Summer 2023 Kol Tikvah

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May/June/July 2023 Volume 42 Issue 3 ©2023 Temple Beth Tikvah 9955 Coleman Road, Roswell, GA 30075 Join us for Shabbat Services IN-PERSON at TBT, or ONLINE via or Facebook! Friday Kabbalat Shabbat Services 6:30 PM ● 2nd Friday Shabbat Services 8:00 PM ● Saturday Morning 10:00 AM


Of late, I have been receiving a significant number of queries around Jewish ritual practices. Thank you! These kinds of questions make a Rabbi’s heart skip a beat!

For the next few issues of the Kol Tikvah, I will use this space to respond to TBT partner questions. Welcome to Ask the Rabbi.

Many people are curious about the act of reciting Mourner’s Kaddish. Specifically, over whom is one responsible for reciting mourner’s Kaddish? If someone converts to Judaism, are they permitted to say Kaddish for non-Jewish family members? And may one recite kaddish over a beloved and devote family pet?

These are all extremely important questions, so let’s jump in!

We need to begin with What is the Kaddish? The mourner’s kaddish is a prayer, and there are five Kaddish prayers found in our liturgy. [Half, Whole, Mourner’s, Scholar’s & an extended graveside version recited by some, also used at the conclusion of a tractate of Talmud.] The word “kaddish” comes from the root {K-D-SH} which means Sanctification or Holy as in Kedoshim T’heyu! Ya’ll be holy! (Leviticus 19:2). These roots are shared with other familiar words such as kiddush (wine blessing); “Hey it’s Shabbat, let’s say Kiddish over this beautiful bottle of Baron Herzog Merlot!” and Kodesh (holy); “The Torahs live in the Aron HaKodesh (Holy Ark) in the sanctuary.”

All five Kaddishes are ostensibly the same prayer, with verses that focus upon the greatness and the sanctity of G!d. That great Source of Life, who orchestrates the movement of time and space. Who loves and cares for their most favored creation, Us, each and every individual human being.

It is written in Aramaic (spoken language of the ancient Near East, but concludes in the Holy language of Hebrew with the statement, Oseh Shalom bemromav…) but really the statement is a request: for us to know peace in all its forms peace in the world, peace in our families, our homes, and ultimately peace and wholeness in our lives. To say this when we are grieving the loss of someone we loved and cared for means that we are asking for G!d to fill the brokenness that we feel.

For whom and how long do we recite Kaddish? What if I am a Jew-By-Choice, what do I do? Kaddish is meant for mourners to say for parents (biological and adopted), spouses, siblings, and children. Traditionally, Kaddish was said for only 30 days for a child, spouse or sibling, and 11 months plus a day for a parent. Kaddish is also said each year on the Yahrzeit (anniversary of the death) at Yizkor service during the holidays of Passover, Shavuot, Yom Kippur and Sukkot. Jews-by-Choice are absolutely permitted, and lovingly encouraged, to say Kaddish for their Gentile deceased parents. What about grandparents and other relations? Traditionally, one is not required, but the recitation of Kaddish on their Yahrtzeit is an act of love and respect, and that is always a good thing.

Finally, I get lots of questions about rituals for beloved pets, including, can we say Kaddish for our dog? For so many people, myself included, our pets are beloved members of the family. They bring comfort, friendship, and unconditional love. No matter how hard the day, a pet can often mitigate the stresses of the day simply with their joyful presence. Grief and sadness can run extremely deep following the passing of a pet. So what does the tradition say?

Our tradition does not offer an ancient ritual for this because it is only in contemporary times that humans have formed the type of close emotional attachment to our pets that we find natural. Thus, when it comes to the Kaddish, it is reserved solely for humans.

So what can we do to honor the life of our pets? That’s where creativity comes in. There are many beautiful modern prayers and rituals available that can help us navigate this type of a loss. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me, or Cantor Kassel if you find yourself in need.

If you have a question or are curious about Jewish religious practices, send me a note, we will talk and perhaps your question will be in the next edition of Ask the Rabbi!

