' -the State 'B'oiu'd of Mediation and-Arbitration. ",' .' : .. •r



.TAKE . TON· OF :·'MUD·.~,;*;.!,,~"':·~ ."".',', "",-",.. ,~,~","",,!~,12,,;:TREE"·'BRAN'CHES~··~·,I.:,: ,~,~·p.~~;"or6i~~r:a~ii i:~~' ia~d " bavea 'cohlhinatlou', illlrisli'baU rectory in the malaria c~untry of' Ethiopia. A' coUi-ageous mla- . , -.' . ': , sional')": has beeD "living and.watking iri this" mud hid held ~ge'itiei hl thebrancbcs"'et trees ~d grass.·'Ue ,has been 'there for "year• despite' 'he persisieli't" aUacks' .of "iIlah,ria bearing mosquitoes. ··'The· L~rd has' spared him but so many of his paiishon'en( have eOD-' , ~'!/tI;~~ tacted the disease that· they "began ·to' build' , him a· proper combination rectol')' and paT-"" ~;;::;:,......... ish hall. They have",come a . long ,way and . .. they now need $~,500 'to (inish the job. Can.y!»a help 'Ulem.· .. 'do It in honor of the'Sacred' ileai1." ,

' •..

Dr...Aubr~y J.Pothi~~,Sisiets· A:'bftfiE!'Sacred Fielifhi~ NlF;'&' MfS:'''' , Chester ,C. -Faso~, Loui§ Stone,. ,( •. " Attorney: ";', , ' , ' ....

'.$100' . Mrs. William



.Jolin Sexto'n&C ., f:,~ . . . , :; ~';:/'

'::;: ::;: . "':'$2'50 " -":. . ' Mrs:".1\;: B. Crqwe, '-Dr. "Francis':": Citrz~ns Savings.Banlt. ,. l'4.. Hin~;,' ~·:S'i.I1.livan. Funeral . ;!:: ~ ':<~.;r:2::;$290; :::~-'<·.':\;"i';,,/ ;;P:;'i ~ }ff.~~i.:I;:rf\).f~~n9~}g.r~~.tSf~~J.;ltS;;·" ' Idea~ Laundry, Prescott.. J~n- . Abe,tta Sportswear. : ... "

•.••. ; '


cia.'.'·Gi·fts . F~h·:Ri~er·""::::\~~;Jft.t~t~~:~t~keS~itli,Dr.·&' .'



Streetl:Falr River., She will ma- ,Processing' 0.0., : Dr. Ambrose fOI' iri~nglish and minor ip ~d·<, F~~t¥L;.,.".;,;· ' · ucatiOil. She was also a ,recipi~rit ,~Laurans·;'Bt.Qs. Inc.~ A~ushnet '-t" ef-apllrtilll four year scholarship)' ~Saw. :Mil!.li Co., United Auto'. .':. . ' '. . ,', :.,tpobile W ()rk~rs Loeal#I68, RodS·,:pe',. :,R¢y":,;'Met!lis;-'~ Archie's: Motor . "·Transportaticin· Co.,' ,Jack'. Lon- .



·WASHINGTON (NC) - The . "duty and honor of· the press" is.·to ,"enlIgbten, ..nourish and elevate' Uie ~ind and aspiration man," Archbishop Patrick A. O;t,loyle of'.' Waslij.ngtori . said ~ere. ; , .. , . , " ". -

,' ..' . ' .:$15':" '. . , .., ... , Dr, Max 'Weihshel, Atty;EdMr.;'.:& Mrs. 'Thomas "Hudner, ' . Watui>pa FinIshing Co; '~ wardF. Harrington, Eagl~ Linen "" . $30. Supply Co.,- Sealtest Foods ~ugust Badwey &·Sons.. Division of Nat10nalpairy 'Prod'$ ucts' Corp., Arthur G6ldys, Bed, ;', 25. . . ' ford National Ihc.· . .' , 'BE 0000' TO YOURSELF ... ARRANGE' F,OR' GREGORIAN Dr+'Joseph W.:'Heaton, N i r a · , • MASSES 'NOW TO BE SAID AFTER' YOUR DEATH, ' . IN· .. Furn$Jre Co:, St. Isidore Coun$10 cit, No.- 4373,K. of C,; Sbriierset";' ··Dr. ',E.' Deane. Freitas, Louis ,QUIRE ABOUT OUR GREGORIAN MASS SUSPENSE PLAN . ..' WHY' NOT DO IT·,TODAYl·, . ,'.. BowI4:Way, Empire 'BowlIng Herman,. Dr. Nelson Hastings, ~lleys~' , " D~ . . lIarold . Burger, Harpoon A: MILLION souLs ARE BEBIND ,.' ~Fall' River Milk Producers Harmo,nizers. 'BARBED W'IKE . • . liviit g , in the' w~rst poa-'" " . ". '. Assn.. inc., . Joseph' P. Manmng mfernational Union of .Elee-. sible tenf.!J ..• corrugat,.i huts .. "~' makeshift . ". '. ' Co., L~~j'ay Manufac~uring Corp" ': trical Workers:f,.ocat 29?',:1Fr,wp,;... houses of one fypeor another. It Is for these Empire: . Chevrolet' C6.·' Ernest & . Taber, Bedford Mills; 'Park-'unfoI1unate souls 'bat"we so oft~~' apPear-to·, i."'J· ·J'lo,.d~';j, '. '. I "'~', ,,", Mot9,r!l, EJpo;-Pre ss ,qo,;; Inc. ',';" yea: They 'cali -juLhellie'din a v:irie&Y:'of _Ii)'!" : .... . ;.:; $20 ". '. , L io!1,s C}ub of 'New Bedford.~·; , .... FOOD PACKAGES:;($10) FIltST"HOLY --:'I>.>~.-..,"" Atty!:Ray C. westgate; -Wlisil':',. No' A.,fext.ile Cl?rp., Maye & NeT·,:· COMMUNION OUTFITS" ($10) ;'.'-': . 'JOIN"'A ....-iHl-~~~ logton;: Social' Club Inc. of' Fall 'Transportation Co" Inc.; Ne·l /.i MISSION CLUB.OF"YOrlR CHOICE {a prayer . ',,' . 'River"iPx:~Norman'd ,0; "'Paquin, "';masket"Tran5PortatioiH~0:,Iri~i;~;~f .la'Iorri~:~Fimlrice Co. .1,.-'" " . '. Textile :WorkersL'ocaU590 Aiti/!f:;;' ;;.-., $15'.,· ,CIQ.•. ' . : ":'" . . . ; ' , Ro~rt A. Clark.', " . , -- J:& JD~essCo~p.,::FairllaV~n:~·;'.;;;·MARGARET.iLLIAM80N'i. .:'~qRPJlA'NS , BREAD':~',. '. for BAS~IANS'.', f' '1eIiOitiii.' ." ;i;: ."" $10 ..';:' Cold Storage ,Corp., C. R;';~p.tii~;~',,/,<,{:;' '. .' C:, , . " _ . "Miss.l1:E;llen Horan, :¢d!wa~d ','!+. d~"';Co,.,:.,wail'\~. r~ Beos., W'Ii6J~:';:"~hO~·"'A.p Coog8i~, Everett ,Sportswear. sale~.Frult & Produce, B~IJ!lar"-' ".. . " .. , ":: · , '.. ·':'~A,l\tIEN·.l,.EPER' FUND .. -:--for the outeast.s. .Attt( Jose(lh A:, Cohe~; Attr.Nl,lrsmg; H0!1?e,,~~c.: ·::~,;·r'~,:·;.,·;,:·'i" RO' "',' ,~ ,"" :.~'~..{..~,ti~·~~,":f~:;:"">·?···· ," / .., " . "'.' . Lmco!n' D." Brayton, Dr. Harry .Mr. &: Mrs. Da!'llel F. Dpw:qey,:" ':'.' I~er. ". 'THE FLAME 'OF THE SACRED HEART' M. ~han, Dr:, Benjamin Reder,J,I~er & Lid..~r, .M. pavid Sch~iq.~'2:~ '" .8S. Pcf;TER & PAUL has,kindled a fire in the hearts of FABIANO, Rommi'& Co,; Inc. . map!. /~.t~~.~; .Atty., Jacob; WeI4- . .')'. :, , ' l . ,$1$, ...• ..,' ,an..d PROTASI(). They wish,abov~ ·ali. thin,p "" Ch1""ood Corpor~tion, ~orge man, Atty. Bat!ley Papkm. ; William Daley & Family. to serve the Mystical Body in Eritrea. BeB. H~app, GrandC~ntral Mar- . ~~rge L~w, At.ty, Joseph . 10' . fore each boy can begin bis . Studies for the ket, S,ulli~an Motor Sales, Dr. Ferr~lr~..Barn"t & Barnet, Louis J C nnmg $, h F' T priesthood he'miISi have a sPonsor 'whowiU Leona:~d M, Lechart. "',' , J. Ostnc, Atty.; Carrie Walker,' . ames " u.. am amI y, pa, .his necesSary upenSes of '$100'... ·'year · Providence C II g Al . . Inc... '., Mr .. & Mrs. John Meagher"Mr. & , . 0 e e umru,.. . .' . . Mrs J S II' an I n , ~ for, &he sil: ,ear semi~.ary coa".~.1D honor Or Universal CIT Credit. C6rpora- ",'Fcea . ~in~leton, D.lvtD.; Gif-. .' aD1~s u , t D1~mory _. · ' " the Saered Beart· would .J'ou' care &0 adopa' tion, gell Motor:, S;llel! .. Inc.;',: Jo.r;q ~¥~~e & Radio.Supply'CQ., 0 of· FrancIs PereIra ,& Dor~D · a,lIOII ill Cbris& 'and haYe.a "prieSt' In the' famil,." " , ' Oropp'~~ Florist, Atty. Thomas F. Standard Electric Co., J. ~. Bouchard. A STlUNG'i..EsSGiF.'r ~o THEHOLY"FAT~~IS ACT~~:' MeGui~1\ Atty~ Le~ter 1:- Ba~t:" Durant.',eo., Iqc.; 'O'Donnell "" <~~;.,,)V!,~~M'~ .' LY: A GIFr, TO CHRIST HIMSELFI Mothers' Box Lunch:' ,.' .. ,~uOE;ral Home. ,. .:.... .:~" .• ~, .' . $10 " ." .. .",' . . 'RUsSell;' 'M-ilhench &: Harrison,' .Mrs~·Marg~rE:t.Fernandes,Mr. sisTEa'aoSA'" THOMAS ud"'SISTEB" ~:uzzards .>.Inc.,;,~, E" T." .Wilson Funeral .&:. Mrs. Wtlham?-,ansey, A · "Nil; JOHN desire' above all tbin'C8 "to; '&i.e' l:ST'. MARGARErS Chapel, SiI.ya :P)~!)eral,'Home;. FrIend.,' " eYerY'da7 •. :~ .'~'e"el'J' hour of Ui~irUves ·u S.



