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90 REVELATION 4 Reflection: What characteristic of our loving God will He reveal at this time?


4:8d The four beings refer to God as the “Almighty” or the “All-Powerful,” the title that describes His limitless power that none can oppose. The Psalmist wrote, “Our God is in heaven! He does whatever He pleases!” (Ps 115:3). This is especially evident in creation: “He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast” (Ps 33:9). This same power is able to aid the believer. Paul praised the Lord because He is “able to do [far more] abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us” (2 Cor 9:8) and this same power assures the believer that “He is able also to save forever those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them” (Heb 7:25). The Almighty is on the believer’s defense, but He is on the offense against the rebellious evil of the lost world. This power will be hurled against sinful mankind in terrible, inescapable judgments during the Tribulation before the Lord’s return for His earthly reign. The wrath of God is hard for humans to understand because we do not think sin is so bad. It is just a slip or mistake to us, but to God it is a “deal-breaker.” Reflection: How do you fit these verses into your worldview and God concept? Mal 3:2 Ps 90:11


4:8e The final title phrase of the Almighty is the one “who was and who is, and who is to come!” refers to His eternal existence “Who was” is the imperfect tense meaning that He always was being, it never began, just was always there. “Who is,” in the present tense refers to continual being, ever existing in the present. “Who is to come,” is the present tense to referring to His future manifestation, which is both a “blessed hope” (Tit 2:13) for the believer and the dreaded fear of the unrepentant. He is eternal and has created us to live eternally. Reflection: How does the contrast of these two eternal destinies compare: 2 Cor 4:17 Rev 14:11

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