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Lent, Holy Year Ask

The ANCHOR An Anchor 01 the Soul, Sure and Firm-St. Paul

Fall River, Mass., Thursday, Feb. 21, 1974 ....1 8 © 1974 The Anchor PRICE 1Dc Vo I. 18,1"'l1lI0. $5.00 per year

Mrs. Noonan Heads

74 Charities Appeal Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Ordinary of the Dioeese of Fall River, announced today the appointment of Mrs. Gilbert J. Noonan, well-known Falmouth businesswoman, as the diocesan lay chairlady of the 1974 Catholic Charities Appeal of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Fall River. This marks the first time that a woman has headed the Appeal in the thirty·three years' history of the Appeal. The diocese extends from Provincetown to Attleboro and the campaign will cover the five big areas of the <liocese, namely, greater Fall River, New Bedford, Taunton, the Attleboros, and Cape Co<! and the Islands of Martha's Vineyar<l and Nantucket. Mrs. Noonan, a native of Brockton and of St. Edward's

MRS. GILBERT J. NOONAN has been for many years, a paparish in that city, is now, and Turn to Page Two

Good Diocesan Response To The Anchor Drive The bad weather over last weekend notwithstanding, people of the Diocese gave a goo<! ini· tial response to the annual subscription and renewal dl"ive of The Anchor, the Fall Rivel' diocesan weekly newspaper about to begin its eighteenth year of publication. Since the beginning of the Second ,Vatican Council, people are realizing that they cannot depend for religious education upon talk shows and secular newspapers, however well-meaning these may be. There needs to be a clear-cut distinction between what is opinion in matters religious and what is faith and morals. Too often this distinction is blurred when discussing religion and here is where the diocesan press enters the religious education apostolate. There has also been goo<! reaction from many areas of the Diocese in appreciation of what is going on elsewhere. Parishes and individuals have taken example and programs from what they read in The Anchor. What has been found to be helpful in one parish has become a pattern for others. The next t,wo weeks will find more renewals and subscriptions to The Anchor and priests in charge of the drive in the 114

True Reconciliation "Repent and Believe the Good News," the optional formula for the imposition of ashes to inaugurate the Lenten Season, is a perfect summary of the Church's plans for Lent, 1974. To the traditional acts of penance for Lent, this year's Fall River diocesan thrust is toward Pope Paul's great hopes for renewal and reconciliation for the Holy Year. Diocesan-wide adult education programs increase the personal efforts of many to renew themselves, deepen their Faith and in· volve themselves in a more' Christian endeavor in the world about them. The announced program for diocesan-wide participation in the 1974 phase of the Holy Year cannot but bring to mind the many hopeful steps of reconcil• iation that will bring each Christian closer to God and to his fellow man. The personal acts of sacrifice and penance will purify and vivify the individual Christian to strive to 'better himself and herself so as to better reflect the Light of Christ through the individual's endeavor, the family, the parish, the diocese. The Lenten fasts and Friday abstinence touch upon all. The acts of deprivation make sacrifice real. The services to the abandoned, the sick, the homeless redouble the. zeal of a Christian's stewardship. The increased devotions warm the worship of God and the fellowship of man. It is not activity for activity's sake that is asked. It is a scripturally inspired effort, demanded of all Christians, adaptable to the individual, that seeks to purify, intensify and make alive one's religion.

parishes of the Diocese are asked to return the subscription addresses to The Anchor Off.ice so that corrections may be made and new subscriptions processed quickly.

Bishop Names Holy Year Committee His Excellency, Most Rev.. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of Fall River, has announced the formation of a Diocesan Central Committee for the Holy Year. Chairman of the Gentral Committee is Very Rev. Luiz G. Men· donca, V.G., pastor of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish, New Bedford. Members of the committee and their responsibilities are: Liaison with the Cathedral and Liturgy: Rev. Barry W. Wall, St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. Priests: Rev. Peter Graziano of St. Thomas More Parish, Somerset, and President of the Priests' Senate. Publicity: Rev. John R. Foister of St. Louis Parish, Fall River and Assistant Director of The Anchor; Mrs. Charles Landry of Seekonk. Tum to Page Four

The efforts at adult education, available to all, can be the penitential putting aside of leisure and the undertaking of serious and prayerful stady for one's own 'benefit and the eventual benefit of the entire Church. The realization that we are but dust and that we shall return to dust is a reality that each Christian must face and accept. But what did the God of Gen· esis do with that dust! What possibilities Christ made available to man in joining his poor but sincere efforts to His! What riches and vitality can come

from that dust if man is the willing tool of the Holy Spirit! Liturgy, programs and self penance are the Lenten possibilities that can bring each Christian to a full living of the glorious facts of his child relationship to the Father, his and her living of the fact of his brotherhood and sisterhood with Christ, the individual's value as a co-worker with the Spirit. Lent 1974 is a rich invitation to partnership with God come Wednesday. It is a great opportunity to see the needs in this civilization and make a unique Tum to Page Four

Lent Programs Focus·

On Adult Education The Lenten season is traditionally a period of renewalpersonal and parochial. Many parishes take the opportunity of the "Teachable season" to encourage religious education for the adults of the parish and the wider community. The Diocese of Fall River, under Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, Bishop of Fall River, in establishing an office of Adult Education, is responding to the crucial need for the continuing religious education of all Catholics, of all ages. The Bishops of the United States, in their pastoral letter, "To Teach as Jesus Did," emphasize that learning is a lifelong experience and that "the continuing education of adults is situated not at the periphery of the Church's educational mission but at its center. (No. 43). Many parishes of the Diocese, individually or in cooperation

with neighboring parishes, will sponsor Lenten programs of adult religious education. A number of programs have already 'been finalized, using various formats. Several parishes will use "Focus on Hope," a popular series, one of an increasihg number of packaged diS\!ussion programs especially designed for adults. Our Lady of the Cape, Brewster, Mass. will conduct the Focus program for parishioners on seven Wednesday evenings beginning Feb. 20. In Falmouth, St. Pat· rick's will center their discussion on' the Scripture and Family Life articles of the series on Wednes· day evenings. -beginning Ash Wednesday, from 8-9:30 in the School of Religion Hall. St. Francis Xavier, in Hyannis, will continue their Monday evening Gatholic Adult Information Turn to Page Two

Current Lenten Discipline In United States In 1966 Pope Paul VI issued an apostolic constitution on penance in the Church. Although this wa.s to relax in some degree the Church discipline of abstinence and fast, his primary intention was entirely different and more significant. It was to· call upon the Catholic people to become aware of the call to deeper conversion of soul and to do greater penance. In particular, he stressed individual and community responsibility to perform not only the traditional acts of physical penance but above all prayer and charity. At the same time Pope Paul enumerated the penitential times in Church discipline: the season of Lent as a whole and, as individual days of penance, Ash Wednesday and all the Fridays of the year. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday were to be days of abstinence from meat and of fast; all the other Fridays' were to be days of abstinence from meat. It was left to the episcopal conferences to transfer these days, if necessary, or to . substitute other kinds of penitential discipline. In the United States, the National Conference of Catholic Bishops did not transfer the penitential days-which remain as Ash Wednesday and all the Fridays of the year. The conference, however, did alter the canonical discipline on the Fridays outside Lent. While commending abstinence on these days, the bishops left to individual Catholics the. choice of other acts of prayer and charity to express the spirit of penance, making every Friday "a day of self-denial and mortification in prayerful remembrance of the passion of Jesus Christ" in preparation for "that weekly Easter that comes with each Sunday." Tum to Page Two


The ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 21, 1974

Current Lenten Discipline Continued from Page One The current canonical discipline of penance for the United States, in addition to the general 'character of the Lenten season may thus be ' summed up: a) Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of abstinence from meaf and also of fast. that 1s, limited to a single full meal. With regard to Good Friday, the teaching of the Second Vatican Council should ~e recalled :"Let the paschal fast be kept sacred. Let it be celebrated everywhere on Good Friday and, where possible, prolonged throughout Holy Saturday, so that the joys of the Sunday of the Resurrection may be ,'attained with uplifted and clear mind" (Constitution on the Liturgy, no. 110). ' b) The other Fridays of the season of Lent are days of 'abstinence from meat. c) The Fridays of the year outstde Lent remain days of penance, but each individual may substitute for the traditional abstinence from meat some other practice of voluntary self-denial or personal penance: this may be physical mortification or temperance or acts of religion, charity, , or Christian witness. The determination of these few days of obligatory penance-which may even be r.educed in number because 9f the occurrence of a ~ol~~ay of obligation or diocesan regulations-should not be understood as lImItIng the occasions for Christian penance. The tradition of vigils and ember days, periods of special need and supplication, and above all the season of Lent as a whole should be maintained and respected. With regard to the obligatory days listed above, however, there is frequent question about the degree of seriousness of the matter. The teaching of Pope Paul may be simply paraphrased: the obligation to do penance is a serious one; the obligation to observe, as a ~hole or ".substantiaHy," the penitential days specified by the Church IS als? s~~ous~ No one should be scrupulous in this regard: failure to observe mdlVldual days of penance is not considered serious; rather it is the failure to obse~e any penitential days at all or a substantial number of such days :whIch must be considered serious. People should seek- to do. more rather than less: fast and abstinence on the days prescribed; wor~s of religio~.and charity on the Fridays outside Lent should be c~nsldere~' a mlmmal response to the Lord's call to penance and converSIon of lIfe;


Heads 'Catholic Charities Appeal

MAR. 1

Continued from Page One rishioner' of St. Patrick's Church, Rev. James F. Masterson, 1906, Foullder, St. Patrick, Som- 'Falmouth. The 1974 Catholic Charities Appeal chairlady graderset. Rt. Rev. Peter L.D, Robert, uateCi from Brockton High P.R., 1948, Pastor, Notre Dame, School and attended Simmons College in Boston. She has been Fall River. employed for many years by MAR. 2 Lawrence-Lynch Corp. of Fal, mouth and has received extensive Rev. James J. Brady, 1941, training in secretarial work. Pastor, St. Kilian, New Bedford. The diocesan chairlady is marRev. Antonio Berube, 1936, ried to Gilbert J. Noonan, also a Pastor, St. Joseph Attleboro. native of Brockton and a gradRev: Tarcisius Dreesen, SS.CC" uate of Brockton High School. 1952, Monastery Sacred Heart, Mr. Noonan,. is general manager Fairhaven. of Falmouth Gas Company, Inc. Rev. Alphonse Gauthier, 1962, The chairlady of the 33rd ApPastor, Sacred Heart, New Bed- peal has been most active in diocford. esan, parochial and civic endeavors in southeastern MassaRev. J. Omer Lussier, :1.970, Pastqr, S'tcred Heart, North ·chusetts. She has been past Diocesan President of the Council of Attleboro'. Catholic Women, past Regent of MAR. 3 the Daughters of Isabella and a Rt. Rev. Timothy P. Sweeney, state officer,' and past President LL.D., 1960, Pastor, Holy Name, of District Five of the Council of Catholic Women. She has been a New Bedford. past', President of St. Patrick's parish ,Womell's Guild, a worker MAR. 6 in the parish Confraternity of Rev. John W. Quirk, 1932, Christian Doctrine and a solicitor Founder, St. Joseph, Taunton. for .the parish and area Catholic Rev. Bernard P. Connolly, S.S., Charities Appeal for many years. 1932, St. Charles College, MaryMrs. Noonan was an area coland. ordinator of the Catholic Charities Appeal in 1973. She continMAR. 7 ues to serve faithfully all these Rev. Arthur P. J. Gagnon, organizations. A trustee' of Falmouth Hos1958,' Pastor, Holy Rosary, New Bedford.

Prop THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue. Fall River. Mass, 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall Rlvpr, Subscriotion price by mail, postpai~ , '4.00 lIer year.

Religion, by devoting itself to the elevation of human character, becomes a prop and s~ay of free institutions. -Charles W. Eliot

pital and vice-president of the Falmouth Council for Civic Beautification, ,Mrs. Noonan received the diocesan Marian Award in 1968. Following notifi.cation of her selection by Bishop Cronin, Mrs. Noonan in a telephone conversation with Rev. Msgr. Antony M. Gomes, diocestan director of the Appeal said: "I am most happy to serve as head of the Appeal. I am grateful to Hishop Cronin for giving me this opportunity to work with the priests, religious, my fellow Catholics, and all our. non-Catholic friends of the Appeal. This is the Bishop's fourth Appeal and the thirty-third annual call for assistance in the many apostolates of the diocese. With enthusiasm, I am looking forward to a bigger and better 1974 Catholic Charities Appeal. With God's help and the untiring efforts of everyone in the southeastern area of the state, Bishop Cronin will be able to continue the apostolates of charity, mercy, social service and educational, endeavbrs to all regardless of race, color and creed." The special gifts phase of the Appeal will be from April 22 to May 4. This phase appeals to the professionll!l, fraternal, business, and industrial organizations for support of the Appeal. The second phase of the Appeal-the parish phase-will be held on Sunday, May 5, from the hours of 12 noon to 2 P.M.. This phase asks the support of all parishioners of the 115 parishes of the diocese. The parish Appeal ends officially on Wednesday, May 15.

