That's Natural! January 2007

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E VERGREEN W ELLNESS C ENTER In our understanding, every part of creation is based in frequency of one type or another, whether it be the color, sound, or electromagnetic spectrum (which includes color, sound, radio frequencies, etc.), and that each and every cell of our bodies has a specific resonance, speed of oscillation, or frequency. In fact, there are scientists, doctors and inventors who are able to calibrate frequency of things, including living things, and even different parts of the body. Recent scientific data supports the theory that illness, whether physical, emotional or mental, is directly related to the vibration of the frequency at which our cells are operating.



When the frequency of our cells is high, we experience good health. Conversely, when the frequency of our cells is low, we are more susceptible to experience disease. Disease is found in cells that are not vibrating or energized. Over time our cells stop vibrating properly because of environmental toxins, emotional issues and improper nutrition. As the frequency drops, the cells are unable to maintain a healthy environment. Our cells get ‘gummed’ up which causes them to stick together. This can result in fatigue, depression and many kinds of illnesses. So how do we raise the vibration and frequency of our cells?

An electromagnetic device called the V.I.B.E. Machine (Vibrational Integration BioPhotonic Energizer) has the sole purpose of increasing the vibration of the frequency of our cells. The V.I.B.E Machine therefore, reinforces a positive frequency spectrum in the body, and strengthens the body energetically, assisting it to ward off toxins, whether environmental or otherwise.

What goals do you have for the coming year? Quite often our thoughts turn to eating better, exercising more, and learning to manage our

- Norman Vincent Peale


New Year’s Resolutions? How about Health & Wellness?


Relaxing Therapies to Heal and Rejuvenate


Raw Milk Shares Available Near You!

Continued on Page 2

William Boles, Owner, and Son, Caleb in front of the Vibe Machine


Health occurs by design. Disease occurs by default. It’s that time of year again—another chance for a fresh start—a clean slate. “We’ve got high hopes…..” Most of us are thinking about changes we want to make in our lives. Usually some of these goals have to do with making choices that help us to feel better, look better, and get healthier.

“Change your thoughts and you change your world.”

stress. The question is—how can we set ourselves up for success? Putting structures and support systems in place to insure positive forward motion is the key. The very first step is to take stock. What’s working, what’s not? If something is not working—or there is an area that needs improvement—then there is a decision to be made. The decision, coupled with commitment, summons forth what it takes to move into action. Continued on Page 5
















D ECK THE H ALLS WITH S CHLUMBERGERA T RUNCATUS ! While most of us are preparing for/ recovering from the holidays, there are a few die-hard gardeners, like yours truly, who would rather daydream about next season’s garden. I look at this time of year merely as a brief respite in the gardening cycle. So how does the passionate gardener get a dose of green when snow is galling or that dead conifer in the living room is dropping needles? Why houseplants, of course! One in particular comes to mind for this time of year. Schlumbergera or zygocactus or for those who are not familiar with binomial nomenclature*, Christmas Cactus is the name for this tropical gem. Originating in Brazil, this group of plants is classified as epiphytic or “living on air”. They attach themselves to trees, using them as anchors and absorb moisture and nutrients from the air and debris around their “feet” (roots). This makes them perfect for hanging baskets. Growing schlumbergera is quite simple. The growing medium (soil) should be a light all-purpose mix with a little added sand. This assures the roots have proper drainage.

Remember, this is a jungle cactus, so its growing habit differs radically from its desert leaf cousin. Keep the soil moist but not soggy. Too much water will cause root-rot, making the leaf segments dull and shriveled and they will eventually turn brown and die. The leaves should look glossy and a healthy green. A light “spritz” several times a week will mimic jungle humidity. Keep Christmas Cactus out of direct sun. Being accustomed to a canopy of tall trees, too much sun will discolor and eventually burn the leaves. A bright window shaded with a sheer curtain is ideal. If the leaves turn a reddish green, they are giving you fair warning to cut the sunlight or pay the consequences. A summer vacation out of doors is greatly appreciated, but again, in a shaded area. Bring them in before the first frost and cut back on the watering and they should begin flower bud-break shortly thereafter. The flowers vary in color from white to violet with the occasional rare yellow hybrid. (Good luck in finding one!) Fertilize every two weeks from end of bloom time to the end of July. From August on, let new foliage mature by feeding and watering less often. Propagation is practically fool proof. Break off leaf segments by carefully

twisting at the joint and let callus (air dry) for a day or two. Gently place each segment in the moist planting medium. When new growth appears you will know your new plants have taken root. Although bloom time is relatively short, just a few weeks, that blast of color is worth all the effort. Contributing Author: Donna Demeter

*Binomial Nomenclature *Binomial nomenclature – a system of names in Latin. The old plant guys used to specify species of plants with specific and generic terms. This system is universal and guarantees that no mater where you buy your plants, schlumbergera truncatus is the same in Colorado, Russia or France. Donna has been an organic gardener for more than 20 years and is a Master Gardener in Pueblo County. She does garden consultation on a limited basis, specializing in Xeriscape. She also works in the vitamin department of a local health food store, and makes beaded jewelry for fun and profit. She labels herself as a seeder, a weeder, and a beader.