•• '




,/~~~:;.~~~'"~. :~~~::~ ,:?~. :,',,,,';:

pea IGifts FII


~~~~~~Tii.f$.~,:."'"o,·~· .




Bay:,. "

>'N~rth: Attt~b~rc»

i·ii '$10' Artili,lr E. Wills;, John Rihao' Mr. &; '.Mrs. Ronald Coghlan. . . . " ,:' ,.

;'.New Bedford .

. $150" .... New, Bedford Five Cents'Savings ~ank. : . $125' . Mr. ; .& Mrs.' Willia'rit S. Down~y. !: $100 New·iBedfora & Acushi~et'Co­ operathre Bank, Dr; J. E.. ,Camerory-I:i~rant,.Gerald P .• Walsh, Attorrter; Edwin Livingstone, Atto~ey; H. Ernest Dionne: . ,. '. I


Fairhaven Institution for'. Savlogs. : i' ·.·.r . . ' ! ~ , . :', $50

'" , .' $20< " , . North ,Aitl~ooro Foundry'

$iO '.



Co. ,

;Gibney'~ Wheel Aligning N:erney Edsel Sales, Inc.; Chtldren of. Mary Sodality 'Sacred' Heart Ch'urch, Mervin.Co' Gay. . . Se~v."

..': . "~·,Attleborc»-.,'· . ' . ,..... ',50.; , Standard PlasticS Co.,' Ine~;' Edward. O. Vetter. ,~. ' . / ", ":$23' Friend of St. John's-Attleboro.. ~ .' ' ,.' '. , ' '

,. $15 • S~dality~ ()!' O~r :Lady St. John~s Ghtitch. :' , ,. ,~J.

Ace; (:abinet Cill'p:, Alden C::or$10 ntgate.d Container Corp., Dr. Harvey R D.escoteau· Attie:' · Wilfred Rousseau, Kaplan lh.l-r-·' boro' Motor-Saies; Anson'Motors" nitureCo" Atty George P. Inc.. .. ... Ponte, Joseph S. Vera, Attorney. .. $35' Pat MfKenna, Ernest J. Flood' $~O Insu,rance A~f!n!;y._ ' Burke's Canteen Ser:vice.



:j , Mr,,&;.1\;Irs. T!lODlas H. 'Booth - , .&: Family; Mr,:& Mrs.Jain~ . Hunt. SACR~D HEART ':-.... . '. '$25 . . J Miss Angel~ HarrIngton. .... , $10', ' .. . Mr.' &i'Mh;~' 'Ch~rles SantoS,' Gardner', Caswell,· Miss A. Irene ..Noble, Edmund L. Pilling, Frances E.Dailey., " .. ' . ~ . SANTO CHRISTO , ., $20 '. Sunlite Milk Company; $10 Alfr~d Rocha, Edward Medeiros, Manuel Machado & -Daugh':: .ters, James Mendonca, David Rezendes.' .: " . - . Manuel '& Louise' Carreiro," Jose Silva; ,Arthur ,F. PimenteL IMMACULATE CONCEPTION .: . $20 FredJ. McNally. $iO Francis Coffey, Mary «rhlte-' head, Fall River Catholic Nursea : GIJ.iJo"

the w~. cOl"· the .Sacred HearC'U'I8' thell-' hope to,~D1e, pAUGBTERS OF MARY iD 'l'ri"andrumfln~a). Eacb' cirJ must· bave asponsor who will pay ,lier necessari expenses I "-~\~;;r\1I~~~ of $150 a' year., for .the two' year periOd of 110' · viti,ate tr,al~inc. They· ,will honoi' the Sacred LL.!1l4::::=i~~lli.!.I!.J -Bean' with tbelr lives, . can ,oa' refu5e' to . do' as mucb Widi' J'our money? ., ,':, \'~arcardinal Spellman: '. As a sigDm gratitude I would .like to enroll :my father In tbe Catholic. N:ear. East missions so that lie' may share in the count· less spiritiIal benefitll'given to Members, Enclosed is'$l fot aD lIIUlual membership; $20 for a perpetual membership. ' ..:.



)~NAMB. '• ........................... ~ •• ~.' ••••t•••• ·.~ •••• . '

. . • .


.~' ADDRESS·.·..••• ~ ~ ••••••• ~ •••.••• ;,e ••••• ~ •••• ~




. ,::.C1TY'~I:~ ••.••••• '~

~'. ~ ~

'.'••:. _•••• '

: ••••••.

~~r'rastmissions~· .

fRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, President . Mlgr. Peler P. Tuohy. Nat'l sec',' Send all communicGtions hi: .'

.\ .

" ~','


480 Lexington Av~. at 46th St; "Ne~ Yofk' 7,'N. Y.' J

., . /'




'~., ".

• •


, ""








Thurs., June .., 1959


Cardinal Urges Attack on Smut By All Fa iths BOSTON, '(NC) -. His Eminence Richard Cardinal Cushing. urged that: members of. all faiths' join law .enforcement officials in a fight' on obscene literature, which, he aid, is a special threat to youth. .The Archbishop of Boston sug,ested in a' special statement released 'here that the anti:.obscenIty campaign proceed. on . two fronts: legal action .through the courts arid. the arousing of p~b­ lie opinion against smut distributors. .' Cardinal Cushing pledged, support to "every movement within the community at large which aims for' the sup~ression of oi>:' scene literature, and for the prosecution of those who are. 'brazenly and" unscrupulouSly enriching themselves by p~ovi'd­ ing their fellow m'en with the 'means of m.oral self-destruc,. tion,'" . Howe~er, he pointed 'out, "the' real campaign against obscene 'literature' must . be educative ,rather ,than coercive." "'The law. points out the way, -towards .virtuous living," he 'Aid. "It cannot of. itself compel people. : t~' ...b.e virtuous.' .~o 'amount of legislation against 'i~ decent literature can be effective unless people in large 'numbers become convinced that indecent literature is morally dan.gerous, and unless they. volu,,. tafily avoid purchasing a!ld reading the kinds of iiterature against . which the law is directed." Avoid Hair SplittiD&' Cardinal Cushing "cailed 'on those charged' 'with enforcing and applying the law to avoid "hair splitting" distinctions 0/ about what is obscene. Instead, he said, 'they should use "the norms of decency whichprevaii amon'g representative and r~ Ilpectable members of the community." He added: "Let us not seek to defend the 'reading of' obscene literature as a privilege guaran:. .teed by· our human freedom: We object to censorship as restraint imposed. upon from without. Very well-then let us exercise our freedom. by imposing censorship upon ourselveli.~ The most noble exercise of. freedom is certainly not the .choice . of li~erary filth."




[,L.- ci!il:MiP.,~ :~;;:S:,:,_ '. Ij.J~~:, '..... r~:lqq:~~,~~~



R.ev. Oliver R. Blanchette, A.A., Headmaster of Assumption. Preparatory School, .Worcester will be guest .speaker at' the ·annual Father and Son Com':'. munion-breakfast of Acushnet Men's ·Catholic. Association 'of St. Francis Xavier Church, Acushnet, at 8:15 Sunday ·morn-· Ing. Breakfast will be at Gaudette'. Pavilion, Acushnet. immediately following the Mas s~ OsCar LaPalme is chairman and' i.' assisted, by Herman DeMello, Arnold Mello, Maurice Dion and Albert Fortin.· Door prizes will be drawn ·for boys under 18. . Father Blanchette is a native of Springfield, Mass: .He entered : the Congregation of the A&sumptionist Fathers in 1939 arid studied for the priesthood. at Laval University' in Quebec. He was ordained in 1944. In 1947 he was appointed to .the faculty of Assumption College, and' in 1952 was named vice-president of the college. He became Superior and Headmaster of Assumption Preparatory School when' the Assumption College' was moved to its new campus on Salisbury Street, Worcester.

Gives Invocation NEW YORK (NC)-Francis Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of New York, gave the invoca- . tion at a dinner for Belgian King.' Baudouin sponsored by the' Belgian .- American EducationalFoundation.








All Popular Flavors


,;ince~, Elbow


'MACAR'OII oi .0150 reg.







White or Colored ,


. BIG . c' . ROLL., .....~K


9,· .

8 oz CAN' . , ' . ," ",

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. Finest


Jhiil spaghetti


Reg Rolls

39 c

Plus···Many Other Outstanding· Magic 9 Specials why not -servea' 'choicf:l-quality top or bottom round roast this week-end~

Top::..':.°cro ROA5T5 L·79c Smoked --Butts 59c Co'ld ,Cuts ~~~29c m

Lean, tender with that tangy smoked . flavor


'l~x~ry: loaf, '~acaroni & Cheese loaf, Oli~e Loaf .and Pickle & Pimento· loaf


We .Re~er ve .the Right to Limit Ou.ntttiel .

Sensation4:i1 Price o~Y~ur BEST BREAD: BUY





2 29(



Special, "June 1st- 13th. ' . ' .

Do YOU Want To Save·Money? If so .,. and we're sure you do' ,, these are typical of the- vaiu~ pri~esy~u'" find ~veryshopi)lng day. .a!.FU:st ~atlonal Stores . QUICK AND EASY'






MacarOni i"~'2 '~:.:' 35c: PROCESSED -. wHOLE


:: 23c

Dill Ph:kles -.


B..illo .Soap·pCl~. :'12':~D 23c ALL fLAVORS . . •


Royal' P·uclclliag.4 PREMIUM. , ',. ;.



·lU '9tG

26c . 26 c



Sunsh·ine.· SALl,NES



















Specia.s !


JUMBO SIZE Luscious Pinlt Meat






Tomatoes' 2· C~L~S .39c

39c 'Campbell's . TOMATO MCI



fars,S 29c TOMATOES 2 35c

Plump, Full




Fre!h Red Ripe - A.


Favorite Every Time


1 QT14 oz




37c Armours GOLD MEDAL OR PILLSBURY ' ~ACK, 5LB' 49' 10 LB 94c c SACK FIour CUP~AltE







Apple Juice IOJ1~o~ 29c

Magic 9' Bakery Specials. ,

. Cracked Wheat 'Bread 'L61F ,·1 9c Sponge Lay~rs ~~~29c Devils Fudge Roll/EACH 39c Date Nut 'Cake EACH 39c L



,Sterling Salt-

Magic. 9


39c' . 'CA~S





17'e.'lOaf ''';'' . ..

