Tabor College Connection Spring 2021

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Spring 2021 • Vol. 75 / No. 2


Presidential Search Academic Advances: Tabor Online President Glanzer’s COVID Experience

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From the President

Follow along with Dr. Glanzer’s travels and campus events on Twitter. /presglanzer

As you know, I have been in a battle with COVID. The numbers look like this—31 days in the hospital with 14 of those in the ICU and another 20 days with home health. Now I am engaged in a three- to six-month mode of recovery. My heart is full of thanks for the greater Tabor community and their prayers and support during this time. The cards, texts, phone messages, emails, flowers and above all prayers have been deeply appreciated. The prayers of the people, the competent medical professionals, the pharmaceutical therapies, and the healing hand of God are what have enabled me to continue serving my friend Jesus as President of Tabor. I am also thankful for Rusty Allen, who served as Acting President, and the Executive Team for leading the college in my absence. They are to be commended. Two names of God in the scriptures have been a part of my COVID experience: Jehovah Jireh, the Lord who provides (Genesis 22:14), and Jehovah Rapha, the Lord who heals (Exodus 15:26). Jehovah Jireh. The logistics of my hospitalization and at-home recovery is one way in which Peg and I have experienced the Lord’s provision. A few years ago, we bought our retirement home in Wichita, but never had a thought it would be the perfect place for my COVID recovery—no steps, easy access, convenient, near the hospital, small so the oxygen tubing can reach every part of the home, and close

for medical appointments. Our home in Hillsboro has none of these features. Before we knew, Jehovah Jireh provided. In addition, our next-door neighbor works at the hospital and was able to visit me in ICU daily before his shift and bring what I needed from home. And once out of ICU, Peg could visit and be home in 10 minutes. All meaningful provisions. Jehovah Rapha. I discovered that many of the medical professionals who cared for me were people of faith. They realized that their part was to create the environment and conditions for the Lord to do his healing work. They work hard and with great wisdom are committed to my complete recovery. But in the end, it was the Lord who brought healing and now recovery. Our bodies are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” In the same way I have experienced the Lord’s provision and healing, Tabor has as well. It is evident by the generosity of our people in contributing to the Tabor Fund, to endowed scholarships, and to facility improvements; a record number of first-year and new students, and a record retention rate for spring; the meeting of our financial obligations, thanks to help from the federal government by providing cash through the COVID stimulus acts; plus, incorporating the new brand “The Tabor Promise and Tabor Advantage” that resonates with our stakeholders. All these are from the good hand of our Lord. And the Lord is bringing healing to our students by making heart and lifestyle changes, and in answering the call of God to a season of service. These students all have stories of inner healing that only comes from the Lord. Jehovah Jireh and Jehovah Rapha are at work at Tabor.

President Jules Glanzer



In This Issue

Spring 2021 Vol. 75 No. 2

2 From the President 4 Presidential Search

A magazine for Tabor College alumni & friends Editor Tom Shaw Contributor Aleen Ratzlaff

6 Academic Advances: Tabor Online

10 My COVID Experience

Tabor College 400 South Jefferson Hillsboro, Kansas 67063 (620) 947-3121 Tabor College Mission: “Preparing people for a life of learning, work and service for Christ and His kingdom.”

@TaborCollege /TaborCollege /taborcollege /taborcollege /company/tabor-college /taborcollege Tabor Webcast

10 My COVID Experience 12 Sports Round Up 14 Performing Arts 16 2020 Roll Call of Donors

Senior Designer Diane Oborny Digital Content Manager Michael Klaassen

6 Academic Advances: Tabor Online

24 Alumni News

12 Sports Round Up

14 Tabor College Concert Choir

27 Tabor College Board of Directors 28 New Tennis Center

View or subscribe at For up-to-date news, visit


Board of Directors

Jules Glanzer, President Rusty Allen, Executive Vice President of Operations Ron Braun, Vice President of Philanthropy Michael James, Vice President of Finance and Business, CFO Frank Johnson, Executive Vice President of Academics and Compliance Tom Shaw, Vice President of Advancement

Susan Franz Koslowsky, Chair Diana Raugust, Vice Chair Ted Faszer, Secretary Loren Balzer, Treasurer Darrell Driggers Craig Ratzlaff Roger Ediger Anna Glanzer, Student Rep. Jeral Gross Melissa Gutierrez Andrew Jost Mark Jost Kelly Kirby Jerry Kliewer Nate Loewen Wendell Loewen, Faculty Rep. Dean Nachtigall Jeff Nikkel Dennis Penner Craig Quiring Pat Redding Elaine Setzer-Maxwell Dan Strutz Tim Sullivan Orson Thomas Wilbur Unrau Richard Unruh Denise Wiens

Faculty Leadership Amy Ratzlaff, Ph.D. Cand., Assistant Professor of Health and Human Performance, Assistant Athletic Director, Associate Dean of the School of Professional Studies Deborah Penner, Ph.D., Professor of English, Associate Dean of the School of Liberal Arts Rick Bartlett, M.Div., D.Min., Associate Professor of Ministry, Director of Theological Education, Associate Dean of the School of Graduate Studies Christopher Dick, Ph.D., Professor of English, Faculty Chair Wendell Loewen, D.Min., Professor of Youth, Church & Culture; Faith Front Director; Faculty Representative to the Board of Directors


Presidential Search On behalf of the Board of Directors and the Presidential Search Team, we want to express our gratitude to each of you who have been praying and coming along side us as we continue the process of selecting Tabor’s next president. We have been blessed by President Glanzer and his faithful service, strong spiritual commitment, and his dedicated leadership over the last 13 years, and we wish him God’s richest blessings as he transitions to retirement. After Jules announced his retirement, we established a Search Team that represents the board, administration, faculty, alumni and other stakeholders. This is an outstanding group of people who bring a diversity of gifts, skills, experience and perspectives to the task. What they share in common is a passion for Tabor, a love for Jesus, godly wisdom, strong convictions, and the maturity to listen well and to thoughtfully consider the views of others. The team compiled information gleaned from surveys and interviews, and from there, in consultation with the Board, developed a profile of the type of person we need to continue to build on the incredible legacy of Tabor College. We do not know exactly where our next president will come from – whether it is from the business world, higher education, church-based ministry or some other background. We do believe that Tabor’s next president will have a deep and vibrant faith, a love for Christian liberal arts education, a passion for students and a strong sense that this opportunity is more than just a career, but a calling. We have already seen many of these characteristics in the numerous quality applications we have been receiving, and now ask for your continued prayers as we discern who the Lord has chosen for Tabor.

Leadership Agenda Tabor’s next president will need to devote time, attention and effort to the following priorities and challenges. These are not isolated, stand-alone, easily solved issues, but rather interrelated, systemic challenges and opportunities.

Tabor’s next president will be expected to: Articulate

Continue to articulate and live out Tabor’s unique theological identity. Tabor is a Mennonite Brethren institution and, as such, has a long history of being both Evangelical and Anabaptist. Tabor teaches a Christ-centered worldview; holds Scripture as the inspired, infallible, authoritative word of God; believes in the centrality of Jesus Christ; and is grounded by the “Good News” that, in Jesus, salvation is possible by grace through faith. We believe that the best thing that could ever happen to a person is to be in right relationship with God. Tabor also believes that the Gospel creates a new kind of person and a new kind of community. In response to God’s extravagant grace, as followers of Jesus, we play our part in God’s story as agents of Christ’s love and reconciliation, living lives marked by love, generosity, fidelity, peace, joy and self-sacrifice. For 160 years, Mennonite Brethren have been living out (albeit imperfectly) these distinctives, and Tabor is honored to partner with, and walk alongside, these churches. Tabor’s next president must be able to articulate this unique identity in a winsome, attractive and compelling way.

Ideal Candidate Profile Personal Characteristics:

Susan Franz Koslowsky Board Chair

Jeff Nikkel Search Team Chair/ Board Member

Search Team Members: Jeff Nikkel, chair Erica Haude Michael James Jerry Kliewer Susan Franz Koslowsky, ex officio Wendell Loewen Sylvia Penner Tim Sullivan 4

We are looking for a leader who demonstrates: • Passion and conviction • Optimism and positivity • Emotional Intelligence, including a high level of self-awareness • Wisdom and spiritual maturity • Confidence and courage, willing to make unpopular decisions and lead against the tide, when necessary, without burning bridges • Kindness and sincerity • Executive presence and polish, representing Tabor well in all places • A servant’s heart, appropriately using his/her power • Cultural competence evidenced by an awareness, sensitivity and appreciation for a diverse range of perspectives • Global mindedness, demonstrating strong intercultural proficiency, openness and a desire to expand domestic and international opportunities for students

Strengths and Abilities:

We believe the next Tabor president needs to: • Be an excellent communicator, speaking and writing with clarity, insight and conviction, inspiring others to action. • Be a good listener, curious about people’s lives, and interested in hearing and understanding various points of view.


Unify and inspire the entire Tabor community around a common purpose and vision. God has profoundly blessed Tabor with outstanding students, staff, faculty, coaches, administrators, alumni and friends. Without them Tabor does not exist. Among these stakeholders is a growing anticipation and excitement about the next season for Tabor College. Tabor’s next leader will have the chance to articulate a fresh and compelling strategic vision for where the school is headed and how it will get there. This will require a process of demonstrating credibility, listening deeply, finding common ground, building trust, and leading boldly. The result will be a greater sense of shared-ownership and shared-sacrifice, with everybody “pulling in the same direction.”


Ensure Continued Financial Stability. Tabor’s next president will need to drive enrollment growth, increase retention, and deliver a sustainable business model to plan for and adapt to the changing demands in higher education. In addition, he/she must continue on the path of previous leaders, who have successfully expanded Tabor’s donor base, grown the endowment, and completed needed capital campaigns. Replacing and expanding student housing continues to be an acute need and priority.


Ensure that Academics is valued as a foundational, essential part of the Tabor experience. Tabor’s next president will need to value the faculty voice; articulate the importance of the Academy; develop greater trust and respect between faculty and administration; allocate appropriate

• Be a lover of people, building strong rapport and relating well with a wide range of stakeholders and audiences. • Be a proven fundraiser, able to make connections, sustain relationships, and develop resources needed for Tabor to thrive. • Bring significant executive leadership experience and demonstrate the ability to lead a complex organization. • Genuinely love students, being personable and approachable, authentically investing in students’ lives and in their growth/formation. • Be a team builder with a proven record of building collaborative, collegial, lasting, professional relationships.

Leadership Style and Abilities:

We believe that Tabor’s next president needs to: • Be collaborative and supportive, encouraging dialogue and building consensus when possible • Be visionary, cultivating and expressing a compelling shared vision of what is possible • Be adaptive, flexible and open to change, adjusting readily to new perspectives and changing conditions • Be strategic, developing high-level outcomes and strategic objectives, while trusting faculty and senior leadership to execute tactically • Be action-oriented and ambitious, discontent with the status quo, leading with a sense of urgency

resources; foster an innovative environment that attracts and retains highquality faculty, students and staff; and raise the academic bar, insisting on excellence in the classroom.


Shape (and in some ways shift) campus culture. We desire that the ethos – the way campus feels – would be attractive and inviting, pointing people to Christ. We desire a culture that is unmistakably marked by warmth, honesty, mutual respect, generosity, excellence, hospitality and self-giving service. These things come from God, point to God, and, in fact, when embodied in community, create the perfect environment in which people can meet Jesus and grow in relationship with him. (One mark of this kind of culture is the ability and willingness to engage in meaningful conversations about challenging issues: race and issues of diversity, for example.) Because we believe that life transformation primarily happens in Christian community, issues of culture are mission-critical. One of Tabor’s challenges in recent years has been a gap between the type of student Tabor wants to recruit and the type of student Tabor has been successful in recruiting. A significant percentage of students, many of whom are student athletes, come to Tabor not explicitly looking for an “excellent” or “decidedly Christian” education. Tabor’s reliance on these students has created somewhat of an imbalance in the student body, which, over time, has negatively impacted Tabor’s academic mission and, in some ways, Tabor’s culture. We believe that Tabor has something important and beautiful to offer a segment of students who lack academic readiness and/or do not yet know Jesus. We also believe that a solid majority of Tabor students need to believe wholeheartedly in Tabor’s distinctive values. Tabor’s next president will need to help the school navigate this tension.