E VERGREEN W ELNESS —C ONTINUED VIBE Machine creator Gene Koonce was originally experimenting with a device that would change the structure of drinking water to energize people. However, he realized that the body is 70% water and decided to take it a step further and invent a machine that would put the frequencies directly into the body.

At the Evergreen Wellness Center we offer a variety of vibrational and frequency-based treatments and products to our clients. This includes the V.I.B.E Machine and variety of other alternative therapies. We also have a line of air and water purifiers, healthy skin care and health supplements.

Come in today for a free trial and experience for yourself the new way of feeling good.

Call William at 719-583-4006. For more info on the V.I.B.E. Machine and its inventor please go to the website.



S CHOOLS B ENEFIT F ROM N EW H OME P ARTY Market Day, the nation’s leading food fundraising company, announces the launch of a new home party business called Market Day Gourmet. This new program will help raise funds for local schools and other worthy causes in the area. Market Day’s fundraising program has helped meet the educational needs of communities across the country, raising funds for resources such as computers and playground equipment. Since its inception nearly 30 years ago, Market Day has raised over $330 million for education nationwide, improving the lives of millions of children. The Market Day tradition continues today with the introduction of Market Day Gourmet, offering a special selection of unique, high quality foods and kitchen accessories exclusively through in-home parties. And in keeping with Market Day’s

fundraising mission, a portion of party sales can be designated to a school or charitable organization of the hostess’s choice. Any school or non-profit organization can benefit from a Market Day Gourmet party, including bands, sports teams or summer camps. Parents, friends and family can attend or host a party and raise funds for their organization or a charitable cause.

Market Day Gourmet......where every party is a fundraiser

Market Day Gourmet’s Independent Sales Consultants have the flexibility of establishing their own business with the potential to earn extra income and valuable personal and professional rewards. Plus, Consultants enjoy the satisfaction of knowing they are helping schools and organizations in their community.

Would you like to help a worthwhile cause? 4-H, sports teams, church, or other worthwhile cause?

During home parties, guests have the opportunity to sample all of Market Day Gourmet’s products, share ideas and receive specially-designed serving suggestions.

Call Royce Gomez at

Host a party!! Become a consultant!! 719-250-3664

P UEBLO P ERFORMING A RTS G UILD P RESENTS Pueblo Performing Arts Guild recommends this performance by Pueblo’s outstanding performing artists.

Damon Runyon Reparatory Theatre January 12th &13th at 7:00 PM, and January 14th at 2:00 PM.

Same Time Next Year For tickets call 719-564-0579 or on-line at

“He enjoys true leisure who has time to improve his soul’s estate.” -Henry David Thoreau



T HE E CONOMIC V ALUE OF L IVING W ELL My experience in helping folks with their life, disability, and long-term care insurance planning has really opened my eyes to the economic value of living well. Today we will focus on how minor health issues can cost you big in some less obvious ways related to your insurance program. Coverage Gaps: The healthier you are, the fewer restrictions you face in getting proper protection. Let’s say you want to protect your income with a long-term disability plan. Being moderately overweight in combination with another “minor” health problem could limit the benefit period to 1 or 2 years. Your monthly benefit may be limited as well. You also may not qualify for valuable features that would allow you to protect future increases in income, or to receive a partial return of premiums if no claims are made.


This forces you into partially self-insuring, and paying a higher net cost for protection. Inefficiency of Self-Insuring: A limited benefit period could be very costly with your long-term care insurance. If you are limited to a certain number of years or maximum daily benefit amount, you could end up paying $60,000 to $100,000 for just a year of care. You may also be ineligible for certain inflation protection options, reducing the future value of your benefit dollars. Self-insuring is the most risky and inefficient way to deal with the need, but you could be forced into it. Unavailable Coverage: Here’s an example of this with critical illness protection. A critical illness policy pays a lump-sum benefit upon diagnosis of any of several major health conditions (often including heart attack, cancer, stroke, Alzheimer’s, MS, Parkinson’s and others. But if you have ever had ANY of the covered conditions, you



Let Your Food Heal You! Raw milk is a living food and has been found to be healing. For centuries traditional cultures have eaten raw and cultured raw milk products from cows, sheep, goat, camel, yak, buffalo, and reindeer. Weston A. Price, DDS, studied many of these traditional cultures and found them to be vibrantly healthy with perfect teeth. Raw milk is available through "delivery" in the Pueblo area.