Pg. 2 News and Happenings from Temple
Beth Tikvah
Mazel Tov to our 2023 Confirmands!
Rabbi Alexandria Shuval-Weiner Gabrielle Siegal Hannah Herman Hannah Lober Zachary Bergman



Why Will Friday Night Services in July be Different?

Most of you have heard of the word “Kabbalah,” and know that it has something to do with Jewish mysticism.

When used with the word “Shabbat,” the term “Kabbalat Shabbat” refers to welcoming Shabbat. Liturgically, “Kabbalat Shabbat” is a rubric of prayer for the latter part of Friday (late afternoon/early evening) that precedes candle lighting and “Ma-ariv” — evening prayers which begin with the callto worship the “Bar’chu.”

“Kabbalat Shabbat” is made up of Psalms that correspond to the days of theweek:

Psalm 95 - Sunday

Psalm 96 - Monday

Psalm 97 - Tuesday

Psalm 98 - Wednesday

Psalm 99 - Thursday

Psalm 29– Friday

Followed by:

“L’chaDodi” – for Shabbat

Psalm 92– for Shabbat

Psalm 93– concluding Psalm

There was such anticipation of Shabbat for the Kabbalists of Safed (in the mountains of Galilee in Northern Israel) that the rabbis would dress in white (like bridegrooms) and joyously dance through the fields outside town, to welcome Shabbat,who ispersonified asa bride,or queen.

For the Fridays in July, our service will just consist of the Kabbalat Shabbat Psalms along with “L’cha Dodi” and “Shalom Aleichem.”

We will include the prayer for Healing, as well as Mourner’s Kaddish. (We will not include “Chatzi Kaddish” through the “Amidah” & “Aleinu.”)

These “Kabbalat Shabbat” Services will be shorter in length (not more than 40 minutes) and we hope to have a special Oneg Shabbat (whether food and/or more music) following services.

I intend to use the same musical settings for each service to help you participate through familiarity.


TO JOIN ME FOR FRIDAY NIGHTS IN JULY, but please do contact me as soon as you can at so that I may make necessary preparations.

Singers and Musicians: if you aren’t already involved in the musical life at TBT, please know that we’d love to have your participation. Just email me, and we’ll set up a time to talk! (Adult Choir; Ruach Shabbat musicians; singing for Ruach Shabbat services; talent show for sometime next year.) ******************************************

For the months of May, June and July, please also join us as we celebrate the holiday of Shavuot, beginning the evening of May 25, and observe Tisha B’av on theevening of July27.

Pg. 3 News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah


It takes a community to build a community. Our synagogue is not just a physical building, but a space where we come together to pray, learn, celebrate, and support one another. And to truly build a strong and vibrant community, we must recognize that it takes a community to build a community.

What does this mean? It means that we all have a role to play in creating and maintaining a thriving Jewish community. Each of us brings unique skills, talents, and perspectives that can contribute to the growth of Temple Beth Tikvah. Whether it's volunteering our time, sharing our knowledge and expertise, or simply being present and engaged in synagogue activities, we all have somethingto offer.

With your help, we must continue to reach out to new members, welcome them into our community and help them with their Jewish journey. My goal is for every member of Temple Beth Tikvah to considerour synagogue their home.

That's why I'm inviting you to volunteer with our membership committee and become an ambassador for our synagogue. By doing so, you will play a crucial role in helping us attract new members and build a more vibrant and diverse community.

You will be the friendly face that welcomes newcomers and helps them navigate our services and events. As part of our membership committee, you will have the opportunity to brainstorm creative ideas for reaching out to potential members. You can help us develop outreach strategies that resonate with the unique needs and interests of different groups in our area. By working together, we can develop targeted campaigns that will help us connect with new people and bring them into our community. Reach out to me, or our Vice President of Membership, Josh Berman to see how you can help.

It takes acommunitytobuild a community!

Pg. 4 News
Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah


This past spring, we had so much fun celebrating Passover! The children loved learning about the seder and the various foods we eat. They acted out the Exodus story through song during Passover Tot Shabbat with Ms. Judy. We celebrated Israel’s 75th birthday, Yom Ha’ Atzmaut. The children went on a fun “airplane ride to Israel,” and enjoyed some delicious Israeli food (hummus,falafel, olives, bamba, etc).