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Ash Wednesday-February 27-Remember You Are Dust

Lent ••• Adult Education Continued from Page One Wednesday evenings, at the MurSeminar in the parish center. This ray Universalist Church. Spon. program, which began in January sored by the Attleboro Clergy and continues until May, is open Association, the program runs for five weeks and includes: to everyone. "A Positive Response to Len- March 6, "Jewish Expectation of ten Sacrifice" is the theme for Messiah," Rabbi Phil Kaplan; the Friday evening programs at March 13, "Call to Ministry," St. Mary's Church, Tarkiln Hill Rev. George Bellenoit March 20, Road. The format includes Mass' "Teachings of Christ," Rev. Daat 7:30 p.m., a g·uest homilist, vid Dahlherg; March 27. "Events and a social hour and discussion in the Life of Christ," Rt. Rev. in the parish school following Msgr. Gerard Chabot; April 13, the Mass. The first session is Resume and Rap-up, Rev. Berscheduled for Friday, March 1 nard Hanninger. and will continue until April 5. Taunton Area St. Joseph's Parish, New Bed- , The parishes of Taunton have ford. will continue their full combined their efforts for an area adult education program, in program that will meet on Wedprogress since September, ,includ- nesday evenings, at 8.00, at ing Wednesday evening lectures Coyle-Cassidy High School. Rev. and discussions on the Mass and William Leonard, S.J. will conScripture, and a doctrine series duct the lecture-discussion series entitled "Catch-up." The parish on "Changes in the Church.'" retreats will complement this Anyone interested in following program during the weeks of this program will register at his Feb. 24 and March 24. parish. There will be a $2 regisThe Gospel of St. John is the- tration fee. basis for the ongoing program at A number of parishes will conSt. Hedwig's, New Bedford. This _ duct local programs as well. discussion, along with a program Among these, St. Joseph's ~ntitled "Keeping Your Balance in the - Modern Church," meets Church will conduct a varied every Monday evening at 7:00 in program on Thursday evenings during Lent, concentrating on the Church Hall, and will conthe sacramen'ts and Lenten devotinue throughout. the Lenten tions: March 7, Stations of the season. Cross with representatives of Seekonk parish organizations creating Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Par- original meditations; March 14, ish, Seekonk, has several- adult the celebration of Baptism at the education programs going at the evening Mass; March 21, the rite same time. Presently two pro- of marriage and the renewal of grams are being presented on vows; March 28, a communal celSunday evenings "Understanding ebration of Anointing of the Christian Morality," and "Living Sick; April 4, a Communal PenOur Faith." Two additional pro- ance Service; and on Holy Thursgrams will be included during dav. April 11, the institution of the Lenten period: on Sunday the Eucharist. ' evenings, beginning Feb. 24, a Fall River discussion of the Gospel of St. The Cathedral parish will be Luke, and on Tuesday evenings, beginning Feb. 26, a mini-course using "Focus on Hope" for dis-, cussions in the school after the on the Sacraments. A program of mid-week Pray- -Wednesday evening Mass, beginer Services is also heing con- ning March 6. This series deals ducted to coincide with the Len- with Scripture and family life as well as reflections on prayer in ten season. the life of the Christian. Attleboro Area St. Theresa's parish in South Attleboro will address itself to parish renewal and reconciliation Inc. through a continuing program on the Scriptures as well as through special homilies throughout the Funeral Service week, with emphasis on parish Edward F. Carney sodalities and societies. 549 County Street St. Joseph Parish in Attleboro New Bedford 999-6222 is cooperating in an ecumenical" Serving the area since 1921 program, "Life of Christ" on

Michael C. Austin


Attleboro Women Observe Ecumenical Prayer Day The annual "World Day of Prayer" will 'be observed by the women of North Attleboro at a special service to be held at Madonna Manor on March I, 1974. The hostess for the evening will be Sister Thomas More, administrator of Madonna Manor. The theme for the evening will be "Builder of Peace" with Sister M. Ricarda Wobby,R.S.M., vice-principal of St. Mary-Sacred Heart School in North Attleboro. This World Day of Prayer ser· vice has been prepared by the women of Japan for the Interna· tional Committee for the World Day of Prayer. In the United

Father Doyle OP Now Chaplain At Annhurst Rev. Edward Paul Doyle, O.P., a native of Fall River, was reo cently named chaplain of Ann· hurst College, Woodstock, Ct. His appointment became effective on February 3. Father Doyle holds a B.A. from Providence College, an M.A. from Catholic University of America, Washington and a Ph.D. from Aquinas Institute, where his dissertation centered on the "Moral Obligations of Christian Youth." Prior to his Annhurst appointment, Father Doyle taught at Providence College, at Seton Hill College in Greensburg, Penn., at Mt. St. Mary's College in Newburgh, N. Y., and at Sienna Heights in Adrian, Michigan.. At Molloy College in Rockville Center, N. Y., he was associate professor of religious studies in the Department of Pastora1 Care. From 1943 to Hl46 Father Doyle was a United States Army Chaplain. He also served as first president of the Dominican Education Association, and as director of the School of Catholic Studies of the Catholic Center at the University of Virginia. In 1970 Father Doyle was the recipient of a one-year research fellowship at the Yale Divinity School. A contributor to Torch Magazine, Father Doyle is the author of many book reviews. At Annhurst he will be available for student ministry on a full-time basis.

States, Church Women United is designated as the official sponsor. The offerings received during the service will be sent to th!! Church Women United, New York. The Committee Chairlady for 1974 ,is ,Mrs. Lewis Royal of the First Baptist Church, No. Attleboro. Other members include: Mrs. Cecile Jette, Sacred Heart 'Church" No. Attleboro; Mrs. Steven Batchelder, Central Congregational Church, No. Attleboro; Mrs. Joan Pestana, St. Mark Church, Attleboro Falls; Sister Mary Ricarda Wobby, R.S.M., St. Mary Church, No. Attleboro. Readers for the service are: Mrs. Kenneth Lincoln, St. Mary's Church; Mrs. Robert Zachman, St. Mary's, Church; Sister Doris Desrosiers, S.U.S.C., Sacred Heart Church, No. Attleboro; Mrs. Joan Pestana, St. Mark's Church, Attleboro Falls. Each year, the Church Women United plan this service to build a better community within the town of North Attleboro.

Sons of Ireland Of New Bedford Plan Night

SIGNING OF LATERAN PACTS: Representing the Vatican, Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Gasparri signs the Lateran pacts on Feb. 11, 1929, along with Benito Mussolini of Italy. Pope Paul VI has defended the accord that recognized, among other things, the sovereignty of the Vatican State. The defense was seen as a reply to those who want the pacts revoked. NC Photo.

Crisis in Britain Emphasizes Need for United Christian Stand LONDON (NC) - During the week of Prayer for Christian Unity, economic and political crisis now facing Britain emphasized the need for a united

Special Social At LaSalette ,Saturday

MADRID (NC) - The new Spanish government is working hard to improve its relations with the Church, and the Vatican relations that were' severely strained in Church-state confrontations last year. It was reported that Premier Carlos Navarro may visit Pope Paul soon and that a new Spanish ambassador to, the Vatican has been named.


Pontiff Defends Vatican-Italian Pius XI Pacts

The annual "Irish Night" dinner·dance in celebration of St. Patrick's Day will be sponsored by The Sons of Ireland of Greater New Bedford on Saturday evening, March 16, at Gaudette's " Pavilion in Acusllnet., A full·course corned beef and c'ab'bagediimer starts off the evening at 6:30. Featured in the entertainment The Friends of La Salette will be Tommie Reilly accom- Shrine are talking up a storm panied by his attractive and tal- concerning a unique experience ented daughter Alanna singing they are preparing for wine and favorite Irish, Scottish, Country cheese tasters of the Attleboros & Western and folk songs. Melo- and neighboring towns and cities. On Saturday night, Feb. 23, at dious ballroom dance music will be provided by The Castle Tones 8:30, a Cabaret of French Wines Orchestra. In addition, Irish and Cheese will be sponsored movies and travelogs will be by the Friends of La Salette shown throughout the evening in Shrine in the Shrine Cafeteria. . The evening will present to the the Surf Room and a low-cost charter flight to Europe will be connoisseur a fine choice of French wines complemented by discussed. Tickets are only $6.tlO ($5.00 an assortment of special French for senior citizens) for this eve- cheese. Home baked bread and ning of enjoyment and enter- French sticks will be prepared tainment and are available in for the occasion by Sr. Jeanne business locations in Greater d'Arc of the Daughters of CharNew Bedford and in parish rec- ity, a French Canadian Chef de Cu'isine. tories. Fr. Maurice Viens, M.S. of La Proceeds again will go to The Irish Red Cross SocieJY for re- Salette in Worcester and formerlief work among those refugees 'ly of the Attleboro Shrine will displaced and distressed by the be Master of Ceremonies for the sectarian strife in the six British- evening. Entertainment will be occupied counties of Ulster and provided by Fr. Pat, the La Sato the Discalced Camlelite Mon· lette singing priest, and his folk astery in South Dartmouth. In music group, The Reconcilers. A addition, for every ticket sold - number of French sidewalk sing through a parish couples club, al,ongs will be part of the The Sons of Ireland will return program. $1.00 to that parish for parish projects.

Relations Improve


Thurs.. Feb. 21, 1974


Christian stand on vital human issues. Most significant single gesture during the week was a joint eucharistic service in a north London Anglican parish church in whioh the new apostolic delegate in Britai11, Arohbishop Bruno Heim, took part. Archbishop celebrated Cath. olic Mass at the central altar while leading Anglican and Methodist churchmen simultaneously celebrated their own eucharistic services at the two side altars. The service was unprecedented and the participation of the Vatican ,representative was seen as a particularly friendly gesture toward the Anglican a,nd Methodist Churches. It also seen by many as a mute encouragement to British Catholics to be bolder in their ecumenical outlook. The three euoharistic services marked in the most obvious way the fact of Christian disunity. The Sw,iss-born apostolic delegate told the congregation that sadly "this is still as far as we can go. In itself it marks no advance, For we have to remain apart for that which really expresses Christian unity-participation in the Euoharist ...



VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope Paul VI defended the validity of the Lateran pacts between the Vatican and Italy on the 35th anniversary of the death of the Pope w.ho negotiated them, Pius XI. Observers saw his defense as a reply to those who want to reo voke the pacts. ,Pope Paul speaking to crowds in St. Peter's Feb. 10, recalled that Pope Pius XI died just one day before he could deliver to the Italian Bishops "A discourse dedicated to serious problems." That discourse was to have marked the 10th anniversary of the 1929 accord between Italy and the Vatican, the Lateran pacts. ' (It has long been rumored that Pius XI was going to deliver on that day in 1939 a denunciation of nazism and fascism, but that he was poisoned before he could do so. (According to his attendants in the Vatican, however, he died of natural causes at the age of 82 after a long illness. But it is a fact that he had commissioned an American Jesuit, Father John La Farge, in June, 1938 to draft a condemnation of Hitler and Mussolini and their racist and anti-Jewish stances.) Lateran Pacts Pope Paul recalled the contributions Pius XI made to the Church and to Italy, and then turned his attention to the Lateran pacts, the accords enacted by Pius XI and Mussolini that recognized , among other things, the sovereignty of Vatican City State. Making no mention of the divorce issue in Italy, nor any allusion to the Vatican's contention that Italy unilaterally broke one of the provisos of the Lateran pacts by allowing divorce, Pope Paul quietly declared: "As time goes on and we encounter new and ever-various troubles, the memory of Pius XI can encourage us in our now celebrated religious peace (with Italy), can deepen our awareness of liberty, autonomy and responsibility, he it of the Church or the state, and can renew the proposal of spiritual harmony, a)ways productive of collaboration and progress between the two distinct and so di,fferent sovereignties, that of the state of Italy and that of the Holy See."

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The ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 21, 1974

Man! We're on I!!, , heg In rJl.f'1.J.'0 •I

Church's Retreat Ash Wednesday is approaching-the Church's annual .. retreat is near at hand. In recent years the Church has asked Catholics 'to show enough spiritual maturity to choose for themselves the mortification that they will perform during Lent~ The Church has not and can not deviate from the command of Christ that there must be penance. It is not a matter of doing without just for the sake of doing without. Rather there must be the doing of penance "to .curb vices,'lift up minds, giv~ strength and reward." There· must be the doing of penance to enter 'more fully into the dying of Christ that there might be fuller participation in His resurrection. LenUs a time for dying to oneself, to one's faults and failings, to what~ver in one is unworthy. It is a time to confonri oneself more perfectly to Christ, and the price is the price of mortification since this alone can change what one is to what one should be. And sacrifice must also have the effect o( reaching out in order to give more to those in need. " The whole point of sacrifice is to die to oneself in order to live 'more fully in Christ and for the sake of others. Lent is the call to make this added effort.


Inco~e Program

Poor families headed by able-bodied men haVe long been faced with a cruel choice: if the father goes to work, usually at a low-paying job, his wages continue the family in the ranks of poverty; if he stays home and the family lives on welfare, the morale of the family is severely harmed Opponent of Parish ~chool Aid 'Back and the family remains a poor family. It would seem that Health Benefit Services some sort of supplemental income grant is in order.-, NEW YORK (NC) The Objections to this have argued that the granting of She added that her o.rganiza. money to the poor encourages them not to work. But recent- American' Jewish Congress on ~ case .by case baSIS other ly-released statistics give the lie to this line of reasoning. (AJe) a leading opponent of serv~ces which th.e ~C feels m~y. The bulk of the evidence shows that a carefully designed government aid to religious qualify as. constltutlO~ally valid schools, 'has asked the New York forms of aid to parochial schools. income supplement program that rewards work would City Board of Education to sup· Asked . a'~ount ~tate-?ffered p~yencourage the head of a family to work. His job might be ply speech correction services chologlcal .servlces m. parochIal low-paying but joined to his supplementaUncome it would to parochial sC):lOols on a,n equal schools, MISS Glass said that th.e ~JC has not yet taken a pOSIprovide his family with more than a basic poverty income. "basis with public schools. This is just the kind of program that law-makers should In a letter to the Board of ed- tlon on th~~. She added, h?wucation, the congress called ever, that m~,ny p~ychologlsts investigate. The solution not only answers the economic speech correction services "a and many of us conSider psychoproblem but considers the human elements involevd as well. health and welfare benefit.. . logic~l services to be a medical

AJC Gives

Comes the Revolution Some will say that: the revolution has finally gone too far. Some will be glad that it ha's gone to this extreme. But the fact is that China-watchers, have seen a rise in' political activity in China recently. The cultural revolution seems to be entering a new and active phase. And who should be one of its victims? None other than Boston Bruins hockey star Bobby 'Orr. Along with six other National League hockey players, BQbby has been denied entrance to Peking. And all that he and his friends wanted to do is to coach China's national and provisional . hockey teams. ~. ' But maybe it is just as well that Qrr and his pals have been victims of the cultural revolution. One period on the ice with,their Chinese counterparts and it might have been assumed that the real revolution was breaking wide open. And the 'cultural" part of the idea may have suffered a setback that even Henry Kissinger would have been hardpressed to correct.