Call Larga Vista Ranch today! 719-947-0982 •

cannot get a policy. Thus, you could lose the opportunity to have a check come in at a time when you need it most to pay for the many indirect costs associated with these conditions (home modifications, alternative treatment, domestic assistance, travel/lodging for family, etc). Not every option on any policy is right for every person. But in order to have the options to create the most ideal and efficient plan, you need to be as healthy as possible and get the coverage while you are still healthy. Live well and save money! Next: How controllable health conditions cost you in your insurance program; Steps you can take to save money. Contributing Author, David Shepson, is an agent with Mutual of Omaha in Pueblo, Colorado, and can be reached at 719.545.3569 or

•With raw milk, teeth are less likely to decay. (Lancet, p 1142, May 8, 1937) •Raw milk promotes growth and calcium absorption. (Ohio Ag. Experimental Station Bulletin 518, p 8, Jan 1933) •Raw cream prevents joint stiffness. (Annual Review of Biochemistry, 18:435, 1944) •Pathological organisms do not grow in raw milk but proliferate in pasteurized milk. (The Drug and Cosmetic Industry, 43 (1):109, July 1938) •Pasteurization destroys vitamin A, B complex, vitamin C, enzymes, and

whey proteins. (See abstracts at •After 3 generations on pasteurized milk, cats developed numerous health problems and pathologies of behavior. At four generations, all reproduction ceased. (Pottenger's Cats, 1983, Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation) Raw milk is available through "delivery" in the Pueblo area.

Call Larga Vista Ranch 719-947-0982 to find out more!



Taking action with baby steps is what I recommend. A baby step is something easy at which you cannot fail. Taking small steps allows us to build on our successes. My husband Roy always reminds me of this by asking: How do you eat an elephant? ONE BITE AT A TIME! Nutritional Support System: What is missing in most diets is enough raw fruits and vegetables—and fruits and vegetables are the guardians of health. If there were a way to get large amounts of vine-ripened, pesticide-free fruits and vegetables every day—that would take less than one minute, and cost less than a latte— wouldn’t you want to add that into your healthy lifestyle program in 2007? Well—there is a way—and it is called JuicePlus+- a concentrated encapsulated produce. JuicePlus+ is a baby step



you can take every day. JuicePlus+ is proven in 9 published independent studies to improve health and reduce the risk for disease. Accountability Support System: Getting a buddy is a huge help for sticking with positive choices. Hiring a health coach is another way to ensure that we have someone supporting our healthy choices. Most of us know what to do, we start to make changes, and then we falter. A coach can help keep us moving in the direction of health.

Dr. Donna J. Hinders Call 719-583-8258 or 719-544-0649

Dr. Hinders is expanding her health education focus into one-on-one and group health coaching by phone, in person, or online. If having someone to support you in your healthy choices sounds appealing, please call for a no obligation coaching demo.


It is time to step up to the plate people of Pueblo! Yes, I am talking to you!! Recycling is not a new idea; in fact it is one of the oldest concepts known to man. Our forefathers and foremothers realized this; they recycled or reused everything they could, because they had to! It was not necessarily a choice, it was a necessity! This is most unfortunate for us ‘modern’ people, because now we can just ‘go out and buy a new one’ or throw whatever it is away because we can. Resources are not endless; trash doesn’t just go away because you no longer see it. It is there, it may not be in your own backyard, but it is there. Recycling is a responsibility of each and every one of us, whether you are rich or poor, young or old, a high school graduate or hold a doctorate degree, and whatever race, creed, color, nationality, gender, sexual preference etc, you get the point…it is our collective responsibility. It seems that here in Pueblo, good ideas take a long time to catch on. Pueblo lags shamefully behind most of the environmentally aware world. But it is not because we are not trying! Did you know that the City County Health Department has had four recycling drop-off sites which collect glass (brown, green, blue and clear), aluminum and tin, and newspaper for the last couple of years? These sites are located at Rocky Mountain Steel Mill off of Abriendo (Pueblo), Pueblo West Metropolitan District at 109 E. Industrial Blvd, Civic Center Drive in Pueblo West and at the General Store on McCulloch in Pueblo West. To my amazement, I run into people all of the time who

have no idea that these recycling drop off sites exist. You can also recycle all kinds of paper. The Shrine’s club has about 25 bins across Pueblo and Pueblo West; they accept not only newspaper, but magazines, office paper and junk mail.