• Be business-minded, understanding the business aspect of the college, including the importance of a balanced budget and a sustainable business model • Be able to set clear performance expectations and hold people accountable • Be innovative, thinking creatively and entrepreneurially, looking for resourceful and creative ways to accomplish big things • Be persevering, demonstrating resilience and the ability to stay the course in the face of significant challenges


• Demonstrates strong character, integrity and honesty at all times, leading by example and being the kind of person people want to follow • Demonstrates a deep, vibrant, evangelical faith, with a willingness to attend a Mennonite Brethren church • Affirms the Mennonite Brethren Confession of Faith. confession-of-faith-4/ • Demonstrates a respect for and willingness to connect with Mennonite Brethren churches and other denominational institutions • Holds a terminal degree; willing to accept candidates with an advanced degree who also have significant leadership experience • Possesses at least five years executive leadership experience, ideally in complex and diverse institutions • Makes Hillsboro his/her home and be an active member of the community 5





Answering the Call to Help Children Suffering from Trauma

David Stevens, Ed.D.


“The world is broken. Consequently, we are unable to avoid traumas, some of which leave longlasting scars. Particularly when they come during childhood, traumas can have profoundly detrimental effects. Even careful parents cannot keep children completely out of harm’s way” (Wilder et al, 2013, p.24). While many types of trauma may be unavoidable and some forms of stress are necessary elements of God’s design for our survival, we at Tabor College believe that no child should suffer from the damaging effects of extended periods of acute stress or trauma. Unfortunately, childhood trauma is not only widespread, touching every community in America—it is prolific and it is burgeoning. When children suffer from prolonged stress or trauma, adverse effects likely will be suffered over their lifetimes if they are not able to find help or relief through some form of intervention. The effects of trauma don’t suddenly dissipate when the sufferer reaches a certain age or level of maturity. In fact, many of trauma’s long-term effects, such as depression, chemical

addiction, alcohol abuse, physical illness and mental illness, don’t reveal themselves until adulthood. Childhood trauma most certainly has longstanding effects on the sufferers’ abilities to control unhealthy stress levels and predisposes them to suffer from depression and mental illnesses later in life. Tragically, when children are finally old enough to escape prolonged trauma, they have already been programmed to suffer from the aforementioned maladies along with other unfortunate ailments such as an inability to develop healthy relationships, poor self-esteem, anger issues, eating disorders, inability to focus – and the list goes on. Estimates by the National Survey of Children’s Health claim that more than “35 million U.S. children have experienced one or more types of trauma,” which means “that nearly half the nation’s children have experienced at least one or more types of serious childhood trauma” (HRSA, 2019). No child should ever suffer trauma or stress that affects their health, ability to learn, or general happiness.

References: Felitti, V. J., Anda, R. F., Nordenberg, D., Williamson, D. F., Spitz, A. M., Edwards, V., Koss, M. P., & Marks, J. S. Relationship of childhood abuse and household dysfunction to many of the leading cause of death in adults. The adverse childhood experiences (ACE) study. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 1998 May;14(4): 245-258. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2019, July 12). CDC Washington Testimony July 11, 2019. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. testimony/2019/t20190711.htm Murphy, A., Steele, M., Dube, S. R., Bate, J., Bonuck, K., Meissner, P., . . . Steele, H. (2014). Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Questionnaire and Adult Attachment Interview (AAI): Implications for parent child relationships. Child Abuse & Neglect, 38(2), 224-233.

Monnat S.M. & Chandler R.F. Long-term physical health consequences of adverse childhood experiences. Socio. Q. (2015), 56(4):723–752. Presidential Task Force on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Trauma in Children and Adolescents. (2008). Children and Trauma. Update for Mental Health Professionals. American Psychological Association. resources/children-trauma-update New HRSA Data Show One in Three US Children Have Suffered an Adverse Childhood Experience. Official web site of the U.S. Health Resources & Services Administration. (2019, October 7). hrsa-data-national-survey-children-health Wilder, E. J., Friesen, J. G., Bierling, A. M., Koepcke, R., & Poole, M. (2013). Living from the heart Jesus gave you. East Peoria, IL: Shepherd’s House.

At Tabor, we are answering this call to intercede on the behalf of children. We are providing an innovative, one-of-a-kind program for anyone who works with children who suffer from acute stress and trauma. This program aims to help counselors, social workers, probation officers and pastors.

Fortunately, we adults and caretakers can recognize certain behaviors and identifiers in children suffering trauma to which we can and must respond. School districts, churches, child protection agencies and other organizations are recognizing the need for early intervention and trauma-responsive training for adults who work with these children. At Tabor, we are answering this call to intercede on the behalf of children. We are providing an innovative, one-of-akind program for anyone who works with children who suffer from acute stress and trauma. This program aims to help counselors, social workers, probation officers and pastors. Our Master of Education in Neuroscience and Trauma is the first of its kind and the only program that is fully online. The research in psychology, neuroscience and trauma has grown exponentially these last 10 years. We are not only paying attention and learning from it, but we intend to produce new knowledge in the form of research from both our professors and our students.

We have developed a program that we believe very strongly reflects and responds to Jesus’s love for children, as well as his desire and command to protect them. Our M.Ed. graduates will not only be “trauma-informed”; they will be “traumaresponsive.” They also will be transformed themselves by examining their personal faith and spirituality through the lens of neuroscience. We believe it is important that this program be offered fully online because childhood trauma is not just a rural Kansas problem—it’s a national tragedy. For information about joining our pursuit to help children through trauma-responsiveness, go to the Master of Education in Neuroscience and Trauma on our website at You may also contact the program director at to schedule a time to talk and/ or receive information about upcoming information meetings via Zoom. – David Stevens, Ed.D.

Tabor College Online

Master of Education in Neuroscience and Trauma • One-of-a-kind online program can be completed in one year • Grounded in current neuroscience and psychology research • Personal faith is examined through the lens of neuroscience • The latest in trauma-responsive education visit






Tabor Students Achieve Top International Performance in MBA Capstone

Luke Haidle, MBA, above Norm Duncan, Ph.D., right

In the MBA Capstone Seminar course students participate in a business strategy simulation that provides an opportunity to apply management principles and make business decisions as they manage a long-range business strategy for a company. Teams are evaluated on return on equity, earning per share, stock price, credit rating, image rating and overall performance. This past summer more than 1,100 teams from over 200 graduate programs in 39 countries participated in the capstone simulation. In multiple weeks during the sevenweek simulation one of Tabor’s teams were performing in the top 20 of the 1,146 teams, ranking as high as 12th in overall business performance. The simulation performance results validate the quality of Tabor’s MBA courses, students and program.

Dr. Norm Duncan, instructor for MBA Capstone Seminar, was sent accolades from the evaluation team on multiple weeks during the simulation stating, “You should be quite proud of your students for such an excellent performance – a performance that reflects quite well on you and the caliber of instruction that students are receiving in your course.” Luke Haidle, one of the team members on that top performing team, reflected on his experience. “We were the only team thinking long-term…it’s better to do it slowly rather than fast,” Haidle said after receiving the first week’s reports. By Week 3 in the seven-week simulation, Haidle’s team was performing in the top 20. “Overall, this was a lot of fun for me,” Haidle said after the simulation was over. “I enjoyed the process, and the results.” Luke Haidle (MBA g 2020) is lead pastor of Living Hope Church in Henderson, Neb., and is chair of the U.S. Mennonite Brethren Leadership Board. Norm Duncan, Ph.D., is an adjunct business instructor with Tabor and is commercial loan officer with Valley State Bank as well as lead pastor of True Life Church, both in Wichita.

Enhanced MBA Capstone Offers Students Competitive Edge

Mark Posson, MBA


Tabor’s fully online MBA program offers a competitive advantage to executives seeking to strengthen their skills to succeed in the workplace. In two years, students can complete the 12 courses that have been designed to sharpen their understanding and application of both management and leadership principles. The program culminates in a capstone course that challenges students to put into practice a mastery of the comprehensive learning of the other classes. The capstone has primarily focused on the Business Strategy Game, which divides the students into competitive groups who take control of a company and are tasked with making business decisions that impact the longrange strategy and overall successfulness of the company. The student-led groups are not only competing with each other, but they are measured against thousands of business graduate students around the world as well. This spring, Tabor is enhancing the capstone course by adding “The Highlands Ability Battery” assessment, a whole-person assessment that objectively measures the natural abilities of students to better identify the career for which

they are best suited. In this capstone course, students will receive a customized report from the HAB assessment that provides insights into how they think, learn, communicate and problem solve. The professor who leads the capstone course is a certified consultant for The Highlands Co. and will interpret the assessment findings and help students understand their reports as well as how to integrate the findings to improve their career success strategies. Tabor’s commitment to providing graduate students with a comprehensive business administration degree in a fully online format makes this program appealing to prospective students around the globe. The addition of the HAB assessment will now give Tabor’s MBA graduates a competitive edge over similar programs elsewhere. Our graduates will not only have the broad-based understanding of management and leadership principles, but they will also have a better understanding of how they are best suited to work with others within the organization where they are hired to practice their skills. Mark Posson (MBA g 2016) is assistant professor of business at Tabor College and program director of nontraditional and graduate business offerings.

Innovation Preparation Through Tabor – Ideal for Such a Time as This In March 2020, the virus had shut the doors of our churches in Joplin, Mo., and many were forced to create a digital manifestation of the heart of their congregations to beat throughout living rooms in the area. A mentor of mine, lead minister of Blendville Christian Church, contracted me to help establish an online presence for their congregation during this lockdown period. He was aware of my time at Tabor College in the Ministry Entrepreneurship and Innovation program and knew that my innovative approach to ministry, as well as my audio and video production background, would serve their needs well. Within a few days, I was able to produce something that the leadership and congregation were proud of, and I soon was hired under the title Online and Creative Arts Minister. We quickly established a rhythm of creating good content that was engaging for our community. Many from our congregation provided phone-recorded videos to use in our broadcasts. These videos included communion devotionals, updates on how they were handling the pandemic, scripture reading, sung worship and videos simply saying, “Hello.” This engagement was great for our Sunday morning in-home gatherings, but we needed a way to connect deeper throughout the week, a means of digital discipleship.