12 oz CANS

CH I. C IlE N . . - . 'P.I E S FlNAST'- Also T~ey ·2· b~s :39c :STRAW'BERRI,ES 'i'Yor". Garden '- Shc.!d ~~~ 29c in Sugared Syr':'P



Ga~den- R.;g'or Pinil





,:. .~, " Alden . -: W,hite - Sliced


Acushnet Men ·Honor Sons 'on Su~day' .






Appeal ,Gif,ts

ST. MARY / $50'

Fall :River

Norton ,Club.





North Attleboro


$10 Mr. &: Mrs. John J. Bartley, Mr. & Mrs.lIarry Borden, Mr. &: Mrs., Donald Dion, Augustine Gonsalves Family, Joseph Gouveia Family. . Mr. & Mrs. Donat Guevremont, Mr.. & Mrs. George Hemond, Mr." &. Mrs. James O'Leary, Mr.. & Mrs. Johri Pollis, Mr..& Mrs. Albert Robbins. Mr. & Mrs. David, A.Rocha, Mr. & Mrs.. David L. Rocha, Mr. &: Mrs.:.George Sabourin; J. B. Sabourin Company, Mr. & Mrs. Judson Stafford. Mr. & Mrs. Philip Stepa~ek. Mr. &: Mrs. William Sullivan, Mr~ & Mrs. Frank Texeira, Mrs. Charles Valentine; George Yelle. Mr. &: Mrs. Leo Yelle, Mr. '&: Mrs. George Desormeau, Mr.- &:. ,Mrs.. John F,onseca; Walter Gay Family, Aurore LaMothe.

ST. MARY $100 Mr. & Mrs. Leop Pini, Mr..&: 1lIIrs. Bernard Byrnes. $50 . Mrs.' Mary Condon, Nell~e t.yery. ' $40 '1'. A: Murphy. $35 Mr. &: Mrs. AimeGrenier. $25 Mary & Mar~aret Kinton, Mrs. . ST. PETER stanley Sheldon, Dr. & Mrs. $125. Domenic Basile,Gertrude CasRev. John J. Galvin. sid" Mr. &: Mrs. Clarence Gra$60 Iaam. I Joseph.E. Brady. Fetzer & Cleary Bus Co., Rob$50 , en Kinkead, 'Robert Paquin. Mr. Arnold Hoffman. Ltd. • 'Mt's. Walter Rowe &: Family. ' ~5 ' i . $1'.0 Sousa Brothers,' Contractors. ·Mr. &: Mrs. Philip .Coakley, . $20 . Mr. & Mrs. August Funke, Mr. Dr. Charles M: Souza. & Mrs. .John McGowan, Mr. & $10 . ~. 'James Cullen. ' Norman R. Smith, John S~ $15 ·Auger, Mendoza Package Store; , .fohn Graham, Sheila Maloney,. Allan Fanjoy, Russell L. 'MeDer-1liiI's. 'Marie Bolster, Mr. &: Mrs. matt. . Janl&.S Diamond, .Mr. &: Mrs. Clinton E. Rose, Henry MagaD, . Kr:nest Glode, Marjorie Shea. . Antone F. Rose, Mr. &:Mrs. ~ . $10 bert Enos, Edward Silvia. Mary Bride.' Mr. & Mrs. ErTh~ore Boucher, Edward r. riest Buckley,.Mr: & Mrs. Henry GOUlart, Mr. & Mrs. John Cas'lI¥rke, John Corty, Mary Flynn. sldy,' George A. Dutra, ao.e Mr. " Mrs. Daniel Cavanaugh, Borges. Cbtlrles Collins, John Collins, .l.Allian Devlin, .Mr. " Mra. . ew' e .' rU.. James Dowdall. ST•. Kn..IAN Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dunn, Mr. . '. ..$25.. . A: ':Mrs. Gerar6" Dupre, .Grace ... St. ·.Viri~ntde. ~au1 'SoCietY. ,[I'eid, Walter 'Feid,. Mr. &: 114.... .St. Kilian ~. Y. 0., Mr." 'MrL Prank Fisler: .. . . Lawrence Gallagher.~· '. . Mr. " Mrs. Arthur Fortin,' ~O· . Mrs.. Mary McGivney, Mr. &: Mary. Sullivan, Mi. & lin. Rkhard Martin;' Mr. &: Mrs. .Raymond Mahoney., . .Joseph Magan, Mr. 6: Mrs.. · · . $12' '., Michael O·Rourk~. •, " Mr. ,& Mrs.· Tadeucz SWlsca:. Veronica Reilly, Gene- Raymond Dupon,t. ~. " lin. neye' .'Riley, Julia Riley, Mar':' TheodQre Pawelczyk. ,.' 'garet .Roessler, Mr. &: Mrs. Wal~ .1 '$11' leT Rose. ... Mr. " Mrs.:...,Josepb··SOuza;·Mr. 'Marie .sCanlon, Mr." &: Mrs. .&: Mrs.. Bilio Martin, John' B. Charles Sullivan, Mr. ,& Mrs. GilmMe,Mr. & Mrs. Leon MattiAlfred VanBeaver, .Mr. & Mrs. siek:Edwift Wilmarth, Mrs: Theresa ST. HEDWIG' ,Block.' $19 !Mrs. Winifred, Ford, Mrs. Alfred Blanchette.' ' Belen;Foster, Mr. & Mrs. JohaMOUNT,CARMEL' Iaconis, Mr. Rt Mrs.· Dominic La$10 'Pratta; Aijhur ~esque, Arthur . Mount Carmel P. T. A.'. LMden. . ". ' . . .' SACtlED: HEAR.T .. .Eil~n ~rQert,.·l'4r. & Mrs. . ' . $10.. '. Chancey Lucia James MacDoD- f/' Mr. ,1St Mrs. Alphonse-Leboeuf, aid, 'Mr. '&:. 1Vu:s: ",JOseph. 'Mc- Mr. &: Mrs·P~ilibe1't\ Cormier, llTamara, "1141'. &. Mrs. Bernard- 1&. &:l\II.rs. Harry Kummer•..... Bedding. 81'. ANTIION~' Mr.··.&:' ·Mr.s..~:Walter . Ripl~i, . $18.' .. . Mrs.. Geoz:ge'. RoesSler.. Mr. &: .. Mrs. OdeJie .. C:arrier; , Mn. Francis R*-:i!ly;M'i-.. &. Mrs; Tllemas ,JohnslNi. 1&. &. Mrs. .' . '. . ST. ,J~SE~. 'Kd«ar:l\fCGowaii. 6.J. Hughes. &:. KatheriI'e Roberts :0 : .Hugha, Mil'. &: MTs. joseph. '. .' aml~. 'DOI'Ml, Catherine Regan, Mr. &: W~, Den~ha Gar-nett: .JIlq:F!'~.erick_DeMarco.Mr. &; . ·Iks. Wilham. Sbe~. ST. BERNARD ' . [ l , JIIr. &: M!'S. GeorgeVandaU,$10 'lIIIft. Metu.e. Foley, Mr. &: Mrs. "Mrs. Louis Kaminaf ·00000ge .Jaoobs, ..Ge(}rge Jacobs . R. F.' .Barr6WsCo.;' Mr. &: Mrs: .' . '. Edward M o n a h a l L . S T . T H W · "S' MOllE Mr.'&~Mrs. Anthony Belaski" . '- .. $61' , . John Lynch, .Mr. & Mrs.' He~to~ 'Mr.. .& Mrs. (;u~rles Bean. Bla~s, Mr. & MrS. WilliainCol'l- '. . ' " . $tO" , ...' lOY, Mr. & ~rs~ ~arold. Boyle. . 'Mf': & 'Mrs.. Charles Mcl)er. Mr.&: Mrs. U'o'Achm, Mr.:&: Mr~. Jeremiah Murphy, .Mr'. & , " \ DIlr'a.Joseph Sulljvan, Mr. &i Ml;s. Barke McNamara. , S T.. J$~:E;r.H

N' B dfo' ,..




S·· omerse·t·


South Dartmouth ,.$25 . :.Jrfr.& Mrs...WiDiam Lundy.' $15


.. BawIDOrA FlowerSOOp: .


Romeo Villema-ire. , - $10 ' . Societe deS' Artisans, .·No. 259, . Arthur Paille.. '.' . '.•. 'HOLYGH@ST.






Dr. "Mrs. John O. Niles. $109 ~s. William ~dden. $Z5

·Our Lady of the Assumption Guild, McKeon Family, Mr. & . Mrs; Edmund Mauro, Charles Daniel.


South '.Dighton




St. Mary's Holy'Name.SocietJ'. James Carney' Family.. $15 ' ~r. &: Mrs. Henry Dion, Toni Gonsalves, ¥r.. & Mrs. Ernest Precourt, Mr. & ·M!;s. James Russell, Nelson Patenaude Fam-






, MQTgaret F. Lowney.


Bernard Lofgren Family.

Mrs. Charles E. Bonner. $100 ManMr. '&: 'Mrs. William ning .Jr. M,r.. &: Mr"" .,Iichael Breen, :'tIr. & Mrs. Leo H. Berube. $25, ,Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Nasser. $10 . Andre Guy Sirois. \ HOL1- CROSS $10 Third Order of St. Francis Men. SACRED HEART - $20 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Grace.






. '.DGif.ikMt's. T~ c.k~


. Thurl.~ June 4,' 1959


35 37 38 41 42 44 45 46 47

ACROSS 1 Conoecrate 6 Holy Orden degree 8 Holy Orders degree 10 ,Biblical measure . 11 Cathedral city 12 :Discalced Carmelite 14 Dioce.... · . 15 Notre Dam'; .tote·. '16- $em was hi. .On· 18 .Daniel l was cast ·there 19 Strive 21 Zuechetto 23 ·Prayerfully Gilt ~ ~ 26 Holy Orders degrees 2S' Holy Order. degr... 30· Mission ,continent 31 Holy Orders degree 33 Holy Orders pray....


51 . '. '1 ·2 3 4

". 5

6 7 • ,


Jubal'. instrumenh 10 "he Mi.sa •••• , .' 13 Saintly abbreviation 1.4 "Salutare ·.....Itu......" 11 Perfection' . 18 Senora (AbbrJ 19 City in Ju~ 20 "Cure of •••• 22 Holy Order... degreN 24 Sets 'altareeUterf, . 25 Emblem 27 DOWN 28 Boy.' duba 32 Locri. reaident 33 Canceal. goocb . 36 "Of chvrdo mundIa' 3~ 5ointf,-abbrev~ ';- 40 Ventilate. . ..2 English ~ 43 0-- . AS Prefix .9

Solution on


Lopes. .

