mustafa ahmad al hawsawi

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8 December2006

MEMORANDUM FOR Commander.United StatesSouthernCommand.3511 NW glst Avenue. Miami, FL33172 SUBJECT: CombatantStatusReview Tribunal Input and Recommendationfor Continued DetentionUnder DoD Control (CD) for GuantanamoDetainee,ISN: US9SA-01001lDP (S)

JTF-GTMO DetaineeAssessment l.

(S/NF) Personal Information: o o o o o o


JDIMSA{DRC ReferenceName: Mustafa Ahmad alHawsawi Aliasesand Current/TrueName: Hashim'Abd al-Rahman" Zahir. Alvub. Muhammad Adnan. and Abu Ibrahim Placeof Birth: Jeddah.SaudiArabia (SA) Dateof Birth: 5 Ausust 1968 Citizenship: SaudiArabia InternmentSerialNumber(ISN): US9SA-01001lDP

(U//FOUO) Health: Detaineeis in good health.

3. (S//NF) JTF-GTMO Assessment: a. (S) Recommendation: JTF-GTMO recommendsthis detaineefor ContinuedDetention Under DoD Control (CD). b. (S//NF) Executive Summary: Detaineeis a senioral-Qaidamemberwho supportedalQaida'sterrorist network as a facilitator, financial manager,and media committee member. This support included the movement and funding of 9ll1 hijackers to the US to participate in a terroristattackorchestratedby Khalid ShaykhMohammed,US9KU-010024DP(KU-



S E C R E T // NOFORN I / 2O3II2O8 JTF-GTMO-CDR STIBJECT: CombatantStatusReview Tribunal lnput and Recommendationfor Continued DetentionUnder DoD Control (CD) for GuantanamoDetainee,ISN: US9SA-01001lDP (S) 10024),aka (KSM) and UsamaBin Laden (UBL), as well as other terroristactivities.r Detaineereceivedmilitant and remote-controlledfiring device (RCFD) training. Detaineeis affiliated with a number of high-level al-Qaida operativesand personalities,some of whom are still wanted. JTF-GTMO hasdeterminedthis detaineeto be: o o o

A HIGH risk, as he is likely to pose a threatto the US, its interestsand allies. A MEDIUM threatfrom a detentionperspective. Of HIGH intellieencevalue.

4. (S/NF) Detainee'sAccount of Events: The following section is based on a consolidation of several accountsfrom various significant individuals in order to assemblea feasible timeline. ^. (S/NF) Prior History: Detaineefinishedhigh schoolin Jeddahwith a focus in natural sciences.Detaineespentthe next three-to-fouryearsselling cellular phonesand similar items in a market. He also sporadicallyattendedKing Abd al-Aziz University wherehe majoredin Islamic studieswith plans to becomea teacherin a madrassaupon graduation; however, he later lost interest.' Detaineeattendeda computer course fop approximately three monthswherehe learnedMicrosoft Office. Microsoft Excel. and Word.r b. (S/NF) Recruitment and Travel: Detaineebecameattractedto thejihadist life becauseof his Muslim religion, media coverageof the war in Chechnya,and the Palestinian struggle. Detaineealso becameinterestedin the Afghan causeduring the anti-Sovietjihad of the 1980s. While attendinguniversity,he attendedmany talks that coveredthe situationsin Afghanistan(AF), Palestine,Chechnya,and elsewhereon the strugglesof the Muslims. Becauseit was too hard to travel to Chechnya,detaineewent to Kabul, AF, via Pakistan.(PK) during the earlypart of 2000 to join thejihad. Ali Mahmud facilitateddetainee'stravel.* c. (S/NF) Training and Activities: In early 2000, detaineereceivedfour or five weeksof basicmilitary training at al-FaruqTraining Camp while it was still locatedin Kabul.s Shortly '

Analyst Note: See September 11 Investigation and Prosecutionof Moussaoui and others for the facts concerning the 9ll1 attack.

2ro-zt+tsszsl-os 3to-ztqteqgqz-oq o

tO4tqlSqlgl-05, Headquarterscomment: Ali Mahmud is possibly deceasedSaudi national Muhammad Kluwa Muhammad Barnawi, who was killed in Tora Bora during Operation Enduring Freedom. TD-314155257-05, Analyst Note: Detainee statedhe traveled to Afghanistan to join the jihad. In IIR 2 340 6244 02, Ali Mahmud - was reportedly the commander of all Al-Qaida fighters in Tora Bora until 19 November 2001. 'TD-314143267-03, TD-314154791-05, Analyst Note: Al-Faruq training camp was supportedand ran by al-Qaida.