My mentor provided a great resource that would become the springboard for this new venture: “From Social Media to Social Ministry” by Nona Jones. In her book, Jones suggests creating a private group on Facebook that acts as a church’s online campus. I took her advice and soon launched our new Facebook campus: Blendville Online. Many have since joined the group, enjoying bible studies, daily engagement with Sunday’s content, opportunities to serve our community, and an avenue for communal prayer and worship. Our little church is now being approached Jeremiah Jones, MEI by larger congregations, asking for help in establishing something similar to what we have built. I am grateful for my time at Tabor as it has prepared me for such a time as this. I feel confident and equipped to take on any entrepreneurial challenge that comes my way. – Jeremiah Jones, MEI (g 2019)

‘Rooted’ Women’s Ministry Launched as a Result of God’s Leading Through MEI Program One evening at my daughter’s soccer practice, a woman came up to me and let me know that she had a couch that she and her husband would like to donate to Rooted Women’s Ministry and wanted to know if I knew of a family that could use one. I thanked her and told her I didn’t know of anyone right off the top of my head, but I would let her know if I did. The very next day was a pantry distribution day. That day a young couple with a 9-month-old baby girl came into Rooted to receive pantry items. As I was visiting with them, I asked if there was anything else Lory West, MEI they needed. The sweet, young mom said to me, “I’m not sure if you ever get things like this donated, but we could really use a couch.” I just smiled. I love how awesome God is. He had already been involved in providing a couch for this family. I said, “Actually, I just had someone mention to me yesterday that they had a couch they would love to donate.” The couple was overjoyed. This is just one example of how God has provided for others through Rooted. Love God and love people. That is the basic and most simple explanation of how Rooted Women’s Ministry came to be and what we are all about. Rooted Inc., a 501c3 non-profit ministry in Arkansas City, Kan., provides services and resources to help women, children and families

who are in need or in crisis. This ministry has become a beautiful bridge between those who are in need or experiencing a crisis and those who have a heart for giving and serving others. Rooted was founded on Isaiah 61:1-3; therefore, we are dedicated to caring for those who need it most. Working alongside Christ, we strive to be his hands and feet in our community to share and show his love to others. We are committed to loving people well and serving others, the way Christ would love and serve them. Run entirely by volunteers, Rooted has a personal care pantry where we provide free personal care items to women, children and families. These items are ones other than food that are considered critical to the health and well-being of individuals and families. We also have a clothing ministry where we provide free clothing, shoes, bedding, home decor, toys and more for free to anyone who needs them. We also have a small emergency financial assistance program where, when money allows, we are able to help women and families pay their overdue bills. In addition, Rooted also hosts a Women’s Bible Study every Monday evening. Through the master’s program of Ministry Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Tabor College, God guided and directed my path to start Rooted Women’s Ministry. The MEI program allowed me the space, opportunity and the ability to creatively work through what God was laying on my heart. This program helped me to think BIG and outside the box to determine ways that I could work alongside God to advance his Kingdom and glorify him. The MEI program, director Rick Bartlett and my fellow classmates were truly instrumental in making this God-given dream a reality. This program has blessed me beyond measure. Thank you, Tabor! – Lory West, MEI (g 2020) 9

My COVID Experience By President Jules Glanzer

On Nov. 28, with my oxygen level not holding, my doctor said I needed to go to the hospital for some supplemental oxygen. He contacted the hospitalist for a direct admit. Knowing year-end legal issues needed attention, I quickly wrote an email to the board chair making arrangements for the possibility that I would not be able to fulfill my duties as president of the college. If that became a reality, I would send a text to her, and she would need to set in motion to appoint an acting president. As Peg drove me to the hospital, I also sent some texts to family that this was a precautionary move. I thought that I would be in the hospital for a couple of days, get some extra whiffs of O2, and then come home. When Peg dropped me off, I leaned across the console of the front seat of the car and kissed her goodbye. I checked in quickly and was taken to a normal room. Within the hour, the doctor laid out the various levels of medical therapies, and I knew that this was more than a couple of whiffs of oxygen. I was hooked up on a Vapotherm and later a BiPAP.


While on the BiPAP, I had an experience, that looking back, I simply call a “Vision of the Cross.” I found myself standing in front of this huge brown cross. It was very large—rising hundreds of feet into the air, square wood, brown in color, and blocking everything. I sensed that behind me was the world and everything that pertained to living on earth. I had an incredible sense of total forgiveness, deep assurance of salvation, and a deep serenity. It was clear that this was the cross of Jesus. It was not a pretty cross. I remember thinking, “Everything in this world ends at the cross. It is all about the cross. All of life ends at the cross. The gate of heaven is a cross.” I sensed that if I stepped into the cross, I would be on the other side. I reached for my phone to text Peg, “The world behind me. The cross in front of me. Always was and someday will be. Just do not know when.” It seemed that if I stepped into the cross, I would see Jesus. I then added, “If they let me, I’ll wait at the gate for you and our entire family. First, I want to see Jesus. Then I will wait for the rest of you.” Then for a few moments there was a time of reflection. The decorative cross on my desk came into view. An affirmative thought about the direction of Tabor came to mind. Making and keeping the cross central to the mission of Tabor was deeply impressed upon me, and how my entire life needs to be focused on the cross. It is all about the cross. All of life culminates at the cross. Lift up the cross. All these thoughts flooded my mind as I stood in front of the cross with the world behind me and the possibility of stepping into the cross and seeing Jesus. No choice given to me, but I felt this sudden compulsion to fight. And for the next four hours with every breath I took, I fought to stay alive. I do not know if it was four hours, but that is what comes to mind as I remember the experience. With each breath, I fought to live. My doctor later told me that she has never seen someone fight so hard. The next morning they transported me to ICU and began with a convalescent plasma transfusion, plus Remdesivir, along with additional steroidal drug therapies. When they began the plasma transfusion and again when administering the Remdesivir, I prayed that as these drugs entered my blood stream, that they would wash away the

I reached for my phone to text Peg, “The world behind me. The cross in front of me. Always was and someday will be. Just do not know when.” It seemed that if I stepped into the cross, I would see Jesus. I then added, “If they let me, I’ll wait at the gate for you and our entire family. First, I want to see Jesus. Then I will wait for the rest of you.” virus just as Jesus’ blood washed away my sin on the cross. What Jesus’ blood did for me on the cross, these therapies would do to the coronavirus in my body. A few days later, the doctor told me, “The virus is no longer in your body. We are now focusing on recovery of the lungs.” It seemed like my prayer was answered. I do not understand the sovereignty of God. I think of all those I know who lost the battle to COVID. They had people praying, competent medical professionals, and many drug therapies. Yet, they did not survive. I did. I now see each day as a gift from the good hand of God. From my limited view, God has given me more days to serve him. And just like 2020 seems to be a year of reset, so the COVID experience, including the vision of the cross, has motivated me to reset my life. It comes at a perfect time as I conclude the presidency of Tabor and move into retirement. I see the hand of God in all of this. I am resetting my life around five words that have been impressed upon my heart during the COVID experience: contentment, gratitude, simplicity, smallness and focused. Jehovah Jireh, God our provider, and Jehovah Rapha, God our healer, are operative in my life. My COVID journey is nowhere near over. Progress is measured by the week in COVID world, and I am thankful for continued progress toward a full recovery. I find hope, strength and encouragement in the Psalms. Each day a new Psalm speaks to my situation. The “Things I am Thankful for” list I started in the hospital is a long list and continues to get longer. I find many small things I took for granted have great meaning to me now. But above all, I am thankful for the prayers of the people, the medical professionals who cared for me, the pharmaceutical therapies, and above all, the healing hand of God. My recovery is not complete. But my trust is in the One whose death on the cross brings healing, hope and salvation.


Bluejay Sports Roundup In a year when no season has been completed, the Bluejays are making great individual showings across several sports. So far 14 different Tabor athletes have brought home 18 KCAC Player-of-the-Week awards!

Jesus Rondon

Defensive POW Men’s Soccer

Tiffany Wainscott Defensive POW Women’s Soccer

Parker Folks

Joe Cannon

Defensive POW Football

Special Teams POW Football

Conangela Senior

Andre Nelson

Bobby Shanks

Nashom Carter

Julissa Garcia

Zoe Shieldnight

Kaileigh Dill

Ashtyn Wiebe

Mike Selleck

Taylor Quiring

Female Runner of the Week Women’s Cross Country

Defensive POW Offensive POW Women’s Basketball

Defensive POW Men’s Basketball

Field Athlete of the Week (three times) Women’s Indoor Track & Field

The Bluejays also boast one team in first place at this point. The Bluejay Volleyball team is sitting atop the KCAC with a KCAC record of 12-2 and an overall record of 19-5. 12

Offensive POW Defensive POW Men’s Basketball

Defensive POW Women’s Basketball

Offensive POW Men’s Basketball

Pitcher of the Week Baseball

Defensive POW Women’s Basketball

Attacker of the Week Volleyball

Cross Country is the only Tabor team to have fully completed their regular season and also have three runners who have qualified for the NAIA National Cross Country meet. Alan Cantana qualified for the men’s team and Conangela Senior and Abigail Sechrist will be representing the women’s squad.

Tabor Student-Athletes Battle Unfamiliar Opponent Student-athletes at Tabor College are facing a new and unfamiliar opponent this season. The Bluejays have banded together to battle COVID and the problems it brings. Teams have been thrown into the fire in trying to deal with this new foe. There are as many perspectives on COVID as ways of handling it. The men’s basketball team got off to a great start to their season before COVID; then coupled with Christmas break, the team went 47 days between games. “I feel as if playing through these tough times has in a way made us closer off the court,” said Noah Brown IV, a senior on the men’s basketball team. “On the court I believe our chemistry was thrown off a little bit with being off for so long. Through our games and practices I feel that we’re getting it back.” With basketball, for the most part, the changes are all within their regular winter season. But for volleyball and other fall sports athletes, their year-long season requires several modifications. “It is very different playing two full seasons back-to-back,” said volleyball’s Taylor Quiring, a senior. “It is more important than ever to take care of ourselves and avoid injury due to the long season. We have been doing a lot more recovery and stretching as a team to ensure that we are as healthy as possible.” Because of different guidelines at different venues, student-athletes find it hard sometimes to play in an empty arena. “Playing in the COVID world is difficult, but it has also taught us how to face challenges and overcome unexpected obstacles,” Quiring said. “Many games there are no fans allowed to watch us play, so we have to find the energy and fight within ourselves to win.” From a coaching perspective, Tabor’s head women’s soccer coach, Ian Thomson, finds both positives and negatives in dealing with the everyday unknowns of COVID.

“On the positive side, the season has been broken up over the full year, which has allowed for more time in between games,” Thomson said. “With the added time we can be better prepared mentally and physically.” Thomson does see a downside to the year-long season as well. “Mental fatigue with the ever-changing schedules, rules, dates and demands has been difficult to work with,” he said. “I would say that the final negative is that the overall college experience has been broken. So much of college is about your experience on and off the field. The social aspects of college are not the same, unless you take the risk of getting COVID and bringing it back to the team.” With the NAIA giving back the year of eligibility to the fall and winter athletic teams, and spring teams receiving their season back last year, many athletes will take advantage of the extra year while finishing or advancing their degree. “Being able to come back for an extra year is giving me the opportunity to earn my master’s degree,” Brown said. “That allows me to be able to be one step closer to being done with my schooling. I’m excited to be returning for another year. I think next year will be an even better year for me and my team.” With all the testing taking place, individuals in and out of quarantine and isolation, and much more, Tabor Athletic Director Marty Ziesemer affirms all for how they have handled the COVID challenges. “I am so impressed with our coaches, administrative staff, athletic training staff and our student-athletes on how they have adjusted to this unique situation,” Ziesemer said. “With our conference working and collaborating with its member institutions to put a plan in place to allow us to play sports is a benefit to all involved.”

TABOR COLLEGE Kingdom Awareness. Real World Readiness.

Tabor PROMISE WE PROMISE you will: • Be encouraged to place Christ at the center of all you do. • Be asked to pursue excellence in academics, athletics and the arts. • Be prepared for the real world. • Be made aware of your place in God’s kingdom.

Tabor ADVANTAGE Your ADVANTAGE is: • Understanding your career as a calling. • Being able to obtain a double major in 4 years. • Having the opportunity to complete a degree in 3 years. • Learning and practicing leadership. • Paying an All Inclusive Price.


Tabor College Concert Choir Both the Concert Choir and Chamber Voices are learning how to grow and thrive in an environment with COVID protocols. Singers are socially distant and wear face shields, and the amount of rehearsal time is limited. “We all find it a challenge to hear one another, but the fact that we’re singing together still brings us much joy and satisfaction,” Zielke said.

The Tabor College Concert Choir, conducted by Dr. Greg Zielke, and the Chamber Voices, conducted by Prof. Brian Stranghoner, presented music of “Lamentation and Rejoicing” to inperson and live-stream audiences.


No fees Lunch included

Leadership Enhancement Day

Music provided

Inviting leaders in your choir to dig deeper into the joy of choral music and what it means to be a choir.

