The Times-Delphic

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Faking it

3 student reporters investigate the prevalence of fake IDs on Drake’s campus and where students are getting them

by Jeff Nelson, Megan O’Malley, Ashley Thompson

Fake ID Survey

Staff Writers,,


Some students unwilling to part with their own money said a do-it-yourself option is a Google or YouTube search away. The materials needed — glue, laminate paper and an ID-sized card (from an old hotel key or even an expired Subway gift card) — can all be found around college dorms or easily purchased at a local convenience store. Technologies available on campus, such as scanners, printers and Photoshop, give students easy access to the tools they need to make a fake. Another alternative for underage students eager to hit the bars is not owning a fake ID at all. A “pass-back,” or using the same fake for multiple people in one night, is a common practice at local establishments. Although bouncers man the doors, they do not catch every single fake ID user. Most local establishments have a light set up to check the picture, name and birth date, said a bouncer at a bar on Forest Avenue who remained unnamed in the survey. The same bar’s manager said that many underage students are caught because they use IDs that peel around the edges or

Staff Writer

organizations,” senior Holly Worthy said. “The people it impacted were there, you could directly see where the money was going to and who it was helping. It wasn’t just Twitter people hanging out with Twitter people. This added a new dimension.” According to ,Twestivals, one of the largest grassroots social media fundraising initiatives, have raised almost $1.2 million for over 130 causes since 2009. Volunteers in over 45 countries have come together in their Twitter communities to support many local




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that do not use the correct font. He added that in more extreme cases, he has caught and confiscated fakes of students whose ID pictures are of a different race than the user. Although the bars are supposed to do their best to stop students from using fake IDs, the manager on Forest Avenue said they are not held liable. In the past, police have busted the bars when they were crowded with people under 21-years-old. He said the police check the IDs of everyone in the bar and take away the ones that are fake. The manager said a student only receives a ticket—usually just for being in a bar after 9p.m.—if he or she hands it over right away. But the charge can be as serious as a drinking ticket if the student has a drink in hand, he said. If students do not give their false identification to the police right away, they are searched and given as many as three tickets. The manager also noted that the responsibility ultimately lies in the hands of the students unlawfully drinking, not the bar. So, as long as the bar has the right amount of workers following proper procedure and the correct equipment, it is in the clear. Owning and using a fake ID is riskier than most students realize, as campus authority figures note. In the residence halls, R.A.s are allowed to confiscate a fake upon sight. Many students have learned to not keep their fakes outside of their drawers or purses, but those who do can face strict consequences. Johansen said that R.A.s are not allowed to do anything but confiscate the fakes because they do not want to be held liable. When an R.A. finds a false form of identification, he or she turns it over to Randy McMullin, associate director of residence life. From there, McMullin said he hands them over to Drake security or the Iowa Department of Transportation. Students can then face fraud and felony charges. “When you’re applying for your dream job or graduate school, you may be held back,” McMullin said. “That blemish from when you were 18 or 19 stays on your record for life.” However, IDs are more commonly confiscated on campus when students are returning from the bars, said Operations Manager Captain Les Wheeler of campus security services. “We come into contact with students using fake IDs when they’re coming back on campus from the bars falling down or drawing attention to themselves,” Wheeler said. “We take them away and turn them over to the Iowa Department of Transportation. Sometimes they arrest students, but they commonly issue citations. From there, students can even lose their

by Andi Summers



78 PERCENT OF STUDENTS from a floor of one Drake University first-year residence hall said they had used a fake ID at bars near to campus in a random survey conducted by three student reporters. The study included 37 first-year students on a co-ed floor, and was a part of an investigation into the prevalance and use of fake IDs within the student population.

OMG! #TwestivalDSM @marscafe raises more than $1,000 for local charity Social media and charity came together Thursday night at Mars Café to raise money for the Evelyn Davis Early Learning Academy. The event was a Twestival, short for a Twitter festival. Using social media to organize community events and to raise support for local charities has become more and more popular. The Learning Academy is a preschool that services at-risk children and aims to “create lifelong learners by supporting the social, academic, physical and emotional development of children.” The event raised over $1,000 through donations, raffles and silent auctions. “It was meaningful because it was local this year, the past two years it served international


photo illustration by CONNOR MCCOURTNEY | photo editor

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We take them [IDs] away and turn them over to the Iowa Department of Transportation. Sometimes they arrest students, but they commonly issue citations. From there, students can even lose their driver’s license. -Les Wheeler, Campus Security




Fake IDs are easy to come by—just ask any Drake student. But Drake officials are sounding off on the repercussions of using fakes, many of which Drake’s 18- to 20-year-old crowd are in the dark about. New technology—and cultural norms—have made the faux identifications as common as Drake IDs. “The prevalence of fake IDs at Drake University is a campuswide problem,” said Herriott Hall Residence Assistant Brian Johansen. “I would say that three-fourths of underage students own one.” In a random study, a co-ed residence hall floor with 37 firstyear students was surveyed, showing that 78 percent admitted to using fake IDs at campus bars. That translated to 90 percent of males and 65 percent of females saying they had fake IDs. Getting these IDs is as easy as ever, said one first-year student. “It’s definitely easy to obtain a fake ID,” said Elizabeth Robinson, a first-year public relations major. “Most everyone knows someone who makes them.” Many first-years who use them choose to purchase their fakes for a number of reasons: Students are unsure of how to make the IDs, as well as the quality it takes to get into the bars and many upperclassmen on campus offer to make them for a fee. However, some students find other ways to get a fake. “A lot of people just kind of make their own,” said first-year music education major Spencer Russell. “The bars around here are easy to get into.” Costs for fake IDs range from $15 for a low-quality ID made to be shown only in particularly dark bars to well over $100 for IDs that pass at even the most stringent of establishments like Hy-Vee.

driver’s licenses.” At Drake, security confiscates fake IDs about once every two to three weeks, Wheeler said. Although citations are commonly issued, the Drake Student Handbook notes that public consumption/intoxication is considered a simple misdemeanor, with fines ranging from $65 to $625 and even up to 30 days in jail. So, while the university looks down on those with fake IDs, it is what students are doing with them, drinking illegally, that primarily gets them in trouble. But trouble with the law is only part of the aftermath of being caught with a fake ID, said Dean of Students Sentwali Bakari. “Students can face [school-enforced] sanctions ranging from a warning, reprimand or non-academic probation to suspension,” Bakari said. “Their academic and professional careers can be jeopardized. When students are 18 years old, they think it is cool and cute to access bars and buy alcohol underage.” However, the majority of the students surveyed who use fake IDs say it is more than that. “I use a fake ID for socialization at the bars. It’s not just for drinking,” said one 19-year-old female who was surveyed. While administrators feel strongly about the issue, it is something they cannot completely control. However, one student does not see it as a huge problem. “It’s illegal, but for college, it’s not that bad,” said first-year secondary education and history major Rachael Snell. “They’re just paying for the alcohol at a younger age. They could be doing hard drugs like cocaine.”