Our 2023 Pre-K class graduated from TBT Preschool. It’s always a day filled with mixed emotions: we are happy that these kids successfully completed the program, but we’re sad to see them go. However, we know they will be ready for whatever comes next, and we look forward to seeing many of them back here at TBT Religious School.

Our monthly Mom’s Night Out (MNO) has been terrific. Alyssa Black (Carter’s mom) does a

great job organizing events so that the TBT Preschool moms can have a fun time together, and get to know one another better.

Preschool Summer Camp starts again in June. The children will enjoy the outdoors, with lots of water play. Kidokinetics (an afterschool sportsprogram) will continue to partner with us. We now have upcoming Splish Splash Shabbat dates on the calendar for all of our preschool families to enjoy. Come outside and socialize! I know the summer will fly by, and soon we’ll be eagerly looking forward to another exciting new year at TBT Preschool.

Pg. 5 News and
Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
2023 Graduating PreK Class


Earlier this morning, the Rabbi asked, “How does it feel to have reached the end of Year 1?” Truth be told, I wasn’t sure how to answer. For one thing, it’s kind of a strange question; although this was my “Year Director of Education at TBT, the school year itself was simply the next leg of a journey that was started when Beth Tikvah opened its doors and began educating our Jewish community. Also, the mere idea of the “end” suggests a culmination of learning, whereas our opportunities for growth and knowledge are ongoing.

Reflecting on this most recent cycle, I am reminded of the goals I set last July:

1) utilize the Shalom Learning (values-based) curriculum consistently across all grades K-7

2) assess Hebrew learning and make short- and long changes to support student progress

3) review and evaluate existing Religious School programming in order to develop new and meaningful plans for the future.

Although by no means a task list I can mark “complete,” I am incredibly proud of what together with our incredible teaching and Madrichim staff accomplished in these areas.

Here are just a few of the highlights:

• Kindergarten students made Hakarat HaTov bottles and practiced looking for the good everywhere.

• 1st & 2nd grade students created Bikur Cholim packages for ill friends and family, including cooking their own matzo ball soup!

3rd graders learned the entire Alef-

4th & 5th graders studied the word Shalom and designed superheroes who will help bring peace and wholeness to the world.

6th graders compared their “inside selves” to their “outside selves,” and discussed how both parts are created tzelem Elohim (in God’s image).

graders committed themselves fully to the value of Achrayut – caring for animals: collecting supplies and tzedakah, hanging signs, and even cooking dog treats!

• 8th & 9th graders dove deep into the intersection of their Judaism and their teenage American lives, examining popular music for controversial (and sometimes anti-Semitic) lyrics and videos.

• 10th – 12th graders reflected on the rapidly decreasing opportunities to hear Holocaust stories first-hand, and

considered how lapses in

Formal Hebrew learning/B. Mitzvah training moves to a Educate each child

Individual Hebrew instruction will allow students to move at their own pace and develop a personalized connection to prayer.

Informal Hebrew finds a new foothold in all Religious School programming. In partnership with the Amitei Ivrit (Speak Hebrew) initiative, we will be infusing conversational and modern Hebrew into our Jewish learning through games and activities

grade classes move to Monday night. This will provide an graders to see what’s ahead on their Jewish journey, and appreciate B. Mitzvah as a step along an

We can only understand Judaism by doing it, by performing the commandments and living a Jewish life. In the beginning is the deed. Only then comes the grasp, the insight, the comprehension.”

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

Trips to Alabama, New York City, and New Orleans will open students’ eyes to the broader Jewish world and help them to see where they might find their place.

Our Religious School program is growing and expanding every day! Make sure to register students PK-12th grade so they don’t miss out! Visit our TBT website to register today!

See you in August!

Pg. 6 News and Happenings from
Temple Beth Tikvah


, a rising 7th grader at Crabapple Middle School, will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on June 10. Levi's interests include playing basketball, soccer and ping-pong; he takes great joy in beating his mother in checkers. He also treasures the time spent with his parents, whether it's cheering on their favorite sports team at a live event, or enjoying a movie night together.