Joaquim Souza, Mr. • lin. Alexandre Sylvia. . ST. LAWRENCE '$!5 Mr. .& Mrs. J. PenningtoD. . &

Centre Par1y' Coin metter. Spanish gentleman' Gibe Daffy The Wortd Girdle. "P.alter" "Rou...• I.etteft Catholic union Three: comb. Seba.tye Giving opinion lce-paci<ed again Before

50__ Oi.. Canjunctiona . Celestial .phere Saintly abbreviatle.



ST. ~RANCIS OF ASSIlJI $" . Mr. &: Mrs. John Gbilardi &

New Bedford' , ST. JAMES $t5. Mr. & Mrs. James Boltoa. $10 Mr. " Mrs. Orner DesrosierlJ, _Hl\!~'lrY McAvoy, Mrs, Chris~ pher Newett &: Mrs. Margaret Haslam. . \ MOUNT CARMEL. $25 '. It'll'. &. Mrs. Albert Lopes. , $10 Mount Cannel BOT Scout. (Troop 11 & Explorers), Mr. & Mrs. Arthur' Barao . 81'., Mr~& Mrs. Joseph CrIlZ Jr., Natalia Ferreira, M.... &:. Mrs. Francis

.. Catherine Teeney. $15 Thom'as J. Roderick, Donald James. $12 Antonio de Barros. . . $10 ~r. &: Mrs. John Cabral, Mrs.' David Crosby;. ).VII's. James Hal-. lett, 'AlVaro Mattos .Sr., Mrs. Jerry Murphy. . .. Antone ." J. .Frazier, Alvin Souza, Mrs. Walter Cobb, Mrs. John J .. Johnson, Mrs. Evelyn Sylvia. John Duart!!, Terrence Rogers, John Lahteine, Walter Butler, George McGoff. John McGoff, 'Cotuit Grange 1318, George Fardy, Gilbermina Couto, John Cotter Sr. Margaret Cotter, Katherine Cotter, William H. Carpenter John Bo~o, John Souza. ' George Souza, Alfred· Martin, 1 John Harper, William P. M.c-' Evoy, Mrs. Howard Monroe. Louis Bowes, Charlel Stavredes, John J. Sullivan. Guilhennina Barrows, Peter Ferm.illo, Anonymous, Benjamin .PerTY Jr., John Baptiste. John Perry, Robert Lebel, ¥arie J. Bruton.

1'ami:lT. . $1• Italian-American Vets-Women's Auxiliary. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Lima.


R. A. WilCOX CO. OFFICE fURNITURE. . 181kodr ... lamed&ate OMI.....





,Jib'. Lino Tiberi.·

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Thibodeau, .Paul Sansouci, J'ohn Murphy, Albert. Desmaraia. 'RObert Desi'oc:hen. Herbert \IrvinC.






A Delicious Treat


George Sr. ST.


~ND ~fRS


lin. Bertha Leonard,' Louis



ST. JOSEPH'S. '$10 ' Mr. &: Mrs..Frank Mello, Robert H. Johuson Jr. .




.Mn. Le1Bld B. Sinith. Mr. Mrs. F. Whitehe~ . $15 ·Helen F. McGurk, Mr. & Mrs. The Stone Family,Mr. &; Mrs. M. -Sutton,·.Mrs. Dennis S. Mepire, ~r.. & Mrs.' James Mur- Alexander Weldon. ,/ $1. phy, Mr. & Mrs. William I. Mr. ~'Mrs. Dominie Mclte~na, Quinlan Jr. ,Mr. &: Mrs~Thomas Blake, Mr. • ST. CASIMIR Mra. Earl LaMarche, Mrs. James $100 Doy~, ,Mr." 6:. Mrs. - .Jo.seph Rev. Joseph F. ·Sutul•. H~. '.: . OURLADY'/ OF'" ~ . . PERPETUAL HELP . '"..


. Mr: &:

. ' 16' .' . Mrs. Eug~neMolnnlcld.


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Asserts Class Conflict Philosophy Is Outmod~d

Thurs., June 4, 1959


Sacred Heart

_ By Msgr~ George G. Higgins Director NCWC Soeial Action Department

In th~ April 13 release of this column passing reference was made. to a book ent~tled "American Labor in Midpassage." The ?ver-al~ theme of this collection of essays by a group of Journahsts anq labor economists is that labormanagement cooperation is communist and genuinely' confor the birds and that those cerned about the welfare of his labor leaders who favor it country. He is idealistic, almost will eventually have to be to a fault. replaced by more militant agitators if the. labor movement is to fulfill its alleged destiny of promoting the class struggle. The publication of one ·such book in any given year would- be more or less p.ar for the course and would not be par tic u larly new sw 0 rthy. There is re~son, however, to sit up 'and take notice when two such books are published within a period of less than two months, as was the case this Spring. The second volume, written by a very sophisticated and articulate labor leader, Sidney Lens, is entitled "The Crisis of American Labor." Like the earlier book it repeatedly makes the point that class conflict is a necessary ingredient of effective trade unionism.' , And again like the earlier volume, it calls insistently for the establishment of a third political party as an indispensable means of promoting the interests of the working class. In Marxist Tradition To werest tile fl~or of Mr. Lens' bOOk and to Buttress my oontentioB that itslHlderlying pl'lilosophy, like that of the earlier 'book, is basieally in the Marxist tradition, I should like to cite. couple el excerpts Oft the subject of class eonfliet and the dass struggle. . ./ Page 83: "Having narrowed U. 8ights from the interests of labor as a. class to that of a single union or group of unions. business unionism bas' narrowed its philosophy. Instead 'of a conflict of interests, it sees an identity or near-identity of interests. Instead of a policy of struggle, it operates on a policy of accommodation." , . Against Employer. Page 223: Mr. ·Lens notes with sadness apd regiet that "Imperceptibly there has been a decisive change in the caliber of leadership in tlie mass-producing big unions. In the thirties the symbol of new unionism was the agitator, the fiery fellow in his twenties who damned the boss. . . . "He was a dYnamo who had eut his eyeteeth on a socialist, communist, Lovestonite, Trotskyist, or Wobbly dogma and whose barbs blistered with emotion. In that period there was one tront: againSt.' the '. employer. . • .....

"Whatever the specific .tactics and the final dimensions of lahQr's goal." he writes in the final paragraph of his book "one thing is certain. The only ~eans' by which labor can make a new step forward is through new crusades that inject idealism. more idealism, am!' still more idealism. And that, incidentally applies to American soc:iety a~ well." ", I have no reason to doubt the sincerity of this fervent appeal for a rebirth of idealism, but I regret that Mr. Lens almost invariably defines idealism in terms of the class struggle. His unfortunate tendency to judge the American labor movement almost exclusively by standards which, in· the last analysis, derive from the philo&ophy of Marxism fs all the mdre regrettable in that it almost ,vitiates a book which, in other respects, has much to recommend it as a penetrating, if somewhat distorted, .critique of labor'. faults and imperfections.

Accents' Ne~~'of Lay Missioners in Africa SEATTL:E (NC)C"'Few people in the world feel, as needed as the ·Chu.r.ch's. ·lay missionaries in Africa, according to Father Andrew J. Dufault who spent U yeers there himself. Father. Dufault,- a member of the White Fathers who came here from his headquarters ia LQll' ~les, expIHined that • sbmonth trainiqg program C!ODduded ~ the, Los Angeles arebcUocese under dil'ection Msgr. Antheny J. Brouwel.1s has- been • great sour~e of American 1&;" missionaries fOf." Afrka. . "A few of the people trained have been husband'-and-wife teams but most of them are single persons," Father Dufault said. ', ..·Those who~ bave been there for a wbile alwayS write' baek and'say that if p~ople' only' knew how badly 'Africans are in need· of instruction and training in so ~any areas-farming,. building and health fields, to name a few -more would go over to help out."

U.. T H ~II'

If ,SUfficient s~a~ewere a~ail- ~'JiCH'E M~I able, many smular . ~xcerpts .... . . . '.. . could be cited'. It would also be .. . .. ' interesting to sample' Mr. Lens' .' . ,.I.TCH E·N S· .. flattering references. to Socialof f,· dI 1sts of one kind or another, and, fleD y wood eonversely, his rather patronizWarm aJld compaDi~able, 'with ing references to non-Socialist _ y work-saving convenience. labor leaders. . ••. ' in DeW NATURAL FINISH, George. Meany, for example, is referred to as a thoroughly .. dloiee 01 lovely colora. honest man who "ideally fits the Send coupon for colorful bookrole of president of the AFL-CIO ~. abowing new model kitcheDL .t this historical juncture." If you " ' think that this is acompliqlent Moil Coupo.. follor l to Mr. Meany, bear in mind that, ---~~--...-),---------­ in the opinion of Mr. I,.ens, the AFL-CIO has fall~m upon evil . , .. • ' '. ' .







·,,·.Lumber: C·o. Inc."

Sincerely .In rejecting Mr. Lens' out.:. ,,' , . , . ' . moded philosophy· of class· con.,. 'Middleboro Rc)~d. Route 18: flict I would not want to leave the impression that he is a cyniEAST_ FREETOWN eal or subversive influence in the American labor movement.I',lplanfobullclD ..modelD.PI..... . - _ I He is a dedicated labor leader, koIol.. witll pIcIw.. of _ . -.lei who, 10 !he ..., of my k~W'-l"":' edge, represents his. membership _ . honestly and effectively. . ' .Mr. Lens ia aincerel7 anti- ' -

1Ut_ I I


Continued trom Page One parish to have the Enthronement ceremony, but 'the first young married couple. Father Oliveira first heard of the ceremony a few months ago when Rev. Francis Larkin, SS.CC., national director, spoke of 'it at a Legion of Mary curia meeting. The' Taunton curate preached on the ceremony and also requested Legion of Mary members to mention it in their home visiting. The results during the three months since that time have been 13 families dedicated to devotion to Uie Sacred Heart and to propagating the reign of the Sacred Heart in the world. / Father Oliveira reports that he plans to make the Enthronement .·a parish project,' with special emphasis on it during June, tM month of the Sacred Heart. Unusual Couple The Mattos, in addition to being the first young married couple to participate, are unusual in the fact' that Mrs. MattOl; is a non-Catholic, and not only is enthusiastic about the En': thronement, but also has joined with her. husband in a nightly rosary, as a result of a Family Rosary Crusade which Father Oliveira, has carried on in the parish fQr the past three years. At.- the ceremony of Enthronement, the family gc;thers around the picture or statue of' the Sacred Heart while the pries( blesses it. The blessing is. followed by an Act of ConsecratiOll and a prayer of Thanksgiving, ,FEAST OBSERVANCE TOMORROW: The Catholic after which the priest and mem~ World will observe the Feast, of the·Sacred Heart tomorrow. bers of the family sign the cerThis painting by Brother Nicholas Waldeck, S.M., portrays tificate .of the Enthronement, Christ's regret at the outrages against His love. NC Photo. which is framed and hung near" .the image of the Sacred Heut or kept in the family archiVes. Relatives and friends are • SOUTH ORl.NGE (NC)-'nle Pather Ja.mes J. McQuade, yited to attend and the ceremo&y second World Congress 01. Sodal- 8.J.. director 'of the National IS usually followed by a small ' lties 01. Our Lady. to he 'held Sodality Service Center in 5t. -Party.' Several indulgences' are .... here in New Jersey ibis sum~ I...ouis, says: mer will Ien'e. to "awaken "We ha;ve to rise- a\leve our- tacbed to the ceremony and .. Amerkan Catbolia to· the need .selves, above the Barl"OW limits other devotions to the Sa~'" Heart which axe suggested,' sua for OOoperatioa with o~r fit our immediate .•~vironmeDt•• . above even. our diloceses and as . observance of. First FritHw1 countries and international or- Dation in the- interest of Chri5t and· of the Feast of the Saend H~ ganizations." izl aU the world."