>>MEETING IN BRIEF • $1,820 allocated to Respect for Life for “A Voice for Life” event on April 20 in Bulldog Theater

WeCar coming to Drake? Representative presents to Senate on car rental program by Sean Walsh

Staff Writer

Senate approved one funding request at its first meeting after spring break on Thursday. Respect for Life was allocated $1,820 for its “A Voice for Life” event. The program will take place on April 20 in Bulldog Theater and will feature a anti-abortion speaker. In addition, a representative from WeCar spoke at the meeting about its student car rental program. The service would allow students who do not have a car on campus to rent one at an

• A WECAR REPRESENTATIVE spoke to Senate about bringing the Enterprise student car rental to Drake’s campus, an idea received positively by senators • A RECORD-BREAKING CUSTARD PIE FIGHT will occur at Dogtown After Hours April 8, per Crawford Hall’s winning event idea • UNSPENT MONEY in the budgets of some annually funded organizations is expected at the end of the semester, says Student Body Auditor Brad Koenen. hourly rate. The idea received positive reception from some senators. After a certain profit has been made, the service would give money back to the university. “I really like this idea because there is no upfront cost and the marketing is paid for,” Sen.






SAB speaker criticizes media portrayal of Islam

Greek letters more than a fashion statement

Relay for Life significantly exceeds fundraising goal

Both tennis teams post 7-0 victories over the weekend






quote of the




MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2011 | PAGE 2

Every directing project presents me with new challenges and new opportunities to practice my art and learn more about life and people.


‘No, I’m not a terrorist,’ SAB event speaker tells audience by Stephanie Sanyour

Staff Writer

STEPHANIE SANYOUR | staff writer

STUDENTS LISTEN (top) as speaker Zohra Sawari gives a lecture sponsored by the Student Activities Board at Pomerantz Stage on Thursday. The presentation, titled “No, I’m Not a Terrorist,” centered around Sawari sharing her personal explanations and stories about her Muslim faith and its interaction with Western culture and media. ZOHRA SAWARI (above) has lived in the United States since she was 6 years old, and says her life’s mission is “to break the stereotype of Muslims and Muslim women.”

Terrorism is a hot topic in today’s news and when people think of terrorism, they think of Islam. Zohra Sarwari, the famous inspirational Muslim speaker, came to Drake University last Thursday to help non-Muslims understand what terrorism is, and what the real teachings of Islam are in her inspirational lecture called “No, I’m Not a Terrorist!” Sarwari explained that terrorism is the use of violence and intimidation, and that the incorrect link between of terrorism and Islam may be caused by a bad portrayal of the media. “I don’t know if the media doesn’t know or the media has the wrong knowledge, but they are spreading it the incorrect way and due to that there is more islamophobia and people are more afraid,” Sarwari says. According to the Washington Post, 55 percent of Americans lack a basic understanding of Islam, and 48 percent have unfavorable views of Muslims. Sarwari saw this as an opportunity to become a Muslim inspirational speaker. “I was tired of the media teaching my religion,” Sarwari says. Sarwari explained that Islam does not promote suicide bombings, killings or terrorist attacks, and the people who engage in those activities do it as an act of anger or because of misinterpretation of readings. Sarwari explained how the media likes to include Islam in

Meredith Corp. will host nettworking event for Drake students and alumni by Kensie Smith

Staff Writer

Ice cubes in the mocktails will clink, while enlightening conversation topics will fill the Meredith Corporation atrium. The Student Alumni Association event looks to bring Drake students and Des Moines professionals together for a night of conversation, appetizers and live entertainment. The Downtown Des Moines Networking event will be held Thursday from 5 to 7 p.m. Free bussing will depart from Olmsted prior to the event for easy transportation. Jonathan Brendemuehl, assistant director of alumni and parent relations and 2008 Drake graduate, said that SAA provides a valuable service to students and alumni. “SAA events are a wonderful resource for both parties involved. It allows students to meet with influential and interesting alumni,” Brendemuehl said. “And, it connects the alumni with students for things like internships.” Both Drake alumni and other area professionals have been invited to the event as a chance to meet with up-and-coming students and to share information on the working world. Professionals are also allowed to bring guests to

further build the interactive network. A majority of alums on the attendee list graduated within the last decade. Students will have the chance to talk with professionals from employers including Wells Fargo, Iowa State Fair, Meredith Corporation, EMC Insurance Companies and Holmes Automotive Group. In its inaugural year, SAA has hosted a number of successful events, including a Student-Alumni Dinner, where students were paired with a Drake graduate in a similar field. Interested alumni can click to alumni. for more information regarding upcoming events including the All Jazz Alumni reunion, the 2011 Beautiful Bulldog Contest and Downtown Street Painting. Brendemuehl said that SAA serves the growing need for strong connections. “Networking is more important for students today than ever before,” he said. To register last-minute, contact Brendemuehl at jonathan.brendemuehl@

>> Stay connected with SAA Twitter: @drakealumni Facebook: Drake University Alumni

LinkedIn: Drake University Alumni Website:

Students plan to break Guinness World Record at Dogtown After Hours event FROM SENATE, PAGE 1 Laura Menendez said. “It’s safe, well-thoughtout and a great alternative for Drake students.” Students would have to show a driver’s license and car insurance to be able to rent a car. Gas would also be included in the hourly rate, which would likely be between $6 and $10, depending on the car that is selected. WeCar is run by Enterprise Holdings, which owns Enterprise Rent-A-Car. Vice President of Student Activities Greg Larson also gave senators an update on the upcoming lock-in sponsored by Senate, the Student Activities Board, the Residence Hall Association, the Interfraternity Council, the Panhellenic Council and other various organizations.