2 s E c RE T // NOFORNI I 20311208

S E C RE T / / NOFORN I I 2O3II2O8 JTF-GTMO-CDR SLIBJECT: CombatantStatusReview Tribunal Input and Recommendationfor Continued Detention Under DoD Control (CD) for GuantanamoDetainee,ISN: US9SA-01001lDP (S) after his training, detaineerelocatedto Kandahar,AF, in the spring of 2000 and eventually beganworking for al-Qaida'smedia committee.oIn approximatelyApril 2001, detainee departedKandahar and traveled to Shaq'ah,United Arab Emirates (UAE), via Quetta and _ Karachi,PK. Shortly beforehis departure,Abu Hamza al-Qatarigavehim $30,000USD.' Once detaineearrived in the UAE he rented an apartment.8In July or August 200I, deta^inee supportedthe movementof four of the 9/11 hijackersto the US at the directionof KSM.e Five months later,in September2001, detaineetraveledto Quetta,via Karachi, and met up with Ramzi Bin al-Shibh,ISN US9YM-010013DP(YM-10013;.r0Ramzi Bin al-Shibhand detaineetraveled together to a guesthousein Kandahar,where they separatedand detainee traveledon to the Media While stayingat an Arab guesthousein Kabul during the first week of October2001,12the detaineehelpeddeliver suppliesto Dr. Ayman alZawahin,l3who was in the mountains.laIn October2001, detaineewas assignedas a guard at compoundin Kandaharairport and then moved to the guards'housesusedby Arab families outsidethe city.r5 Detaineethen traveledto Karachi during the first partof 2002.16 In March or April 2002, detaineebeganworking for al-Qaida financial director, Shaykh Said," helping to keep track of al-Qaida'sKarachi accounts.Detaineeacquiredthis position through senioral-QaidamemberKSM.r8 While living in Karachi,detaineelived at five "

TD-314154791-05, Analyst Note: lnTD-314128084-02,Abu Zubaydahdescribedthe Media Committeefor which detaineeworked as primarily responsiblefor filming videos of UBL, AQ training, special events,manufacturing propaganda,creating an internet web page, helping with recruitment of fighters, and publishing a monthly news magazinedistributed inside Afghanistan. The AQ propagandaincludes movies on jihad, such as the USS COLE and9ll1 attacks,as well as the posting of messageson the internet. In TD-314122291-02,Abu Zubaydah further remarked that the detaineeworked on KSM; while Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri headedthe media committee. ' fO-ZtqrcZn 8-04, Analyst Note: InTD-314107282-O4,Ammaral-Baluchi,ISN US9PK-O10018(PK-10018), corroboratedthat detaineearrived in the UAE in April 2001 to help facilitate the movement of 9/11 hijackers. However, Ammar remarked it was Dubai and not Sharjah.IrTD-314140003-04, Abu Hamza al-Qatari was killed during the US bombings of Afghanistan in late 2001. " TD-314117916-04



TD-314117916-04,Analyst Note: Ramzi Bin al-Shibh was a key Al-Qaida member who helped in planning the Seotember11. 2001 terroristattack.

tt ro'4un7916-04

t'TD-3l4ltl73g-04,Analyst Note: Detainee commentedthathe metDr. A)rmanal-ZawahiriinearlyOctober2001 beforeUS Military Operationsbegan.Operationsstartedon 7 October2001. This wouldmakethe activityoccur sometime duringthefirst weekof October2001. .^ '' TD-314/11739-04, AnalystNote: Dr. Aymanal-Zawahiri is UBL'sdeputy. 'o TD-314111739-04 '5Tn-314/08132-04 '6to-3t+/30044-03 " tD-314162319-04,Analyst Note: ShaykhSaidis MustafaAhmadMuhammadUthmanAbu al-Yazidaka (ShavkhSaidal-Masri). " to-:i+/:3o 044-03,TD-314155257-05, TD-314155274-O5,Analyst Note: Detainee identifiedKSM asa senior al-Qaidamember.