. Sod'alists Stress Cooperation Need






~LADDl:NLY -Hl:CAN"T. 6k.rvON fi,

· "'HE ril-OutJi.G: IN ·L.ESANt9N· QU/€Tl:O, · YOU/Ii~/P,B. CHAPLAIN 11M. AHE"A1~1I/ id SACI'! A BOI.l/i!.O .THe ~ANr. .' ClV~~/t:R CONCO/?OtA ,~~~-

Fl.Y. HE' .1£I£.T -CAN'T"· FO~CE HIMge:l.F . TO Fl.-Y. THAT'!;' WHAT· HE' TEt.'L~ Ug.l-lE~/a

8!<EN. ONE




£: ."10


Senior Week



._: . . . . .



Thurs., June 4, 1959 DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER: MASS. . ....

SpotIJighting;pur. Sc~ools ,-


. W d S'I' ross or, uhon

Ma·rYknoll. Bishop Walsh R~p'orted­ .W,ell LJnde.r ~~mrn.u,nistDomination .

~ HONG KONG. (,NC)-The last . ever sihce" he was ;arrestedb1' '·'BIT. S:r.'MARY·S, ",',. ·S',l'.:MARY·SH.IGH,,~. ".' 0 p. S,.c;atholic;: missionary in 'the·Chinesecolli'munists.in'·Octo::'FALL RIVER'· " . .T;'\.UNT,Ol\f .... ~hiJ:Ia"J~ish.qp Ja!T!el'! E.· Walsh, ber, 1958. The' Reds refused to " .Margaret' Gi'iffin"and'C~~ole' .' B,LE.S, S. .lVI.M.,, is ,,"now ·weIr!. but· still divulge' any' i'nformation' about . a Sh , b er,. 19 58 , Vi h en Grace of the class of 1960 will' " '~Once Upon Dream... will bE! A"CO'-;YTE " under Red .. . d e t en t·Ipn !n .. al1g- .h"1m un t'l I D' eceI;I\ " t h e theme for the annual senl'o'r .D h.ar• h ospla, 't I .l1ccord'109 t.0'a' b' , that he had been "'-attend . a ·week of citizenship rtef ' they announced "training ,from' June 12 to 19"3t 'JProm'8~ ~et 'for:. Monday: n!.ght~ '·D IACONATE report' received here.' arrested for' violations of un.. ,Teachers . . C 0 1'1" B·d·· .. · te r. school ~,' • .COD.D'IO·I'O CD .· s peci'f'Ie d Ch'mese . 1aws.· " . ege, 1'1 gewa Dune, . .m· th,e . , 'aUdltorl.um. , . u.n." The 'info.rmation is' the' 'first '.\M·" . 't argare WI'11 repres e n t 'Joh'n" ' . ecoratlOns ' . ' wI1LlOclude.flowers,..... . • '. " . •SEE,'S"I I news 'of t1ie'68-year-'-6ICl Bish·op,' ... Bishop. Walsh went to China :.•' t'" ·St· ff r' d ','Au'x'I'II'ary" .a. swmg, and s.peclal drapes.. . . '.' I ',' ." •.••. ... os er a 0 • '''p t fl' · i f · · l l ......; DE"'~ESSAYIIG"A' .p.. '~a- native of' Cimiberland, Md:, 10 1918 as a. Ilps.sioriary,•. one" of "....... 1 F 'k.L Allen ;Post 'of ;. aren s o c ass 0 Icers WI ...., l.~" ",,--aro e, ~an. . ' . .' ,chaperones. ~. . '·'since a report" of three' months the first Maryknoll .Fathers to the AmerIcan LegIon. .. , ...... ·.:I~TREAT.DECT.ORS-'·;,ago. that' lie1"was nor··~ell· a:hd. '(iO.:S().' After his'consecration-'as "'" . .;i " 'Cause of Our Joy Sodality"~ill . PORTE~ICA • had 'beeninovedin February 8 bishop in 1927. he served as .be host to the Sodality Union~of' PRIESTSIO.RD.I. NAL .frOQl8 comm4nist prison. to the, Superior. General of the Mary. '. ~ ~ . . ... the. Diocese T_uesday; June 9.' . -. Shanghai -hospital. knoll· Fathers· -from· 1936 ,"to .Continued fr~m Page On~. . .Election of officers'will be feaYES~ARPSIlEST. ' . . '1946: ' . ' '.' .At of Sunday af~ern~ori 3irgirls:" fured, wfth 'Le~na Moriit,St..'STESIMEIIE'ORMI. Tti~ :rei>OrtSdidnot,'disclo~ ' . . .~:'i Will' graduat~ fro.m Jesus-Mary. Mary's prefect in charge of hoS. . .S.RAIAINIARS.' Uie . ,nature . of ,'. the Bishop;i ,'.. , H~ returnedoto. China.,in 1~~8, Academy.- Meeting. in, the acad~ .' pitality. : .,. ';" . '. . . . earlier.' illness identify' th'e' , ~ ..y,ear .1;lefor~, ,t1~e . commums~ . ,!: 'auditor,iuIT,t, they 'wilrhe~r '. ". . .' ' . . '" . . . . ;". 'EXORCISTS .. hospital .'wberehe is,'now, itay:'· .took .over. the .-:countr~.. UntIl j. ~ ,addre'ss by : Rev·...:·Alfred· . .' .?th.er.. Semor We~k .act~v~bes: ....~ ORIENTS . . in''-:'::.:''" ' . . . . . . : , . ; It?51 ~he .BlsllOP serv.edas execu', ... ",,'De t r S·J· .of HolyCross' 'WI... l.nc~udethe'.aimua1 o,uting, . . ' . ' ' . ' , ' ... A \'t d '.. ·;Ive,secr~tary. of th~ Central I ,sa~.e~, .. " ' . .' . . . ' . . to Nanaquak~:t, "seffoi' ·Wednes~.·· . . ".- '~i\DGE' . " .. '. : ' . ;;':;:" ... rr.~s.f:...: . ',' .. "' Catholic.l311n~au·".which coordiii··College.. __..-B,lshop Conn~lly:,. .w.lll. J ....." "1'0' , . . communIon· , ' .. '..... ".' ..,; .Th.e.. :,:whe .. re.a. b.o.u,ts. and. co.n.dl.-.,:. na'ted ··Catholl·c· .. m·.I'ssl'o'nar'y' 'and.,' ." :' ,1-;. • ..... .:' ' , , ... , . , .., ' ...... , . '. ,.ay"., ..llne ... , .. a ' -I-~sh~e., ., ; " ' , ' " . ;.. ~>; "breakfasf'and' Baccalliureate.· " . ,.~i~n. ~f'13jshop Vf!11sJ:q~av.ebeen:.,:--welfar:ew:ork,:in', China. The·,. ~1: ··~ridaye,vening·.at8'~he,grad ...,:· M'ilss'and graduation;·' Sundli"';'··," .. ,·~'.subjest of. ~i.despre.a4jQt~rest, :.c6~rii.~nists'.,.,l;10~e~, the' bureaa.· i·_tlon of 34 .bo.ys from'·Pr:e.vos~:.June 14" ';, , .. ' , " ,c. '. . '. '. . • "'~"". . . .', ' that year a d mo" e d th 'B' h Pai'gh School 'is 'scheduled.: Ad- . _'.'" ..' ,.- ". ','c'" .'. ··'·AN~W ..ERS:l. ,(c,);Z (b,)',3(b)',. h~'II' n ,. ,.r ,e,ls oP', , I ' ". --' ' ... : , to, ~hru~t ;:,t~e. KiM ·rectory·" in , 1'.·dieSSing. t.hem,; . wilJ' :~.' :: R~v,., . 4 '(II); iHb>; 6,(d)'; T(b); 8 (a) .. , ',:'" ··C.'ontihued·: "f'r'om".... Pa.l;e'·O·..:.;,I ':; SJ:tan.~ha.i.:,.,.'T.h.e:;Bi.shop:ha.s ..b.een.. . !, ~fll:r<l BOlsv~r:t. school a~,ml,n- '" C 0 '1 ~ d t . ,'." i=-~·to·r· ... Ex.e·'r<;'I·.·s·e,s :w' 1·1,1'·.·"-_'.h~.ld ' .... '. . . : .... , .... '.',.. , ,:.,-.,' '. .'.,:<.' '. , " ,He . . stressed' ..co,'.'.' '~n er VII' ual }~ou.searrest lImce, _.... uc ,po~ab0'c1 of. Amel'1c!'. t: 1953., . .' .... . . . !' .... Notre Dame school audito~'f Conbnue~ from Pa!:'e pne·. ',' .. ' . :·the·.·impOrtance·· 'of "creative ..... . ';;.'" . ':'.' ~m. -- - , . • :,' ·'.,.',L : , : 'iion ~hich 'led to thescholllrshlp ;:' Co'ntin"ed from Pa~e One .. jhi(lking~~ ifi'the development Of ~;. . .' . :..... ji .-'Sixty':fourgirl.s graduate .' a~ard;C .~.'., ," ~:t . ; "i~ drawn ,for the' ponies, giftOl.new.front{ebf;in,.research:':: . ' ....>:c., ; ' , ,.......,.. .., ~ --:!:' trOm, S 1i.c red .Fie.art~ Acade1'l1Y at·:. T~e 'p~~sentations were ~ade Bishop Coil'nolly: . ., ': ~An" educational . survey 're' :MondaY afternoon, June .15th.. : by. L'Union' S1. Jean Baptiste' ' . . ', Other' Prizes " veals that the 'limiting Jactoron,' " . , .1' Rev.·P~trick. . .::' ... 'o'Neil1"will~ be . . ' N9 n -pony 'winners will have' dheworld!s reSource's 'is'not '~a,;,.~ . .' f; .... ... ' . ' .'. d!A~el'ique,; ,Franco -'AmerIcan " ' h t th " F" ' . '" ... , ' , . :j; e6'nimencement speaker, lin d · ' ..a ~ a!lce a . 0, . er .prIzes, Ive ·tel'lals,-energy'or food butbtain ".,., ;1; B'fshop'Conllollywill b~ present.' fraternal society which'.hashad.. · puppies are also·; to be· given. 'P.Ower,"he·'said......' . . ";'-' i' . . , ..... , . • " .' .. " . ,. a .. scholarship fund for -junior, . " n add't' n··· t b y" nd ', ..' , .. ~'. '..' L Coyle High School: will gradaway,' 1 . 