Black & Gold Quarterly (BGQ) November 2020

Page 36

Central Speaks

by DREW JOHNSEN staff writer

High school can be tough. Between school, sports, clubs, social life, family responsibilities, work, and other obligations, it’s a stressful life, and sometimes there are little things that can get under our skin or brighten our day. Central Speaks is a forum for students to share their thoughts about the ups and downs of the “Central” Life. Here’s what students like you had to say.

The school runs smoothly, but the Covid-19 procedures are a bit daunting. Having a one way hallway setup will cause more interaction and spread with everyone pushing to go the same way. Or when a kid has to walk more just to go all the way around because they went the “wrong way”. I feel the mask order is overbearing too. I understand and support wearing them when in the halls or walking somewhere; but, harm is going to come when kids are forced to wear a mask SITTING in class. Not to mention most rooms already have kids sitting 6ft apart. This will cause potentially much more harmful side effects like carbon dioxide poisoning, dizziness, headaches, increased heart rate due to the lack of a stable oxygen supply, and even mild narcosis. Hearing all that I would rather get a virus with a 99% survival rate. Just coming back to the solution, the hallway arrows should be removed, and face masks shouldn’t be required when sitting in your classroom. You may say this “compromises safety,” but what I see is being compliant, not “safe.” Any student (or staff member) who feels nerve wrecked about the Covid-19 topic, or fears getting the virus, they should have simply gone to a homeschooling program or a homeschooling job. Thus, the large majority of students and I’m assuming staff members who don’t agree with the regulations, can take a FRESH breath of relief. - Logan Beilski ‘22

In response to Logan Beilski: We are required to follow all state and local guidelines for our school day. Wearing masks as recommended by the CDC is one of the requirements. They are safe. Keeping desks apart and as much one way traffic in hallways as possible are also requirements. The one way helps the flow to maintain movement for all to not gather and avoids direct face to face contact. Not perfect but our goal is to reduce risk for all as much as possible. We want to stay in school and stay together as a community. In response to Carson Fryer: This has been tough for all of us to move on and adapt to all the new pro-

cesses. We are all learning as we go. The staff is very excited to be back with students each day in person. They are working hard to create engaging lessons and keep academics high. If you have more ideas or suggestions for teachers as to how to better support you with your learning, let us know!! We are always open for feedback.

36 // BGQ // November 2020

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Articles inside

A Summer to Remember

pages 38-40


pages 42-43

The Future Four in Politics

page 41

Central Speaks

pages 36-37

Things to Do During Fall

pages 34-35

Social Media’s Social Impact

pages 32-33

Planet COVID

pages 28-30

50 Questions

pages 25-27

Fall Bingo

page 24

American View of Agriculture

pages 22-23

Small Businesses, Big Problems

pages 19-21

Press Shuffle

pages 16-17

Sam and Sterling Squabble Over School

pages 14-15

Identity in Traverse City

pages 12-13

The Gallery

pages 10-11

An Election Like

pages 8-9

Mask Stereotypes

pages 6-7

100 Years of the BGQ

pages 4-5
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