Dogtown After Hours will take place on Friday, April 8, and will feature a variety of programs and entertainment, including a Guinness World Record-breaking custard pie fight. The idea was presented by the Crawford Hall Executive Council in a campuswide competition, with the winning organization receiving $1,000 to use on programming. Student Body Auditor Brad Koenen gave an update on the budgets of all annually funded organizations. He expected there to be unspent money at the end of the semester by a couple organizations. Student Body President Samantha Haas said the Board of Trustees meetings will be taking place during the Drake Relays.


terrorism stories, but leave out the other religions. She showed an article of a man who got inside a plane in 2010 and crashed into an IRS office in Texas. The man was a catholic. “Why wasn’t his faith in the headlines? It doesn’t make sense,” Sarwari says. “We need to open our eyes to everything and not stigmatize,” Sarwari said. She also talked about the importance of history when understanding what terrorism is and who is behind it. “We need to look back at our old history. It’s easy to point fingers, but we don’t like to look at ourselves,” Sarwari says. She talked about the terrorism made towards African Americans, Native Indians, even the Jews in the Holocaust. She explained that Hitler was a Christian, but “we can’t judge Christianity based on what Hitler did.” “Terrorism happens all around us. It shouldn’t be blamed on race, gender or religion,” Sarwari says. Sarwari also educated the crowd about why Muslim women dress the way they do and some of the Muslim traditions. “Islam has always been a religion of peace,” Sarwari says. Sarwari encouraged people to not be afraid of Islam and to have greater acceptance. “We need to understand each other so that we can have peace together.”

Local businesses, Drake student help raise funds FROM TWESTIVAL, PAGE 1 businesses by featuring pizza from Gusto Pizza, beer from Olde Main Brewing Company and music from Bella Soul, Dead Yellow Canaries and Seedling. Worthy was the only Drake student to serve on the planning committee for this year’s Twestival. She reported on the event last year and was then inspired to serve on the committee. “I have a lot of friends through Twitter, but I was excited to see Drake students there,” Worthy said. “I appreciated Drake University’s Twitter account re-tweeting stuff we had sent out. It was helpful in trying to broaden the audience.”


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PAGE 3 | MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2011




I have seen...

When the lives of the poor are destroyed at the hands of the rich, it is the common order of things. But when the lives of the rich are destroyed at the hands of the poor, it is the most heinous and deviant of crimes. This is the way of the world; the many subject to the few.

I have seen a video on YouTube of an 8-year old Libyan girl in a hospital. The top half of her head had been blown away by a tyrant’s bullet. I have seen a video of a line of blackened corpses–soldiers of the Libyan military that were burned alive in their barracks because they refused to fire on the revolutionaries. I have seen the numbers of how much profit the nations of Europe made in the sales of arms to Libya’s tyrant. I have seen citizens of the Ivory Coast marching together in protest of their dictator. I heard gunshots and saw six women fall to the ground. Their blood painted the concrete red. I have seen the tanks of the Saudi monarchy roll through the desert toward Bahrain. Their aim: to intimidate people brave enough to stand their ground against treads of steel. I have seen the workers of India deprived of their livelihood at their factories. The man who destroyed their lives was, in turn, doused in gasoline and set aflame by those who would see their dignity upheld. I have seen the politicians who fight for tax breaks for the wealthy and pay cuts to the workers; who support the rights of corporate executives and deny the rights of organized labor; who promote democracy through war and criticize its creation through peace; who serve the powerful and trample the poor. I have seen the man who sells private information of individuals to corporations labeled Time magazine’s “Person of the Year,” while the man who freely gives the private information of governments to the people labeled as terrorists.

I have seen the diplomatic cables that showed the hypocrisy, mistrust and backroom dealings of Earth’s governments. The leaders of these nations, those paragons of democracy all call for the imprisonment and execution of those who believe in transparency. They loudly tell the people that the government is theirs and then quake in fear when the people discover what the government does when nobody is looking. I have seen that the center does not hold. As the lines of communication bridge the gaps across societies and the upwelling of information kindles the flame of truth in the minds of all, humanity becomes awakened from its deep slumber. What there is to find upon awakening is not something of love, but of hatred. When the lives of the poor are destroyed at the hands of the rich, it is the common order of things. But when the lives of the rich are destroyed at the hands of the poor, it is the most heinous and deviant of crimes. This is the way of the world; the many subject to the few. Those who say that the institutions of war, poverty, fear, anger and isolation are the natural state of things perpetrate the greatest lie ever told. Humanity is capable of so much more, if only we realize our potential. We will never be able to do so, however, so long as we remain tied down to the old ways, the old lies. The old institutions that had promised us peace and prosperity have failed. They have been exposed as falsities that serve only the narrowest of interests. Those who had propagated those institutions over all the centuries know this to be happening, and desperately cling to their last

The race for the nine coveted senatorat-large positions has begun. Voting will be next next Monday and Tuesday, April 4-5 on blueView.

vestiges of power. But in their desperation, their actions have turned from deceptions in the shadows to vicious crimes in the light of day for all to see. The final war will not be a military exchange between opposing states, but the culmination of conflict between those who have and those who have not. It is already upon us. The declaration of war is on the front page. The truth dawns with man, and the dawn is breaking. The blinding light that will emanate from our visage will bring down every monarch, general, emperor, supreme leader, tyrant, capitalist and political power-broker. The white flag of peace will rise above a new Earth. The species will actualize itself as the old order is shattered into oblivion. The instruments of inherent love shall be used against their implements of hate, and they will prevail as war is replaced with peace, poverty with sufficiency, fear with courage, anger with compassion and isolation with kinship.


Protzmann is a first-year philosophy major and can be contacted at


Wear your house, literally

Musicians in the movies

Greeks represent their house, even when they’re not wearing their letters.

Should musicians mind their business and stay out of the movies?