Levi's commitment to making a positive impact extends beyond his love for sports. Inspired by his family's experience with cancer, Levi has chosen to participate in Relay for Life to raise funds for cancer research, a cause close to his heart. The Priddy family is grateful to Rabbi Shuval-Weiner, Cantor Kassel, Jay Weiner, Nancy Peskin, and all the TBT teachers who have helped prepare Leviforthis meaningful and specialday.

The extremely successful HOTTY Camp Jenny Bingo fundraiser was recently featured in the Atlanta Jewish Times. Read the full article here.

Pg. 7 News
Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah was recently featured in a Queens University of Charlotte publication. Read thefull article here


Pg. 8 News
and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah Tori Segal Trevor Goldenberg Aaron Parker Lassiter High School Chattahoochee Tech Jeremy Schilstra Roswell High School University of CO-Denver Jamie McCord Blake Berman Lassiter High School Georgia Tech. Ava Braiter Wheeler High School American U. The Walker School Berklee College of Music Sam Williams Lassiter High School GCSU Walton High School Florida State University Etowah High School Western Carolina U. St. Francis GA Southern University


Pg. 9 News
Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah Zachary Jacobson Centennial High School University of GA Sammy Weindorf Lassiter High School Georgia State University Nicolas Block Milton High School—University of Arizona Jacob Sausmer Roswell High School GA Gwinnett College Lindsey Gergans Milton High School University of GA Jakob Torino Roswell High School University of SC Emma Hurwitz Johns Creek High School—University of Delaware Emily Faer Sprayberry High School—GCSU


It’s been a great year for the youth department! Hereare some highlights:

 Drew Baker, a HOTTY alum, joined us as the new HOTTY Youth Group Advisor (and he has been great)!

 We’ve had over 20 teens at every HOTTY event since the beginning of the year.

 Several of our teens attended NFTYSAR Weekend Kallot at Camp Coleman in theWinter and Spring.

We raised over $8000 at our annual Camp Jenny Bingo Fundraiser. That’s enough money to send 16 kids to Camp this summer! And 11 of our TBT teens will be going to Camp Jenny as well, as counselors and program specialists!

 We gave out $3200 in scholarships for our TBT kids to attend Jewish camp this summer.

Congratulations to the 2023 HOTTY Board elected in April:

President………………………..Molly Ziskind

Programming VP…………..Jayson Faupel

Social Action VP…………………Evan Cohn

Membership VP……………..Julia Malever

Communications VP…Mayah Loventhal

Religious & Cultural VP……Riley Bessoff

Freshman Rep………………..Shelby Tucker

 We sent care packages in the Fall, and Starbucks cards in the Spring to 54 TBT alums who are away at college.

We ran our first new grade-level trips: 6 Ropes Course, 7th to the Breman Museum and downtown Atlanta, 8/9th to the National Center for Civil and Human Rights, and 10-12th to New York City.

Pg. 10 News and
Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah



We have enjoyed seeing so many of you at our programs this year. We had great attendance at all of our

Rosh Chodesh Jewish Yoga


it all at!

TBT’s website is a treasure trove of information! Make sure you log in, using Chrome as your browser. Then, you can easily manage your account, or check your profile. And don’t forget: you can access our Directory of members, with just a few clicks!

Questions? Call the office!

August 1, 2023

Pg. 11 News and
Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
us monthly on Rosh Chodesh as we yoke Jewish wisdom and knowledge with gentle yoga and meditation. Each month we embody the themes and energies of the new moon and month while practicing yoga. This class is open to all. Bring a yoga mat, water bottle and a curious mind! Join us monthly.
24 @ 7:00 PM: Welcome in the month of Sivan, a month of receiving, when we received the Torah.
21 @ 7:00 PM: Welcome in the month of Tammuz, a month of processing and
Carol Schemo Sisterhood Co-President Stephanie
Sisterhood Co-President