Publi~hed weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall Rivel

410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 !PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, 0.0" S.T.D. GENERAL MANAGER Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. ~leary press-~all


ASST. GENERAL MANAGER qev. John P. Driscoll

Continued f~o~ PdJ;e One Ecumenism: 'Rev. Cornelius J. O'Neill of St. John the Baptist Parish, Westport, and Chairman. of the Diocesan Ecumenical Commission. Youth and Education:, Rev, Richard Beaulieu of 5t. Jacques Praish, Taunton; Sister Barbara McCarthy, O.P., of the Diocesan Education Center, Fll River. Pilgrimage Coordinators: Rev. William B. Davis, SS.CC., of Holy Trinity Praish, West Harwich, and Dr. David Costa Jr. of New Bedford. The worship service to be, conducted at St. Mary's Cathe· dral by parish pilgrimages from throughout the diocese was formed with the cooperation of the piocesan Divine Worship Commission. It will be patterned after a Bible Vigil Service with a Holy Year theme. Eucharistic celebrations will take place in the vicariates of the diocese in the Fall. Sub-committees to coordinate pilgrimages ,from throughout the dioc'ese are being formed and will meet at Marian Manor, Taunton, on March 1. The energy crisis as it influences motor fuel has'made an impact on pilgrimage arrangements. The education aspect of the Holy Year will be a Fall program in all Catholic schools and , CCD centers. Outlines being pre· pared should be a great help for homilies, school programs and adult education courses. The priests will have four , Holy Year days of recollection in the spring and fall of 1974 and 1975. These will be of special ascetical value according to the theme of the Holy Year. Material on the history, baclsground, papal hopes and arrangements for the Holy Year is presently being prepared for the priests of the diocese. The Diocesan Central Commit-,tee for the Holy Year has al. ready had several meetings to coordinate and intensify the individual, parish, vicariate and diocesan celebrations.

which does not entail any im- benefit. proper entanglement of state The AJC decision came after and religon or governmental aid Heller Hebrew Academy in New to religious activity." York City asked that the AJC - Although the American Jew-, to support its petition for a ish Congress has opposed many reversal of a disrict school board forms of government aid to re- . decision denying the academy ligiously affiliated schools, an speech services. Miss Glass said Continued from Page One official said that the letter did that, prior to the Heller Academy contribution to the work of the not maark a 'shift in the congress' request, the AJC had not exChurch today. basic position on school aid. . amined the c~nstitutionality of Yes, "Repent and Believe the The congress has "never op" providing such services. Good News" or "Remember you posed health and welfare ser-' are dust and to dust you shall vices to parochial schools, in fact return" will, on Wednesday, Feb. Criticize Chu,rches' we've encouraged it," according 27, open a new arena to life for to Susan Glass, a spol,eswoman. , Silence in Crisis each Christian. It is filled with She said that the congress has LONDON (NC)-The secretary . hope for reconciliation in world no dbjection to government support of parochial school pro- of the Christian Association of trials and full life in diocesan grams with physical or medical Busiriess Executives has crit- efforts. All is so possible if first man 'benefits, such as school lunch icized the British churches for faces the realistic fact of his own in the having "so little to say programs, school dental' examworthlessness and then relishes inations or the presence of a present national crisis." and receives the invitation cif nurse in school. , ' The statement by the secretion'\Vill be cnrefully examining tary, Hugh Kay, appeared in The God with Whom we can do all things. Times of London the day before Britain's more than 260,000 coal Mariani'st Reheat Nonpublic School Aid miners went on strike. SAN ANTONIO (NC) - The AUSTIN (NC)-By a vote of The wage dispute between the 17 to 2 the Education Committee Society of Mary (Marianists) is sponsoring a major retreat-work· National Coal Board, the gov- of the Constitutional Convention shop on justice and poverty at ernment agency that runs the of Texas has struck down a secnationalized coal tion that would remove all finanSt. Mary's University here, June country's 16-22. According to Father Rob- mines, and the National Union cial support {or students in nonert Mackey, chancellor - of St. of Mineworkers has caused the public schools. In addition to the Louis-Chaminade Education Cen- government to put most of Brit- strong opposition expressed by ter in Honolulu and coordinator ish industry on a three-day work spokesmen for private, non· of the retreat-workshop, the week to .conserve energy and has profit church-related schools, meeting will draw together the led Prime Minister Edward equally strong opposition came four American provinces of Heath to call a national election from private trade schools and ' Marianists "to sensitize their for Feb. 28. from the State Rehabilitation members as to the need' of the About 700,000 persons are Commission which contracts with poor in the Third World at home now out of work because of the nonpublic schools for a variety and abroad." of services. short work week..





Bishop Scor~~s Jurist's Defense Of Decision FARGO (ND) - Bishop Justin 1\. Driscoll of Fargo has accused

U. S. Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun of "shockingly lamenta'ble" sophistry in saying the court'~ abortion decision was a case it could not win because of evenly divided public opinion. In a letter responding to state· ments made by Blackmun in St. Paul, Minn., where the jurist received an award at the high school from which he was graduated, Bishop Driscoll said: "Please tell me, Mr. I1lackmun, when does a Supreme Court of Justice base its opinion or render a decision on 'public opinion?' As a lawyer, as a judge, as a member of the hilghest judiciary of this nation, I had hoped .you would realize that this was an interpreta tion of the Constitution that was at stake, not a reflection of public opinion." One of Worst Mistakes Blackmun had said that the abortion decision which he wrote for the court a year ago "will be regarded as one of the worst mistakes in the court's history or one of its great decisions, a turning point." Blackmun noted that personal abuse has been heaped upon him~ for writing the decision. "I've never seen such an outpouring of hate mail, a lot of it form mail. It chills me to think that someone can sit down and say, '10 of us must write letters.''' As to whether the court's abortion decision would be considered its worst or its greatest decision, Bishop Driscoll wrote' "I can asure you, Mr. Blackm':ln, your first intimation is the correct one."

Plan Campaigln For School Aid ST. CLOUD (NC)- Bishop George Speltz of St. Cloud has called on members of the diocese to increase parish contributions in order to preserve the existence of Catholic schools in the diocese. At a press conference here, Bishop Speltz said that the campaign for increased sup.port would start at the 'beginning of Lent on Feb. 27. The continued existence of Catholic education in the St. Cloud area from kindergarten through grade 12 and beyond "will depend primarily upon the generous support hy all the people in our parishes," Bishop Speltz said. No fixed' amount has been set as the goal of the campaign, but a committee of priests of the diocese recommended that each parish contributor increase the rate of giving by one per cent of his income.

Bishop Appointed . VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI has transferred Bishop Alophe Proulz of Alexandria, Canada, to the Diocese of Hull, Canada. Bishop Proulx was born in Canada Dec. 12, 1927, and was ordained in 1954. He wiis named an auxiliary bishop in 1965, and made bishop of Alexandria in the province of Ontario, in 1967. Hull is in the prov. ince of Quebec.

New Discoveries at the Tomb of Mary Show Signs of Great Spiritual Value


Thurs., Feb. 21, 1974


'Divorced' Widow Grnnted Benefits

JERUSALEM (NC) - Outside TRENTON (NC) - A Cathothe city walls of Jerusalem, in lic woman, mllrried in the eyes the Kidron Valley, a few yards of God ,but not technically in from the garden of Gethsemane, the eyes of the state, has been guides show the "Tomb of Mary, granted workman's compensathe Mother of Jesus." It was tion through her late husband here that Mary is said to have by the New Jersey Supreme been buried and from here that Cour,t. she was assumed bodily into tRuth Parkinson and her late heaven. husband Richard were divorced The Church of the Tomb of in 1939 and resumed living together in 1950, but never legally Mary is far down below the street level, and inside a huge' remarried. A priest had told flight of steps leads down again them that, since the Church does not recognize divorce, they were to the shrine. still married "in .the eyes of Superficial visitors will see God" and so no formal ceremony only the drab church, of no parwas necessary. ticular beauty, the dungeon-like The court ruled in a 4 to 1 interior mistily lighted with a decision that, except for the lack few candles. The shrine itself is of a formal ceremony, the coua crowded little house inside the ple was in fact husband and wife. church. There, tradition says, is So, when Mr. Parkinson died the burial place of Mary. from a work-related accident, To the informed observer Mrs. Parkinson should have been there are signs here of a great ahle to collect survivor's benespiritual and historical treasure. fits from ,the workman's compenThe very level far below the sation system, according to the street, indicates a very ancient court. monument. For with centuries "We have emphasized that the of war and destruction the level reason and the spirit of the of old towns like Jerusalem has Workman's Compensation Act risen many feet, in parts over rather than its letter must pre· 40 feet. vail," the court stated in an opinFascinating Discoveries ion written by Justice Morris The second feature of the Pashman. Tomb of Mary is that in one corner of the church is a Moslem The court said that the Parniche, where even today the folkinsons should have' obtained a lowers of Mohammed still come new marriage license in 1950 and to pray at and honor "Sitte Mygone through "a renewal of con· riam." A pool· venerated by Issent" of their original marriage lam indicates the building was vows, nota remarriage in the not destroyed in the many MosTOMB OF MARY: Deep below street level in Jerusalem eyes of the Church, but sufficient ,Iem invasions., ·is the church of the Tomb of Mary. The shrine contains the for civil law. ,Recent. ~1)~Qlogicl,l1 stu,dies and bench.-like rock in which Mary was placed' after' her death, But the court noted that both archeological investigations have Mr. and Mrs. Pa,rkinson were undiscoverie~. in the tomb were according to tradition. New brolightfascinating discoveries aware of such a procedure and made after a flood in 1972. NC Photo. aJbout the tomb of Mary, as devout Catholics with limited The literature on the "Dormiformal education had understandtion" or "falling asleep" of Mary ing these two statements his- texts of Latin, Syriac and Ethi- ably taken the advice of their creates a confused impression. torians have tended to regard the opian versions exist. parish priest. The Western Christians liter- Ephesus tradition as more anature contains an account of the cient and to discredit the Holy life of Mary after the first Pen- Land tradition as of a later detecost, and tells how John the velopment. Beloved Disciple took Mary with God's Wish him to Ephesus. In Ephesus, Asia In 1972 this ancient question Minor, a tradition grew up that was reopened when, in the .rainy Mary died there. li"ust bringS When Western Christian writ- season of that year, flood waters ers came back to the Holy Land swamped the church and dangerin the time of Constantine, they ously eroded the foundations of do not mention a tomb of Mary Mary's tomb. The Greeks and until the fifth century. Combin- Armenians who own the church asked a Franciscan theologian and archaeologist, a Father Join Coalition Bagatti to see the damage and Against Apartheid give his ad~ice. Father Bagatti UNITED NATIONS (NC) - A began investigating the substruccoalition of 11 church groups ture to discover the authenticity which own millions of dollars in of Mary's last resting place. stocks of companies operating The ancient Eastern docin southern Africa, have asked uments speak of Mary as living the firms to reveal the extent of on Mount Zion after the Ascentheir operations in African na- sion of her Son. Holy Land trations that deny human rights to dition says she died there and blacks. "was carried by all the Apostles The coalition - the Church to a newly made tomb in the Project on United States Invest- Kidron Valley according to the ments in Southern Africa-was wishes' of the Lord." Varying joined for the first time by a Catholic group, the Franciscan PRINTING Friars of the Atonement, who are generally known as the Graymoor Friars. It was the SINCE 1898 third year the coalition has filed MAl LING such stockholders disclosure SINCE 1941 resolutions. Dr. Sterling Carey, president WEB' OFFSET of the National Council of' SINCE 1967 Churches, said that the disclo• . 10 CONVENIENT BANKS LOCATED IN • fALL RIVER. SOMERSET. SWANSEA. WESTPORT. ASSONET sure resolutions were issued beMEMBER. Federal DepOSIt Insurance CorporatIon· Federal Re~erve SY'item cause "apartheid and colonialism deny 38 million Afri<;an people their basic human rights, merely 679-5262 because they are black."

The Fall River



All TEN banks . will be open from 9a.m. to 4p.m.

All TEN banks will be open with full service

Fall River Trust Co.

The ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall 'River-Th'urs. Feb. 21, 1974


h,terc·essioln of St. Alexius

Migrht H'elp Gas Line Sitters The gas shortage has me baffled. Some cities have plenty of gas wlhile in others people are lining up and waiting hours to buy just a few gallons. I live where the lines are the longest. This means that in addition to my , other motherly duties, I am now also the. family gas line they anticipate the end of that day's quota. sitter. I. was sitting in a: line When the sign "Last Gas This the other day that was four Car" is hung, the driver of the blocks long. A tanker truck pulled into a gas station across the street, followed by a line of c~.rs. People were getting gas


who had waited only a few minutes while I still had an hour to go on my line. I started to pray to 5t. Jude that I'd get up to the pump before I ran out of gas, but 5t. Jude is well known as the patron of desperate situations and he probably already had a long line. So, as soon as I got home I looked up another saint for desperate situations and found St. Gregory of Neocaesarea. Now 1'11 bet hardly anybody knows him, and the line there is bound to be shorter. My state has -instituted ,a system of odd numbered license numbers getting gas on odd numbered days, and even plates on even days. A friend of mine drives a cab and uses a tankful every day; He said his family would have to start eating only on odd days, so I told him about St. Fiacr:e, the patron of cab drivers. Patron of Scientists . It might be a good idea fo.t all of us to pray to St. Sebastian. Since we'll all be doing more walking and bicycle riding, he might include us in his care of athletes. Many gas stations have adopted a policy of alloting a quantity to be pumped in a day, and cutting off the line of cars where

next car might find St. Alexius can intercede for him. St. Alexius is the patron of beggars. There might be some value to praying to 51. Albert. He's the patron of scientists. Maybe one of them will find a practical alternative to gasollne . . . soon. Poor Bear Burden I'm sure 5t. Lucy is busy pumping out help for all motorists, noticing what they are doing to their vision. Everyone is driving with one eye on the road, one on the rear-view mirror, and one on the gas gauge. I would guess that St. Lawrence and St. Anthony of Padua are getting the most requests, for it is the poor that are bearing the worst burden. I find it difficult to believe that this shortage is purely accidental. Someplace along the line, some are responsible . . . and some are profiting from it. Possibly they are getting help from Sts. Gervase and Protase. They are the patron saints of haymakers. But the worst experience I've had so far happened the other day 'when I started off on a short errand. On the way I spotted a gas station with only three cars in line. I quiokly pulled in, and wonder of wonders, they filled my tank. I was returning from my errand a little while later, but a dense fog had rolled in. Traffic slowed to a crawl. All I could see was the car in front of me. I was silently involking help from St. Christopher when the car -in front. of pulled up to a gas pump. I had accidentally gotten onto a gas line, The attendant gave me the strangest look when I pulled up to the 'Pump, told him I didn't need any gas, and drove off into the fog.