I fly high, I start your night off right and I’m a total pansy. If you didn’t already know I was a KAΘ, those clues probably wouldn’t help you out. But, in the context of a sassy T-shirt, they work perfectly. Other frats and sororities on the street claim to be KKG notorious or making a splash for Delta Gamma’s annual Anchor Splash. So, what’s appropriate for greekwear? In addition to our catchy sayings, what about letters? Letters are probably the trickiest in our Greek wardrobe. Available in every combination of color, pattern and form where can you put them and when can you wear or use them? It’s often a preference of headquarters. Some chapters aren’t allowed to wear letters on the back of sweatpants, shorts or skirts while other chapters can wear letters to bars as long as they’re a certain size (or smaller.) Do you have a favorite sports team? You can probably find letters online in their fabric and you can even get them on a baseball hat for the next big game. If you can’t find them online or from your GreekSpirit representative (most chapters have them) our own Academy Trophies and Awards shop (820 35th. St.) can make letters for you out of whatever fabric you want. Provide the fabric, the T-shirt and allow for a week from drop off to pick up (perfect for last-minute mom/dad and kiddo presents). Laptop stickers, license plate covers and drink koozies are only the beginning of anything and everything that you can get emblazoned with your letters. Graphic T-shirts can be tricky. Normally preferred by fraternities, Drake has seen so many on campus, it’s hard to remember them all. Last year’s Alpha Phi fall bid day shirts were a perfect combo of graphics and sorority cute (loved that deep V) while the 2010 Fiji Island shirts could have been bought at Hollister (if not for Phi Gamma Delta’s letters on the front.) Be wary- graphic tees can be a little over the top, but, in moderation, one couldn’t hurt every now and then. Funny, satirical or even a little raunchy, our T-shirts (especially philanthropy tees) are

Usually when a musician’s careers starts to evaporate and they fall off of the general public’s radar, they have to do something to put them back on the map. For a lot of them, it is appearing in movies or working in television. I’ve seen it dozens of times where a bigname musician has had to go on TV or appear in a movie to gain their fame back. I’ll go through three examples of it, two movies and one television star. The legendary sweat machine and singer Meat Loaf has definitely seen his career stall since the late 1980s. Since then, he has had a number of roles on television and in movies. Starting in the 1970s, he had a memorable role in the “Rocky Horror Picture Show,” but in the ‘90s, he had roles in “Tenacious D,” as well as cameo appearances on “House,” “Monk” and “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” He also hosts a game show on DIRECTV called “Rock and a Hard Place,” in which older bands face off in a music trivia-based game where all winnings go toward charity. The next great example is David Bowie. The legendary glam-rocker had definitely seen a decline of his career in the late ’90s. So, naturally he turned to movies to continue to have his name out in the public eye. However, he has had a great deal of success as an actor–from his dark turn in “Labyrinth,” to his role as Nikola Tesla in Christopher Nolan’s “The Prestige,” he is the best example of a career after music that is a true success. My final example shows that a musician doesn’t need to have a decline to be in movies. Tim McGraw has really made his mark on the big screen with sports-themed movies over the past few years, starting with his role in “Friday Night Lights” and really shining in “The Blind Side,” which has been his biggest role to date. His singing career hasn’t declined too much yet, but he could be preparing for his later career. As it is, movies are a great backup plan for musicians who have hit some hard times

meant to sell or flaunt our chapter’s personality. Whether someone in your house designed them, you ordered Adam Block high quality tees or you hijacked RayGun’s printing press, a chapter’s T-shirt is a direct reflection of the house as a whole. There’s a fine line between funny and garish and when referencing drinking, Greek traditions or chapter jokes, it can be blurry. Erring on the side of safety is normally best–keep it light, funny and fun! T-shirts are meant to be worn over and over again, so make every one worth it.

From cardigans and flip flops to half-zips and cufflinks, it’s easy to represent your house wherever you go.


Collins is a sophomore English major and can be contacted at


JILL VAN WYKE, Faculty Advisor ANN SCHNOEBELEN, News Editor KATIE MINNICK, Sports Design Editor


From cardigans and flip flops to half-zips and cufflinks, it’s easy to represent your house wherever you go. Just remember, even if you don’t have them on, you’re always wearing your letters…(how many times have you heard that one?)

KAILA SWAIN, Digital Editor



REED ALLEN, Business Manager


since their music stopped selling. While most of them are caricatures of themselves and struggle as actors, a select few really have a natural talent in front of the camera.

Movies are a great backup plan for musicians...While most of them are caricatures of themselves and struggle as actors, a select few really have a natural talent in front of the camera.


Wendlandt is a sophomore broadcast journalism major and can be contacted at

The Times-Delphic is a student newspaper published semi-weekly during the regular academic year and is produced by undergraduate students at Drake University. The opinions of staff editorials reflect the institutional opinion of the newspaper based on current staff opinions and the newspaper’s traditions. These opinions do not necessarily reflect those of individual employees of the paper, Drake University or members of the student body. All other opinions appearing throughout the paper are those of the author or artist named within the column or cartoon. The newsroom and business office of The Times-Delphic are located in Meredith Hall, Room 124. The TimesDelphic is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press. The editor-in-chief sits on the Board of Student Communications. LETTERS & SUBMISSION POLICY

The Times-Delphic strives to represent student views as accurately and honestly as possible. We rely on readers to provide us with criticism, comments and new ideas so that we can continue to serve the interests of the students in the fairest possible way. We encourage interested readers to submit letters to the editor. Letters must include the author’s name and phone number. Unsigned letters will not be published. Deadlines for guest submissions are noon Tuesday for the Thursday edition and noon Friday for the Monday edition. The Times-Delphic reserves the right to edit letters and submissions for space and in the interest of taste. Letters and submissions reflect only the opinions of the authors and should be limited to 250 words. ADVERTISING POLICY

The Times-Delphic’s business office is located at 2507 University Avenue, 124B Meredith Hall, Des Moines, IA 50311. The Times-Delphic is published on Mondays and Thursdays during the university’s fall and spring academic terms. The newspaper is distributed for free around the Drake campus. All advertising information is to be submitted noon Tuesday for the Thursday edition, and noon Friday for the Monday edition. Advertisements can be designed by The Times-Delphic or submitted via e-mail. We accept cash and check. A 10 percent discount is offered for prepayment on advertisements. The business office can be contacted at 515-271-2148.