1 10 O. 0 s a . , members 'for 43,·years. . . . l' b' 1 Th d " l l ., ~te .its senior's at ~ Monday gIl' S' ICYC es. . e' awar s WI . even~ng; ..June. 15, in ·.the scpool A.' tot~loi 11 scholarships was' climax' a . mammoth parade i' auditori!1 m , .wjth Bishop e,o~"; award~d : thi~ ye~r, w.ith 32.0. stu:';; planiled for 4 . each aft~rnooti of JIiII>. ;:'n.olly distribJ.lting diplomas, J:ohn .dents, in 'competition ·for· them." .the picnic. All 8,000 .children' in .. . i IlIanl}lng, ~.D., Fall :R~ver pedi o. Stariiey . placed "first 'among attendance each day of the afatrician; '.' and.. a . ' member "of . M!1ssa~husetts entrartts ';lnd' fifth'fair .will .partiCipate. marching. Helen' Aubertine Brough, . . :AI.i·~LBANESE._ fr~p .. : ,~ Coyle's class of 1939,.will.speak. nationally w h i 1 e Jacqueline according 'to schools·.·· , .... . Ow~er and ,Director· . ,'.• '.: ...,'. ~. ':l.. .', ,\ ~-_ '.' .•• 'i . St.' Mary's Church wilL1?e the' ;. 'rank~d si~th ilationally. ' . :,·Special.picnic ,__ :aJtire!:~ ~ev. ,'. Desigoi.nc(~· Ma~ufl1eturi ... SpaciO~s:.'Parking:~r~a , ... :I~ ROBESQN.ST" ·.NEW BEpFORD llCeoe'of St.'Mary;s··high.school. Stanley ,says "his mother' i'al_. . Edward 'J; . Gorman, Dlo.cesan '. . 'WY,S2~295~ •... <Jast .above Shaw~~tA.e. . ' ·1.1£8d~ati().n: .,.lit\yhich 36. ~irIS,.' ways has l1iS nose in a :b09k'." Fle. ~uperint~nde~t l?f ~.chbols, .~ys '. .;! .will r~ceiye. diplomas. To. 'be 'hl!sn~f yet.:,decided ,wnaf high ; The chlldre.n may,w:ear .what-. ·l.Z':AII~n',St.' .:New.lled!ord ·WY'I-5142' .:--' OS3~074. • r • • ., ,_ •• 1<, held at 3Su.ndaY afternoon, June school or co}Jege he will. attend, . ever, Jh~y WIS~' a~ long all the~ Ji ..14, .the commencement sp.eaker:but 'at prese,nt. his chief. scholarly' have. a, goodt,lme .. , .... . I: .will ~ be I,{e,v-.JamesI,.yons.Rt... interests are iilhistory .and ien- ~, . Tran~port~tlOn' ~.nd chaperon-' • ', ~ r J,tev... M,Sgr;.., ..J:ames .J., .Oqlan•.. eral scie'nce. Outside school,:.he age w~ll be· provlde!i by~acb. . \' p~stor~o(S1. Mary's, will distfib-,- el1joy~ ·.stainJ)' 'collecting 'al1~ :-pa~ochlal sch?ol; and vol~nteer. " ate: displomas:. :. .. . boating. Summer plans include dnve~sand chaper<~ns WIll ·be \. 'y. - The. two New Bedf~rd. high 8 good 'deal of the latter.. . w~lcomed. They wIll. be ad:1 ·schools have scheduled 'graduaL'k A 'mltted free to park amusements • I~ ri " 'd' . tions for Sunday, June 14, Holy .' .' , I n or er to super.vlse youngsters. \ Family High School at 7:30 in J~cquehne, lIke Stanley, hasn t -' the evening and St Anth • deCided on an after school career. )'at 8 . , .. . ony s. She will .attend the n~w Bishop ,BONNER FLOWERS ' .. .;' . Holy Famiiy, graduating' 35 Stang. high . s~hoOI In North.:, •. Specral'lstsm 2666.~NORTH MAIN ST. ·FALL RIVER . ',": boys and 48 girls, will hear Rev.' Da.rtmouth,. beI1~gone of the ,SpeC'ia-1 -FI01'al Arrangements :,~, John. J. Kelly, C.S.P., of ·the, ~::b~rs of Its pIOneer .freshman .TELEPHONE O~ 5-7992 :; Pauhst Information Center, Bos. • Funerals' • Corsages '~_ to~, as. sp~ak~r. Father Kelly. She's t:Iot. e~ci.table, says Mrs. • Weddings .• Hospital tJ will also distribute diplomas. Plaud",b.ut I.s:qu!.etly happy oyer ~: The ceremony will take place in her schola~ship awa~4. Her .out 2082 Robeson St. !\l" St. Lawrence's Church,. with:. :-?f scho?l Interests lOclude .;lot8· Fall Ri~e;OS~5-7804 ":: t3isliop Gerrard .iiI . attendllnce \ .of readlllg and art classes. She: Fifteen boys and 45 girls!wilr; '.·has taken formal instruction ,lor;' ,~ receive diplomas at ceremonies. four years, and particularly likes" , \\ in . S1. Anthony's High' S~J1o'6i" ·,painting:·'in·'water colors. ::: , .: .!' ':":~ .;~:, . • J, " ~i ~. ~1 ~;.. auditorium .•Fathey Rene, J.01a!1-,-,;'.,,, .Jac,queline ,anli S·t n ley's" '(j,: thier w~l!. ilddr~ss . gradl\ates. and.,;. s.cholarships a,re I)ot depenaent·, . FUNERAL ~OME, INC.: .. ..:.. \DQME~TIC &,HEAVY ,DUTX OIL.,BU~NE·RS. a. Ma'reel Roy':: C. Lorraine Roy:' ~':" 'i;i Bishop Connolly will preside. upon their high school or college : Roger LaFrance ,-t· IJ Rev. Henri Charest ad-" ',·grades, '·but'.' it's pretty certain;. :;1, dress the graduating class., of that . both., will continue to'sel' . FUNERAL DIRECTORS .. . '.r. 'Sacred Hearts Academy, '·Fair-. records of scholastic exCelleJ:lce.! MAIN OFFIC'E '-' '10 DURFEE,ST:.,FALL RIVER' "..·15 IRVINGTON' CT. 'l; haven who"will'convene in' the Their-tJamilies teachers"a'nd'thet NEW' BEDFORD .. . ..... !,;, acad~my cJ1ape~ at 7:30 ~unday, whole Dhces;n ~('hool sys~emi, .WY 5-7830 'I'.. eVen.i.n~ ;June'1'4:' ; ." . '- .. ""';-,',,;)0 cau'beproud:of:'(hen4" " ;', !.. " .4',


'NDIN··. oms.




. ..







d" , .. ,



, -'


Facts,:,of Faith,' .

. S ''''h' '1'a" rs. h'· ps. .' .


- '!

:.: :' ; .. --

. .,St'"'''' ·one S' chool,' " " '. :" .' ...' . . 'P'lcnlc



. . n.. !. ' ; .



Fune','~i .Home -~.








;,.,' Ii








. : G'ERALD . E.






.-.WEBB 'OIL' (0.






Sales - Service:'" Instcillation



05"5-7484:" ¥







Hew"F,11 Ri,erCYOcLeagu~


PointS:' to 'S'uccessful,S'eason '.


"By'Jack KiReavy :,::


."BishoA$:' Conf,irm "300 ,in' P,citisj


. i ; , " ' , soiru~r8efBigli"S~liool'Cc.aeh' \,~" ~'"" ..." Th~ Fan \ River t~YO'Airimrii Lea:gue " was officially' launched last Su~day~:Ab~ace'of _gam~~ found 'Iiunulculate . Concep.tioti 'edgii\g Sf. Tho.mas" Mor~ .. 3-2, an,d ,'st. ftfarys takingS~. Ant~ony of Pa«;lua into' ,camp, ~2; A' ~ost' J~f college ~ and former hi~h pion, .is': makil~g ,"its ~ eco n d school ~tars grace the rosters su'ccessive appearance 'in, the of the six-team circuit which playoffs. Last year the Warnors is designed to give the young went out in the initial round,.

~ PARIS (NC) -;- Thr~e. bun. 'dred 'adults who had received 'religious ins*ruction at;' special "centers were confirmeq,' in the Faith in' solemn 'cerem,onies ill Notre D'ame cathedral""ere. His Eminence MaurIce Cardinal Feltiri, Archbishop of Paris, presided, and the sacrament was administered' by severa~,bishops. The adults,' both inen and women,had taken intensive courses at'Paris' three specialized centers for religious instruction, which are all manned by priests specially trained in the religious education of adults, The organized courses designed supplant the old system :of hasty instruction giver prrjslJective converts within the parishe& 'Under the former setup, both convinced persons, ,~n~ those seeking Baptism merely te marry a Catholic in the i Church, generally received only superficial instructions, with the result that many became Catholics ill name rather than practice.