Propose Commission To Seek Church Unity

LONDON (NC) - Representatives of the principal'Christian churches in England have proposed to set up a commission to NEW YORK (NC)-The Cath- work toward the eventual reuniolic Medical Mission Board reo fication of Christianity. ported here that in 1973 it The proposed standing comshipped 990 tons of medical sup- mission would have responsibilplies with a. wholesale value of. ity for overseeing' the progress over $6.3 millon t02,772 medical toward church unity through missions around the world. local initiatives and for fostering According to Father Joseph such initiatives where they are Walter, director of the 46-year- absent. old, the 1973 shipments marked "It is expected that from these an increase of 315 tons and more discussions there will emerge a than $100,000 in value over 1972 plan for union between these figures. churches able so to commit Regular shipments went to them, but these discussions countries in Africa, Asia, Latin should also explore the possibilAmerica, the Middle East and the ity of other forms of visible South Pacific, as well as to some unity," said the report issued Indian missions in the United jointly by the churches' repreStates. In addition the board sentatives."Churches negotishiipped 120 tons of emergency ating for union on the basis of supplies in response to disasters such a plan should retain the such as the earthquake in Nica- continuing partnership of those ragua and the drought in Africa's churches which cannot at that sub-S,ahara region. time do so," it said.

Catholic Medical Mission Board Aid $6.3 Million

ECUMENISM IN ACTION: In Albany, Anglican Archbishop Michael Ramsey, far left, is seated in the sanctuary of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception as Catholic and Episcopal representatives sign a Covenant of Mt;ltual Concerns. From left are Father Alan Jupin, Episcopal Father Darwin Kirby, R. G'egory Kennison and Kenneth Baechtel. Standing are Bishop Edwin Broderick and Episcopal Bishop Allen Brown. NC Photo.


Nun DENVER (NC)-In a first for Colorado, a nun has regilstered as a lobbyist at the state capitol here. Sister Loretto Ann Madden of the Colorado Catholic Conference will "watch legislation which affects the quality of human life-a very broad spe~­ trum of interests." The Loretine Sister will also monitor federal and city legislation, and attend legislative sessions and committee ,hearings on topics ranging, from' mental health to food tax credits. As a lobbyist, Sister Madden does not try to "pressure" legislators into' voting any certain way on a particular bill. "I see my role as more a liaison provid-

ing information" to key areas of arena and she said she has found the Church in the state, she said. the legislators '''very cooperative "The influence or the pressure in giving their time and acquaintwould have to come from the ing me with specific processes." people' themselves." Aside from her interest in Sister Madden also pointed politics. Sister Madden said she out, that with her "limited staff" feels her work in the legislature -only herself-it would there- "is an opportunity to serve· the fore be difficult to organize any Church. I think there's common specific programs to influence ~greement that one of the best legislaton. "Ways to bring about social The information flow works change is through the legislative the other around, too. "Any- process." A native of Denver, Sister where I see where the, Church has information to throw light Madden received a doctorate on social issues I tell the legisla- from the Catholic University of tor, or indicate where he can America in Washington, with a major in sociology and a minor find it," Sister Madden said. This year is Sister, MaddE)n's in Catholic social principles and first experience in the political . counseling.

TURN OFF GAS LIGHTS YOU DO NOT NEED. The Department of Public Utilities

has directed fhe Fall R'iver Gas Company to notify its customers that all decorative outdoor CJas ligh'ts sh.ould be shut oft to conserve fllel during the energy crisis.• So, unless your gas light is needed for your safety or protection, please abide by the directive issued by the Mcissachusetts Department of Public Utilities. ~

Conserving Natural Gas' Is Everybody'~ Business

Fall River

BAS Company


The ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 21, 1974

Sho,pping for East,er Outfits Pleasing Task for Women


They are calling the seventies the "gracious seventies" when referring to fashion this year and well they may, for a more refined feminine air has returned to fashion. (While it may seem awfully frivolous to talk fashion when the better part of our lives are spent wondering where the the sleek look of the turban the Easter bonnet is returning next tank of gas ,is coming large and they'll be as lovely as they from, it is nevertheless an used to be. "Dearie, do you re-

exciting part of our lives and one that for just a brief moment takes us away from the problems of just existing today.) m'~i!1!1[!

II! 111I11I11I1



What is meant by the use of the word "gracious" is that clothes are simple but elegrant. A good suit or dress is just that "good." There are very few gimmicky outfits. While the prices of fashion today are astronomically high you will find yourself getting three seasons or more out of a well-made garment, so that the outfit you choose should be one that you really can live in. Everything will have a refined quiet beauty about it that will appeal to the lover of classic clothes. While shirts will be almost as expensive as a good dress you will find them a good investment because they can even be worn with a long skirt for evenings or even with a wellcut pair of slacks. Fabrics, too, will have a softness and quiet to them both in tone and texture. While most fabrics will be functional as far as their care is concerned they will have the look of luxury. Colorwise there will be a strong return to the monotone, all of a color look. Accessory buying will be just as important as the clothes you choose because you'll buy them more frequently. Shoes will have higher heels, open backs and open heels. For day they'll be a lot of spectators around and already you can see the firstindication of their popularity as they appear for resort wear. Hats, Gloves Return , If you haven't had the courage to wear a turban yet then at least try one for spring. I haven't found one yet that fits around the bl-ln I wear at the, back of my hair but I'm still looking. They really look great. For those women who don't want

American Moryknoller Gets Post in Peru VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI has named U. S. Maryknoll Father Albert Koenigknecht to be apostolic administrator of the Prelature of Juli in Peru. The American priest was born at Fowler,' Mich., on May 30, 1917, and was ordained in 1945. For three years he was a mis· sionary in Mexico and then served in Peru where he was rector of a minor seminary in Puno and also a pastor in Arcquita and Juli.

member" when they used to broadcast the Easter Parade from Fifth Avenue and the hats competed with one another for size and decoration. Now when you see a woman in a hat somehow you have the feeling that she's a woman who has a lot of fashion know·how. Gloves are returning with the hats and they too will give-the complete look to an outfit. While dollar·wise shopping for Easter outfits will not be an enjoyable task, fashion-wise it will be. It won't be an impossible task to find a lovely suit or a coat you just can't resist; they'll be, on the racks and in the stores and the only thing that will hinder the buyer will be the rising prices.

Taunton Women

60TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY: Mr. and Mrs. Antonio J. Gomes of Holy Family Parish, East Taunton, second and third right, were joined by their sons, Juvenal of Methuen, Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, pastor of Our Lady of the Angels Parish, Fall River and Manuel of East. Taunton on the occasion of their 60t.h anniversary of their marriage.

Pion Meeting The Taunton District of Catholic Women will hold an open meeting at 8 o'clock on Tuesday night, Feb. 26 in St. Anthony's School auditorium. ,Rev. Edmund J. Fitzgerald, chaplain at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River will be guest speaker. Father Fitzgerald is a native of Taunton and a graduate of St. Mary's School and Coyle High School in Taunton. Mrs. Andrew Marshall, president of 081. Anthony's Women's Guild will head a large committee serving as hostesses for the evening.

Needs Decisive Help of Church SAN JOSE (NC)-Costa Rica's President-elect Daniel Oduber told the country's Catholic bishops' conference .that he will need :'the decisive' help of the Church." The bishops had sent Oduber a message saying: "We, offer our full cooperation to any moves to improve the quality of life of our people, particularly those in need. We pray to God for a government of national unity, peace, respect for rights and liberty."

Couple Cel'ebrates .

Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, pastor of Our Lady of the Angels Parish, Fall River offered a Mass of Thanksgiving in the home of his, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Antonio J. Gomes of 190 Middle·, boro Ave., East Taunton in observance of their 60th wedding anniversary. Members of the Holy Famiiy Parish, Mr. and Mrs. Gomes renewed their marriage vows. Married on Feb. 14, 1914, in Our Lady of Grace Church in the city of Camara de Lobos, Madeira Islands, Portugal, the jubilee couple were joined on the occasion by their sons,- Juvenal of Methuen and Manuel of East Taunton. Following a dinner in a Middleboro restaurant, the couple received members of their fam· i1y, relatives and friends at a reception. ,Plans presently call for a trip to Florida and a visit with their relatives in the Madeira Islands. A papal blessing from Pope

Catholics are about 90 per cent of Costa Rica's 1.8 million population, but the constitution guarantees freedom of religion.

Paul VI and a letter of congrat- of the Diocese of Fall River ulations from the Most Rev. . were given to the jubila·rians. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop

Conference E~dorses Proposed Constitution


NEW ORLEANS (NC) - The Louisiana Catholic Conference has endorsed the proposed new state constitution as a document which "will adequately protect the citizens of the state and provide them with a constitution which "will adequately protect the citizens of the state and provide them with a constitution which will not need wholesale amending every two years." Archbishop Philip M. Hannan of New Ol"1eans, president of the conference was "particularly pleased with the Bill of Rights, with its guarantee of religious in the South and possibly in the rights of individuals." The conference called the Bill of Rights "certainly ... the most advanced liberty and expansion of the nation."

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Tony Rapp-Art Perry Jan. 12-SI. Thomas More, Somerset 12-Sacred Heart, Fall River 19-Fr. Joseph Boehr K.C., Tiverton 26-St. Anne Fraternity, Tiverton 26-Bishop Cassidy K.C., Swansea 26-McMahon K.C., N.B. (Monthly) Feb. 9-Holy Name. Fall River 16-SI. Theresa. Tiverton 23-Fr. Joseph Boehr K.C., Tiverton Mar. 2-0ur Lady of Fatima, N.B. 16-K.C., Newport 16-Christopher Rooney K.C., Ports. 16-51. Theresa, Tiverton Apr. 6-Fr. Joseph Boehr K.C., Tiverton 2o-sacred Heart, New Bedford


Odu,ber, who was reared a Catholic, told the bishops that "the Christian source of your social ,thought is also ours, and we share the same inspirational teachings. I want to coordinate with you several projects to that the spiritual and temporal powers of the nation can achieve the goals that we share for our people." , Many observers here see such Church-state cooperation possi'ble in the fields of education, cooperatives, housing and aid to rural areas.

60 Ye'ars'of Marriag,e






Tax Credit Law Before Court


Thurs., Feb. 21, 1974

Catholic Agency Supplie~ Hope To Cambodia


CHICAGO (NC)-She was a widow with four children and lived in a small village. When her husband, a Cambodian soldier, was killed in battle she was left with the responsibility of providing for her family. She was managing, the job until the rockets came and blew apart everything she owned. After the attack, as the fires still burned, she walked to the village pagoda and stood helplessly in the monsoon rain. Any idea of hope had been de¡ stroyed with the rockets. Later that night: she took a pillow anti smothered her four childen one by one. In her war-ravaged mind, she was saving them from what surely would be a slow death from starvation. And perhaps she was right, at least in her assumption that death' would come to, her children slowly and with agonizing pain. Self-inflicted death is not an oddity in Southea,st Asian countries. CRS Programs But such an act of despair is no longer the only alternative t.o survival in the Cambodian war. Since April, 1973, Catholic Relief Services .(CRS), has been ' working in that country to help them put the broken puzzle of life back together again. Father Philip McNamara, a veteran Of CRS refugee work in South Vietnam, crossed the border into Cambodia to coordinate relief and'resettlement programs in that war-torn country by CRS, U. S. Catholics' overseas aid agency. Since 1973, this program has henefitted an estimated 300,0001' Cambodians, all of them refugees from the fighting which surrounds them. CRS has provided the homeless civilian victims of the war with food, 'Clothing, blankets and medicines.

Examine Decline Of Public Morality BLOOMINGTON (NC)-Dr. v.I. Sterling Cary, president of the National Council of Churches, and Archbishop Joseph L. Bernardin of Cincinnati, will address an interreligious conference on the decline of public morality to be held March 31-April 2 at, I~diana 4niversity here. Some . 200 Indiana religious . and lay leaders are expected to attend the three-day conference which is' part of a year-long series of interreligious consultations. The series will explore the causes of erosion in public morality and recommend concrete techniques to restore public confidence in high moral and ethical standards. Also addressing the conference will be Dr. Eugene Horowitz, professor, Hebrew Union Col. lege, New York City; Carl Rowan, COlumnist, and former director of U. S. Information Agency; Jim Roche, columnist and professor of foreign aUairs, Tufts University Medford, Mass.; and Dr. Byrum - Carter, chancellor, Indiana University.


MEETING IN W~SAW: Archbishop Agostino Casaroli, left, secretary of the Vatican's Council for the Church's Public Affairs, is received in Warsaw, Poland, by Aleksander Skarzynski, minister for religious affairs. Polish representatives and the Vatican official agreed to continue negotiations to bring about better relations between Church and state. NC Photo .