© The Times-Delphic

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MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2011 | PAGE 4


The SAB Executive Board application deadline has been extended to today at noon.


Relay Life by Ethan Clevenger

Staff Writer

“In honor of my mom.” “Christopher. Seven-year-old boy diagnosed with brain cancer a month ago.” “Celebrate. Remember. Fight back.” Luminaries lined the track around Drake University’s Knapp Center Friday night to honor and remember those affected by cancer. Drake’s sixth annual Relay for Life was put on by Colleges Against Cancer to raise money for the American Cancer Society. Over 600 people participated on 54 teams, walking around the Knapp Center track from 6 p.m. on Friday to 6 a.m. on Saturday. Samantha Haas, co-president of Drake’s chapter of Colleges Against Cancer, said these numbers were way up. She said that last year brought 350 participants, which was very exciting. The 600 participants this year surprised everyone involved. Not only was the number of participants up, but also the money contributed to the cause raised significantly. This year’s goal was $30,000, but Haas estimates that the total gathered was somewhere in the vicinity of $34,000. Co-President Erin Hogan said during the closing ceremony that this was the first time the goal had actually been met. Both were particularly excited about this since they technically have until August to meet their goal. Haas ended the opening ceremony by quoting fellow student Megan Reiss’ Facebook status, which had been posted prior to the event: “Twelve hours. It can stretch out forever when you’re waiting to hear the report on a biopsy. It can literally evaporate when it’s the last hours spent with a dying loved one. Or, it can bring hundreds of people together in the fight against cancer through Relay for Life 2011.” Participants had various reasons for participating in Relay. “It’s a fun way to support a great cause,” said sophomore Ryan Price from the Sigma Phi Epsilon team. Fellow team member Nick Dodd said, “There’s nothing better to do on a Friday night than walk for cancer.” However, SigEp participant Shiv Morjaria had a more personal reason to walk. His grandmother is a breast cancer survivor, and Morjaria was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma last semester. He just completed his treatment. “I’m really passionate about cancer,” he said. While many teams traded off walkers over the course of the night, Morjaria said he intended to stay for the entire 12 hours. Haas also had a personal tie to cancer. She lost two grandparents to cancer. But the night was about celebrating as much as it was about remembering. Students celebrated survivors and their strength, and a progress toward a cure. Entertainment was available over the course of the night, including Ivan Pecel, a juggler from the popular TV show “America’s Got Talent.” Drake’s a cappella groups Brocal Chords and the Treblemakers also performed. Brocal Chords member Nick Budden wasn’t on Relay for Life teams but said he was proud to donate his time and talent. There were also prizes, free foot massages and food available from many sponsors. A limbo competition was held at about 4 a.m., and Haas was crowned champion for the fourth year in a row. She was the first four-year limbo champion in Drake Relay for Life history. “It’s awesome,” she said with a laugh. Relay for Life represents a lot of hard work, dedication and passion from the Drake community. The cause is far-reaching– helping over 11 million people living with cancer and their families, according the American Cancer Society website. “Everyone is somehow impacted by cancer in their lives,” Haas said.

IVAN PECEL (left) performed a juggling routine with a variety of props and audience members. MORGAN WISE (above) spoke about her personal experience with lymphoma. TIA DERFLINGER (lower left) spoke about her experience with cancer. Derflinger’s mom survived thyroid cancer but was recently diagnosed with stage one breast cancer. The emotional presentation ended with a surprise visit from Derflinger’s mother. DRAKE DANCE TEAM (below) donated a dance to the 12-hour program. WALKERS (bottom) donated time and money, while they walked the track around the Roger Knapp Center. CONNOR MCCOURTNEY | photo editor

PAGE 5 | MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2011




Student-produced productions fill weekend itinerary ‘Standing On My Knees’ and ‘Sister Mary’ – a serious story and a laughing riot all in one weekend STANDING ON MY KNEES by Xiang Xiang Liew

Staff Writer

Artistic genius and craziness are best friends. Everyone knows that, don’t they? Everyone has experienced a work of art—a painting, a poem, a film, a song—that made him go, “What on earth was that person thinking?” or “What do you mean this wasn’t made on drugs?” Creativity is all about making connections between concepts that don’t usually go together, connections that people don’t normally make. In order to create something of artistic value, a person needs to see things in a different way than most people would see them, also known in most circles as being crazy. It isn’t surprising, then, that the only way artistic geniuses create is to dig into the deepest, darkest corners of themselves, rip out the most twisted, bloodiest guts and splatter them all over the page. Or canvas. Or musical instrument of choice. (Not literally. Well, in most cases at least.) There is no such thing as artistic technique. Not in the world of fiction anyway. Because how boring would that be? Would people rather watch an author go slowly insane and destroy herself and everything around her churn out the literary masterpiece of the century? Or would they rather follow her as she writes horrible first drafts, attends writing workshops and labors over insignificant details that none of the readers will notice or appreciate? No wonder the crazy artist character is a cliché. I’m not saying that it can’t be done well, or in an original way, if the recent success of “Black Swan” is any indication. I’m making this point in order to highlight the achievements of the cast and crew of “Standing On My Knees,” a student-directed play that ran for three days last weekend at the Harmon Fine Arts Center. The play focused on the struggle of a schizophrenic poet Catherine. As the story unfolded, it became clear that Catherine had to choose between taking her meds and writing horrendously or letting the schizophrenia take over her to get back her poetic genius. The big question was, of course, what is more important? Her art, or her sanity? In the hands of a less competent director, “Standing On My Knees” could very easily have been a bland, cliché story about a crazy artistic type. Instead, due to the excellent casting and directing by Ben Raanan, a senior directing

