Texappeal January 2014

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Your Daughters Community ProgramÂŽ. A woman of strong faith in the saving power of Jesus Christ states, “Not having a loving mother teaching, guiding, supporting, tutoring a young daughter, but, rather actively destroying her daughter’s early learning, can cripple a young woman in one’s life-long decisions.â€? Rather than blame an individual’s poor decisions on childhood traumas, Rinehart believes that Almighty God wants each of us to become “Overcomersâ€? despite the evil of our life. The men and women of Miller Heights Baptist Church in Belton, speciďŹ cally the Jacksons, Marianne and Glen Maddux as well as the Langfords’ reached out more than 42 years ago to encourage a fragmented child of abuse. Had it not been for the door-to-door knocking of Brother David Shuddlesworth, Rinehart believes she may have never heard the message of the saving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Program Schedule in 2014 Christina Brown, KISD music teacher, will be a guest speaker for the ďŹ rst in a series of MTYDCP offered in 2014. The ďŹ rst program will be Jan. 18, at the Shiloh Hotel, in the banquet room, Killeen. The program will run from 4 - 5:30 p.m. She will be speaking on “How Music Effects the Child in Utero.â€? Christina will double bless our event with the solo: “About Love.â€? Dr. Mark Lobaugh will be the keynote speaker at this event. Mark will deliver his presentation, “From Conception to Birth.â€? Please visit our website at www. mothersteachyourdaughters.org for more info and to register. The event is offered at no charge to our community. The seating is limited to the ďŹ rst 150 registrants.

How We Serve Our Community: Philanthropic Initiatives ‡ 1R *DQJ 7DWWRR 0H Mothers Teach Your Daughters established a “No Gang Tattoo 4Me� outreach, through clinical services, which is able to be offered at no cost. ‡ %UHDVW $UHROD &RVPHVLV “Do Unto Others� Mothers Teach Your Daughters offers a re-pigmentation of the areola, at no charge, for all women who have dealt with breast cancer. This unique medical aesthetic service

is generally paid by insurance companies for $1,200. If a woman has insurance, she still may have a co-payment of $400. Rinehart practices “The Golden Rule,� James 7:12, “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sum up the Law and the prophets.� ‡ &7& An endowment has been established at Central Texas College for young girls to obtain a college education in nursing and aesthetics. ‡ $&& An endowment has been placed for Austin Community College for Job Corps girls and boys to receive an education of their choice. ‡ -HVXV +RSH DQG /RYH +RPHOHVV Shelter Jesus Hope and Love Homeless Shelter in Killeen is supported by the MTYDCP program.

For more information, visit www.mothersteachyourdaughters.org

Giving back to our community helps each of us to realize we are no longer powerless to say no to situations that appear to have “no way out.� Bottom line, we are not spectators of our life, we are active participants in how we will grow, change and become sons and daughters of Christ.

How We Serve Our &RPPXQLW\ $GYRFDF\ Our organization supports the work of the American Cancer Society’s focus on Breast Cancer Awareness; especially for their emphasis on education and prevention. For more information on their services and their programs, look for their link on our website: www.mothersteachyourdaughters.org Prayer Recipe for Supernatural Health for 2014 As you are committing to being a part of our program in 2014, consider starting off your new year with this special prayer


recipe. Prayer is a gift God wants from each of us. Instead of reaching for the remote, try reaching for his word in 2014.

Ingredients: J !5:3 -91? 5.81 1:>E #;>>5? Study Bible J @591 2>-91 0-58E @4-@ 5? 2>11 2>;9 -88 distraction J /A< ;2 3>-<12>A5@ 6A5/1 J /A< />A?410 ?@>-C.1>>51? J 2A88E >5<1:10 .-:-:J ?411@ ;2 <-<1> 85:10 J .-88 <;5:@ <1: <>121>-.8E - #;@41>? Teach Your Daughters Pen) Have your room set at a comfortable temperature to avoid over heating or cooling of environment. Make sure lighting is not too bright. Write one prayer with the pen in your right hand. Stop. Breathe in & out 3 times. Envision that Our Lord and God is ?-E5:3 #-@@41C G ;91 @; 91 E1 @4-@ are heavy laden and let me give you rest.� Then, while your eyes are closed, see God as the Light He is. Listen closely. He is calling you to commit your cares, worries and prayers to Him. Open your Bible to Psalm 1:3. Read it silently and then read it out loud. Now take that prayer you wrote earlier and ask God to please open your eyes to see him more clearly in the year of 2014. )-71 @41 /A< />A?410 ?@>-C.1>>51? 6A5/1 /A< ;2 3>-<12>A5@ 6A5/1 -:0 .-:-:- 5:@; - ?9-88 6A5/1> -:0 95D 2;> ?1/;:0? You can add a pinch of salt for clearing of the mind or a dash of paprika for a wide awakening! Either way, it’s a wonderful drink!

6SLULWXDO *RDO A supernatural active relationship with family, neighbor and /;99A:5@E ;91 6;5: A? &RPLQJ 0D\ Guest speaker Dr. Charles Day, MD, Board CertiďŹ ed Plastic Surgeon on Elements of Aging. Board Panel presentation on Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters. Visit www.mothersteachyourdaughters. org for more information.



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