men of th~ area an opportunity but we d~n'~ look f~r that to to continue in organized' ball happen thiS time. I~ righthander beyond the CYOage' limit. The' Al Costa, ~oach. Jim Burns has venture has met ,'. the best fhnger'm the area. The with enthusiasWarriors boast plenty of power tic' response at the p.late, too,. w..ith Pete and all s i g n s Gozola,._Pete. Bartek and ~osta point to a most the mamstays. successful sea-' Wareham Repeater son. Backl!~ainfora shot at the The annual Class B diadem that has proved Eastern' Massaso elusive ~e past three years chusetts.'Schoolis Coach Clem 'Spillan~'s War.eboy Baseball ham team that tied With WhltTournament is man for Old Coloney honors. scheduled to get The Capeway.,nine w~nt all the underway today and the area: is way, to ~he fmals last year bewell represented in all classes· fore bemg' stopped ~y South of competition. Specific pairings ~oston.. Wareham ~1l1, d~aw were unavailable at this writing eIther Dighton, Narry ~hamplOn, but Bristol County entries Coyle or runnerup Somerset. and Durfee were slated to go Coach Walt Scanlon's Dighton against Bay State's best in I:ions ~ho breezed to the Narry Wellesley' and runner:up Wal- title WIth a 10-1 rec~rd are Ie making their first tourney apVATICAN CITY (NC)~Pope po . pearance in recent years.'EssenJohn has awarded the. Order 01. New Bedf~rd,. which was tially a Rnior team, Dighton St. Gregory the Great' to tM selected off Its .line unbeaten win pin its fortunes on the arm UN,DER. HAMMER AND SICKLE:•.Some 3,000 Cath- crew ,of the Air France jet-powrecord to fill the lone pool berth , f'· .d J k T' th .' . • ered Caravelle plane which fle1iP in Class A drew a tartar.in 0 POrtsl er ac ()rres, e ohc youths from East Germany, despIte mterference of . ..' . f' 'd boy who has made the club go. C . t th 't' " d' '1" .... th .. ·t· SomervIlle for I~ ,Irst· roun Secondbasernan Ron Boyce and: ommums, au .on les, Jome m a pI grlmage w e CI Y him to Lourdes last year. ," dedicate the Basilica of St. Pi. . ., . o~ponent. Som~r.vll1~, a pen:n- Torres, who 'also hits as well as 'of Erfurt, site ,of ~ 12th Century Catholic ·basilica.NC Photo. . X. Dial tourney ent,ry, IS chamJ)lOn he hurls, give the Lions a solid . , . The Pope received .the' . .of ~e .Gr,eater. Boston League. one-two punch at the plate. and the directors ~f the 'Frencb The. Crimson Will ~o d?ub,t fa~e Somerset.· back in circulation national air'line in spe~iar ~ucti­ Erme ,Dur~te, ,So~en:llle's ~ce aitera year;S re~ite"h8s had ,ence and thanked, the", ' aga'in .starter, who .hasn t lost ,a,. hIgh an, in a~d ,out 'season and defies for the. courtesy they accorded . school game lD,tw~yea,rs. '.' ,cataloging. Etfe«;tive pitching VATICAN 'CiTY (NC)~Tr~f,The square wall tr~nsfomied ',. Holding ~own the· sh\?rtstop and reasonable Sound defensive fic safety depends ' above' an into a miniature town center, ',.,hi~ as papal legate to ~\lrde.. The Pope, then C:>r(li!Jill ~~n­ ,,,,for coach Donoghue:s G.B. ,litlists play iU-ethe team'~ trademarks. eise on 'commonsense, courtesy with .treet. erossi~gs, .traffic is Gina DeSarcina, ~,lad' whom Down, thro~h the', lineup are' a . and patience ~ith others, Pope. lights and ·signs.' ,C~mpeiit~rs calli, was flown with a parti .. you Tech Tourney fans saw, ,a host of iong ball hitters but John XXIII told an audience in were required to travel. a pre- Vatican officials lU adOll'Om great deal of in the 1959 basket- averages we don't have.'lt:s the st. Peter's Square, tUrned' into IICribed course on foot. in minia- Lourdes for the ceremonies-. ,ball extra~agan%8., Pq"er hitter. type of 'club that· Could get a one-day' trafficsehool. Gath- 'ture ears;, on bicycles or OIl March, 1958. o~ tOe Some~ille ~ine, is out- . whaled right ofl the bat or per- ered within' its confines were motorscooters. ' .fIelder Jerry Harrmgtt>n .w~o haps come around"and make'its 150 junior' high school students - . -~1' hMan . with Mass.in has been touted - by Greater presence felt: . from all parts of Italy comPeting St. Peter's Basilica for last year's Boston coaches, the' best outNew Bedford Undefeated" ina highway education 'contest. ......" or .mJ.i'ic accidents. The fiel~~r in.sc;hOOlboY baseball. New Bedford is the only un- The aim of the program it; t4j, , Pope appeared at a window in i.ff.arrl~t~~~~~~e,a.4~~,b~~- defeated~amjn,ClassA,though instruct children in highway the Vatican at noon and spoke ..."tang ~~~!age ,!n~ ~~ tC?.~;r'1e1,j <l,t1)er~ 8f:ew:~. t:Ilumber -,of . schools, rules and regUlation-B. : 'to·the-, participants. ',.' ',,;

Pope John Bestows Award on Jet Crew


Pop e John" Sa'fety' . .,','Say's .' Tr'aff.·c· .', ' ." """'",', Depends U, pon ·Comm.on Sen,se,.

~';'.. ,.Coach",Ch~l~>,:


il.C;:~Y~~, ii',$Q.D).~~ille' (~and-;. ,Arch-




".prQbablfgo, ,,'!Vitil,. ace., r~/!tllt- bishop Williams among, th~m, "r . >" " :,' " haq!ler Bob. Parker" JlVtiO has that have been·~teri.,only ol)ce. "'PARIS eNC)-:-Maronite: PaUl, ",,:h~ng: ,;up, __,~ :,no,..hitt~r.. ,(~Q~th Ranqolph, (15-0); Hockamock ,Pierre Meouchi of Antioch was , "·,,QWn~y) aJl}~qe,:his,~b:j{lg."o~"J,l~- champiori,"al'Id' East"''-l)oston" feted»y theheap~ of Church and ." " , t beaten victories. ,The Cr~s9n ·(14-0) Bollton''District titlist,care state on·a;three·-da'Y visifh~e. , ' iG"~'E'" have a well-balanced club, one ,the' two entries" with"'unbleri:IThe Eastern Rite Patriarch' "" ,: .. ' "".,. of the soundest· to" come out pf·,J.shed,records inc,B' Competition., eame here' after 'conferring with New B~~ord in years. T~is Defending champion, South"Bo~- ';,His J'lQliness, Pope',John.XXIII at, .hould I?e:ql,l~~ !l.pa,ll game. { .ton" will ,be "oJ),hand ..to"defend the Vatican. Because of France's '.t :Entetirig .~'lou'~nament I for ..J ts .laur~b!' arid pOssibly :aet. a long tradition, of"serving as pro,; SERVICE '" , the "ilinpte'enthr:;tirn~t'",nderthe ,t~ird· shot) at·Eastie .: ill' ·the ,,·,tector of -.the, Christians.,of the " Urban'~ ,aegis ' is f': a, "potentially :"l)argain. ,': " Lebanon,. be· was .given ,,_ "'River OS 8-5677·~ 653 Washington, StNeI .r' , . , . strong Durfee·· .iiine. The HillTI)e, tourney ·will ,continue on fic~al welcome. , toppers went aU' the :way in '57, through next week with the Fairhaven . WYJIHIII 4-5051 373 New Boston ROCMI defeating Springfield '''Tech, 4-3 quarterfinals scheduled for Monfor the state-wide crown. Last day, the series, Wednesday and year Durfee advanced to the *be finab! 011 . Saturday. finals before losing to NewtOn. ,. _,;.;....;,.;......;. _ Oi~$. Home made With .the notable. exception of Famous Reading H~RI:)~OAL ~........... """~ .. the outfield personnel, the Fall CANDIES : - iUverites' have . : ' veteran, . CHOCOLATES' tourney.:tt\sted" aggregation; NEW ENGLAND ·C;:OKE .. . '", ISO VarietieS DADSON :Oll- 'BURNERS ~ ." Coyle, Bristol COuntY" cbam-

Maronite Patriarch




.FeIn "


Dorothy Cox'.





'UO B .. BERUBE, MaT•. 95' Slade 8&. '1'ea. 0f.1 1-7836






: Fairhaven" Auto Theatre ..-. ;, ... ,r '. ,fAI~tfAY~N,


Structural Steel

633 Broadway, Fan liver

OS 3-1691.

055-7471 , . .... ".

GEORGE 'tit. MONTlEOver 35 Yean ., Somfied Service

'Pal liver

~"-,~# ,Oil' Bur~_~rv~':.. " Charcool Briqueti' ,

Bag Coo! -





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Successors to DAVID DUFF & SO.N 640 Pleasallt Street

Tel. WY 6-827l






New Bedford


os 5-7497



M., COL~tNS,'

C.L, ........

Reeinered .Civil andStruetural Engineer llember National SocietY Profeuional Engineers

PlumWng -' Heating NO.



. 753 Dovol St.,' faR Ii".


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GLEN COAL & OIL CO., Inc. aestdenUal - Com_NeW Induswi"

Miscellaneous Iron


MAS$. ,

Palmcotors of and



I', d



SPEAKER: Sad Sam Jon. M 'the CeltiC,' Will· be the main speaker at the. testimonial dinner honoring the Santo -Christo cYO' basketball cbalDpioBl of Rivu.


.~- of,

SHELL.IPremium" Heating

" 'ROUTE'6'Near

• ,:,., •• ,

'reaL lHOMAS. It COLLINS, Sec'y•


M4 County St._ New 'Bedford





. .



F. Hogan, New Bedford.

'area director of Catholic Charities and/chaplain of St. Mary's Home'-can't , Complain of a: monotonous daily routine.. In left picture he exan;tines new lbaseball equipment with:home youngsters, including (left to right) Clare 'Pellerin; ,John' Irwin; 'Dodo, the bunny ; David Silvia and Norman ~ellerin.

At center he goes over records of infant adop.tions with Mrs: Mary Grenier; , Catholic Welfare Burea\l social-worker; and at rig.ht is admitted to visit prisoners at' Bristol County House of Correction 'by Deputy -Master 'William Lowther. The variety of Father Hogan's activities make him, in St. Paul's words,l"all things.to 'all men." . .. ' ". . '; . ..' . . /."

Wellbeing. Mo'st Jinprj-t:tant to Head 'Newly,~~)rdai·n~~. . '... ,', 'To Offer M ' Of New Bedford Area.Catholic·Welfare .. At' Ii ~t' 'lass.

,Bless' Taunton'" Children's · Sta'tue ·S~nday.· .