major, this particular production took this rather worn storyline and infused it with renewed freshness and vigor. The actors were absolutely perfect for their respective roles; all of them succeeded in transcending the particular stereotypes they had been given. A common criticism of this play is how flat the character of Catherine is written. She is defined entirely by her illness and her craft. But one wouldn’t have known that from the way Drake’s Marissa Ford played her. Ford’s characterization of Catherine was rich, complex and nuanced. Her astounding attention to detail, the subtle yet always surprising variations in her character’s expressions, mannerisms and responses, and her intense connection to the people around her, all combined to make her portrayal of Catherine unexpectedly human. The audience didn’t think of Catherine as just another crazy artist, it saw her as a real person. Theatergoers got the sense that she had a history and a life outside of what was shown in the play. The characterizations of the supporting characters were pitch perfect. Caitlin Teters, who played Catherine’s psychiatrist, achieved a fine balance between professionalism and compassion. She always remained calm and graceful, yet the audience got a sense that she sincerely cared about Catherine’s well-being. Noby Edwards, who played Catherine’s best friend Alice, provided much of the levity and humor in the play with her rapid-fire speech and impeccable comic timing. Yet she was far from being a one-hit comic relief character. Even though she maintained her light, flitting energy throughout the play, there was much more to her than just the bubbly career woman and supportive friend. Her wonderful ambivalence toward her friend created some of the most enjoyable conflicts in the play. Jason Millsap, as Catherine’s love interest Robert, shouldered the heavy burden of showing the audience precisely what Catherine’s stakes are, what she stands to lose. His relationship with her was ultimately the main driving force behind the play. Millsap brought a sweetness and vulnerability to Robert and retained it even as his character and the relationship developed and changed. He maintained an internal consistency that allowed the audience to sympathize with him until the very end.

photos by NICOLE MALMQUIST | Drake Theatre

Upcoming Drake Theatre productions “The Glory of Living” April 28- May 1

“Into the Woods” April 14-15

SENIOR MARISSA FORD (above) performed the role of Catherine in “Standing On My Knees.” Although this character is often referred to as “flat” in the script, Ford’s characterization was a huge impact on the role. CARRIE GABBERT AND TYLER LUBINUS (right) performed as Sister and Gary, respectively. The duo played well off of one another in addition the other cast members: Marissa Broich, Brent LeBlanc, Matt Hauper and Breanna Thaden. This rendition of “Sister Mary” was a successfully run student production.

Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All For You by Asmita Gauchan

Staff Writer

cellence Passion Connections Opportunities LeadershipStudio 55 in the Harmon Fine Arts Center

Excellence Passion Connections Opportunities

saw the staging of the student-directed Drake theatre production of “Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All For You” this weekend. Senior Moira Nash helmed the production as her senior capstone project and was one of four student directors who got the opportunity to direct main stage Drake theatre productions this year. “Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All For You” is a black comedy written by Christopher Durang. It is about a domineering nun, who bullies her students into following the words of the Bible. The character of Sister Mary Ignatius is an obvious caricature. Her beliefs are exaggerated in dialog with such an unlikable yet hilarious overtone that it is easy to see why this play is as popular and controversial as it is. Nash, who originally wanted to direct a musical but couldn’t do so due to budgeting reasons, said, “I decided if I couldn’t do a musical, I’d do a comedy. Christopher Durang just happens to be a favorite playwright of mine.” One could say that the choice had paid off when the play opened on Friday evening to a full house that kept bursting into laughter every two minutes. Amidst the mirthful hysterics in the audience, there were also a couple of grim faces that couldn’t be overlooked. This was to be expected considering how the play takes constant blunt jabs at Christianity. However, upon being asked if she were nervous about tackling a satirical take on Catholicism, Nash said, “In this day, I wasn’t really worried about anyone getting offended by the subject matter. Particularly in Des Moines People in Des Moines are pretty accepting of everything. It’s pretty tame when you

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consider some of the real things going on in the Catholic Church.” Nash’s confidence is obvious in the work she has done on the production. Her assured direction coupled with Durang’s biting words made for a very entertaining night for those of us in attendence. Although some adjustments in blocking probably would have helped smooth over a few scene executions, it was nothing that impacted the overall outcome. Carrie Gabbert, who is a BFA Musical Theatre major from Burlington, Wisc., is not new to the Drake stage. She has appeared on several past productions and seems to have honed her craft well over the years. As much of this play was a prolonged monologue of sorts for her, it was important that Gabbert nail the part of Sister Mary, and Gabbert gave a dynamite performance on the opening night comfortably meeting everybody’s expectations. The supporting cast consisting of theatre students Marissa Broich, Brent LeBlanc, Matt Haupert, Tyler Lubinus and Breanna Thaden all deserve special mention for their notable work. Standing up against Gabbert’s ferocious Sister Mary, each one of them was able to hold their own, and crack up the audience with their character’s quirks. Overall, Nash’s rendition of “Sister Mary Ignatius Explains it All for You” was a successful production. It was funny, extremely over-thetop and even had a moment or two of sincerity among all the gags. “Every directing project presents me with new challenges and new opportunities to practice my art, and learn more about life and people,” Nash said of the whole experience. I have nothing but good wishes and high hopes for the lovely Moira Nash, who will be graduating this semester.

MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2011 | PAGE 6





In its first match since cracking the ITA national rankings last week, the Drake men’s tennis team sent a message to the rest of the Missouri Valley that the Bulldogs are here to stay. Drake dominated Creighton 7-0 last Saturday to open conference play, taking all but one set in six singles matches. The Bulldogs are now 13-2 overall. The team’s top doubles combination of senior Mauricio Ballivian and sophomore Anis Ghorbel is also ranked No. 72 in the country.


Can stars recapture magic at Relays? Four former champions look to add more titles at this year’s festivities by David Johnson

Staff Writer


ALAN WEBB SET THE AMERICAN RECORD in the mile run with a time of 3:46.91 in 2007. Drake announced that Webb will compete in this year’s Drake Relays, and the 28-year-old Michigan native should have his work cut out for him. Six runners last year finished the mile in less than four minutes.