NEW YORK (NC) An Anglican priest from Sri Lanka (Ceylon) listened intently to Belgian Cardinal Leo Joseph Suenens' appeal from a simple lectern at the front of the vast Riverside Church here for "a new awareness of the presence of the Holy Spirit," among Christians. Afterwards, questioned on his reaction, ~he 'Rev. J.F. Xavier, now wi~h the Episcopal Department of Pastoral Care in P.hiladelphia and a noted ecumenist, commented: "We Anglicans and Roman Catholics are trying to crawl, with our formulas and our dogmas. But God is pushing us beyond that." . The sentiment was articulated many ways for three days here among 2,000 Episcopal clergy, bishops, students, theologians, Catholic nuns and priests, housewives and religious activists at the F.ifth National Conference of Trinity Institute here.

the Holy Spirit Stressed The theme was "The Holy Spirit." The sp'eakers were theological superstars: Cardinal 'Suenens, an aristocratic progressive; the' colorful Archbishop Michael Ramsey of Canterbury, an, initiator in the current detente between the Church of Rome and the Anglican Communion; and Br.other Roger Schutz, .the pale, quiet white-robed prior of the Protestant ecumenical monastic community and youth center in Taize,- France. Together, they attracted what the director of the institute, the Rev. E. Terwilliger, described as "the largest gatherin~ of the Episcopal Church in 1974" and certainly a major theological happening in New York. The conference, which has grown annually, was preceded by a seminar for bishops' on "The Theology of the Christian Ministry" and was attended by 75

Lutheran Synod Commission Restates Anti-Abortion Stand ST. LOUIS (NC)-The Commission on Theology and Church Relations (CTCR) of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod has restated the synod's opposition to abortion and proposed a "Life Concerns" program. In a statement issued on the anniversary of the U. S. Supreme Court's decision prohibiting restrictions on abortion in the early stages of pregnancy, the CTCR said: "Without a doubt, one of the most critical issues presently facing alm'ost every citizen of our country is the attitude toward human life, not only the life of the child yet unborn, but also the life of the aged and terminally ill, and of all those who may seem to be a burden to family and society." The anniversary of the Supreme Court decision "offers an opportune moment to protest the legalization of non-therapeutic abortion," the statement

said. The statemel1t was issued on the recommendation of the CTCR's social concerns committee. The "Ufe Concerns" program is to feature a series of pilot workshops ,and the publication of resource, study material on abortion. Missouri synod colleges and' seminaries will offer' special courses related to "Life Concerns." At its 1971 convention in Milwaukee, the' Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod adopted the position that "willful abortion is contrary to the will of God." The convention urged people to "avoid perverting God's will ... through such acts as abortion or euthanasia." Commenting on the CTCR statement, Dr. Jacob A.O. Preus, president of the Missouri synod, said it has become "increasing imperative" to oppose abortion and euthanasia.

members or a:bout three-fourths of the Episcopal House of Bishops. Interest in the charismatic movement of the recent Anglican-Roman Catholic Cantebury statement on ministry and ordinaNon all contributed to the turnout. "Why are we here? Ws damn good,," commented a young woman teacher from the Episcopal Philadelphia Divinity School. The New York members of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd, Sister Mary Elizabeth and Mary Lucia, said they were looking forward to the day when the Catholic and Anglican Churches ,will be united and added that "we w-ill be one when we share the same Eucharist." "Everyone ds interested in theology if it is put in language they can understand," observed the Rev. Leland Hunt of, Trinity Episcopal Church of Norwalk, Conn. The major speakers made different approaches to the meaning of the' Holy Spirit in today's world.

MINNEAPOLIS (NC)-A federal judge here has resurrected a year-old suit challenging the constitutionality of the state's 1971 income tax credit law. U. S. District Judge Earl R. Larson is decided to ask for the convening of a three-judge federal panel to consider temporarily stopping the law while the Minnesota Supreme Court rules on a challenge to th~ law's constitutionality. The action keeps alive opponents' ,fourth attempt to obtain an injunction halting the law, which provides graduated tax credits to parents of nonpublic school students. In the three previous attempts -the opponents lost once in a county court and twice in the Minnesota Supreme Court-opponents were unable to halt tax credit paY!l1ents under the law. Judge Larsen, noting that the federal court and state Supreme Court could 'be on "a collision cours'e," said he felt compelled to ask for the panel because not calling fqr the federal court would deny' temporary relief to the law's opponents. The tax credit law is being challenged ,by the Minnesota Civil Liberties Union, Americans United for Separation of Church and State and the Minnesota Coordinating Committee for Public Education.

Urges Listening To God in P'rayer WASHINGTON (NC) - The morning after delivering his State of the Union message, President Nixon urged Americans "to pray in silence and listen to God and find out what He wants for us and then we will all do the right thing." The President spoke to ,about 3,000 congressmen, .government officials, diplomats and religious leaders attending the 22nd annual national prayer breakfast in the International Ba.Jlroom of the Washington Hiiton Hotel. Urging prayers for the nation, the President asked his listeners to pray "that we try to listen more to what God wants rather than to teJol God what we want; that we would try to find out what God wants America to be rather than to ask Him always to see what we believe America should be prevails."


: H T


Cardinal Suenens, whose book "The Holy Spirit & Our Hope" is soon to be pUblished in Engl,ish, spoke of it as a "revitalization of what we possess."

:' orriS • .rlpp : METAL ,: ,:, SHEET J. TESER, Prop. ,

Archbishop Ramsey urged Christians to study it as a means for the individual "to be outside of one's self and among the brethren."

,, 253 Cedar St., New Bedford', 993-3222 ," ,,



"Save Wit11 Safety" at




Prize Recipient Sees Humanizing Revolution Here

Thurs., Feb. 21, 1974

Citizens for Life Hits Euthanasia

OSLO (NC)-"A humanizing revolution has star~ed for a world based on love of truth and man," Brazilian Archbishop HeIder Camara said when he received the $250,000 Peoples' Peace Prize here Feb. 10. The prize was initiated by groups in Nor:way dissatisfied with the 1973 winners of the Nobel Peace Prize. Archbishop Camara, who has. been nominated for the Nobel prize by many groups for the past several years, said that the Peoples' Peace Prize "will be used for promoting a new war, a war without violence and for the humanizing of the world." The People's Peace Prize was valued at more than $250,000 and was colllected in Scandinavia, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and Italy. People's Prize Archbishop Camara, who heads the archdiocese of Olinda and Recife in poverty-stricken northeast Brazil, urged those at the award ceremony-held in the Oslo city hall-to cooperate across the borders of religion. "Together," he said, "we can persuade governments to show human regard , the technocrats to serve life instead of death, the military powers to beat their swords into plowshares." Wearing a pectoral cross of wood instead of gold, Archbishop Camara said that part of the prize money would be used for lhe education of poor farmworkers in northeast Brazil and to help them purchase their own land. The archbishop noted that six Norwegian members of parliament (which select the Nobel prizewinners) have nominated him for the 1974 Nobel Peace Prize, and then said: "I accept the Peoples' Prize and do not condemn the Nobel prize. But for me to accept the Nobel prize would be to insult those who gave me the Peoples' Prize."

Decries Genocide Convention Setback WASHINGTON (NC)-A U. S. Senate action killing immediate chances for ratification of the United Nations convention otl genocide has drawn sharp criticism here from the genera] secretary of the U. S. Catholic Conference. After the Senate refused to vote cloture on debate of the genocide convention - a move which virtually kills the measure for this session of Congress -Bishop James S. Rausch blamed the defeat on what he termed "a narrow conception of national self-interest which ignores the fact and the moral . imperative of human interdependence." The Senate, the bishop noted, has refused to ratify the convention for the last 25 years. The measure was first submitted to the Senate by President Harry Truman. "Genocide is a heinous crime," Bishop Rausch said. "The United States should not allow nationalistic shEbboleths to stand in the way of its acknowledging this fact and acting ilt its light."



INTENT SPECTATORS: When Lesley Robinson was baptized in 55 Peter and Paul Church, Norwood, Ohio, she asked her classmates to help plan the ceremony and her teacher, .Margaret Moeggenberg, to be her sponsor. Fellow students watch intently as Father Ferdinand W. Kylius presents the young Christian with a baptismal candle.

'Essential' Nature of Charismatic Renewal PHILADELPHIA (NC)-A Canadian archbishop said here that the charismatic renewal movement sweeping through the Church in North America is as "permanent and .essential" a part of the Church "as the living body of Jesus Christ, Our Lord."

Archbishop James Hayes of Halifax, Nova Scotia, told. an audience of about 450 priests and nuns that this charismatic renewal movement is "not some kind of theological innovation." The archbishop was speaking a't ',a weekend conference on

Improved Polish Church-State Relations Called Highly Desirable VATICAN CITY (NC)-Vatican Ra'Ciio, repor:ting in some detail a two-day meeting of the Polish bishops on their problems with the country's communist regime, called an eventual normalization of Church-State relations in P.oltmd "highly desirable." The bishops said they consider Polish Foreign Minister Stefan Olszowski's· visit to the Vatican last November "a positive event" in current efforts toward an understanding. But the bishops emphasized in their communique that administrative decisions cannot by' themselves lead to normalization, which requires a solution of fundamental problems such as religious freedom of expression, the defense of the moral atmosphere, and equal rights for practicing Catholics in social, professional, economic and political life. The meeting of the Polish bishops, their 140th plenary assembly, was held in Warsaw Jan. 22 and 23. Vatican RadiO reported: "The pr,oblem of constructing new churches figures among those tackled by the assembly. While the bishops recognized that building permits for new churches were more numerous this year t'han last year, they compl'ained that the .permits are given slowly and with difficulty, and that they are insufficient for the real and' of.~en urgent needs of the dioceses.

"The Polish episcopacy furthermore deplored administrative ,sanctions imposed ' on priests who celebrate Holy Mass in oateohetical chapels situated far from ,the parish church." The bishops energetically deplored the forced committal to a psychiatric hospital of' a priest of a town near Bialy.stok in the Lomza diocese for having celebrated Mass in his own home. "The conference pronounced this step an abuse of power and a dangerous precedent violating the civil-Iiben~ies laws in force," V'atican Radio said.

Stresses Obligation Of Imprimatur PARIS (NC)-Cardinal Francois Marty of Paris, president of the French Bishops' Conference.. has reminded Catholics of the archdiocese of the obligation to seek Church approval for books they wish to publish on theological subjects.. "Theological research must be done in the Church," the cardinal said in his a11chdiocesan bulletin. "The Christian community has a right to have the bishop assume effectively his duty of guarding and promoting the faith. It is a good thing for the theologian himself to be requestioned in season and out of season in order to manifest the coherence of his writing with the authentic doctrine of the Church given by tradition.

charismatic renewal at St. Charles BOl'romeo Seminary. He said he became interested in what is popularly known as the Catholic Pentecostal movement through a request from a couple in his archdiocese to help ,them in their prayer. "Every Christian teacher, evangelist and parent who communicates t.o another the tiniest part of God's word," the archbishop said, "is carrying out a commission to speak in the name of God." Archbishop Hayes also said that the charisma~ic movement is a reminder that "real personal conversational encounter with God is for all Christians" and that "all Christians are called to a ministry of service in the Church." . Con~ributions of the charismatic movement to the Church include, he said, a deeper understandinl~ of the role of the Christian in the Church," "a new sense of prayer, especially the . prayer of praise," and a renewed "spirit of joy." Archbishop Hayes told his listeners that the charismatic gifts must be exercised within the Church. "To the Church we must be faithful," he said, "as faithful as a husband is to his bride," he said. U

ST. PAUL (NC)-Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life (MOeL), an organization that had devoted its efforts in the last six years to fighting abortion, has condemned mercy killing and "managerial euthanasia." The MCCL position paper on euthanasia in effect represents an official broadening of con· cerns for the group, which has often been pictured as a "oneissue" group. The position paper urges humane care for the dying. MCCL president Marjory Mecklenburg said the paper "distinguishes three distinct aspects of what many people consider to be a single issue. "We break the question .into three categories: death with dignity, mercy killing and managerial euthanasia (or death selection)." While MCCL endorses the idea of "humanizing the dying process," Mrs. Mecklenburg said the group does not "advocate neglecting the dying patient," Distinguishing between "death with dignity" and euthanasia, the MCCL head said that "letting a dying person die naturally is much differen t than killing the ill, the handicapped or the aged,".

Says Dead Workers Victims of Greed NEW YORK (NC)-Nineteen members of the Uni~ed Farmwor,kers of America, killed in an early morning bus accident Jan. IS in Blythe, Calif., were victims of "structured greed" in America, a leading Protestant minister said at a memorial service for them here. The Rev. Ernest Campbell, chairman of New York Interfaith Committee that aids migrant workers, spoke at a noonday Requiem Eucharist at Trinity Episcopal Church. Members of the congregation included Dorothy Day, of the Catholic Worker movement, and many farm wor:kers now in New York.

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Catholic Regional School Board's 'Value Stressed PROVIDENCE (NC)-The superintendent of Catholic schools in the Providence diocese has urged the improvement of the Catholic regional school boards in, the dioc'ese as the "main hope for the continuation of our value-oriented school system." In a statement issued in connection 'with the local observance of national Catholic Education Week, the superintendent, Christian Brother Stephen O'Hara said: "It is in and through the expertise of the membership of the regional boards that the best brains in finance, advertising, communi· cation and curriculum development can be' found in order to bring our schools to the level of excellence ,that they must achieve." He urged the boards' not to become "bogged down in the minutiae of 'who has the authority' to tell people what to and how to do it." The boards, he said, should: Find seats in some school in the region for children whose parents want them to have a Catholic education, and to urge school populations where neces· sary to provide places. Have the etIucators on the board .or in the region set up' curriculum committes to study ways of improving study programs. Advertise the schools so that as few vacancies as possible exist. Study ways of improving the financial operation of the schools. Study the methods of funding so th~t as many pupils as need assistance can obtain some grant-in-aid money.

Catholic Education Guide Published -,

Pray for Nation During Crisis

THE ANCHORThurs., Feb. 21, 197<4

WASHINGTON (NC) - "The 1973-74 Official Guide to Catho· lic Educational Institutions and Religious Communities in the United States," sponsored by the division of elementary and secondary education of the Department of Education of the U.S. Catholic Conference, has been published. The 15th annual edition of the publication is a complete listing of Catholic educational institutions, including boarding schools on the secondary 'level, junior colleges and universities, nursing schools and Religious orders of men and women. The guide gives admission standards, course selections, dis· tinctive programs and degree requirements. -It also lists faculty sizes and qualifications, enroll· ments, scholarships, employment opportunities, housing facilities and costs. For Religious orders, the guide lists basic information and admission requirements.

Retirement P'lan INDIANAPOLIS (NC) - An archdiocesan retirement program for all full-time diocesan employees, including priests, Religious and laity has been esta'!>lished by Archbishop George J. Biskup of Indianapolis. A $2 million campaign fund will be launched to assist in the initial financing of the retirement plan.