Pg. 12 News and
from Temple Beth Tikvah


Pg. 13 News and
from Temple Beth Tikvah


On a glorious but windy day in Roswell, we hosted the 2nd Annual TBT Golf Tournament at Brookfield Country Club in Roswell. We had 76 golfers from age 30 up to 75+ join us, and everyone had a great experience.Breakfast and lunch were included, as well as 1st through 3rd place prizes,andgift cardsforlongestdriveandclosestto thepinonallpar3holes.Ofour76golfers:31were TBT members, with the balance coming from friends in the Jewish and non-Jewish community. Well over half of our golfers this year also played last year, and again, Brookfield did a fantastic job hosting us. We raised over $6,500; our final tally mayshowweexceededlastyear’sfundsraised.

Thanks to our golf committee: Evan Mermelstein Co-Chair; Steve Fine, Michael Bernstein, Andy Flink, and Roman Trebon. Also thanks to our volunteers: Carol Schemo, Terri Steinberg, Peter Birnbaum and Roman Trebon, and

 $50 Lola’s Burger and Tequila Bar (Roswell)

 $50 Gift Card - Houck’s Grille (Hwy 92 / Roswell)

 Sean Minor - 8 Wines - $200 value

 $100.00 Gift Card to Osteria Mattone Roswell

 $100.00 Gift Card to The Mill Kitchen and Bar Roswell

 (2) $50.00 Gift Cards to McCray's Tavern East Cobb

 $100 Gift Card to Hamp and Harry’s (Marietta Square)

 $75 Gift Card to 1920 (Roswell)

 $25 Gift Card to Zest (Roswell)

 Golf for 4 at Atlanta National Golf Club

 Golf for 4 at Brookfield Country Club

 (2) Free 1-hour sessions with East Cobb Fitness Personal Training

 Indian Hills Country Club - Shirt (L), Hat

to Rabbi Shuval-Weiner and Cantor Kassel for attending and schmoozing with the golfers. Here we are in Year Two, reaping the fruits of our labor, bringing Rabbi’s idea to reality once more! We are tentatively booked at Brookfield for our 3rd annual golf outing next year, sometime in early to mid-May. If you wouldliketojoinourcommittee,justcallme!

Please see our sponsor list below, which includes several of our congregants’ businesses, along with local restaurants and merchants. We also had half of our sponsors return from last year. Don’t forget to patronize our sponsors wherever possible, in appreciation of their continued support and confidence in our synagogue. Thanks, and see youagainnextyear!

 10 Dz Reconditioned Golf Balls – Alan Silverman (Weber HS Golf Coach)

 (3) 1½ Hour baseball lessons - hitting, throwing, catching, fielding – Mark Rudel (long time JCC Maccabi Baseball Coach)

 Autographed Books Peter Hartog - TBT Member

 Autographed Books – Rochelle Mucha, Phd –TBT Member

 Brilliant Jewelers – London Blue Topaz Stone & Gift Card for Design

 Abracadabra Cuts by Todd (East Cobb) – 3 Free Haircuts

 Rock Art – Personal Photographs by Andy Flink, TBT member

 $50 Starbuck’s gift card – Peter Hartog

 1 bottle of Four Roses Small Batch Select – Peter Hartog

 Golf Tec - $150 gift card

Pg. 14 News and Happenings from
Temple Beth Tikvah


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah


Our Annual Campaign raised over $82,500 this year, down 25% from last year, influenced largely by the successful raising of over $84,000 for the OnBoard Match program. We had 130+ members participate in both programs, or around 33% of our membership, also down slightly from last year. Naturally (and was expected) some members who had historically participated in the Annual Campaign opted to direct their gifts to the OnBoard Match program so that TBT would qualify for the larger matching gift. All in all, a pretty successful year in fundraising, with both programs combined. Thank you to all of our members who supported either of these programs: we know you have a choice of where to spend your money; we are incredibly grateful for contributions beyond dues, building fund, religious school and other fees.

We are also pleased to report we made over $6,500 from our 2nd Annual Golf Tournament on May 1! See that story on page 14 of this issue.