COMMERCIAL GRADE MICROFIBER MOPS These mops are for all types of hard surface floors. Mop heads come in 12”, 18”, 24”, and 36” sizes. The mop head can swivel so you can get into tight spots or Shelley, aka The Rag Lady, and Part- be set to a fixed position. ner Erik Two types of microfiber mop pads are available; the wet mop pad for cleaning and the dry mop pad for dusting. Both of them are machine washable up to two hundred times and attach to the aluminum mop head with velcro. Prices range from $30.35 for a 12” microfiber wet mop with adjustable handle to $46.40 for the 36” microfiber wet mop. The optional dry microfiber mop pad ranges from only $6.00

to $14.85. Compare the Commercial Grade Microfiber mops to store brands. A sponge mop costs $12.74 and refills $6.46 each. A cotton mop costs $9.98 and the refills are $5.12 each. Because the store-bought mops cannot be washed in the washing machine, they can hold odor causing bacteria and the floors never really get clean. The commercial grade microfiber mops are a



Colorpuncture involves focusing colored light on acupuncture (and other) points on the skin in order to energize powerful healing impulses within our bodies. Developed by a German scientist and naturopath named Peter Mandel, over 30 years of empirical research have been conducted utilizing this unique system of healing.

superior product and minimize the amount of old mops thrown in the trash.

American Wiping Rags 719-671-7604 Mention That’s Natural! for

10% OFF

your first order!




In Colorpuncture treatments, frequencies of colored light are focused on the skin using a handheld acu-light tool, which emits different colors of light through focused tips. Each color consists of different wavelength frequencies of light and therefore communicates different energetic information. As the skin absorbs the light and is transmitted along energetic pathways or meridians deep into the body, it stimulates the intra-cellular communication, which supports life.

Light is subtle in its effect, yet fast moving and penetrates deeply into all cells of the body. Scientists are now discovering that light is actually the medium by which cells communicate and the basis of many For more information regarding bodily functions. Colorpuncture, Contact Wendie Stauffer, Reflexologist Golden Flower Health Clinic “Offering You Pathways To Your Health.” 719-542-9210

A CUPRESSURE Acupressure is an ancient Oriental practice involving therapeutic touch on specific body points to treat tension, stress, pain, cramping, arthritis, etc., and to improve energy flow in the body. The only “tools” used in Acupressure are the practitioner’s fingers. People seem to automatically think it is a form of acupuncture – but there are no needles involved. Actually history indicates that acupressure came first.

acupressure techniques 10 years ago and only became serious about sharing this therapy with my clients several years ago after I experienced several treatments. I have found a variety of ways to use acupressure as a standard part of my massage practice.

When a client experiences a full acupressure treatment, she/he remains fully clothed on the massage table while I apply gentle pressure to “acupoints”. However, I often combine acupressure along with massage of cranial sacral therapy, depending upon the Acupressure addresses the energy pathways client’s needs. When used as an introduction that are present in the body and helps relieve to massage, it helps relax an individual more congestion in various areas of the body, thus quickly and gets the energy flowing before promoting healing. I first learned of the massage begins.

Please call for more information!

Phyllis A. King 1401 N. Elizabeth, Suite D Pueblo, CO 81003 (719) 320-8803




Do you believe that companies operating with a high degree of corporate integrity make better investment choices? If so, you aren’t alone. A recent survey, commissioned by Calvert and conducted by Yankelovich, found that a majority of investors now believe that companies that operate with higher levels of social responsibility carry less risk (55%) and deliver better returns (52%).¹ According to the Social Investment Forum, nearly 1 out of every 10 dollars under professional management in the US ($2.29 trillion) is now involved in some form of SRI.² To receive a brochure that describes the four-part social investment strategy of Calvert Funds and a prospectus, please call or write:

James C. Brumage, CLU®, ChFC® - Registered Representative, New England Securities* 7350 Campus Dr. - Colorado Springs, CO 80920/113 N. Santa Fe Ave. - Florence, CO 81226 (719) 784-2310 *Calvert is not affiliated with New England Securities. Each firm is independently responsible for the services they provide. Investment in mutual funds involves risk, including possible loss of principal invested. You could lose money on your investment in a Calvert Fund or the Fund could underperform for any of the following reasons: The market prices of stocks or bonds decline; the individual stocks in the Fund do not perform as well as expected; and/or the Fund’s portfolio management practices do now work to achieve their desired result. 1. “Attitudes Toward Socially Responsible Investing,” Yankelovich Study, January 2006. 2. 2005 Report on Socially Responsible Investing Trends in the US. The Social Investment Forum, 2005, p.iv.