LONDON (NC) - A day of prayer for the nation was held in many churches in this country following the government's announced severe restrictions on the use of power in industry and, commerce. The restrictions foUow the cut in oil supplies from the Middle East coupled with ,a growing shortage of coal due to ana,tional slowdown by miners and other industrial unrest. . Archbishop Andrew Beck of Liverpool was one of the signers of an appeal to aU believers to visit a place of worship and pray for the coUntry in its present crisis. "We ask that all Christians should in the fellowship of the .... . ....• . ,..,. ;'" Holy Spirit quietly tune their minds to the mind of Jesus Christ and ask God Our Father to free the nation from the strife which burdens or destroys its CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK MARKED: Bishop George H. Guilfoyle of Camden, peace, unity and brotherhood," far left, gets a closeup look at one of 50 highway billboards promoting registration dur- the appeal said. ing Catholic Schools Week in his six-county diocese. With him are Father James R. "We must pray for the creation Tracy, superintendent of schools, and Father Glendon E. Robertson, diocesan secretary with us of a n'ew spirit equal for education. The state legislature arid Gov. Brendan Byrne have set aside the week to the new circumstances in our national life," >~.


iiiillllPY 236£ '.'

of Feb. 17-23 to recognize contributions of Catholic schools in New Jersey. NC ppoto.,

Catholic Relief Aids Cambodia Refugees

Hits Religious Education Controversy WILMINGTON (NJC) - Children are being "torn apart," parents are "suffering terribly," and teachers are "very often misunderstood," because of controversies over religious education, according'to the associate director for the proposed National Cate· chetical Directory. Sister Mariella Frye- spoke about the problems of religious

education in an .jnte~iew after .she addressed 50 Sisters working in the Wilmington diocese. Children are suffering "because their parents tell them one thing and teachers tell them another," said Sister Frye. " "Parents are suffering terribly because they think that their chilprer,t aren't learning the fll,ith as they learned it," she said, and

Pope Paul Stresses Cooperation On International Economic Level

NEW YORK (NC)' - About 300,000 refugees in Cambodia are being aided by Catholic Relief Services (CRS), according to Father Philip McNamara, CRS program director. The emphasis in the CRS pro· gram has been on self-help agricultural projec~s, said Father McNamara, who recently re, "I hope we will have a docuturned from the Cambodia capment that is practical, pastoral, ital of Phnom Penh, told a meetbiblical, and theologically and psychologically sound," Sister ing of representatives from 20 Eastern dioceses that CRS can Frye said. ".feed a family forever," but that "The document should speak the Cambodians are proud and to the Church and its problems prefer self-help projects. in our times and should help to The meeting was a planning relieve some of the harmful ten· session for the 1974 American sions which are presently prevaCatholic Overseas Aid Fund Aplent in religious education." peal. The annual appeal, provid· The directory, tQ.be ,issued by ing funding for CRS, papal charthe U.S. bishops, will provide ities, the Catholic Seaman's Innorms and guidelines for meth- stitute and the Office of Migraods and content in religious edu·, tion of the U. S. Catholic Confercation on a1l levels. It is expect- ence, is made during Lent. A ed to be completed by November special collection for overseas of 1975. Until that time, recom- aid will be taken up in most mendat-ions and suggestions from churches on Laetare Sunday, groups .and individuals will be Mar. 24. compiled in- two preliminary drafts of the document. teachers are "very often misunderstood, and consequently are accused of being heretics." "I think that a1l of this is harmful to the very people you're trying to teach and I hope that some of this tension will be relieved by the National Catet{;hetical Directory," she said.

VATICAN CITY (NC) - Rich stocked consumer goods must not and poor nations alike can no become the goal of society since longer afford "closed, self- it 'cannot guarantee essential sufficient national economies," human values," he said. Pope Paul VI told a group of He hailed the conference as European and African leaders. an example of new efforts being The Pope received about 300 made by nations to work out participants in, a conference of ,their common goals through ecoparliamentarians of the European nomic agreements and negotia-Economic Community and of tions 'and said: "God asks us to African states, which is explor- attempt the impossible so that ing means of economic and so- there may be greater justice cial social exchange between the ' among men," two land masses. Speaking in French, the Pope stressed that the various prob- Archdiocese Opens lems afflicting both groups, of Pro-Life Office _ nations today make cooperation DENVER (NC) - The Denver on an international economic archdiocese has established an :level necessary. office to collect and distribute "On the one hand the ob· information on pro-life activity, stacles which Africa encounters to monitor pro-life projects and on the way toward its full de· velopment and, on the other, the to review legislation concerning ener.gy cr,isis and the monetary abortion and euthanasia. The Pro-Life Office, under the and economic problems of Europe, make it clearer than ever directon of Msgr. William Jones, that you cannot rely on closed, archdiocesan vicar for education,·' self-sufficient national econ- envisions a three-pronger action omies. Nations· are becoming pla'n to ·deal with ,the problems more a\yareof their limits and presented in the archdiocese as a they are looking for new ap- result of the 1973 Supreme Court abortion decision. proaches." The perils surrounding both The office plans first to develgroups of nations today raise op a ·directory of people and orcertain risks that must be ganizations engaged in pro-life watched, the Pope said.. "Some work' in the archdiocese and to nations might try to rely on publish Ii newsletter, especia1ly themselves." He warned also for parish councils, on pro-life against the risk that the poor activities. The office will also may be made to pay for the de- evaluate pro-life projects sponmands of the present situation. sored by arc.hdiocesan funds and "The search for profit only, review requests for further fundfor overproduction and for over- ing.


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The ANCHOR-·Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 21, 1974

Real Personal Involvement Present in Collective Sin.s

Th.e Parish Parade Publicity chairmen of parish organizations Ire Isked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River 02722. Name of city or town should be Included, as well as full dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather than past events.

What became of sin? In a recent book bearing this provocativ~ question as its title, Dr. Karl Menninger, the grand old man of American psychiatry, argues that, while the word "sin" has largely fallen out of favor and, at least in the United States, is no longer in common usage. there is nevertheless "a gen- Time passes. Memories fade. Perhaps there is a record someeral sentiment that sin is still where, but who reads it?" with us, by us, and in us somewhere." That's a healthy sign, for it would seem to indicate that, while our vocabulary in this area may have become III

11111 [llml I :



rather fuzzy and also rather selfserving and self deluding, we haven't lost touch with reality. Dr. Menninger contends, however, that for the sake (If our own mental and moral health and for the good of society, we ought to revive the word sin for those transgressions that truly deserve to be caBed by that name. "The disappearance of the word sin," he says, "involves a shift in the aBocation of responsibility for evil." And this, he suggests, can be very harmful not only to the individual but to society as weB. In the best and most complimentary sense of the word, there is something wonderfully oldfashioned llIbout Dr. Menninger's approach to the problem of sin. This is not to suggest, however, that he is a Puritanical, fingerwagging moralist of the old school, hell bent on putting the fear of God in recalcitrant sinners. To the contrary, he is an amiable and highly realistic reformer, whose primary purpose, as a wise old counsellor who has been studying the human condition scientifically for 50 years or more, is not to chastise or frighten his readers but rather to encourage them to live up to their own highest standards and ideals. Something Modern If there is something oldfashioned about Dr. Menninger's approach to the problem of sin, there is also something new about it, something very modern. He lays great stress on "sin as collective irresponsibility," and, under this umbrella-type heading, speaks of our common involvement in the coBective sins of war, latter-day forms of slavery, environmental waste, economic injustice, etc. Because of the complexity of modern life, he says, acknowledgement of personal involvement in these collective sins " eludes our attenti.on and seems to make sin disappear." By that he means "if a group of people can be made to share the responsLbility for what would be a sin if an individual did it, the load of guilt rapidly lifts from the shoulders of aB concerned. Others may accuse, but the guilt shared by the many . evaporates for the individual.

I kept thinking of that statement as I was watching the recent CBS two-hour special, "The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman." Though this moving drama has been critized by. at least one reviewer for romanticizing the evil of pre-Civil War slavery and post-Civil War reform, it was nevertheless remarkably good theatre-by all odds the best thing I have seen on television in recent years. Whatever its limitations from the point of view of historical accuracy, it must have lead millions of Americans to think seriously about "sin as collective irresponsibility" and about their own personal involvement in the various kinds of exploitation that still exists in the United States 122 years after the birth of the fictional Jane Pittman, a former slave whose life of incredible suffering (and indomitable courage) from the Civil War to the civil rights movement was portrayed so effectively on the television screen by Cicely Tyson. Evils Still Exist ~ few days after the Jane Pittman show, CBS ~!=ored again with a dramatic presentation, written by playwright Tennessee WilJiams, on the dreadful plight of migrant workers, many of whom are the helpless victims of what Dr. Menninger would probably describe as a modern form of slavery.

Dr. Menninger says that "our society.is so organized that most. of us don't encounter poor people except on the television screen." WeB, better that we should encounter them there than not at all. Thanks to OBS and to Tennessee Williams, we saw them on the tube - at a comfortable distance, to be sure, and only for an hour-and-a-half -in all their heart-wrenching misery. Once again we were lead to think about "sin as collective irresponsibility" and about our own personal involvement, however indirect or marginal, in one particular form of human exploitation. Dr. Menninger is at pains to remind us that "acknowledgement of sin is a start, but it is not enough." That's perfectly true, of course, but if we are ever going to make any progress in developing a sense of our own involvement in collective evils and a sense of personal responsibility for. correcting them, we have to begin somewhere. We must first of all become aware of the fact that these evils still exist, even in this the wealthiest nation in the history of the. world. Hats off, then, to CBS for having helped us to do just that, not once but twice in the course of a single week. ( © 1974 NC News Service)



TION: The Congregation for Saints' Causes has approved writings of Mother Katharine Drexel, foundress of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, moving her a step clsoer to beatification. The approval insures purity of doctrine as expressed by the missionary in her work with blacks and Indians in America. NC Photo.

Servite Fathers Ask Information On Farah Strike EL PASO (NC)-A stockholders' resolution seeking information and a commitment to the welfare of the workers of Farah Manufacturing Co. has been filed here with the company by the Servite Fathers. A supportive resolution is also expected to be .filed by the Chicago province of the Jesuits. According to Servite Father John Pawlikowski, a member of the Servite's social action committee, the Servite resolution seeks information on the boycott of Farah products caBed by striking Farah workers, who are !being supported by the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America (ACWA). The Servites, Father Pawlikowski added, own about 1,000 shares of Farah stock. A request to file the resolution, he said, came from the ACWA. Questions Statement Farah, Father Pawlikowski explained, maintains that it has been giving benefits to its em. ployes, "but there is doubt that any of the employes qualify." The resolution will be presented at the March 6 stockholders' meeting in EI Paso. Consultors of the Chicago province of Jesuits; who also own Farah stock, are scheduled to take in the matter of a resolution supporting the Servites' resolution. at their next meeting. A Jesuit spokesman said that a decision would be made before the March 6 stockholders' meet· ing.

Parish Parade

OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS, FALL RIVER The Holy Rosary Sodality has announced that Mass, Communion and meeting dates are as follows: March 10, June 16, Sept. 8, Oct. 6 and Dec. 1. The Sodality is also planning a one day trip to New York on Saturday, March 30 and it will include an Easter Show in the Gotham city. The Council of Catholic Women will sponsor a Spring dance in the hall from 8 to midnight on Saturday night, March 23. Music will be by the Jardinaires. The Holy Name Society will receive Holy Communion in :l body at the 8 o'clock Mass on Sunday morni.ng, April 7 and it will be followed by a Communion breakfast and meeting. A mission in Portuguese will be conducted from March 3-9. Ashes will be distributed on Feb. 27 during the 7 A.M., 4 P.M. and 7 P.M. Masses. There is no other time schedule for distribution. A malasada supper will be served in the hall from 6 to 8 on Saturday night, Feb. 23 and dancing will be held from 8 to midnight.

ST.. JOHN OF GOD, SOMERSET The Women's Guild will sponsor a chicken dinner and a spring fashion show at 6:30 P.M. Wednesday, March 20 at Venus de Milo restaurant. The chance of winning four grand prizes of gift certificates and cash will be included in the ticket price and winners need not be present for these awards. Additionally, door prizes will be awarded during the evening. Mrs. Manuel Nogueira is chairman. OUR LADY OF HEALTH, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will serve a malasada turkey supper at 6:30 on Saturday night, Feb. 23 in the parish hall. Music by the Roman IV will provide music for dancing from 8 to midnight. Tickets may be obtained from members of any of the parish societies. SANTO CHRISTO, FALL RIVER A dance originally scheduled for Feb. 23rd has been cancelled due to alterations in the hall. Contacts for possible ticket refunds are: Mrs. Herculana Raposa (3-3264) or Mrs. Lorraine Lima (6-0076).

NOTRE DAME, FALL RIVER The Council of Catholic Women will hold its monthly meeting at 7:45 on Monday night, Feb. SACRED HEART, 25 in the Jesus Mary auditorium. FALL RIVER Mrs. Joseph Gagnon, chairman The next meeting of the Womhas announced that a bingo en's Guild is scheduled for Monparty for members only will be day night, March 4. A potluck held at the meeting. supper will be served at 6:30 and . Mrs. Roland Allard and Mrs. will be followed by entertainNormand Tetrault, co-chairmen, ment provided by James Feeley, have announced that a cake 'sale a graphic artist. will be held in the lower church Mrs. John Patota and Mrs. after all the Masses on the weekWalter White, co-chairmen of end of March 16-17. the supper have asked all memEdward Lambert, scoutmaster bers planning· to attend to bring of Troop IS, and Gilbert Fiola, a dish or a donation. cubmaster of Pack IS, have announced that the annual scout ST. JOSEPH, Communion breakfast will be ATTLEBORO The Knights of the Altar com- served on Sunday, March 3. The scouts will receive Committee will meet at 7:30 on Sunday evening, ·Feb. 24 in the home munion at the 9 o'clock Mass and then proceed to ,the school hall of Ernest Cote. At 7:30 on Monday night, where breakfast will be served March 4, Birthright of Attleboro to the scouts and members -of will come to ·the parish hall and their families. For every non-scout over 12 speak to all youths of high school years of age attending the breakage, their parents and all parishioners on the aims of the fast, . ther~ will be a charge of $2.50 and a charge of $1.50 for organization. I There will be a general meet- every non-scout 12 years of age ing and e",planation of this or younger. spring's minstrel and variety at ST. JOSEPH, 7:30 on Sunday evening, March 3. NEW BEDFORD The parish Legion of Mary, OUR LADY OF VICTORY, under the guidance of Rev. CENTERVILI,E Msgr. Henri A. Hamel, will sponThe Women's Guild has an- sor a pre-Ienter program in nounced the following schedule honor of the Blessed Virgin. of events. On Saturday, Feb. 23, Scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 24, Mrs. Bea Rockwell will be in it will open with Benediction of charge of a parish social. On the Blessed Sacrament in the March I, the World Day of parish church at 3 and will conPeace will be commemorated at clude with a "slide show" in the the Cotuit Federated Church. school hall. It is open to the public. The annual covered dish supper will be served to aB guild members and their guests at the regular monthly meeting on Monday night, March 11.