Covid social distance and mask policies will be implemented

Dr. Steven M. Zielke Director of Choral Studies Oregon State University

Along with Tabor College choral and vocal faculty, Dr. Greg Zielke and Mr. Brian Stranghoner 14

Tabor College April 8, 2021 Register online at

Tabor College is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music

Tabor College Symphonic Band

The Tabor College Symphonic Band fall concert “Perseverance” was conducted by Dr. Christopher Teichler on Nov. 7, 2020, in the Richert Auditorium in the Shari Flaming Center for the Arts.

Dr. Christopher Teichler, associate professor of music, is in his second year as director of the instrumental music program at Tabor College. “It has been an incredibly difficult last couple of years for the band, for multiple reasons, but they have risen to the challenges,” Teichler said. A lot has been asked of band students— having a new director in fall 2019, getting sent home early in spring 2020 because of COVID, then having to adapt to a semester of masks and distancing on campus. But they have grown through this together and maintain quality and morale. In fact, many sought ways to have more performances, as long as safety can be practiced. “I praise God for this, and now I am preparing our program to reach the next levels once we are past the pandemic,” Teichler said. ”In addition, we are excited to reintroduce the Chamber Strings as a performing group. Look for this during the 2021-22 academic year.” Prospective students may visit

Join us for an exciting week of growing in your abilities as a singer, dancer, & actor!

Tabor College Band Camp Worship Leadership Training for This Generation


THEATRE June 13-19, 2021 Grades 7-12


For more information and registration visit or call 620-947-3121 ext 1401

June 23 - 26, 2021

Four-day intense training in select areas of worship ministry for junior high and high school students Please check for information on registration, housing, schedule, information for worship leaders, etc. 15


Roll Call of Donors

Roll Call List A & J Quality Homes LLC Dwight Abell Raquel Abernathy Erica Acevedo Adams M B Church Adrian & Pankratz P A Aetna Foundation Inc Joseph Aguilar Myra L Aguilar George & Kathy Ahlenius Tiana Alden Richard & Karen Aldis Arturo Aldrete Lupe Aldrete James & Christiana Aleru Deanne Alexander Gregory Alexander Jeanne Alexander Randy & Kim Algra Russell & Debra Allen Steven & Shawna Allison Maricruz Alvarez Patrica Alvarez Pedro Alvarez Andrew Alvillar Lori Amaro AmazonSmile Foundation Bev Amperse Bill Amperse Ampride Maria Andaverde Christine Anderson Donya Anderson Jada Anderson Naomi Anderson Neil Anderson Tina Angier Yesenia Anguiano Michelle Arbuckle Noelia Archuleta Jenifer Arent Hannah Armand Robert & Margie Arnold Stan Arnold Todd & Sandy Arnold Frankie & Joyce Ashley Randy Ataide Curtis & Teresa Atchley


Yvonne Auzenne Lasandra Aviles David & Dorcas Awolola Jaleh Babaali John & Robin Babb Backhus Water Well Drilling Angie Bacon Keith Bacon Marcia Bailey William Bajko James & Elaine Baker Kathleen Baker Eldon Baldwin Janny Baldwin Mike & Coleen Ball Ball Aerospace Ballyhood International Douglas & Shirley Baltzer Dave Balzer LeVon & Alice Balzer Loren & Jane Balzer Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund Alvin Banman Gaylen & Judy Banz Susan Barber-Cota Mariette Bargen Dickie Barker Joyce Barkman Barkman Honey LLC Carol Bartel Doris Bartel Erwin & Winnie Bartel James & Sharon Bartel Jeanie Bartel Jim & Diane Bartel Jonathan & Elsie Bartel Ken & Anna Bartel Leland Bartel Monroe Bartel John Batson Iva Battrell-Hughes Nathan & Becky Bauman Kenneth & Maria Baxter Norma Beagley John & Grace Beam Neal Beam Billy & Carol Beane Terry Beck Tom Beck

Eric Becker Glendon & Debbie Becker Ken & Joan Becker Lynford & Ruby Becker Marlin & Gayla Becker Megan Beckmann De & Meredith Behnke Arlie & Dorothy Beier Hector Bejarano David Belfiore Martha Bell Brenda Bender Benevity Community Impact Fund Gary Bennett Michael & Kim Bennett Mike Bennett Beverly Benton Erle Benton Sarah Berblinger Kenneth & Susan Berg Larry Berger Robert Bergner Darren Bernal Cynthia Bernard Mandi Bernhardt Tamela Berry Bethel M B Church Bible Fellowship Church Shereen Bickham Bonnie Biles Kevin & Roberta Bird Scott & Sheryl Bird Glenna Bishop Cheri Bivings Jodi Blair Kenneth Blair Blair Tax Consulting David & Laurie Bleeker Paul & Annette Block Ted & Sandra Bloemhof Bob Bloomer Brian Bloomer Sean & Lesly Blosser Jonathan & Diane Blough Anita Boese James & Beverly Boese Rudy Bojorquez Booner Wildlife Systems Reginald & Nancy Boothe

Angie Bordelon Chris Bordfeld Glenn Bordfeld Ken Bordfeld Victoria Bordfeld Vincent Bordfeld Linda Bossman Richard & Tammy Bossman John & Marilou Bower Steven Bower Jodi Box Jeff & Marcia Boyer Laura Bracamonte David & Melva Brandt Harold & Elma Brandt Jack & Laverna Braun Ronald & Dena Braun Judith Brescia Aaron Breshears Donna Breshears Jon Breshears Moriah Breunig Eric Brewer Saundra Brewer Virginia Brewer Iris Bridges Josephine Briles Lois Brittell Percy & Arlyss Brockmueller Breanna Broeckelman Jeff & Tonya Bronleewe Darlene Brown David Brown George Brown Rhonda Brown Roberta Brown Andrew Brubacher Don & Janette Brubacher Scott & Marcy Brubacher Paul & Nancy Brucks James Brull Saundra Bryant Jenny Brynteson Brenda Buehler Buhler M B Church Calvin & Pauline Buller Elfrieda Buller James & Beverly Buller John & Christine Buller

Danny Bullick Cayla Bunk Linda Bunn John Burdette Debra Burman Samantha Burman Kyli Burns Stan Busby Yvonne Bussmann Carole Byram Casper Caballero Elizabeth Cabrera Anita Cahoone Doug Cahoone Chris Camphouse Roger & Paula Camping Samantha Cannon Cardinal Lanes Joseph & Allison Carey Cargill Brad Carlson Carri Carlson Daniel & Heidi Carlson Kassidy Carpenter Bryce & Kimberly Carr Susy Carr Shannon Carroll Mary Carson Aimee Carter Luther & Elaine Case Henry Castaneda Tara Castaneda Laury Castillo James Caulley Malena Cayo Paola Cayo Jim Caywood Brandi Chadwell Jorge Chamot Bridget Chapman Charities Aid Foundation of America Katie Charron Maria Chavez Victor & Alice Chiavetta Bryan Childs Ku-Sup & Shin-Hee Chin Candace Christopher Ciancio Hardware Circle Valley Farms LLC

The following donors are gratefully recognized for their generous support of the mission and vision of Tabor College during the calendar year of 2020. Your gifts provide educational opportunities and practical experiences that prepare our students for a life of learning, work and service for Christ and His kingdom. For that, we extend a heart-felt “Thank you!”

Ann Claassen Russell & Chandelle Claassen Paul Clancy Bob & Carolyn Clark Susan Clark Gary & Kristin Classen Paul & Judith Classen Lacy Cleveland Byron Cline Jim Clubine Hank & Leslie Cochrane Community Bible Church Sherri Conard Don Cone KC Conine ConocoPhillips Anderson Conroy David Consiglio Gayla Consiglio Micheal Consiglio Container Services Inc Audriana Cook Sam Coombs Barry & Holly Cooprider Brady Copeland Shawn Copeland Tim Corbin Brenda Corbitt Madison Cordell Gary Cornelsen Cornerstone Community Church John Coronado Terry Coss Carrie Coty James & Kelley Coughlin Sharon Covarrubias Berge Cox Adaline Crabtree Doug Cranmer Randell & Ann Crask Jim & Sandy Crawford Stephanie Crawford Creswell, Inc Brett & Mary Crist John & Amy Crist Jordan Cross Linda Cross Cross Timbers Church

Gary Croucher Fernando Cruz Karina Cruz Ernie & Louis Cubbon Carole Culberson Joel & Veronica Culberson Jesse Culbertson John Cullum Pam Curry Sue Curry Kevin & Jeanne Curtin Megan Cutts Jed Cyr Stephanie Cyr D&H Aviation Kena Dacus Kathy Dagestino Calvin & Arlene Dahl Dorothy Dahl Davidson Daily Anne Dale Tara Dale Doug Dalgarno Dan & Donna Dalke Gordon & Doris Dalke Holly Dalke John & Delores Dalke Warren & Ruby Dalke Yvonne Dalke Mabel Danenberg Marilyn Daniels Joel & Jenyce Danley Monty Dare Priscilla Darko Mike & Kris Darrah Susan Darrah Darrell Driggers Business Acct Jim Darrow Tawana Dash Janice Davidson Chad Davis Janice Davis Janice Davis Jay Davis Laurel Davis Nikki Davis Rick & Barb Davis Teresa Davis John & Lucy Dawson

Barbara Day Kelly Day Rafael Daza Nancy De Leon Ruth de Pater-Pichotta Terry & Karen Deaver Lauren & Melody Debuhr Braden & Lisa Decker Wayne & Edna Decker Richard Deimund Irene Delarosa Lori DeLester Dell YourCause, LLC Joel Delp Harold & Janice Demel Arlene Derksen CaroLee Derksen Larry & Dixie Derksen Scott DeRosier Truby DeShields Marvin Detwiler David & Arva Deutschendorf Annette Dick Cameron & Deborah Dick Douglas & Debbie Dick John & Carol Dick John & Michelle Dick LeRoy & Judy Dick Mark & Karen Dick Steven & Ruth Dick Verla Dick Willard & Margaret Dick Kathleen Dickson Alvin Dietz Joel & Hannah Dillon Mark Dimmick Lara Dinkla Randy Dinubilo Heide Doell Dudley Donahue Dominique Donaldson Maren Dooling Thomas Dorsch Tyler & Amanda Dort Marti Dougherty Jared Dowell Lori Drdul Mulhall Darrell & Charlene Driggers Eric & Tami Driggers Tydo Drury

Bernice Dueck Deanne Duerksen Ashlie Duft Eric & Sherri Duft Kristin Dunlap Joel Dunn Lynn Dunson Kris Dutra Ricardo & Laura Dutra Thad Duvall Barb Eaton Ebenfeld M B Church David & Michelle Ediger Dewayne & Christine Ediger Donald Ediger Ervin & Carrol Ediger Junior Ediger Lois Ediger Roger & Cathy Ediger Vicki Ediger Ediger Construction Dominque Edwards Gudrun Eglitis Darrell Ehrlich Lisa Eidman Bruce & Brenda Eitzen Robert & Aletha Eitzen Wesley Eitzen Eitzen Agency Inc Eitzen Family Trust Linda Elbert Ellen M Janzen 2001 Trust Joshua Elliott David Ellis Deborah Ellis Elpis Foundation Alma Elrich Stanley & Mary Elrich Thomas & Twila Elrod Sommer Emery Emmanuel M B Church Marti Engel Zac Engle Johnny English Sandra English Enid M B Church Mark & Kellie Enns Melvin & Karen Enns Gordon & Chris Ens Terrill & Joni Ens