This year’s Drake Relays are beginning to take form as athletes from around the world have begun to accept invitations to demonstrate their talents on the blue oval in Drake Stadium. Christian Cantwell, a 2010 Drake Relays Hall of Fame inductee, will return to Drake Stadium to try to win his eighth title in the shot put event. He earned a silver medal for the U.S. in the 2008 Beijing Olympics and won the shot put at the 2009 World Outdoor Championships in Berlin. Cantwell took the top spot in the Drake Relays record book with a toss of 72 feet, 6.25 inches in 2006. This year’s event will have several participants ranked in the top 10 in the world rankings. “The shot put has always been a very special event,” Drake Relays Director Brian Brown said. “It’s an event that many of our spectators have come to know and love. What makes it special is the level of competition.” Spectators will also get the opportunity to see Boaz Lalang and Alan Webb battle against one another both on the track and in the Grand Blue Mile competition in downtown Des Moines. Webb holds the American record in the mile

with a time of 3:46.91 and set the stadium record at the Drake Relays in 2007 with a time of 3:51.71. Lalang, who hails from Kenya, is the defending Drake Relays champion in the mile and is ranked No. 10 in the world in the event. This year will be the second running of the Wellmark Grand Blue Mile down Grand Avenue on April 26. A new addition to the event will be a large LED television screen located at the finish line, which will show the entire race. “For those who were thinking about coming, hopefully this pushes you over the edge,” Brown said. “Not only will you be able to see a great finish, but you will be able to see a tremendous event from the start to finish.” Damu Cherry will also return to defend her 2010 title in the 100-meter hurdles. Last year’s victory set a Drake Stadium record after posting a time of 12.65 seconds, when Cherry edged out hometown favorite Lolo Jones by .03 seconds. “Damu made her presence known at the Drake Relays last year as she lined up in what may have been one of the most dramatic events last year,” Brown said. “She is excited and rearing to go and ready to come back to try and re-win that championship.” Jones has not yet responded to the invitation to participate in the 102nd running of the Drake Relays.

>>DRAKE RELAYS Special Invitational Participants The Drake Relays are renowned for attracting some of the biggest track stars in the world, not just college and high school runners. Last Thursday, Drake Relays Director Brian Brown announced four world-class athletes will compete in this year’s Relays. Here’s a quick run-down: CHRISTIAN CANTWELL – SHOT PUT • Won silver medal for the U.S. in 2008 Beijing Olympics • Inducted into Drake Relays Hall of Fame in 2010 • Won 2009 World Championships in Berlin • Owns Drake Relays and Drake Stadium records • Ranked No. 1 in the world in 2004, 2009 and 2010 ALAN WEBB – MILE • American record holder with a time of 3:46.91 • Set Drake Relays and Drake Stadium record with a time of 3:51.71 in 2007 • Won Drake Relays mile again in 2009

DAMU CHERRY – HURDLES • Set Drake Relays and Drake Stadium record in 100-meter hurdles in 2010, defeating Des Moines native Lolo Jones by .03 seconds • Finished fourth in the 100 hurdles at the 2008 Beijing Olympics • Set personal best in the 100 hurdles in 2006 with a time of 12.44 seconds BOOZ LELANG – MILE • Ran personal best 3:56.14 to capture the mile title in last year’s Drake Relays • His time ranks third in Drake Stadium history • Ranked No. 10 in the world in the mile and No. 3 in the 800.

compiled by Matt Moran Sports Editor


quick hits in Drake sports

compiled by Matt Moran | Sports Editor


JUNIOR TOREY CRADDOCK connects with a low pitch to rip the ball down the line. Craddock is tied for the team lead in doubles with six, and she has enjoyed a break-out season with a .301 batting average, four home runs and 15 runs batted in.



The Drake softball team was scheduled to play a doubleheader at Bradley last Saturday before wrapping up the three-game set on Sunday, but due to cold weather, Saturday’s games were canceled. The Bulldogs played their scheduled game yesterday and will take on the Braves in another game today. Drake returns home for a quick turnaround with a doubleheader against South Dakota State tomorrow. The Bulldogs started out Missouri Valley play with a three-game sweep over Indiana State on March 19 and 20 and are riding a five-game winning streak. Drake is 15-11 on the season.

Drake senior track and field member Ari Curtis was tabbed No. 20 in the 400-meter run and No. 38 in the heptathlon according to the U.S. Track and Field and Cross Country Coaches Association preseason computer rankings. The national recognition comes just before Drake opens the outdoor season this Saturday. The rankings are nothing new to Curtis, who finished 10th in the 400 last year at the 2010 NCAA Outdoor Championships. She is the school record holder in both events, recording a time of 57.89 seconds in the 400 last year at the championships, and tallying 4,998 points in the heptathlon last season at the Kansas Relays.

In the same USTFCCCA poll, Drake junior Jon DeGrave is ranked 30th in the 400-meter hurdles heading into the outdoor season. This is the first career national ranking for DeGrave, who won the event at the 2010 Missouri Valley Conference Outdoor Track and Field Championships with a time of 51.27 seconds. For his efforts, he was honored as the MVC Outstanding Men’s Track Athlete for the meet. During the 2011 indoor season, DeGrave captured another MVC title in the 400-meter run and crossed the finish line second in the 200. DeGrave and the rest of both Bulldog track teams will open up the outdoor season this Saturday, with most of the top runners headed to the Razorback Spring Invitational in Fayetteville, Ark.

WOMEN’S GOLF HEADS TO CARBONDALE The Drake women’s golf team began the 14-team Saluki Invitational in Carbondale, Ill., yesterday with the tournament wrapping up today. The two-day event is hosted by Southern Illinois at the Hickory Ridge Golf Course. Last season, the Bulldogs lost the team title by just one stroke after winning the tournament in 2009. Senior Michelle Mathwick finished 12th among individuals last year. Drake looks to bounce back from its 11th place finish at the Jackrabbit Invitational two weeks ago, and hopes to fine-tune its skills in time for the State Farm MVC Championship on April 22 and 23.

PAGE 7 | MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2011




Men roll past CU, women stifle Nebraska-Omaha Men win MVC opener in first match since earning national ranking by Dominic Johnson