Stay tuned for some exciting news about our fundraising initiatives in 2023-24, as we seek to qualify for the $250,000 matching gift offered by the Arthur Blank Family Foundation. Finally, if anyone would like to join our fundraising committee, we’d welcome your participation. Thanks as always for your support of TBT.


Blank, Arthur


Aaronson, Andy & Julie

Beckman, Paul & Anne

Bruckman, Adam & Adrienne

McMurrain, Thomas & Marsha

Rudel, Mark & Gail

Swichkow, Ronald & Leslie

Tam, Don and Marilyn

Walkes, Bruce & Bonnie

Zalkin, Andrew & Ilana


Bearman, Dale & Wendy

Birnbaum, Peter & Linda

Cohn, Michael & Marlene

Craig, Mark & Stephanie

Dunn, Joseph & Waynah

Farina, William & Susan

Graiser, Harlan & Ivie

Herndon, Sam & Alice

Jedel, Peter & Sharon

Joseph, Daniel & Stephanie

Kallman, Douglas & Donna

Kraus, Steven & Helen

Leslie, Debra

Loventhal, Gary & Michal

Sher, Stacy & Alicia

Siegel, David & Elisa

Steinberg, Linda & Steven


Alterman, Pam

Astren, Steven & Teri

Boehm, Todd & Jennifer

Fried, Andy

Gerson, Steve & RoseAnn

Hirsch, Michael & Kim

Klokow, Peter & Frank, Ellen

Kremer, Robert & Karen

Levitz, Jeffrey & Ellen

Ludwig, Gilbert & Ellen

Malkin, Sidney & Lois

Moss, Joel & Karen

Povlot, Rhonda & Scott

Restler, John & Dahlia

Schemo, Nathan & Carol

Schiffer, Douglas & Lisa

Solomon, Stuart & Frances

Steinberg, Barry & Terri

Tobin, Steven & Abbe

Wilson, Todd & Rachel

Wolf, Max & Carol


Baker, Brian & Sheri

Bernstein, Michael & Jeannine

Block, Scott & Mary

Clymin, Lois

Cohen, Michael & Wanda

Frank, Aaron & Amy

Glickman, Andrew & Jane

Hurwitz, Phil & Suzanne

Lasky, Scott & Sheryl

Margolies, Joel & Aviva

Marks, Jonathan & Joan

Restler, Donald

Schlesinger, Louis & Chanin, Ina

Segal, William & Marjory

Slotin, David & Marci

Tolkan, Judith

Toltzis, David & Christine

Weiss, Mark & Debbie


Abramson, Ellen & Donald

Alhadeff, Shari & Barry

Bergman, Harris & Suellen

Carter, Lonnie & Debbie

Chanin, Eric & Pamela

Cohn, Steven & Arlene

Davis, Renee

Decker, Gordon & Hollis

Fader, Gary & Ilene

Feller, Elliot & Donna

Flink, Andy & Sheri

Getty, Ed & Cindy

Goldstein, Robert & Cindy

Griff, Adam & Bobbee

Jacobs, Carol

Jaffe, Jamie & Katie

Kalmin, Bruce & Hydi

Kassel Jr, Valerie

Kassel, Cantor Nancy

Kess, Jeffrey & Beth

Klein, Marc & Deborah

Korsen, David & Jenny

Korshak, Karen

Landsberg, Fred & Patricia

Lawler, Jr., Kenneth & Glazer, Ginger

Levine, Judy

Lewit, Emily

Lowy, Hadley & Lisa

Malever, Jerred & Debbie

Medoff, Howard & Helaine

Natter, Bernie & Gail

Schwartz, Terry & William

Seibold, Tom & Patti

Share, Ira & Brenda

Sherman, Ron & Myra

Simon, Sandy & Nancy

Stieglitz, Aaron & Sheila

Strauss, David & Anne

Tate, Lloyd & Gail

Tucker, Kevin & Randi

Turetsky, Brenda

Turetsky, Sam & Manda

Waldman, Bruce & Carol

Wallach, June

Zarett, Jon

Pg. 16 News
and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
As of 5/1/23


Withsummeruponus,someofourcongregantsmaybe moving,downsizing,relocating,orjustpurging householditems.TBTneedsyourcast-offs!