S E C R E T // NOFORN I I 2O3II2O8 JTF-GTMO-CDR SUBJECT: CombatantStatusReview Tribunal Input and Recommendationfor Continued DetentionUnder DoD Control (CD) for GuantanamoDetainee,ISN: US9SA-01001lDP (S) separatesafehouses. Sevenmonths later, in approximately mid-January 2003, detainee traveledto Rawalpindi,PK, where he againhandledal-Qaidaaccountingbooks.le 5. (S//NF) Capture Information: ^. (S/A{F) Pakistani forces captureddetainee,along with KSM, on I March 2003. Upon their capture,detaineeand KSM were tumed over to the custody of the US Governmentand transportedto a securesite outsidePakistan.20 b. (S) Property Held:2r o

Detaineewas in possessionof the following items when captured. (Not held by JTF-

GrMO) _

o Laptop" o ID Cards23 o 19-pageTelephoneand addressbook2a c. (S) Transferred to JTF-GTMO: 4 September2006 d. (S//NF) Reasonsfor Transfer to JTF-GTMO: Detaineewas transferredto JTFGTMO to face prosecutionfor terrorist activities againstthe United States. 6. (S//NF) Detainee Threat: a. (S) Assessment: Detaineeis assessed to be a HIGH risk, as he is likely to posea threat to the US, its interestsand allies. b. (S/NF) Reasonsfor Continued Detention: Detaineeis a senioral-Qaidamemberwho supportedthe movement and funding of al-Qaida terrorists to the US to participate in the 11 September2001 attacksorchestratedby KSM and UBL. Detaineereceivedremote'n TD-314/30044-03 20 FBI IntelligenceBulletin No 54 05-Mar-2003,TD-314155257-05, Analyst Note: Detaineecommentedthat he was capturedwith KSM in March 2003. ., " TD-314122523-03,Analyst Note: Multiple documentsand items were recovered during the raid on the safe house where detaineewas captured. Images of theseitems can be found in harmony series"PAK7-2003-900XXX." 22 Analyst Note: There are multiple reports that discusswhat was recovered from detainee'shard drive (e.g., TD314108223-04- arurualmujahideen family assistanceand stipends;TD-314117125-03- list of killed and wounded al-Qaida marfyrs; etc) "^^ TD-314112206-03


4 s E c R E T // NOFORN | / 20311208

S E C R E T // NOFORN I I 2O3II2O8 JTF-GTMO-CDR SIIBJECT: CombatantStatusReview Tribunal Input and Recommendationfor Continued DetentionUnder DoD Control (CD) for GuantanamoDetainee,ISN: US9SA-01001lDP (S) controlled firing device (RCFD) training. Detaineeis affiliated with a number of high-level al-Qaidaoperativesand personalities,someof whom are still wanted. o (S/A{F) Detaineeis an al-Qaida member who supportedal-Qaida'sterrorist network as a facilitator, financial managerand media committee member. o (S/n\fD Detaineeadmittedly facilitated the movement of four of the al-Qaida 9/11 hijackers,and possiblymore." . (S/AIF) A senior al-Qaida operativeremarked that detaineebelonged to one of 34 individuals within five groups of operativesthat were willing participants in the 9ll1 hijackings. The al-Qaidaoperativewent on to say that detaineewas in group four, which had four membersresponsiblefor the logistical, financial, and training aspectsof the operation. Detaineeknew that he was involved in an alQaida operation againstthe US, but knew nothing further.26 . (S/Afrfl A senior al-Qaida operative remarkedthat detaineetook his instructionsdirectly from KSM. The senioral-Qaidaoperativeclaimedthat Ramzi Bin al-Shibh informed him that detaineefacilitqt_edair, hotel, and rental car reservationsfor fifteen of the nineteen9lII operatives.'' However,the detainee claimedhe supportedonly the movementof four of the 9/11 hijackersin the US at the directionof KSM.28 o (S/A{F) An investigation determinedthat detaineeprovided financial supportto the individualsinvolved in the terroristactscommittedon gln.2e . (S/A{F) Abu Rahmah,ISN US9PK-001461DP(PK-1461),reponedthat he saw the detaineein the companyof several"9].ll hijackers"aka (the youth)3Oat the Eid Gah compound in Kandahar.3 ' (S/A{F) Ammar al-Baluchi,ISN US9PK-010018DP (PK-l0018),reported that detaineearrived in Dubai, UAE, i"l April 200I, to help Ammar with the facilitation of the transiting hijackers." Detaineecorroboratedthis statement when he remarked that Ammar was alreadv there when he arrived in 2001.33

tt tD-3 r4r0gr 66-04,TD-3| 4 t32gz8-01 'u TD-3r4rog166-04 2tTD-3r4110359-03 " tD-3 r4130250-03 'n

000122Financial Support 23-DEC-2001, See TD-314110395-04for information on four of the hijackers that detaineedealt wittr.