Brandon Ensz Kelsey Ensz Harold Epp John Epp Rose Epp Rosella Epp Equitable Foundation Jenna Erickson Alejo Espitia Angelica Espitia Ernie Espitia Jesus Espitia Karen Espitia Marlene Espitia Lori Evangelista Jim & Susan Evans Everence Jay Evert Everthing’s A Bloomin Adam Ewert Calvin Ewert David & Abigail Ewert Gary Ewert Merrill & Priscilla Ewert Norman & Sharon Ewert Paul & Lee Ewert Robert & Lynette Ewert Marcy Ezekiel David & Connie Faber Kirby & Donna Fadenrecht Macy & Kayla Fadenrecht Wilfred & Bonnie Fadenrecht Fairview M B Church Lillian Falls Sharon Farias Bill Farley Patrick Farrell Deb Farris Bonnie Fast Dennis & Connie Fast Dohn & Jeanette Fast Donald & Judith Fast Howard & Lois Fast Jacob & Mary Fast Kenneth & Marilyn Fast Theodore & Marietta Faszer Christopher & Debra FaszerMcMahon Doris Faul


Eloise Faul Naomi Faul Nathan & Abigail Faul Bob Faurot Eugene Feil Lonny & Raelene Fendall Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Lynn & Patricia Field Financial Management, Inc. Sheila Finley-Sheckler First M B Church Marion Fischer Darrin Fisher Tyler Fisher William & Eileen Fitzpatrick Arlene Flaming Chuck & Shari Flaming David & Mary Flaming Eric & Kellie Flaming Gaylord & Lana Flaming Melvin & Marilyn Flaming Janet Flanagan Lynn Fleming Roger & Cynthia Fleming Sarah Fleming Carly Fletcher Mark & Dianne Flickinger Ronald & Sandra Flickinger Hailey Flues Terry Fly Michael & Micca Folks David & Kathleen Forbes Ulanda Forbess June Ford Marla Ford Natalie Ford Tiffani Ford Gerard Fort Michael & Mary Fox Harvey & Joanne Foyle Marthita Fraijo Matt Fraijo Jacquline Franco Kim Frangenberg Kevin Frantz Elaine Franz Eleanor Franz Jana Franz John & Jessica Franz Joyce Franz LaWanda Franz Marah Franz Michael Franz Robert & Darlene Franz Scott & Pam Franz Virginia Fredman Jay & Barbara Free Karen French


Aaron & Patty Friesen Anna Friesen Donald & Sandra Friesen Gilbert & Rhoda Friesen Harvey & Mable Friesen Homer & Susan Friesen Janice Friesen Joel & Beverly Friesen Marvin & Mary Friesen Mary Friesen Nadine Friesen Nicole Friesen Norris & Grace Friesen Randy & Sue Friesen Roger & Patti Friesen Russell & Marilyn Friesen Wesley & Arlene Friesen Wilbert & Glenna Friesen Frank & Erna FriesenSawatsky George Fritsma Arnold Froese David & Susan Froese FrontStream Lynne Fults Jodie Fund Funding for Teams LLC Dannie Funk Gordon Funk Joel & Annette Funk Kurt & Ruth Funk Monroe & Carol Funk Nancy Funk Viola Funk Helen Gaede Jim & Mary Gaede John & Shelli Gaede Robert Gaede David & Carol Gallatin Lila Gammon Jym Ganahl Efren Garcia Eliseo Garcia Eliseor Garcia Ismael Garcia Jesus Garcia Olivia Garcia Oswaldo Garcia Laurel Gard Thomas Gard Garden Valley M B Church Mark Gardner Michael & Julie Gardner Edward Garduno Jay Garnett Trevor Gaskill Cheri Gastineau Mendy Gehrt William George

Don & Irma Gerbrandt Gordon & Karen Gerbrandt Marilyn Gerbrandt Mike Gibson Mark Gilbert James & Sandra Gilliland William & Patricia Gilliland Andine Gilmore Drake & Danielle Girard Sheila Giusti Gary Gladin Anna Glanzer Chris & Kathryn Glanzer Elgin & Sheree Glanzer Jules & Peg Glanzer Matthew & Chrissy Glanzer Penny Glanzer Philip & Judy Glanzer Monica Glennon Walter & Lisa Glosson Jerry Glynn Eric & Elaine Goedde Heather Goehner Brian & Heather Goentzel Charles & Sandy Goentzel Christy Goentzel LeRoy & Norma Goentzel Theodore & Shirley Goering Verne & Ruth Goering Darlene Goertz Glenn & Janice Goertz Frieda Goertzen Gaylord & Peggy Goertzen John & Charlene Goertzen Leroy & Phyllis Goertzen Morgan Golightly Shari Golightly Sherly Golightly Evelin Gomez Joe Gomez Altagracia Gonzalez Elizabeth Gonzalez Zachary & Janelle Goodrich Goodville Mutual Casualty Co Gordon Farms Brad & Staci Gorsuch John Goscha Harvey & Anne Gossen Dean & Carol Graber Grace Bible Church Harlan & Betty Graf Nathan & Amy Graf Connie Graham Donald Graumann Elaine Graumann Joel & Lorretta Graumann Marion Graumann Ed & Carolyn Graves

Greater KC Community Foundation Susan Greenfield Pauline Greenhaw Kurt Grier Griffin Family Endowed Fund Bradley & Rachel Griffith Mary Grimes Kenneth & Mary Grisanti Andria Griswold Nancy Groening Cassie Gross Celia Gross Ida Gross Jeral & Andrea Gross Ed Grothe John & Becky Groves Marianne Guenther Rhoda Guerin Momo Guerrero Vicky Guerrero Curtis Guhr Dana Guinn Candice Gulley Parrish Gumeringer Sharon Haberman Kara Hackney Bruce & Judy Hadley Pearl & Velma Hadley Chase Hagan Gary & Grace Hagen Luke & Joanne Haidle Ryan & Kelly Hain Jackie Hales Shawna Haley James Hall Mary Hall Tiffany Hall Jolene Hamel Jeremy Hamilton Derek & Katherine Hamm Larry & Ruth Hamm Randy & Janelle Hamm Rod & Brenda Hamm Ruth Hamm Shirley Hamm Diana Hand J D Hand Carl & Pamala Hanna Keith Hanneman Keith & Delores Hanneman Shawn & Nancy Hanson Jeffrey & ShaRae Harden Keith & Judy Harder Scott & Stephanie Harder Thomas & Debbie Hardy Cherri Harms Dale Harms

Dale & Loretta Harms Gary & Linda Harms James & Michelle Harms Marvin & Darlene Harms Richard Harms Roger Harms Eddie & April Harrington Kaylee Harrington Carol Harris Patience Harris Sandra Harris-Johnson Beverly Harris-Madison Lisa Haskell Rod Haskins Michael Hattrup Robert Hauck Robert & Erica Haude Colin Hay David Hay Craig Hayden Gretchen Hays Jeffrey & Liz Haywood Karla Headings Jennifer Hedrick Jerry Hedrick Erik Hedstrom Jacob Heil Richard & Beverly Heim Bill & Janet Hein Jill Hein Steve & Barb Hein Dennis & Ruth Heinrichs Douglas & Sarah Heinrichs Gregory & Jennea Heinrichs Jack & Janet Heinrichs Brian & Denise Heizelman Jon & Denise Hendrickson David & Amber Henes Jason & Amber Henrikson Brett Henson Don Henton Rayda Henton Kathleen Herbel Diana Hernandez John Hernandez Michael Hernandez Levi & Jaci Herring Hesston M B Church Robert Hiatt Jim Hickey Melvin & June Hickey Bob Hicks Leslie Hicks Robert Hicks Connie Hiebert James Hiebert Lois Hiebert Nadine Hiebert

Nathan Hiebert Ronald & Marilyn Hiebert Wayne & Cynthia Hiebert Nabeil Hijaz Hillsboro HomeTown Pharmacy Hillsboro M B Church Hillsboro Recreation Commission Charles Hilton Karla Hilton Lydia Hilton Rosalynn Hilton Keaton Hincher Kevin Hincher Susanne Hincher Traci Hinchey Dwight Hodel La Verne & Evelyn Hodel James & Tandi Hoelker Donald Hofer Korey Hofer Kristin Hoffman Singh Stephen & Trish Hoge Shawna Holdren James & Lilian Holmes

Home Technology Solutions, Inc. Janis Hoover Morris Hope Norman & Julie Hope Fay Hoppes Horizon Therapeutics USA Iva Hornor Sharon Hoskinson Dirk & Sonya Hostetler Trish Hoyer James & Sandra Hubbard Hubert Charolais Ranch Gary Hudson John & Carissa Huebert Jonathan Hullman Karol Hunt Rene Huslig IBM Matching Grants Program IMA Foundation Gerrett Inboden Charles & Monique Ingalls Bruce Ingmire Vaughn Irby Alvin Isaac Corie Isaac

Dewayn & Marilyn Isaac Don & Connie Isaac Menno & Alice Isaac Russell & Kathy Isaac Albert Isaak Thomas Isenhour J & H Farm Equipment Darrell Jackson Jamac Farms Michael & Candace James Michael & Briana Jamieson Alan Jamison Dennis & Deanna Jantz Kurt & Susie Jantz Daniel & Susan Janzen David & Karen Janzen Dwayne & Carol Janzen Ellen Janzen Gary & Lois Janzen Jerry & Loretta Janzen Jimmy & Staci Janzen LaVina Janzen Marlin & Lu Ella Janzen Arvid Janzen Janzen GMC Michael & Robin Jaspers Grace Jaworsky

Teresa Jimenez Randi Joelson Aaron & Brooke Johnson Carey & Jean Johnson Debra Johnson Frank & Terri Johnson Jeannie Johnson Marilyn Johnson Clyde Jones Darrell & Aberta Jones Joshua Jones Kendal & Stacy Jones Mandy Jones Nancy Jones Nautica Jones Rick Jones Robert Jones Scott Jones Tiffany Jones Tyiesha Jones Jeff & JoAnne Jorgenson Carmelo & Karla Joseph Alice Jost Andrew & Angela Jost Bruce & Kimberlee Jost Clyde & Sharon Jost Corey & Vicki Jost

Dale & Shirley Jost David & Carol Jost Gerald & Joan Jost Karl & Marilyn Jost Leroy & Janice Jost Luella Jost Mark & Jane Jost Vaughn & Taryn Jost Walton & Myrna Jost JP Glass & Mirror Inc Hilda Just Kansas Gym Floors Kansas Independent College Fund Curtis & Debbie Karber David & Elaine Karber Ramona Karber David Kauffman Tom & Sherry Kaufman Brian Keats Sadie Keech Jeff Keenen Michael & Christy Kelley Patricia Kelly Susan Kelly William Kelly Troy & Jonette Kemling

Tabor College

Phonathon WINTER 2021



The Winter 2021 Phonathon was conducted in February. Final results are being tabulated as more gifts are received.