Staff Writer

MEN No. 71 Drake extended its winning streak to seven matches with a 7-0 win over the Creighton Bluejays last Saturday afternoon. The Bulldogs are now 13-2 on the season. The Bulldogs started the match with a bang by clinching the opening doubles point off the strength of first and second doubles. Drake’s top duo, senior Mauricio Ballivian and sophomore Anis Ghorbel, proved its No. 72 national ranking in doubles with an 8-3 win. Sophomores James McKie and Jean Erasmus put up an equally impressive 8-3 victory at the second doubles position. The Bulldogs failed to completely sweep the doubles matches though, as sophomore Ryan Drake and junior Cesar Bracho lost at the third slot 6-8. Singles play was just as successful for Drake, as the Bulldogs captured five of the six singles matches in straight sets. Ballivian paced the squad with a perfect 6-0, 6-0 win at the top spot. McKie won 6-1, 7-5 at the second position while his doubles partner, Erasmus, dominated with a 6-0, 6-1 win. Last week’s Missouri Valley Conference Player of the Week, Ghorbel, won 7-5, 6-3. Bracho, in just his second match after returning from injury, posted a 6-0, 6-1 victory. Ryan Drake made it a clean sweep for the Bulldogs with a 6-2, 2-6, 10-5 win at the sixth and final slot. “I felt like we came out with a lot of energy and focus,” Erasmus said. “We all knew the importance of starting the conference with confidence and showing everyone that we are in top shape.” The Bulldogs will take a short hiatus from conference play as they take on Western Michigan and Northern Illinois this weekend in Rockford, Ill. Drake will return home to the Roger Knapp Tennis Center on April 9 and 10 to battle Bradley and Illinois State, respectively. Overall, the team is doing outstand-

ing and all the hard work we put in every practice is paying off,” Bracho added. “We need to take the win and stay focused on the rest of the games, as conference play just started.” WOMEN The Drake women’s tennis team dismantled the University of NebraskaOmaha Mavericks last Wednesday at the Roger Knapp Tennis Center. The Bulldogs were simply too talented at both doubles and singles en route to a 7-0 victory. The Bulldogs once again captured the doubles point to take a 1-0 lead, this time with quick wins at all positions. Juniors Jess Aguilera and Amanda Aragon were the first off the court with an 8-0 victory. They were soon followed by junior Earlynn Lauer and freshman Klavdija Rebol, who won 8-2. Junior Gabby Demos and sophomore Manca Krizman made it a clean sweep with an 8-4 victory. Drake proved to be just as dominant in singles as they were in doubles, as five of the six matches were decided in straight sets with the Mavericks barely getting on the scoreboard. Aragon started the Bulldogs off with a hasty 6-1, 6-0 win at the fifth position. Aguilera soon followed at the fourth spot with a 6-0, 6-0 victory. Rebol clinched the match with a 6-0, 6-1 triumph at the third singles slot, but the Bulldogs weren’t easing up on the throttle. Demos posted yet another stunning result by beating her opponent 6-0, 6-2 at second singles. The Mavericks captured only one set, coming at the sixth singles position against Lauer. After dropping the first set 3-6, Lauer mounted a comeback to win the next set 6-3 and then 10-8 in the super tiebreaker. Krizman closed out the dualmatch for the Bulldogs with a 6-3, 6-2 win at the top spot. Drake will open the conference season this Sunday against Northern Iowa. The match begins at 1 p.m. in Cedar Falls. The Bulldogs return home on April 9 to take on Illinois State in a 1 p.m. tilt at the Roger Knapp Tennis Center.

CONNOR MCCOURTNEY | photo editor

SOPHOMORE MANCA KRIZMAN swings at the last second to keep the volley alive. Krizman breezed to a straight-set victory in Drake’s 7-0 victory over Nebraska-Omaha last Wednesday in the Bulldogs’ final tune-up before conference play.


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by Eduardo Zamarripa

Staff Writer


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I love March Madness and everything about it. It’s such an important American tradition: the brackets, the underdogs, the food, the upsets and everything else. I look forward to it every year and then complain as soon as the first two rounds are over. When else can people flip between four different games all day long? And after the first couple rounds are over, the matchups get more and more interesting as the real underdogs and the real championship contenders begin to emerge. While analysts want to sell that this has been a bad year for college basketball, I personally love the parity. Who doesn’t love seeing a team like George Mason get to the Final Four like they did in 2006? And this year has been no different as we have had plenty of great stories in the tournament. Morehead State busted everyone’s brackets after they defeated Louisville in the first round. Richmond trounced Vanderbilt before beating Morehead State and making it to the Sweet 16 for the first time ever. Then there’s Virginia Commonwealth University and Florida State, my two favorite stories of this tournament so far. ESPN analysts Jay Bilas, Dick Vitale and Digger Phelps absolutely trashed the NCAA committee for including VCU in the tournament. They lacked quality wins and they did not win their conference tournament. In all fairness, they probably should not have gotten in based on the committee’s standards. But they did and they were given a shot, and they have proved absolutely everyone wrong. They push the ball on their opponents and they are relentless on the perimeter. They annihilated USC in the play-in game, and then they embarrassed Georgetown and Purdue before slightly edging Florida State to reach the Elite Eight. Florida State can’t shoot a lick. They might have been the worst offensive team in the tournament. But they probably also have the toughest defense. They make life miserable on opposing players. They are

scrappy, they hit the boards and they are exactly the type of team I admire. Even if they fell short against VCU (in overtime by only one point, by the way), Florida State is a perfect example of how coaching and defense can outweigh talent any day of the week. Just ask heavily favored Notre Dame and its star Ben Hansbrough about that one. The Big East Player of the Year was stifled on offense all game. Then people will want to talk about Butler being an underdog yet again. When a team makes two consecutive Final Fours, and the second of those comes after its star player bolted for the NBA, that team is definitely not an underdog. Butler may not be a big-name program, but they have a winning swagger about them. They are always in position to win the game. They are smart, scrappy and well-coached. Fans don’t need a basketball analyst to tell them that Brad Stevens has done one heck of a job as Butler’s head coach. So maybe everyone should stop calling them underdogs, because they are clearly one of the elite programs in college basketball. Let’s face it, seeing someone like Butler succeed gives us a little bit of hope for our own basketball program. If a small Indiana school that emphasizes academics—and a lot of the same values Drake does—can have this much success, then we have to hope that Drake basketball can get there. Butler has laid the foundation. It built a winning program with committed studentathletes. Drake should want to be the next Butler and there is no reason why we can’t turn it around. College basketball is so pure and it allows for an essential parity that sometimes gets lost in professional sports. Sure, in all professional sports there will always be a few shockers here or there, like the New York Knicks becoming the first eighth seed to make it to the NBA Finals in 1999 or the Pittsburgh Steelers winning the Super Bowl as a sixth seed in 2006. Most college players won’t ever get the chance to play in the NBA. This is their final moment. So go out there, play your heart out and bust a few brackets. Because nothing is sweeter than walking away a champion.



MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2011 | PAGE 8

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