'o to3rqrc2l38-04 t' oor461AFD-ol727-MAR-2003 " TD-314107282-04 t' tD-314/t6462-03


s E c R E T // NOFORNI I 20311208 JTF-GTMO-CDR SI-IBJECT:CombatantStatusReviewTribunalInput andRecommendation for Continued DetentionUnderDoD Control(CD) for Guantanamo (S) Detainee, ISN: US9SA-01001lDP ' (S//Xrf; KSM remarkedthat detaineewas largely responsiblefor facilitating communication and financing operativesselectedfor planned attacks.3aA senior al-Qaida operative further remarked that Ramzi Bin al-Shibh informed detaineein early September2001 aboutthe dateof the 9/11 hijacking operation.3s t (S/A{F) KSM, Ramzi Bin al-Shibh and detaineereportedly celebratedthe successof the 9/11 mission after watchinethe attackson a televisionset in Karachi.36 ' (S/A\iF) Detaineeis reportedlyan allegedco-conspiratorof convicted Zachaias Moussaoui." (Analyst Note: Zachaias Moussaouiwas given life in prisonfor his connectionto 9/11.)38 o (S/A{F) AbuZubaydah,ISN US9GZ-010016DP(GZ-10016)remarkedthat detaineetraveled to the Afghan-Iranian border a month before Ramadan(circa OctoberA.{ovember 2001) in order to facilitatethe infiltration of Saudimen into Afghanistanto fight the US.3e o (S/A{F) Detaineeadmittedlyservedon three al-Qaidacommittees: Accounting, Media and ' (S/A{F) Detaineeremarkedthat he handled al-Qaida'sKarachi and Rawalpindi accountsbecausethe previous accountant,Abd al-Malik, left Karachi for ' (S/A|F) Detaineeopeneda StandardCharteredBand (SCB) account in the [JAE.42 Detaineeremarked that the standardcharteredVISA and regular accounts as well as the ATM card were usedin furtheranceof al-Qaidaoperations.a3 o (S/A{F) Detainee,through activeor passiveacquisition,acquiredbasicmilitary training, as well as knowledgein the useof RCFDs. o (S/AID Detaineereceived basic training at al-Qaida'saffiliated al-Faruq Training Camp while it was locatedin Kabul.aa o (S/A{F) Al-Qaida associateSharif al-Masri remarked that detaineewas present during some of Dr. Mohammed Ahmad's aka (Professor)training on RCFDs at an

34to4ruBo774-04 tt tn-3r+/18038-04 tutD-3r4/38366-02 " sncstLTE wASHDC25tg32zFEBo2

38Zacharias Moussaouigivenlife termby a jury 04-May-2006 tnTD3Al2q47g-02 noTD-3r4n6454-03 o' ro4t4l3oo44-03 o.'000722Financial Support23-DEC-2001 "' TD-314164916-03 ooTD-314I 43261-03.TD-3 t4t 54i9 l-05

6 S E C RE T / / NOFORN/ I 2O3II2O8

S E C RE T //NOFORN I I 2O3II2O8 JTF-GTMO-CDR SUBJECT: CombatantStatusReview Tribunal lnput and Recommendationfor Continued DetentionUnder DoD Control (CD) for GuantanamoDetainee,ISN: US9SA-01001lDP (S) electronicsworkshop in Karachi. Al-Masri commentedthat detainee"might have" learnedcircuitry.a5 o (S/A{F) Detaineeis closely affiliated with Muhammad EssaghSher Muhammad Khan aka (Jafar al-Tayar). (Analyst Note: Jafar al-Tayar is currently on the FBI's most wantedlist.) o (S/A{F) PK-1461 claimeddetaineewas a studentof Jafar al-Tayar.a6 o (S/A{F) Detaineeidentified a photo of Adnan el-Shukri Jumah as resembling Tayar when detaineelast saw him in Apil2002. Detainee andTayar had also shared two Karachi safe housesfrom February until April 2002.47 c. (U//TOUO) Detainee's Conduct: Detaineedetentionthreatlevel is assessed as MEDIUM basedon a DoD initial 90-davobservation.


HARRYB. HARRII,JR. 36, OSA,qry RearAdmiral,USNavy O(iU' tlnr*r* Commanding

asto34r623rg-04 ouoot461AFD-ot727-MAR-2003 o'ro4urt8987-03 7 S E C RE T / / NOFORN I I 2O3II2O8

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