OUR LADY OF LOURDES, TAUNTON The annual parish ham and bean supper will be held' in the ST. LAWRENCE, school hall, 52 First St., from NEW BEDFORD The Parish Club is sponsoring 5:30 to 7 P.M. on Saturday, Feb. a dance to be held Saturday 23rd. Dinner music will follow the . evening at the Hawthorn Counsupper; dancing from 9 P.M. to try Club from 9 to 1. Tickets may be obtained at the Rectory. midnight.


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The ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 21, 1974

Reveals Soviet Repression

In Book on Solzhenitsyn "Violence does not and cannot ~xist on its own, it is inexorably bound up with the lie. The link between them is fundamental and entirely natural and organic: violence has nothing to cover itself with, except the lie, and the lie has no way of maintaining there was opposition to itself except by violence. /... theBuf change which he seemed to The simple course of the have eUected. Some Soviet offisImple brave man is not to cials were against any admission participate in the lie and not to support lying actions." This is an exceI'pt from the address which Alexander Sol-


of wrongdoing by Stalin, and many who were implieated in his crimes feared exposure and retribution. It seemed certain that SoliIIISlIElilllil~i~ zhenitsyn would be awarded the Lenin Prize in 1964, but he was By not. The opposition was prevailing: K!trushchev, who was to fall from power later that year, had RT. REV. already turned against SolzhenMSGR. itsyn, and the thaw began ta give way to a resumption of the JOHNS. freeze. KENNEDY Literary Grant What has happened to Solzhenitsyn since then? His inter111I II ·StS1l.Jlm!8 zhenitsyn prepared on the occa- national fame has increased sion of his being awarded the enormously. This has come about Nobel Prize for Literature in through the publication in Eu1970. He .never gave the address, rope and America of his two because he feared that, if he left lengthy novels dealing with life the Soviet Union for the trip in the Soviet Union, The First to Stockholm, he would be re- Circle and Cancer Ward, and his fused reentry, and plans to pre- panoramic novel, of the begin, sent the prize to him in Moscow nings of World War I on the were thwarted by the Soviet eastern front, August 1914. He has established himself as one government. of the literary giants of the cenNobel Priz,~ tury. Solzhenitsyn's brief hour of But not in the Soviet Union. favor in the Soviet Union, and his subsequent harassment and . There; he has been slandered, denigration are traced in a book spied upon, restricted, threat'by his friend, the distinguished ened. As this review is written, biochemist Zhores A. Mervedev, he is in danger of arrest and Ten Years After Ivan Denisovich, further severe punishment betranslated by Hilary Sternberg cause of the publicatiQn in Eu(Knopf, 501 Madison Ave., New rope' and' the imminent publication in the United States, of his York, N. Y. 10022. $6.95). Born in 1918, Solzhenitsyn The Gulag Archipelago, which is was a commander of a Red Army not a novel but a compilation of artillery unit in East Prussia in eyewitness evidence of the mistreatment and' destruction o~ 1945~ He was arrested because in letters to a friend. he oblique- millions of Soviet citizens, be.' ly criticized Stalin. Thereafter ginning with the day of' Lenin. , Mr. Mervedev, now doing rehe spent 10 years in prison camps and in exile within the search in Britain, and with his confiscated; Soviet Union. His term finished, Soviet passport he became a teacher. He had gives an outline of what has hapbegun to write, but was unpub- pened to Solzhenitsyn' between 1962 and the present. In doing lished until 1962. By then Khrushchev had de- so, he lays bare the methods ,of livered his famous speech de- the Soviets and the atmosphere . nouncing the excesses of Stalin, of rigid repression which oband some relaxation of Stalinist tains in the U.S.S.R. absolutism had taken place in Prince of Wales Russia. Solzhenitsyn's first novWe step back into an earlier el One Day in the Life of Ivan age, and a different scene, when Denisovich, was brought, to we take up Christopher Hibbert's Khrushchev's attention, and he George IV, Prince of Wales (Harwas instrumental in making its per &, Row, 49 E. 33rd St., New 'publication possible. York, N. Y. 10016. $10. Illustrated): Slave Labor Caml) George IV was King of EnIvan Denisovich was a prisoner ina slave labor camp. The in- gland for only 10 years. Born in justice visited on him, and the 1762, he came to the throne in horror of t1te camps, were pow- 1820, and he died in 1830. But erfully depicted. So too was the his father, George III, who was humanity which resisted brutal- king Jor 60 years, had periods ization and, in some instances, of mental incapacitation, and managed to survive it. The book during the longest of these, from was not mere reporting; it was 1811 to 1820, his son, the Prince of Wales (later George IV) was genuine literature. Its publication in Russia was a Regent of England. sensation. Millions of copies Mr. Wbbert, who undoubtedly were printed and sold. At last will produce further volumes the unspeakable evils of the about this man, is here considerStalin era were acknowledged ing the years :between Prince and could be publicly expressed. George's birth and his assumpSolzhenitsyn's genius. was rec-, tion of the Regency,in 1811. ognized, and he became somePrince George was a voluptuthing of a hero. ary and a prodigious spendthrift.

• Life Recogn"izes God's Role In PHILADELPHIA (NC) - "The Lord deserves the credit not , me," Mrs. Lavinia Hunter said as she looked back over a life that began in 1862 as the daughter of black sharecroppers. The Lord "took care of everything," Mrs. Hunter said ,at a party Feb. 8 marking her 112th birthday." All I did was live my best and try to get along with .'people. And mostly everyone was good to me." Attending the party at Sacred Heart Manor in the Germantown section of Philadelphia were Mrs. Hunter's son, WHbur, 76; John Lucas, a foster· child raised by Mrs. Hunter; and several of her nine grandchildren, two greatgrandchildren andl two greatgreat-grandchildren. . Mrs. Hunter was born to bonded sharecropper parents on a farm near Bowie, Md. She was baptized Louisa in the Catholic· Church or' the Assumption, but one of the priests began calling her Lavinia, and that name stuck. Of her early childhood, Mrs. Hunter has scattered memoriesof Indians ("Not when I was a real small girl but later on; they never bothered anybody, but I was frightened")-of doing farm work ("we grew tobacco, potatoes, 'tomatoes, sweet potatoes") -of caring for the farm's livestock ("you had to drive the sheep' where you wanted them to go;)-and of soldiers ("they

He could be amiahle and charming; he could also be arbi~rary and, overbearing. H~ stubb<?rnly sought his own way, by,. any means, including fits of hysteria. It was said of him that he suffered from his father's mental ailment, if in a slightly different Jorm. He secretly 'married a Catholic, the twice-widowed Maria Fitzherbert. This, of course, was in violation of English law. But if he was constant to anyone, it was to her. Later, he married a German princess, the only reason being that, he could thereby increase his income. This woman, Caroline of Brunswick, he treated shamefully, and made no attempt to conceal his hatred of her. Constant Conflict He dabbled' in politics, taking the other side of almost every issue from his father. Between the two there was constant conflict. Th father always complained of the son, the son of the father. . Momentous iJi.ternational happenings are very faint in the background of this portrait of the Prince of Wales. The American Revolution, the French Revolution, the rise of Napoleon, the Napoleonic Wars":'-these all occurred in the time span covel'ed by the book, but they are but brief, vague offstage noises. The focus is 011 a willful, extravagant, foolishly imperious prince, born to high privilege and capable of base, conduct. It is impossible to take him seriously, although his people had to take him seriously indeed. If anyone has any nostalgia for the era of kings, it is rudely dashed by almost any hones,t history of one or another of them. Mr. Hibbert has written a literate, w~lI-paced," cool-eyeil review of the formative and deformative years of a lightweight monarch.

CENTENARIAN LOOKS BACK: At age 112, Mrs. Lavinia Hunter of Philadelphia talked about the changes she has witnessed in a life that began on a Maryland farm with her sharecropper parents. She raised 17 foster children 'when you didn't get any money for taking care of kids; I guess the Lord just provided.' NC Photo. came to the faJ:m when I was a little girl; they had dirty blue uniforms and carried guns"). She remembers riding with other children in a wagon .several miles to church as a small girl; later on, she said, the children would run the distance. "We never would start out on time, so we'd have to run," she explained. She recalls having to pump ,water and carry it in wooden buckets ("one on my head and one in each hand") to. big, WOOd;,. en tubs where laundry was done, and .chopping wood for the kitchen fireplace. The children would vie for turns riding on the huge horse-drawn wagons loaded 'with corded wood, she said. . During playtime, Mrs. Hunter rioted, the girls had dolls made of tree branches and bits of cloth, or corn husks. And, she remembered, she used to be "quite good" at jumping rope. As a young girl, Mrs. Hunter saw race horses being prepared for the track at Bowie, and she attended parties where she did the waltz, the "straight dance," and "other nice dances that I can't remember the names of." . Mrs. Hun~er met and married her husband William in Maryiand, it was there that her two children were born, and there that one of them, Thomas, died at the age of three. The Hunters moved to Philadelphia in 1897, and Mrs. Hunter found work as a cook. She soon' was getting more money from her employler because, she recalled, "they liked sweet potato pie and apple dumplings." In addition to raising their. own sol} Wilbur, the Hunters were able to take care of 17 foster children. This, Mrs. Hunter

pointed out was "mostly during the hard times when you didn't get any money for taking care of kids; I guess the Lord just provided." Mrs. Hunter remembers her first telephone ("it had a handle on the side that you had to turn to ring the operator") and her firsJ car ("it was square, like a big box, and brown"). The streets were unpaved, and people rode horse-drawn trOlleys, with steps on the side where you got in." ", :Mrs. Hunter's husband died in 1932, and she continued in her cooking jobs until 1942. For 10 more years, she continued to do the cooking for herself, and all her own housecleaning. At the age of 109, Mrs. Hunter made medical history by surviving an operation to mend a broken hip, but the effort to maintain her own home became too much for her, and she became a patient at Germantown's Sacred Heart Manor.


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The ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 21, 1974


KNOW YOUR FAITH The Importance of Responsibility

I II Our Rights and Responsibilities Two recent experiences set me thinking about the importance and difficulty-·of helping people grow up free but responsible, aware of their rights yet respectful of others. In both cases I was the dinner guest of friends. n'llltlilH.~llililjll_



PRIZED POSSESSIONS: Each evening a guard in Washington, D.C., locks up the· rights of American citizens.... What is being locked up, of course, is only the original parchment documents of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. A closeup of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. NC Photo. Each evening a guard in Washington, D. C., locks up the rights of American citizens. With a push of a button, the guard at the National Archives puts our independence, our guarantees and privileges, our rights, behind the heavy doors of a fire-proof, bombproof, steel and reinforced concrete valult.

child of the Father, redeemed by the Son, filled with the Spiriteach of us possess rights and rseponsibilities which no government can give or take away. In the opening of h'is encyclical, Pacem in Terris, Pope John XXIII emphasized the truth albout the source or individual rights and responsibilities: "Any


See No'n-Christian Asians As Believers, Christians Told


What is being "locked up," of course, is only the original parchment documents of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the BiH of Rights. Locking up these precious papers so tightly each evening does not mean that we American citizens don't continue to enjoy our rights and practice our responsibilities. Our government keeps on functioning. But what would happen if our government decided to ignore the guarantees of rights and do away with the responsibilities of us citizens? Would we still have them. The Christian knows that it would make no difference at all in the reality of his or her rights and responsibilities. These don't come from governments; they don't exist because some documents say so. ,For the Christian, rights and duties in society come directly from human nature, the creation of Almighty God. Because of the dignity of the human person-

LONDON (NC)-Christians in Britain should recognize that both they and the Asian immigrants in the country have a religious view of the world, according to a booklet published by the Catholic Committee for Racial Justice in association with the British Council of Churches. This religious view, the booklet said, draws Christian and non-Christian believers together and sets them both apart from those whose philosophy is purely secular or materialistic. The booklet, by Ann Dummett, former community relations officer for Oxford University, and Michael Hollings, is entitled "Restoring the Streets," and deals with the problems caused by the presence of more than half a million Moslem, Hindu and Sikh believers in Britain. Mrs. Dummett wrote: "Those of us who follow a religion have thus a great deal' in common with each other, however, our particular beliefs vary, in the way we look at the world. We also have a great deal in common in that ordinary everyday organization of our lives is involved with our religious beliefs; practical decisions about marriage, having children, setting


human society, if it is to be wellordered and productive, must lay down as a foundation this principle, namely, that every human being is a person, that is, his nature is endowed with intelligence and free will. By virtue of this, he has rights and duties of his own, flowing directly and simulTurn to Page Fourteen

certain hours or certain days aside for religious practices, following particular dietary customs, and so on, are made with reference to' something beyond merely human practical affairs." She said that the various religious practices that are impor· tant to Catholics, Jews, Moslems, and Sikhs "seem to those without religion to be superstitious or pointless, the particular eccentricities of minorities."

Australia Schools To Receive Aid CANBERRA (NC) - Catholic and other nongovernment schools in the state of New South Wales are to receive about $15 milHon under the provisions of ,the Karmel Report on education. (Named after its head, Prof. Peter Karmel, the Karmel report was set up by the federal government to investigate education needs and make recommendations. After a stormy passage, enabling legislation was finally passed through the Australian Parliament.) Catholic parish schools in the state will receive about $7.2 million and other non-government schools will receive about 7.9 miUion.