As of 2/25/2021 we have received


$107,057 of our $125,000 goal

To add your gift go to:

$25,000 19

William Kendrick Lavetta Kennedy Danielle Keomany Michael Keraus Jan Kernahan Brian & Denise Kesanan El & Nancy Kessler Joyce Kessler Lon & Nancy Kessler-Spero Dennis Kimball Kory Kimball David & Laurel King Duane & Vonda Kinser Carmen Kinsey Clayton Kinsey Skylar & Yvonne Kinsey Robert Kittle Arnold & Arlene Klaassen David Klaassen Dwight & Sharon Klaassen Esther Klaassen Gary & JoAnn Klaassen Jeanie Klaassen John & Noelle Klaassen Michael Klaassen Nick & Neva Klaassen Paul & Lisa Klaassen Daniel & Karen Klassen Eldo & Janice Klassen Jason & Becky Klassen Paul & Gladys Klassen Victor Klassen Michael & Carolyn Kleiber Larry & Judy Klein Tracy & Shawna Klein Ethel Kleinsasser Norma Klemm Lyle & Kathy Kleopfer Barbara Kliewer Elinor Kliewer Jerry & Crystal Kliewer Kim Kliewer Lawrence & Gail Kliewer Lowell Kliewer Myrna Kliewer Paul Kliewer Vernon & Mary Ann Kliewer Wayne & Miriam Kliewer Karla Knechtel Chuck & Diane Knight Emily Knight Abby Koch Craig & Angie Koehn Darlene Koehn Lyle & Rosella Koerber Koerner Heights M B Church Irma Koop


Frank & Ruth Kopp Richard Koppelburger James & Marlene Koslowsky John & Susan Koslowsky Kenneth & Carla Koslowsky Theodora Koslowsky Bill & Gari-Anne Kostlevy Louis Krappes Kirby & Mary Krehbiel Larry Krehbiel Leslie Krehbiel Janice Krehbiel Graber Bob & Connie Kroeker Carolyn Kroeker Cassie Kroeker David & Kim Kroeker Dorothy Kroeker Jay & Marilyn Kroeker Orlando & Rosita Kroeker Wallace & Marlene Kroeker Wesley Kroeker Wesley & Elaine Kroeker Erica Kruckenberg Van & Barbara Krueger Chad & Kelly Kruse Jill Kuehny Joe & Shonna Kukula Richard & Joyce Kyle Hunter Lacuniak Laham Charitable Foundation Linda Lampe Ariana Landeros Joanna Landon Mark Landon Connie Landwehr Carson Lane Dean & Joyce Langhofer Lawrence & Traci Lanning Lanning Pharmacy April Largaespada Debra LaRosa Beverly Larsen Terry & Ruth Larson Nicholas Lasker Jean Lauer Arthur & Opal Lautt Sheri Lautt Arden Lauxman Mickael Lee Ryan & Amanda Lee Douglas Lehman Robin & Susan Lehrman Tara Lehrman Roland & Elsie Lekey Dawn Lenz Dan Leonard John & Elana Leonard

Larry & Alice Leppke Paul & Paula Lewis Andres Licea Brian & Lindsay Lightner Lilly Endowment Foundation Sam & Jaine Lindley Adam Lindstrom Rachel Lira Living Hope Church Theodore Lockwood Bill & Joyce Loewen David & Joanne Loewen Harold & Darla Loewen Helen Loewen Jeremy & Dionne Loewen Nathan & Rosette Loewen Robert & Rita Loewen Norman & Betty Lofland Ray Logan Raymond & Viola Lohrentz Marguerite Lohrenz Otto & Elma Lohrenz Larry Long Steven & Beverly Long Jim Lovelady Lala Lovelady Don & Gail Loveless Jamie Lowrie Josh Lowrie Charlene Loya Piedad Loya Alice Luebbert Nitte Luna Lustre M B Church Matt Lynch J R & Betsy Mabry Albertine Mac Iver Rosa Machado Judy Maclaren Wilson Mafi Rachel Mahler Micheal Mahoney Kent & Lynette MalmHunter Don Malone Amy Maltos Blanca Mancinas Joseph Manickam Joan Mann Jeff Manning Constance Manuel Liz Marceleno Lois Marchionna Marysol Marin Mark Marlow Heath & Cara Marrs David & Lillian Martens Don & Joyce Martens

Joel Martens Kristen Martens Larry & Kathleen Martens Michael & Ann Martens Loyal & Rosella Martin Ronald & Laura Martin Sonia Martin Sydney Martin Jeanette Martinez Diane Mason Mark & Heather Mathews Tyleigh Mattison Angela May James & Evelyn Mc Iver Justin McAlister Charles & Elwanda McCabe Tracie McCall Tim & Jillian McCarty Robert McCaslin Todd McCaslin Steven & Vonna McCloud Gary McClure Patrick & Linda McClure James McCoy Melissa McCoy Helen McDonald Stan & Robin McDonald John McEntire Calander & Jennifer McGee Minta McIntosh Mark McKenzie Tony & Lisa McKeown Debra McKivergan Pat & Jane McLaughlin Josh McLoud Leah McNellis Lee & Melody McSparran Jason McVeigh Dennis & Thelma Mendel Lynn Mendel Ann Marie Mendoza Juan Mendoza Mennonite Brethren Foundation Robert Mercer Deborah Meredith Amber Metzger Max & Marge Meuli Brian & Andrea Meyer Don & Jackie Mickels Jackie Mickels Charles Mies Mightycause Byron & Ellen Miller Chris & Debbie Miller Dixie Miller Edmond Miller Jeff Miller

Julie Miller Mark & Wendy Miller Mary Miller Natalie Miller Nibia Miller Nicole Miller Preston Miller Roland & Ruth Miller Scott Miller Tara Miller Timothy Miller Gai Millwood Rolando Mireles Vanessa Mobley Bo Moddelmog Kari Moddelmog Kris Moddelmog Marcella Mohn Matthew & Heidi Molden Adriana Molina Karen Molinari Rev. James & Edna Moll Diana Montoya Nick Montoya James & Donna Moore Melanie Moore Mike Moraga Juan Morales Tracee Morales Raul Moreano Jimmie Moreland Joseph Moreno Quentin Morford Jeff Morris Loren Morris Carrie Morrison Heather Morrison Loni Morse Kylee Morter Daniel & Lisa Moser Joe Mount John Mount Stephanie Mountain Sue Mountain Matthew Mowry Chido Mukwindidza Amy Muller Richard Mullins Mind Mumma Chad Munn Joe Munoz Jeremy Munroe Shane Munsey Camilo & Naima Murra Kelly Murray Lindsay Murray Ranai Murray Becky Musil

Glenn & Susan Myers Grant & Stacie Myers James Myrick Lowell Myrie Tricia Myrie Kim Naccarato Jacob & Yvonne Nachtigal Dean & Carol Nachtigall James Naish Rachel Nardo Christina Navarro Aurora Nelson Cainan Nelson Chris Nelson Sawyer Nelson Nancy Netherton Network For Good Douglas & Pamela Neufeld Gail Neufeld Gaylen & Loretta Neufeld James & Gail Neufeld Keith & Vicky Neufeld Leon & Karen Neufeld Nancy Neufeld Roger & Carolyn Neufeld Ryan & Stacey Neufeld Scott & Brenda Neufeld New Hopedale Mennonite Church New Life Church Floyd & Jo Ann Nickel Jim & Loretta Nickel Kevin & Yvette Nickel Phyllis Nickel Ted & Rosalie Nickel Terry Nickels Helen Nicoli Zhihui Nie Maria Nieto Mike & Evangelyn Nightengale Randy & Amy Nightengale Daryl & Judy Nikkel Jeff & Lianne Nikkel Larry & Elaine Nikkel Eliza Norma Victoria Norman Grant Norris North Oak Community Church Corina Nuby Maxine Nunez Becky Nuss Joshua Oakley Oakley Ag Center LLC Johnna Oberly Diane Oborny Victoria Obregon Warren Ocasio

Ocean Breeze Salon Micheal Odendahl Alexis Olivares Christina Olivares Riley Olsen Jeff & Rebecca Olson Doug O’Neal Samuel & Amy Ongstad Mary Grace Orr Scott & Sheila Osborne Arlen Ostermann Jenny Osthed Gregg & Carol Owens Harold Owens Jessica Owens Stacy Owens Victoria Owens Donaldson Owsu Joe Palacioz Belva Palmer Allen Pankratz Drew & Allie Pankratz Keith & Jan Pankratz Roger & Donna Pankratz Helen Paredez Parker Racquet Club Parkview M B Church Raymond & Kathleen Parris Joseph Parthemer Lana Parthemer Matthew Patrick Richard Patrick James Pauls Mark & Miriam Pauls Tom & Connie Paulson Jim Paulus Debra Payne Mike Payne Olivia Payne Traci Payne Victoria Paz Mark & Laura Pearce Dana Pearson Regina Pena Adam & Rebecca Penner Bruce & Enid Penner Craig & Sylvia Penner Dennis & Marilyn Penner Evelyn Penner Henry & Barbara Penner Herbert & Verna Penner Jay Penner Lawrence & Karen Penner Lee & Leanna Penner Lonnie Penner Matthew & Angie Penner Roger & Rebecca Penner Ronald & Frances Penner

Willy & Geraldine Penner James & Dianna Penrose Mauro & Margarita Pereira Fernando Perez Octavio Perez Anita Perkins David & Sara Peters Michael & Ruth Peters Randy & Cindy Peterson Jessica Pfizenmaier Pfizer Amber Phipps Margaret Pickering Gordon & Doris Pierce Shaketha Pierce Riley Pilgrim Randy & Joanna Pinkerton Albert Pinter Pioneer College Caterers Inc Kevin & Deanna Plank Gerald Platt Esther Plenert Philip & Sharon Plett Mark Posson Roger Powell Kevin Prewitt Robert & Rhonda Prieb Prien Pines Nursery, Inc Allyn Primrose Jason & Tracy Primrose Scott & Lori Primrose Rhonda Pryce Pedro Puente III Johnny Pulliam Don Pyle Blake Pyles Chandler Pyles G W Quatman Jim Quillin Kami Quinn Kay Quinn Alden & La Verna Quiring Craig & Christine Quiring Heidi Quiring Jason & Nicole Quiring John & Helen Quiring Lonnie & Lisa Quiring Dennis & Verna Rademacher Deidra Rader Gary Railsback Francisco Ramirez Jacqueline Ramirez Manny Ramirez Milton Ramirez David Ramsey Hayden Rand Jeremiah & Kelly Randall Denton Rathke

Ashely Ratliff Craig & Tammy Ratzlaff Don & Gayla Ratzlaff Don & Marilyn Ratzlaff Donald & Shirley Ratzlaff Glenn Ratzlaff Marvin & Marilyn Ratzlaff Ronald Ratzlaff Saloma Ratzlaff Sherwin & Carol Ratzlaff Barry & Diana Raugust Paul & Sara Raugust Kerri Record Kelly & Jackie Rector Kenneth & Willa Reddig Keith & Patricia Redding Calvin Redekop Don & Linda Reed Shawn & Miranda Reed Michael & Tina Reese Robyn Reeves Betty Regier Charles & Carol Regier Edith Regier Evelyn Regier Gary & Kathryn Regier Isaac & Teresa Regier Paul & Carol Regier Ron & Doreen Regier Ronald & Cora Regier Jon Reibel Gary Reid Steven Reid Del & Gerry Reimer Ervin & Velma Reimer John & Judith Reimer Lois Reimer Lyle & Kathleen Reimer Richard & Mary Reimer Scott Reimer Tim & Anita Reimer Troy & Emily Reimer Trudy Reimer Mesfin Rejji Relford Family Darren & Sherry Rempel John & Phyllis Rempel Leslie & Janie Rempel Michael & Jamie Rempel Nick & Marlene Rempel Robert & Sara Rempel Ronald & Diane Rempel Kevin Rens Larry & Billie Reutter Teresa Reyes Bruce Rhodes Geoffrey Richard Beverly Richards

Denises Richardson Allan & Lillian Richert Herbert Richert Jeff & Heidi Richert Joel & Ruth Richert La Verne Richert Sheryl Richert Steve Richert Steven & Pamela Richert Zachary & MacKenzie Richert Lynward Ridgels Jeremy Riedel Vivian Rink Goergann Rion Illiana Rivera Joseph Rivera Lori Rivera Lupe Rivera Michaela Rivera Daniel Robben Sharon Robinett-Morris Jackie & Helen Robinson Angelica Rodriguez Rod’s Tire & Service Sydney Roe Emma Roebuck Toni Roebuck Kirsten Romanzo Daniel Romero Melissa Roque Deborah Rosario Edwin Rosario Melvin Rosario Rose Epp Living Trust Darlene Roth Don & Norma Roth Margaret Roth Cheryl Rotnem David Rotnem Ellen Rouse John Ruder Erica Rudkin Emir & Jodie Ruiz Esparza Bob & Esther Rupp Jacque Russell Kristi Russell James & Jean Rust Paul & Brenda Rust S & G Small Enterprises LLC Leonel Salcedo Salem M B Church Salem Mennonite Church Greg & Christine Sambol Ana Sanchez Dionicia Sanchez Jennifer Sanchez Jinny Sanchez