Herearejustafewthingswe’relookingfor;callthe officefordrop-offarrangements,andthanks!

Microwaveoven ● Refrigerator

Outdoorride-uponcars ● Youthloungecouch

Picnictable ● Rugs

Pg. 17 News
and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah Tiffany and Barry Landes with their three daughters. Alaina (12) is in 6th grade at Ridgeview Middle School. Callie and Jocelyn (twins, 8) attend Heards Ferry Elementary. Barry works in the travel industry, and Tiffany is CEO of the household and a vacation rental. Labradoodle, and a17-year-old Bichon.

ANNUAL CAMPAIGN 2022/2023 in

honor of

Birth of Joe and Waynah Dunn’s granddaughter from Rhonda & Scott Povlot

in memory of

Samuel Bearman from Dale & Wendy Bearman

Elise Stern from Gilbert & Ellen Ludwig

Harry V. Herrell, uncle of Waynah Dunn from Joe & Waynah Dunn

Selma Dunn, mother of Joe Dunn from Joseph S Dunn

Natalie Berlin from Mark & Debbie


Edward Langstein from Michael & Helaine Shuster

Sy Davis from Renee Davis

David Rudel, Father of Mark Rudel from Rhonda & Scott Povlot

Leonard Hartog from Ronald & Leslie Swichkow

Frank Ziperson from Sandy & Nancy Simon

Leonard Hartog from Todd & Jennifer Boehm

Maxine Gelb Kurtz from Tom & Patti Seibold

Nanette Ross, Mother of Donna Kallman from Wendy & Dale Bearman


memory of

Harriet Decker Levi from Gordon & Hollis Decker



John and Suzette Schwartz, parents and grandparents of Bart, Maddie, Cameron and Brian from Scott & Rhonda Povlot


Nadia Cooper from Hadley & Lisa Lowy

Arthur Toltzis from Robert & Adele



Hilda Zimmerman and Pauline Liederman from Steven & Janice Liederman


in appreciation of Cantor Kassel for the meaningful and comforting Shiva and support at this difficult time from Phil & Suzanne Hurwitz

Cantor singing for my Mother's funeral from Will & Susan Shields

in honor of

Cantor Kassel from David & Jenny Korsen

Maggie Trebon’s Bat Mitzvah and all Cantor’s help preparing and teaching from Jenni & Roman Trebon

in memory of

Michael Freeman, brother of Jennifer Boehm from Bradley & Kimberly Peters

Marian Birlant Slotin from David & Marci Slotin

Stanley Weiss from Debbie & Mark


Rose Weiss from Mark & Debbie Weiss

Yahrzeit of Sarah Stansky from Melvin Levine

George Wise from Steve, Amy, Jennifer and Ellen Fine

June H. Restler from The Restler Family

Nanette Jean Ross from Vicki & Fred Steine


FUND in honor of


RSW from David & Jenny Korsen the marriage of Peter Klokow and Ellen

Frank from Peter & Sharon Jedel in memory of

Michael Freeman, beloved brother of Jennifer Boehm from Evan and Missi Mermelstein, Ryan and Ilana

Sharon Corin from Gordon & Hollis


and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Judy Naftolin from Joshua & Debbie


Michael Freeman, brother of Jen Boehm from Lori Shapiro and Cary Goldenthal

Stephen Perling from Max & Carol Wolf

Mollie Krigsner from Aaron & Sheila




Thank you for our Mishloach Minot greetings from our friends at TBT from Rhonda & Scott Povlot