When I arrived at Harry and Jane's shortly before dinner, I was delighted to see them and their four children. I was' a bit late, so we sat down almost immediately to dinner. The children ate fast and then left the talble. Two of them sat down on the floor beside the table and turned on the television. The other two played games on the other side of the table. There was almost continual shouting back and forth since the TV was quite loud. Harry, Jane and I were unable to talk because of the noise. It was unfortunate and frustrating because w'e had not seen each other for several years. Pat and Joan welcomed me ,a week or two later to their home. Their children were there to greet me, ,too. We enjoyed the children for a half-hour or so, before dinner. The two boys ate dinner quickly and then went off to play in an adjoining room. Pat, Joan and I had a long conversation as we quietly finished our meal. It was an enriching experience. Home as Educator These two experiences caused me to reflect on the importance of helping the young grow both in a sense of freedom and in a sense of responsibility. We need to guide the young in awareness of their rights and in a respect of the rights of others. Like most education, education to responsible freedom begins early, normally in the home, through quite ordinary happenings. These two experiences may not be typical of either family I visited. But I could not help thinking that Pat and Joan's children were being taught to respect thE! rights of others while lea'rning to enjoy their own rights. Harry and Jane's children gave little evidence that they were conscious of the rights of their parents and guests to be able to converse. AnLEBORO'S

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I've had similar experiences in classroom. In one class ·children listened to each. other, took 'care of and shared school equipment. In another class there was little evidence of respect for things or other people. Rights of Other People 1t seems to me that one of the objectives of religious education both at home and in school is to . enable youngsters to become aware of their own freedom, 'their own rights. Part of such . learning involves the awareness that freedom and rights implies respect for the freedom and rights of others. Freedom involves responsibilities. The Second Vatican Council clearly teaches this basic principle: "In the use of all freedoms, the moral principle of personal and social responsibility is to be observed. In the exercise of their rights, individual men and social groups, are bound by the moral law to have respect both for the rights of others and for their own duties toward others and for the common welfare of all." (Religious Freedom, 7) Since the young learn best from example, and are moved more by what they see than hy what they hear, we need look at our own style of life as parents, teachers, priests. Do we honestly try to respect the rights of others? Is our home marked by a sense of freedom balanced by a sense of respect and responsibility? Is freedom encouraged and respon~ibility expected in our parish? In the present climate of our country, few educational objec-, tives are as important and difficult as that of fostering responsible freedom, of balancing rights and responsibilities. My two recent dinner experiences caused me to reflect on this challenge. Perhaps you, too, may also find ,it worth pondering.

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Plan Catholic C'enter at UN

The ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 21, 1974

Diocese Personnel Boards Will Prove Their Value One of the sad disappointments of the Post-Vatican Church has been the poor performance of the personnel boards established in so many American dioceses. I make this assertion with a. twinge of guilt. I had something to do

with the resolution calling

for one' of th~ first personnel boards in the country. My' colleagues and I were naive about what would come of our bright scheme. Wherever one goes, one hears cOmplaints about the personnel


boards. It is said that they are no better and frequently worse than the old chancery office personnel types of whom it was alleged that decisions or transfers were trtade by throwing darts at a list tacked to a wall. (I'm sure that this was never done, it only seemed that way.) Personnel board members are accused of "selling out" or taking care of their friends. It matters little whether the boards are elected or appointed or some combination of both. One is hard put to find anyone who will say a good word about them. Serving Jesus My own feeling is that the personalities and motivations of board members have only a little to do with the problem. The difficulty is much deeper and has to do with structure and culture rather than personality. It was assumed that by instituting personnel boards the clergy could leave behind the style-pa,rt medieval vassal and part Renaissance bUl'eaucratic functionary-that had marked clerical work for so many years, while becoming overnight. competent, modern professionals. But to establish a modern pro· fessional institution like a' personnel board does little to change habits and attitudes of either the general clergy or those selected to sit on it. Hence there was an immediate strafn between the universalistic, self..actualizing, client-oriented norms of the professional and the particularistic, passive, super-oriented style of the preco'nciliar Church. Such a strain could only mean trouble.


I remember the total absence of communication when the 'board in my own diocese decided (only once) that it might be able to spend some time listening. to what a sociologist thought. I began by discussing the sociological definition of a professional (right out of Max Weber). I was immediately interrupted by an argument over the use of

the word "professional," which consumed the rest of the meeting. I had quite carefully defined my term, but a number of the people on the board were not ready to let me use my definition One kept insisting that he had become a priest to '''serve Jesus" and not to be a "professional." Despite my insistence that in my definition the opposite of "professional" was "amateur," he simply would not let me get away with such a threat to "his priesthood." Thus went the whole meeting.



To this day I cannot figure out why professional dedication . to one's work is opposed to "serving' Jesus," On the contrary, it means serving him well ~nd not sloppily. But so be it. People with limited intelligence always have trouble with neW' words. Modern Structure

HELPING HAND: The most important right a person has is the right to life-not just animal survival but full human development. That is why it is so important that the governments .. " should be concerned about the social and economic conditions of its citizens. Fourteen-month-old Cora Ives of Renton, Washington, gets a helping hand from her father, Edwin C._Ives, symbolizing her chance for full development after'being given the gift of life. NC Photo.

Thus the personnel board is a modern structure to which the culture of the people involved has not caught up. To 'make matters worse, those who are 'elected or appointed. to such'boards are frequently "nice, guys," th1it is,people whose basic approach to life is amiable and pleasant. Such a mask may be fine if you do not get yourself in a position where you need courage, decisiveness, and backbone to resist pressures from above or below and where imagination and ingenuity are not required to cope witht tough problems.

The Importance 'of Responsibility

UNITED NAnONS (NC)With an assist from the Vatican, plans are being made here for a center to provide information to Catholic organizations about the programs and activities of the United Nations. Participants in the movement are nine international Catholic associations whose observers are consistentiy involved in various aspects of the projects ,sponsored by the UN and its affiliated agencies: The Catholic International Union for Social Services; the International Conference of Catholic , Charities;' the International Catholic Union of the Press; Pax Ro-, mana (an international organiza-" tion of Catholic intellectuals and students); the World union of Catholic Women's organizations; the Catholic International EducaHon Office; the International Catholic Child Bureau; the International Office; the International Catholic Child Bureau; the InterComnational Catholic Migration Commision, and the World Fed.eration of Catholic Youth. Vatican approval of the establishment of the information center was indicated through a commitment to provide space for it for two years in what is currently called the St. John's complex -the new buildings into which various elements of the New York archdiocesan administration are being moved. Each of the nine international has Catholic organizations agreed to provide $1,000 toward expenses of the first year's operation.

Continued from Page Thirteen values and understand the meantaneously from his very nature. ing, and significance of truth, These rights are therefore uni- justice, charity, and freedo!Jl." versal, inviolable and inalienable." , The most important right a person has is the right to lifenot just animal survival hut full human development. That is why ~~of it is so important that the government, the means by which the ,people promote the common good, should be concerned about the social and economic conditions of its citizens. It • • But if you do get in such a Responsibilities position you are very likely to What about responsibilities? find that affability won't work.' Responsibilities and duties are People have a way of becoming the ,flip side" of the 1"ights inherquite nasty. Under such pressures ent in human nature. Because I for those who don't want to tie up their the "nice guy" personality re- have the right to a decent standtreats behind rules, regulations, ard of living, I have the duty to Savings for long periods of time we also procedures, protocol. And if live in a proper fashion. that I possess For every right there ate not enough rules, then have available the ,"convenient" REGhe sees that, they are made- as an individual human being, even if they are ~he kind the old there is a corresponding duty in ULAR passbook account earning 5.25% chancery types would never have other human beings to respect for an effective yield of 5.47% dared to try. The ne\y turns out my right. A Christian view of society demands mutual recogto be worse than the old. and 'nition and promotion of rights. In the long run, of course, perWhen we take this view of the "different" 90 day account earning sonnel boards will work, but it rights and responsibilities, as will take a generation before we realities coming from our human, 5.75% for an effective yield of 6.00% develop a clergy committed to the nature, we can then see why the style that the personnel board Church and the individual Chrisassumes - men who are moti- tian must always Ibe alert to provated by internalized standards mote rights. Pope John summed • interest continuously compounded of service, who are self-actual- this up beautifully in Pacem in • !insured safe by a Federal Agency izing and self-starting, who reg- Terris: "When the relations of ulate the behavior of their own human society are expressed in Professional colleagues, and who terms of rights and duties, men will tolerate no bureaucratic become conscious of spiritual messing with a high quality per· formance in their work. No one • • • • • • • • • • • •• •••••••• I can be blamed for not 'viewing & the work of the priest in such a way when he was not trained FALL RIVER SOMERSET in his early years to have that Over 35 Years 1 No. Main Street 149 (iAR Hwy., Rte. 6 sort of self image. And we have of Satisfied Service 1450 Plymouth Avenue only begun such training. Reg. Moster Plumber 7023 Effective change takes so long JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. Phone 9-8181 a time. 806 NO. MAIN STREET ~a.". ~~~e: 675-7497 © 1974, Inter/Syndicate

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THE ANCHORThurs., Feb. 21, 197.4


Plan Documentaries On Mother Seton


Hoop Campaign Ends Friday Second Season Starts March 4 The curtain will fall tomorrow night on the 1973-74 schoolboy basketball regular season with only a handful of local teams participating in the final act. Others will be waiting in the wings for the opening of the "second season" on March 4" w hen the State championship tourna- ney action vying for the South ment commences. Those crown in Divisions I, II and III. Teams are placed into divisions teams that will answer that according to boy enrollment in curtain call include all league titlists and any other club that won 65 per cent of its regular in-state games. Per usual Southeastern Mssachusetts will be well represented in the prestigious tourney. The format for the playoffs remains the same this season as last. Competition will be staged in three divisions in the state's four sectors - North, South Central and West. The winnets from each sector will advance to the semi-final round with the two victors clashing in the championship game. All teams located within the confines of diocesan territorial limits will open tour-

grades 10-12. . A year ago Durfee High of Fall River and Taunton qualified for Division I berths. Taunton eliminated Durfee from the tourney and' went on to the championship. Four area clubs qualified in Division II in 1972-73. Bishop Stang High of Dartmouth winner of the Southeastern Massachusetts Conference Division I title led the list. Ironically, Stang was quickly eliminated while Taun· ton who finished second in loop play went on to the large school champi,onship. Dartmouth, Dighton-Rehoboth and Somerset also played in Division II.


HEADING FOR THE HOOP: Sophomore Marianne Crawford leaps for a layup as she helps her Immaculata College teammates register their 30th consecutive basketball victory, a win over Stroudsburg (Pa.) State Teachers College at Villanova University Field House. Immaculata, located near Philadelphia, has won the National College Girls Championship for the past two years. NC Photo.

EMMITSBURG (NC) - Two documentaries marking the 200th anniversary of the birth of Blessed Elizabetl~ Ann Seton will be presented on nationwide radio and television in the coming week, the Daughters of Charity announced here. ABC·TV will broadcast "Eliz· abeth. Ann Seton: To Be Born Anew" on its "Directions" series. The film scans the growth of the American Sisters of Charity, founded by Mother Seton, and follows a day in the life of Sisters of Charity who staff an Emmitsburg day care center and school. The ABC telecast includes scenes from the opening celebration of the Seton Bicentennial Year at the Daughters of Charity provincial house in Emmitsburg. Mother Seton and her students. The NBC radio network will highlight the Seton Bicentennial in a two-part radio program entitled, "Elizabeth Seton: A Woman for Our Times." The programs will be carried on the "Guideline" series, produced by the U. S. Catholic Conference's Division for Film and Broadcasting. The script was written by Father Joseph I. Dirvin, C.M., author of a popular biography of Mother Seton.


Qualifiers Val'Y With One Maior Exception Most schools within diocesan boundaries are listed as Division m schools which accounts for' the large number of qualifiers in that bracket. Last year six schools contested for the small school crown. They included Martha's Vineyard, Chatham, Nauset, Old Rochester of Mat· tapoisett, Bourne and Bishop Feehan High of Attlhoro. At this writing the final games of the season have not been played, thus it is impossible to name all of this year's tourney qualifiers. However, it is interesting to compare what has transpired this year with last year's results. In Division I Taunton has not qualified. Durfee will be Cack along with New Bedford. The Whalers automatically qUli.lified when they won the Southeastern Massachusetts Conference Division I title while Durfee won better than 65 per cent of its

games. Coach Sal Lombardo's Crimson and White came from behind to wrestle the loop crown away from Durfee and Taunton. The champions are playing their best basketball of the campiagn and should enter the tourney on a high note. Although the area's representatives to the tourney change from year to year one is virtually always there. That is Durfee. The Hilltoppers have qualified for the event 27 times in the past 29 years. While Luke Urban was coaching at the school on the Hill, Durfee qualified 15 years in a row missing only Coach Urban's final year. Under present mentor Tom Karam, the record is just as impressive. Coach Karam has had his charges in the tourney 14 of 15 seasons. Overall Durfee has won the state title five times, the last in 1966.

Little Martha's Vineyard Big on Victories In Division II Bishop Stang was a favorite in 197:3; however, the Spartans had one of their poorest seasons ever this Winter and will not be in the tourney. Crosstown rival, Dartmouth should be among the better clubs fighting it out for II honors this Winter. To date the Indians are the only local qualifiers in that bracket. Southeastern Mass. Division m champion Old Rochester is among the strongest clubs qualifying in Division III. The Bulldogs moved up a division in loop play this Winter and still mana3ed to win the championship. Wit/l Old Rochester moving up, the Conference's Division IV race was expected to be tight, In the end three clubs tied for the crown to qualify for post season action. Diman Regional

of Fall River, Norton and Ware· ham, the tri-champions will all be appearing in the tourney for the first time in a few years. Diman, because of its boy enrollment, will compete in Division I. Norton, and Wareham in III. Down on the Cape Martha's Vineyard High School is a big force in the Cape and Island League. While it receives little recognition away from the Cape, the Vineyard contingent has the best record over the past two seasons of any school in the diocese. In league play the Islanders are unbeaten in 27 starts to date. Martha's Vineyard, Chatham and Nauset were the three representatives from the eight team loop a year ago and will probably all qualify this year.

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