Pedro Sanchez Romina Sanchez Antonio Sandoval Raul Sandoval Danny Sangco Jose Santana Maria Santana Saul Santana Veronica Santiago Bob & Joyce Sawatzky Gerald & Wilma Sawatzky Randy Sawyer Marvin & Andrea Schellenberg Carla Schimke Anna Schlageck Gayla Schlies Alma Schmidt Amy Schmidt Don & Linda Schmidt Garvie & Diane Schmidt Harry & Elaine Schmidt Jay & Carolyn Schmidt Linford & Elfrieda Schmidt Timothy & Lauren Schoeneberg Victor & Dorothy Schrag Arlyss & Letha Schroeder Dale & Phyllis Schroeder Harold & Phyllis Schroeder

Herbert & Pauline Schroeder Mark & Michelle Schroeder Nathan & Bonnie Schroeder Philip Schroeder Carolyn Schulte Delmer & Allene Schultz Schwab Charitable Fund Braden Schwarz Clyde Scott Eric Scott Laurie Scott Karl & Brenda Sechrist Bob Seeley Clint & Evelyn Seibel Ervin & Marilyn Seibel Harlan Seibel Katherine Seibel Ted & Valerie Seibel Danielle Selleck Elaine Setzer-Maxwell Mike Seymour Josh Shalkoski Gale Shank Kent Shank Richard & Pattie Shank Cynthia Shavlik Thomas & Carolyn Shaw Diane Shellenberger Todd Shellenberger Andy & Kerry Shewey

Clayton & Mallory Shewey Marcia Shewey Stan & Rebecca Shewey Aaron Shieldnight Stephanie Shieldnight Harry & Nancy Siemens Signal Research Group Silver Shears Karina Simler Kenneth Simler Dennis & Juanita Simonich Ally Simpson Steve & Lindsay Small Bill Smellage Donald Smith Kevin Smith Norman Smith Rick Smith Joseph Smolka Stacy & Katherine Sneed Ricky Snyder Scott Snyder Marva Sobers Merrie Sodder Abrahm Soltero Fabian Soltero Julian Soltero Raul & Angela Soltero Joel & Lori Soo Hoo Aaron Sorensen

Tabor Fund Status The Tabor Fund is critical to the mission of Tabor College. It provides needed budget support for:

Erica Soto Southwest Seed Research LLC Mark & Lou Ann Spangler Tonja Spencer John Spinden Michael & Cheryl Spinelli Squeaks Club Inc Michael & Lynn Marie St John Gregory Stahl Susan Stallard Kathy Stark State Farm Co Foundation Roger & Luella Stauffer Eldon & Grace Steele Douglas & Tammy Stefek Randall Steiner Barbie Sterling David Stevens Colt Stewart Julie Stewart Sharon Stineman Andrew & Reaksmy Stone Dorcas Storer Bob & Paula Strasser Curtis Strauss Roger Stremel Branda Stuart Stuart Pontiac Cadillac Nissan

The generous support of many donors is both essential and appreciated.

% 11

1 Scholarships 2 Textbooks 3 Operations

Craig & Carol Stubblebine Keith & Phyllis Stuckey Norman & Beth Stucky Stucky Chiropractic Daniel & Jodie Stutzman Kenneth & Bettina Stutzman Patricia Stutzman Allen & Norine Suderman Elda Suderman Paul Suderman Robert & Alice Suderman Rosella Suderman Irene Sullivan Timothy & Donna Sullivan Sunshine Club Marsha Sutherland Rod Swart Joan Swecker Beverly Swedorski Darren & Kellie Swedorski Egil & Hollie Sweet Jay Sweet Sarah Sweet Brian Swim Patty Swink John & Kathryn Sytsma Timothy Takash Talent 101 Leslie Tanner Paul Tashadian

Year-to-Date Raised

% 89

Left to Raise

as of 2/22/2021 22

Ana Taveras Dick Taylor Traci Taylor Wendy Taylor Roxie Tenequer Textron Charitable Trusst c/o CyberGrants The Affordable Tax Man LLC The Barton Foundation The Blackbaud Giving Fund The Felipe Cayo Family The Flaharty Family The Gerkin Family The Kelly Family The Logo Shop The Malinda Nikkel Rev Trust The Peaslee Family The Religa Family The Sarah Schwieterman Agency, Inc Brett & Tamara Thiessen Joyce Thiessen Joyce & James Thiessen Lonnie & Barbara Thiessen Virgil & Nelda Thiessen James Thomas Lorraine Thomas Ian & Melissa Thomson Dyan Thornton Mary Thummel Stanley Tidwell Fale Tii Roque & Vanessa Tii Mark Tindall Emada Tingirides Nick Tingirides Phil Tingirides Richard & Norma Tippin Linda Todd Ellis Toews Larry & Sandy Toews Myron & Barbara Toews Doug & Brenda Tofteland Nathan & Angela Tofteland Laura Tomlinson Seth & Shari Toomay Caesar Torres Daniel Torres Juan Torres Omar Tovar Lexi Townsend Tema Travis Steve Trejo Kyle Trendel Danny & Dawn Trent Virginia Triggs James Truax Randy Trumbower

Joyce Tschetter Randall & Wanetta Tschetter Wesley & Lois Tschetter Faye Tucker Brian Turk Kristy Turner Martha Turner Rahat Uddin Brant & Lynn Unrau Donald & Shirley Unrau Harlan Unrau Jurine Unrau Paul Unrau Wilbur & Vernelle Unrau Bryce & Elizabeth Unruh Darrell & Judy Unruh John & Eileen Unruh Kaylene Unruh Richard & Carol Unruh Jazmely Urena Risnel Urena Shanil Urena USMB Churches Valleyview Bible Church Janet van Houten Vanguard Charitable Michelle Vanhee Anna VanRoon-Brown June Velazquez Raul Vera Myron & La Von Vetter Kay Viergever Amy Villanuava Gabrielle Villarreal Kenton & Violet Vix Lyndon Vix John Vogt Mildred Vogt Ronald Vogt Willodene Vogt Alan & Jennifer Vogts Kathryn Vogts Randy & Lori Volkman Meredith Voran Steven Voran Isaac Vorderlandwehr Arlo & Anna Voth LouAnn Voth Steve & Wynette Voth Charlie Wagner Kelly & Gail Wahl Mac & Debbie Wahl Wahl Family LLC Jaxon Wait Jody Wait Judy Wait Tracy Wait Lee & Sara Waldron John Walker

Randy & Ingrid Wall Wall to Wall Painting, Inc James & Carolyn Wallace Rodney Wallace Araceli Wallace-Carmona Roger & Gayle Wallingford Wade & Gloria Walter Walter & Edith Thiessen Trust Timarie Walters Peggy Waltner Andy & Kelly Ward Gary Ward Karen Ward Mike Ward John & Julie Warkentin Steven & Lori Warkentin Alvin & Dotty Warkentine Warner Creek Farms, LLC Tom Washburn Ruth Wassenberg Kale Watchous Darrin & Leah Watts Keith Watts Britt Weaver David Webb Robert Webb Gerald & Letha Wedel Seth Wedgewood James & Esther Weems Kelsey Weems Owen Wegner Alecia Wehr Tobias & Marcia Wehrman Hailey Weishaar Sherri Wellman Lynn Wendt Ken Wheeler Jamie Wheelock Tim & Ann Whelan Connie Whitcomb Randall Whitcomb Rita Whitcomb Laydi White Skeeter White Arlie Wichert Bryce & Sara Wichert Leonard & Janice Wichert Wichert Electric Caryl Wiebe Clark & Anna Wiebe David Wiebe Eric & Kristin Wiebe Frieda Wiebe Gordon & Karen Wiebe James & Kathryn Wiebe Jay & Annette Wiebe John & Carol Wiebe Jon & Ellynne Wiebe

Lewis & Jenny Wiebe Margot Wiebe Paul & Donna Wiebe Shawn & Kristin Wiebe Ted & Nancy Wiebe Clifford Wiening Alvin & Elsie Wiens Andrew & Kelsey Wiens Ben Wiens Bradley & Jane Wiens Brian & Marilyn Wiens David & Susan Wiens Donna Wiens Edwin & Naomi Wiens Eldon & Lavonne Wiens Emery & Donna Wiens Ernest & Esther Wiens Esther Wiens Gary Wiens Joel & Elena Wiens Jonathan & Denise Wiens Kim & Amy Wiens Paul & Darlene Wiens Randall & Lindy Wiens Stan & Jocelyn Wiens Terry Wiens Timothy Wiens Wendell Wiens Dave Wiersma Jim Wight Brian & Sharolyn Wilkin Norman & Eileen Willems Ashanti Williams Chris Williams Daphnne Williams Frederick Williams Jacqueline Williams Jessica Williams Kenneth Williams Kenney Williams Michael & Cristi Williams Toby Williams Toni Williams Williams Companies, Inc. John Willison Lynn Willison Claire Wilson Danny Wilson David & Mary Wilson Galyn & Vivian Wilson Kelsey Wilson Theresa Wilson Fred & Kathleen Wingert Harold & Margaret Winsinger Barbara Winslow Kenneth Winter Rachel Winter Kacey Winters

Kirsten Wise Joseph Witkowski Carl & Lavina Wohlgemuth Gary & Margie Wohlgemuth John & Mary Wohlgemuth Steven & Linda Wohlgemuth Marty Wojtysiak Tina Wojtysiak Roger & Diane Wollman Noah Woltje Stacey Wood Jordan Woodring Beverly Woodsmall Wray Roofing Inc Barbara Wright Kenny Wroten Kirstan Wylie Jerry Wyse Katherine Yamada Chris Yandell Ashley Yanez Steven Yaussi Lynn Yingling Merle Yoder YourCause LLC for Pfizer Foundation Jenny Yust Eric & Kim Yutzy Lloyd & Judith Yutzy Tina Yutzy Melanie Zacharias Chris & Cathi Zalusky James & Lisa Zalusky Ralph Zalusky Alexandre Zarrag Ray & Carolyn Zeisset Gregory & Tamara Zielke Mike Zimmerman


Alumni News

Kenna Carter


his service, Richard returned to Buhler, Kan., to work for Buhler Mills. He also worked at Buhler High.

Archie and Cherise (Stangohr g’08) Eutsler, Wichita, Kan., a boy, Caleb Gene, Feb. 4, 2020

Beverly (Berry ff’50) Holmskog, of Kingsburg, Calif., died Oct. 19, 2020. She was born Sept. 16, 1932, in Elizabeth, N.J. Beverly taught English at Tabor College for twenty years. She then tutored international students at Johnson County Community College and the University of Kansas for 18 years. She served with her husband, Norm, at churches in the various locations where they lived, led women’s Bible studies, and started a prayer ministry for moms in Kingsburg, Calif.

