Teka News December 5 issue

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WEDNESDAY, December 5, 2012

Legendary hunter shares her memories


By Stephanie Dearing OHSWEKEN

Sally English, “not Irish or Dutch,” she quips happily, is a remarkable woman. Born in 1921 “and still alive,” she says smiling broadly, she was one of the editors of the Moccasin News, a publication put out in the 1960s by the Six Nations St. Peter's Church Guild. Sally shared some of her life story with family and other residents of the Iroquois Lodge on November 23, part of the Lodge's ongoing celebration of 30 years of providing long-term care for the community's elders. What is remarkable about Sally English is that she became the only female hunter at Six Nations, and eventually she was known far and wide as a legendary hunter. Her husband, called Whispering Ted, taught her to hunt, as he taught “a lot of young men,” said Sally. She recalled her first shooting lesson, telling those gathered in the Iroquois Lodge dining room how she shot and missed the target over and over again, her husband laughing at her. “The first deer I shot was in 1940, over by the railroad tracks,” said Sally. “A nice big buck.” And that started her career as a hunter – the only woman hunter on Six Nations. Hunting, she said, was “precious to me.” She learned how to clean and skin the deer she killed, but said she had learned how to butcher meat when she was a student at the Mohawk Institute. “Nothing went to waste.” While Sally “thoroughly enjoyed” hunting, as time went on, she discovered she could call the deer, a discovery that put an end to the hunt for her. She explained what happened saying, “I would call the deer and they would come and look at me with their big brown eyes as if to say, here we are, do what you want.” “I couldn't do it,” she said. Sally explained, “I would just talk to them like I'm talking to you ... My husband said I must have been an animal in a different world.” Because her husband worked through the week, Sally would scout out likely deer hunting locations ahead of the weekends, relying on her faithful hunt-

ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20

Aries, you may need to take a leap of faith when someone close to you asks for your assistance. Act first and ask questions later. It will be worth it.

TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21

Taurus, there is bound to be a learning curve when you begin a new job or a new task. Do not be hard on yourself if it takes you a little longer.

GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21

Gemini, thoughtful reflection certainly may provide some of the answers you seek. But another way is to simply get out there and ask other people what they think.

CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Sally English took a turn on the red carpet at Iroquois Lodge in November, sharing some of her life experiences and remembrances. Her grandaughter Nancy English and son-in-law Harvey were in attendance for the event, which is helping to commemorate the upcoming 30th anniversary of Iroquois Lodge. (Photograph by Stephanie Dearing). ing dog to help her find the mother's Pies. I was always ing a smile from Sally. deer. “Bomber let you know thankful for that.” “She called herself a where they were. He had us Sally remembered how dumpologist. She would learn two or three different she would drive up to the go to old homes,” and had barks, if there were deer in sale only to be greeted by a knack for finding the old the bush,” she said. “He was a line of people who were garbage dumps, said Nancy. just like another person.” waiting to purchase one of “The stuff she would find. But she couldn't shoot her pies. It became a real collection.” them after that, and from Nancy said the thing she “I definitely learned from that day forward, her rela- most appreciated about her the best,” Nancy said, recalltionship with the deer al- time with Sally was “being ing how Sally taught her to ways intimate, changed, outside with her in nature. make biscuits. “Her biscuits becoming deeper and more We would go exploring and are to die for.” intimate. hiking.” “She's quite a magnificent “She and my grandpa She remembered when lady,” said Nancy lovingly. lived such a great life,” said Sally had a Volkswagon “She's blessed us with 91 granddaughter Nancy Eng- Bug, “her favourite,” evok- years.” lish. “Hunting and fishing, they were always outside.” During World War II, Sally ran a muskrat trapline on Fairchild Creek. She recalled how there would be guards posted along the railway tracks, one of whom alerted her to the theft of muskrats from as low as from some of her traps. Sally was equally famous for her elderberry pie, which she used to make for the Willett Hospital Christmas Bazaars. “Grandma said she would make pies LAND LINE per month for sale,” said Nancy, OR CELL PHONE COMPATIBLE who worked at the hospital for 17 years. She thought her grandmoth- Can you call Hamilton or Brantford as a local call? If the answer is YES, er would make three or four pies, but her grand“Ask What Other areas are available” mother showed up with 30 pies. “They became Take advantage of Flat Rate Calling quite a feature of the baanywhere in Canada, U.S.A. or Worldwide zaar,” said Nancy. “AfFor more information contact ter a short while, people TEKA NEWS @ 519-753-0077 lined up for the pies. E-Mail: teka@tekanews.com They called them Grand-







Cancer, sad situations may come up, but you have a way of deflecting the situation and showcasing the bright side of things. You may find you are a person providing support this week.

LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23

Leo, many opportunities to entertain family and friends are on the horizon. Honor all of your commitments and enjoy all of the festivities.

VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22

Virgo, while you aspire to have many friends, you just may find that there are only a few special people who hold the strings to your heart. It is okay to keep them close.

LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23

Libra, sit down and enjoy some peace and quiet. You may enjoy the break from the frenetic pace you have been keeping the last few months.

SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22

Ever an ideas person, Scorpio, now you have to put some follow-through into those plans. You can likely find a few friends to join you on your next adventure.

SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21

Sagittarius, things certainly go on when you’re not around, but others may notice they just may not be as fun. You often lend joviality to anything you attend so spread your cheer.

CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20

Capricorn, bide your time and you just may end the year on a bang. Don’t be afraid to add other things to your lastminute wish list because your goals just may be met.

AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18

Aquarius, you enjoy social situations but that doesn’t mean you have to be the life of the party. Keep this in mind as you attend holiday gatherings.

PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20

Pisces, while others are thinking about what presents they want under the tree, you may be thinking of how to give back to others.

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