Southern Exposure - September 2014

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Let’s Be More than “Good Enough” Christine Walsh-Newton, M. Photog., Cr., CPP

I've written in the past about the “good enough” syndrome. Clients, in their quest for effective time and financial management have settled into a “good enough” groove for photographic services. They have bypassed higher-priced expert photographers to hire less expensive, less educated photographers that are “good enough.” Unfortunately, the differences between the two are not as apparent to our clients as they are to us. I recently touched base with a couple that had inquired about my wedding pho-

tography services. Since I no longer shoot weddings, I gave them some referrals. When I checked back with them, they had chosen a new photographer to the wedding industry. They explained that the new photographer was very excited to shoot the wedding and that “We'd rather have someone new and excited than someone old and boring.” So, “new and excited” is good enough? Alrighty then. Unfortunately, a lot of clients across the board have settled into this “good enough” mindset for the bulk of their photographic needs. I shake my head and

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