GENERAL FUND in appreciation of

Michael J. Berger from Harlan & Ivie Graiser

in memory of

Rita Tuvlin. from Bernard Tuvlin

Rosiland Orloff from Charles Lewis

Edith Fallon from Ronald & Donna


Harry Fallon from Ronald & Donna


Peter Hartog's father. from Gary & Michal Loventhal

Abraham Ludwig from Gilbert & Ellen


Florence Berger Auerbach from Harlan & Ivie Graiser

Isaac Ackerman from Harlan & Ivie


Pierre Lipton from Jeff & Ruth Siegel

Leonard Hartog from Katie & Jamie Jaffe

Melvin Falkof from Peter Klokow & Ellen


Michael Freeman, brother of Jennifer Boehm from Povlot Family

David Rudel, Father of Mark Rudel from Reah Friedman

Goldie & Isadore Berman from Steve & Susan Berman

Leonard Hartog from The Turetsky Family

of 5/1/23


Rosalyn Zierler from Gordon & Hollis Decker

HUNGER FUND in memory of

Gertrude Brooks from Burton & Sara Grossman


Terry Zwerling, brother of Ann Dee Torino from Rhonda & Scott Povlot


Muriel Tolkan from Judith Tolkan

Clare Yachelson Langstein from Michael & Helaine Shuster


Rabbi Shuval-Winer's officiation and compassion at my mother's shiva

minyan from Dr. Robyn Faintich

Rabbi Shuval-Weiner from Michael & Wanda Cohen

Rabbi Shuval-Weiner for a beautiful

Shiva Minyan from Phil & Suzanne Hurwitz


in honor of

Rabbi Shuval-Weiner from David & Jenny Korsen

Maggi Trebon’s Bat Mitzvah from Jenni & Roman Trebon

in memory of

Michael Freeman from Andrea & Josh Berman

Abraham Alhadeff from Barry & Shari Alhadeff

Irwin Rickles from Betty Rickles

Herbert Waldman from Bruce & Carol Waldman

Lorry Bernstein from David & Marci Slotin

Nanette Ross from Douglas & Donna Kallman

Meyer Friedman from Margie Cohen

Gertrude Weiss from Mark & Debbie Weiss

Pierre Lipton from Mark Williams & Michelle Easton

Baxter Barnes from Rhonda & Scott Povlot

Moses Reiber from Steve & RoseAnn Gerson


Harold Grossman from Burton & Sara Grossman

TIKKUN OLAM FUND in memory of

Gertrude Willard from Jeffrey Willard & Steve Mahan

Arnold Cohn from Steven & Arlene Cohn

As of 5/1/23

Seeking Kehillat Chesed (Caring Committee) Volunteers

When the unexpected happensinourTBTcommunity,our Kehillat Chesed volunteers step up tohelp.

We have an outstanding group of volunteers, but we couldalwaysuse afewmore!

The outreach means a lot to TBT members who need some TLC. If you are interested in joining our group, please reach out to Helaine Medoff for more information.


Temple Beth Tikvah acknowledges with sorrow the passing of:

and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Nanette Ross Michael Freeman Terry Zwerling Frank Ziperson Leonard Hartog Stuart Engel

9955 Coleman Road Roswell, GA 30075

Rabbi Alexandria Shuval-Weiner

Cantor Nancy Kassel

Rabbi Emeritus Donald A. Tam

Preschool Director Linda Siegel

Religious School Director Judy Limor

Engagement Director Suzanne Hurwitz

Youth Engagement Director Bobbee Griff

President John Restler

Vice President Josh Berman

Vice President Todd Boehm

Vice President Dalia Faupel

Vice President Lesly Gregory

Vice President Jill Leitman

Vice President Debbie Malever

Treasurer David Siegel

Secretary Lynda Bennett

Immediate Past President Joe Dunn

President Elect Deidre Kinoshita


Budget & Finance

Karen Korshak

Camp/Israel Scholarship

Bobbee Griff

Chavurot/Affinity Groups

Brian Rubenstein

College Outreach

Jules Salinas

Communications Marlene Cohn


Ted Nathan

Kehillat Chesed (Caring)

Helaine Medoff


Ilana Zalkin

Membership Recruitment & Retention

Jaime White

Samantha Mitman

Nominating Committee

Jenni Trebon


Mark Rudel


Rick Winer


Jay Sausmer


Stephanie Joseph

Carol Schemo

Social Action/Social Justice

TBD (Call office if interested!)

Backpack Buddies

Jeanine Bernstein

Renee Weiskopf

Website Development

Scott Povlot

TBT Needs You—Get Involved!
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