CD200605593 Exp 10/30/2007

Securities products are offered through New England Securities Corp., a broker-dealer (member NASD/SIPC).

R ECYCLING , C ONTINUED Pueblo Recycles, a local grassroots organization, and the City County Health Department have been hosting a three-part plastics recycling pilot project. The last date is January 20, so it is not too late to participate. Please save your #1 and #2 plastics and join us on January 20 from 9:00-12:00 at the State Fair Grounds through Gate 3 off of Mesa. This is the third and final date in this pilot plastics recycling project. It would be awesome if we could recycle plastics monthly, but it won’t happen without adequate participation and collection during this pilot project. I realize that some of you who may be reading this are already responsible citizens and recycle! My hat is off to you! Now we just have to put our heads together and come up with some brilliant ideas on how we can increase recycling participation in this fair city and how can we collectively encourage our friends and neighbors to live respon-


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The Guide to Healthy Living is very excited about publishing a separate edition for the Pueblo Region for our 10th Anniversary. This year, our circulation for this region will be 10,00015,000 copies. For nine years we have worked to connect the holistic community of the Pikes Peak Region, a responsibility that we continue to uphold.

Managing Editor:

Tisha Casida Copy Editor:

In 2007, we also turn our focus to expanding our reach into the mainstream markets. It is our hope that we will be a driving force in connecting the traditional and alternative health communities in Pueblo and its surrounding communities. We wish to provide a place for them to meet and to work together for the benefit of all those who live in this beautiful area.

Anissa Solano Ad Creation:

Nicole Kochis Contributors: Donna Demeter Dr. Donna J. Hinders Jo Scher David Shepson Wendie Stauffer

We are offering 20% off to all advertisers in this area. For past advertisers, take an additional 5% off. We want to thank you for supporting this Guide and this movement. Cover space is available and comes with a free ad inside as well! Our deadline has been moved to April 15th, so there is plenty of time to become part of this wonderful resource! Please contact us to become part of this network or if you have any questions. Don’t forget to check out our website on line at May you be blessed with health and abundance. Lorelei Beckstrom, Publisher: Michele Woods, Pueblo Sales Director: 719-388-3623

Contact Us… We Want to Hear Your Thoughts!

That’s Natural! P.O. Box 1476 Pueblo, CO 81002-1476

Where YOU Can FIND That’s Natural!

Pueblo County Area

E-mail: Copyright © Christina Mascarenas

Managing Editor: Tisha T. Casida E-mail: Phone: 719-210-8273/719-930-1834

Welcome to the Community Packets (Pueblo West) Wireworks Coffeehouse HopScotch Bakery Colorado Avenue Day Spa & Wellness Center Better Bodies & Associates Sound Energy Little Caesar's Pizza (All Pueblo Locations) Pueblo Bearing Re-Tire Shelley McPherson—AKA The Rag Lady (Various Events & Locations in Colorado)

Fremont County Area The Pour House – Florence Coyote Den Coffee House – Canon City Coyote Den Coffee House – Penrose Javernick Farm Market – Canon City Desert Reef Hot Spring - Florence Main Street Grill—Florence Pizza Madness—Canon City Mother Nature Health Food Store—Canon City VB Massage—Rye

More Coming SOON!!!

Things TO DO and TO JOIN!!!

Green Drinks—Pueblo Style Meet and Discuss Green Topics in Southeastern Colorado! Tuesday, January 16th at 7:00 PM @ The Gold Dust Tavern: 217 South Union Avenue - Pueblo, Colorado 81003 - 719.545.0741 See: (Pueblo, CO) for more details!!!

Prospering with God

Joseph Prescia

Blueprint for Success Tired of just getting by?

(719) 671-8015

Want more out of life?

 

The nutritional and health information in this newsletter are based on personal experiences and research by the author(s). The author(s) and editor do not offer medical advice or prescribe the use of diet as a form of treatment for sickness without the approval of a health professional. If you do use the information contained in this newsletter without the approval of a health professional, you are prescribing yourself, which is your constitutional right, but the author(s) and editor assume no responsibility.

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