Tom and Mallory (Zuercher g’16) Gaskell, Hillsboro, Kan., a girl, Imogen Lynn, Sept. 30, 2020 Jordan (g’14) and Sydney (Coughlin g’14) Ragsdale, Goddard, Kan., a boy, Jasper, Oct. 2, 2020 Jacob (g’14) and Yvonne (Brubacher g’14) Nachtigal, Hesston, Kan., a boy, JD, Dec. 1, 2020

Evangeline Enns

Darren (g’11) and Corina (Neufeld g’11) Enns, Denver, Colo., a girl, Evangeline Rae, Dec. 7, 2020 Ryan (g’16) and Stacey (Warkentin g’14) Neufeld, Wichita, Kan., a boy, Braylen, Dec. 10, 2020 Lance (g’16) and Holly (Wolf g’14) Carter, Hillsboro, Kan., a girl, Kenna Jeanne, Dec. 22, 2020

Caleb Eutsler

JD Nachtigal

Braylen Neufeld


g – graduate fs – former student cs – current student f – faculty ff – former faculty st – staff fst – former staff tcw – Tabor College Wichita

Deaths Dr. Helmuth Carl Poggemiller (g ’61), of Lynchburg Va., died April 29, 2019. He is survived by his wife of 60 years, Esther Lena Poggemiller. Following Tabor, he earned his master’s degree at Emporia State University, and his Ph.D. at Toledo University in Ohio. Helmuth taught at several Christian colleges, most recently at Liberty University in the English Department. The Lord also used him to impact students internationally. Helmuth led the Lynchburg Wycliffe Associates Chapter for many years, furthering the work of Bible translation around the world. He was a member of Thomas Road Baptist Church where he served in the choir for over 35 years. Helen (King g’79) Govan, of Jackson, Miss., died June 12, 2020. After graduating from Wichita High School East in 1949, Helen married her high school sweetheart, Donald Govan. Helen then went on to earn her degree in social work from Tabor and served as a faculty member after her graduation. In 1982, Donald and Helen moved to Jackson, Miss. so that they could join Dr. John Perkins in the Voice of Calvary Ministries. In their new community, they committed themselves to helping the downtrodden, the hopeless, the weak and the lost. Donald and Helen cherished every one of their 70 years together before her passing. Leon Franz (g’67), of Wichita, Kan., died July 2, 2020. After graduating from Buhler High School and Hutchinson Junior College, he studied at Tabor College earning a degree in music education. He enjoyed teaching both vocal and instrumental music and singing in a gospel quartet for many years. While at Tabor, he met and married Sandra Schimke from Harvey, N.D., in 1966. He loved the outdoors, fishing, hunting and raising quarter horses on his acreage. Richard Hamm (g’60), of Buhler, Kan., passed away on Oct. 15, 2020. After graduating from Tabor, Richard served in the Army for two years and was stationed in Aberdeen, Md. After


Karen Hauff (g’66), of Bismarck, N.D., died Oct. 27, 2020. Born on October 17, 1944, Karen was the only daughter of Albert and Marie Hauff. After graduating from Tabor College with degrees in both math and chemistry, Karen went onto North Dakota State University where she earned her Doctor of Pharmacy degree. She then served as the clinical associate professor at the College of Pharmacy of the University of Minnesota. In 1980, Karen was named one of the most outstanding young women of America. She also served on the Tabor College Board of Directors from 1998 to 2008. Karen dedicated her life to her faith, her family and her friends. Werner Kroeker (g’50), of San Jose, Calif., died Nov. 4, 2020. From a young age, Werner felt the call of the Lord to pastoral ministry, and he came to Tabor with that goal. During his time at Tabor, God also blessed Werner with a partner in ministry, his wife, Elsie Ann. After Tabor, Werner received his MDiv from the North American Baptist Seminary, and he was ordained at Silver Lake Mennonite Brethren Church in South Dakota in July 1954. Their lives in ministry took Werner and Elsie Ann all over the world, including almost 10 years in India after his “retirement.” Werner surrendered his whole life to God’s work in and through him until the very end. Elaine (Karber fs’61) Franz, of Buhler, Kan., died Nov. 10, 2020. After her freshman year at Tabor, Elaine married John Franz, and the two enjoyed 48 years of marriage. After Tabor, Elaine attended Sidney’s Hairdressing College in Hutchinson where she acquired the skills to work as a beautician for 58 years. She leaves a legacy of faithful witness, and she will be greatly missed in the Tabor community. Wilbur Reimer (g’48), of Fairview, Okla., died Nov. 14, 2020. Wilbur led a long and adventurous life. He was born on Aug. 3, 1926 and grew up in Capay, Calif. In February 1945 he served in the Army, and after being discharged in November 1946, he hitchhiked across the United State from Maine to California. He then found his way to Tabor College where he met his wife, Verna Epp. Together they enjoyed many years of marriage, had two daughters, and traveled the world together. David Fender (g’92), of Oceanside, Calif., died Nov. 16, 2020. After graduating from Tabor, David went on to earn his master’s at Wichita State University. In 1998, David was commissioned as an officer in the U.S. Army, and he served as an intelligence officer in Iraq where he was awarded the Bronze Star. After serving in Iraq, David worked as a special agent in Washington, D.C., for the Defense Intelligence Agency. From 2013 to 2018, he worked for the FBI National Joint Terrorism Task Force. He



finally moved to California to take care of his ailing mother until her passing in May 2020. Wesley Eitzen (fs’44), of Fairview, Okla., died Nov. 17, 2020. Wesley attended Tabor for one semester before entering the service of the U.S. Army. But one semester was just enough time to meet his wife of 63 years, Lauretta Martens. Together, Wesley and Lauretta had two sons, Leland and Philip. Wesley worked for Brotherhood Life Insurance Co. from 1952 until his retirement in 2008. In honor of his years of service to the company, Wesley received the Brotherhood Mutual Agent Legacy award. Mervin Dick (g’62), of Denver, Colo., died Nov. 26, 2020. Mervin came to Tabor to become an ag teacher, but the influence of Dr. Sol Loewen steered him in the direction of ministry. Also, while at Tabor, Mervin met his wife, Jane Lautt, and they were soon blessed with two children. After college Mervin attended Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary in Fresno, Calif. The next years were spent pastoring Mennonite Brethren churches all over the country. Mervin will be remembered for his sense of humor, hearty laugh, being an avid reader, love of music, having a passion for peace and justice issues, and love for his family.

Mervin Dick

Violet Dick

Wesley Eitzen

Harold Epp

David Fender

Elaine Franz

Leon Franz

Charles Goentzel

Helen Govan

Karen Hauff

Beverly Holmskog

Werner Kroeker

Helmuth Carl Poggemiller

Wilbur Reimer

Herbert Richert

Georgia (Pankratz g’37) Spohn died Nov.30, 2020. Georgia was born on Sept. 20, 1919, to George and Ruth Pankratz and was raised in Florence, Kan. After graduatLorraine ing from Tabor, Georgia attended a Georgia Spohn Lola Unruh Billie Jean Wiebe Thomas beauty school in Wichita. She then opened her own beauty shop in Marion, Kan. In August 1940, Georgia married Edward Spohn Utting. She is survived by her husband, Richard Wiebe; her sisand they moved to a farm near Tampa, Kan. ter, Mary Booker; and her brother, Stan Utting. Lorraine (Greenwood g’62) Thomas of Whiteclay, Neb., died Dec. 21, 2020. Lorraine graduated from Tabor with an elementary education degree and minors in psychology and Bible. She was a devoted teacher and genuinely cared about her students. She also loved her family and served them sacrificially. Lorraine surrendered herself to the Lord in 1955 when she was 19 years old, which transformed her into an influential spiritual leader in her church and the lives of many others. Billie Jean (Utting fs’70) Wiebe of Clovis, Cali., died Dec. 23, 2020. Billie Jean was born Dec. 27, 1951, to William and Grace

Herbert Richert (g’ 50) of Buhler, Kan., died Dec. 31, 2020. Before coming to Tabor, Herbert served in the U.S. Navy during World War II. He married his wife of 71 years, LaVerne, on July 29, 1948. After Tabor, Herbert was a junior high math teacher in Reedley, Calif. He remained in this position for over 30 years before he moved to Buhler, Kan. Harold Epp (g’52) of Buhler, Kan., died Jan. 19, 2021. Harold was a man of many trades. After leaving Tabor, Harold followed in his father’s footsteps and raised cattle. This was an occupation that provided for his family until he was 88 years old.



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Harold also worked as a CPA for Pierce, Faris and Co. for 31 years, he worked part-time as the bookkeeper for Prairie Vista Veterinary Clinic, and he was involved in his church, Buhler Mennonite Brethren Church. He leaves a legacy of integrity, gentleness and generosity.

ter, Kelsey Unruh. Lola was a talented musician and regularly blessed her church, Ebenfeld Mennonite Brethren Church, through singing or playing piano. She was an active member in her church and community and will always be cherished for her friendliness, kindness, and generosity.

Charles Goentzel (fs’69) of Wichita, Kan., died Jan. 24, 2021. Born in Lustre, Mont., his family moved to Wichita, Kan. where they joined First Mennonite Brethren Church. Chuck attended Tabor College from 1967-1969, and it was at Tabor that Chuck met and married his wife, Sandra Wall. Chuck was proud of his MB heritage and was thrilled to see all three of his children attend Tabor College. In 2001, Chuck retired from LSI Logic after more than 25 years as a senior buyer. Chuck will be remembered for his gentle spirit, being slow to speak, his smile, his love for his family and his dedication to the Lord.

Violet (Wohlgemuth, g’64) Dick of Hesston, Kan., died Jan. 28, 2021. After graduating from Tabor, Violet married her husband, William Dick, and she taught at Ingalls Elementary School in Wichita. In 1970, her family moved to Hesston, Kan., where she worked for many years at the Hesston Chamber of Commerce and Hesston College.

Lola (Suderman g’83) Unruh of Hillsboro, Kan., died Jan. 25, 2021. After graduating from Tabor, Lola married her husband of 37 years, Lyle Unruh. Together they raised their only daugh-

Alumni News – 1990s Tonya (Raugust g’99) Bronleewe was selected as one of 2021’s Women Who Lead: Board of Directors by the Wichita Business Journal. She serves as the president of the Friends of the Great Plains Nature Center Board.

Jesse Warkentin I N CO N C E RT

Sunday, April 11, 2021 7:00 pm Richert Auditorium Shari Flaming Center for the Arts Tabor College


Come home for Tabor family, friends & fun


OCTOBER 15-16 26



TA B O R C O L L E G E BOARD OF DIRECTORS You are well represented...

Susan Franz Koslowsky, Chair Banking Towanda, Kan. Graduated 1984

Diana Raugust, Vice Chair Retired Educator Wichita, Kan. Graduated 1972

Ted Faszer, Secretary Retired Educator Madison, S.D.

Anna Glanzer, Student Rep. Student Hillsboro, Kan.

Jeral Gross Finance Mitchell, S.D.

Wendell Loewen, Faculty Rep. Education Hillsboro, Kan.

Nate Loewen Physician Huron, S.D. Graduated 1980

Elaine SetzerMaxwell Education Lenoir, N.C.

Dan Strutz Tim Sullivan CDC Minister SDC Minister Mountain Lake, Minn. Bel Aire, Kan. Graduated 1986

Loren Balzer, Treasurer Agri-Business Buhler, Kan.


Darrell Driggers Businessman Hillsboro, Kan.

Craig Ratzlaff Orthodontist Wichita, Kan. Graduated 1987

Roger Ediger Attorney Carrier, Okla. Graduated 1977

Melissa Gutierrez Andrew Jost Education Farming Rio Grande City, Texas Hillsboro, Kan. Graduated 2005

Mark Jost Farming Henderson, Neb. Graduated 1982

Kelly Kirby Farming Gettysburg, S.D. Graduated 1990

Jerry Kliewer Agri-business Reedley, Calif. Graduated 1978

Dean Nachtigall Physician York, Pa. Graduated 1968

Jeff Nikkel Business Centennial, Colo. Graduated 1991

Dennis Penner Agri-Business Cimarron, Kan. Graduated 1969

Craig Quiring Farming Bradshaw, Neb. Graduated 1996

Pat Redding Business Hesston, Kan. Graduated 1987

Orson Thomas Finance The Colony, Texas Graduated 2009

Wilbur Unrau Farming Wolf Point, Mont. Graduated 1972

Richard Unruh Retired Educator Meade, Kan. Graduated 1965

Denise Wiens Homemaker Fresno, Calif. Graduated 1983 27

Non-Profit Org.



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Tabor College’s New Indoor Tennis Facility Ribbon Cutting Ceremony – Feb. 19, 2021

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