- A statue of Our Lady of · Lourdes in . front of St. . By Patricia McGow.an .: OSpl .... : Paul's .Church, Taunton, will R . R' 'J' W atts,.6.ue t . i.-_ 'th h'ld th t' t h ' t" . t ' t' • • t' h" . ev. .oger. E '. be blessed at 2 Sunday after. yeJ;yone 1oves .e c I ren- a s e mos Impor an . ImpreSSIOn you ge w en' d" d:' . B 'd . , .' , ;. '.noon, Jiirie 7: Rev. John' J. Grif- you step into St. Ma:ry's HOJ!le, New Bedford.:·AiId it b~gins with Rev. John l".. Hogan, . oro ame,' 1~1 rl gep~rt :t?:" ne . .of. ~~s : ,fin, pastor, will be assisted by its jovial. director. ":00 I know the, children 1" . he laughs. "DowJ;l to their, tonsils ;and' ' ~ r:o;: .WI; sf' · ,Rev. Joseph O'Donnell." birth:marks!;'.But there's ·much more .toit than that. St. Mary's.j~;1'ITew Beaford's..-on~Y,' : ~::Pitid~:~\~F' Ilt·R·An,~.~}J' :I:he f~ve~foptst~tu~ horw:r:ing children's home and all cases ", oile litltle fellow who rushed up' Iilue Cross progranlfor Diocesan Tuesday, Ju~~e9;" .a::, .. ~ve~~.. ~n ," . Our ~le~sed ¥pth.er.: ha.9 be¢n' ~ involving "J'uveniles needing .. 'and, tugged his, hand, "May. I .. perso~nel; and 'arrangements ~n j , Father.' ,Watts, ,son· of. Mr.. arid ... ~ollated, by .the S~. Paul's ..W o. "men's 'Guild 'in honor of ,living :. care; are referred to it;: :' see, YOU, iiq>rivate,' F,.~t.her?~' His. '. New, ·:a~dfo"d,·~he· Ca~e. and .. Mrs. ,WilfredA. Watts;~32:Woi>le,. ',' :'~'d~ceasedmemb~1:!l:> .: . . i~Wetl.·toniakeit'ahOrrie·offlCe<lsfull' of shIp ~od~ls, .)sla~ds on behalf o~ ~~e Pr()p- ,St~~t,.fa!lR~v:..eri.re~uestedthe · . The' . pr'ogram.'w1·11·, open wit.h . , ,. 'y. '" . . ',. F thO <: magazme .. racks !and" SImIlar ,aga~lOn' of the FaltlI .for the privIlege of/celebratmg hi the away from home says a er ff' 'd b h' h'I'd' 'd' t···· f 'h 'I' " , . , . , . .' , .•. , :.~ ~,Pt:oc~~sion ',from :tbe chlirch.' .. ,," "',,, , r h j 0 ermgs rna e Y t. eCl ren,. .ona IOn'.. 0 . c ~ Ices'I.m0~- hospital because. he was .born· Jt,a..l l of al.t.ar boys.... m,e.in.'.b.ers,· 0,f ,~og.an.. We. get .aYV;liY} o~b:' ~ '. and someone's always ready ·to, stran~es.. an,d cIborla as memor- .. there. IAuthorities at St. 'Anne's 'e FJ'rst' Comm'un'I"o'n' 'Class .Halls IOshtutIonal wherever e.. I run and cup .of'coffee. '". ials .for ' t .tIme .. and pooms, for p.OSSl mstance, . get him , ' .a .. . the " deceased: , sal'd't: I 'l'S3.. s :·'tt. such . e . fIrs th which will receive First Holy are painted in many different Fat~r Hog?~ I.sdlrector.. of .' The personal atmosphere of a request had .~ee~ made. . Commui1ion' the same day, the colors; individuality is main- CatholIc CharItIes for the. New the:home also characterizes the Th~ you.ng, pne,sts 'ser~er WIll Bedford. area and chaplam of Welfare 'Bureau. Hom'e children be hIS brother, Rev. "Albert W. ,Women's Guild, and. children of tained in 'children's clothes. . ·.the parish. "We i!end··them out to doctors", the Br~stol Co~nty House .of .. drop into it as a special visiting Watts, O,~,I., al~o to be ordained During the. ceremonies, the and dentists, "downtown to the C?rrectJOn. He IS a!so ch~plal~, .. place when t.heY~re downtOwn . tomorrow ..m, Bndgeport:. Father , ·First Communicants will be en- movie's, . just like' children at d1rector, o~ otherWIse actIve In . and colder.l?eople come there for . Albe~t, . wh~ '. worked at SL 'rolled in ,the Miraculous' Medal . home: We do ·things.en ,masse as a st~gg~rmg, host of other . help, too. Ther:e .was a·. littl.e old,' Anne s l!~SPlta~ as. a sc~~OlbOY, ~: and Scapular. " ' , . . , . . "little as we can.". Psychol~y> be- organI~ahons.• , _.' , . , lady., tr.y'ipg, tp tra.ce ,a .long:-ago ,also pl~ns...to 'say'. Mass In. tpe .. . The ·procession will befol-' hind this is that children sub."., They include the Ne'w B~dford '.' friefldof .whom she'had only' . chapel at: .an. ~arly, date:. .' , " 'lowed by a hymn, blesSing,plaC-jeCted to loo·.muchinstitutional- Particular Cquncq' of the' St. , the 'maiden -'.mime..Gently the The pnests' 'pare~ts' w~ll ~ ,~g .of fi()wers at the base of the 'ized routine' tend .to become Vincent de Paul .Society, the . of(ice" peJ,"soniJel suggested how ~rese~tatthe~assand,~he fam:.. "8tatue"and the Act·of Consecra- depEmdent< on it and unable to' Newman Clupof Bedford" she mightlocafeth~~riend, end-'· Ily. ~Ill .be ent7r~ained by· .the ·tion. > . 'adjust' .to. normal living condi-. Institute of, Technology, "the ~ i,:,g··by·Je.lling her to be sure to·· hosl?l~al.staff ata breakfast fQI· " The . statue, imported' from . itio~s when ·they .return ·to their Catholic NurseS' and~ 'Infant of .. ,c;~me· back if she h~d trouble. : lowm~. ' . ,. Italy, is of carrara· marble and· homes." . Prague Guilds.. and the New 'BusH' 'R'I d' .... · .weighs 900 pounds. The base, 'Weekly Meetings Bedford Serra .Club.. Ile's inuch . e axe. •. Com.bination of Tennessee and Each child entering'St: Mary's . in demand' .asa .. speaker' for 'Father Hogan·is,'a busy man; . ' . ' . .'. Caroline marble;weighs 10 tons. . is careflilly studied. His case' Cana and pre-Cana .Conferences. :- se~en,days a·week,but he takes· , The sidewalk leading.to the sta't-, comes up for. discussion ,at least Board 'of direcfors meetings c th,Ul,g~ as they c;o.Il)e: And·the· ," ' . ae is in-, the form .of a' cross: ·.A once .;l year at a wee~ly staff . pop up frequently,on his agenda. ' t th mg th,a~omesCOMPLETE t . .m os t Impor ta _n' ;;'Parishioner of St.:Paui's; Daniel meeting attended'by'the Sisters 'His memberships include the' Is:-the welfare of the chIldren " : Machnik, designed and executed . of St. Francis staffing the home," Red . Cross, Limited Disaster' .a.t ~t. Mar.y's; Do,wn to four year LAUNDRY. SERVICE .. the theme. ' t an.d the institution's ,social worker, Committee, Community Council, . old '.Cl are, th e younge~, 64 HICKS, STREET II... and Father Hogan:' Aim is, to Sol-E-Mar Hospital, Our Lady's .. D.~do, ~e!, pet bunn~, he s thell' NEW BEDFORD · i. Sn return the child to his home as Haven, the Mental Health Clinic, prI(~st. And of such ·IS the ~ing. WYman 3-4777 soon as possible, and to this and Aid to Physically' Handi- . d;.o_m;.;o~f_h~e~.~~v~e~n~. _ _~........~_::===~====:::;===~ end, parents must· visit. him if capped, He heads. the bdard of. r JENNINGS (NC) - The they are able. -. the Juvenile Control Bureau and . COME IN ~ SEE and DRIVE parishioners of Immaculate ConAlso helping to promote a serves on the Diocesan school ception p~rish in this Louisiana' ho~elike atmosphere is the In- boa·rd. . ' .: ' town are fast workers. . fant. ,,:,of Prague '~uild, ho~e. . The daily sc'liedule\afways in. The parish's new. elementary aux1h~ry."',~a.ch chIld .has: h1S cludes the home, ,wh~re he lives. ~he World's Most Bea~tifully Proportioned Carsschool' has been blessed by.,: own ,lady. m the. guIld. She '. and the Catholic. ·Welfare Buat Bishop Maurice Schexnayder. It . visits. hiin one night a month, reau. the latter in addition to is the second CathoJlfc school. . lo?ks at his school p~pers, adhandling the sa~e welfare servcompleted in this town :within.a mIres progress,' and m general ices as the Fall River office adyear-the .new school at Our' ~others· him. A birthd~y party ·ministers· a large part of' the Lady Help' of Christians' parish IS. sponsored mo?thly by .the organizational' work for 'the was dedicated· last October. gUild for every chIld celebratmg, annual Catholic Charities drive FORD DEALERS FOR OYER 38 YEARS Immaculate Conception parish complete, with presents, ice in the New Bedford . area' the · Was . established in' FebTuary, cream, cake, and all the trim' . 1344-86 Purchase'St. New Bedford,' Mass. 1956, with Father John Windt as mings. . pastor. In the first year the airBusy Sparkplug conditioned church and rectory The sparkplug for all this acINSURANCE AGENCY were built and a street iiI front tivity is. Father Hogan. His of the church was hard-surfaced. appearance in the 'halls of the All Kinds Of InsurancJ.· ; -In '1957, the Sisters" convent home. is the signal for a stamI Do You Wo,rk in a Facto"';, , wa.s built and a bell tower was pede of feet. towards, him. Typi'96 WILLIAM STREET Garage, Machine Shop or . .'added .' to 'the church'. The cal was ·the important request of NEW REDFORD. ~SS~ Gasoli~e' Station? ' . i»a~ishioners also purchased three .' Cathol.·c Pre'55 T,as'k' ·DIAL ,WV 8-5153 adjacen't lots 'forpossibleexpan,\ . " We piCk up and deliver, clean Personal. Service sion of the ·parish. plant; Total :15 to Publish' Truth ,'" ~1IIt:i~.. and repair overalls.. Also. we have cost of ·the·. operati~ns' financed· . .a complete line ot Coverails. Pants through building fund' &rives . VATICAN CITY . (NC)-'1!h'e' " C1nd' Shirts tor sale. ~as apptoxiinate~y' $200,0.00. main mission of. the Catholic" ,..--~.----"'!.~. press is to publish the' truth.. ;', : We ':reclaim 'and wash any oily, dirty or. greasy, rQgs. ·Ford ha in ESt'a blishes ' His Holiness Pope John x x I i I ' , . ' . , " has told the. Italian 'Cathoiic, Why. Buy Yf~~n We ,Supply >Lay Trustee Board· . press congress,: that· Catholic' .' NEW' 'YORK (NC)~Fordham newspapermen and writers must .'.,. '..:.1 • !University, has· established. a present the truth in relation to rboard .of lay truste~s,. the .first, . the .virtue of charity; .love for give~S ,G~eenSt~mpi ,in its' l1S-y'-.ear histqry,.to "00- ·one's· fellow man•.The :Holy ... ~, . ass~st and' cpoperate'! w:it~; father' aru;Iounced' betS '.pr,ep~r";; , 'Cor,;'er io~kd~i~ ~Av~~u. ': _. th.e administrationi·of the Jesuit:;· ing an encyclical'which, iricludes' ~ . r & Nortl':Skeet· "":,', ,; " -"2" R~warci A~e~. ·New.Bedro~'" :'.; . .•;....... ~. ,"~' :_.. ::':. ~~'~ .•:' .:: l.-.~_<~ . • Ib.... WY ....Gt!. 01" WY t~6'Z .. . " ,' Institution.·,i,'···· .··i., .";' " .. :,.·.c ~ the' motto; .. Truth··~bov.e·AlL .. :






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